Test on the basics of algorithmization. Test on the topic “Algorithmization. The algorithm is called cyclic

Ermolaeva I.A., Municipal Educational Institution "Pavlovskaya Sosh", COMPUTER SCIENCE TESTS

Test on the topic “Algorithm. Properties and types of algorithms"

Option 1

    The algorithm is:

a) rules for performing certain actions;

b) a directed graph indicating the order of execution of a certain set of commands;

c) a clear and precise instruction to the performer to perform a sequence of actions aimed at achieving the set goals;

d) a set of commands for a computer;

e) computer network protocol.

    Please provide the most complete list of ways to write algorithms:

a) verbal, graphic, pseudocode, software;

b) verbal;

c) graphic, software;

d) verbal, program;

e) pseudocode.

    effectiveness thing is:

    The essence of such a property of the algorithm ismass character thing is:

a) the algorithm must have a discrete structure (must be divided into a sequence of individual steps);

b) when writing an algorithm for a specific performer, you can use only those commands that are included in the system of his commands;

c) the algorithm must provide a solution not to one specific problem, but to a certain class of problems of a given type;

d) with the exact execution of all commands of the algorithm, the process must stop in a finite number of steps, leading to a certain result;

e) the executor of the algorithm should not make decisions not provided for by the compiler of the algorithm.

    Suthere is such a property of the algorithm asdiscreteness thing is:

a) the algorithm must have a discrete structure (must be divided into a sequence of individual steps);

b) when writing an algorithm for a specific performer, you can use only those commands that are included in the system of his commands;

c) the algorithm must provide a solution not to one specific problem, but to a certain class of problems of a given type;

d) with the exact execution of all commands of the algorithm, the process must stop in a finite number of steps, leading to a certain result;

e) the executor of the algorithm should not make decisions not provided for by the compiler of the algorithm.

    The essence of such a property of the algorithm isclarity thing is:

a) the algorithm must have a discrete structure (must be divided into a sequence of individual steps);

b) when writing an algorithm for a specific performer, you can use only those commands that are included in the system of his commands;

c) the algorithm must provide a solution not to one specific problem, but to a certain class of problems of a given type;

d) with the exact execution of all commands of the algorithm, the process must stop in a finite number of steps, leading to a certain result;

e) the executor of the algorithm should not make decisions not provided for by the compiler of the algorithm.

    The essence of such a property of the algorithm isdeterminability thing is:

a) the algorithm must have a discrete structure (must be divided into a sequence of individual steps);

b) when writing an algorithm for a specific performer, you can use only those commands that are included in the system of his commands;

c) the algorithm must provide a solution not to one specific problem, but to a certain class of problems of a given type;

d) with the exact execution of all commands of the algorithm, the process must stop in a finite number of steps, leading to a certain result;

e) the executor of the algorithm should not make decisions not provided for by the compiler of the algorithm.

    The algorithm is called linear:

    The algorithm is called cyclic:

a) if it is designed in such a way that its implementation involves repeated repetition of the same actions;

b) if the course of its implementation depends on the truth of certain conditions;

c) if his commands are executed in the order of their natural sequence one after another, regardless of any conditions;

d) if it is presented in tabular form;

e) if it includes an auxiliary algorithm.

    The algorithm includes branching if:

a) if it is designed in such a way that its implementation involves repeated repetition of the same actions;

b) if the course of its implementation depends on the truth of certain conditions;

c) if his commands are executed in the order of their natural sequence one after another, regardless of any conditions;

d) if it is presented in tabular form;

e) if it includes an auxiliary algorithm.

    An algorithm for solving a certain subtask, usually executed repeatedly, is called:

a) linear;

b) branching;

c) cyclical;

d) auxiliary;

Option I

1. An algorithm is called:

a) a detailed list of rules for implementing certain


b) a directed graph indicating the order of execution of a certain set of commands;

c) a sequence of commands for the computer;

d) description of the sequence of actions in the form of geometric figures connected by lines and arrows;

e) a clear and precise instruction to the performer to perform a sequence of actions aimed at achieving the set goals.

2. The properties of the algorithm are:

a) relevance, usefulness, reliability, understandability, mass appeal;

b) novelty, unambiguity, clarity, understandability, effectiveness;

c) clarity, unambiguity, mass, discreteness;

d) discreteness, effectiveness, understandability, mass character, reliability;

e) discreteness, effectiveness, determinability, mass character, understandability.

3 The property of the algorithm “effectiveness” means:

4. The property of the algorithm “discreteness” means:

a) the algorithm must provide a solution not to one specific problem, but to a certain class of problems of a given type;

b) with accurate execution of all commands of the algorithm, the process must lead to a certain result;

c) the algorithm must consist of a sequence of a finite number of steps;

d) the algorithm must be focused on a specific performer and contain commands included in the system of his commands;

e) the executor of the algorithm should not make decisions not provided for by the compiler of the algorithm.

5. An algorithmic design that involves performing either one or another action depending on the truth or falsity of some condition is called:

a) linear; c) cyclical;

b) branching; d) recursive d) alternative.

6. A fragment of the algorithm is depicted in the form of a block diagram.

As a result of executing the algorithm, the value of the variable S will be printed if B = 5:

a) 16; b)4; at 8;

d)7; d) 9.

7. The programming language is:

a) the method of communication between the user and the computer system;

b) a set of symbols intended for data transmission;

c) natural language intended for communication between people and computers;

d) formalized languages ​​designed to describe algorithms in the language of the computer performer;

e) an algorithm written in machine code.

8. In the flowchart, the beginning and end of the algorithm are indicated by the figure:

a B C D E)

9. In the flowchart, an action in the algorithm is indicated by a figure:

a B C D E)

10. The output operator in the Basic programming language is:

a)INPUT; b)PRINT; c)NEXT. d)REM; e) RUN;

11. The square root is calculated using the standard function:

12. The modulus is calculated using the standard function:


b )INT(X);

c)EXP(X). d)ABS(X);

d )SQR(X);

13. Tangent is calculated using the standard function: a)TAN(X);

b )INT(X);c)EXP(X). d)ABS(X);

d )SQR(X);

14.An operator who instructs the computer to write data to some variable.


17. e) LET;

15. Arithmetic expression

18. corresponds to the entry:

a) y = SQR((a+b)/ab) b) y = SQR(a+b/ab) c) y =TAN((a+b)/ab)

16. A command by which the computer executes the instructions contained in the program.a) RUN; b)PRINT; c)NEXT d)REM; e) LET;

A command that can be used to view program text. To display part of the program on the screen, you need to specify the numbers of the first and last line, separating them with a dash.

a) RUN; b) LIST; c)NEXT d)REM; e) LET;

Loop operators used to organize a loop with a condition:

a) WHILE - WEND ; b) FOR - NEXT ; c)NEXT d)FOR; e) LET:

25. 19. Arithmetic expression

corresponds to the entry:

a) y = SIN((a+b)/8b) b) y = SQR(a+b/ab) c) y = TAN((a+b)/ab)

d) y = - a/((8*b)/SIN(X)) d) y = a*((8*b)/SIN(X))

20. To describe variables of an integer type, the operator is used:

22. Write an arithmetic operation in Basic

2. Individual phrases of the BASIC language that are entered directly from the keyboard and immediately executed by the computer.

a) team; b) operator c) action; d) variable e) algorithm

3. The sequence of commands that the machine must execute. In other words, a computer program is an algorithm written in a language understandable for a computer.

4. Command that can be used to delete multiple lines

A) RUN ; b) LIST; c) NEXT d) DELETE ; e) LET;

5. Creating a new program (deleting all program text from memory).

A) RUN ; b) LIST; c) NEXT d) DELETE ; e) NEW

6. Clearing the screen of text and graphic information.

A) CLS; b) LIST; c) NEXT d) DELETE ; e) NEW;

7. Recording the program to an external storage device.

A) CLS; b) SAVE c) NEXT d) DELETE ; e) NEW;

8. Reading a program from an external storage device

A) CLS; b) SAVE c) LOAD d) DELETE ; e) NEW;

9. Exit from the BASIC interpreter

A) CLS; b) SAVE c) LOAD d) SYSTEM ; e) NEW;

10. In the block diagram, the condition is indicated by the figure:

a B C D E)

11. In the block diagram, data output and input are indicated by the figure:

a B C D E)

12. Quantities whose values ​​may change during the execution of actions.

a) team; b) operator c) action; d) variable e) program

13. A fragment of the algorithm is depicted in the form of a block diagram. As a result of executing the algorithm, the value of the variable S will be printed if B = 2:

a) 16; b)4; at 8; d)7; d) 9.

14 The “finiteness” property of the algorithm means:

a) with the exact execution of all commands of the algorithm, the process must stop in a finite number of steps, leading to a certain result;

b) the algorithm must have a discrete structure (must be divided into a sequence of individual steps);

c) when writing an algorithm for a specific performer, you can use only those commands that are included in the system of his commands;

d) the algorithm must provide a solution to a certain class of problems of a given type for various data values;

e) the executor of the algorithm should not make decisions not provided for by the compiler of the algorithm.

15. The property of the algorithm “discreteness” means:

a) with the exact execution of all commands of the algorithm, the process must stop in a finite number of steps, leading to a certain result;

b) the algorithm must have a discrete structure (must be divided into a sequence of individual steps);

c) when writing an algorithm for a specific performer, you can use only those commands that are included in the system of his commands;

d) the algorithm must provide a solution to a certain class of problems of a given type for various data values;

e) the executor of the algorithm should not make decisions not provided for by the compiler of the algorithm.

16. The square of a number is calculated using the standard function:


b) SQRT(X);


c)EXP(X). d)ABS(X);

d )SQR(X);

17. The modulus is calculated using the standard function:

18. The arctangent is calculated using the standard function: a)TAN(X);

a)ARCTAN(X);c)EXP(X). d)ABS(X);

b )INT(X);

c)EXP(X). d) ATAN(X);

d )SQR(X);.

a) RUN ; b)PRINT; c)LOG d)REM; e) LET;

22. Beginning of a program section containing a list of labels:

a) LABEL; b) FOR - NEXT ; c)NEXT d)FOR; e) LET

23. To describe variables of real type, the operator is used:

a) integer ; b) real ; c)string; d)array; d) Boolean;

24. Draw a block diagram for solving the expression:

25. Write an arithmetic operation in Basic:

Testing on the topic

« Basics of algorithmization and object-oriented programming »

Students should know:

    definition of the algorithm and its main properties;

    ways to write algorithms;

    purpose of programming languages, programming systems;

    program structure;

    input, output, assignment operators;

    algorithmic structures;

    variable types ;

    functions in object-oriented and procedural programming languages.

Evaluation criteria:

Rating "3" - for 7-10 correct answers;

Rating "4" - for 11-13 correct answers;

Rating "5" - for 14-15 correct answers;

Answers to the test:

1 option



Option 2



1. The algorithm is:

a) rules for performing certain actions;

b) a directed graph indicating the order of execution of a certain set of commands;

c) a clear and precise instruction to the performer to perform a sequence of actions aimed at achieving the set goals;

d) a set of commands for a computer.

2. An algorithm is called cyclic if:

3. The property of the algorithm is:

a) effectiveness;

b) cyclicality;

c) the ability to change the sequence of command execution;

d) the ability to execute the algorithm in reverse order.

4. A fragment of the algorithm is depicted in the form of a block diagram.

Determine what value of the variableS

a) 12

b) 3

at 4

d) 8

5. In a program written in an object-oriented programming languageVB, the property of the object is

A) Selection

b) Characters(i)



6. What is the value of the variableSwill be printed






7. A fragment of the algorithm is depicted in the form of a block diagram.

Determine what value of variable A will be

printed as a result of executing the algorithm.





14. What is the meaning of executing a fragment of a program in BASIC?

8. In a program written in object-oriented

programming languageVB, the object is...

A) Form1

b) Print

V) Command1_Click()


9. Identifying errors and eliminating them is called...

a) debugging the task; c) debugging the algorithm

b) debugging the executor; d) debugging the program?

10. A person, robot, machine gun, device, computer that carries out someone’s commands is...

a) assistant c) program

b) performer d) slave

11. A repeating block of actions (commands) is called...

a) repetition; c) the body of the cycle;

b) cycle; d) repeat command

12. The set of all commands that a specific performer can execute is...

a) software system; c) command system;

b) a system of algorithms; d) task system

13. A command whose actions are performed after checking a condition is called...

a) cycle command; c) branch command;

b) a simple command; d) procedure

14. The property of an algorithm, that the algorithm must consist of specific actions following in a certain order, is called

A) discreteness;


V) limb;

G) mass character;


15. The property of an algorithm, which consists in the fact that the same algorithm can be used with different initial data, is called

A) discreteness;


V) limb;

G) mass character;


1. An algorithm is called linear if:

a) it is designed in such a way that its implementation involves repeated repetition of the same actions;

b) the course of its implementation depends on the truth of certain conditions;

c) his commands are executed in the order of their natural sequence one after another, regardless of any conditions;

d) it can be presented in tabular form.

2. The algorithm includes branching if:

a) it is designed in such a way that its implementation involves repeated repetition of the same actions;

b) the course of its implementation depends on the truth of certain conditions;

c) his commands are executed in the order of their natural sequence one after another, regardless of any conditions;

d) it can be presented in tabular form.

3. Instead of the ellipses, insert the appropriate answer for the following statement: “Any performer is not required to...”:

a) follow the sequence of actions;

b) understand the meaning of the algorithm;

c) formally execute the commands of the algorithm;

d) the ability to accurately follow commands.

4. What is the value of the variableSwill be printed

after executing a program fragment onBasic?

a) 2

b) 3

at 4

d) 6

5. A fragment of the algorithm is depicted in the form of a block diagram. Determine what value of the variableSwill be printed as a result of executing the algorithm.

a) 5

b) 6

at 8

d) 10

6. In a program written in an object-oriented programming languageVBthe object's method is...

A) Documents()

b) Open

V) File Name

G)" C:\Ppoba. doc"

7. What is the value of the variableSwill be printed
after executing a program fragment on





8.Writing an algorithm in the language of a specific performer is...

a) algorithm; c) team;

b) program; d) performer?

9. A separate instruction to the performer is...

a) program; c) team;

b) algorithm; d) order?

10. A form of organizing actions in which the same block is executed several times is called...

a) following; c) branching;

b) cycle; d) an algorithm?

11. A compound command in which the same actions (commands) are repeated several times is called...

a) assignment command; c) repeat command;

b) auxiliary program; d) branch command?

12. The support team is...

a) cycle; c) procedure;

b) branching; d) following?

13. A graphical way to describe the algorithm is...

a) program; c) algorithm;

b) block diagram; d) verbal step-by-step recording?

14. The property of an algorithm, which consists in the fact that each action and the algorithm as a whole must be able to be completed, is called

a) discreteness;

b) determinism;

c) limb;

d) mass participation;

d) effectiveness.

15. The property of an algorithm that there are no errors; the algorithm must lead to the correct result for all valid input values ​​is called

a) discreteness;

b) determinism;

c) limb;

d) mass participation;

d) effectiveness.