Utility for recovering USB flash drives. Program for formatting flash drives HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

This small program can not only format a flash drive, but also help in restoring it. In addition, H.P. USB Disk Format Tool can create bootable flash drives, without the need to use third-party utilities.

detailed instructions on formatting flash drives using the HP USB disk format tool:

1. Download the archive with the program.

2. Then unzip the resulting file and run the application.

3. You will see this window:

4. You haven’t inserted the flash drive yet, so the Device field is empty. It's time to connect the USB drive to your computer. After identifying the flash drive, the Device field will become active and you can select your flash drive. Just like, a popular utility for formatting flash drives.

5. Select the required flash drive(if there are several of them), leave everything else unchanged (options other than the Volume Label are needed to create bootable USB Flash drives).

6. Click Start and wait while the application formats the flash drive. After successfully completing the task, the program will display a window similar to this:

This means that the flash drive has been successfully formatted and is now ready for use. You can go to My Computer and open it, and also write down some data.

7. If HP USB Disk shows an error, for example like this...

This may mean that the controller on the flash drive or the memory chip is faulty. Then using standard methods USB recovery Storage drives are no longer enough. It will be necessary try other ways to format flash drives, . But don't despair, your flash drive can still be recovered. There are many programs and methods that will help with this.

USB Disk Storage Format Tool is a program that formats flash drives. The utility has functions that quickly clean a USB device of any size.

The program works after installation through a regular installer and in a portable version. Portable version more convenient to use - the utility can be carried on a flash drive or external hard drive.


The utility formats the data on the flash drive well, clearing its file system and deleting unnecessary data that caused the device to perform poorly. It restores empty sectors of the flash drive and increases the performance of the drive.

The utility provides the following operations:

  • ensures that data is written to a flash drive if its volume is more than 4 GB, bypassing file system protection;
  • finds virus threats on the device;
  • improves the performance of a flash drive (by formatting it), which has become slow due to junk data and cache files;
  • The utility provides the creation of bootable flash drives.


The program formats flash drives in the main file system types - FAT, FAT32 and NTFS. After launching the program in the “Device” section, select required device. When choosing a flash drive, do not confuse it, because third-party storage devices can be connected to the computer.

Before formatting the flash drive, copy important data to another location, because after formatting, all data is deleted permanently. Specify the file system format, agreeing to the terms and conditions and click on the “Start” button.

The program allows you to change the name of the flash drive before formatting it. The utility formats the flash drive in forced mode. The program skips open files and restores non-working sectors of the device. Format flash drives on OS Windows any versions without installing the program on your computer. The utility works in portable mode.

Key Features

  • Complete removal of information from storage devices and formatting of the file system of flash drives;
  • correcting errors or virus threats;
  • convenient shell with a choice of file systems: FAT, FAT32 or NTFS;
  • change the drive name in any language;
  • the program restores bad sectors flash drives;
  • converting a regular flash drive into a bootable one;
  • The utility does not support the Russian language;
  • use in portable mode, without installation on a computer;
  • a simple interface consisting of one small window.

Working with flash drives is a simple matter. Using standard Windows tools, it is possible to perform operations such as formatting, renaming and creating bootable MS-DOS media on flash drives. But sometimes the operating system is simply unable to detect (“see”) the drive due to various reasons.

In such cases it is necessary to use third party programs, For example, HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool. The utility is designed to replace standard means Windows for working with flash drives.

The program formats flash drives in file systems FAT, FAT32, exFAT and NTFS.

Renaming a drive

In field “Volume label” (“Device name”) you can give a new name to the drive,

and in the folder Computer it will be defined as, in our case, FLASH1.

Formatting options

1. Quick formatting

Selecting this item saves time. However, in this case, the data on the disk is not overwritten; only records about the location of the files are deleted. Therefore, if you need to completely clean the drive, you need to uncheck the box.

2. Multi-pass formatting

Using multi-pass formatting will ensure that all data is erased from the disk.

Scanning (checking) disks

The program scans flash drives for errors. The test results are displayed in the lower program window.

1. “Correct errors” command

In this case, the program will scan the drive and correct any detected file system errors.

2. “Scan drive” command

By selecting this command, you can scan the selected media in more depth, including free space.

3. “Check if dirty” command

If the disk is “not visible” in operating system, then you can check it for errors by checking this checkbox.


1. Works with different file systems.
2. Able to rename flash drives.
3. “See” drives that are not available in the operating system.


1. IN official version no Russian localization

This is such a small but powerful program. If you have problems with the operation of flash drives under Windows, then this utility will help solve them.