The influence of electronic devices on human health. Which household appliances are dangerous and at what distance?

The modern person is chock-full of all kinds of devices. Not only at work, but also at home. We are constantly frightened by their harmful radiation. And scientists have been trying for many years to determine why exactly they are dangerous? And how much do the benefits outweigh the harm?

Fatigue, headaches, insomnia and general discomfort - all this can be the result of our “communication” with home appliances. Even weak electromagnetic radiation, the power of which is measured in hundredths and thousandths of a watt, is no less dangerous than radiation of higher power. For example, exposure to radiation from household appliances can be even stronger than long-term exposure to power lines. It turns out that you and I have been living long and stubbornly on a powder keg, daily disrupting the bioenergetic balance of the body.

We started, as usual, with electromagnetic radiation. Scientists have been trying for many years to determine how electromagnetic radiation affects humans? For example, Italian scientists have concluded that electromagnetic fields may cause infertility. Americans believe that radiation from household appliances negatively affects the brain.

And Swedish experts have established a safe limit for the intensity of the electromagnetic field, it is equal to 0.2 μT (microtesla). But all scientists in the world have long recognized that electromagnetic radiation has a negative effect on the central nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal and reproductive systems.

Cell phones. Pediatricians ask to limit children's access to mobile communications.

They say teens who text up to 120 times a day or more are more likely to have sex, drink alcohol, and use drugs than kids who don't use their cell phones as much. Experts from the University of Cleveland came to this conclusion.

A team led by pediatrician Scott Frank conducted a study last year of 4,200 students from 20 public high schools. It has been found that approximately one in five boys and girls are hyperactive when it comes to texting.

In addition, experts found that nine out of ten teenagers are regular Internet users, including spending three or more hours a day online. Facebook and on other social networks. Moreover, it was found that the largest number of visits and use of texts are among young representatives of the fair sex, whose parents have a low level of education, or they are raised by single mothers. In addition, it turned out that fans of virtual and cellular communication had almost three and a half times more sex, drank and smoked marijuana than their peers.

The findings also showed that only 14% of children said their parents limit the amount of texting they do. Other studies have found a strong link between texting and the risk of inappropriate behavior among younger generations. Almost one third of 16 and 17 year olds have sent texts while driving. And about one quarter of teenagers shared explicit sexual photos and videos every day on forums and blogs, as well as transmitted such images through a mobile phone or via the Internet.


The trusty old ZIL refrigerators and others like them are good for everyone, but sleeping directly behind the wall behind which the old refrigerator stands is not recommended. And it’s not for nothing that these refrigerators don’t like being leaned close to the wall... But it’s better not to get closer than 10 cm to the compressor of a modern refrigerator. At such a distance, the field intensity exceeds the maximum permissible level. But it is better not to approach refrigerators equipped with a NO FROST system with a non-freezing freezer at all. He opened the door, quickly grabbed food from the shelf and ran away. After all, exceeding the maximum permissible standards near such a miracle of technology was recorded at a distance of a whole meter from the door. So don't sit under the refrigerator doors all day!

Electric stoves

It is better to cook dinner at a distance of more than 25 cm from the front panel. The intensity of the magnetic field in this place is 1-3 µT (directly near the burners it is even higher). But having moved away to a distance of 50 cm, where the intensity of the EMF is already indistinguishable from the general field of the kitchen and is about 0.1-0.15 µT, you can safely cook! Even if it’s at arm’s length, it’s safe! If only one could contrive this way.

Electric kettles

Even these tiny but irreplaceable devices become dangerous at a distance of 20 cm. The radiation intensity in this radius is about 0.6 µT.


For most irons, a magnetic field greater than 0.2 µT is detected at a distance of 25 cm from the handle, and only in heating mode. In a word, whoever comes to us with an iron... You can’t help yourself here. You will have to endure the torment of electromagnetic radiation - how can you iron at a distance of 25 centimeters from the handle?

Washing machines

The washing machine field is much more intense. At the control panel it is more than 10 µT! Therefore, you should not observe the operation of an automatic washing machine up close.

Vacuum cleaners

The vacuum cleaner has an even larger field - about 100 µT. But, fortunately, a vacuum cleaner is not an iron—a hose saves the situation.


There are opinions that microwave ovens occupy first place in the ranking of dangerous household appliances and can pose a real threat to our health. At a distance of 30 cm they create a magnetic field of 0.3-8 µT. True, their design does indeed provide adequate shielding.

Of course, modern furnaces, according to manufacturers, are equipped with good protection that prevents the electromagnetic field from escaping beyond the working volume. But no one can guarantee that the field does not penetrate outside at all. Therefore, do not slam the door like in a minibus. Handle it carefully and take good care of it.


This is also a special article. Their electromagnetic radiation spreads along all fronts. Employees of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety conducted an independent study of a number of personal computers that are most common on our market. They found that the level of EMF in the user's area exceeded the biologically hazardous level. Therefore, it is better to stare at the monitor all day at least at a distance of at least 70 cm (1.5-2 m from a nearby monitor, for example, in an office).

But everything pales in comparison to energy-saving lamps. It's all about mercury vapor.

The flywheel of gradual replacement of old lamps with new ones has been launched, “long-lasting dumps” are purchased in Europe and are already beginning to be produced in Russia, energy savings are guaranteed. But the chief sanitary doctor is alarmed: energy-saving lamps are dangerous to health! The danger of these lamps lies primarily in mercury vapor, which evaporates at the slightest damage to the bulb, not to mention cases when it breaks. This is precisely what the head of Rospotrebnadzor warned about, pointing out that mercury leakage can easily occur in the event of improper disposal and careless use of such lamps. The significant degree of ultraviolet radiation from energy-saving lamps should also be taken into account! People with sensitive skin, those with allergies to ultraviolet radiation, and patients with various skin diseases should be especially careful. If there are no shades on the lamps, for example, these patients may develop a rash, hives, and swelling. You should also not use such lamps in rooms where children are present for a long time.

And here’s what they write on blogs answering the question: Is it true that all household appliances are harmful to health and that they emit radiation?

-It’s true, that’s why you need to wear a tin foil hat.

-All this is true, but if a person is resistant to all the poisons that he pushes into himself and absorbs from the atmosphere...

-Darkness! Radiation is terrible. Live like me - without technology!

-Living in general is harmful... :-)

So, should we throw all harmful items into a landfill? It is unlikely that this would occur to anyone.

At first glance, it may seem that while at home, a person is completely safe from external harmful factors that can harm his health. But, being surrounded by household appliances, a person exposes himself to a greater risk than staying for a long time, for example, near a chemical plant or power line. Electromagnetic fields from the technology around us (TVs, refrigerators, microwaves, computers, etc.) negatively affect the central nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Such factors can cause cancer and even infertility. But since it is difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to refuse to use technology, you should know some rules that will help reduce the degree of harmful effects on the body.

One of the dangerous home appliances is the refrigerator. Some models are capable of emitting electromagnetic waves within a radius of up to 1.5-2 m, and walls are not a hindrance for them. Therefore, you should limit the time you spend near the refrigerator, and also do not place the bed against the wall, behind which this equipment is immediately located.

It is believed that a microwave oven (or microwave oven) is the most dangerous household appliance. But we hasten to note that modern technologies used to create this equipment do not allow electromagnetic radiation to spread far from the microwave oven body. Thus, a microwave oven is sometimes safer than a refrigerator. But you still shouldn’t be in relative proximity to the body when heating food.

The degree of harmful effects of a running washing machine is almost the same as that of a running refrigerator. For this reason, when washing, visit the bathroom where the washing machine is installed as little as possible and do not stay there for a long time.

You should definitely mention the TV and computer, without which it is now difficult to imagine the interior of the house. It is not recommended to watch a faulty TV that “ripples” or distorts colors - it can be very straining on the eyes. It’s better to look into your computer for a minute by entering in your browser - here, on the website of the RemBytTech workshop you will find excellent TV repair specialists who will come to your home and Your TV will be repaired in no time. The newer the equipment model, the safer it is. Remember that TV should be viewed at a distance of at least 1.5-2 m, and a computer - 40-60 cm. Do not install equipment near the bed, especially at its head. Ventilate the room often when working on a computer. Try not to work on it at night, or watch TV in complete darkness, which is quite harmful to the eyes.

One of the most dangerous household appliances is a hair dryer, the electromagnetic radiation of which exceeds the norm tens of times. Its use is especially dangerous because the device is located near the head during use. The only advice that can be given in this situation is to use a hairdryer as little as possible (only if necessary).

All the best. Take care of your health.

The mobile phone is far from the first place in terms of radiation!

We are constantly afraid of harmful radiation from household appliances. It turns out that you can check the level of electromagnetic radiation yourself. The test is certainly not a laboratory test, but it will show the presence and approximate strength of radiation.

Turn on the radio (transistor). Switch to long or medium waves so that you cannot hear any stations, only the noise of the receiver being turned on.

Turn on the appliances you use most often - computer, TV, microwave, toaster, iron, electric kettle, it's not a mistake iron and electric kettle. The refrigerator does not need to be turned on; it is always plugged in, but it works periodically.

Approach the switched on device with a radio receiver. You will hear crackling, squeaking and various noises. The stronger the noise, the stronger the electromagnetic field, and therefore the more harmful the device under test.

Walk along the walls with the radio on; electromagnetic waves from equipment operating behind the wall in other rooms penetrate through them. It is advisable to rearrange beds or chairs if they are located in an area of ​​strong electromagnetic waves.

Scientists have been trying for many years to determine how electromagnetic radiation affects humans? For example, Italian scientists have concluded that electromagnetic fields may cause infertility. Americans believe that radiation from household appliances negatively affects the brain.

And Swedish experts have established a safe limit for the intensity of the electromagnetic field, it is equal to 0.2 μT (microtesla). But all scientists in the world have long recognized that electromagnetic radiation has a negative effect on the central nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal and reproductive systems.

Fatigue, headaches, insomnia and general discomfort - all this can be the result of our “communication” with home appliances. Even weak electromagnetic radiation, the power of which is measured in hundredths and thousandths of a watt, is no less dangerous than radiation of higher power. For example, exposure to radiation from household appliances can be even stronger than long-term exposure to power lines. It turns out that you and I have been living long and stubbornly on a powder keg, daily disrupting the bioenergetic balance of the body.

  • Refrigerators NO FROST

You can even sleep on the Dnepr refrigerator. But it is better not to come closer than 10 cm to the compressor of a modern refrigerator. At such a distance, the field intensity exceeds the maximum permissible level. But it is better not to approach refrigerators equipped with a NO FROST system with a non-freezing freezer at all. He opened the door, quickly grabbed sour cream from the shelf and ran away. After all, exceeding the maximum permissible standards near such a miracle of technology was recorded at a distance of a whole meter from the door.

  • Electric stoves

It is better to cook dinner at a distance of more than 25 cm from the front panel. The intensity of the magnetic field in this place is 1-3 µT (directly near the burners it is even higher). But having moved away to a distance of 50 cm, where the intensity of the EMF is already indistinguishable from the general field of the kitchen and is about 0.1-0.15 µT, you can safely cook! Even if it’s at arm’s length, it’s safe!

Electric kettles

Even these tiny but irreplaceable devices become dangerous at a distance of 20 cm. The radiation intensity in this radius is about 0.6 µT.

  • Irons

For most irons, a magnetic field greater than 0.2 µT is detected at a distance of 25 cm from the handle, and only in heating mode. You can't help yourself here. You will have to endure the torment of electromagnetic radiation - how can you iron at a distance of 25 centimeters from the handle?

  • Washing machines

The washing machine field is much more intense. At the control panel it is more than 10 µT! Therefore, you should not observe the operation of an automatic washing machine up close.

  • Vacuum cleaners

The vacuum cleaner has an even larger field – about 100 µT. But, fortunately, a vacuum cleaner is not an iron - a hose saves the situation.

  • microwaves

They deserve special attention. There are opinions that microwave ovens occupy first place in the ranking of dangerous household appliances and can pose a real threat to our health. At a distance of 30 cm they create a magnetic field of 0.3-8 µT. True, their design does indeed provide adequate shielding.

Of course, modern furnaces, according to manufacturers, are equipped with good protection that prevents the electromagnetic field from escaping beyond the working volume. But no one can guarantee that the field does not penetrate outside at all. For various reasons, part of the electromagnetic field intended, say, for a chicken, still leaks out. It is especially intense in the area of ​​the lower right corner of the door. And over time, micro-cracks appear in the door seal on the stove, and the degree of protection gradually decreases. This occurs both due to dirt and mechanical damage. Therefore, do not slam the door like in a minibus. Handle it carefully and take good care of it.

  • Computers

This is also a special article. Their electromagnetic radiation spreads along all fronts. Employees of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety conducted an independent study of a number of personal computers that are most common on our market. They found that the level of EMF in the user's area exceeded the biologically hazardous level. Therefore, it is better to stare at the monitor all day at least at a distance of at least 70 cm (1.5-2 m from a nearby monitor, for example, in an office).

It's no secret that household appliances make life easier and more carefree. But along with undoubted benefits and conveniences, household appliances also introduce certain harm into our lives. We are talking, first of all, about electromagnetic radiation that accompanies the operation of any electrical device. No matter how hard technology developers try to reduce its possible impact on human health, they cannot completely shield electromagnetic waves. Read our article about which household appliances can be called the most dangerous.

TOP 10 dangerous household appliances

  1. The TV leads the list of the most dangerous household appliances. There are several reasons for this: firstly, we spend quite a lot of time in the company of a TV, and secondly, many do not adhere to recommendations regarding the ratio of the diagonal of the TV and the size of the room. How to protect yourself from harmful radiation? Well, of course – watch less TV and don’t do it too close.

  2. It takes second place of honor. The design of modern microwave ovens sufficiently provides shielding from harmful radiation, but it still does not guarantee complete safety, because a microcrack in the housing is enough for it to be damaged. Therefore, first of all, you need to treat the microwave oven with care, do not slam the door, and do not use the device with damage to the housing. You should not install a microwave in a residential area or near your workplace in an office.

  3. Mobile and radiotelephones, in addition to convenience of communication, can cause certain harm to health. Even though handset manufacturers claim that the radiation from a mobile phone is insignificant, you still shouldn’t wear it on your body: in your trouser or shirt pocket.

  4. Refrigerators, unfortunately, also cause harm. The harm caused to health by a refrigerator directly depends on the year of its manufacture. The earlier this device was released, the fewer functions it performs, the fewer “technical bells and whistles” it has, the more safe it is for humans. Modern models, and especially models equipped with a drip system, should not be approached less than 20 cm for a long time.

  5. Electric kettles, which have become indispensable in almost any home and office, are also unsafe. At a distance of less than 20 cm, the radiation from them exceeds the permissible values, so when you turn on the kettle, it is better to move away from it.

  6. appealed to many people. But in addition to significant energy savings, these light bulbs become a real time bomb. And the whole point is mercury vapor, which begins to seep into microscopic damage to the bulb, not to mention broken lamps. In addition, “economical” light bulbs have a high degree of ultraviolet radiation, which means they are harmful to people with skin diseases and very sensitive skin.

  7. Oddly enough, the harm caused to health by an ordinary table lamp is comparable to the harm caused by a TV. Therefore, it is better not to overuse reading under a table lamp, replacing it with more distant light sources.

  8. Washing machines and dishwashers create a fairly powerful electromagnetic field during operation. Therefore, while they are working, you should not approach them closer than a meter.

  9. When cooking on an electric stove, you should not be closer to it than 25 cm. It is this distance that is considered safe in terms of the level of electromagnetic radiation.

  10. During heating, an electric iron becomes dangerous at a distance of less than 25 cm. That is why it is worth putting it aside while heating.

You can also remember the time when in most families all household appliances consisted of a tube TV and a refrigerator living in the kitchen. Now the home of a modern person is filled with a variety of assistant devices: electric stoves, microwave ovens, computers, air conditioners, hair dryers, multicookers, washing machines, mobile phones. We will not list everything, because it will take a lot of time. It’s no secret that all these devices have electromagnetic radiation of varying power, which they constantly scare us with, and, apparently, for good reason. It is enough to pay attention to the fact that, fleeing from radiation, cockroaches, mice and even moths have disappeared from modern apartments. And mosquitoes instantly disappear as soon as you turn on the Raptor. Perhaps the increasing frequency of human ailments: fatigue, insomnia, headaches can also be associated with the appliances operating in our home.

How do household appliances affect the human body?

It is not correct to assume that low-power electromagnetic radiation is less dangerous than powerful radiation. It is possible that the impact of household appliances on the body may be stronger than if you were near power lines for a long time. That is, we have placed ourselves on a powder keg, thereby constantly disrupting the bioenergetic balance of the body. Scientists have been concerned about the problem of electromagnetic radiation and how it affects the human body for a long time. Italian scientists have found that these radiations can cause infertility. American scientists have come to the conclusion that electromagnetic radiation negatively affects the brain. Swedish scientists have determined a safe limit for the electromagnetic field, which, in their opinion, is equal to 0.2 microtesla. But they all clearly recognized that radiation from household appliances has a negative effect on the cardiovascular, central nervous, and hormonal systems.

How can you measure radiation from household appliances?

Of course, it is impossible to make accurate measurements using a home test, but the presence of electromagnetic radiation and its degree can still be determined. A regular radio may be suitable for this. Turn it on and find any wave on which no radio station is working, that is, only a uniform rustling sound will come from it. Turn on the appliances that you use most often: computer, iron, electric kettle, microwave (there is no need to turn on the refrigerator, since it is always plugged in). Approach each device with the radio turned on. You will hear that it begins to make different sounds, crackle, and make noise. Based on these sounds, it is possible to determine the radiation that comes from each device: the louder and more frequent the interference, the stronger the radiation.

We must not forget that electromagnetic waves can penetrate walls, so it is worth testing those places in the apartment where you are most often.

Dangerous household appliances.


The danger of a refrigerator directly depends on the time of its manufacture. The more modern the refrigerator, the more functions it performs, the stronger its electromagnetic radiation. Probably many people remember the old ZIL refrigerator and other refrigerators of that time. Although it is believed that they are almost safe from the point of view of electromagnetic fields, however, sleeping in a place where an old refrigerator is working behind the wall is not recommended, and they do not like these devices if they are leaned against the wall. If we talk about modern models, it is worth mentioning that it is advisable not to approach the compressors installed in them closer than ten centimeters, since at this distance the permissible level of radiation intensity is exceeded. But it is better not to approach refrigerators equipped with a non-freezing freezer at all. Quickly take what you need from it and immediately leave, since the excess of the permissible norms of the electromagnetic field near it is noticeable already at a distance of a meter from the door.

Electric stove.

A distance of twenty-five centimeters of radiation from the front panel of an electric stove can be considered safe, only 1-3 µT, and from the burners - fifty centimeters. Therefore, it is better to prepare lunch and eat food, moving to this safe distance, where the field intensity no longer differs from the magnetic field of the entire kitchen.

Electric kettle.

These small devices, which have become familiar to us, become dangerous at a distance closer than twenty centimeters, since the radiation from them within this radius is 0.6 µT. Therefore, after turning on the kettle, it is better to move away from it.

Washing machine and dishwasher.

The control panel of the washing machine creates an electromagnetic field with a power of more than 10 μT. A safe distance will be a radius of about one meter, so you should not observe the washing process close up. For a dishwasher, this radius is half a meter.

Vacuum cleaner.

The vacuum cleaner has a very powerful field - about 100 µT. However, the length of the hose protects from the harmful effects of radiation. If you turn on the vacuum cleaner, do not stand next to it, but immediately get to work.


In the heating mode of most irons in the heating mode, you can detect an electromagnetic field that exceeds 0.2 μT at a distance of twenty-five centimeters from the handle. You can protect yourself from harmful effects only by placing the iron aside while heating. Of course, this is not very convenient, but there is no other choice.

The most dangerous household appliances.


This is one of the most dangerous and most commonly used devices. The safe distance at which you can be from the TV is determined by its diagonal. As a rule, it should be at least one and a half meters. This is not only the permissible limit for exposure to radiation, but also the safest for the eyes. Try to reduce the amount of time you spend with your “family friend.”

Air conditioner.

This device is also on the list of the most dangerous. Try not to get closer to him than one and a half meters.


The microwave oven ranks first on the list of the most dangerous household appliances that can cause real harm to human health. The intensity of its electromagnetic field at a distance of thirty centimeters is 0.3-8 µT. It’s probably worth saying that their design is such that it can provide shielding. However, there is no guarantee that the field does not penetrate outside through the almost invisible gaps in the door seal. The most dangerous place is located in the lower right corner of the door. Therefore, treat the device with care, do not slam the door, so as not to break its seal.

Mobile and radiotelephones.

We can no longer imagine our lives without cellular communications. Mobile phones pose a greater danger not by the power of their radiation, but by their close proximity to us. During a conversation, we hold the phone to our ear and it actively affects the brain, in a shirt pocket - on the heart, if we carry it in a trouser pocket, then reproductive function suffers. Try not to be near it when charging your mobile phone and, if possible, turn it off at night. Buy modern phone models that meet security parameters. Place the radiotelephone away from your vacation spots or places where you spend a lot of time.


This is generally a topic for a separate discussion. The computer distributes electromagnetic radiation in all directions over a distance of no less than seventy centimeters. The Electromagnetic Safety Center conducted a study of the most common computer models. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the level of radiation that the user receives exceeds biologically hazardous levels. Also, a safe distance from the monitor was determined (one and a half to two meters).

Desk lamp.

It’s hard to believe that such a primitive household appliance also poses a threat to the human body. However, the radiation from a table lamp can be put on a par with the radiation coming from a TV. Therefore, if you can do without a table lamp, it is better to do so.

Energy-saving lamps.

The danger of these lamps lies in mercury vapor, which begins to evaporate with the slightest damage to the bulb and it is hardly worth talking about in those cases when it breaks. Leakage of mercury vapor can occur due to improper disposal of lamps, and due to improper, careless use of them. The high degree of ultraviolet radiation that comes from these lamps cannot be discounted. People with sensitive skin or suffering from skin conditions should take particular care. Such lamps should only be used with shades and should not be installed in rooms where children spend a lot of time.

How to reduce harm from electromagnetic radiation.

Be sure to carry out the test with the radio receiver, which we wrote about at the beginning of the article, to determine which of the devices “living” in your apartment are the most dangerous. Try to spend as little time as possible near these devices. Remember that walls are not a barrier to electromagnetic waves, only distance can save you from them.

Unless absolutely necessary, do not purchase powerful household electrical appliances, because the radiation power of the equipment directly depends on it.

Do not turn on several dangerous household appliances at the same time.

Eliminate the habit of turning on the TV “for background”, as you and your family members will constantly be exposed to its radiation.

Use extension cords to connect equipment as little as possible, as they increase the radiation area.

Watch electrical cords so they do not become loops or rings.

An interesting fact is that properly done electrical wiring does not pose any danger at all.

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