Setting and canceling reminders. Convenient desktop reminder program

To begin, press the key combination Win+R (Win is the shortcut key in Windows) and enter the notepad command in the window that appears. After that, press Enter to launch Notepad and in the window that appears, enter the text: Msgbox “take your medicine,” and then press the key combination Ctrl+S to save the changes. Give the file the following name reminder.vbs and then select “Text documents” from the drop-down list. Finally, click on the “Save” and “Close” buttons.

Step 2

In the standard task scheduler, you need to create a schedule according to which the “reminder” will be launched. To do this, in the “Start” menu, select “All Programs” and then select “Accessories” and “Utilities”.

Step 3

Further steps are different for Windows XP and Windows Vista, Windows 7. This step is for Windows XP, and the next for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
Windows XP: Click on “Scheduled Tasks” and then in the window that appears on the “Add Task” icon. In the “Task Schedule Wizard” window, click on “Next” and then “Browse...”, selecting the location of the file created in step 1: reminder.vbs.Next, specify how often you want to run the “reminder”: daily, weekly or monthly. To confirm the completed actions, click “Next”. And then select the parameters for launching the “reminder”: time, days of the week and start date. Then click “Next”, specifying the password of the account you are using and click “Next” and “Finish” in turn.

Step 4

Windows Vista and Windows 7: click on “Task Scheduler” and in the next window on “Create a simple task...”, and then give the task a name, for example Name: Reminder, and then click “Next”. And after that, specify the frequency of execution tasks: daily, weekly or monthly and click “Next” again. Set the start time for the “reminder” and click “Next” twice. After that, click the “Browse...” button, select the file created in step 1: reminder.vbs. Finally Click “Next” and “Finish”.

Step 5

If you want to run a “reminder” every hour or for a certain period of time, then right-click on the created reminder task, and then select “Properties” in the context menu. In the window that appears, go to the “Schedule” tab and click “Advanced” “Configure the launch parameters as you wish and click “Ok”. You can create multiple schedules by checking the “Show multiple schedules” checkbox. Finally, click “Ok”.

Step 6

At the appointed time, a window with a reminder “Take your medicine” (or whatever you have planned) will appear on the PC screen. When the need for reminders is no longer necessary, open the “Task Scheduler”, select the appropriate task and click “Delete”, in the window that appears, confirm the actions by clicking "Yes".

Reminder stickers on your desktop

Well, I don’t know about you, but the computer at my workplace looked very similar, covered in stickers, these little pieces of paper, stickers, because, yes, there is a lot of information and it is constantly changing - updated, who to call, who to ask for what, what urgently or exactly in 3 hours 46 minutes to do other similar absolutely important work matters.

Oh, well, that is, it was like that for me, but now it’s not like that! Because I saw a lesson from a kind person and now I’m using it! And you can, but only if you have Windows 7 installed on your computer. I can’t say anything about other operating systems, I just don’t know.

Everyone knows paper stickers that are stuck on the monitor so as not to forget important information.

By analogy with this, many users have the thought: “Is it possible to make the same virtual stickers to place them directly on the computer desktop?”

Of course, this idea has long visited the heads of developers of various programs. Therefore, you can find many organizers that allow you to “slap” colorful reminders on the screen.

Meanwhile, this feature is already built into the Windows 7 system itself, without installing third-party programs.

1. Go to the "Start - All Programs - Accessories" menu and click on the "Sticky Notes" item:

After this, an empty sticky note will appear on your desktop:

Moreover, there is such a feature that if you open any other window and then minimize it, the sticker will not be visible on the desktop. But it didn’t disappear completely; to get it back, you just need to open the program again by clicking on its icon in the taskbar:

2. After creating a sticker, enter the desired reminder text in it and simply click outside the sticker itself (anywhere on the desktop) so that this text is fixed:

3. The sticker has several simple functions.

It can be moved by left-clicking on the title bar; resize it by grabbing the lower right corner:

You can change the color of the sticker by right-clicking on the text input area and selecting the desired color from the menu that opens:

You can decrease or increase the font size of the reminder. To do this, you first need to click on the text field, and then, while holding the Ctrl key, roll the mouse wheel up or down:

To add a new sticker to your desktop, click on the plus sign in an existing sticker. And to remove a sticker, click on the cross in it:

4. By the way, in order not to enter “Start - All Programs - Accessories” every time, you can place a program shortcut on the desktop (right-click on the “Notes” line and select “Copy”. Then right-click on an empty space desktop and select "Insert shortcut").

That's all. This is a very basic program that even a snail can understand. It’s just that many users are not aware of it, so I told you about it.

Yes, there are specialized programs in which the stickers are more beautiful and have more functions. But this one is always at hand on any computer, and there is no need to install anything additional.

Sometimes it’s very convenient to have some kind of automated tool at hand that reminds you of upcoming events, holidays and important dates. You can always look into it and plan your actions, setting priorities. This article will offer a short overview of computer reminder programs.

How did such applications appear?

Probably, the “ancestors” of computer reminders were calendars with a specially marked area for writing down notes and plans. Then they were replaced by diaries - notebooks, lined and dated for a year or another specific period. In them, on each page it was possible to mark a certain future event, so as not to forget about it later.

Computer reminders work on the same principle. The user can enter his data into the program, and upon reaching a certain date, it will notify that the planned event will occur soon. Sometimes the application contains its own list of major public holidays and events.

Classification of reminders

Programs for reminding about events can be implemented in various forms:

  • a separate application installed on a computer;
  • widget or gadget on your desktop;
  • online services.

Applications to install on your computer

This type in most cases requires direct installation of the necessary components into the operating system. They are light in weight and easy to install. A large assortment allows you to choose the design and functionality you like.

Windows Logon Notifier

Quite an interesting reminder for your computer. It shows future events not just in a separate window, but at the moment the system boots. To work, you will need the NET Framework package installed. Although the program itself will notify you of its absence.

To add a new event, just enter its title and the reminder text itself. Then click the Add button. After the system restarts, the Windows boot window will contain the reminder you created.


The name itself speaks volumes about what the program is intended for. It is simple and does not require installation. It has a fairly simple functionality - notify the user about scheduled events.

The message will be shown in such a way that the user cannot miss it.


A large harvester with many built-in functions and capabilities. This computer reminder program is also available in mobile versions.

The functionality of the application includes drawing up projects, plans, tasks and events. Each of them can be configured individually, attach a file, create a subtask, assign a priority, etc.

Also, the computer reminder program LeaderTask is capable of importing contacts from a smartphone and linking them to specific tasks and events. Quite a convenient solution.

The price to pay for all the fun is the price of the program, which is quite high.

Notes portable

The portable prefix means that the program does not need to be installed, and can even be launched directly from removable media.

It is a kind of paper stickers with reminders that are used for gluing to various boards, refrigerators or monitors. In this program, the operating system displays special blocks with events included in them. Outwardly, they even look like paper analogues of stickers.

Widgets and Gadgets

Such software is interactive elements on the Windows operating system. You can interact with them and use them as full-fledged programs.

RainLendar2 lite

Essentially, such a gadget is a calendar with built-in functions for events and tasks. There is such a reminder on the computer and in Russian. Quite simple to install and configure. At the same time, it is quite informative.

To Do Notes

This reminder consists of multi-colored stickers with notes that can be conveniently “scattered” across the screen. For comfortable perception or depending on the category of the task, you can give a special color to the recording.

The gadget weighs just under 20 KB and is easy to learn.

Online services

Reminder programs also include services that operate directly on the Internet. Their advantage is that you can always access your notes from anywhere in the world.

An online service aimed at a wide range of tasks. You can create cases, include events in them, and create subcategories. It is possible to connect contacts and hold meetings via internal chat. In general, plan your activities.

To start using it, just go through a simple registration.

Google Calendar

Diary from the IT giant. If you have a profile on Google, then it’s quite easy to start using it - just log in to Google Calendar.

Among the interesting features is the ability to connect third-party applications to this calendar and view notes from them. Very convenient to use as a simple birthday reminder on your computer.


It is up to the user to decide which type of reminder to use. Each of them has its pros and cons. Some are supplied free of charge, while others are supplied on a commercial basis. In any case, sometimes the investment can be worth the result in truly worthwhile products.

Hello everyone friends. Today, in my review, there is a special desktop reminder program, with the help of which you can always solve your affairs on time and be notified about important events in your life. Just a week ago, a not entirely pleasant story happened to me: I forgot to renew one of my domains, and thus it was removed from delegation. Yes, I received notifications by e-mail with warning letters, but since this one was one of the first, and was registered with the old mail, I looked there accordingly, once every 2-3 months. Usually, after a certain period of time, I simply went into various panels of domain registrars and looked to see if it was time for me to renew my domain names. This time, this option did not work, and as a result I was left without a domain. Fortunately, it had no value for me (, 0-bellies), but the very fact of the loss alarmed me.

After all, I have more than 30 domains, among which there are really important resources. Therefore, I started looking for a program that would monitor certain events and notify me if they occur. Agree, this is very convenient. Fill out the necessary parameters once and you can rest assured that at the right time, you will receive a signal informing you that you need to complete the task.

After downloading and testing about 10 different programs, I chose one, in my opinion, the most convenient and easy to use. And right now I will tell you about it.

Machy - a convenient reminder program

I use the program that we will consider on my home PC and have already enjoyed all its delights. To start downloading, go to and download the archive. In the archive you will have a folder called Machy which needs to be extracted from the archive and moved to a place convenient for you (for me, this is the Soft folder).

After that, in the Macy folder, run the file Machy.exe, and the program will thank you for the first launch. Let's look at the program settings and its capabilities. To do this, right-click on the blue icon in the system tray and select Settings.

In this window, on the General tab, you can configure the basic tasks that this program will perform. I recommend leaving the values ​​indicated on .

In the Files tab, you can specify your own melody that will be played when a certain event occurs.

Note! You can only specify a music file with the .wav extension, so download the melody in advance in this format.

Also in this settings window, you can specify a program that will launch automatically at the time you specify.

Well, the last tab is Miscellaneous in the settings window.

Here we indicate the value of the added time (I set 0 everywhere, since I will indicate the exact time myself) and be sure to set the checker to show its message to display a message when the event deadline is reached. Set the number of characters displayed from the message to 150. Click OK to save the changes.

We've figured out the program settings, now let's add a test task to check the program's operation.

To do this, click the Add button in the main program window.

You will see the Add/Edit task window with a list of settings.

In the first window you need to select the action that will be performed depending on your choice. For our purposes, in most cases it will be suitable – Remind something.

After this settings window, below we set the exact time when you want the notification about this event to work.

On the right side of the task window, indicate the path to the music file (if you do not want sound, then simply remove the checker in the corresponding field) and set the checker to display a reminder message.

Even lower, set the due date for your task and click OK. That's it, in the main program window, on the right you will see a list of tasks with added events. Here's my window for example:

Now I don’t need to remember various dates, think that I will forget and won’t do my important things, won’t congratulate people close to me on their birthday, etc. All functions for reminding these events are taken over by the reminder program, and at the time you set, it simply reports it.

Windows Sticky Notes - Desktop Reminder

Starting with Windows 7, the system provides the ability to display special forms on the desktop that you can fill out at your own discretion. Let's look at this process in more detail. Click Start - All Programs - Accessories and select Sticky Notes from the list.

A form with a blinking cursor will appear in front of you, which you need to fill out according to your task.

The form itself can be changed in size (to do this, just pull the lower right corner), add several more forms (the + button at the top left of the form), move it around the screen and change the fill color of the form (RMB on the form).

By the way, it’s a very convenient addition that I constantly use in my work. Here is a sample of my notes for today:

Thus, the most important things planned for the day do not allow you to forget about them; for longer planning, use the Machy reminder program.

I have prepared such a useful article for you today, I hope my advice will be useful to you. And the desktop reminder program will help you in planning tasks and executing them.

Another month of September has ended and I am announcing the winners:

Keep it up friends, I'm waiting for you to send me your e-mail, R-wallets and logins from hosting AdminVPS(those who have already received hosting bonuses from me send only the wallet number).

To receive bonuses, do not forget to register with the hosting using the link given above.

That's all for me, see you next time! Bye.

To maintain a to-do list on iPhone and iPad, you don’t need to install any additional applications - the standard iOS functions are quite sufficient. The standard Reminders application, although it cannot be called the most powerful tool for creating to-do lists, but it copes with its task, recording and notifications about tasks and events. In this short instruction we will tell you how to properly use Reminders on iPhone and iPad.

The best thing about the standard Reminders app is its simplicity. The user is not distracted by any additional functions and all his attention is focused on recording the tasks that need to be completed. Another notable feature is the widget for the Control Center, which allows you to always remember what tasks remain to be completed.

How to Create a Reminder on iPhone and iPad

Step 1: Launch the application Reminders

Step 2: Go to the scheduled reminders tab
Step 3. Tap an empty line on the screen to create a reminder
Step 4. Enter your reminder text and click on the icon located to the right of the text
Step 5. Specify your reminder settings and click Ready
In standard Reminders, tasks can be combined into lists, which is very convenient if, for example, you are working on a specific project that requires a large number of tasks. Creating such lists is very simple.

How to Create a Reminder List on iPhone and iPad

Step 1: Launch the application Reminders

Step 2: Click " Add list»

Step 3. Specify the list name and label color

The best thing about Apple's standard to-do list tool is the ability to access tasks scheduled for the near future using a special widget in the Control Center. First, however, this widget must be enabled.

How to enable the Reminders app widget on iPhone and iPad

Step 1: Open Control center by pulling down from the very top of your iPhone and iPad screen

Step 2: Click " Change»
Step 3: Find " Reminders" and click on the plus icon located to the left of the inscription and click " Ready"
Now, all your tasks will always be visible, and to gain access to the task list you won’t even need to unlock the device - Control Center can be launched without this.