McAfee removal utility for Windows 7. Removing McAfee using a special utility

Some programs and utilities are not completely removed from your computer even after the uninstallation procedure: they leave temporary files that are stored in different directories. To delete these files and clear up disk space, you will have to resort to several methods at once. This often happens with antiviruses: they store some data with settings on your computer in case you decide to install this software again. If you decide to change McAfee antivirus to a new one or accidentally downloaded it while installing other programs, follow the instructions below and you will definitely be able to remove McAfee completely.

How to Uninstall McAfee: Erase the Main Product

You can uninstall your main product from McAfee in three ways: through special software for cleaning your computer, in the Windows uninstall menu, or through the uninstaller in the program folder. Depending on your situation and capabilities, different paths may be suitable for you.

How to remove McAfee using Windows

  • Go to the control panel through “Start” in Explorer.
  • Here you will see the “Programs” section, and under it the “Uninstall a program” subsection. Click on the subsection.

  • Find the McAfee Security product in the list and click on it. Click on the “Delete/Change” button at the top of the program.

  • The warning box is intended to remind you that removing a virus may compromise the security of your computer. If you still intend to uninstall McAfee, click “Uninstall.”

How to remove McAfee using a cleaning program

Many users have software installed on their computer that allows them to quickly uninstall programs, clear caches, and tidy up files. The example will be taken of the CCleaner program, which has all the listed properties.

  • Go to the program and find the “Tools” tab in the left menu of the program.

  • This tab contains all the programs, applications and utilities that you have installed on your computer. Find McAfee and click on the “Run Uninstaller” button at the top right of the screen.

  • Wait until the software is removed. This will take a couple of minutes, depending on the performance of your computer.

How to activate McAfee uninstaller in the root folder

By default, the program folder is located in this path:

  • Computer – Disk C – Program Files

If you did not change the path during installation, this is where the uninstaller will appear. Go to the program folder.

Double click on the “Uninstall” application.

You will see a warning window in which you need to click “Delete”.

How to remove leftover McAfee products

Any method you chose above has erased the main product on your computer. That is, now you do not have McAfee antivirus, web scanners and other programs, however, in many directories there are a lot of temporary files that clog up your registry, cache and other folders. To completely clean your computer from McAfee, try the algorithm below.

Developer McAfee offers another product called “Consumer Products Removal”. It is free and is designed to remove residue from any McAfee product. The program does not require installation, you just need to download and run it.

  • Go to the utility page and look for a link in the middle of the text to MCPR. Follow it and the download will start automatically.

  • MCPR will be in the downloaded files. To start the process, double-click on the utility.

  • Select the item “Agree” and click on the “Next” button.

  • You have to enter a simple captcha on the English keyboard. Click “Next” again.

  • Removing all related components will take about five minutes.

  • After the procedure is completed, you will see a window that reminds you that you need to restart your computer for the uninstallation to complete. Follow the advice and reboot your device.

  • Don't forget to uninstall McAfee Cleaner on your computer in your downloads folder. Since it does not require installation, you can easily erase it by simply right-clicking and selecting “Delete”.
  • Be careful when installing various programs on your computer, as sometimes developers offer related software. For example, you may have downloaded McAfee by accident while updating Adobe Reader products on your computer because you simply forgot to uncheck the box on the Adobe website. Don't forget that you must have an antivirus installed on your computer if you uninstalled the previous one.

Personal computer users are often interested in how to completely remove McAfee from Windows 10. With the advent of various applications, the concept of viruses and other malware has become a serious problem for programmers and ordinary people using digital technology. All kinds of viruses, worms and other similar programs have learned to destroy applications and interfere with various processes, disrupting the operation of the operating system. Malicious software is specifically created by attackers in order to disrupt the performance of computers, as well as to find electronic accounts and other confidential information that may be valuable to unauthorized persons.

Software developers have created a number of different highly effective antiviruses to prevent malicious cyber attacks and viruses from entering the system. McAfee is one of the pioneers of antivirus design and is considered one of the best in the world. Many modern developers use this program as a model for creating their own projects.

A serious flaw in McAfee antivirus

Unfortunately, the McAfee app has one major drawback. The fact is that the user may have serious problems if he wants to completely remove this program. Standard methods will not work in this case, because the program stubbornly refuses to be deleted.

The user will not be able to completely get rid of the application using Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel. The method of completely deleting the folder where the McAfee program was installed will not work either. Because of this, the user will not be able to install any other antivirus, since the operating system is not designed for the simultaneous use of several security programs. In this case, you can reinstall Windows, but this is a very complicated procedure that takes a lot of time.

Many users who are interested in how to disable McAfee antivirus do not know that the program developers have provided for its disabling if the need arises.

The McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool (MCPR) application completely removes any McAfee product installed on the system.

This tool is a simple EXE file that, once installed, will find any McAfee programs. Then he will be able to completely remove them, without leaving any extra files or other traces. The main advantage of using this official tool is that it itself can be completely uninstalled, just like any other program.

How to remove this antivirus?

If you are interested in how to remove McAfee antivirus, then you should pay attention to the MCPR application. It is a free downloadable software that is easy to use. To completely turn off McAfee products, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the McCaffee Consumer Product Removal (MCPR) tool.
  2. Double left-click on the downloaded file to install it on your system. If for some reason this fails, then you need to right-click on it, and then select “Run as administrator”. Next, you must follow the installer's instructions. It is recommended that you close any McAfee programs running in the background before installing the MCPR tool.
  3. Once installed, MCPR removes all McAfee applications installed on your system.
  4. When all programs have been removed, a “Cleanup Complete” message will appear. You must reboot your system to completely stop using McAfee products.

The McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool program will tell the user how to completely remove the products of this company from their system in order to install any other antivirus in the future without any interference.

The MCPR application itself can also be removed without problems after it has completed its tasks.

Each company distributes its software differently. So the McAfee company is trying in every way to load its antivirus onto users’ computers. This utility is not useful for everyone, so the question of how to completely remove McAfee from your computer is relevant for them. This is easy to do if you know a few simple techniques.

McAfee what is it?

McAfee is a company that produces antiviruses and similar utilities for Windows. An application from this company can be discovered after purchasing a device or installing another program if you forget to uncheck the boxes during installation. You can also buy it yourself on the official website. McAfee is a paid program, and what is installed on the user’s computer without his knowledge is a demo version that cannot protect against serious viruses. Therefore, most users want to remove it from their computer.

McAfee how to disable

In addition to the fact that the free version of this antivirus cannot adequately protect your computer from viruses, it also prevents you from installing another antivirus or using the device to its full potential.

Uninstall McAfee manually

To completely remove McAfi antivirus you need to go through several steps:

1. Uninstall via control panel.

In order to remove an unnecessary application manually, you do not need to have any special skills or abilities. You just need to follow the following algorithm:

2. Cleaning folders manually.

After completing these steps, the application should disappear from the control panel. However, McAfee will not be completely removed after this. After uninstalling and restarting the computer, you should check the Programm files folder for any remnants of this application. If a folder with this name is found, it must be deleted immediately. After this, you can visit the folder: (C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Local\Temp) and find the files associated with the application and delete them.

If you find a file from this list, you can immediately delete it. If you are not sure that the file was left by the program we need, you can check it as follows: go to the “Properties” of the file and in the “Digital Signatures” tab check the name of the signer.

3. Cleaning the registry.

Algorithm of actions when cleaning the Windows registry:

  1. Go to Start and type regedit in the search.
  2. The Registry Editor will open, in the search for which you need to enter “McAfee” and click “Find Next”. To open the search, you can use the hotkey: “Ctrl+F”.
  3. On the left side of the menu you will see the “McAfee Trust” folder, which must be deleted with all its contents.
  4. Next, you need to press F3 and delete all McAfee-related files.

You can also clean the registry using free programs such as CCleaner and the like. It is advisable to download them from the official websites and uncheck all the boxes so as not to install another version of this program.

Removal using special programs

Manual removal of McAfee is a very long and painstaking process. It is much easier to deal with this using special programs. An interesting fact is that McAfee developers have created a special MCPR application(McAfee Consumer Product Removal tool), which helps to completely remove this antivirus from your computer.

To use this program, first of all, you should make sure that the standard removal method did not cope with the task. After this, you need to go to the official McAfee website and download the MCPR program from there. After launching, you will need to enter the captcha and you can begin deleting. Once the removal is complete, you must restart your computer.

In addition to MCPR, there are several programs that can completely remove this annoying antivirus:

  1. Uninstall tool.
  2. Soft Organizer.
  3. Revo Uninstaller.

All of the above programs operate in two stages: First, they uninstall the program using the built-in uninstaller, and then begin a forced search for the file name in the file system and registry. At the end of the search, the user himself decides to delete or leave the files. You can download them from official websites for free.

Problems with starting the program happen quite often. There can be many reasons, as well as solutions. In the case of McAfee It's best to reinstall or remove it. If deleted, you should check your account and if it has a paid license, it would be better to remember the data from it. Considering that this is an antivirus, you need to understand the defenselessness of the computer during its deletion or inoperability and promptly install other protection, for example, enable the firewall built into Windows if it was previously disabled.

It is not known whether the trial version of McAfee antivirus will provide reliable protection for your computer, so there is little point in keeping it on your computer when there are a huge number of free and powerful antiviruses.

Detailed instructions for disabling and removing McAfee antivirus using standard Windows tools and using a third-party application.


Very often, when installing some software downloaded from an unverified source, additional intrusive and malicious programs are installed on the user’s computer. One such program is antivirus McAfee. This program does not harm the computer, but is very intrusive and difficult to remove.

From our article you will learn how to temporarily disable and completely remove your antivirus McAfee using standard operating system tools Windows and using third-party utilities.

What is McAfee antivirus and is it useful?

  • Antivirus program McAfee is designed to protect your computer in real time from viruses and is installed, as a rule, when installing applications and drivers from the Adobe developer.
  • The program itself is not malicious, but its “scrupulousness” in relation to finding and removing viruses can cause a lot of problems for the user by blocking applications it does not like. In addition, the program has a very weak anti-virus base and limited capabilities.
  • Typically, the above-listed antivirus disadvantages McAfee enough for the user to permanently remove the program from his device and install a normal antivirus. But, since the program constantly runs in the background, inexperienced users often have problems disabling and uninstalling it.

How to temporarily disable McAfee antivirus on a computer and laptop Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10?

Many antivirus programs do not have a special button that you can click to completely pause their operation. Antivirus McAfee is no exception. In order to pause the program, you must do the following:

Step 1.

  • Click on the antivirus icon McAfee on the taskbar to open a window with program settings.

Step 2.

  • On the program home page, switch to the “” tab, then go to the “ Real-time check» and in the window that appears, select the time period for which the protection system will be disabled.
  • Confirm the action with the " Switch off».

Image 3. Disabling the Real-time Scan feature of McAfee antivirus.

Step 3.

  • Next you need to go to the section “ Scheduled check" and disable this function with the button " Switch off».
  • To apply the changes, click the " Ready».

Image 4. Disabling the Scheduled Scan feature of McAfee antivirus.

Step 4.

  • Return to the program's home page and make sure the " Protection against viruses and spyware» is surrounded by a red frame.
  • Next, go to the “ Web and email security».

Step 5.

  • At the final stage, go to the sections “ Firewall" And " Anti-Spam» and disable these functions by pressing the corresponding buttons.

Thus, the program will temporarily suspend its operation and you will be able to launch those applications that it blocked. However, remember that some malware may intentionally ask you to disable your protection system.

Disabling antivirus McAfee happens the same way 7 ,8 , 8.1 And 10 versions Windows.

Why is McAfee not removed from my computer/laptop? How to completely remove McAfee antivirus on a computer and laptop Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 using standard operating system tools?

Unfortunately, even if you disable the program McAfee using the method described above, it will not be possible to remove it through the control panel, since its processes will still run in the background.

In order not to have to worry about disabling processes, the easiest way to remove a program is to use the safe mode of the operating system. To do this you need to do the following:

Step 1.

  • Restart your computer and before the operating system starts loading, press the "" key on your keyboard several times. F8" or " Del", depending on the device model.
  • A list of operating system modes will appear on the screen. Use the keyboard arrows to select " Safe mode" and press " Enter» to login.

Step 2.

  • After loading the operating system, in the dialog box that appears, click the " Yes» to continue operating the computer in safe mode.
  • Through the menu " Start"go to the control panel and go to the section " Programs».
  • From the list of installed programs, find the antivirus McAfee and delete it.

Step 3.

  • Next, go to the root directory of the disk on which the antivirus was installed and enter its name “ mcafee».
  • After the results are displayed, delete all files and folders found. Empty the Trash.

Step 4.

  • At the final stage, open the folder " My computer", right-click on the disk with the operating system and in the list that appears, select the line " Properties».
  • In the window that opens, click on the button “ Disk Cleanup" and after the system checks the disk in the list that appears, mark the line " Temporary files».
  • Click the button OK", wait for the cleaning process to complete, restart your computer in normal mode and enjoy the disappearance of the annoying program McAfee.

IMPORTANT: When cleaning the disk, be sure to uncheck all other lines. Otherwise, you may destroy important system files and thereby disrupt the operation of the operating system.

How to completely remove McAfee antivirus on a computer and laptop Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 using third-party programs?

After removing the antivirus McAfee Through safe mode, the program will disappear from the computer, but will leave behind a lot of various garbage that may interfere with the installation of a new antivirus. In order to get rid of residual program files, it is recommended to use a special cleaning utility Perfect Uninstaller, which can be downloaded from this link.

To remove residual files using this utility, follow these steps:

Step 1.

  • Download Perfect Uninstaller With official website developer, install and run it.
  • On the main page of the program window, click on the button “ Force uninstall"and select our antivirus from the list McAfee.

Step 2.

  • In the window that opens, click the “ Next» to start the program scanning the disk for residual files. All data found by the program will be deleted automatically.

VIDEO: How to completely remove McAfee antivirus?

Good day, dear readers. Today we will look at a very interesting topic, or rather, we will solve a problem that computer users very often encounter. How to completely remove McAfee antivirus from a computer or laptop?

Typically, this antivirus is installed simultaneously with some software that you download from the Internet. Why uninstall McAfee? This is necessary in order to install another antivirus in its place. If you do not remove McAfee, then when installing, for example, Kaspersky, problems may arise due to incompatibility.

Now let's look at the two easiest ways to completely remove McAfee antivirus from your computer. By the way, both of these methods work perfectly in both Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Method one

First, let's go to " Control Panel", through the "Start" or "My Computer" menu.

Then set the view to “Categories” and in the “Programs” section click on “ Uninstalling a program».

Now from the list of installed programs we find our free McAfee antivirus utility. Next, right-click on it and select “ Delete».

Next, a new dialog box will appear, in which we also click the “ Delete».

The process of removing the antivirus from your computer will begin. When it's finished, restart your computer and try installing another antivirus program.

In addition to using the Control Panel, you can also get rid of McAfee using programs or utilities, such as:
  • Revo Uninstaller
  • MyUninstaller
  • ZSoft Uninstaller
  • Total Uninstall
Second way

The developers of Intel Security have done a great job. To popularize their brainchild, they managed to make their antivirus so easy to remove from a computer. That’s why we need a second method that will help you completely get rid of this annoying and useless antivirus utility.

You probably know that when installing any program, some adjustments and changes are made. The same thing happens when installing McAfee antivirus. When you remove any program from your computer, the previously mentioned changes in the registry are cleared and everything returns to normal (maybe not always completely, but in 95% of cases this is the case). With McAfee the situation is a little more complicated and when you get rid of it, data about it may remain in the registry. This is why problems arise when installing other antivirus programs.

Okay, let's go back to the second method. To implement it, we will need a special utility, which you can download below:

Have you downloaded it? Then let's launch it. A dialog box will appear on your screen, in which first click the “ Next».

Then we agree to the license without reading it. Check the box next to “ Agree" Then press " Next».

The removal process itself will begin. It will take no more than two minutes, or five at most. After which the utility will inform you that McAfee antivirus has been successfully and completely removed from your computer. You can either close this window and restart your computer a little later, or immediately click the " Restart».

That's all, thank you all for your attention. Don't forget to share this article with your friends if you found it useful.