Increasing the range of a wifi router. Finding out how to increase WiFi coverage area

Let's analyze the question, how to do it yourself boost router signal, and thereby increase radius of action networks and wifi range. Sooner or later, it begins to bother everyone who is faced with organizing a wireless connection in an apartment. The problem of expanding the Wi-Fi reception distance arises especially acutely when, even at the stage of planning to create a local network at home, you spared money on a high-quality router with a large Wi-Fi range, with a powerful transmitter and antennas. Or you haven’t thought through where to install it in your house or apartment.

Affordable ways to strengthen the signal of a wi-fi router at home

In fact, boosting the wifi signal from a router is very simple and easy. And it doesn’t matter at all which manufacturer - Zyxel Keenetic, TP-Link, Asus, D-Link and so on.

There are several most popular methods:

  • Buy a router with a more powerful built-in antenna,
  • Place it somewhere in the corridor in the center of the apartment,
  • Use one of the means of strengthening the wifi signal - a second router, an external antenna, a repeater.

Many people, when renovating an apartment, determine where to install the router somewhere in a special server room, or in a dressing room, or in an electrical panel. In a word, out of sight. But the configuration of the apartment layout is often such that the wireless signal from the router does not reach rooms remote from the installation site. Or the wifi range is not sufficient to get any acceptable speed on it.

Today we’ll talk about ways to strengthen the signal and increase the range of a wifi router at home. And also about the required technical characteristics of the main devices for organizing a wireless network - the router and receiver - which you should pay attention to first of all when purchasing them.

Increasing the range of the wifi router and adapter signal

For stable network operation in a standard city apartment, the simplest router and the adapter built into the laptop are sufficient. However, there are many side factors due to which it is necessary to amplify the signal to increase the signal radius. I talked about the main reasons that can affect speed. Let’s not repeat ourselves, but let’s imagine that we have ideal conditions in our house for the propagation of a wireless radio signal. That is, there is no interference from neighboring routers and other active frequency emitters, such as microwave ovens. Under these conditions, the main function of signal absorption is performed by distance and obstacles on the path from the source to the receiver.

This table clearly demonstrates how much signal quality will be lost depending on the types of obstacles in its path. For example, let’s take an abstract router, which, under the best conditions and without interference or obstacles, will actually distribute a signal over 100 meters. It is under such conditions that manufacturers indicate the “firing” range of their devices on beautiful boxes and in advertising brochures.

And let’s take a typical three-room apartment, where the router is installed in one room. At the same time, to the one farthest from it there is one load-bearing concrete wall and one interior wall. Accordingly, we take 10% of our 100 meters - we get 10 meters. That is, through the main wall the signal is enough for 10 meters from the router. But we also have an interior wall - so we take our 10 meters and calculate 15% of them - we get 1.5 meters. This means that even under ideal conditions, the signal from such a router is clearly not enough to cover the entire apartment. Add to this the interference from devices and other wireless networks at the same frequency, and we get a completely sad picture.

We also keep in mind that the antennas on the router are omnidirectional, that is, the signal from them goes in a circle to an equal distance.

Strengthening the wifi signal from the router using an antenna

So, we found out that for good reception, the router should be located in the center of the apartment, next to the receiving device and, if possible, away from devices that create interference. But like any electronic device, each model has its own characteristics that can affect the operation, in our case, the “firing range”. Generally, the specifications for each product will indicate what range it is designed to operate in open space under ideal conditions. But these data are just theory, but in reality they are simply unattainable.

The easiest way to determine signal quality is by the characteristics of the antenna that the devices are equipped with. One for transmitting, the other for receiving. Antennas can be either hidden, built-in, or external, screwed onto the device itself. Antenna power is measured in DBI. The higher its value, the more powerful the antenna.

Below is a sample USB adapter-receiver with an included external antenna.

If you have noticed, there are models of routers and adapters that have several antennas - two or even three. Using several pieces, you can significantly improve the quality of wifi reception with the adapter and increase the distance from the router. That is, a router equipped with one 8 dbi antenna will relay weaker than a model of a higher level and cost, equipped with 2 or 3 8 dbi antennas.

When choosing a receiver, also look at the values ​​of the “Receiving mode” parameter - the higher it is, the better the reception.

However, this will not be enough if we are talking about a decent distance of up to 100-150, or even 500 meters. In this case, we will be helped to ensure the desired radius of the wifi signal, which works directed towards a specific sector.

Increasing the radius of a wi-fi signal with a second router, repeater or access point without an antenna

  • Another proven method for improving reception quality is to use a separate special device called a repeater. This is a signal amplifier that works on the principle of a repeater, allowing you to expand your existing network. It receives the signal and transmits it further, expanding the coverage area by 15-20 meters.
  • Another option is to install a more expensive one. It can be installed outdoors or indoors and provides a wifi coverage radius of up to 100 meters. Capable of providing coverage both inside the building and a small area nearby. There are also models that work narrowly to expand the zone not inside an apartment or house, but to create a fairly large wireless bridge between different buildings.
  • As an alternative, you can use . For example, if you have an additional device lying idle, then it is advisable to use it as a repeater so as not to buy new equipment. In this case, the other router must have this repeater mode in its firmware.

Adjusting the range radius of the wifi signal in the router settings

And one more little secret. The control panel of some modifications of routers has a separate adjustment for the power of wifi signal relay. By setting it to the highest, you will get the most out of your router. The minimum value will ensure high-quality reception no further than inside one room. Read about this in detail. Now I’ll quickly show you with a few examples what it looks like for different brands.

Strengthening wifi signal on a TP-Link router

To set the signal strength on your TP-Link router, you need to go to “Advanced settings” in the section dedicated to wireless mode. There are three gradations here - low, medium and high.


On Asus routers, you can adjust the power very carefully - it is called “TX Power Control” and is set manually to a numerical value not exceeding 200.

Zyxel Keenetic

For Zyxel Keenetic routers, the transmitter power settings are divided into fixed positions, but there are more of them than for TP-Link. Indicated as a percentage of the total strength of the wifi repeater. In the old version of the admin panel it is located in the wifi network configurations.

And this is how everything looks in the new Keenetic panel - you need to go to “Home Network”


These are the main effective ways to improve the WiFi signal and, as a result, expand the wireless network reception area. Many craftsmen manage to amplify a router using an ordinary foil can that is placed on the antenna. However, I am still a supporter of more traditional methods. As practice has shown, the best results are achieved when a combination of several techniques is used. That is, the choice of devices with the best antenna characteristics plus their successful location, planned at the stage of renovation of the premises. Try, experiment, and you will succeed!

The range of a Wi-Fi router depends on the type of router or access point used. Factors that determine the range of the router (access point) are:
1. Total transmitter power;
2. Type of protocol used 802.11;
3. Length and attenuation of cables connected to the antenna;
4. Obstacles and interference in the signal path in a given room;
5. Gain of the router antennas.

The range of an 802.11g Wi-Fi router with a standard antenna (gain of about 2dBi) is approximately 150 m in open areas and 50 m indoors. But brick walls and metal structures can reduce this range by 25% or more. 802.11a uses higher frequencies than 802.11b/g standards, so it is more sensitive to various obstacles. Additionally, the range of 802.11b or 802.11g Wi-Fi networks is greatly affected by interference from microwave ovens. Tree foliage is also a strong obstacle because it contains water, which absorbs microwave radiation in the range used. For example, heavy rain weakens the signal in the 2.4GHz range to 0.05 dB/km, thick fog - 0.02 dB/km, and a forest (dense foliage, branches) - to 0.5 dB/meter.

Having chosen a Wi-Fi router, the range can be approximately calculated using a special calculator ( designed for D-Link equipment, but the formulas and methods used there are suitable for any another.
If you create a radio bridge between two networks, then you need to take into account that the space around the straight line drawn from the receiver to the transmitter must be free of absorbing and reflecting obstacles within a radius equal to 0.6 of the radius of the first Fresnel zone. The size of this zone can be calculated using the following formula:

Fresnel zone:

In real conditions, the signal level at different distances from the transmitting device can be measured with a special device (Wi-Fi detector).
If you need to increase the range, the WiFi router can be combined into a chain of several routers or wireless access points, or the standard antennas can be replaced with more powerful ones.


There are many solutions to the question of how to increase the range of a router.
If the router does not provide the required coverage area, then to increase the range, you can install a WiFi repeater that will work as an amplifier for the router. The repeater receives the signal and transmits it further. The repeater must be installed in the middle, between your computer and the router (access point).

A less expensive way is to replace the standard antenna of the router with an antenna with a higher gain or a directional one.
When installing a Wi-Fi network in a room, you need to place the router at approximately the same distance from all rooms so that the signal strength is approximately the same throughout the room.
There should be as few brick walls and iron structures as possible between the router and the computer, which can greatly weaken the signal. You also need to consider possible interference from microwave ovens.
To increase the range of the router, you can use a special signal amplifier by connecting it instead of an antenna.

To increase the signal strength of the router, you can use the signal reflection method. You can use reflective film. Ordinary foil or a mirror from a tin can is suitable as a reflective film, from which a screen is made that prevents the signal from spreading in the wrong direction.


First, you need to check the hardware version of the router by looking at the sticker on the bottom of the router.
By marking the router on the Internet, you can download a new version of the firmware for the router. The new firmware version significantly improves the performance of the device.
Network connections
On Windows Vista/Windows 7 operating system
you need to select:
“Start” → “Control Panel” → “Network and Sharing Center” → “Manage Network Connections”.

Settings network cards

If the connection protocol is DHCP or Static IP, then when you open the “Network Connections” folder you will see the following:

LAN connection

To clarify the protocol, right-click the “Local Area Connection” shortcut and select “Properties” from the menu. In the window that appears, select the TCP/IP v4 protocol and click the “Properties” button. A new window will open.
If in the window that opens there are dots opposite the inscription “Obtain an IP address automatically,” then the connection protocol is DHCP.
If “Use the following IP address” is marked with dots, and in the windows next to the inscriptions “Subnet mask”, “IP address” and “Default gateway” there are numeric values, then the connection type is Static IP.
These numbers need to be written down, and after checking “Obtain an IP address automatically”, click the “OK” button.
After specifying the protocol and type of connection to the provider, you need to connect the router correctly.
After this, you need to determine the factory IP address of the router. It can be found in the instructions for the device. This IP address is entered into the address bar of the Internet browser and the “Enter” key is pressed.
In the authorization window that opens, enter the login and password from the instructions (usually the login and password are admin).
After authorization, you can begin setting up the router. In the web interface that opens, go to the “Main” section, select the “WAN” subsection and then in the “Connection Type” menu select “DHCP Client or Fixed IP”. Click the “Clone MAC Address” button, and then the “Apply” button.

For the DHCP protocol, the steps taken are sufficient to configure access to the Internet.
For the Static IP protocol (when the provider assigned a static IP address to the computer’s network card), in the “Main” section, select the “WAN” subsection, and in the “Connection Type” menu, select “DHCP Client or Fixed IP” and click the “Clone MAC” button Address". Then put a dot next to “Specify IP” and enter in the three fields “Subnet mask”, “IP address” and “Default gateway address” that you wrote down earlier.
When the “Apply” button is pressed, the computer for which the setup was performed will have access to the Internet.

To transmit data within wireless networks, radio waves are used, which are transmitted through their source - a router (router), which transforms the signal arriving via the Internet wire into a radio wave format with a certain frequency and characteristics. Thus, the signal transmission range, as within other radio channels, is affected by all kinds of interference.

There are several standards for wireless data transmission in wifi networks, which differ in range and frequency. The most common device that can be used is 802.11g, which is supported by most network cards. A router with standard amplification (antenna with a frequency of 2 dB) allows you to broadcast a signal 50 meters indoors and 150 meters outdoors. The presence of walls in a room seriously affects the signal transmission range, significantly limiting it.

Other important signal parameters include not only the protocol type, transmitter power and antenna amplifier, but also physical obstacles and interference from other devices.

Obstacles to the signal

Metal structures and brick walls seriously reduce the transmission range of radio waves, taking away about 25% of the total signal. The amount of data lost may also be determined by the standard used. Thus, an access point operating in the 802.11a standard uses radio frequencies higher than 802.11g or b, which means it will be more sensitive to this kind of obstacles. Microwave ovens also absorb signal due to noise coming from them. The maximum range will have an access point operating in the 802.11n standard, which allows you to achieve a communication range of up to 70 m at home, and in open areas to obtain large coverage of up to 250 m under close to ideal conditions for radio signal transmission.

Another obstacle is often the foliage of trees containing water, which absorbs waves transmitted by the router at a certain frequency. The range is affected by heavy rain, which weakens the transmitted signal, or thick fog.

The signal transmission range of a router can be calculated using a special calculator, which indicates the basic parameters of the equipment used.

Increasing the range of a network limited by one of the above reasons is achieved by combining several routers into one chain. The antenna on the device can also be replaced, which can also increase the transmitted signal by several tens of meters.

Each router has its own maximum range, initially set by the manufacturer. But usually the router does not work at full capacity for some reason. Its capabilities can be increased not only by reconfiguration, but also by additional equipment.

What determines the strength and range of the signal?

All modern router models have the same operating principle. There are two main characteristics of the signal:

  • force - the maximum speed of receiving and sending bits per second;
  • range - the distance from the router at which you can catch a stable Wi-Fi signal.

For all routers, the strength and range of the signal are affected by the following factors:

  • speed of the supplied Internet connection. It affects the maximum possible speed of the Wi-Fi network. The router cannot transmit data to the Internet faster than an Internet cable or Internet modem. At the same time, the maximum Wi-Fi speed is sometimes lower than the maximum Internet connection speed;
  • maximum throughput. The router is a router, that is, it redirects incoming and outgoing data to the desired stream, but the speed of sorting information is limited. In most cases, it is higher than the maximum Internet connection speed, but in cheap or older models it may not be sufficient;
  • router settings. There are several characteristics, discussed in a separate paragraph, that affect signal quality;
  • antenna. It plays the most important role in signal propagation. It determines how far and in what direction the signal will be heard;
  • receiver. Each device has a built-in Wi-Fi receiver and a small antenna. If you don't have enough signal strength, it may be the device and not the router. It may have a receiver installed that is too weak or an antenna that is not powerful enough to receive an average Wi-Fi signal.

The speed of the connected Internet connection and the maximum throughput of the router cannot be changed in any way without replacing the equipment. But other parameters can be adjusted manually, thereby achieving maximum effect.

Video: how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal

How to improve your signal without buying equipment

There are several ways you can change signal characteristics for the better without having to buy new equipment. Let's consider them in order of increasing complexity and time-consuming implementation.

Moving the router

If you have the opportunity, move your router to the place where you spend the most time on the Internet. Since most routers have a circular antenna installed, they distribute the signal over a certain radius around themselves. And the further the distance from the center, that is, from the router, the weaker the signal. It does not stop abruptly, but decreases gradually until it becomes too weak for stable transmission of information.

The signal is heard in all directions

Changing the location of the router can also help if the Internet connection is via a modem. Perhaps in a new location the modem will catch the signal better, which means the connection speed and Wi-Fi network will increase.

Setting up the router

The network distributed by the router has two characteristics that can be changed in any router model:

  • a channel is a specific frequency at which the network operates. If you live in an apartment building or are in an office with several routers, they may coincide, several routers will work in the same channel. As a result, the signal speed will drop due to the fact that the router will have to filter signals intended for other routers;
  • frequency - modern routers can operate in two types of frequencies (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz). Most often, the first version is used by default, but some models allow you to switch to the second. Since most routers operate in the 2.4 GHz band, after switching to another mode the amount of interference will decrease. It should be taken into account that 5 GHz is suitable for distributing a signal over long distances, but in a small room, especially in the presence of obstacles, it can lose quality. Only by experience, by checking the speed and range of the signal at both frequencies, can you find out which option is better in your case.

Some models allow you to manually adjust the signal strength. Sometimes this parameter is set as a percentage, and sometimes in three values: low, medium, high.

Search for used channels

In Russia, you are allowed to use 13 channels (from 1 to 13 for 2.4 GHz), in America - 11. Therefore, the channel number available to you will be limited by your country of residence. Be sure to check this information before changing the channel. After setting a prohibited value, the device will not be able to connect to the network.

Before changing the channel, you need to understand whether it is worth doing and which channel you can switch to. To do this, follow these steps:

Change channel

Having found out which channel is least loaded, you can proceed to setting up the router. It will be carried out through the control panel, accessible from any device connected to a Wi-Fi network or via a LAN cable to the router:

Frequency change

If your router supports frequency change, then in the control panel this function can be found in the wireless network settings. To activate a 5 GHz Wi-Fi network, you need to switch to one of the following channels: 36, 40, 44, 48 (data for Russia, may differ in other countries).

Choosing what frequency the router should operate at

After switching to a new frequency, check whether the Internet has become more stable and faster, and whether the range of access to the network has increased.

Power change

Some models allow you to change the signal strength in the router control panel. If this item is in the settings of your model, then set the maximum available value.

We indicate the maximum power

After changing the settings, save the entered information and reboot the router.

Disable Power Saving

This item concerns setting up a device connected to the network. If the battery saving mode is activated on a laptop, phone or tablet, this may affect the stability of signal reception.

Since working with a Wi-Fi network requires a lot of energy, when energy saving is activated, the device tries to stop exchanging information over the network at any convenient opportunity. Because of this, Internet speed may drop.


To deactivate the power saving mode in Windows 10, click on the battery icon located in the lower right corner of the quick access panel. In the expanded block, move the slider towards maximum performance. It is not necessary to set the maximum value, the main thing is that the maximum operating mode is not activated.

Moving the slider towards performance


Swipe down from top to bottom of your device screen. Find the battery icon. If the mode is activated, the icon will turn red or turn into a battery with a plus (depending on the firmware version). Click on the icon to deactivate the mode.

Click on the battery icon to deactivate the power saving mode


To deactivate the mode on the iOS operating system, you need to perform the following steps:

How to improve your signal with new equipment

To solve the problem, you can resort to replacing some components or purchasing additional devices.

Replacing the receiving device

Study the characteristics of the device from which you connect to the Wi-Fi network. Information can be found on the developer's official website or in the documentation that comes with the device.

The manufacturer may have installed a bad Wi-Fi receiving adapter or a weak antenna. By reading reviews, you can find out if anyone has encountered a similar problem. If the model has a problem with the adapter or antenna, it will be possible to replace these components by installing higher quality components.

You can replace the device antenna

But you should only replace components if you have sufficient experience in this. Replacing the internals will void the device warranty. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact the service center.

Antenna replacement

The task of the antenna is to distribute and receive a response signal. The distribution range depends on the power of the antenna, and the sector into which the signal will be received depends on the direction. There are two types:

You can buy a more powerful circular antenna if you want the signal to be heard in all directions. This is convenient if the router, for example, is located on the second floor, but devices from the first floor, and from the third, and from rooms located on opposite sides of the router are connected to it.

If you have the opportunity to position the router so that all devices are located in one line relative to it, then you can purchase a directional antenna. This way you will achieve a high signal propagation range.

Antenna modification

If you don’t want to buy a new antenna, you can remake an existing one or make a new one yourself. There are instructions on the Internet for different models and descriptions of how to make an antenna from scratch. There is no universal method, since it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each router, the conditions in which it will be located, the tasks it faces, as well as other characteristics of the antenna: length, width, material of manufacture, shape.

For example, you can make a special nozzle from pumpan foam or a wooden plank and nails. This attachment turns a circular antenna into a directional one, so the signal in a certain direction is amplified and weakened in others (see paragraph “Replacing the antenna”).

The nozzle should be made, observing the dimensions

Buying repeaters

A repeater (or repeater, or access point) is a device that forwards a Wi-Fi signal sent by someone. The repeater catches the signal from the router and distributes it around itself with increased strength, that is, it relays it further.

It is convenient to use a repeater if the distributed network does not reach some point in your home or office. By installing a repeater at the extreme edge of the Wi-Fi signal, you will extend the range of the main Wi-Fi network. Setting it up is simple: one button is pressed simultaneously on the router and on the repeater, after which the devices are connected, and from that moment they begin to work in pairs.

Some routers have a “Boost” feature that turns the router into a repeater. If you have two routers, you can make one a Wi-Fi point, that is, leave it as a router, and turn the second into a repeater.

When buying an access point, you need to consider the compatibility of the router with this repeater model. It is recommended to purchase a repeater and router from the same manufacturer. For example, if you have a TP-Link router, then it is better to buy a TP-Link repeater.

Video: how to strengthen the signal through a repeater

There are many ways to improve your wireless network signal. If you don’t buy equipment, you can achieve results by changing the router settings, moving the device, or turning off the battery saving mode. With a small investment, you can replace the components of the receiving device, the router antenna, or purchase a repeater.