Tariff “Signal” from Beeline for “smart” devices: detailed description. Tariff "Signal" Beeline: description

Security comes first in the modern world; it is not surprising that many new systems have emerged to protect property from intruders. One of these devices is a GSM alarm system with a built-in cellular communication module. This alarm system has a compartment for a SIM card. To make management and control comfortable, you should choose the appropriate tariff for GSM alarm.

SIM card selection criteria

When choosing a tariff, it is worth considering the following points:

  1. No subscription fee. This is an ideal option, because the alarm system needs to be able to communicate with the owner, and this does not happen every day, so it is not rational to pay constantly. If there is no such offer, then you should choose a set of services with a minimum regular payment.
  2. Price for sending SMS. In the event of a hacking attempt or other illegal actions, the device will send a text message, so the most interesting packages are those with an affordable SMS price or a package of them.
  3. Cost mms. Many modern GSM alarms send a multimedia message to the owner’s number with an image of what is happening, so the cost of such a service is also worth paying attention to.
  4. Calls. Inbox is free. Outgoing - it makes sense to consider this option only if the alarm supports the outgoing call function. If this is so, then if a danger is detected, it will start calling the programmed numbers, notifying of the alarm. It will be very convenient if you have the opportunity to connect to your favorite numbers, with which communication is carried out at a reduced price or completely free.

Important! For stable operation of alerts in such an alarm system, it is important to promptly top up the account on the SIM card used in the GSM device.

A service that is not used at all, but can be imposed by the operator - the Internet. After purchasing one or another starter package, you should check whether the Internet package is connected.

Opportunities from popular Russian telecom operators

Having considered the main criteria, you can go through tariff plans from popular operators with reliable network coverage. It is worth understanding that in the case of GSM alarms, you should not strive for cheapness, because the operator must provide coverage in the area where the device operates.

The operator offers a special package for any GSM devices that will satisfy the above criteria. It's called "Reception". Its cost is only 100 rubles. In this case, the subscriber can count on:

  • incoming – free;
  • outgoing – 60 minutes per month;
  • SMS package – 60 per month.

Works throughout the country - without roaming. There is a subscription fee, but it is only 3.3 rubles/day.

In addition to the package: outgoing calls – 3 rubles/min, sending messages – 3 rubles/piece.

Also for GSM devices you can use the following tariffs:

  1. "Signal". A package of 50 SMS is provided, calls at 3 rubles/min.
  2. "Zero doubts." The price for outgoing calls is 1.5 rubles, the same cost for 1 SMS. There is no subscription fee here.


The operator does not provide special tariffs, but there are quite convenient ones:

  1. “Go to zero.” The equipment will send a text message at a price of 2 rubles per piece, calls within the “house” to Megafon numbers are free. There is no monthly fee, but there are many imposed service packages that are activated automatically; it is better to unsubscribe from them immediately.
  2. "SMS S". This is a service that can be connected to any tariff plan. According to its terms, 100 SMS are provided at a price of 100 rubles per month. They can only be sent to numbers in the connection region.

One of the largest federal operators offers the “Mayak” tariff - these are special offers for GSM devices. The terms of the tariff plan are as follows:

  1. Calls within the connection region – 1.5 rubles/min.
  2. Calls within the country – 5 rubles/min.
  3. Sending SMS – 1.5 rubles per piece.
  4. The cost of mms is 6.5 rubles.

There is no permanent subscription fee at Mayak; funds are spent according to the indicated prices.

Package SMS connection services are available for it. The operator offers 100, 300 or 500 SMS.

You can also use the “Per-Second” tariff; as the name suggests, it provides for per-second payment for calls. The cost of a second depends on the region of connection. Sending SMS 2 rubles for each.

Tariffs for GSM signaling that meet the criteria are not difficult to find; every major telecom operator has them. The main thing is not to forget to regularly top up the SIM card installed in the equipment.

From the article you will find out who is comfortable using the “Signal” tariff from Beeline and what connection methods exist.

Description of the tariff "Signal" Beeline

The terms of the tariff are suitable for users for whom it is important to control the condition of home appliances and other devices. The mobile platform was created to manage and organize the operation of smart devices. The functioning of the communication is ensured by the technology of data exchange between the equipment used. The principle of remote monitoring of the following systems is observed:

In addition, it is possible to track an object using special software interfaced with a GPS module.

Thanks to the tariff capabilities, the control settings of all systems are combined in one mobile gadget. As a result, the user has access to control at any time. In case of unforeseen situations, he will always be able to quickly take action while being far from home.

The “Signal” tariff plan does not exclude the possibility of using voice communications, using the Internet and sending messages.

Who is this tariff suitable for?

The package offer is designed for users with smart devices. They arrange their home and use such devices to constantly be aware of what is happening. The tariff is suitable for the following equipment and power systems:

  • Heating system of the house;
  • Boiler of any kind, regardless of the fuel used;
  • Counter for calculating consumed energy resources;
  • Signaling;
  • Video cameras and recording devices.

If a person needs to stop the process, find out about the state of the system, or resume the operation, he can send an SMS command or perform control via the Internet. If possible, send GPRS coordinates to carry out the operation.

How to connect a tariff

There are several connection methods:

  • Go to the provider’s specialized center and express a desire to purchase a package offer;
  • Contact the nearest company store to purchase a SIM card;
  • Call the customer support service, informing the operator of your intention to activate the package (a company employee will request user data and coordinate delivery);
  • Visit the official website of the Beeline provider, where there is an option to select and purchase the desired tariff.

After accepting the application and signing the terms in a communication shop or specialized center, the client must pay a subscription fee to the SIM card account. The received funds will ensure the activation of the tariff.

When choosing a method of contacting via the Internet, the user will need to perform a number of actions:

  • Find an offer in the general list of packages from Beeline;
  • In the found item, click on the “Buy SIM card” button;
  • In the window that appears, enter your phone number;
  • Click on the “Call me back” button.

The service support operator will contact the client and specify the address for delivery of the package offer.

How to switch from another tariff to the “Signal” tariff

When using services from Beeline, the client can change the tariff in the mobile application or in his personal account on the provider’s website. Action plan:

Having confirmed your intention, wait for the SMS message to arrive. Further work requires payment of a subscription fee.

Existing Beeline subscribers can contact the operator’s service support to clarify all the conditions for switching to a new tariff.

Important: According to the operator’s rules, one free TP change per month is allowed. Otherwise, a fee of 150 rubles will be charged.

Disabling tariff

Disabling a tariff means changing it to another offer. To perform the operation, you will need to log in to your account or open the mobile application. Having selected another package, point to the “Change tariff” command. Connecting a new plan will automatically deactivate the Signal service.

Tariff cost

The cost of the tariff consists of the subscription fee and services for making calls, sending SMS and using the Internet. The following payment has been approved:

1 ruble is withdrawn daily. for using the services. There is no charge for upgrading to this offer.

Internet on a tariff plan

Data exchange does not imply the introduction of traffic. Payment is made for actually transferred and received megabytes - 2 rubles/1 MB. The advantage for clients is that the Internet session is rounded up to 1 KB. This allows you to reduce expenses and plan your budget. The average speed is 128 Kb/sec.

Advantages and disadvantages of the tariff

The positive qualities of the tariff plan include:

  • The ability to control and monitor home and other equipment from anywhere;
  • The ability to use the offer as an additional source of control (customers can purchase 2 SIM cards - one will be needed for calls, the other will be a home assistant);
  • Small subscription fee;
  • Profitable Internet for those who use it only for necessary purposes;
  • The cost of SMS is lower than other tariffs of the provider.

But there are also weaknesses in the “Signal” package:

  • Call tariffs are overpriced;
  • If you use the tariff abroad, you will have to spend more;
  • The conditions do not apply to all territories;
  • Low Internet speed if you want to use it for other purposes.

The offer was developed taking into account the needs of residents of megacities who use modern devices in everyday life to make life easier. When using the package to perform certain tasks, the user will spend a lot of money. The tariff also allows you to keep in touch and use the Internet for basic requests.

The Beeline “Signal” tariff is a special offer from the mobile operator for subscribers who want to gain remote access and control “smart” devices that receive and send data via GSM and other channels. Devices with mobile app integration are becoming increasingly popular these days. To take advantage of the possibility of remote control and receiving data, the subscriber just needs to buy or switch to this tariff. “Smart” or smart devices include other mobile phones, smart watches, smartphones and tablets, alarm and video surveillance systems, video baby monitors, meters, navigators, digitally controlled heating boilers and other types of equipment.

Beeline "Signal" is a contractual service tariff that provides for the conclusion of an agreement between the communication service provider and the subscriber. The operator assumes that making outgoing calls using this phone number will not be a priority for the subscriber. The main direction of the communication service within the “Signal” tariff plan is telematics services, namely the reception and transmission of data via the GSM channel or other channels.

But voice communication services are provided and charged per minute, regardless of coverage area. Incoming calls to the phone are free, while for outgoing calls the subscriber must pay 5 rubles per minute within the home network and to long-distance numbers.

The cost of connecting to the tariff plan is 30 rubles; a guarantee fee for connection is not required.

The fee for using the service is transferred daily after the subscriber concludes an agreement with the operator. The daily fee for using the services is 1 ruble. To switch to this tariff, the user can log into a personal account on the Beeline website, or call the operator. You can also buy a new SIM card configured for Beeline Signal.

Internet cost

Data transfer is also charged per unit of traffic and amounts to 2 rubles per 1 MB of Internet. The operator's priority is subscribers in the Moscow region, but connecting to a tariff plan is also possible in other regions.

Regions where you can connect

This tariff plan is available to subscribers of all regions and cities of Russia, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, as well as cities in such regions as Smolensk, Arkhangelsk, Tambov, Bashkortostan, Tver, Bryansk, Tula, Vladimir, Tyumen, Vologda, Ulyanovsk, Irkutsk, Chelyabinsk, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Tomsk, Voronezh, Sverdlovsk, Volgograd, Ryazan, Belgorod, Pskov, Astrakhan, Oryol, Omsk, Kursk, Novgorod, Kemerovo, Kaluga, Kaliningrad.

The Far Eastern region - Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Sakha, Buryatia, Magadan, Irkutsk, Sakhalin, Amur and Jewish Autonomous Regions, Khabarovsk, Kamchatka, Primorsky and Trans-Baikal Territories - are not included in the list of available districts for connecting to this tariff. For the region, the cost of data transfer is 9.95 rubles per 1 MB of mobile Internet.

The devices presented in our range are controlled by via GSM channel. For this purpose, the devices are equipped with a cellular communication module and a connector for installing SIM cards in mini-SIM format(not to be confused with micro and nano). To ensure reliable operation of the device and reduce maintenance costs, you should choose a cellular operator and carefully select a tariff. But how to choose the right tariff and operator for your GSM device?

If the device is installed outside the countryside, then pay attention to the level of signal reception in the area. If the operator reception on your phone is problematic, ask your friends or neighbors nearby how their reception is going. On the Internet you can find coverage maps of cellular operators or a map of base stations. Remember - a stable and strong signal level will allow the GSM device to notify you in time if an emergency situation occurs.

After choosing a mobile operator, you should decide on a tariff plan. There are many tariffs here, but we will try to help.

Let's see what to look for when choosing a tariff:

  1. Subscription fee. Currently, all operators offer many package connections with a subscription fee, but they always have one or two tariffs without a subscription fee, which they try not to advertise. You should pay attention to such tariffs; they will help you significantly reduce costs.
  2. SMS messages. The most important parameter for us. It is through SMS commands that communication with our devices occurs, for example. Through messages, the device will notify you about a power outage, when various sensors are turned on/off, or when the temperature goes out of range. Each operator has SMS packages among its services. The cheaper these packages are, the better. They can be beneficial if the device sends you a large number of messages (about 100 messages per month), which is unlikely in real life.
  3. Incoming calls. Currently, almost everywhere is free. The only exceptions are cases when the SIM card is not in the home region and roaming tariffs apply. It would seem, why do we need incoming calls? OPERA-GSM can be controlled by calling the device and typing commands in tone mode.
  4. Outgoing calls. If you use or for a boiler, then pay attention to this parameter as well. For alarm notifications, the device can make a voice call to your phone. Calls are made in extreme cases, so their cost can be neglected in favor of a tariff with cheaper SMS.
  5. Internet. Completely unnecessary and not used in our devices. Please note that the operator does not connect you to any Internet package with a subscription fee. This is a common reason for the SIM card balance being depleted and, as a result, the number being blocked.

Thus, we have figured out the main nuances that are worth paying special attention to. Next, consider the current state of affairs among the proposed tariff plans.

All goods

Tariff forGSM equipment from Megafon

When using the Megafon operator, you should choose the tariff "Go to zero". The cost of SMS in the tariff is 2 rubles, and voice calls to Megafon numbers in your home region are completely free. The tariff does not have a subscription fee. If you disable all the imposed service packages from it, the cost of communicating with a GSM device will ultimately amount to several tens of rubles per month. If, in your case, you actively communicate with the device, and the number of SMS messages sent to you exceeds 50 per month, then you can use the option "SMS S". The subscription fee for the service is 100 rubles per month. For this money, you can send 100 SMS to numbers in your home region.

Tariff for GSM equipment from MTS

If you use MTS, pay attention to the tariff "Second-by-second". The cost of SMS on these tariffs will be 2 rubles. It is possible to connect a package of 100 SMS, costing 120 rubles.

Tariff for GSM equipment from Beeline

Among the tariffs of the Beeline mobile operator, we can highlight such tariff plans as "Signal" And "Zero doubts". The first tariff has an SMS price of 3 rubles (after the package of 50 SMS is exhausted) and an expensive cost per minute of a voice call (3 rubles/min). Calls can be used by our devices in any emergency situations. For example, OPERA-GSM makes a voice call when an alarm is triggered on the protected perimeter, and GSM-Thermometer can notify with a call about a drop in temperature in a country house. With the “Zero Doubts” tariff, an SMS costs 1.5 rubles. and also 1.5 rubles per minute of a voice call. In this case, you will not need to pay a daily subscription fee.

Tariff for GSM equipment from TELE2

The tariffs of this operator include the “Beneficial Set” tariff. Its advantage will be the absence of a subscription fee, the cost of a message is 1.5 rubles, fairly cheap calls are 0.90 rubles / min. But there are also several disadvantages: in Moscow and the Moscow region, the Tele2 operator works only in 3G and/or 4G standards. Tele2 does not work in the GSM standard in Moscow and the region (and will not work in GSM!), but it is in this range that most GSM devices operate. Also, if you do not use a SIM card, after 4 months a subscription fee of 30 rubles/month will appear.


"Go to zero"





"Zero doubts"

Subscription fee

3 RUR/day

SMS cost

Calls to Megafon numbers in your home region

1st minute - 1.85 rubles,

from 2nd - free

0.05 rub/sec

1.5 rub./min

Additional options
, which can be connected if you use a large number of SMS messages:

This article uses current tariffs and options as of April 28, 2018

It is also worth noting that some operators block the operation of a SIM card inserted into a GSM device. This happens because the operator perceives the device as a 3G modem and stops working. If you use a plan for tablets, difficulties may also arise due to device mismatches and lead to blocking by the operator.

Choosing a tariff plan is a very individual matter. This process depends on many factors: what kind of device you have, for what purposes you use it and what operating modes you have set for it. In our article, we tried to tell you what to look for and what are the nuances in choosing a tariff.

Devices whose operation is based on high technology are increasingly being introduced into our lives. Soon the housewife will have household appliances in her kitchen with an operating system to control operating functions. The VimpelCom company, especially for people who use “smart” household devices, offers the Signal tariff from the Beeline cellular network.

It makes it possible to effectively manage new technologies using mobile gadgets and the capabilities of the global network. This tariff does not apply throughout the country. To check the possibility of activating the “Signal” tariff, you need to go to the operator’s website, find this tariff plan in the “tariffs” section, and enter your locality. After this, information will appear about whether it is possible to connect to this tariff for you, and its description.

Almost every person has tablets and smartphones. Using them, we talk on cell phones, send messages, correspond with instant messengers and communicate on social networks. In such cases, tariffs with inexpensive calls, as well as unlimited Internet, are needed.

There are household devices that operate with a SIM card and do not require cellular communications, the ability to make voice calls, they have completely different tasks. Such devices include:

  1. Utility metering devices are equipped with a function for remote monitoring and recording of readings.
  2. Devices with GPS receivers – various key fobs, car trackers, car alarms, dog collars equipped with GPS receivers and modules.
  3. Smart home systems are controlled using special commands through access to the World Wide Web.
  4. Signaling systems - control occurs using commands over the Internet, SMS calls, and regular calls, so you need a tariff for GSM signaling.
  5. Household appliances – there are home devices that can be controlled from a smartphone if you are connected to a data plan with the Internet. Such equipment includes heating boilers, climate control and other smart devices.

Such devices do not require bulk traffic or large packages of call minutes. However, their work has its own characteristics - traffic should not be too expensive, preferably no more than 2-3 rubles per megabyte. Internet traffic should be calculated most economically; some commands for such devices have a volume of no more than 1 KB. Additional services and options are also not needed for them.

Description of the “Signal” tariff

Recently, the conditions of VimpelCom have undergone some changes. As a result, many tariffs were archived. However, “Signal” remains in operation and is available for connection today. This is due to the fact that we have more “smart” devices. This tariff does not include a package of call minutes and is not suitable for communication.

But the possibility of voice communication on this tariff is available, although it is expensive. One minute of conversation will cost 5 rubles for an outgoing call, incoming calls will be free. This pricing was created for cheap information transfer. 1 MB of Internet on Signal costs two rubles. For regular cellular communications this cost is high, but for smart devices it is inexpensive.

The whole trick is in the tariff range. On a simple SIM card for a phone, if the tariff plan on it is without a monthly fee, then the price of 1 MB is 9.9 rubles, rounded to the nearest 150 kB. On Signal, 1 megabyte costs 2 rubles, rounded to the nearest 1 kilobit. Even short Internet sessions will not significantly reduce the card score. The fee per day is 1 ruble.

This pricing is beneficial for subscribers, as evidenced by their reviews. For example, consider that GSM trackers provide a tracking signal with a range of several minutes, and alarm systems even less often. The same situation is observed for gas meters, electrical appliances and water meters. Their amount of traffic consumed will be minimal.

Extra options

If we consider in more detail all the conditions of the “Signal”, we have the following list of them:

  • sending SMS texts and GPS coordinates, connecting to mobile devices that support wireless remote control;
  • services are paid immediately after connecting the SIM card of the Beeline operator;
  • if there are insufficient funds in the account, the subscriber’s service is terminated;
  • if a SIM card with the “Signal” tariff connected does not work for more than six months, it is blocked; Unlocking can be done at the service office or sales showrooms;
  • the subscription fee is charged once per day;
  • if you switch to another tariff plan, unused services will be cancelled;
  • incoming calls are free when you are in any region of the country, as well as SMS messages;
  • The speed of access traffic to the World Wide Web is usually no more than 128 kilobits per second.

How to switch to Beeline Signal tariff

If you are connected to another network, but want to connect to the “Signal” tariff from Beeline, then it is advisable to use the tips for activating it:

  1. Purchasing a basic starter package with an activated “Signal” tariff in Beeline sales stores. To buy a SIM card and sign a service agreement, you will need your passport details. The manager at the salon will give comprehensive advice on activating a SIM card and tell you about auxiliary services, offers and tariff conditions.
  2. You can buy a starter kit with the tariff plan in question without leaving your apartment. To do this you will need a computer with an Internet connection. You need to go to the Beeline website and find this tariff plan in the list. Click on the “Buy SIM card in one click” button. Then a window will appear in which you need to enter a phone number and click on the “Call me back” link. In a few minutes, a company employee will contact you by phone to clarify information, connection conditions and delivery address.

If you already have a Beeline SIM card with a different tariff, then the transfer methods are completely different. Since you want to switch to “Signal”, it is advisable to choose one of the following methods:

  1. Mobile application from the VimpelCom company “My Beeline. By installing this application on your gadget, you can manage the services available on your tariff. It is usually downloaded from Google's Play Store if you have an Android system, or from the Apple Store if your smartphone has an iOS system. After downloading and installing the application, you need to register in it, enter your password and login, and log in. In the “Tariff Plans” tab, find the “Signal” you need and click on the “Change” button.
  2. Similar actions should be carried out in your “Personal Account” on the official website. There you also need authorization using a password and login, which you can get using your phone.
  3. You can also switch to Signal by communicating with a support center specialist. To do this, you need to call 0611 and follow the voice menu prompts, and then the specialist’s instructions.

Do you need "Signal"

Before choosing this tariff, it is advisable to think carefully and analyze its positive and negative aspects. Its conditions will be the best option for you if:

  • you have many devices with a wireless connection or control function over a cellular network;
  • you need conditions with the smallest package of minutes, MMS and SMS;
  • It will not be a burden for you to charge a daily subscription fee, as well as pay for some services;
  • you are satisfied with the network traffic speed of up to 128 kilobits per second (some subscribers try to advise how to remove the speed limit, but the terms of the tariff do not change).

The existing negative aspects of this tariff may push you to choose other conditions, and buy this one only as an additional one:

  • a small range of connected services (calls - no more than 50 minutes, the ability to send SMS) included;
  • calls even on the Beeline network are paid;
  • roaming abroad is expensive;
  • does not operate in all localities (a complete list of regions where it operates is available on the Beeline website);
  • low traffic speed.

How to disconnect from the “Signal” tariff

You can refuse this tariff using two methods: deactivating the SIM card to stop charging a subscription fee, or changing the tariff to another tariff, for example, with a prepaid system.

You can disable the SIM card by calling the customer center at 0611 or in the “Personal Account” on the operator’s website. You can also contact an employee at any company salon in your locality, taking your passport with you. You must indicate the blocking period and provide evidence that this number belongs to you.

Cost of services according to the tariff

Prices for this tariff plan depend on the region of registration of the SIM card, and most often amount to no more than three rubles per day. For residents of Moscow, the fee per day is 1 ruble. In some other cities the fee can reach three rubles.

  • 1 MB of network traffic costs 2 rubles;
  • calls within the Beeline operator and to other networks - 50 minutes of free calls per month, after the end of the package the cost is charged at the rate of 3 rubles per minute;
  • the kit includes 50 MMS and the same number of SMS; when the package ends, one message costs three rubles;
  • if you are in roaming, then the cost of voice calls to the CIS countries, Ukraine and Georgia is 55 rubles, in Europe, Canada, America - 70 rubles, in other countries more than 100 rubles;
  • There is no charge for switching to “Signal”, just like for a “beautiful number”.

Users' opinions about the tariff

The Signal tariff is a convenient offer from VimpelCom for those who do not need high Internet speed and large packages of communication minutes. Many subscribers activate this tariff for themselves to solve certain problems, namely, to manage “smart” home devices.

The tariff completely copes with its main task, since its cost per month of use is in the range of 30-90 rubles, and depends on the region. The global network access speed of 128 kilobits per second is quite sufficient for basic functions: connecting via Wi-Fi with other gadgets, viewing emails, reading news, etc.

It is not recommended to use the “Signal” tariff as the main one. This is explained by the fact that its main purpose was to send SMS, remote control of household devices, and calculate GPS coordinates. For favorable conditions for the Internet and voice calls, many other tariff plans that are available in abundance from the Beeline operator are suitable.