Recover old password in vk com contact. If the phone number has changed. How to restore access to a page in contact if you forgot your login, password, phone number or it was hacked and deleted

How to log into VK if you forgot your password and don’t have access to your phone? Users often encounter a similar situation. What to do in this case - we will figure it out within the framework of our article.

  • Ease of use.
  • Fast messaging.
  • Groups for receiving various information.
  • Music to listen to.
  • Watch video.
  • Convenient application for smartphone.
  • Lots of additional features.
  • VK is used by a huge number of people.

Login and password – identification data. Now, when registering, the account is linked to the phone. It receives various confirmations and restoration occurs.

Losing access to your phone can cause serious problems. You will have to restore for a long time before you can access your page. Therefore, before refusing to use a SIM card, always unlink the number!

When might a situation arise that there is no phone number associated with a profile?

  1. The owner lost it.
  2. I stopped using the SIM card, but forgot to unlink from the page.
  3. Doesn't remember the phone to which the link was made.
  4. Other situations.

How to log into VK if you forgot your password and don’t have access to your phone? We will try to offer ways and help users.

How to log in if you forgot your password and login?

You can log in to your old or current page using your login and password. But what to do if you forgot your credentials? Then you need to start the recovery procedure.

If you have access to a phone, you can request an SMS. The process is simple:

  • On the main page, click on the button to restore.
  • Enter the number in the field.
  • Wait for the message to arrive.
  • A code will be sent via SMS.
  • Indicate it on the site.
  • Enter your password and confirm the change.
  • It’s better to write the code down in a notepad so you don’t forget it again.

Restoring by phone number is one of the easiest options. Many people use a similar method. The procedure takes about a minute and saves time.

Do you have several SIM cards and can’t remember which one you linked to? Try entering all the numbers one by one when restoring. After spending a little time, you manage to access the page.

How to open your page if you don’t remember your phone number?

How to access the VK page if you forgot your password and lost your phone? You can use another option - recovery by email. Naturally, it will work if the mailbox is linked to an account.

How the procedure is performed:

  1. Go to the main page.
  2. Open the recovery option.
  3. Please enter your email address.
  4. A letter will be sent to your inbox.
  5. It contains the recovery code.
  6. Please indicate it in the form.
  7. Enter a new password and remember it.

The recovery procedure is similar. The only difference is that the person receives a letter instead of an SMS. This option is simple and can be fully used.

How to log in if you don't have a phone?

No access to your phone and your email is not linked? Get ready for a complex and tedious recovery procedure that may result in failure.

What to do:

  • Go to the website.
  • Go to the recovery partition.
  • Under the data entry form there is a button for people who do not remember the number and email.
  • Provide a link to the page. VK suggests finding a profile in the people search and copying the data into the form.
  • Complete the request and submit it.

Now the user can expect lengthy communication with technical support. You will have to explain why you cannot access the page. You must provide as much information about her as possible to confirm your rights to the profile.

There is a high probability that the employee will ask for a scan of your passport. Of course, you can refuse to provide documents and immediately receive a negative decision. You will have to fulfill the requirements of VK specialists if you need access to the page.

After checking all the data and confirmation, restoration is carried out. I manage to get my profile back and continue using it. But there are often cases when people are refused, since it is impossible to confirm the fact of account ownership.


How to log in to VKontakte if you forgot your password and login? If restoration is refused, it is useless to argue with specialists. No matter how you justify the opinion, the employee's answer will not change. Therefore, it is better not to waste time and re-register.

How to perform the procedure?

  1. You need to go to the main VK page.
  2. Click on the registration item.
  3. Provide personal information.
  4. Enter the reference number.
  5. Indicate the received code.
  6. The page has been created, you can start filling it out.
  7. Upload a photo, enter information about yourself.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. As usual, you may need to restore for several reasons. The most common case is loss of access to it(forgot your password, lost your phone number to which the page was linked during registration and now you can’t log into VK). There are also possible options when the page was for one reason or another blocked.

  • Your page could have been hacked, that’s why it’s impossible to log into Contact (the burglar might have managed to change the password). In this case, you will need to try to restore access to this page as described just above, i.e. use recovery tools:
    1.— if the account was linked to a phone number.
    2.— if the page was not linked to a phone number or you no longer own this number.
  • How to restore a page previously deleted from VK?

    If you deleted your page yourself, and then changed your mind, or when it was deleted for you by someone who gained unauthorized access to your account, then it can still be restored within 7 months. To do this, you just need to go to the VKontakte website using your username and password, and then in the window that opens, click on the “restore your page” link:

    However, if 7 months have already passed since the date of deletion, then you will have to contact technical support Contact(or write a letter to Email [email protected]) with a request to restore the page, and it is not a fact that they will be able to help you, although the chances of success still remain. You may have to prove your rights to this page and wait some time for it to be retrieved from the archives and finally restored.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    There are only two ways to restore access to the page if you do not have a phone number associated with it (lost, stolen, the page was hacked, blocked, etc.). There are no other options. Both methods are here, read:

    The first method, the fastest, is to restore the SIM card

    If the old number was registered in your name or in the name of someone close to you, you can restore your SIM card at a mobile phone store if you go there with your passport. This is done quickly and inexpensively. Even if you don’t remember the number you had, at least remember your mobile operator and go to their salon - they will remind you of the number and restore your SIM card. After this, you will quickly restore access via SMS, and then, if necessary, link the page to a new number (it will unlink from the old one).

    If you have already created another page for this number or simply linked it to another page, then it is no longer possible to restore access via SMS, and only the second method remains.

    The second method, without SMS - application for restoration

    It only works if the restored page contains your real first and last name, and also contains your real photo. The page is restored to the new mobile number (it should not be linked to another page). This method takes time - from one to several days.

    The page must have Your photo, where the face is clearly visible. It’s better if it’s in the “Photos from the Page” album (that is, it’s on the main photo or was there at one time). It might also be on an album called “This Is Me” or something like that (but not “My Friends”). It’s even possible in a hidden album, but if the photo is in “Saved” or on the wall (the “Photos on the Wall” album), it will not work. If the photos on the page were deleted (for example, by a burglar), then this must be indicated in the comments to the application. And the page must be real first and last name. In exceptional cases, the page is restored if only the last name is fake (and you agree to change it to a real one). A fake cannot be restored this way.

    Better do it from computer or at least from a tablet.

    Attention: a link to your application will be sent to the phone number you indicated as available - you can always go to it and see what’s going on with your application. They may ask you to send something else, so don’t be lazy and check from time to time. The application will be reviewed by the support service, so you will have to wait (a day, two, three - usually no longer).

    How do I know that the application has been approved and the page has been restored? An SMS will be sent to the phone number you indicated as available. You will be sent new login information: login and password (the password can be changed after the first login). See also:

    Another way to access restoration is to open the full version of the VK website, click on "Forgot your password?", there will be a link below "If you don't remember your details or don't have access to your phone, click here." Click on the words "Press here", and you will be directed to a request to restore access to the page.

    In future highly recommended link your page to your current mobile phone number to avoid hacking, and also to be able to quickly restore access if you forgot your password. If you change your number, you need to change it in the VK settings!

    Why was the application rejected?

    Read about why the application to restore the page was rejected and what to do in this case:

    How can I restore access to a page that does not have a number associated with it?

    Could it be that there is no number associated with the page? Yes, if you registered another page for the same number. In this case, it is possible to restore access to a page to which no number is associated only, that is, through a full recovery.

    Today it’s hard to imagine a person who can live at least a day without looking at their favorite social networks. VK is the most popular site, which is visited daily by more than 20 million people in 24 hours. But sometimes users have problems accessing their page and have to find out how to restore the VK page via email. Let's consider 2 methods: mail + telephone and only mail.

    First you need to open VKontakte and carefully examine the login form. The top line asks you to enter the phone number associated with your account or a valid email. You must enter your password below. If the user does not remember his password, then he should click on the “Forgot password?” button, which is located at the bottom of the form.

    Then you go to the password recovery page.

    You must enter an active email address in the line. To do this, you need to disable “caps lock”, switch the font to English and carefully enter the address.

    A box will then appear on the screen to confirm that you are not a robot. You need to check the box indicated, then a window will appear where you need to select the correct images and click “Next”. If you don’t understand something in the pictures, you can update them.

    A form will then appear asking you to confirm your last name.

    After this, the system will ask you to confirm the page, if it is yours, then do so.

    A message with a code will be sent to the phone that was previously linked to the page; you need to enter it in the “received code” line.

    After entering the code, you need to click the “change password” button. A form will appear on the screen with two lines in which you need to enter a new password; this must be done twice to avoid making a mistake. First switch the language to English and disable “caps lock”.

    A message will then appear on the screen indicating that the password has been changed successfully. In addition, you will receive a notification about the password change to your phone and email address. The letter will also ask you to fill out an application to restore access to your VK page if you were not the one who performed the above operations. If the entire procedure was carried out by the owner of the page, then you need to enter a new password to log in.

    This is how you recover the password for accessing the VK page using phone and email.

    Recovering your password using email

    What should I do if the user does not remember the login information or does not have access to the phone? Then you need to proceed as follows:

    1. On the access restoration page, under the line where you enter your email, phone number or login, there is a “Click here” button. Click on it and follow the system instructions.
    2. A window appears on the screen for entering the address of the VK page, for example, After this, you need to click on the “Next” button. If you don't remember your address, ask your friends for help. When they visit your page, the address is displayed in the browser bar. If you cannot find out the address, then click on the “Click here” button.
    3. After this, you are taken to the people search page, where you can find your page by last name or first name. The filters on the side make the task much easier: country, school, age, gender, etc.
    4. If you see your page, then click on the inscription “This is my page.” Then a window will appear on the screen where you need to fill in all the fields: old and active phone number, email, old password. Submit your application and wait, after a while the administration will send a letter to your active email with the results of restoring access.

    The password recovery procedure without a phone is complete.

    Reasons for losing access to the VK page

    Despite the fact that Vkontakte is a modern server with the best technical equipment, problems with logging in periodically arise. There are several reasons for losing access to your VK account:

    The last file is opened using Notepad, the line localhost is found, and all lines after it are deleted (this is a virus). You should also get rid of all files whose names contain,, vkontakte.exe.

    • Hacking of the page with hacker programs that change the password. First, clean the host file (as in the previous case), and then change the password.

    These are the main reasons for losing access to a page on VK. If you have tried all the options to solve the problem, but still cannot log into your account, then you need to contact technical support.

    The social network VKontakte stores a huge amount of information about a person if he actively uses it. These are correspondence with loved ones, photographs and much more, which I would not like to allow outside viewers to see. To minimize the likelihood that someone will read your correspondence, you need to set the most complex password possible. This often leads to the person who set the password forgetting it. In such a situation, the social network VKontakte allows you to recover your password, and this can be done in several different ways, which will be discussed in this article.

    How to recover your VKontakte password

    Recovering the password from the VKontakte social network is very simple if you remember the login or phone number to which your account is registered. If you do not have access to this phone number, advice will also be given below on what to do in this situation, but for now let’s consider the simplest option, what to do if you forgot your VKontakte password. Follow these steps step by step:

    After completing all the steps described, you can log into your VKontakte account using your old login and new password.

    How to recover a VKontakte password without a phone number

    Using the method described above, you can log into your account only if you have the mobile phone number to which it is registered. Accordingly, without access to this phone, you will not be able to receive an SMS message with a confirmation code. However, if there is no longer access to the phone number, this does not mean that the VKontakte account is lost. It is possible to restore access to it if you have forgotten the set password, as follows:

    Important: If there are no personal photos on your VKontakte page and you do not have access to the phone number to which the page is linked, it is almost impossible to recover your password.

    It is worth noting that using the method described above, you can restore access to the page by forgetting not only your phone number, but also another login, in particular, your email. In fact, with this option, restoring access to the page occurs in “manual mode” with the involvement of a VKontakte support service employee.