Speed ​​up wifi on a laptop. Low Internet speed via WiFi: what to do? How to increase internet speed

Poor Internet speed through a router is one of the most “popular” problems of all wireless connection lovers. We talked about it in previous articles, and we also recommend that you read this material.

Here we will tell you a few more “pro secrets” on how to increase the Internet speed through a router, and why the router does not provide full speed even with the optimal location of the router.

Does Internet speed depend on the router?

The data transfer speed in a wireless wi-fi network (Wireless Fidelity [Wi-Fi]) depends on the selected standard. Also, this indicator should take into account the presence of interference appearing in the same range and the conditions for placing the access point.

N speed

To achieve maximum speed parameters, you need to use the N standard developed by the IEEE 802.11 group. This group created several standards.

  • - 802.11A
  • - 802.11B
  • - 802.11G
  • - 802.11N
  • - 802.11R

The b-standard has the lowest speed, so to increase it you should switch to the g-standard. However, the maximum speed of the g-standard is significantly lower than that of the n-standard. Therefore, in order to achieve maximum speed of Internet distribution over a wireless network, you will need to install the n-standard in the router. This figure here is within 150 Mb/s if the transmission is carried out on one antenna. Theoretically, the speed of a Wi-Fi router can be increased to 600 Mb/s from four antennas.

Closer to reality

But it's not that simple. The actual Internet speed through a wifi router differs from that declared by the developers by two times - downwards. Moreover, transmission is influenced by various other factors.

  • Interference factor. Very few clients know how to support the 5 GHz band. Most operate in the congested 2.4 GHz band, whose channels are also used by microwaves, cordless phones and nearby access points.
  • usually divided between clients, which also greatly affects its throughput (accordingly, the Internet speed through the router drops).

Thus, it is quite difficult to do it essentially through a wifi router. Moreover, if the router does not operate in pure N-mode, but in compatibility mode with previous standards, then you need to understand that a device that supports the previous generation standard will not be able to operate at IEEE 802.11n speeds. In this case, the data transfer speed through the Wi-Fi router will correspond to the supported standard.

Maximum results can only be achieved using a “pure” n-standard with a configuration of several transmit-receive antennas - 4x4, for example.

The router slows down the Internet speed: how to fix it

Setting the bandwidth according to the n-standard

Wireless routers usually support various data transfer standards, including N and mixed modes based on this standard. Let's take a Netis or TP-Link Wi-Fi router as an example. In the special utility (settings) of these routers you can find the “Wireless Mode” section. This tab contains the basic settings of the wireless network created by the access point.

Provides the Radio Frequency Range option. It is in this drop-down list that you can find the desired 802.11n setting.

The same setting is available for the TP-LInk router.

As you can see, it is common to many routing devices.

Selecting this option will allow you to transfer the device to a higher level of data transfer speed and significantly increase the speed of the Internet via wifi. However, you will also have to connect gadgets that work with the N-standard to it.

How to increase Internet speed via a wifi router: selecting a channel

Your neighbor also uses a wireless router, but he uses n-standard compatible b-mode. The channel of operation of the neighbor’s router is the 1st, and yours is the 3rd - then the throughput channel of your router will experience interference from the neighbor’s, since their channels will intersect. Accordingly, you will get weaker Internet speed through the router. To solve this problem, you will have to choose a different data transmission channel.

The channel is configured in the Wi-Fi wireless mode settings tab of the Netis router.

There is a drop-down list of channels here. It is better, of course, to leave the choice of channel up to the device itself by setting the Auto option. If necessary, you can select the desired channel.

Why is the speed through the router lower than through the cable?

Wi-fi Multimedia

The WMM parameter is closely related to the QoS (quality of service) parameter, which is used to ensure better data transmission quality when working with VoIP applications and video streaming. Network packets of such applications are prioritized for processing due to the need to ensure more stable operation of multimedia applications - they should work with fewer errors.

Netis or TP-Link routers also have this function. It must be enabled and located in the Wi-fi settings.

In these routers it is displayed as a separate radio button. Checking its checkbox enables the WMM option. Also, it must be supported by the computer's wireless adapter.

Reducing channel width

In some cases, the speed of packet transmission over a network can be increased by reducing the channel width. To increase network throughput, the developers of the IEEE 802.11n standard decided to expand the channel from 20 MHz to 40 MHz. However, the use of broadband channels is not always justified in the living environment of city residents. An extended range often leads to the opposite - the speed of the Internet via wifi is reduced.

And routers with wireless mode are configured by default to use broadband channels.

Internet speed via wifi is another question that you will probably have if you have carefully read previous articles on my blog and have already installed wireless Internet at home. Surely many have already noticed that you have low wifi speed connection - often much lower than it was when connecting via cable and than indicated in the tariff plan. Also, probably at least half of those reading this article have encountered the riddle that the box of the router, access point or adapter indicates support for 100 or even 300 Megabits per second, but the actual Internet speed over WiFi and local network is much lower. Let's find out why router slows down internet speed and how to increase it!

The speed of a wifi connection, like the Internet in general, is measured in kilobits or megabits per second. They are designated by the following abbreviations: Kbit/s, Kb/s, Kb/s, Kbps, Mbit/s, Mb/s, Mb/s, Mbps. Do not confuse them with another speed measurement - kiloBYTES and megaBYTES per second - this is not the speed of the Internet, but the speed of data transfer by the program. Most often it is displayed in utilities such as ftp or torrent clients. They are designated very similarly, but the letter “B” (“B”) is large here: KB/s, KB/s, KB/s, KBp, MB/s, MB/s, MB/s or MBps. Their ratio is as follows:

1 byte = 8 bits

Accordingly, if the ftp client displays a data transfer speed of 5 megabytes per second, then multiply this number by 8 and get an Internet speed of 40 megabits per second.

Now let's define what we mean by the concept of “router speed”. There are actually two characteristics:

  1. Speed ​​of working with the Internet, that is, from WAN port to LAN port.
  2. Speed ​​of operation between two devices within the same local network, that is, WLAN-WLAN

How to measure the speed of a wifi router when using the Internet?

To measure Internet speed via wifi, it is not necessary to launch programs and perform mathematical operations. There are online services that will help you do this automatically. We will use the most popular site SpeedTest.net.

Click on the “Begin Test” button and wait for the system to test. Here's the result:

It turns out that my downstream speed is 33.56 Mbit/s, and my downstream speed is 49.49 Mbit/s. This measured the speed of the wifi connection to the Internet, and not the speed of the wifi router connection via cable. Now we disconnect from wifi, connect the PC to the router via cable and take the same measurements. If it turns out that the cable speed is higher than the speed of the wifi connection, then read the article further.

Scientific experiment - measuring the speed of a wifi connection

Theory is theory, but let's evaluate in practice how different the speed readings for receiving and sending data are for different types of connection.

As we can see, the highest speed is obtained when the cable is connected directly to the computer - 41 Mbit/s for reception.
A little less - when the Internet is via cable, but through a router - 33 Mbit/s for reception
And even less - via wifi: 26 Mbit/s

From this we can conclude that the router reduces the speed for objective reasons, which we will now look into.

Router slows down wifi speed

So, if your wifi speed is low, then the router is cutting the speed. Scientifically, this is called WAN-LAN throughput or routing speed. This parameter is responsible for the filling of the device, the parameters of which are usually indicated on a sticker on the bottom and are designated as H.W. - HardWare. If they do not correspond to your tariff plan, then you need to change the device to a more powerful one with greater bandwidth.

Also, the speed of the Internet via wifi depends on the type of connection to the provider. In decreasing order they look like this: DHCP and Static IP - VPN - PPTP.

It turns out that if the device box indicates a Wi-Fi data transfer speed of up to 300 Mbit/s, and the WAN-LAN parameter for this model in combination with the type and protocol of connection to the provider is equal to 24 Mbit/s, then the speed of the Internet connection cannot exceed 24, but in reality it will most likely be less.

But the reason may not only be in the router - the hardware and software of the wifi adapter on the computer receiving the signal must also have the appropriate parameters.

You should also take into account that the technical specifications indicated in the instructions and on the stickers are designed for ideal operating conditions - with a minimum distance from the router to the device, in the absence of third-party interference, signal-absorbing materials and with minimal network load. That is, if you have a Navy communications center near your house, the router is in the next room behind a reinforced concrete wall, and at the same time your sister downloads all the episodes of “Interns” via torrent, then it is quite logical to assume that your wifi Internet speed will be much lower than indicated on the box and in the tariff plan and you will not be able to enjoy playing Counter Strike. In practice, the actual speed of a wifi connection is two to three times less than indicated in the specification.

WiFi speed via router

In nature, there are several standards for wireless data transmission technology via wifi. Below is a table that compares theoretical and practical speeds:

Standard Speed ​​in theory in Mbit/s Speed ​​in practice in Mbit/s
IEEE 802.11a Up to 54 Up to 24
IEEE 802.11g Up to 54 Up to 24
IEEE 802.11n Up to 150* Up to 50
IEEE 802.11n Up to 300** Up to 100

* - for devices operating at a frequency of 40 MHz in 1 stream
** - for devices operating at a frequency of 40 MHz in 2 streams

Speed ​​when working within a local network (WLAN-WLAN)

Many users may also note the fact that the router slows down the speed not only when accessing the Internet, but also exclusively when exchanging data within the local network.

The whole joke is that when several devices actually work simultaneously, the router actually works with each of them in turn. It turns out to be a kind of queue, which is why the speed is reduced - it becomes several times less than when the router works with only one client. And when exchanging data between two devices, for example, when you transfer files from one computer to another via LAN, it will be 2-3 times less than the total actual speed over the network.

Let's look at an example - we are transferring data between 2 computers - one with an 802.11g adapter (up to 54 Mbit/s), the other with 802.11n (up to 300 Mbit/s). The router also has 802.11n (up to 300 Mbit/s)

Regardless of what kind of sophisticated router you have, in theory, the maximum speed within the network, even in theory, will not be more than 54 Mbit/s - according to the maximum data of the slowest adapter. In practice, based on our table, this will be no more than 24 Mbit/s. As we found out, when working with several clients simultaneously, the router will interact with them one by one, that is, the actual speed will be 12 Mbit per second. When you move some distance away from the access point, it will fall even more.

At the same time, on a computer that has an “N” standard adapter, as a mockery, utilities for measuring speed can show theoretical data of 150 Mbit/s, which is actually the maximum possible for our router.

Many PC users, when determining speed, rely on the indicators displayed in the connection information

This is fundamentally wrong, since here in the “Speed” column the theoretical speed supported by the adapter is displayed. For real measurements, we will use the AIDA32 program, which has a benchmark for testing the speed between two devices on the network.

We get the following:

  • via cables - 11217 Kilobytes per second.
  • cable + WiFi - 9166 KB/s
  • pure WiFi - 4303 KB/s

Here the units of measurement are slightly different - in the first part they were calculated in MEGABITS per second, and in the second in kiloBYTES per second. To convert the data from the second part to Mbit/s, we will use an online converter. We get 10.9, 8.9 and 4.2 respectively.

As you can see, with the connection of one, or even more so two adapters, the speed decreases significantly, and the amplitude between the highest and lowest speeds in the test increases, that is, the stability of data transmission decreases.

Who among you is the most observant was probably able to make one observation - despite the fact that in several measurements we used devices whose maximum speed should be up to 300 Megabits per second, in all tests the speed never exceeded 100 Mb/s.

This is due to the fact that the actual speed of Internet connections depends on the technical characteristics:

  • Provider equipment
  • A cable stretched to your computer or router
  • WAN port of the router
  • WiFi adapter or computer network card
  • Internet tariff plan

It turns out that in order to achieve maximum performance of the entire system, it is necessary that each of its components maintain the declared speed. If you connect to a tariff with a maximum speed of more than 100 Mbit per second, then both the network card or wireless adapter, the router, and the cables with which you connect your PC to the router must support this speed, otherwise it will hit the ceiling, indicated by the slowest link.

For example, if the PC’s network card and router support a speed of 1 Gbit/s, and the connection goes through a simple patch cord, which is found on the shelf of any store, then up to a speed of 1000 Mbit per second. you will be very, very far away.

In most cases, we use “Fast Ethernet” cables (category 5), the speed of which is limited to 100 Megabits per second - when connected to a tariff from a provider that supports operation at this speed. This is exactly the cable that I have - that’s why a high-quality 150 Mbit/s adapter performed just as well as a more advanced 300.

That is, the maximum task for any wireless equipment is to get closer to the reference speed that is provided by a cable connection. Which in turn is limited by the capabilities of the tariff and WAN ports of the router and computer.

Essentially, buying equipment that lists speeds above 150 makes sense if your ISP provides you with gigabit internet plans (Category 5e and 6 cables). But do you know how much it costs? Let's look at the tariff schedule of my provider:

For a theoretical speed above 100 - 1200 rubles per month - not too shabby, right? Are you ready to give that amount? Me not.

So in practical realities, the question of choosing a router and adapter is to ensure that the equipment best meets the characteristics declared by the manufacturer and brings us closer to the maximum speed for which the tariff plan of your Internet provider is designed.

In this case, you should pay attention not only to the bright, attractive speed characteristics indicated on the packaging of the equipment, but also to the specifications written in small print in the instructions. For example, with a declared high speed, the instructions very often indicate that the WAN port of the router only supports operation at speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s. This means that no matter how steep the tariff we pay, we will not achieve anything higher than this value.

To the credit of the devices we reviewed today, they showed their excellent quality and, in conditions close to ideal, were in no way inferior in their performance to connecting to the Internet via cables in accordance with their declared parameters.

Other factors influencing low WiFi speed through a router

As you know, wi-fi is a technology for transmitting data over radio channels. Therefore, the operation of other devices may have a strong influence and cause interference.

First of all, household appliances, as well as other wi-fi networks located around you and operating in the same frequency range. Now in nature there are two ranges - 2.4 and 5 GHz (gigahertz). 802.11b/g wireless networks operate in the 2.4 GHz band, 802.11a networks operate in the 5 GHz band, and 802.11n networks can operate in both.

5GHz (GHz) is a relatively new standard, so if you use it, you have a better chance of not being overwhelmed by other devices.

You need to plan the speed of your future WiFi network before purchasing devices that will work in it!

If you purchase a router that supports the 5GHz frequency and the latest standard with data transfer up to 300 Mb/s, but an adapter is installed on the computer that supports only 2.4 GHz and speeds up to 54 Mb/s, then this combination will work exactly at the maximum adapter characteristics. As they say, the speed of a squadron is equal to the speed of the slowest ship. Plus, also keep in mind that these values ​​are maximum under ideal conditions - in reality everything will be slower.

Finally, several more sources of interference are Bluetooth, microwave ovens and baby monitors. They also operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, so it is not recommended to use a bluetooth headset, heat soup and connect to wifi at the same time.

Conclusion - how to increase wifi speed?

If you look closely at the technical characteristics of the router, you will notice that many models also have a LAN port speed that does not exceed 100 Mbit/s, so even if they claim 300 Mbps via WiFi, when connecting one of the devices via cable the speed will not exceed 100 .

If we talk about a purely wireless connection, here, in addition to the stated parameters of devices for supported wifi speed, such a concept as the “duplex” mode of operation of the router comes into play. That is, speaking in Russian, it processes the WiFi request from each client one by one, which is why a kind of queue of requests is formed, and the speed drops by at least 2-3 times compared to what it could have been during operation with only 1 computer. And this is under ideal conditions - in case of interference, distance from the access point and the influence of other external factors, it will be even lower.

From all that has been said, we can conclude: no matter how hard we try, in ideal reception conditions and in the presence of a router and adapter that support the same communication standards, in most cases we will not be able to achieve a speed of more than 100 Mbit/s - as our tests clearly showed . It only makes sense to buy high-speed equipment as a package (router + cable + adapter + network card) for ALL devices on the network and when connected to a gigabit tariff.

In order to increase the speed of your wifi connection you need to:

  1. Select a provider with a DHCP connection ()
  2. Use a router and adapter with maximum bandwidth that supports the IEEE 802.11 N or AC standard ()
  3. Use the router and adapter from the same company
  4. in such a place in the apartment that it is not covered by thick ceilings and is located far from sources of radio radiation, but as close as possible to the location of your devices. If the signal source is initially set incorrectly, then an article about it will help you.
  5. Keep in mind that if your home network is heavily loaded, the time it takes to open pages in your browser will increase. To improve performance, you can expand the channel from 20 to 40 MHz.

By following these rules, you will always have high speed wifi internet in your home. I wish you good luck, and for starters, an interesting video on how to increase wifi speed and range with a can of beer!

In the modern world, it is already difficult to find an establishment that does not have wireless access to the network. Even public transport has Wi-Fi. What can we say about houses and apartments? Gone are the days when home Internet chained you and your computer to a specific place. Now the network reaches the entire apartment, you can access the Internet from any device.

These are, of course, advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Often, wireless Internet does not match the speed stated by the provider. For example, when connecting to a tariff you selected a speed of 100 Mbit/s, then when connecting via Wifi the speed will be lower. This speed will be when connected directly via cable. Via wifi – approximately 50–60 Mbit/s.

Why is the Internet speed on Wifi low?

Wireless Internet is convenient. Wired Internet- it's fast and reliable. It is very difficult to argue with this. After all, wired Internet connects directly to the computer. It works faster and more stable.

When connecting to your router wirelessly, be prepared for less powerful Wi-Fi. It won't be as fast or reliable. In this case, the equipment itself chooses which signal to pass through. The router is designed to distribute the stream to other devices. This is the main reason for the low speed of the Internet over a wireless network.

The router reduces the speed several times. This indicator will depend on the power of the device. But it is worth noting that the more powerful the equipment, the more expensive it costs. In this case, expensive equipment lives up to expectations. It’s not for nothing that there are different routers on the market. There are cheap ones, there are expensive ones. There is a difference between them, otherwise there would be no point in creating them, and there would be no need for the client to buy them.

We found out why the router can slow down its speed. The main reason is its power, which depends on the price.

How to increase Internet speed through a wi-fi router

You can increase the connection speed of the router through its interface. It is worth noting that routers come from different companies: Rostelecom, Beeline, etc. Accordingly, the throughput of Wi-Fi data transmission and reception will be different.

The access point to the interface will also be different. As a rule, it is written in the instructions or on the router itself. There you can find login and password to enter the office. So, what are the ways to increase wireless Internet speed:

A few more options to increase speed

To increase the speed of the router you need to:

If you have done all the necessary manipulations with the router, but the Internet speed does not increase, then you need to look at the settings on your computer.

How to increase Internet speed via laptop

If checking the router itself and change settings it did not give results, then you need to go to the laptop:

  • To do this, you need to go to the task manager. You can use the Ctrl-Alt-Del combination.
  • Select the “Performance” tab. If you see that the network is overloaded, but you are not using the Internet at this moment, you need to go to the processes that are running in the background and disable them.

If this testing does not help, then you need to look at autoloads. Remove unnecessary programs. To do this you need:

  • Use the combination Win+R.
  • In the window that opens, you need to enter “msconfig”.
  • Select the program you want to remove from startup.

If these actions do not lead to a positive result, you need to check the system for viruses. If the program finds viruses, then after removing them, everything will be fine.

If the antivirus did not help, that is, did not find any problems, then you can update the drivers to the latest version. Required Driver can be found on the official website of the company that produces computers of your brand.

Another reason why Internet speed is low is incorrect routing configuration. To fix this you need reset old settings. To do this you need:

  • Run cmd mode as administrator. The mode is started by right-clicking on “Start”.
  • Now you need to select the desired option.
  • After this, a console mode prompt will appear.
  • On the command line you need to write “route-f”. After this action, the connection will disappear for a few minutes.
  • Now you need to enter “ipconfig/renew”. Press Enter.

If these steps do not help, then you need to reinstall the system. This method is radical and serious. If you these have never been involved, then it’s better to leave it to a professional. This option will help achieve the desired effect. If that's the case.

So, we talked about wireless Internet connection. We looked at options for increasing Internet speed via wi-fi and laptop. It should be noted, before using advice, check the Internet speed, what signal the router has. If the router transmits a signal of 50–60 Mbit/s, then this is normal. Also consider where the equipment and gadget are located. Before resetting your laptop, use all options for improving Internet speed via Wi-Fi.

It is rare to find a person who is completely satisfied with the speed of the Internet they use. There are available methods for increasing the speed of data reception and transmission on the Internet, which are well known to experienced users. Below are specific recommendations and tips on how to speed up the Internet speed using software methods, that is, without expensive upgrades of the equipment used and reconstruction of communication networks.

Knowing exactly the cause can effectively get rid of the problem. Unfortunately, the list of reasons is very wide and Internet speed is often influenced by not one, but several factors at once:

  • One of the main ones is the type of connection used, for example, cable, DSL or Dial Up (the latter type of connection is the slowest). If the connection is made via a telephone line (copper wires), then the degree of wear of the wires and their length have a significant impact on the reduction in speed. Today, Internet supply companies are switching to fiber optic cables, which allow for the highest possible connection speeds;
  • Activity of various utilities and add-ons in the Internet browser;
  • Viruses;
  • Overload of popular Internet resources. Frequently visited sites are designed for high loads when a large audience works on them, however, it happens that the servers cannot cope with the flow of visitors;
  • Problems with local equipment, for example, an incorrectly configured router, outdated software versions, insufficient power of the devices used, PC components, etc.

The listed number of factors is far from complete. A separate article can be devoted to a review of the reasons, but it would be more advisable to quickly move on to specific methods that allow you to determine and increase Internet speed.

What is the maximum speed of mobile and home Internet?

There is no clear answer to this simple question. The subscriber’s contract with the company providing communication services always indicates the speed, but with the mark “UP TO”. Unfortunately, the maximum value specified in the contract with the provider is never achieved in real conditions. Also, it should be noted that the values ​​in the documentation are measured in “Mbit/s”. You should take into account the ratio of megabytes familiar to people to megabits (1: 8). For example, in the case where the number 100 Mbit/s is printed in the contract, this is only about 12 megabytes.

The maximum home Internet speed offered by providers within the framework of ADSL technology standard ITU G.992.1 Annex A (B) does not exceed 12 Mbit, and ADSL2+ is twice as high. However, this popular standard is gradually becoming a thing of the past, since in practice, users using these technologies gain access to the World Wide Web at speeds of no more than 8 Mbit.

Optical fiber
Increasingly, communications based on twisted pair and optical fiber are used for home Internet access. Obviously, the bottleneck in this case is the use of copper wire and, as a result, the data reception speed is no more than 100 Mbit. Although the technology allows you to get a value 10 times higher, gigabit speeds are rarely provided to ordinary people for home use.
If only optical lines are used, then the speed values ​​​​can be tens of gigabits, but ordinary users are provided with from 100 Mbit to 1 Gbit.

Typically, using WiFi technology, the speed does not exceed 140 Mbit, while the declared value can be 300 Mbit/s. In practice, the decrease in the indicator is explained by the influence of many factors, for example, interference from electrical equipment, walls and other obstacles.

Mobile Internet

  1. 2G up to 474 Kbps.
  2. 3G up to 42.2 Mbit/s.
  3. 4G up to 1 Gbps.

The most convenient way is to use the “speedtest.net” service.

You need to click “Start” and wait for the results to appear on the screen. Even beginners have no difficulty finding out the real speed using this popular resource.
There are many services with similar functions on the Internet; for example, experienced users prefer “Yandex.ru/internet”. Here the test launch button has a different name “Measure”, but the principle of operation is the same.

Knowing ways to increase the speed of home and mobile Internet, a user can increase this important indicator by almost a third without additional costs. Below are specific recommendations that have proven to be effective and work.

Remove unnecessary traffic consumers (programs, devices connected via wifi)
Not only utilities launched by the user consume traffic, but also hidden applications that download updates, exchange statistical data with the program developer, etc. It is recommended, through the task manager, to stop applications that are not required for the operation of the system and the user.

In order to find out which applications are actively using the connection to the World Wide Web, you should use “CS” (Command Line). To accomplish your plans, you will need to launch “KS” with extended powers and take the following sequential steps:

  1. Type “netstat -b 5 > activity.txt”;
  2. Click “Enter”;
  3. The “KS” will display a list of the applications you are looking for;
  4. Press “Ctrl” and, without releasing, click on “C”;
  5. A file with a list of connections will be created;
  6. In “KS” type “activity.txt”;
  7. Click “Enter”;
  8. Study the list of applications, closing which will reduce the load on the network and increase Internet speed.

Remove unnecessary toolbars or change your browser and use turbo mode
Simply getting rid of unused toolbars in your Internet browser allows you to speed up your browsing experience. Sometimes removing add-ons takes a long time or causes difficulties for novice users, so it is recommended to change the browser to a faster one, for example, switch from the default Internet Explorer to Chrome, Firefox or Opera. The latest browser includes a turbo mode, which increases network speed by almost 10%.

Check your device (PC or mobile) for viruses
Regular analysis of the memory of a PC or mobile gadget by an antivirus software not only prevents the risk of leaking personal information, but also increases the speed of the Internet. Viruses and advertising applications significantly slow down your work on the network, using up traffic for their own needs. However, not every antivirus program is able to rid your PC of adware. The following utilities have worked well to remove them:

  1. HitMan Pro;
  2. Malwarebytes Antimalware;
  3. AdW Cleaner;
  4. Spybot Search & Destroy.

Disable TCP auto-tuning
To disable TCP_IP auto-tuning, you need to open “KS” with extended permissions.

  1. Print "netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled";
  2. Click “Enter”;
  3. “Ok” will be displayed in “KS”;
  4. Print “netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled”;
  5. Click “Enter”;
  6. “Ok” will be displayed in “KS”;
  7. Print “netsh int tcp set global rss=enabled”;
  8. Click “Enter”;
  9. “Ok” will be displayed in “KS”;
  10. Print "netsh int tcp show global";
  11. Click “Enter”;
  12. “Ok” will be displayed in “KS”;
  13. Restart "PC";
  14. Ready.

To reset the TCP_IP stack to default values, you can use the command “netsh int ip reset C:\resetlog.log”. After this, you need to restart your PC.

Using the fastest DNS for the specific connection conditions of the user's PC is one of the best methods for increasing Internet speed.
You will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Download the “NameBench” application (the utility is freely distributed on the global network);
  2. Run the utility (no need to install it);
  3. There is no need to configure the utility. Immediately click “Start Benchmark”;
  4. Wait;
  5. A detailed report will be displayed;
  6. The report shows information with optimal connection parameters that the user can only use.

  1. Click “Start”;
  2. Click “Computer”;
  3. Right-click in an empty space of the window that appears;
  4. Click “Properties”;
  5. Click “Remote” (Device Manager);
  6. Expand the “Ports” column;
  7. Click “Serial Port (COM1)”;
  8. Open the “Port Settings” tab;
  9. Set the largest number in the “Bits per second” item;
  10. Click “Ok”;
  11. Ready.

How to increase Internet speed on Windows 10?

You will need to do the following:

  1. Press “Win” with one finger and do not release the key;
  2. With the other finger of your hand, press “R”;
  3. Type "gpedit.msc";
  4. Expand the contents of the “PC Configuration” column;
  5. Enter the “Admin Templates Network” directory;
  6. Go to the “QoS Scheduler” subdirectory;
  7. Call the context from “Limit res.prop.capacity”;
  8. Click “Change”;
  9. Check the “Enabled” box;
  10. Set “zero” as shown in the screenshot above;
  11. Click “Ok”;
  12. Call the context from the connections icon;
  13. Open “Network Management Center”;
  14. Click “Change network card settings”;
  15. Call context from connection;
  16. Click “Properties”;
  17. Check the “QoS Scheduler” box;
  18. Click “Ok”;
  19. Ready.

How to increase download speed?

If the user is thinking about how to increase the download speed of a torrent, it is recommended that first of all, install only official client modifications on the PC. At the same time, the speed is almost not affected by which client the PC owner uses, free or paid. Their differences are reflected in the table below.

Internet providers sometimes set limits for their subscribers regarding the speed of torrent downloads, so you need to do the following:

  1. Click “Settings”;
  2. Go to the “Program Settings” tab;
  3. Click “BitTorrent”;
  4. Next, in the encryption column, select “Enabled” and check the permission line;
  5. Click “ok”;
  6. Ready.

Often the client itself has a reception restriction configured. To remove it you will need to follow these steps:

  • Open context from client icon;
  • Place the arrow on the line “Reception restriction”;
  • After this, a menu will open where you need to check the “Unlimited” line.

Owners of mobile gadgets are often dissatisfied with the speed of wireless connections, even of the most modern standards, so the question of how to increase the speed of 4g Internet or Wi-Fi connection is of concern to many. It should be noted that the problem can be solved quickly and without lengthy manual settings. For this purpose, it is enough to install the “Internet Speed ​​Master” utility.

You will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Install and run the utility;
  2. In the menu that appears, tap “Give”;
  3. If the device is rooted, tap “Apply Patch”;
  4. Restart your Android device;
  5. If you do not have root permissions, tap “Improve Internet Connection”;
  6. Restart your Android device;
  7. Ready. Now you can enjoy high speed Internet. The program will automatically make all the settings.

If you need to roll back the settings to their original state, tap “Restore” and then “Ok”.

The following activities will need to be completed:

  1. Reduce the distance of the PC or mobile gadget from the router;
  2. Then, in the router’s web configurator, select the most free Wi-Fi channel;
  3. Update the router firmware;
  4. Clean the device components from dirt and ensure proper cooling;
  5. Replace the antennas with others with a higher gain.

How to increase Internet speed on a laptop?

Sometimes on weak laptops the speed is limited by hardware capabilities. Often, installing additional RAM modules allows you to increase Internet speed. It is also recommended to replace the network card with a more modern one.
To get the highest possible speed of access to the global network, you should connect to it from a PC not by air, but preferably by cable connection.

How to increase mobile Internet speed for operators?

In the contract with the subscriber, the mobile operator specifies the speed, but in practice it never reaches the maximum values. You can only get closer to them by following the tips described above in this article. Problems with low speed via cellular communications arise mainly in the evening, when users are most active and after using up the traffic provided by operators in accordance with the connected TPs, the speeds are sharply limited. To increase speed again, each mobile company has its own USSD commands.


Yellow-striped subscribers often experience a drop in speed to 64 Kbps. With this indicator, even opening Internet pages in a browser becomes unbearable torture and a cruel test of the user’s patience. To increase your speed, you simply need to extend the high-speed traffic provided by your connected plan. For this purpose, you should use the command “*115*121#”. After this, Beeline will provide 1 GB of additional traffic at unlimited speed. However, we must take into account that such an extension is not free (250 rubles).

There are services with extensions for larger and smaller volumes of traffic, which can be found on “beeline.ru”; accordingly, their cost will be higher or lower.

MTS also has a similar service and it is called “Turbo button 1 GB”. It costs a little less than Beeline (175 rubles). You must use USSD “*467#”.

Megafon customers can use the “Extend Internet 1 GB” option for 210 rubles by entering “*370*1#”.

In addition to using USSD commands, the option can be activated through the subscriber’s personal account.

How to increase Internet speed Rostelecom?

  1. 100 Mbit/s;
  2. Turbo acceleration;
  3. Night acceleration.

After installing one of the three packages the user likes, increased speed will be guaranteed.

Programs to increase Internet speed

There are applications that optimize network settings of equipment and Internet browsers.
Used by a large army of users around the world, the following programs have proven the effectiveness:

  1. Speed ​​It Up Free;
  2. Internet Speed ​​Booster;
  3. Proximodo;
  4. AuslogicsBoostSpeed.

Applications take up little memory on the PC and are easy to install, for example, the last one from the above list has a size of 7 Mb. It is recommended that after installing the utility, you restart your PC so that the parameter changes take effect.
The installed application can be launched through the icon that appears on the desktop. The menu of all utilities is intuitive, for example, in “AuslogicsBoostSpeed”, click “Tools” and go to the “Internet Acceleration” tab.

To work in programs, instructions are unnecessary. The user can independently select the degree of acceleration after optimizing the settings.

This network congestion can significantly slow down Internet speeds. This happens because your router and the routers of some of your neighbors operate on the same channel. There are 12 channels in total, in some countries there are 13 and 14. Working on the same channel, the devices will conflict, that is, the Internet speed may decrease significantly.

There is another problem. Let's say the router operates on channel 6, then it will also capture two neighboring channels 5 and 7. Therefore, we need to switch to a channel where there are no competitors, or there are as few as possible.

There are no difficulties in this process. Therefore, now we will figure out how to speed up a Wi-Fi connection.

How to speed up home Wi-Fi?

To get started, download the inSSIDer program. Using it, we will identify free channels and then switch to them.

Install the program and run it. Personally, I have 2 few networks and one is mine, so I took a screenshot from the Internet:

What is in the second column is the channels. We look at what is busy, and then change it in the router to a channel that is not occupied by competitors.

In order to access the web interface of the router, you need to enter the address in the browser in the address bar: .

If you entered the address above and an error occurred, then look at your ip address can be done in the following way.

Click Win+R and in the window that opens enter the command cmd. Then, in the terminal we enter ipconfig. We are looking for the phrase Main gateway, it says what we need.

So, you went to the control panel of the router, now you need to go to the basic wi-fi settings, there are channels, network name, etc.

We change the channel to a free one, reboot the router.

Your network speed should now be faster and more stable.

This advice may not always help, you will have to experiment with channels, good luck.