The importance of caching in wordpress. Hyper Cache - enable a caching plugin in WordPress to optimize a WP blog and reduce its load on the hosting server

I haven't touched on the topic for a long time wordpress caching, because I was sure that caching was not so important on my virtual server with SDD disks. This is exactly what the hosting support team convinced me of. Although I convinced, rather warned, here is my correspondence:

I:- Tell me, with this server configuration, does it make sense to do caching with plugins at the WordPress level?

Technical support: - You need to look at the situation and the load on the server.It is better not to abuse such plugins, your server is on an SSD disk subsystem, which is much faster than conventional disks and caching may not bring tangible results.

And recently I asked this question again and received a slightly different answer:

I:- Hello! Ngnix and my database crash periodically, I restart them and everything is fine. This happens once every 1-2 days. Tell, will installing caching plugins help me? at the site level or can caching be done at the server level?

Support:- It all depends on the specifics of the problems due to which this arises. But in general yes, using caching can have a positive effect on the server load.

The question is: who or what to believe? But you need to trust experiments. I decided to set up a blog on this caching plugin to see how this affects the performance of the blog.

Which WordPress caching plugin should you choose?

I tried several different plugins, but I liked all of them the best wordpress caching plugin W3 Total Cache. Why him? It’s just VERY functional and allows you not only to cache site pages, converting them into html files, but also much more, for example, it works and how database query caching plugin.

Among the minuses, we can note the lack of Russian language and, therefore, some complexity of installation. Therefore, I decided to document the W3 Total Cache installation and configuration process on this site.

How to install W3 Total Cache?

First, go to the WordPress admin panel in the PLUGINS section - ADD NEW and enter the name of the plugin in the search bar - W3 Total Cache and press ENTER.

Please note: the plugin has been downloaded by almost a million people, this figure shows that this WordPress caching plugin is actually the best! We install.

Immediately after installation I receive a warning:

Translated as follows: W3 Total Cache error message: Files and directories cannot be automatically created to complete the installation. Please run the commands manually or use the FTP form to have W3 Total Cache do this automatically.

I click Update via FTP, something happens there, the inscription disappears and this inscription appears, translated:

W3 Total Cache: Default settings are used. The configuration file cannot be read or does not exist. Please click the button to create a file.

I click again and everything seems to work. If so, then you should have a folder wp-content/cache. Immediately give it and all the files in it access rights 777, otherwise it won’t work. You also need to temporarily give the same rights to the .htaccess file in the root of the disk (better make a copy of it first, just in case)

You may also have to give access to the /wp-config.php file or write the option in it yourself:

Define("WP_CACHE", true); // Added by W3 Total Cache

Let's go through the settings; to do this, find the plugin settings in the left column of the WordPress admin panel and click on PERFOMANCER - GENERAL SETTING.

1. Page Cache - page caching

This is the most important thing for which this plugin was installed. You need to check the Enable box, select the Disk: Basic method and click the Save all setting button.

Now, when a visitor opens a site page, a copy of it in html format is saved in the wp-content/cache/page folder. You can also select the ENHANCED method, but I don’t know if this is worth doing in my case. And besides, when using this method I got an error, although the files were cached.

2. Minify - reduction

This refers to the reduction and compression of style files and scripts. I don't enable this feature because it really messes up my site.

But even if I try to set this up, there won’t be much real benefit, so I won’t bother for now. Let's move on.

3. Database Cache - database caching

But this is an important point. But do not choose the Disk: Basic method, as this may lead to crashes, it is better to choose the Alternative PHP Cache method. In this case, requests to the database will be cached by the PHP accelerator; as I understand it, I have it installed on the server.

4. Object Cache - object caching

This is also a very important feature that needs to be enabled by selecting the Disk: Basic method.

In this case, not only pages are cached, but also options, tags, categories, users and much more, everything that WordPress deems necessary to cache. And judging by the quickly filling folder, you need to cache a lot. Further...

5. Browser Cache - enable browser cache

No, not your browser, but the person who visits your site. This option sends a signal that this page needs to be cached and the visitor's browser meekly obeys.

But my Google Page Speed ​​test doesn’t want to notice this option, which is what I didn’t do, both with and without this plugin. Most likely this happens because I have a combination of ngnix and apache2, the first one works as a proxy server and apparently this test therefore does not work as it should. Although, maybe I'm wrong.

6. CDN -

What is it for? You can use third party servers to cache your data. If the visitor is in America, your main site is in Russia, then it is better for him to receive the bulk of the data from a CDN server that is located in his country or somewhere nearby. But I don't enable this option yet. Why?

Yes, because most of these services are paid. There are also free ones, but you need to search for them, study them, register and then enter the data into the plugin. The plugin itself is trying to sell us MaxCDN, which costs money, but with a 25% discount. But this is a topic for a separate article; most likely very soon I will research this issue and write back.

This is how I set up caching for this blog. The plugin has some other options, but they are not worth considering, since they are not needed in practice. If you are interested, you can dig into the settings. If you don’t know English (like me), you can use Google Crome, which can also translate the WordPress admin area.

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When developing our own website, we always want to reduce loading time to a minimum, and many have made this almost a sport, trying to gain at least 1/10 of a second. We all know how important caching is, but there are many ways to fool yourself by looking only at load time estimates. To conduct the test, we tried to find several different caching plugins and test their performance.

A small note about caching

Google recently announced that all mobile-friendly sites (and speed is the way to be “friendly”) will receive a significant advantage in search results, starting April 21st. You may have already seen the “mobile friendly” tag in search results. And in Google Page Insights, the first panel is adapted for mobile devices, not desktops. Google's intentions are clear and loud to any SEO or webmaster. Now it is important to work on the performance of both the desktop and mobile versions of the site, which we tried to display in benchmarking.

There are several ways to improve site performance and reduce loading times, but for most webmasters, using a caching plugin is not only one of the easiest, but also the only way to achieve maximum results.

WordPress (and most CMS websites) dynamically build pages on the fly, requiring multiple database calls to retrieve different pieces of content. Caching these dynamically generated pages allows the user to see regular HTML pages. This significantly reduces loading time and relieves the server load.

Test details

The initial idea was based on using both a simple theme like , and a more complex theme, which would allow us to simulate a more “real” site. But during the tests, it turned out that the impact of plugins on the loading speed of a site with the “2014” theme was minimal, and there was almost nothing to write about. But there are many tricks to improve 2014 performance, so server tuning is more important here than caching.

In order to make the tested empty site as close to reality as possible, we used the Novelty theme from Tesla Themes. The tested site page was designed using graphics and text, a sidebar and some plugins were added (news output, feed from Twitter/Instagram). Now we have a page that takes a relatively long time to load. Yes, this WordPress hosting was used as hosting.

Plugins tested:

  • AIO Cache
  • Alpha Cache
  • Bodi0's Easy Cache
  • Cachify
  • Flexicache
  • Gator Cache
  • Hyper Cache
  • Hyper Cache Extended
  • Lite Cache
  • Next Level Cache
  • Really Static
  • Super Static Cache
  • W3 Total Cache
  • Wordfence Falcon
  • WP Fast Cache
  • WP Fastest Cache
  • WP Rocket
  • WP Super Cache
  • WP-Cache.Com
  • Zen Cache (formerly Quick Cache)
More left:

Brutal Cache - simply did not work; Batcache - a plugin with a dependency on Memcache, which was not used in the current test. Autoptimize and Widget Cache were also left out, since they are support for other plugins, they are not completely independent plugins.

Hosting and benchmarking tools

During our tests, we worked with a shared hosting account, similar to most other options. Thus, we get download speeds achievable for “budget” users. The site being tested had no traffic and was not visited by search bots during testing. The server was running Ngnix as a proxy, not pure Apache.

The tools used were services offered by Google, GTMetrix and Yahoo. Thanks to this, it became possible to test not only page loading speed, but also other factors, including:

  • image optimization;
  • server time delay;
  • minification and optimization of js and css code;
  • use of browser caching;
  • placement of scripts;
  • use of CDN, parallelization/domain sharding;
  • use of Gzip compression;
  • number of HTTP requests.

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights

The PageSpeed ​​Insight service checks the site from both the desktop and mobile device perspectives, giving a score on a 100-point scale. Page Speed ​​Insights is easy to use, but provides relatively raw results that don't provide a full understanding of what could be improved. Even though the tool provides insight into some of the things Google may find important, the information provided by GTMetrix and Yahoo is much more comprehensive.

However, Google does not take CDN into account during the evaluation, so in some cases the evaluation is underestimated.

GTMetrix and YSlow

GTMetrix and YSlow are based on Yahoo's Performance Guide and are also scored out of 100. These instruments are much more sophisticated in their measurement capabilities. PageSpeed ​​Insight gives just a few hints about what can be improved, while GTMetrix YSlow works with no less than 50 different metrics. GTMetrix also offers a waterfall chart dissecting the boot process, as well as a very advanced boot history. If you want to understand how to improve your resource's performance, this is one of the best tools.


The following tools were used in benchmarking to determine page loading speed and test server performance under load.


ApacheBench is a great tool that helps you determine how many requests per second a site can handle using various plugins. The test was carried out by sending 1000 requests across 10 different threads. The test was performed 10 times, recording the best result for each plugin.

It is worth noting that using Nginx somewhat reduces the difference between running a site with/without plugins. One can argue about this, but in the case of using Nginx, a twofold difference was recorded compared to Apache.


Pingdom is a well-known monitoring and testing service. 20 tests were carried out with each plugin, with the best result recorded. Note that the server was located in Sweden (Stockholm), and the Pingdom server was located in the Netherlands (Amsterdam).


Webwait is a simple but very useful tool. The main task of the service is to show how long it will take for the page to fully load in your browser. So it is not a server-side tool, the service runs locally. Webwait loads the page over and over again and then shows the average result. In our case, we chose the download method via Ethernet, the Opera browser. Each page was loaded 101 times to obtain the average and median loading time.

So, with everything described, now let’s proceed directly to the tests.

Google, GTMetrix and Yslow

The site pages were tested using the specified services, here is the result:

As you can see, some plugins simply did not show up here - the score is the same or very close to the score when caching is not used at all. Google gave Supercache the best rating for both desktop and mobile. In GTmetrix and Yslow we see that Fastest Cache Rocket is ahead of the curve. We tend to rate the latter values ​​as more important because Google Page Insight uses fewer factors to evaluate.

So, the best plugins were WP Fastest Cache, WP Super Cache and WP Rocket Cache. The winner is WP Super Cache working via a mobile device. Caching for mobile was also included and was not forgotten.


As mentioned above, evaluation scores are largely an indicator of the quality of the site’s code. They provide insight into what can be done to speed up a site, although a higher score for a site does not mean that it loads faster than other resources. And that's where it gets wrong - assessment tools provide ideas for how to improve a site to reduce loading times, but loading times are not taken into account enough. You will understand this by looking at the screenshot from Pingdom.
As you can see, the page we tested received a score of 96 out of 100, which is probably better than 99% of pages on any website. However, this page takes almost 35 seconds to load. Is the result correct? Draw your own conclusion :)

Timing is an important test because it is a real measurement of how fast a website's pages load.


So, we test our server for its ability to support the execution of a large number of requests. The higher the number of requests per second, the better.

Without caching, the server shows a result of 18 requests per second. This is a pretty good result, which was made possible by using Nginx. Each request takes approximately 1/500 s.

Here we see that Hyper Cache Ext, WP Fastest Cache, and WP Rocket improve the result by 300% compared to running without caching. WP Rocket is the fastest and comes in second.

The advantage of using caching plugins is obvious here - you can store three times as many requests. Using Nginx, a good caching plugin, and maybe something like Varnish, you get a server that flies.


Without caching, the result is about 2.8 seconds. Using almost any plugin improves the result by at least twice.


This shows both the average and median results when tested in Webwait. Load times are slightly faster because the Swedish server, Webwait, was chosen (remember, this is a browser-based tool, not a server-side tool).

Average loading time

Median loading time

As you can see, the practically unknown works quite well.

Not caching alone

Of course, not everything depends on caching. Factors such as the choice of Apache, Nginx, etc., correct settings, server type (dedicated, VPS, shared), number of images and their optimization, HTTP requests also play an important role. Actually, almost everyone on Habr knows about these factors, so we won’t dwell on them.


All the plugins presented here have different functionality. Some are very simple, while others can be compared to a Swiss army knife. Super Cache, W3 and other plugins are often used by professionals who are familiar with CDN and other intricacies. Other users prefer to work with simpler plugins like Lite Cache and By the way,, as mentioned above, is a little-known plugin that has shown excellent results.

Who's the winner?

In first place is WP-Rocket, a paid plugin that is being developed by a whole team of specialists. The developers ask $39 for installation, and $199 for unlimited.

In second place is WP Super Cache. Here the results are almost the same as those of the leader.

In third place is, a well-deserved winner. It looks like no less capable developers worked on the creation of this plugin than on WP-Rocket. This plugin is very easy to set up, so if you don’t want to bother with the configuration, we recommend it.

The topic is a hackneyed one, there are many posts about WordPress caching, but when faced with this question, I could not find a single article that would clearly answer the question “Which plugin is best to use for WordPress caching?” And then I decided to figure it out myself and answer this question. And what do you think, he answered?)

I have long wanted to deal with the issue of WordPress caching, but I kept putting it off because there was no urgent need for it. I didn’t delve into the issue of caching because I didn’t have any visited resources on WordPress, and the ones I had worked quite well even without caching, there wasn’t much load on the server.

I started making several small thematic satellite grids on WordPress. To do this, I took several inexpensive hosting services that allow you to host 5-10 websites. I understand that if you put 5-10 WordPress in “naked form” on such hostings, then even with low traffic, they will exceed the server load set for the account and I will be asked to move out. This is what prompted me to look into the topic of caching and try to optimize WordPress as much as possible in terms of server load.

On some blogs I read, I came across reviews about the WordPress caching script - maxcahe. Therefore, when I started looking for a caching plugin, I remembered maxcahe. I found the plugin page, but when I started reading, it turned out that this script was paid. The price of $30 is not so high and could be purchased, but this script can be used on a limited number of sites. To increase the number of sites on which the script can be used, you need to pay extra for each new domain. That is, in order to install the script on an additional satellite, you need to contact the author, pay for an additional domain... in general, I did not like this option. Considering that the author financially rewards those who leave such a review for a review and a good review of the script, the value of such reviews is reduced. And why pay if there is something similar and free. In general, I decided to figure it out for now and find a free analogue, of which, as it turned out, there are not so few.

I reviewed the descriptions and reviews of popular WordPress caching plugins, but I still couldn’t find an answer to the question “Which plugin should I use?” Some use one, some use the other. Each plugin has its pros and cons. If some plugin wins in reducing the load on the server, it loses in something else. Therefore, here I simply collected the names and descriptions of all popular WordPress caching plugins, collected useful links to articles with detailed descriptions, configuration and comparison of plugins.

Existing WordPress Caching Plugins

WP-Cache A page caching plugin that will speed up your WordPress blog and reduce server load. The plugin turns dynamic pages into statistical ones, saving them on the server. The next time users access a specific page, they are given a saved copy of the page. This significantly reduces the load on the server and speeds up page loading. The plugin is quite old, judging by the mentions of it on the Internet.

WP Super Cache This plugin is similar to WP-Cache. WP Super Cache, when a user accesses a specific blog page, stores a statistical copy of the page on the server. The next time users access the content of the same page, a saved copy of the page is loaded.

WP Widget Cache From the name of the plugin you can understand its functions. The WP Widget Cache plugin caches your blog widgets. This reduces the number of requests to the database, which speeds up page loading and reduces the load on the server. If you use a plugin that caches the entire content of pages, then I see no point in using this plugin.

DB Cache This plugin is different from the previous ones. It doesn't save pages, it saves database queries.

1 Blog Cacher Another caching plugin. 1 Blog Cacher is similar to WP-Cache. It saves responses to site requests into separate local files, placing them in directories that match your site's link structure.

Hyper Cache This plugin, like WP Super Cache, caches requests to your blog, creating statistical pages.

w3 Total Cache Another WordPress caching plugin. The plugin caches data by creating statistical pages. The distinctive feature of this plugin is that it supports script compression, CSS, database cache.

WP File Cache A WordPress caching plugin that allows long-term query-level caching, session caching of frequently changing objects. You can find a detailed description of the plugin on the plugin page on the author’s blog at the link below.

WP Simple Cache Another caching plugin. According to reviews, it differs from analogues in ease of setup and use.

MaxCache Paid script for caching WordPress. According to the author and reviews, MaxCache is head and shoulders above all WordPress caching plugins. in English.

Hi all! In today's post, I'll share with you 17 ways to speed up your blog. We will talk about caching plugins for WordPress, namely hyper cache and its configuration.

Only the best methods will be presented here, thanks to which you can really increase the speed of your blog significantly.

So, everything in order.

Checking the initial loading speed of the site

Any values ​​must be recorded so that you can later compare the initial speed point, and then, after all the changes, see what the speed has become. To do this, I will recommend several services. You don't have to focus on just one thing. I'd rather give you more choice. I'll start with the most common Google speed checking service called Page Speed. To find it in the search engine of the same name, simply type the phrase “google page speed test”. The very first site will be the one you are looking for. Here is the link to it -

Enter the address of our website and click “Analyze”

61% out of 100% in terms of user experience, i.e. in terms of convenience, not so convenient according to Google.

Please note that the first tab is a test for mobile devices. Since my blog does not have a responsive design, it shows the corresponding number.

Here it’s already a little better – the index is 63%.

Now let’s switch gears and see what information the service provides for desktop devices (test result for computers).

There is other information here. Following it, I have room to work on the performance of my blog. Yes, and you, if you are reading this article, have also encountered such a problem. In some articles you can see about extensions for Google Chrome.

But on the official website of the developers it is clearly and clearly stated that the version for browsers is outdated and they recommend using only the online version on their page. Well, okay, it won’t bother us. The next equally useful service for analyzing blog speed and performance is called Follow the link and immediately enter the address of your site to see recommendations on what to improve.

Click on the “Go” button and look at the results.

This study showed that I have a B loading speed, which is good but not great. The average page size is 868Kb, loading time is 4.68 seconds. I think this is a bad indicator that needs to be improved. The next metric is Yslow, which reflects information on headers, requests, cookies, redirects, JavaScript, data, in general, everything that can technically “eat up” the speed is indicated by this indicator. He is generally useless - 72%.

Here's what the report shows:

Here I can see in detail what needs to be improved to speed up the blog. This is marked yellow and red and is a very important priority. Let me briefly decipher what needs to be improved by me in order to achieve maximum blog performance.

  1. All images must have width and height resolution (Specify image dimension)

For the pictures listed above, extensions are not specified, i.e. there are no width and height attributes. The solution is the following: follow the links and manually specify the attributes of the length and height of the pictures, then this message should go away.

  1. Defer Parsing of JavaScript (Checking for the presence of scripts and their load on the server)

In simple terms, all that is indicated for me are scripts from third-party services, namely a group in VK, which slows it down when loading the site, and also this is a third-party video script on the page (in the sidebar), it is this that is end-to-end, which in general weighs down the blog, twitter counter. There can be only one recommendation - try to use as few scripts as possible on your resources. For example, I will delete the group widget when I switch to a responsive blog option. It's already on its way to me.

  1. Leverage Browser Caching

In simple terms, this is a reduction in the loading time of frequently used website files in your users’ browser. A very important indicator for repeat visitors. The above files have a short lifespan. You need to specify a validity period for them; at least a week will be enough.

There is a solution: you need to install the following plugin - Leverage Browser Caching Ninja.

After installing and activating it, you will see its link on the blog. Click on it:

All you have to do is select the Enable checkbox and click on Update. At this step, all files should be cached and this indicator should be normal.

  1. Optimize the order of styles and scripts

Here I see a bunch of CSS files that need to be optimized and minified. The advice here is to use as few plugins as possible, since each of them comes with its own styles, and you need to use as few of them as possible, since loading each one takes time.

The solution here is the following - install and activate the GZip Ninja Speed ​​Compression plugin. With its help, you will achieve maximum compression of all your files and scripts, as a result of which the speed will become significantly higher and your performance in search rankings (Google in particular) will increase. You don't really need to deal with it. We also install and activate, then go to the admin panel of your blog and click on the section of the same name.

The interface is identical to the previous one, since the developer is the same :)

5. Minimize Redirects

I won’t touch here, even the service says that if they can be removed, then remove them. They are tied to statistics and metrics. I can’t climb into these jungles. That's why I skip it. Doesn't significantly affect speed.

Choosing the right hosting

This is the most important point, since the success or failure of our project depends on the work of the hoster. The faster the hosting server works, the less it is down (not responding), the better for us and for many indicators. If possible, use VPS (virtual) servers; they are usually expensive, but very fast. If you are not satisfied with the price, I can offer several options. I'll start with foreign ones:

  • symbolic price - $2.95 per month (a little more than 100 rubles) + special conditions for WordPress users
  • – I recommend it because I use it myself and use it on my clients’ websites

This block will be the final one, since there is already too much information. The result was not just an article, but a whole manual. In addition, I will give a number of useful recommendations that should not be neglected when increasing the productivity of a blog on WordPress:

  • Remove unused themes

If on your blog, in addition to your active theme, there are others that are not used, but are present in the list, then we get rid of them. Especially if these are standard default templates from WordPress. To do this, you need to go to the hosting panel or contact the site via FTP and enter the folder with “Themes” themes and delete those that are not needed.

  • Do not use in the footer or sidebar of the site

Speaking about this, I mean that the site footer and sidebar are end-to-end blocks and if your blog has 1000 pages, then this is the same as loading these 1000 pages at the same time separately with a script with maps, and they, as we know, are heavy and increase site loading time. Maybe it makes sense to have a separate contact page instead?

It's not difficult to do. Go to the admin panel, click on Settings – Discussion and uncheck the checkbox in the middle “Allow notifications from other blogs (notifications and trackbacks)”

  • Reduce the number of widget calls in the sidebar

Everyone on your blog accesses the database and creates a load, if you personally administer and run the blog, it might make sense to replace everything with just code or functions.

  • Keep yourself updated

Here I mean updating the version of the WordPress engine, as well as plugins. This is done in order to secure your blog, because developers are constantly monitoring and finding vulnerabilities in different parts of the code. So, don't ignore this point.

  • Use lightweight themes

You should not download and install heavy themes with a large number of scripts. Yes, they look cool and professional, but they take a long time to load. Always remember that your website is not a painting that people came to admire, but a business tool that helps you make sales and earn money and interacts with the user.

You can use I have a selection of 67 pieces. All this is free.

If you still decide to buy a theme, I recommend using templates from Studiopress or ZigzagPress, both of them use the Genesis framework. Even Googlers praise it very much, as it is very productive and does not require large server capacities. With it, everything loads quickly and both users and Google search like it.

! ^http(s)? : //(www\.)?

RewriteRule\. (jpg | jpeg | png | gif ) $ –[ NC , F , L ]

Replace with your website address and save the changes.

Now let's see how the loading speed of my blog has changed. To have something to compare with. Let's go again to our favorite GTMetrix service and click on the Re-Test link

Class! The blog now loads much faster! There is something to strive for. I will further increase this indicator when the adaptive version of Bootstrap is launched on the blog. Now I'm laying it out. By the way, I decided to compare my blog in terms of productivity with Dmitry’s blog ( His site is very popular on the Internet and he has a crazy number of visitors. Results below:

That's all, dear friends. Never before in the entire development of the site have I written such very detailed articles - 3200 words (22000 characters). I think that now your sites will load faster and you and your target audience will be satisfied. Don't forget to like and repost.. Bye!

Plugin – WP Fastest Cache is one of the best plugins for caching files on a wordpress website. The plugin is quite simple and has a minimum of settings. Features and benefits of the plugin:

Plugin settings in Russian!

Uses the fast Mod_rewrite module, used in the htaccess file.

All cache files are deleted upon publication posts or pages.

You can manually delete the entire cache.

You can manually remove optimized CSS and JS files on the Settings page.

“Block cache” function for a specific post or page. If you insert a special shortcode into a page, the page will not be cached.

Can set time period to automatically update the cache.

Enable or disable cache for mobile devices.

Enable or disable caching for registered users.

Reducing the size of the HTML page.

Reduce CSS file sizes.

GZIP compression.

Browser caching, reduce page loading time for repeat visitors.

Combining CSS files to reduce http requests.

You can install the plugin directly from the WordPress admin panel. Go to the page: Plugins – Add New, enter the name of the plugin in the search form, press Enter, install and activate the plugin.

After installing and activating the plugin, go to the page: WP Fastest Cache to configure the plugin. To enable Russian language, at the bottom of the page, in the last field, select Russian language and Save settings.


– Caching, check the box to enable caching on your site.

– Preload, you can create a cache for all pages in advance, without waiting for the visitor to visit your site. Check the box, check 4 boxes in the window that opens and click OK.

– Mobile, check the box to disable the cache on mobile devices.

– New post, check the box to clear the cache when publishing a post or page.

– HTML compression, check the box to reduce the size of the page’s HTML code.

– CSS compression, check the box to reduce the size of CSS files.

– Merge CSS, check the box to combine CSS files into one to reduce http requests.

– JS merging, check the box to merge JS files to reduce http requests.

– Gzip compression, enable GZIP file compression. Attention! before enabling this function, . If you already have GZIP compression enabled, then you DO NOT need to check this box!

– Browser cache, check the box to enable browser caching to reduce page loading time for repeat visitors.

Save settings.

Other pages

Clearing the cache, here you can - Clear all cache or Clear all cache and compressed CSS/JS files.

Cache timeout, here you can set the time period for auto-updating the cache. Click on the button – Add New Rule. In the window that opens, select the pages to cache, specify the time period and click on the button – Save.

– Exceptions, you can exclude certain pages from caching.

– CDN, you can connect the CDN function to deliver content from another server. You can transfer files to another server, thereby removing the load from your server. Payable service.

Block cache

You can set a cache block on any page to avoid caching a specific page or post. On the page for editing a post or page, in the visual editor, you will have a new button in the form of a leopard's head. By clicking on this button, a special sign will appear in your entry, which means – Block cache, but the sign is not displayed on the site itself.

Updated: April 17, 2018 by: Ilya Zhuravlev