Laser printing type. Main types of printers and their characteristics

State educational institution

Belgorod State National Research University

Law Institute

Legal support of national security

Abstract on computer science

Types of printers and their characteristics

Completed by student gr.01001312

Logvinenko D.O.





1.1. Printer: concept, history of creation 4

1.2. Printer classification 7


2.1. Matrix (needle) printer 9

2.2. Inkjet printer 10

2.3. Laser printer 12


3.1. Operating principle of dot matrix printers 16

3.2. Operating principle of inkjet printers 16

3.3. Operating principle of laser printers 17


4.1. Advantages and disadvantages of dot matrix printers 18

4.2. Advantages and disadvantages of inkjet printers 19

4.3. Advantages and disadvantages of laser printers 19




Printers are classified as peripheral or external devices.

Peripheral devices are devices located outside the system unit and involved in a certain stage of information processing. First of all, these are devices for recording output results: printers, plotters, modems, scanners, etc.

Printers are designed to output information onto solid media, mostly paper. There are a large number of different printer models that differ in operating principle, interface, performance and functionality. Based on the principle of operation, they are divided into: matrix, inkjet and laser printers.

The purpose of the work is to study the types of printers, their operating principles, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

To achieve the goal set in the work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) Define the concept of “printer”, consider the history of its creation;

2) Consider the classification of printers;

3) Describe the main types of printers;

4) Study the principle of operation of printers;

5) Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the main types of printers.

Chapter 1. Printers: concept, types

1.1. Printer: concept, history of creation

Printer (from the English printer - printer) is a device for converting information stored on storage devices (text, graphics) into a hard copy, usually on paper. This process is called printing, and the resulting document is called a printout.

Charles Babbage thought about the need to print the results of calculations on paper when he was developing his Analytical Engine, a mechanical prototype of modern computers. As a result, he also came up with the first printer in human history, called the Difference Engine.

Unfortunately, this device was never created during the author’s lifetime. True, 150 years after the death of the author, this printer was nevertheless collected by the London Science Museum, under the leadership of its director Doron Suod (Fig. 1). The resulting device consisted of 8,000 parts and weighed about 5 tons. It should be noted that when developing this Difference Engine, Babbage came up with many ideas that are still used today.

When computers appeared, at first information was either written down manually or printed on a typewriter (special personnel were even hired for this). The first printing device that could be connected to a computer was created in 1953 by Remington-Rand. The device, whose operating principle is very similar to a typewriter, is called UNIPRINTER. The main part of the printer was a disk with many “petals”, each of which represented a letter (a raised image of letters, numbers and special characters). A special impact mechanism hit the petal, which, through the printing ribbon, hit the paper. It was then that the idea of ​​color printing was born - printing tape of various colors was used for it. UNIPRINTER printing speed was about 80,000 characters per minute! Later, printers of this type were called “petal printers”. There have also been attempts to replace the petals with special drums and ribbons. This technology also came to the USSR, where such machines were called alphanumeric printing devices - ATsPU. These printers had a number of significant disadvantages - they were unreliable, very noisy, did not allow printing graphics, and always printed in the same font.

Dot matrix printing technology was developed in 1964 by Seyko Epson. But the first dot matrix printer appeared in 1970. It was developed by Centronics Data Computer. For printing, it used a matrix of 7 needles (hence the name of the printer type). The printer was called Model 101. Thanks to dot matrix printers, it became possible to print graphics as well. The technology was rapidly developing and becoming cheaper. So, already in 1983, the first printer appeared on sale, which could easily be purchased by a home user - its cost was about $700 (for example, the Model 101 cost about $3,000). This printer was the Image Writer, the brainchild of C.ltoh Electronics. The arrival of dot matrix printers into the home gave an additional impetus to the development of technology. But dot matrix printers also have a number of disadvantages, the main ones being low print quality and noise. However, thanks to their exceptionally low cost and very high reliability, dot matrix printers have survived to this day.

The disadvantages of dot matrix printers forced researchers to look for new printing methods. The first inkjet printers appeared not much later than dot matrix printers - in 1976, IBM introduced the first working model, called Model 6640. However, many more years passed before inkjet printers appeared on the desks of home users. The main role in the development of inkjet printers was played by Canon, Epson and Hewlett-Packard, which developed their own printing technologies (BubbleJet, piezoelectric method and drop-on-demand, respectively).

The first color inkjet printer was developed by Hewlett-Packard, which introduced in the early 90s a printer capable of mixing inks with each other, thereby obtaining different colors and shades.

As for laser printers, it should be noted that the technology used in laser printing (electrography) appeared long before the appearance of the first matrix printers - back in 1938. It was developed by the American scientist Chester Carlson. Since then, it has been repeatedly improved and refined. However, only Xerox, which decided to use copier technology to create a printer, thought of using it to create a printer. As a result, in 1971, the EARS apparatus appeared, which never left the walls of the laboratory. The first commercial model of a laser printer appeared in 1977. It was called Xerox 9700 Electronic. IBM, Apple and Hewlett-Packard are involved in the development of laser printers. However, for a long time, these devices were too expensive - their price was about several thousand dollars. The first printer costing less than $1,000 was created by Hewlett-Packard, which created the LaserJet IIP model in the early 90s. A modern laser printer used at home is a relatively inexpensive (still an order of magnitude more expensive than an inkjet printer) device, with a very low printing cost.

There are several other types of printing - sublimation, thermal... But they are either not used at home at all, or are used extremely rarely.

Today, three technologies (matrix, inkjet and laser) are the most used and widespread. Constantly improving and developing, in essence they have remained unchanged since their creation. But who knows, maybe in the very near future, a technology will appear that will make a real revolution in the world of printers.

A printer is a device used to print electronic information onto paper. In this case, the process of transferring data to paper is called printing, and the result is called printing. A printer can perform several functions, so you should approach the selection process carefully by thoroughly familiarizing yourself with its functions. You need to take into account all the features of printing, for example, an office model for home will not be the best option, since you do not need a large volume of printing, and there is also no need to purchase a universal printing device.

Types of printing devices

Today there are two types of printing devices that differ in their functionality:
  • Multifunctional.
  • Printers.

The first type is briefly called MFP. It is usually chosen for home use; in addition to printing information on paper, this device can scan documents to save the result in electronic form, you can use it as a regular copier for simple copying of documents, and also as a fax.

Such a complex device will cost less than the cost of a printer, copier and scanner purchased separately. In addition, with such a purchase you will save space on your computer desk, and there will be fewer wires. If you don’t need anything other than printing text on paper, then the second type of device would be the best choice.

Types and features of the device

The range of printers today is very large. They differ in many parameters - purpose, type of ink, number of colors, operating principle, etc. Each type has its own characteristics and auxiliary functions. Let's look at the main types of printers in more detail.


This type of printer was developed in Japan in the 60s of the last century.

Its operating principle is to create an image with a special print head, which consists of a matrix, hence the name of this device. The matrix consists of a set of needles driven by electromagnets. The print head moves along the sheet of paper for each line of text, and the needles act on the paper using an ink ribbon, thereby creating a dot print on the sheet.

In different models, the print head can have from 9 to 24 needles. The more needles, the higher the print quality and the clearer the image. Matrix printing devices have almost been replaced by other modern printers, but are still used in some places. For example, sales receipts in stores are printed using a matrix method.

Insufficient quality, like a typewriter, no longer makes it possible to apply matrix technology in other areas. Among the disadvantages of such devices, in addition to poor quality, are noisy operation and low printing speed.

The advantages of this rare design are its ability to function in any conditions; the needle prints are resistant to moisture and abrasion. It is quite difficult to forge a document printed on a dot matrix device.

Jet printer

The principle of operation of an inkjet device is somewhat similar to matrix technology: the image is also formed from dots. Instead of a needle print head, a matrix with liquid inks is used.

It can be fixed in the device body or built into the cartridge. “Struiniki” are divided according to certain typical characteristics.

If we consider their division by type of ink, then they are divided into:
  • Water(used in many office and household devices).
  • Oily(for marking in industry).
  • Solvent(for printing stands, advertising and various posters, resistant to moisture).
  • Pigment(the best way to create high-quality images, photographs).
  • Thermal transfer(for applying fashionable prints to clothes).
  • Alcohol(they dry quickly in the print head, which limits their use).
There are different types of inkjet printers according to their purpose:
  • Office(they are equipped with offices for printing small documents).
  • Widescreen(for printing advertisements).
  • Marking(parts are marked).
  • Interior(printing stands, posters, interior elements).
  • Photo printers.
  • Souvenir(printing images on laser discs, objects with complex surfaces).
  • Manicure(design is applied to nails in beauty salons).

Photo printers and office printing devices are equipped with one head for each color, have high-quality color reproduction, and do not create noise. High image quality can only be achieved by using special paper.

The speed of inkjet printers is slightly higher than that of matrix printers, the image is sensitive to moisture, may smear, depending on the type of ink, and fades over time. An inkjet printer is a capricious device that will work normally if all cartridges are used regularly. If the device has not been turned on for a long time, the ink in the head may dry out.

The main negative factor is the high cost of printing. The ink in the cartridge runs out quickly; periodic replacement is necessary, which is an expensive pleasure. This problem is partially solved by the following device under consideration.


This device can easily replace the operation of cartridges; its name stands for continuous ink supply system. The operating principle of this system is to supply ink to the cartridge through tubes.

This improves print quality, and you can save money without purchasing expensive cartridges. You just need to purchase ink in a timely manner and pour it into containers, which is much cheaper and lasts for a longer time.

To refill this system, you do not need to contact a specialist; you can do everything yourself. Previously, this system was sold separately, but now it is built into many printer models.

Laser technology

It would be more correct to call this printing method electrographic; it arose in 1938, and was then called xerography and electrography. Currently, this method is called laser printing, which is characterized by high quality, efficiency and high speed.

The main element of this device is a photoreceptor that stores an electric current charge on its surface; for each point of the image there is a separate charge. The laser beam hits the photoreceptor, made in the form of a drum, and directs the radiation to individual points from which it removes the charge. A computer connected to a laser printer controls the laser beam and creates a specific image on the drum.

A special powder dye enters the photoreceptor and sticks to its charged areas, creating an image that is then transferred to the paper and baked onto it by heating.

This technology has proven itself to be very fast compared to inkjet models. The print quality of the laser printer is high, the image is not subject to abrasion, is resistant to moisture, and does not fade, unlike the previous models reviewed. The advantage of laser technology is also the ability to print on any paper with excellent quality.

A laser printer has its drawbacks: high cost, which is offset by cheaper refills and maintenance. The disadvantage also includes some distortion in the printing of letters and images on the edge of the sheet - the dot sometimes turns out to be an oval. Modern models no longer have this problem, through the use of special technological lenses.

LED technology

This method can be considered a type of laser printing, with a difference in the light source. Here, instead of a laser beam, LEDs are used. In the image, all the dots correspond to individual LEDs that do not move like a laser.

This increases operational reliability and is an advantage. Another advantage is high performance - the printing speed can reach 40 sheets per minute, and the print quality is much higher compared to laser printing, since there is no distortion at the edges of the sheet. The only drawback is its high cost.

Rarely used types of printers

There are many different printing technologies that are not widely used or are used for narrow specialization.

  • Sublimation the printer is an alternative option for inkjet models; it rarely works in offices, but is successfully used in printing production and has good image quality and color rendition.

  • Drums the devices that worked before are no longer in use, their design is outdated, but the printing speed of these devices exceeds all existing types of printers. Its main element is a drum, which has the dimensions of a sheet, and has reliefs of numbers and letters on the surface. The operation of the device is as follows: the drum rotates, and when the desired number or letter passes over the sheet, a special pusher hits the sheet, imprinting the symbol on the paper using ink ribbon. Printed sheets on such a printer can be easily recognized - the font is similar to that of a manual typewriter, with characters “jumping” in height.

  • Petal The printer works in a similar way, with the difference that the character set is located on flexible paddles on a rotating disk. The desired petal touches the ink ribbon and a sheet of paper, creating an imprint. Colored text can be obtained by installing a ribbon of a different color.

Throughout the history of development, printing devices have been of the following types: chain, track and ball. They differed in their operating principle, but were not widely used.

  • Home or office printer. The only difference between them is the volume of printing. For home use, up to 500 sheets per month are sufficient; for office work, this will clearly not be enough. Therefore, laser models are purchased for the office, while inkjet models are preferable for the home, although everyone chooses for themselves.
  • Print quality. This parameter is individual for each user. There is a parameter that determines the clarity and quality of the printout - this is the resolution. For office work, a printing device with a resolution of 600 to 2400 pixels per inch is suitable. Almost all modern devices today have sufficient resolution to work in any conditions.
  • Printing cost. When choosing a printer, you need to look at both the price of the device itself and the costs required for its maintenance and refilling. If you only need to print a little, it is better to purchase an inexpensive device designed for small loads. If you need to print a large volume of documents, then the optimal choice would be an expensive printer with a large load capacity. The price also depends on the number of additional functions: built-in memory, auxiliary trays, wireless connection to a computer, etc.

The market offers a wide range of printing devices. Knowing what types of printers exist and how they differ will help you make the right choice. Each type of device has its own advantages and disadvantages. Having familiarized yourself in detail with the types of printers, you can choose the type that is most suitable for you for home use or for solving problems in the office.

Equipment manufacturers produce various models of peripheral devices for printing, which may differ in technical characteristics, appearance, size, and operating features. Depending on the technology used, the basis of the work is the following main types of printers:

  • matrix;
  • jet;
  • laser;
  • LED

The types of printers also include MFP - a multifunctional device that performs several options. Each type has its own characteristics and characteristics, and also copes with different tasks. Before you go to the store to buy a new device, read more about the types of printers and their characteristics.

These are the first printing devices, the peak of their popularity was more than 10 years ago. Now their place has been taken by more modern models, so the production of matrix devices has practically ceased.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of dot matrix printers is in many ways similar to a typewriter. The device is based on a matrix that consists of needles (usually 9, 18 or 24). Now only devices with a 24-needle matrix are produced, which allows you to obtain the highest print quality. Between the paper that moves on the shaft and the printing unit (matrix) there is an ink ribbon. When the needles hit it, the points from them are transferred to the paper. Printing codes for characters, letters and numbers are stored in the device’s memory.

Advantages and disadvantages

Such printers have the following advantages:

  • low price of the device;
  • simultaneous printing of up to 3 copies (tracing paper must be placed between the paper);
  • printing on roll paper;
  • low cost of printing one sheet.

Dot matrix printers cannot provide high quality printing, and they are also quite noisy. Printers of this type are an excellent option for enterprises where there are no conditions for more modern models or where copies of documents are made in large volumes, but there are no high quality requirements. They are not suitable for home use due to poor print quality and noise.

Over the past decade, inkjet printers have made great progress in development. They allow you to obtain high quality color printing. Black and white models of such devices are no longer available.

Principle of operation

Inkjet printers print by spraying ink through very small nozzles. The image is made up of small dots. For printing, quick-drying inks of four colors are used:

  • Black (black);
  • Cyan (blue);
  • Magenta (magenta);
  • Yellow (yellow).

Modern inkjet photo printers use 6 colors, which allows for increased brightness and color saturation. Features of printing technology from different manufacturers may have slight differences.

Advantages and disadvantages

This type of printer is popular among users because it has the following advantages:

  • affordable cost of the device;
  • high quality color printing;
  • the ability to print photographs using special photo paper;
  • almost silent operation;
  • economical in terms of energy consumption;
  • Possibility of printing on paper, film and other materials.

Another advantage is the versatility of some models; for example, you can print photos from a camera without connecting to a computer.

The disadvantages include:

  • high cost of printing;
  • slow printing speed (compared to laser models);
  • high cost of maintenance (purchase of ink cartridges and special paper).

Inkjet devices are suitable for those who want to print high-quality photos and color documents. The low cost of models of this type captivates many users, but keep in mind that the cost of consumables will be high. If the device is rarely used for printing, the ink may dry out and cartridges will need to be replaced.

Nowadays, printers that use laser technology are the most common, as they provide high quality printing and are distinguished by productivity. In most cases, printers of this type provide monochrome printing, but there are also color models.

Principle of operation

The operation of a laser printer is based on a movable drum, like a copier. Printing consists of several stages. First, a laser beam applies an image to a sheet of paper that moves on a drum. Afterwards, toner - a powder of electrically charged particles - is placed on the applied image and fixed by sintering while passing through a heated roller. The technology provides high-quality printing that is resistant to water and sun rays.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many users choose laser printers for their advantages:

  • high performance;
  • low cost of printing;
  • high printing speed;
  • high-quality printing, resistant to water and ultraviolet radiation;
  • low noise level.

The level of radiation is minimal, so the device does not cause harm to human health. Can be used for printing documents in large volumes.

The main disadvantage of such devices is the high price compared to models using inkjet technology.

LED printers

The new generation of printers using LED technology is still very expensive, so not everyone can afford such a model.

Principle of operation

LED printing technology is in many ways similar to laser. The light source in such devices is not a laser beam, but a strip of LEDs. The use of this modern technology allows us to obtain high-quality printing.

Advantages and disadvantages

LED devices, like other types of printers, have their advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages are:

  • high quality printing;
  • high speed;
  • silent operation;
  • performance.

Due to the high cost, this technique is still inferior in popularity to other types of printers.

A multifunctional device (MFP) is used for printing documents and photos, scanning and copying, receiving or sending faxes, as it combines the options of several peripheral devices at once.

Great for small offices with limited space, as well as home use. The combination of several peripheral devices in one allows you to save useful space.

Principle of operation

MFPs can be based on inkjet or laser technology, and models powered by LEDs are also appearing on the market. The operating features of the device depend on the technology used.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you are interested in what types of printers there are today, you have become familiar with the main varieties. According to many consumers, MFPs are an excellent option for home use and small offices. It has the following advantages:

  • combines several peripheral devices;
  • costs significantly less than purchasing each device separately;
  • allows you to save space;
  • has low printing costs;
  • can print on both sides;
  • has high performance.

Depending on the model, some MFPs can be used for printing documents and photographs, but at the same time, such devices also have their disadvantages:

  • if the MFP fails, the entire office will stop working;
  • when the toner runs out, the scanner may not work;
  • lower copy speed and higher copy cost.

Knowing all the main types of printers will help you make a smart choice. It is impossible to answer unambiguously the question of how to choose the type of device, since it is necessary to take into account the assigned tasks (how often and how much you plan to print), the required quality, operating conditions, financial capabilities and other factors. Do not forget to consider the features, disadvantages and advantages of each type.

Without a printer, it is impossible to work effectively with a computer. Therefore, the printer is the most popular peripheral device. Almost all active PC users buy printers. However, choosing the right printer that suits you is not that easy. Nowadays you can find a huge number of different types of printers on sale, which are quite difficult to understand. In this article we will try to solve this problem by looking at all the most popular types of printers.

  • Regular printers.
  • MFPs are multifunctional devices. With it you can not only print documents, but also scan and receive faxes.
  • Portable printers– printers that are compact in size and can be powered by a built-in battery.
  • Photo printers are printers designed for printing photographs. These printers require special photo paper and ink to operate.

Types of printers by printing technology

Inkjet printing is the most common printing technology. Inkjet printers are most often used as... To operate, inkjet printers require liquid ink, which is stored in special cartridges.

Main advantages of inkjet printers:

  • Low price for the printer itself;
  • Relative ease of refilling cartridges (depending on the specific model);
  • Possibility of using CISS, which can significantly reduce printing costs;

The main disadvantages of inkjet printers:

  • Low print speed;
  • High cost of original cartridges;
  • Inability to refill some types of cartridges;
  • Drying of cartridges when the printer is idle for a long time;

Laser printing is another very popular printing technology. Laser printers use ink in powder form. Black and white laser printers allow you to print a fairly large number of pages on one cartridge. This makes laser printers an ideal choice for printing text documents.

Main advantages :

  • High printing speed;
  • High picture clarity;
  • Print a large number of pages on one cartridge charge;

The main disadvantages of laser printers:

  • Complex process of refilling cartridges;
  • High prices for printers and cartridges, especially color models;

Thermal sublimation printing– printing technology that is used for . This type of printer uses solid ink that evaporates without passing through the liquid form, this is called sublimation.

Main advantages :

  • High picture quality;

The main disadvantages of heat-sublimation printers:

  • High price of consumables;
  • Narrow specialization;

Types of printers by maximum print size

Nowadays there are printers that can print on any paper size: from A1 to A4. But in home and office settings, as a rule, they use printers that support A4, less often A3 (A3 printers are most often MFPs).

We constantly print out all kinds of documents at work or at home - from photographs to texts. We simply send the document to be printed, and then pick it up from the printer. Have you ever wondered how all kinds of printers put images and texts on paper? Inkjet, laser, matrix devices - they all work differently, each has its own pros and cons. Let's look at different printing technologies.

How a printer works: an overview of printing technologies

Core technologies Exotics for originals

The pile is small

Is it so difficult to understand printing methods? Are there many of them? In fact, there are only two main ones, that is, those that are used everywhere and continuously: office and home. Are you afraid of gradation? Then let’s designate it more formally: office printing turns out to be laser printing in 99 percent of cases, home printing is inkjet printing. Of course, there are exceptions; we’ll talk about them in more detail when describing each printing method.

Why do we need to know all this? The fact is that we are used to choosing printers according to our habits - “I’ve had an inkjet machine from company N all my life, so I’ll buy the same one, only fresher.” Agree, this approach to choosing equipment is not always logical - a printer is not a refrigerator, it is much more complex, and the capabilities of different models are different.

Basic printing technologies

Name Main advantages Main disadvantages Scope of application
Laser High printing speed, good quality, low cost of prints Harmful to health, the printers themselves are quite expensive Office printing
LED Harmless technology, very low cost of prints and printers themselves, high color printing speed Print quality is slightly worse than laser printers, black and white printing speed is lower Office and home printing
Jet Very high quality color prints (photos), low printer cost Low printing speed, high price of consumables Home printing, design activities
Matrix Very low cost of prints, low maintenance requirements High price of printers, high noise level during printing Specialized Application
Solid ink Very low cost per print, impeccable print quality Very high price of printers Office printing in design studios
Sublimation Excellent photo printing quality, ease of use Inability to print text documents Home and office photo printing

In order not to get lost in the forest of terms and concepts related to printing technologies, let's look at each of them in order. Let's start, naturally, with the most popular - laser.

A ray of light

The oldest of all technologies, it is the one that is at the heart of all copying machines - laser printing. Thanks to its existence, all office workers can print a text document (sometimes even color) of excellent quality in a few seconds.

Laser printers print very quickly and clearly, which is why they are popular in offices

Look at the printer that is in your office - most likely, it is a clear example of this section of our equipment. A fairly large gray box that spits out finished printouts at a fairly high speed, almost without thinking. What's inside him? Why does it print so quickly and efficiently?

Inside such a device there is a drum, onto which an electric charge is induced, corresponding to the output print. This charge attracts toner - a special powder (black or color depending on the type of printer). Then this powder is transferred to a sheet of paper (or to some intermediate medium, and only then to paper). To prevent the image from crumbling, the sheet passes through an oven - a special heater that bakes the toner onto the paper. Because of it, an unpleasant odor appears during long printing. However, not only the stove “spoils the atmosphere” - laser printers emit harmful ozone gas during their operation.

Scheme of operation of a laser printer

Well, we remembered the main negative features (bad smell and ozone generation) of laser printers. Let's add to them the high cost of the devices themselves - that's all the disadvantages of this solution. The undoubted advantages of laser printing include very high quality and speed of printing.

LED printers are an ideal choice for home text printing

LED printers are an analogue of laser printers. They work in virtually the same way, only instead of a laser, a series of LEDs are used to form a picture on the drum. The method has only one drawback - the print quality is slightly inferior to laser. The printing speed here depends on the number of colors: black and white printers work a little slower than their laser counterparts, but color LED printing is faster. In all other respects, LED printers have gone far ahead - they cost little, their consumables are also cheaper (although laser toners also cost little), and most importantly, they are considered less harmful to health than laser ones.

In the stream

The exact opposite of laser printing is inkjet printing. As a rule, this is the slow application of a high-quality color image to paper, and not at all the lightning-fast printing of black text. Let's look at this printer from the inside.

The inside of the inkjet printer is very free

Obviously, the design of such a device is much simpler than that of a laser one. There is no drum, no lasers, no stove. Only a single cartridge (or several) dangles inside the almost empty case. So, there are only two main elements in an inkjet printer - the cartridge and the print head. By the way, some manufacturers' cartridges are equipped with a built-in print head. Why is this necessary?

Humanity has invented several inkjet technologies. Depending on your needs, one or another printing technology will be more suitable. There is thermal jet and piezoelectric technology.

Diagram of operation of a piezoelectric inkjet printer

Thermal inkjet technology involves the use of cheap print heads. This was done in order to be able to change them at the first need. Printer manufacturers are divided in their opinions on how often the print head should be changed - some think only in case of global blockage, and others think every time the cartridge is changed.

The technology itself is based on the fact that in order to apply a picture or text on paper, ink is sharply heated, and it expands and flies out, imprinting the cherished dots on the paper. A cheap print head is needed here precisely to ensure peace of mind for the user - what if the ink dries tightly in the nozzles of the head before it has time to come out of it?

Thermal inkjet printer operation diagram

The founders of piezoelectric technology claim that their print heads literally last forever and do not require replacement. You will know if this is true when the printer refuses to print just one or two dots. However, the nozzles can be cleaned - either with the help of a driver and a large amount of fresh branded ink, or with the help of a service center.

Why such sacrifices? Firstly, the cartridge, which is just an inkwell in the literal sense of the word, costs quite little. And this certainly pleases all users. Secondly, the technology really allows you to print precise microscopic dots on paper: at its inception, this printing method was truly the best (in fairness, it is worth saying that now both technologies do an excellent job).

Typically, an inkjet printer has two cartridges - black and color.

So, we figured out the print heads. What is ink? Certainly not the colored water that you use to fill fountain pens. By modern standards, the ink of any printer must satisfy at least two conditions - to be moisture- and light-resistant, in addition, it is desirable that microscopic drops can be formed from it.

Currently, the size of a drop in some printers does not exceed one picoliter (in terms of thickness, this value can be equated to one tenth of the thickness of a human hair, that is, about 1/100 mm). It is worth noting that not all companies place their main emphasis on the size of the drop. Thus, some manufacturers (for example, HP) are trying to improve quality by better mixing colors, rather than reducing the size of inaccurate droplets. Generally speaking, the minimum ink droplet sizes range from 1-1.5 (for Canon and Epson) to 4-5 (for Lexmark and HP) picoliters.

In general, inks are divided into two groups - pigment and water-soluble. It is believed that water-soluble ink better conveys the colors of pictures and photographs, although at present both options deserve very warm words. Pigment inks are water-resistant, although water-soluble (if not soaked in water) can sometimes be very strong.

Not enough for anyone?

Undoubtedly, the two printing technologies described are just the beginning. There are many printing methods used either out of old memory or out of professional necessity. So…


The cheapest method of putting an image or text on paper is to use a dot matrix printer. Remember typewriters from the middle of the last century? So heavy, with hard buttons that you have to hit with your fingers at full strength. The device of a dot matrix printer is practically no different from those machines. That is why, by the way, they work so noisily.

Dot matrix printers are more convenient to refill with roll paper

Inside the printer there is an ink ribbon or several multi-colored ribbons in the case of applying a color pattern. To display an image on paper, a print head equipped with rigid needles passes along the tape. Each of the needles hits the tape at the right moment and a dot is imprinted on the paper. By the way, they called matrix printers because the needles on the head form a kind of matrix, but foreigners prefer to call such devices “dot printers.”

Scheme of operation of a dot matrix printer

The main advantage of such printers is the very low cost of prints: ink ribbons cost pennies, but they last a long time.

Dried ink

There are printers that look very much like laser printers. The style of work, the speed - everything in them implies the presence of a laser. However, their print quality is too good, comparable to real printing, and the price of the devices themselves will frighten even experienced printers. We are talking about solid ink printing technology.

Solid ink printers are refilled with ink chips

Here we combined several technologies into one, taking only the best from each. So, we put multi-colored blocks of ink into the compartments, similar to dried gouache, turn on the printer, press the “Print” button on the desired document and watch how, in a matter of seconds, a printout of ideal printing quality flies out of the device. Dream? No, reality, only very expensive.

Scheme of operation of a solid ink printer

The basis of solid ink printing is that the ink is melted immediately before being applied to the paper. The main component of ink is ordinary wax, which melts very quickly and immediately hardens when it gets on paper. In general, the technology replicates inkjet technology: microscopic multi-colored dots are applied to paper and form a pattern on it.

The main and main advantage, we repeat once again, is the impeccable print quality. Moreover, the printouts look not just good, but professional - the wax glitters in the light, adding gloss.


Undoubtedly, in an office, if there is an unlimited number of banknotes in the budget, a solid ink printer will become an indispensable assistant. There is also a home version of such a printer: a sublimation photo printer. Keen amateur photographers will love this technology because the quality of their prints is sometimes better than in darkrooms.

Sublimation printers are compact and simple - you can even take them with you when traveling

In fact, the technologies of sublimation and solid-ink printers can be combined into a single one - thermal printing. We did not do this for the reason that the purposes of the devices are completely different. And the optimal quality of prints is achieved not due to the clarity and correctness of the dots on the paper, but, on the contrary, due to mixing, superimposing adjacent dots on top of each other. It is thanks to this manifestation of technology that it is so valued by amateur photographers.

Scheme of operation of a sublimation printer

Basically, sublimation printers use four-layer film cartridges. A special roller contains a film on which three primary colors and a protective layer are applied. The printer heats up each color layer of film sequentially and the ink evaporates and falls onto the photo paper. To prevent the layers from being erased during use of the print, a protective layer is applied over the ink - it will withstand the dirty hands of the beholder, and even scuba diving.

To each according to his needs

Of course, there are other printing technologies, and therefore other uses for printers at work or at home. But even from this review of the main printing methods, the disappointing conclusion can be drawn that the habit of using the same technology for many years is simply not practical. Do you only need photo printing at home? Replace your inkjet printer with a sublimation printer. And if you need to please your clients with beautiful branded brochures, think about buying a solid ink machine.

In any case, a brief introduction to the basics of printing technology should make it easier not only to choose a new device, but also to better understand the old one.