Role-playing game for kindergarten. Middle group. Summary of the manual for the role-playing game “Mail” in the senior group of kindergarten

Plot summary - role playing game" Mail"

Target: continue to form children’s ideas about the work of people in different professions. Expand children's understanding of the work of postal workers.

Develop imagination, speech; the ability to develop the game together.

Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help. Strengthen the ability to correctly use the attributes of the game.

Progress of the game:

Educator: Guys, the time has come for us.

Let's play now!

Shall we play?

Children: We will!

A noise is heard (a pigeon flies in with a letter along with the soundtrack)

Educator: Guys, a homing pigeon has flown to us. Did he have the wrong address?

Pigeon: I was flying to you guys

Across seas, oceans.

I flew for a long time, through different countries.

I brought you a letter, read it!

Educator: Children, who do you think could write a letter to you? Who is it from? Let's take a look together. It came from a girl Tanya from another kindergarten. Tanya, like you, goes to the second junior group. Guys, do you want to read this letter? Now I will read it to you. Oh, what is this? In the letter, instead of letters and words, some pictures are drawn. What happened, how can this be?

^ Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, children. Tanya doesn’t know how to write yet, so she drew a letter for you. Now I will read it to you. (The teacher reads a letter to the children)

^ After reading the letter, the teacher talks with the children about mail. Suggested questions:

What is mail?

Why do we need it?

What do we do at the post office?

Why do we need letters, parcels, telegrams?

Was life bad for a person without mail?


People live on earth

In villages, towns, cities.

So that relatives are not forgotten,

Letters would be sent to them

There is a mail service for this,

All employees are greatly honored!

Postman, telegraph operator,

Sorter and signalman.

We can't do without mail.

All over the land, all over the country

Mail, glory to you!


Who works at the post office?

(Postman; letter and parcel receivers, telegraph operators, delivery men)

^ The teacher shows the children all the attributes of mail: a letter, a mailbox, a telegram, a parcel, a telephone.

Educator: Guys, now let’s each of you also write a letter to the girl Tanya, because she’s really looking forward to an answer from you. What should we write, guys?

After the children have written an answer to the girl, the teacher invites the children to take the letter to the post office. All children take their letters to the post office and put them in the mailbox.

Role-playing game "Mail".
School preparatory group.
Goal: To continue to form in children realistic ideas about the work of people in different professions. Expand children's understanding of the work of postal workers.
Develop imagination, thinking, speech; the ability to jointly develop the game, negotiate and discuss the actions of all players.
Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help.
Strengthen the ability to correctly use the attributes of the game.
Equipment: mailbox, postman's bag, envelopes with paper, parcel boxes, telegram forms, telephones, car.

Progress of the game.
Postman: I brought you a letter. Read it!
Educator: Who could this letter be from? How to find out?
Children: You need to read the return address.
Educator: Guys, this is a letter from grandparents, from whom the bun ran away.
Child: We baked a bun,
Kolobok is a ruddy side.
Lying on the window
And he ran away from us.
Guys, help us,
Find the bun quickly.
Educator: Guys, let's help grandparents.
Children: Let's go.
Educator: How can we help? Do your grandparents live in a village, far from here?
Children: Mail will help!
Child: People live everywhere on earth:
In villages and villages, cities.
But so that you don’t forget your family and friends,
So that letters and telegrams are sent,
There is a mail service for this,
All employees are greatly honored:
Postman, telegraph operator,
Sorter and signalman.
We have no mail, no matter how you play around,
There's no way around it at all.
All over the land, all over the country
Thank you, mail, and glory to you!
Educator: Who works at the post office?
Children: The postman - he delivers letters. Receivers - they accept letters and parcels. Telegraph operators - they transmit telegrams. Delivery workers - they deliver letters and parcels by postal machines to trains, planes, and ships.
Educator: Guys, let's write a comforting letter to grandparents, send a telegram about an ambulance and go to their aid ourselves. Guys, how can we get to another village?
Children: By bus, car, train, plane.
Educator: Okay, what type of transport will we choose?
The children choose the type of transport on which we will go to the village to visit their grandparents.
Educator: Okay, we have chosen the transport, and now let’s all go to the post office.
Children independently distribute responsibilities as to who will work for whom at the post office.
1. Receiver of letters;
2. Telegram receiver;
3. Parcel receiver.
4. Postman.
Children write letters, glue stamps, put stamps. Then the letters are put in the mailbox, people talk on the phone, send telegrams, collect parcels, load everything onto cars and take it for sending.

Children build the chosen type of transport and load mail onto it.

Educator: Well then! The mail has been loaded! And who will go to help grandparents?
Children: Me! I! I!
Everyone gets into the chosen transport.
We won't get lost anywhere
We'll go to grandma and grandpa's.


Strengthen children's ideas about the work of postal workers.

Learn to perform game actions in accordance with the general game plan.

Strengthen the ability to independently plan and equip the place of play, distribute roles, select and correctly use the attributes of the game.

Activate children's vocabulary (correspondence, customer service operator, postal operator).

Cultivate a friendly attitude and the ability to negotiate with each other in the game.

2. Preparing for the game.

The date is the third week of December.


Making attributes

Enrichment with impressions

Teaching gaming techniques


- “Sew” a bag for the postman.

Draw pictures, make applications from colored paper, from waste material to send to relatives New Year(grandparents, etc.)

Production of “Mailbox” boxes, parcels, parcels.

Observing the postman as he goes to the kindergarten with correspondence.

Reading works: S.Ya. Marshak “Mail”, Mikhalkov “Who to be?”

Place the prepared drawings in envelopes, crafts in “parcels”, “parcels”.


Drawing signs: “Mail”, “Telegraph”

Ask parents to visit with children Post office, observe the work of operators, telegraph operators, how clients behave at the post office.

Playing out individual stories with children.


Making paper: envelopes, calendars, stamps, money, wallets, forms.

Riddles on the theme "Mail".

The teacher's story about who works at the post office and what work they do (using colorful pictures).

Reading B. Zakhoder “What crafts smell like”

Teach children to pack parcels by weighing them on scales.


Making seals and stamps from vegetables (carrots, potatoes).

Collection of children's magazines, newspapers, New Year greeting cards.

Cut scarves from blue fabric for post office employees.

A conversation on the topic “Letter”, how it will find an addressee, consolidate children’s knowledge about their home address.

Didactic game “Broken phone”. Offer to parents

write a letter of wishes to Santa Claus with your children and put it in the mailbox together.

Teach children to put stamps on forms and postcards.

Lay out postal correspondence in places, deliver to recipients.

3. Long-term plan for preparing for the game “Mail”

7. Game scheme


  1. - Place of the head of the post office.
  2. - Position of the operator for working with clients.
  3. - Place of the postal operator.
  4. - Postman's place.
  5. - Place for clients (tables and chairs).
  6. - Post car.
  7. - Telegraph.

Svetlana Gabysheva
Role-playing game for children of the senior group “Mail”

MBDOO"Kindergarten" № 43 "Smile"

Role-playing game« Post office»

With kids senior group

Compiled by: Gabysheva S. S.

Yakutsk, 2018

Target: Continue to develop role-playing interactions, the ability to build role-playing dialogues, unfold the game, discuss actions playing and negotiate with each other. Strengthen the ability to prepare attributes and use them for their intended purpose during the game. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other in the game.


1. Continue to form children realistic ideas about the work of people of different professions.

2. Develop imagination, thinking, speech; the ability to jointly develop a game, negotiate and discuss the actions of everyone playing.

3. Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help.

4. Strengthen the ability to correctly use the attributes of the game.

Vocabulary work - Electronic queue, parcel post, operator, hall administrator,

Roles: Boss mail, operator, hall administrator, clients, cafe worker, security guard


Tablet « post office» , laptop, screen, slide with pictures, letter with riddles, bag of chips;

For the letter operator – letters with pictures of clients’ passports, badge, table, chair;

For the parcel operator – a parcel with pictures of the client’s passport, badge, table, chair;

For the operator of newspapers and magazines - newspapers, magazines, badge, table, chair, headbands o mail;

For the transfer and payment operator - cash register, money, badge, table, chair;

For the hall administrator - a badge, an electronic queue terminal;

For security - security vest, computer, table, chair;

For a cafe worker - table, chair, coffee, coffee machine, ice cream, cake;

For clients - passport, money, letters if desired, benches for the waiting room;

For the children's area - a board, table, chair, coloring book, colored pencils, toys;

Preliminary work- looking at photographs and magazines. Conversation about employees mail, viewing a presentation about work mail. Didactic games "I know the professions", “Name the professions”, word games "Who needs what". Solving fairy tales, Composing stories from personal experience: "How I went to mail» .

Stages Program content Motivation Goal setting Means Activities of the teacher Activities children Result

Introductory part Arouse interest in the upcoming activity Educator: Guys, I received a letter today.

It is unusual, there are mysteries in it. Listen and guess. Letter

Projector, screen, laptop.

Slides with pictures

It flies without wings, but flies without a tongue, but speaks (letter)

Collects all the letters, then sends them to all ends


Asks to look at the screen

Do you know what it is mail?

Services mail?

What do you think is useful? mail?

For example, let’s remember our friends and relatives who live far from us, but mail they can send us a parcel, a letter.

And in these mail people of different professions work.

Postman, operator, chief mail, sorters, security.

Answers children

children look at the screen with interest and listen to the teacher

Answers children In children there was interest in upcoming activities

Main part

Physical education minute

A game« Mail» Independent activity children

Relieve physical tension

Learn to establish role interaction in the game and master role relationships

Strengthen the ability to complicate the game by expanding the number of participants, coordinate role actions and behavior in accordance with the plot of the game, increase the number of merged storylines in the game;

Let's go with you today let's play a game« Mail» You want play?

Children, take your jobs, ours the game begins.

Let's stand in a circle and repeat after me

Attention children! In our opens to the group« Post office»

Everyone who wants to work in come to the mail,

We will assign roles by drawing lots.

Required Attributes

For Game.

Reads the text of the physical minute, shows movement:

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds (hands up,

And so let us rejoice in smiling faces (we smile at each other,

To everyone who lives on our planet (spread their arms to the sides,

(turn to each other) Good morning

Offers to children play. Explain how to start the game.

Asks you to come to the table and choose a chip

Acts as a boss mail, prompts children, helps, guides.

Perform movements according to the text, repeat after the teacher

Listen carefully to the teacher.

Children are happy play.

Children come to the table and choose chips with professions. Children begin the game.

Relieves tension and fatigue. The children are ready to start playing.

Children got acquainted with the game « Mail»

Children play a game« Mail»

Final part Call emotional response; develop imagination and the ability to convey an image.

Summarize, give an assessment Well done guys, very good let's play. Questions Summarizes, evaluates the work children, sets questions: Tell me guys, did you like it? a game?

Who liked it the most? What were the difficulties in the game? We really learned some very interesting professions, didn’t we? Children answer questions and come to an answer; I liked the game, we will play again. U children knowledge has been formed children about the work of people of different professions during role and plot game actions, skill play a role-playing game« Mail»

Role-playing game “Mail” Performed by teachers: Kuvshinova E.S., middle group Tyurina L.M MBDOU CRR kindergarten 23 “Rodnichok” Middle group

A modern city dweller rarely goes to the post office and almost never takes his children with him. Although each of these adults, whose childhood occurred in the last decades of the twentieth century, once had their own mail: a familiar postman, telegrams, a column of 15-kopeck coins for long-distance calls, a collection postage stamps... Our children most often take out advertisements and apartment receipts from their mailboxes. Very few people keep paper correspondence with friends and relatives. In the subjective experience of modern children, mail is virtually absent. The expressions “write a letter” and “mailbox” are now associated with the screen and keyboard.

Objectives (middle age): To form children’s ideas about the work of postal workers; Develop the ability to act with and without objects, talk about the action performed; To develop respect for the postman profession; Develop imagination and interaction with each other.

Roles and rules: 1. Sorters (sort received correspondence (newspapers, magazines, letters). 2. Postmen (deliver mail to addresses). 3. Postmaster (reminds “employees” of their duties, hands receipts issued to one or another addressee, controls the correct sorting and delivery of correspondence) 4. Addressees, visitors (other children write congratulatory letters and cards to their relatives and friends, put them in the mailbox, buy newspapers, stamps, envelopes, etc.

Tasks (older age): Continue to familiarize yourself with the work of communication workers, develop a respectful attitude towards postal workers; Expand children's understanding of ways to send and receive correspondence; Develop imagination, thinking, speech; Foster independence, responsibility, and the desire to benefit others.

Preliminary work: Excursion to the post office, monitoring the reception of correspondence and mail dispatch. Conversations about different types communications: mail, telegraph, telephone, internet, radio. Watching the films “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”, “Snowman-Postman”. Reading S. Ya. Marshak “Mail”, Y. Kushan “Postal History”. Production of stamp seals, envelopes, postcards, stamps, mailbox and for letters, bags, money, wallets, etc. Collecting postcards, magazines, calendars. Didactic games “Send a letter”, “Journey of a letter”, “What you need to work as a postman”, “How to send a parcel”. Listening to “The Postman's Song” by B. Savelyev.

Game actions: The postman takes letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards from the post office; distributes them to addresses; sends correspondence to the mailbox. The visitor sends letters, postcards, parcels, packs them; buys envelopes, newspapers, magazines, postcards; complies with the rules of conduct in public place; takes a turn; receives letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards, parcels. The receptionist serves visitors; accepts parcels; sells newspapers, magazines. The sorter sorts letters, newspapers, magazines, parcels, and puts a stamp on them; explains to the driver where to go (to the railway, to the airport...). The driver takes letters and postcards from the mailbox; delivers new newspapers, magazines, postcards, letters to the post office; delivers parcels; delivers letters and parcels by postal machines to trains, planes, and ships.