Multiplication table by 2 and 3. Multiplication cards by three

It is impossible to do without knowledge of the multiplication table, so it is included in the school curriculum already in the elementary grades. For a student, memorization is very difficult. Children get scared when the teacher points to the spread of the notebook, where examples that need to be learned are raised in columns.

Therefore, it is worth showing how to make memorization quick with the help of games, multiplication secrets and useful algorithms.

The multiplication table (a game to quickly learn the memorization algorithm is described below) was invented a very long time ago. There is an opinion that the Pythagorean table was developed by an ancient philosopher and mathematician. But no confirmation of this was found. But it is known that they counted using it already in ancient Japan, where during excavations they discovered wooden tablets with parts of a table (8th century).

Scientists suggest that the table came to Japan through China. In those days, the countries interacted closely. Japanese residents came to the Celestial Empire to study science. The assumption that the table was created in China is confirmed by a find at least 3 thousand years old in the form of a separate fragment of the table.

Some experts suggest that the table penetrated from China to India through trade caravans, and from there it spread to all other countries.

Another version says: tablets with numbers were found 5 thousand years ago in Mesopotamia. Perhaps that's where it was invented. In addition, it could have been invented in several countries at the same time, because already at that time the need for calculating large numbers was clear.

In which class do they teach multiplication tables?

In Russian schools they begin to study the table in 2nd grade. And by the beginning of 4th grade, teachers try to finish memorizing. However, the most commonly used standard method is memorization. It is ineffective, so some students peek at the answers on the back of the notebook until graduation.

How to teach a child multiplication

First of all, the child needs to be interested. Moreover, it is worth starting to study together, and not just playing the role of an inspector.

A few tips to help you memorize the Pythagorean table faster and better:

  • It is worth preparing a printed multiplication table in advance and explaining how the action occurs (the answer to multiplication is at the intersection), explaining the basic terms: factors, product.
  • Explain to the child how the table works (for example, explain that 3 x 2 is the same as 3 + 3).
  • You should learn the material gradually, in small parts. You need to start with the simplest examples.
  • You should explain to the child that changing the places of numbers in multiplication does not change the result (2 x 4 is the same as 4 x 2);
  • Look for patterns in the table (for example, if any number is multiplied by 1, you get the same number).
  • Do more reps. Gradually, the material covered may be forgotten, so it is worth systematically refreshing your memory.
  • Use memorization techniques.
  • Not every child is able to quickly memorize material, so parents should be calm and attentive. Even if a student fails to learn something, he should not be forced to sit through lessons longer.

Where to begin

First you need to let your child understand the meaning of multiplication. This is done using the simplest examples: 3 x 4 - means that the number 3 must be taken 4 times. Once the meaning is clear, it will become much easier. On notebooks, the table is usually written in columns at the back. It is better to abandon it in favor of the Pythagorean one, where the result is at the intersection of multiplying numbers. The visual method works better.

Therefore, it is worth printing out the table and hanging it above the table or anywhere where the child will look at it. Let it be bright and large enough. They start learning with the smallest numbers: 2, then 3.

You should first think through all the ways of memorizing. A combination of methods will help you remember faster: using cards, games, poems, knowledge of patterns.

Useful materials to study

When memorizing the multiplication tables, it will not be a bad idea to use educational materials.

  • Shklyarova T. “How I taught my girl the multiplication tables.” This book is small, smaller in volume than a notebook. The author begins it by crossing out half of the multiplication table - the law of displacement applies. The first part of the book talks about what multiplication and division are, even and odd numbers, the features of finding the product and quotient of 1, 10 and 0, how to find an unknown factor and more. The second part explains how to multiply and divide by all numbers, explains various nuances and simple ways to memorize.
  • Samsonova L. “Tabular multiplication for all current textbooks”. This manual is built in a strict learning order: first, multiplying by 2, then by 3, by 4, and so on up to 9. The book contains many tests, problems, interesting examples, and coloring pages. After studying multiplication by certain numbers, independent work begins to check.

  • Long Linnet "Magnificent Multiplication".

The latest tutorial is based on games, of which there are 28:

  • multiplication on fingers;
  • memorization using socks;
  • pencils;
  • corners of the room;
  • playing cards;
  • counters;
  • inventing fairy tales;
  • tic-tac-toe;
  • digital lotto and much more.

The book is divided into 3 parts - according to difficulty level. Boys and girls will be surprised that to memorize complex examples you just need to decorate a teddy bear or learn a counting rhyme.


This is a simple but effective method. You should prepare cards with examples of multiplication without writing down the answers. They are mixed (you can use a lotto bag). The child draws out one card at a time and tries to give an answer. If it is correct, then the card is removed to the side; if it is incorrect, it is returned to the bag.

Cards will help you quickly learn the multiplication tables

You can diversify the game like this: give answers within a certain period of time. You should allocate 1 minute. (or more), then count how many cards were guessed. The child will want to improve his result, which will become an incentive to memorize.

Another option is to play until you run out of examples. For each incorrect answer, assign the child a task: collect toys, dance, do squats, recite a poem. If all the cards are guessed correctly, you can award a prize in the form of sweets.

All children love to play, so as soon as they learn that they can get points, win chocolate or beat someone (even themselves), it becomes much more interesting for them.

Therefore, you can offer your child to learn the material with the following phrase: “The multiplication table is a game. To learn faster, we will play “cards, sea battle, shop” (depending on what is taken). The goal is to score so many points, complete it in this amount of time, reach level 3, and much more.”

Poetic examples

With the help of short rhyming lines you can remember the most difficult moments well.

You can compose simple rhymes that will speed up the learning process for your child. They don't have to be logical:

It is worth noting that some examples from the Pythagorean table are themselves rhyming phrases. These include:

  • Six six is ​​thirty six;
  • Seven five – thirty five and others.

Such variations do not cause much difficulty in remembering.

Counting on fingers

Children often resort to turning over a notebook with the multiplication table or even using a calculator when they forget complex examples. There is an easy way to count using your fingers.

This method makes it easy to multiply numbers by 9. Counting algorithm:

Example: you need to multiply 3 by 9. The hand is put forward, the third finger is bent. To the left of it are 2 fingers - indicating the number 20. To the right there are 7 fingers, which means 7 units. In the end there were 27.

Multiplying 9 by 9. The ninth finger is bent. There are 8 left on the left (which means 80), and 1 on the right. It turns out 81.

The following method will help you multiply numbers greater than 5. It's more complicated. Let's say you need to calculate how much 6 by 7 is. To do this, one finger on the left hand is extended (6 is more than 5 by 1), the others are bent. On the right, 2 fingers remain (7 is more than 5 by 2), the rest are hidden.

The visible fingers add up: 1 + 2 = 3 tens (that is, 30). The bent ones are multiplied: 4 x 3 = 12. All that remains is to add the resulting numbers: 30 + 12 = 42. The answer has been found.

A child should learn the multiplication tables with pleasure, so you should interest him.

You can do this in the form of a magic game: give the child a table and ask him to name any example from the desired column. He will ask, after which the parent will say that he can count with his own hand, and quickly show the whole sequence. It is important that the student himself wants to learn multiplication. This way the process will move much faster.

Using toys

The multiplication table (a game to quickly learn the algorithm can be offered to the child instead of boring memorization) is better learned with the help of additional “tools.” To do this, you will need your child's favorite toys.

The essence of the method is simple: you take cars, construction kit parts, and furniture from a dollhouse. Examples are built on this basis. Let’s say you need to multiply 5 by 3. Then 5 construction set pieces are laid out in front of the baby.

It is reported that you need to take 5 bricks 3 times to build a house. He takes these 5 parts, adds 5 more, and again the same number. Then he calculates that 15 bricks were brought to the construction site. With the help of such visual practice, the material is remembered faster.

If the method with toys is used, then you should not additionally burden the student with counting on fingers. It is better to choose one option so as not to confuse the child.

Mobile or online games

Modern assistants are computer games. The memorization process is fun and unnoticeable.

Examples of online games:

  • "Multiplication tables: animal puzzles". The child needs to collect the picture. This can be done only by solving the examples - they are below. At the top of the screen there is a picture in the form of a table with numbers. After solving the example, the puzzle piece is dragged onto the square with the resulting number. As a result, an image of the animal should open. In the game you can select a mode with multiplication by any number.
  • "Multiplication tables: adventures in the jungle." The player is transported to the world of dangerous forests where an ancient tribe lives. One of his representatives, the guy Jim, should get a mask. But before that, you need to cope with various challenges - fishing, drumming and target shooting. The child must help the little savage overcome obstacles. This can be done only by solving examples.
  • "Multiplication tables: skateboard racing." A fun ride and memorizing examples will make learning invisible. A skateboarder is rushing along the road, constantly having to overcome obstacles. To help him, you should quickly solve examples. In the game you can select a mode not only for multiplication, but also for other arithmetic operations.
  • "Snake". A small worm crawls on a green meadow. There are numbers scattered everywhere - answers to examples that need to be guessed. The snake is only allowed to eat balls with the correct answer. The more eaten, the longer it is. The game has the ability to select a mode - the numbers by which the multiplication will be performed.

Many games are aimed not at learning, but at remembering, that is, it is assumed that the child has already memorized the material, and during the game he simply tests himself. Therefore, you can allow using this method after studying - as a cool-down.

Sea battle

The multiplication table (a game to learn faster, it can be used in the form of a sea battle) is easier to remember in a game form. According to the rules, a couple of players participate. Each player draws two fields on a checkered sheet of paper: one for their own ships, and the second for the opponent’s fleet. To memorize the table, instead of letters, numbers are written on one side - the field resembles a Pythagorean table.

Having drawn the ships, the battle begins. The game should be played like this: it is called a multiplication action, for example, 2 x 7. The child sees that the answer is 14 at the intersection, and looks to see if there are ships there. This is how all moves are made.

Another option is to call the answer, say, 32. And the child sees that this number is obtained by multiplying 4 by 8. The clarity of this method will simplify memorization.

How to learn multiplication tables by playing sea battle:

Examples from life

Learning will be easier and more enjoyable if you build the process on things that are close to the child. You can give examples from everyday life. Instead of the standard question: how much is 2 x 3, you can ask “how many cars are in the garage if 3 cars came in 2 times?” Any objects are used for explanations: matches, coins, cubes and felt-tip pens.

You can play in the store. Offer the child to buy 4 candies for 3 rubles. Let him count how much money he will need.

Multiplying by 1 and 10

Solving examples with these numbers is very simple. When any number is multiplied by 1, this number remains: 1 x 4 = 4 (that is, one was taken 4 times or four was taken 1 time). Same with all other cases: 1 x 6 = 6; 1 x 8 = 8 and so on. When increasing a number by 10 times, simply add 0 at the end: 5 x 10 = 50; 10 x 28 = 280 and so on with any number.

Multiply by 2

The product of numbers by 2 shows the doubling of the digit, that is, it is taken 2 times: 2 x 12 = 12 + 12; 5 x 2 = 5 + 5 and so on each. Therefore, all examples with doubling can be considered easy, because children already know addition.

Multiply by 3

The explanation of the table for the number 3 should begin with a simple one: 1 x 2 - this means that the number 1 is taken 2 times, that is, 1 + 1. If you take one more 1, you get 1 + 1 + 1. This example is replaced by multiplication: 1 x 3 or 3 x 1 (the result will not change if the factors are changed).

Then it turns out that all other examples of multiplication by 3 are built on the same principle: the number is doubled and added. For example, 6 x 3 - this means that 6 was multiplied by 2 and another 6 was added. It looks like this: 6 x 2 + 6 = 18, that is, 6 x 3 = 18.

Thus, it is worth doing multiplication with all numbers. You can also note that even results of multiplication by 3 in the table alternate with odd ones.

Multiply by 4

It is assumed that a number is taken 4 times, for example, 3 x 4 can be written like this: 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12, that is, the three is taken 4 times. If you rearrange them, you get 4 x 3 = 4 + 4 + 4 - the four was taken 3 times. To explain, use the example of animal legs. The child is asked the question: how many legs does a cat have? He answers that 4 (it is better to use a picture of an animal for clarity).

If one cat has so many legs, then the example would be: 4 (legs) x 1 (cat) = 4. Next, you ask how many legs two cats have. The child will say that 8. The example is composed again: 2 (cats) x 4 (legs) = 8. In this way, you can write all examples of multiplication by 4.

Multiply by 5

Memorizing the multiplication table by 5 is quite easy, but if you need to multiply large numbers, difficulties arise. To multiply a number by 5, you need to divide it in half (by 2), then simply add 0 to the answer. If the result of dividing by 2 is a non-integer number, then simply add 5 at the end (ignoring the comma).

Example: 3258 x 5 = (3258 / 2) and a zero = 16290 is assigned.

Multiplying by 6,7,8

There is a simple way to count on your fingers. Until the child has memorized the entire multiplication table for large numbers, it will be useful for him to learn this simple version of multiplication. So, turn your hands with your palms facing you. Each finger on the hands is assigned numbers from 6 to 10 (you need to start with the little finger).

For example:

  • calculate the product of 6 by 7. You should connect the finger under the sixth number on the left hand and the seventh on the right.

Now you need to count: the number of fingers under the connected ones and those that are connected. In this case, one finger is below and two are connected, resulting in 3 fingers. This will be 3 tens. The remaining fingers on top are multiplied: there are four on the left hand and three on the right - 3 x 4 = 12. Since the number is greater than 9, the tens and the resulting number are added: 30 + 12 = 42. This will be the answer.

One more example:

  • 8 x 7. The eighth finger of the left hand is connected to the seventh finger of the right. Together with the connected ones, you get five fingers, that is, the number 50. If you multiply the remaining ones, you get 6 (units). The result is 56.

Multiply by 9

Multiplying by nine using fingers was discussed above. In fact, only one example is worth remembering here: 9 x 9 = 81. All the rest refer to other numbers, because changing places does not change the product. So, 9 x 8 = 8 x 9, and 9 x 5 = 5 x 9 and so on.

So that the child is not frightened by the huge number of examples on the spread of the math notebook, he should immediately be told that he can cross out more than half of the tablet, because it is not necessary to learn all this.

When multiplying by 1 and 10, you do not need to remember the answers. Multiplying by 2 is simply doubling a number; children are taught to add earlier. Changing the factors does not change the product, so not everything will have to be memorized.

Secret What does it mean Example
Product of 1 and 10Multiplying by 1 leaves the number as is;
for 10 – a zero is assigned
1 x 5 = 5 (the number has not changed);
2 x 10 = 20 (zero added to two)
Multiply by 2A number is added to itself30 x 2 = 60 (since 30 + 30 = 60)
Swap multipliersIf, when multiplying, we put the first number in place of the second, and the second in place of the first, then the answer will not change6 x 3 = 3 x 6 = 18

So, out of 80 examples located on the back of the notebook, you will need to learn only 36 (the rest are crossed out).

Among the presented methods for working with the Pythagorean table and memorization tricks, one can highlight those that will help you learn the material quickly and effectively and will not turn mathematics into a boring and uninteresting subject, but will make it like a game.

With a little effort, your child won’t have to look anywhere for even the most complex examples.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: activities with a child: how to quickly learn the multiplication table

How to quickly learn the multiplication table:

It is believed that of the entire multiplication table, the column with multiplication by 3 is the most difficult for a child to remember. This is indeed true, since it is difficult to notice any pattern in these examples. As a result, you just have to learn them all by heart, like a rhyme. And yet there are several simple ways that will significantly simplify and speed up the memorization process.

Double and add

Typically, children begin learning the 3 times table when they already know the basic principles of multiplication and the times tables for 1, 2, 4, and 10. These skills should definitely be used when starting to learn 3 times.

To begin with, the child should be reminded that multiplication is an abbreviated form of adding a certain number of identical terms. In this case, this term is three. Having understood this, children who are good at adding in their heads almost immediately begin to name the correct answers to examples with a factor of 3.

To make the task of memorization easier, you can use your existing knowledge - the multiplication table by two. After all, multiplication by 3 is nothing more than doubling a certain number and adding it to the result obtained, for example: 5*3=5*2+5=15.

Multiplication by three cards

Flashcards are a good help in learning the multiplication tables. You can buy them in stores that sell school supplies. Although most parents prefer to make such a visual aid themselves. The cards are small pieces of thick paper with a multiplication example printed on one side and the answer on the other.

To simplify the study of the multiplication table for 3 cards, you can improve it a little by adding a hint with addition or doubling and addition with a pencil on the side where the example is located:

  • 5+5+5
  • 5*2+5

In the end, it doesn’t matter what helps a child memorize the table. The main thing is that he can ultimately give the correct answer to a specific example.
The only thing you need to remember is that hints are still an intermediate stage. As soon as the child begins to name all the answers correctly, they should be erased. It is better to consolidate the learned table using the original mathematical expressions.

Memorization by groups

Another way to make it easier to memorize the 3 times table is to divide the column into groups. There is nothing complicated about it. First, you need to write three examples on three pieces of paper:

Group 1
a. 1*3=3
b. 2*3=6
c. 3*3=9

Group 2
a. 4*3=12;
b. 5*3=15;
c. 6*3=18.

Group 3
a. 7*3=21
b. 8*3=24
c. 9*3=27

Looking at these records, it is easy to notice that the sums of the digits in the products of examples A, B and C of all three groups are the same - 3, 6 and 9. Then it remains to remember that in the second group the number of tens is 1, and in the third - 2. Conclusion: for To obtain the desired answer, you only need to determine in which group and at what position the example is located and subtract the number of tens from 3, 6 or 9. For example: 6*3 is an example of C in the second group, which means that the number of tens will be 1, and the number of ones will be 9-1=8, for a total of 18.

At first glance, this technique seems complicated, but many children very quickly understand this pattern. And one more thing: it is better to use this method in stages. First you need to get the child to remember the answers from the first group. Then move on to studying the second, and only after consolidating this material study the third.

Poems and rhymes about the multiplication table by three

Poems and counting rhymes have always been a help for studying and memorizing a wide variety of educational rules and materials. Well, who doesn’t remember the rhyme “zhi-i sipishi with the letter i” or the little rhyme about exception verbs of the second conjugation “look, offend see...”. Many poems have been invented for mathematical axioms, including the multiplication tables. Some examples from it themselves form nice rhymes: “five five is twenty-five,” “six six is ​​thirty-six,” and so on.

Unfortunately, the answers for the 3 times table do not have “natural” rhymes. However, on the Internet you can easily find poems and rhymes to simplify the study of this particular column. Although, if you’re not too lazy, you can come up with short rhymes yourself that will help your child easily and simply remember combinations of the necessary numbers, for example:

  • There are two times three in the table, we know for sure – that’s six.
  • There are four seasons, three months each, for a total of 12, let’s say confidently.
  • Eight multiplied by three in this world always gives twenty-four.

It is not difficult to come up with such poems. You just have to devote a little of your free time to this matter.

Everyday examples

Studying, let alone consolidating, the multiplication tables is impossible without solving real problems. It’s even easier to come up with them than rhyming “memos”. In the space around us you can find a huge number of interesting puzzles. For example, how many cutlets does mom need to cook if all three family members need to put 2 cutlets on their plates, or how much will 3 buns cost 6 rubles each?

Such exercises are very useful. Firstly, the child does not memorize the column of multiplication by 3 like a rhyme, but learns to use the table at random. Secondly, the younger student understands the practical significance of the multiplication table. And most importantly, such exercises do not have to be performed while sitting surrounded by textbooks, notebooks and tables. An exciting activity can be organized anywhere: at home, while walking, traveling in a car, or going to the store together. You just need to take a closer look at the world around you and find the necessary examples that contain the number 3.

Video “Multiplication table by three”

With the best free game you learn very quickly. Check it out for yourself!

Learn multiplication tables - game

Try our educational e-game. Using it, tomorrow you will be able to solve mathematical problems in class at the blackboard without answers, without resorting to a tablet to multiply numbers. You just have to start playing, and within 40 minutes you will have an excellent result. And to consolidate the results, train several times, not forgetting about breaks. Ideally - every day (save the page so as not to lose it). The game form of the simulator is suitable for both boys and girls.

See the full cheat sheet below.

Multiplication directly on the site (online)

Multiplication table (numbers from 1 to 20)
× 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60
4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80
5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120
7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98 105 112 119 126 133 140
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160
9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144 153 162 171 180
10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
11 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 143 154 165 176 187 198 209 220
12 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240
13 13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130 143 156 169 182 195 208 221 234 247 260
14 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210 224 238 252 266 280
15 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300
16 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 256 272 288 304 320
17 17 34 51 68 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 204 221 238 255 272 289 306 323 340
18 18 36 54 72 90 108 126 144 162 180 198 216 234 252 270 288 306 324 342 360
19 19 38 57 76 95 114 133 152 171 190 209 228 247 266 285 304 323 342 361 380
20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400

How to multiply numbers in a column (mathematics video)

To practice and learn quickly, you can also try multiplying numbers by column.

Of course, you can’t learn the multiplication table in 5-10 minutes. Therefore, parents often wonder how to learn the multiplication table quickly, easily, and so that the examples memorized by heart do not disappear from the child’s head in a month.

But first, be sure to show and tell the student what multiplication is using a simple example. For example, to explain the 3x4 example, you need to add the number 3 four times (3+3+3+3). You will get the same number. By understanding the essence of the multiplication table, it will be easier for the child to navigate and understand its essence.

The website has selected the most useful ways to learn the multiplication tables by heart with your child.

Method No. 1. Using the Pythagorean table

Children often write the multiplication table on the back of a squared notebook. But it is better to perceive and learn it by heart using the Pythagorean table. But for studying, it is better to print it out on a color printer and stick it in the places where the child most often sits - in the toilet, near the desk, in the kitchen near the dining table.

The Pythagorean color table looks like this

Explain to your child that the numbers at the intersection of the column and line (factors) are the result of multiplication (product). At first glance, the student will think that he will have to learn a lot and nothing will be clear, but the colored values ​​in the cells will help him understand that the values ​​in the field are repeated. This happens because when the factors are swapped, the product does not change.

Just imagine how a child will look at you if he finds out that he will have to learn not the whole table, but exactly half.

Start studying the table from simple to complex numbers. First, learn the table for 2 and 3. Be sure to show your child reverse combinations with the same colors in the table so that he can immediately understand that the product will be the same in both cases.

Method No. 2. Using cards

There is an easy way to learn the multiplication table using a game - print out the cards and play with your child every day. But first, you will still need to gradually learn the multiplication table.

You can take one column per day to memorize and in the evening you can play, consolidating the result.

You can make cards for learning the multiplication tables yourself, or you can download and print them.

To do this, click on the picture. It will open and be ready to print.

To play the game you need to print the cards and cut them along the lines. After that, collect all the cards in your hand with the printed side down. Let the child draw cards out of order or on top of the pile and say the answer. If the answer is correct, the card is removed from the deck. If the answer is incorrect, the card is returned to the deck and played further.

This game has a number of advantages over other ways of learning the multiplication table. Firstly, with this method of studying the Pythagorean table, auditory and visual memory works well. Secondly, it is the best way to review the learned meanings of a piece. In addition, this is a playful type of learning that does not involve boring memorization of examples. The child develops excitement and things go much easier and better.

Method number 3. Through poetry

There are easy-to-memorize rhymes that will help your child remember some examples from the multiplication table in a playful way. You just need to study them not all at once, but gradually, when the child gets to studying the multiplication table to the desired number. Poems are used as assistants, and not as the main means of memorization.

Eight wolf cubs were chopping wood. Eight by nine - seventy two;

A mouse was walking around the apartment for lunch.
Four times six is ​​twenty four.

Five by five - twenty five:
We'll play tag.
Tell everyone, my friend:
Three times nine is twenty seven.

Even Aladdin knows - three times seven is twenty-one!

The hares sat on the hill:
What's five eight? - Fourty.
The hares began to jump.
Five nine is forty five.

A squirrel is jumping in the trees.
And he hides mushrooms in hollows.
How much protein did you take?
Six seven is forty two.

How much can you forget -
Five by seven is thirty-five.

Don't you dare doubt it!
Two by nine is eighteen.

Method number 4. Mobile games for multiplication tables

Do you prohibit your child from playing with phones and tablets? Allow it, but install useful games that will help you learn the multiplication tables quickly and easily. Available for download:
  • simulators for studying the Pythagorean table,
  • games that gradually reveal a picture if the child answers correctly
  • games with fairy-tale animals that you need to protect by giving the correct answers to examples from the multiplication table
The most popular games for learning the multiplication table: "Multiplication table ANIMATICS", "Multiplication table Trainer", "Multiplication table: kolobok", "Multiplication table for children. Trainer"

Method No. 5. Learning multiplication tables using the game "Battleship"

This method was invented by the boy’s father, who could not learn the multiplication tables, and other options from our list did not help. To play, you need to draw 2 playing fields of 10x10 cells, only use only numbers at the top and left, not numbers and letters. At the intersection of the factors, write the value of the product with a pencil for clarity and memorization.

Rules of the game: the player calls an example of multiplication “3x9”, his opponent finds the value of the product and looks to see if the ship is on this square. The game then proceeds according to the usual scenario.

In this method, visualization plays more of a role, but the adult should be reminded and pronounce each time the meaning of the product of the factors so that the child’s audio-visual memory participates.

Multiplication table by 2. The easy way

It is better not to teach the multiplication table by 2 at all, just tell your child that you just need to add the same number to the number. 2x2=2+2=4 or 6x2=6+6=12

Multiplication table by 4

After the child has learned the multiplication table for 2, start studying the table for 4, because This column is easier for the student than multiplying by 3. Explain to the child that multiplying by 4 is multiplying by 2, only 2 times. That is, the number that needs to be multiplied by 4 needs to be multiplied by 2, and then the product must be multiplied by 2 again.
Example: 3X4=3x2x2=12

Multiplication table by 3

The 3 times table will be the first problem you will learn. But you can still easily learn multiplication by 3. There is a clever way to do this.

Try to explain that a number multiplied by 3 is replaced by adding that number three times.

4x3 = 4+4+4 = 12.

But you can multiply the number 4 not by 3, but by 2 (4x2=8) and add the same number 4x3 =4X2+4 = 8+4 = 12.

It will be easier for the child to navigate and understand how the multiplication table by 3 is constructed. Just do not delay with this method of calculation, otherwise the child will solve all further examples this way.

This lesson is devoted to the topic: “Multiplication tables by 3.” We will continue to compile a multiplication table, namely, we will compile a multiplication table for 3. We will also complete the task of using the multiplication table for 3.

In this lesson we will continue to compile the multiplication table, and the multiplication table by 2, which we are already familiar with, will help us with this.

Consider the following expressions:

What do these expressions have in common? In all expressions there are two actions: the first is multiplication, the second is addition. Recall that in the first action, the first factor is the number that is repeated. The second number, the second multiplier, tells you how many times you need to repeat the first multiplier. The third number in the expression (term) means that the first factor was repeated one more time.

Multiplication can be replaced by addition:

1·2 is 1 repeated 2 times, 1·2=1+1. If we add one more unit, we get 1+1+1. Let's replace addition with multiplication 1+1+1=1·3. Let's use the commutative multiplication law 1·3=3·1. 3·1=3. By doing this with each expression, we get a multiplication table for 3.

1·2+1=1+1+1=1·3= 3·1=3

2·2+2=2+2+2=2·3= 3·2=6

3·2+3=3+3+3=3·3= 3·3=9

4·2+4=4+4+4=4·3= 3·4=12

5 2+5=5+5+5=5 3= 3·5=15

6·2+6=6+6+6=6·3= 3·6=18

7 2+7=7+7+7=7 3= 3·7=21

8·2+8=8+8+8=8·3= 3·8=24

9·2+9=9+9+9=9·3= 3·9=27

The first factor (the number that is repeated) in all expressions is 3, and the second factor shows how many times 3 is repeated. Each product differs from the previous one by 3 units. In the multiplication table by 3, the product can be either even or odd, and they alternate.

Find among the following numbers those that are in the table of multiplication by 3: 16, 20, 21, 8, 15, 9, 2, 11, 22, 12, 18, 17, 19, 3. From those numbers that are in the table multiplication by 3, find those that are in the multiplication table by 2.

In the multiplication table by 3 there are only numbers: 21, 15, 9, 12, 18, 3.

In the table of multiplication by 2 you can find the numbers: 12 (2·6=12), 18 (2·9=18).

We see that some numbers are in both the 2 and 3 multiplication tables.

Look at the chamomile (Fig. 1). There is a number written on each petal, a letter next to the petal, and in the middle of the daisy there is written the action that needs to be done with each of the numbers. Perform the multiplication and write the letters in the table under the corresponding product.

In this lesson we compiled a multiplication table for 3 and used it to complete various tasks.


  1. Alexandrova E.I. Mathematics. 2nd grade. - M.: Bustard, 2004.
  2. Bashmakov M.I., Nefedova M.G. Mathematics. 2nd grade. - M.: Astrel, 2006.
  3. Dorofeev G.V., Mirakova T.I. Mathematics. 2nd grade. - M.: Education, 2012.
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  1. Learn the 3 times table.
  2. Complete the equalities: