Which app can you really use to make money? Earning money on Android - the best ways to get money from a mobile phone or tablet

But I think that among my readers there are many who have not heard anything about him. In general, if you still don’t know anything about this service, as well as how to make money from it, then let’s close the gaps in knowledge.

is a platform developed for the purpose of selling applications for the Android OS, that is, to be objective, the platform sells applications for the operating system, which is used by half of the world market of mobile phones and smartphones.

Google Android is an operating system like windows. Only here, at its core, is the Linux kernel. What happened with this operating system was roughly the same as what happened with many other Google projects. That is, originally the company Android, Inc. worked for itself, developed the technology itself, and then Google simply noticed it and bought it in 2005. I bought it in full, directly with the employees. The first release of the platform took place in 2008.

Previously, Android was a little damp, but today it is already a fairly mature operating system. Several powerful updates have already been released for it. Phones are already fully loaded with Android operating systems. Eric Schmidt, a senior Google official, says that more than 60 thousand Android devices are sold every day around the world. Isn't it true that there is a gradual monopolization? And in general, there seems to be nothing surprising, considering who is in charge of this entire project.

Earning money on Android Market

Now let's get back to where we started. Making money is as follows: you need to create your own application, upload it to the Android Market, set a price for this application, and put it up for sale. Or you can do it differently: make the application available for free download, and earn money by placing advertising in it.

I would like to clarify two points right away. The first is that the ability to sell applications is not available in every country. For example, as far as I know, this cannot be done in Ukraine and Belarus, but in Russians it is possible. That is, in theory, not just anyone can work with the platform. The second thing is that do not rush to be afraid of the words that you need to develop your own application. I understand that many of you are not programmers, and I’m not a programmer myself, but this does not at all deprive us of the opportunity to make money on the Android Market, and below I will tell you why.

Below is an example of the most popular applications with price tags

How do app creators make money on the Android Market?

In general, it is logical in itself that if applications are bought, then they can be sold. Therefore, welcome to the other side of the Android Market, to the one where application creators hang out. In general, the most important obstacle is the division into normal countries and abnormal ones. If you live in a normal country, you can sell applications. But, most likely, you live in the same place as me - in Russia, therefore, we have certain restrictions here, namely, all sellers are required to register a Google Checkout Merchant Account, and citizens living in the post-Soviet space do not have this opportunity. This kind of garbage is very reminiscent of the situation with, where it was not possible to accept payments, but it probably won’t be available for God knows how long. In general, this is such a serious bummer. But, of course, nothing is unsolvable. Here you can work either through friends abroad, or simply search through the same offices that offer intermediary services. By the way, there are plenty of them.

True, if you don’t want to work through intermediaries, then here are two more stores, there are no these delays:

There are three ways to make money on Android Market:

    Selling applications to users (the main type of income)

    Implementation of paid functions in free applications

Most likely, you will now decide that you read the article in vain, because you are not programmers at all, but don’t worry, guys, is it really difficult to get a little creative? I worked in several companies where my boss had virtually no understanding of the intricacies of our work. All these people, in essence, were simply representative persons, nothing more. But each of them had one feature that, probably, many of us did not have - the ability to find suitable personnel.

In this case, the main thing is to find those who will write this application for you. Although they say that programmers are snickering people, nevertheless, when I recently had the need to update the version, I found a programmer who did everything cheaply and cheerfully, and with high quality. The main thing here is the idea of ​​the application, the ability to find suitable personnel, and, of course, the ability to negotiate.

As for the idea of ​​the application, it will be all the easier if you decide to create something very simple, like some kind of book or reference book, because making it is the work of several hours, and they won’t charge you much.

The cost of creating applications on Android

In order to objectively assess the cost of developing an Android application, let’s go to our flagship of the domestic labor supply/demand market - http://www.free-lance.ru/ in the “Programming for Cell Phones” section. Here it is immediately worth considering that work from freelancers is charged either per hour of work or per month of work. As I said above, developing a simple application will take several hours. Based on this, we look and evaluate

I found the first profile I came across, I go in and see what the person can do. I see that among his completed projects there is this one

Just for fun, I go to Google Play, look at the characteristics of the application, including whether it is free. I see it's free

There are two conclusions from this. Firstly, if you come up with some simple application, you can order it from even the coolest proger freelance.ru and invest $100. Secondly, this application (which is in the example above) of taxi databases is free, which once again confirms the functionality of the scheme for making money on free applications. Confirms it indirectly, but still. Who the hell needs to order application development from a developer, then post it on the Android Market for free, and have nothing from it?

In addition, you can do the following: order the software shell once, and then simply change the content in the application. As a result, it will turn out that all subsequent applications will cost us much less.

And in general, for that matter. You don’t even have to come up with it yourself. It can be taken from open sources. Copy-paste, in other words. So it turns out that even a beginner who knows nothing about programming can make money on the Android Market.

Examples of successful developers and their earnings

The most problematic thing is, of course, looking into the developer’s wallet. And so one can only guess how much money they actually have. With websites, for example, it’s easier. I’ve already talked about how to spy on the income of website owners, but with applications everything is different. They don’t give exact figures, so you can only estimate earnings indirectly. But even if we estimate it indirectly, then, for example, I can estimate “by eye” the income of the developers IceWyrm and Maria Ionova. See for yourself, here are their applications

Everything here is free

Some of them are already paid.

So, I cannot estimate exactly how many applications were purchased, but there are approximate data on the number of application installations. If you go to the application description, you can see approximately the following numbers in the right sidebar:

These are statistics for the “Wise Words” application from the developer IceWyrm, the full list of which I have given in the screenshot above. As I already said, all of his applications are free. But look for yourself, what a huge potential they have.

The number of installations ranges from 0.5 to 1 million. If you believe the information that from 1 million views you get $500, then you can estimate how much you earn here. One viewing of an advertising banner is one page. What if there are 100 or even more of these pages in the application? The same jokes or popular expressions. An application can have thousands of pages. And if every user who downloaded the application logs into the application every day and browses the pages, then that amounts to thousands and thousands of dollars. And if you consider that the developer will distribute not just one application, but several, tens, hundreds, then it turns out that the potential for such earnings is simply enormous.

I didn’t really look for the very best applications here, I just, as they say, hit it “by eye”, and that’s all. If Google provided more accurate information here, it would be possible to estimate, but for now I’m focusing only on other sources: $500 for 1 million views), or on a large scale - invested $100, and ended up earning €56 million (http: //www.finansmag.ru/97050/).

How to start making money on Android Market

Nothing is impossible. There is only your reluctance. Therefore, I will talk about the prospects of the markets a little lower, and now in a few words I will tell you how to get started.

There is absolutely nothing complicated here. A simple competitor analysis, as usual:

    Let's look at who is promoting what on the Android Market today. There is download data there, so you can quickly assess what is downloaded and what is not.

    No need to copy existing applications. Just take existing popular applications as a basis and come up with something new based on them. In any case, we need to come up with something useful for people

    Go through the profiles of programmers who write applications for Android, ask them if they have any interesting idea. At the same time, see how much they charge for their work.

On the Internet you can earn money completely automatically, without your participation. All you need is to download and install special programs for earning money. After launch, the program will begin to bring you money. The essence of the work of most programs is that they automatically visit advertisers’ sites (surfing) and this helps in promoting the Internet resource. All advertiser sites are very carefully checked by moderators for malware. Therefore, you can rest assured that there will be no viruses on your computer. In addition to surfing, using programs you can earn money by completing tasks in semi-automatic mode. Programs for automatic earnings will become an indispensable source of additional income for you. To increase profits, install several programs for earning money on your computer.

This service pays in dollars and provides several ways to earn money: using a program for earning money, an auto-program and a special extension (plugin) for the browser. All these methods complement each other and can work both together and separately. By installing the program, auto-program and plugin, you can earn the maximum. On the website you will find detailed instructions for installing and operating programs. You can withdraw your earned money to wallets: Webmoney, Payeer and Yandex Money from 10 cents.

On this site you can download a surfing program that works automatically. After registration, go to the “Earnings” section and click “Download IPweb Surf”. The program is very easy to use and weighs only 3.0 MB. Payment in rubles. The minimum withdrawal amount is 3 rubles.

A program for automatic earnings that pays in dollars! In the “Software/code for surfing” section you can download the program and after installing it, start making money by watching surfing. In addition to the program, you can earn money on the site by reading letters and completing tasks. Payment systems WebMoney, QIWI and Yandex Money are available for withdrawal of funds.

A program for making money, which will be an excellent addition to your income on the Internet. With its help, you can earn money both automatically and by completing simple tasks. Within 5 minutes after installation, the program will begin to generate income. The program is provided absolutely free of charge and does not require any costs from you. Payment is made in rubles to the Webmoney payment system.

A proven site where you can download a program for making money. The program offers much more surfing than on the site itself, and it will take up 29 MB of free memory. You can also earn money on the site by reading letters and completing tasks. The site pays in rubles! The four most popular payment systems are available for withdrawing money: WebMoney, LiqPay, Payeer and Yandex Money with a minimum wage of 10 rubles.

An interesting site where you can make money by watching manual surfing and autosurfing. To view autosurfing, you can download the program, which will greatly simplify your work. In order to download the program for earning money, go to the “Earnings” section and then “Autosurfing”. It weighs a little - 16 (MB) and is easy to install. For viewing surfing, you will be credited with the internal currency of the site - Coin, which can then be converted into rubles and withdrawn to a payment system convenient for you (Webmoney, Yandex money and Payeer). To withdraw earned funds, you need to go to the “Cashier” section. Also, the Rubserf site works like a regular booking service and you can earn money from paid clicks, letters and tasks.

This site has been operating since 2008 and offers to make money by autosurfing. Autosurfing can be viewed in two ways: in your browser or using a special program for making money. The program for automatic earnings has more links to view, so I advise you to install it rather than view autosurfing through a browser. The site pays in credits, which can be exchanged for dollars. Every day the system issues a bonus of up to 50 credits. There are also paid clicks, payment for which is credited directly to your account in dollars. The money you earn can be easily withdrawn to your Webmoney wallet.

A program for making money watching surfing and paying in dollars! You can download the program in the “Surfing” section of the “SafeSurf” subsection. The program weighs only 20 (MB). In the settings you can set a very useful option: the program will launch when you turn on the computer and will immediately start earning you money, without any pop-up windows popping up and interfering with your work. In addition to the program for making money on the site, there are also various types of surfing: manual, web surfing, Pop Up surfing, and so on. For watching surfing, credits are also awarded here, which can be easily exchanged on the exchange and received dollars. To withdraw earned funds, you need to enable the option in your account settings (a confirmation code will be sent to your email) and after that you will be able to transfer money to your Webmoney wallet.

Making money on the Internet has become so popular that many users have made this process almost continuous, linking it not only to certain freelance exchanges, but also to their favorite online toys.

And since it’s convenient to play from a smartphone, you don’t have to stop the process of earning extra money. Fortunately, the “workplace” is always at hand. It’s not for nothing that there are special applications for making money on Android. - With their help, you can save some money, for example, to pay for the Internet or buy an original accessory for your phone.

You won’t earn much by testing games, downloading programs and watching ads - and lovers of easy things should accept this as a fact. And understand that work is different and payment for unskilled labor, accessible even to a first-grader, cannot be high.

#5. Free lotteries

Taking part in free lotteries from a mobile phone is no less convenient than through a PC, so I decided to add this method to the category of earning money on a mobile phone. I wrote more about free lotteries.

How much can you earn from an Android application?

Question number two, after “how to make money on a mobile phone?” It is natural that users are interested in how much they can earn from an Android application. - you need to analyze the future result in advance and decide whether it is worth spending your time on it.

On the one hand, what to think if you disappear into social media from morning to night. networks, post, like and join?

On the other hand: are imposed groups and likes worth the few pennies that will be paid for them? As they say in the ever-popular song: think for yourself, decide for yourself.

And for maximum clarity of thought, I’ll give a few real figures on earnings on Android:

  • completing a paid survey - 15 - 150 rubles.
  • earnings for downloading the game - 5−6 rubles
  • for rating a game or application - 1−2 rubles
  • writing a review - up to 3 rubles
  • visiting the site - 0.25 rubles
  • viewing an advertisement - 0.1 ruble
  • performing other tasks - from 2 rubles to very high amounts (so they say), depending on the type and complexity of the task;

As for the exorbitant earnings on Android, if they happen, then in isolated cases. At least, I have never heard of “android” millionaires, with the exception of software and toy developers.

How much can you earn per day?

Taking into account the user’s individual approach to the problem of increasing earnings using mobile devices. As you may have noticed from the previous section, earnings from Android applications are not very high. To earn, for example, one hundred rubles a day, you need to download at least a dozen games, immediately rate them and write a review for each.

  • Firstly, it's time. After all, before evaluation, it is necessary to test a new toy for at least fifteen minutes.
  • Secondly, not every customer also requires an assessment and feedback in the task. Even if you take the initiative yourself, it will not be paid.
  • Thirdly, it’s rare for anyone to receive so many tasks per day, and even of the same type. The average number of orders is 2−3. If four come, you are lucky. And usually all the tasks are varied - among them there is downloading, and cheap viewing of advertising, and the introduction of captcha.

Therefore, forgive me for diving into reality: But earnings on Android applications are 10 rubles. per day - maximum! Therefore, I still recommend taking a closer look at paid surveys.

TOP 6 applications for making money on Android

The application will allow you to earn money as a secret shopper. Your main task will be: go shopping and take photographs (names/prices) of products. Such information is extremely important for many companies.

To start working this way, you will need a more or less modern phone model (camera, Internet and GPS)

The essence of the application is to work as a secret shopper - that is, you go to different stores and photograph the names / prices of goods.

If the task is completed successfully, then you can get 160-270 rubles for it. (amounts are indicated immediately). Moreover. as a bonus, for every 6 successfully completed tasks you will receive a bonus of 200 rubles. Money can be withdrawn to WebMoney from 100 rubles.

You can register, and if you are asked for a promotional code, enter this: 46916341.

#2. Surveys for money

Earning money from mobile surveys is very convenient, so I decided to add this item to our list. And although not every survey site has its own application, each one has a site adapted for mobile devices.

The main task in this matter will be that you will take surveys, and you will be paid for the answers. You can learn more about this.

#3. EarningCash

Its essence is that you can earn money by participating in binary options trading: you need to guess in which direction the market will move, down or up.

  • You can earn up to 100% of your investment in one transaction
  • Educational materials on the company’s website will teach you how to trade profitably
  • You can try your hand without deposits on a special demo account

#6. GoAppCash

This application is very similar to AdvertApp, the principle is the same: earnings from downloading applications only tasks are a little less here, but still I think.

How to increase mobile earnings?

Participation in will help to significantly increase your earnings. If you have a certain number of friends who would also like to earn extra money, send them links.

But choose your referrals wisely, remember that some applications will be more interesting to shopaholics, some to gamers, and some to photographers. The more time the invited person devotes to the application, the higher your earnings.

And he will scroll through the application only if it seems interesting to him.


The list of top and simply good applications turned out to be impressive, although before writing the article I planned to analyze a maximum of five programs. But each of the ones described above may appeal to you or be suitable for earning money, therefore, the more of them described, the wider the choice you have, friends.

Of course, these are not all applications. I wouldn’t be surprised if, while editing the article, a dozen or two more new ones appear and they will have to be devoted to a separate article.

Well, until they appear, share what applications you have worked on, and what your impressions of the work and payment were. As always, I look forward to your feedback in the comments and hope that they will be useful for those seeking to make money on the Internet.

How often do you download various applications on your phone or tablet? Have you ever thought about earning extra money in general and using your phone in particular? We spend a lot of time on social networks, and everyone makes money from it except us.

I suggest you consider apps for making money on Android: some of them are designed for shopaholics, others for photographers, others are created for those who like to earn a few dollars in addition to their basic salary.

Related material:

IconZoomer app: The app actually pays, unlike Instagram, where we upload photos every day. By sharing your impressions, photographing your morning coffee, night snack, and then sending your photo reports, you can earn money. IconZoomer is available almost all over the world and is a good way to add a few dollars to your card.

To get started, just register from your phone and you can start working: upload photos and receive points for this, having accumulated which you can withdraw real money.

Withdrawal is possible after accumulating 10 euros, which equals approximately 40 tasks and will become possible upon reaching silver status.

You can also donate through Unicef ​​or get an Amazon gift voucher and order a free pair of jeans or a sweater.

You will see how it is possible to earn more by upgrading your account for free: bronze (5 points per task), silver (7 points) you get after 26 tasks, gold (9 points) after completing 51 tasks.

Important! The application has been running for several years and makes payments in euros.

Price: Free


AppBonus is an honest application available on Android devices and pays in the most convenient way for us.

Interesting! Automatic payments are available in the application. Withdrawals are available EVERY day.

To get started, register on the website, download and install the application on your smartphone. Compared to other applications, it pays much more money for installing special applications, the price reaches 30 rubles. There are tasks for repeated launches that replenish your account with easy income.

However, the main advantage is the withdrawal of funds to your phone account, Webmoney, Qiwi and Yandex.Money!

Enter our promo code FWMG7E and receive a nice cash bonus to your account!

Price: Free

Go App Cash

Go App Cash app – pays regularly, has the highest prices for installing various applications.

After the basic registration procedure, you need to go to your personal account on the website and download the application - this will bring you a couple of rubles to your account, which is very nice.

Working with the application is a complete positive experience. Like many other apps, you can earn money from referrals.

Despite the high cost of installing applications, there is absolutely no minimum withdrawal requirement, and the money comes after 3-16 minutes.

The only drawback of the application: you have to look at the new tasks tab several times during the day.

Price: Free

Fotolia Instant

Fotolia Instant - earn money by uploading photos!

Another paying service for photographers: beginners and amateurs. It is a mobile extension of the Fotolia photo bank and has high requirements for photos that must be met. It's not about taking a photo of your lunch or your new shoes. There should be photos taken by chance: unusual places, landscapes and landscapes, a thunderstorm or a rainbow over the city at an interesting angle - this is what you can make money on in this application.

Model Release or permission from the model, which she gives to use her images in advertising, which is extremely important, because photos from Fotolia Instant can be used in advertising. Therefore, carefully filling out the tab will allow you to rise to a higher level.

Interesting! Manual shutter speed and aperture control are the tools that set this app apart from similar social apps.

What will the user receive for the control and requirements placed on him and his photographs? Each approved photo costs approximately $3. Add to that the satisfaction you get from your work and imagine getting approved for over 100 photos on a good month!

Tips on how to get approvals more often:

  1. Avoid taking photos at night using artificial lighting. Take photos during daylight so they are clean and not grainy.
  2. Don't cut off too many pixels when removing excess from the edges of the photo.
  3. Don't take traditional photos and they will be approved more often than family photos at the family rug.

Think it through keywording– keywords, they determine how many people will see your photo. It is also possible to duplicate the last used keywords.


CashPump is a paying and universal service for earning extra money using a mobile device on Android.

As usual, to get started you need to register and download and install the application on your mobile phone. Only in this case, when registering, we use the social networks FB and VK.

Attention! A special feature of the CashPump application is registration using data from social media. networks VKontakte and Facebook.

To earn money, you will have to complete the following tasks:

  • likes, comments, reviews, subscriptions on social networks Google+, Instagram, VK, Pinterest, Ok, Twitter, FB, YouTube and LinkedIn;
  • installation of downloaded applications;
  • writing reviews for store products;
  • registration on websites and advertising of customers.

The “My Installations” tab will show the number of installed and rejected applications, and “My Actions” will tell you about all the likes/registrations in the application. There are also tabs “Referrals”, “Copybox” and “Messages”. The “Instal” tab indicates the applications that are open to you, and the “Action” tab indicates the tasks available for completion.

Note! Some installed applications, according to the conditions, cannot be deleted for several days, that is, in order to count them and receive a reward, you need to log into them every day for the specified number of days.

Available minimum withdrawal to Visa, Yandex Money, WebMoney and PayPal at your discretion from 5 dollars.

As you know, everyone wants to know the size of their salary before starting work. The application pays on average 25 cents for one task, 2-3 are available per day, which means paying for mobile and Internet.

Unfortunately, the application is not available now...

Whaff Rewards is an easy way to earn money to pay for Internet services.
The application itself does not stand out much from its many similar counterparts:

  • payment without delay, via PayPal, in dollars;
  • tasks for installation and subsequent launch of applications for a specified number of days;
  • Opportunity to earn money from referrals.

Price: Free

Earn Money

Earn Money will help you pay for mobile services for your Android device.
After installing the application, you will have access to the following tasks: surveys, visiting sites, viewing advertisements. There is always work and there is a lot of it, you just need to have time, do everything on time:

  • for each referral - $0.25;
  • downloading free and paid applications;
  • surveys;
  • registration on paid and free sites.

The conditional fee will not allow you to get confused if you compare it with dollars: $ 1 = 100 coins. Payment will be made via PayPal, in dollars, within 24 hours.

AppBonus is a regular, stable-paying application for Android devices.

Nowadays, making money using mobile devices has gained significant popularity. A fairly large number of different ways to make a profit from portable devices have already appeared, the best of which we will consider in this article.

Probably everyone knows that the two most popular operating systems for smartphones in the world are Android and IOS. We will talk more about making money on Apple's OS in the following publications, but today we will devote all our attention exclusively to Android devices.

Types of earnings on Android

In general, there are quite a lot of ways to generate income from Android devices, but the best in terms of profitability are only three:

  • Working with Google Play (installing applications, commenting, writing reviews and giving stars);
  • Earning money from photographs (selling photographs through a special add-on for a smartphone or tablet);
  • Application testing.

It seems like this moment has been sorted out. Now it’s worth talking about each type in a little more detail.

Income from Google Play

You can make a profit from selling the photographs you take using the following applications:

  • Clashot;
  • Foap;
  • snapwire;
  • Dreamstime.

All of them are working at this point in time and make real payments for the photos sold. This type of receiving monetary benefits on Android is much more profitable than the previous one, but buyers do not appear as often as we would like. And if you don’t have professional photography skills, then your photographs are unlikely to ever be acquired.

Mobile Application Tester

The most tempting type of income for many fans of games on mobile phones and tablets. I read a lot of material on the World Wide Web, in which people claimed that it was impossible to find such a slave. And they were deeply mistaken.

Here is a screenshot from the Yandex.Work service in which 8 vacancies are available only in Moscow

Although, after looking through the requirements for the future employee, we can conclude that a person who holds this position in one of the listed companies must have good programming skills, know English, have work experience and confidently use a PC.