List of deleted friends in contact. How to find out who has left your friends in contact

How to find out who has left friends on VK? This is exactly what I will talk about in today's episode! Each of you who is reading this article is registered on the VKontakte social network. If this is not the case, then I am extremely surprised.

All of us, including me, of course, periodically scroll through the news feed, listen and add friends, remove friends. This is something that happens every day and a large number of times. And as for deleting a user from friends, they can do the same to you.

Why do people unfriend?

I would like to note that there is nothing wrong with the fact that someone removed you from their friends list. Perhaps the one who removes another user from his list does not know the person well or does not know him at all, and he was added by accident or for no particular reason.

It’s a little unpleasant when an acquaintance, friend, relative, or girlfriend leaves. This may be due to personal omissions. Or, it happens that the user accidentally deleted a friend while clearing from the general list.

Method 1: How to find out who has left friends on VK

Honestly, if you don’t regularly check your friends list, you may not notice that one or more users have unfriended you and you are among their subscribers.

It also happens that you sent a request to a user, but he did not confirm it.

You can easily find out who has left your contacts as friends. The detailed instructions below will help you.


1. First of all, log into your account and go to the “Friends” section (in the main left menu);

2. The second stage is to go to the “Friend Applications” tab;

3. All that remains is to click on “Outgoing” requests:

All those people who are in the “Outbox” section have removed you from friends or simply did not confirm your request to be added as a friend.

You are now following all user accounts in this list. To unsubscribe, click on the button and the issue is resolved.

How to find out who has been unfriended on VK in the mobile application

If you want to find out who has left friends on VK from a mobile application, you need to:

  1. Open the VKontakte mobile application and go to the “Friends” tab;
  2. Then, in the drop-down list at the top, select “Requests” -> Outbox;
  3. To unsubscribe, click on the “Cancel request” button.

Method 2: How to find out who has left VKontakte friends

Let's find out who has left VKontakte friends using the popular VKontakte social network application “My Guests”.

In the image above you can see “Who added/removed who and when”. Below there will be all your friends whom you added recently, who recently deleted you, and whom you deleted recently. The lower you go, the further into past events you will go.

The application allows you to control all your friends without much difficulty. Also, using “My Guests” you can see who likes the most, who has been active on the page, and much more.

If you are tired of the application, you can delete it. Read more in the article.

VKontakte is spreading its networks ever wider, drawing more and more people into the social maelstrom. People create pages for themselves, start communicating with each other, and add new acquaintances or real-life comrades from everyday life that they particularly like as friends. Some people add strangers to their friend list for quantity or other purposes.

One way or another, every user at least once during their entire stay on VKontakte has encountered the loss of a person in their contact list. After discovering that a user does not have a familiar face, especially when encountering such a problem for the first time, the question arises of how to find out who has been unfriended on VKontakte. And this is not surprising, since people cannot always understand who exactly is missing: a large number of people or a not very good memory may not allow them to remember absolutely everyone. But you can store a specific number - 25 or, for example, 182 - in your head, so other data like 23 or 169 instead of the old ones are puzzling.

How to find distant friends?

So, how to find out who has left your friends on VKontakte. First you need to go to the “My Friends” tab. There you will find 3 items: “All friends”, “Online friends” and “Friend requests”. We are interested in the third option. Let's open it. What we see: depending on whether you have subscribers or not, there can be two scenarios:

1. You have “All subscribers” and “Outgoing requests” in front of you. In any case, we need outgoing requests.
2. The inscription “You have submitted an application and subscribed to N people,” where N is the number of deleted friends. This is where you actually see them.

That's all, now you know how to find out who has left your friends on VKontakte, since this person or these people are the ones who decided that you have no place on his friend list.

Reasons for defriending

It is no less interesting to find out why friends are deleted on VKontakte. And it’s okay, when a stranger with whom the user has not really communicated leaves the friend list, but when an acquaintance does this, it becomes not only unclear what’s what, but also a little offensive.

There can be two main reasons for removal.

Reason 1

Perhaps the person on the other side of the screen simply decided to “purge” and remove all unnecessary individuals from his contacts in order to leave only the very best, that is, those whom he either really knows, or with whom he actively communicates and intends to “be friends” in further.

If you realize that you have been deleted, do not rush to get upset: go to the person’s page and see how many subscribers he currently has. If there are a lot of them, especially if you remember how many of them were there at least approximately before this, it means that he, most likely, really carried out a “cleansing”. True, another option is also possible.

Reason 2

Perhaps the user unfriended all the people so that he could have a lot of followers. This is especially true for those who have been adding everyone to themselves for a long time “for the sake of quantity.” Some people sincerely believe that the more subscribers they have, the cooler they look. Fortunately or unfortunately, this is not always the case, but the fact remains: people want to look more respectable and popular, people add as many users as possible, and after some time they delete them. If you have no idea what this person is doing among your friends, apparently he is just from this series of “add-keep-silent-remove.”

What to do?

You already know how to find out who has left your friends on VKontakte, but perhaps you have a question: “What to do?”

Firstly, if you assume that the user removed you from contacts for the first reason, while you communicated well with him, it makes sense to write to him in private messages asking whether he deliberately removed you from friends. If they answer you yes, what can you do, if not, you will probably be added back to the friend list.

Secondly, if you have not communicated with the person in any case, you can either remain as his subscribers, or leave there by clicking on “Cancel request and unsubscribe” (still in the same place, i.e. in “My Friends”) .

Thirdly, as a last resort, you can always find new friends.

At one time, VK had a huge number of applications that made it possible to find out who was unfriended. Today, the number of such applications has decreased significantly. We wanted to tell you about one of these applications, but after testing we found out that they simply do not work - several friends are deleted, and the application claims that nothing has changed... But nothing, there is another solution to this issue, and it is extremely simple!

As you know, when you unfriend someone, that user is moved to the followers section. Therefore, if someone deletes you from their friends, it means that you become a subscriber of this user. It turns out that all we need to know is who you suddenly “subscribed” to! How to do it?


And the solution is very simple.

Go to the VK page and click on the “My Friends” menu. You will see a list of all your friends.

Now click on the “Friend Requests” tab. A list of your subscribers will appear in front of you. Click "Outgoing Requests" to see who you are subscribed to. If the “Outgoing requests” item is missing, it means you are not subscribed to anyone.

We see a list of users. We find among them those people who were your friends - since you are on their list of subscribers, it means that they have already managed to remove you from their friends list.

This is all clear, you say, but how can you now find out who will leave your friends list, say, tomorrow or in a week? There is no single solution as such, but there is a way out - you can unsubscribe from most users, except those you are really interested in (click on the “Cancel request and unsubscribe” button). For example, there are 10 people left on the list. You leave everything as it is, you can even just in case these 10 users - so as not to forget who you are subscribed to. Come back, say, to this section after a couple of days or a week and see if the number of users on the list has increased. If it increases, it means that someone has left their friends, all that remains is to find this person.

Interestingly, this option does not work if the user not only removed himself from friends, but also added you to . However, this does not happen often.

The topic of controlling the list of friends is of great interest to users of the Odnoklassniki website. There used to be alerts that included information about who . But when updating the functionality of the Odnoklassniki social network, the administration recognized these alerts as unclaimed and completely abandoned them.

How to find out who has left friends in Odnoklassniki

Now many users are racking their brains: “How can I find out who unfriended me?” Sometimes information appears on the Internet about the existence of appropriate software that allows you to track whoever unfriended you. Unfortunately, this information is fictitious or fraudulent. Perhaps such software will appear in the future, but it does not exist yet.

ATTENTION: It is not possible to view unfriended friends using standard methods of the Odnoklassniki social network. This material provides tips on how to perform accounting manually.

You can make it easier for yourself to keep track of your friends using the following methods:

  • It is necessary to periodically open a window with your existing friends and take one or more screenshots (it all depends on the size of the list). If there is a suspicion that one of your friends has disappeared, we take a new screenshot and compare it with previously taken images.

HELP: If a person is removed from your friends, then you also disappear from his list. In this case, leaving your friends list is equivalent to removing you from your own list.

  • Create a file for accounting in any text editor convenient for the user and record the First and Last Names of users there. If necessary, you should check the current list by checking with your own accounting file.

  • This method is quite simple. But if you need to check a list of impressive sizes, it will require a significant time investment, and the actions can tire you with monotony. The idea is to directly go to the user's page. If the user is not your friend, the button will be active on his page. Otherwise, he is in the list of friends.

The above methods are not particularly convenient or elegant, but the public has not yet come up with the best way to track changes in the list of friends in Odnoklassniki.

Save it for yourself!

The social network does not explain how to find out who has left friends on VK. But the presence of a small secret makes you want to understand the work of the friend list even more - for this, people are ready to track down every subscriber, join dubious communities, or provide access to the page to scammers’ applications. We tell you how to check up on distant acquaintances safely and not hand over personal data to scammers in pursuit of answers.

Site users have 2 ways to find out who has unfriended people on VK.

  1. Official, easy, but less reliable. If the person did not blacklist you after deletion, the account will become his subscriber group. You can find his profile in “Outgoing Requests”.
  2. Third party, but reliable. Install a special application to track unsubscribers. There are many similar ones on the social network - choose based on reviews and functionality. It’s best not to trust particularly flattering comments—with the help of such applications, scammers often steal users’ personal and payment information.

On the plus side: extensions are distributed free of charge. Main disadvantages: they do not always work correctly, and in the mobile version they do not function at all.

Before you can see who has left friends on VK, the application needs to be found and configured. For this:

  • go to “Games”;
  • enter the name of the extension or a query using a key phrase into the search;
  • click on the application icon and click “Launch”;
  • give access to the necessary sections, if desired, add the game to quick access.

After this, the application can be used. Most of them do not provide information after the fact - statistics on those who have left are generated after installation.

Application "Who has left"

One of the best in the category – “Who has left” – stopped working with the introduction of new features of the social network. It was replaced by a similar “Friends: who has been added and removed” with a basic interface. To work, insert the pages you want to follow into the field and wait for someone to convert you to subscribers.

The latest service, located at, does not even require installation. Just indicate your email along with the pages - and reports will arrive at the specified interval.

Application "My Guests"

This option, due to the capabilities and features of the work, has recently become increasingly popular. Displays deleted and added acquaintances, page guests and those who actively follow your life on the social network. Information about former friends is stored in the “All about...” – “Changes” tabs. The application itself is available at

Deleted friends on VK

To keep track of those who have left without additional extensions, go to your friends list. In the section column on the right, find “Requests”, and then click on “Outbox”. A list of contacts who have deleted you or have not yet accepted your application will open. Here you can unsubscribe from everyone, otherwise the news of the specified users will continue to appear in the feed.