Creating email on your computer. How to create a new mailbox on Yandex? Instructions for creating a mailbox on Yandex

Hi all! Today there will be a quite useful post in which I will tell you in detail and show you how to make an email. In the world of modern technology, it is already quite difficult to do without a personal email address. Because almost all account registrations on different websites, purchases in online stores, and subscriptions to news require an email address. This address is subsequently used to restore credentials, as well as to confirm your actions, for example, confirmation of purchase or registration on the site. Mail is also necessary for exchanging messages, documents, audio and video files. Of course, many will tell you that now there are a huge number that allow you to perform all the functions available in email. In part, many of you will be right, but as a rule, they are more susceptible to hacking than an email account, and they also initially have different purposes. Therefore, Internet users will not be able to do without mail. If you don't yet have your own email or want to create an additional mailbox, then I will help you with this.

How to make email on your computer for free?

Many people who keep up with the times have at least one electronic mailbox, because without it it is already quite difficult to get along. As a rule, the process of registering an email address on different mail servers is approximately the same, but each has its own nuances, so let’s consider registering an email on the most popular resources:, Yandex, Gmail, Rambler.

The general process for registering an email account is as follows:

    Advice! It is advisable to immediately indicate your real data so that you do not have to edit them in the future.

    After filling out your personal data, the “Mail Address” field will follow; here you need to turn on your brain and come up with a postal address in Latin;

Note! Very often, invented addresses may already be occupied by someone. Then you can add a number or letter to an existing word.

Now I have told you in general terms how to make an email. Now let’s take a closer look at how to register a mailbox on Yandex, Mail and other popular resources.

How to create an email for free on

First of all, I propose to consider how to create an email on the oldest Internet portal called The creators of this resource are probably the very first representatives of a free mail server. At some point, the website was overshadowed by newer and more modern email services, but its developers did not stand aside and seriously improved the service. After this, became more attractive to users, as the interface was redesigned, new functions were added, and account protection was improved.

In order to register a mailbox on the website, do the following:

Note! When registering, there is a field to indicate your mobile phone number. I advise you to register it so that in the future, if you forget your password, there will be no problems with restoring it.

After completing registration, you can immediately use your mail.

How to make an email on Yandex

Now let's look at how to create a mailbox on the server of the most popular Russian search engine. Many users choose Yandex mail because it has high speed and a simple, intuitive interface.

To create a mailbox for free on Yandex, follow these steps:

Note! When you create a password, the system will clearly show you its complexity in the form of color indicators. I recommend making strong passwords to protect your personal information from scammers.

It is also not necessary to enter a phone number, but if you enter it, there will be fewer problems when recovering a forgotten password.

Congratulations! Now you know how to create an email on Yandex.

How to create a mailbox on

If everything is filled out correctly, your account will be created. And you will be taken to the Google mail interface. Since Google has created a huge number of services: google photos, play market, translator, etc. Then by registering an email account, you automatically gain access to all popular resources.

That is, you will not have to register new credentials in the future, since it is the same for all Google services.

We create mail on Rambler.

Rambler mail is already a fairly old resource that appeared about 15 years ago. But for some reason it did not win the love of users. Perhaps this was due to the fact that the mail interface is somewhat simple and faceless. Although Rambler mail has all the necessary functions and should satisfy the needs of most users, it is still more suitable for ordinary correspondence between people.

If you are considering Rambler as a corporate client, then, unfortunately, nothing will be offered to you here.

If you still decide to use this email service, then do the following:

Note! In order to quickly fill out all the fields, you can use one of the social network accounts. The system will automatically take data from them.

Once your mail is registered, you can easily send letters to the desired recipients.

Pros and cons of email.

After we have figured out how to make an email, I propose to consider the pros and cons of email services.

Main disadvantages:

  • Possibility of hacking. Probably the most important danger that email users may face is having their mailbox hacked and losing confidential information. To at least somehow protect yourself, try to come up with the most complex password possible;
  • Flying spam. This is the second problem that bothers most users. Probably, many of you have already more than once encountered a huge number of advertising letters that arrive in the mail almost every day;
  • Not always a quick response to letters. As a rule, users do not always monitor incoming mail, therefore, if you write a letter, you may not receive an answer immediately, but after a few days;
  • The likelihood of infecting your computer with a virus. Since attackers very often send viruses in emails, I recommend opening emails from unknown senders with caution.

Positive points:

  • Ability to communicate and transfer files with an unlimited number of users;
  • The ability to communicate with people living anywhere in the world;
  • High speed of delivery of letters to the addressee;
  • Free opportunity to write letters rather than sending paper versions;
  • Ability to send mailings to a group of users.

How to make email on different devices

Above, we looked in detail at how to create an email using the most popular and free services: Gmail,, Rambler and Yandex Mail. As you can see, there shouldn’t be any problems creating a mailbox. The main thing is to choose the right service and follow the instructions described here. You can create an email address from any device that has access to the World Wide Web. Be it a tablet, smartphone, laptop or computer.

E-mail in the modern world is a variant of postal communication that exists in virtual space. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a person who could work on the Internet without basic knowledge of e-mail. It has a number of advantages:

  • speed of sending letters (they reach the addressee in a matter of seconds);
  • reliability (if the letter does not reach the addressee, this will be reported immediately);
  • affordability (electronic correspondence is much cheaper than regular correspondence and is independent of distances);
  • mobility (you can check your email anywhere in the world - all you need is a computer with Internet access).

Create a mailbox

So how do you create an email? In order to exchange email messages, you must:

  • have a computer with Internet access;
  • know the addressee's name;
  • know where the recipient's email address is located;
  • select a mail program that will be used to send and deliver letters;
  • Periodically log into your email inbox and check your mail.

Electronic mailboxes are free and paid. If you have a question about how to create an email for free, then the most popular email programs can be used in Russian search engines - Yandex (, Mail ( or Rambler ( . Creating email in these systems is usually identical, but still each service has its own subtleties.

How to create an email address? Each person who has registered an electronic mailbox on any of the mail servers receives an electronic address, which consists of a login, an @ dog and a domain (in our case, a search service).

In social networks there is no possibility of creating a personal email account. They allow you to exchange messages within the network without any addresses. An email address will only be needed to register and create your own page on a social network. Therefore, if you are logged into the Odnoklassniki social network, how to create an email should not worry you.

Creating an email on

So, let's look at how to create email inboxes in different search engines. Let's start with the Yandex mail service. How to create an email?

  1., then press “Enter” on your keyboard.
  2. On the left side of the screen there is a mail registration service - in it, click the “Create mail” button.
  3. In the mail registration window that opens, you need to enter your first and last name, and also come up with a login - a unique name for the future email box. If the login that will be invented is busy, the mail service will immediately report this and offer its alternative. The login must consist of Latin letters, numbers, and the use of a single hyphen or period is allowed. After all fields are filled in, you need to click the “Next” button.
  4. In the next mail registration window, you must enter a password, and be sure to duplicate it so that the mail robot understands that it was invented deliberately and not accidentally. Together with the login, the password serves as the key to enter the mailbox, and performs the only function - it protects the user’s personal information. In the third field, a secret question must be selected, and in the fourth field the answer to it is written. This is necessary to recover your password in case it is forgotten. Even lower, you will be asked to write your mobile phone number - this is also one of the ways to recover your password, in which an SMS will be sent with a code to recover it. Next, you need to enter the characters from the picture and click the “Register” button.
  5. At the end of registration, you need to confirm your mobile phone number again, click the “Get code” button, and also tell a little about yourself (enter your gender and date of birth). At this point, registration of an email address in the Yandex mail program is completed - now you can go to the created mailbox and start sending letters to recipients.

Creating an email on

How to create a Mail email? To do this you need:

  1. In the address bar of the browser, enter the address, then press “Find” or “Enter” on the keyboard.
  2. On the left side of the screen there is a mail registration service - in it, click the “Registration in mail” button.
  3. In the new mailbox registration window that opens, enter:
    • first name, last name and date of birth;
    • city ​​(enter optional);
    • mailbox (or login);
    • select a domain (,, and;
    • password (consisting of Latin letters and numbers) and duplicate it;
    • mobile phone number (for password recovery).

After all fields are filled in, you need to click the “Register” button. The system will immediately redirect you to the created email box, which will indicate that registration is complete.

Having an e-mail has become a necessary condition for the active lifestyle of a successful person. When working with electronic soap, the user receives many benefits.

The benefits of using email

  • Instant message delivery (the recipient receives the letter within a few seconds after sending).
  • High degree of reliability of information storage (many email resources help to increase the level of security of user data, for example, accepting only high-complexity passwords, having a security question, etc.).
  • Possibility of receiving newsletters and notifications from Internet resources of interest.
  • Accessibility (checking electronic messages can be done both from a PC and from a mobile device).

Creating email is possible on various hosting sites - Yandex,,, etc. These email services provide free services, which is another undeniable advantage of electronic mailboxes.

How to create an email and what you need for it

In order to create a mailbox, you need to register on one of the above services. The algorithm for how to create an email on each hosting has its own characteristics. Therefore, this article discusses step-by-step instructions for creating electronic “soap” on some services.

"Yandex Mail

Register on

To create a Mail email, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. To begin, go to the domain and select the “Registration in mail” column.
  2. In the tab that appears, indicate personal information - last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, mobile phone.
  3. Then the user comes up with a login (nickname), options for which can also be offered by the service (similar to the example with Yandex).
  4. After entering the login, the user comes up with a password and selects one of the domains -,, - and then completes registration.

How to Create a Gmail Email

In addition to the Yandex and Mail services, the Gmail mail system from Google is also particularly popular. Its significant difference is that its level of reliability is an order of magnitude higher than its domestic counterparts. For example, there are no spam messages in this mail, as the system is equipped with powerful filters. In addition, to download some computer programs from official Western Internet resources, registration is required only through Google mail. A foreign site does not perceive Yandex or the same Mail as e-mail. If you need to create a Western e-wallet, such as PayPal, the payment system will only confirm their “native” Gmail email.

Considering all the advantages of such a mailbox, you need to immediately move on to creating it. The step-by-step algorithm for installing “foreign soap” is as follows:

  1. You need to find the Gmail service. To do this, write the corresponding name into the search bar and select the first result that appears on the page.
  2. In the window that opens, you need to select the “Create an account” button.
  3. After this, a registration sheet will appear in which you need to enter the following data: first name, last name, login and password. The system also provides its own nickname options. The control panel language can be easily changed by clicking on the corresponding line in the upper right corner.
  4. Next, you need to enter the captcha (a set of letters) and accept the terms of the user agreement. The word in the form of a secret password is written in such a way that not every user can enter it the first time without errors.
  5. If everything is done correctly, the system immediately goes to the “Login to Mail” dialog box.
  6. At the same moment, 3 messages will be sent to your inbox, the first of which is necessary to set up your Gmail profile, namely, to change the color and theme of your account.
  7. During the process of creating mail, you can enable (disable) search history - a list of Internet resources that are viewed by the user.

The algorithm for creating an email is simple and accessible to everyone. Various email services open up an endless sea of ​​possibilities for the user.


In the first browser, which you use most often, log in to Yandex.Mail under your main account. In the second browser, for example, Internet Explorer, installed by default on Windows, create a Yandex.Mail account. To do this, Yandex server located at the link: Click on the “Start” button. The registration window and its first step will appear on the screen. Enter your first name, last name and desired login in the appropriate fields. If the login is free, click the “Next” button.

In the next step, create a password, enter it in the special field and duplicate the confirmation field. Next, select a security question and enter the answer to it. After this, for the security of your account or in case you lose your password, you can enter your main email and/or mobile number to recover your password. The last thing you need to do is enter the symbols at the bottom of the page. , check the box next to the line “I accept the terms of the user agreement” and click the “Register” button. You have registered a second mailbox on Yandex.Mail. Now you can use two mailboxes so that you don’t have to log out of your account and enter a login-password pair every time.

You can also collect letters from the second mailbox to the first and from the first to the second. In other words, you can create a redirection of letters from one e-mail to another. To do this, in the one you use most often, follow the “Settings” link in the mail window. Select the “Collect mail from” item in the settings window, then enter the e-mail address and password for the mailbox from which you want to redirect mail to. then click the “Enable collector” button.

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  • how to create a mailbox on Yandex

In the Internet era, having an electronic mailbox has become much easier than using physical home mail. Anyone can connect to the Internet and create an unlimited number of free mailboxes on any email service they like.



There are many sites on the Internet that provide services. Among them there are sites that have been tested by time and thousands of users, and sites of dubious origin. Some of the most popular are,,, etc. Check them out and choose the one you like best. You can also search for email services yourself.

To start registering an e-mail, go to the selected site and find the link “Create a mailbox”, “Registration” or a link of similar content. On the page that opens, write your first name, last name and desired login in the appropriate fields. The login can consist of Latin letters (a – z), numbers (0 – 9), an underscore (_) and a period.

If the desired login is already taken, the system will notify you about this. Come up with another login that will be free. The system can also provide possible options based on the specified first and last name. After successfully filling out the fields, proceed to the next page.

Create a password and enter it in the appropriate field. Try to come up with as much as possible - to do this, use both lowercase and capital letters, as well as numbers and special characters. After that, select your security question from the drop-down list (or enter your own) and enter the answer to it. The answer should not be obvious to everyone, only you should know it. You will need it to restore access if you forget your password.

Now enter the characters presented in the special picture. This is required to confirm that you are not a robot and are not handling bulk email accounts. Read the user agreement. If you agree with it, click on the “Registration” button. The email has been successfully created! Next, you can provide additional information about yourself: date of birth, etc.

Video on the topic


Depending on the selected site that provides the mail service, the sequence of these steps may vary slightly.

Keep your password secret. If someone else takes possession of it, he will receive unlimited access to your mail.

Just a few decades ago, the term post office meant a building, correspondence or organization. A letter is a message written by hand or typed on paper. Now the concepts of e-mail and electronic message have been added to these definitions. electronic mail box easier than usual. The choice is great, there are many postal services. Some of the most popular are,,

Instructions – exists since 2000. Free, convenient, protected from viruses and spam. In order to, go to On the left, under the sign “Yandex - everything is available”, click “Create an email account” box" On the page that opens, you are offered registration. It consists of two steps. First - enter your last name and first name (it is recommended to enter real data). On the third line write the login - the name of the mail box A. Come up with it yourself or use a hint. Click the “Next” button below. This is step two. Create and confirm a password from 6 to 20 Latin letters and numbers. Below you need to enter a secret question and answer to recover your password if you suddenly lose it. The next two lines are a spare email and mobile number. These two points are also needed to recover a lost password, but they are optional. Even lower on the left you will see symbols in the picture in the form of a postage stamp. They must be entered into the box on the right in the same line. Check the box “I accept the terms of the user agreement” and click the last button “Register”. Congratulations, registration has been successfully completed. – exists since 2004. It is characterized by excellent protection, large capacity and wonderful colorful design. To register, go to and click Gmail. The button is located on the top line above the multi-colored Google inscription. In the upper right corner, click on the red “Create an account” sign. In the registration block that appears, enter your information. Write your first and last name, create a login. Enter your password twice. Ask a security question and answer it. Next, you can indicate your contact email and date of birth. Enter the characters in the picture and click on the “I accept the terms and conditions. Create my account." Congratulations to you. You have successfully registered. - started working in 1998. All messages are scanned by an antivirus, spam and spammers are being combated. Reliably protects the data you enter. Mail volume box but unlimited. Go to and click the bright green “Create” button. In the window that opens, fill out the registration form. Required fields are last name, first name, date of birth and gender. You can specify. Next, come up with a name for your new email address. box a (login), set a password and confirm it. Select a method to recover your password. Enter number. If you have, click on the corresponding blue inscription. In the additional lines that appear, select your security question and answer it. If desired, enter an additional e-mail and click the green “Register” button. If everything was done correctly, it should appear with a code. Enter the code and click "Done". Use the new electronic box om!


  • create a mailbox on gmail com in 2018

Yandex is currently one of the most popular search engines. It also provides a large number of services, including mail. How to create a mailbox on Yandex?


To get started, launch your internet browser. Enter into the address bar without quotes. Press Enter. You will be taken to the main page. On the left side of the page there is a block called “Mail”. Click on the blue “Create mail” button.

The browser will take you to the first registration page. Here you need to indicate your real name, real last name and login. Click the cursor on the login field, the system will provide 10 options for free logins, based on the above data. If you don’t like any option, come up with your own, but keep in mind that if the invented login is already taken by someone, you will have to look for another until you find a free one. When finished, click on the “Next” button.

On the next page you need to come up with a password for the mailbox. The more complex your password, the less likely it is that yours will be hacked. Remember, never tell anyone your password under any circumstances! After writing it, confirm it a second time. Choose a security question from the list or create and write your own. If you forget your password, you can restore access to your mailbox by answering the security question correctly. Only you should know the answer! Give an answer to it. If desired, indicate a different e-mail, if available. Enter your mobile number and a recovery code will be sent to it. To prove to the system that you are not a robot, enter the characters from the picture. Read the terms of the User Agreement and check the box next to them, thereby you consent to the processing of your personal data.

Registration successfully completed. You can start using your mail right away, you can register your account information, or you can tell us a little more about yourself.

Video on the topic

If you already have one mail box, second in a row, third, etc. You can use any service:,, and others. It can be registered in the same way as the first one, using the same data (last name and first name).

You will need

  • - Internet browser;
  • - account on Yandex.


A fairly wide range of services today is offered by postal box Yandex. Go to the main page of the project and click the “Create mail” link on the left side of the site. You will see a mail account registration page. Here you need to go through 3 steps sequentially: 2 registration steps and the last step to log into your account.

In the first step you need to enter your details, i.e. fill out the fields “First Name”, “Last Name” and come up with your login. If everything is clear with the first and last name, you will have to tinker a little with the login. Hundreds of users register on email services every day, so there are significantly fewer free and unique logins than a few years ago. If your chosen login is busy, use the recommendations that will appear below the field you fill in.

After completing this page, proceed to the next step by clicking the "Next" button. Here you also need to fill in all fields. First of all, you should come up with your password and enter it in the appropriate field. Please note that as you type your password, a comment bar will appear to indicate the complexity of the password you entered. It is advisable to create a password that is marked “Complex” or “Strong”.

Then you need to enter a password confirmation - this is done in case you entered the password by accident. If the passwords do not match, please enter again.

The next column is “Secret Question”. It is used to restore access to your email box u. Select one of the proposed questions and enter the answer in the field of the same name. It is recommended to use your own question here - this will reduce the likelihood of your email being hacked. box A.

Next, enter a different e-mail. Because you register second email address, please indicate box, which was the first. This technology allows you to contact support if you have technical questions or discover that your account is unavailable.

Don't forget about the "Mobile" field. Here you need to enter your number, with which you can restore access to your box u. To complete registration, enter the check numbers in the empty window, check the box next to “I accept the terms of the User Agreement” (which you should read) and click the “Register” button.


How and where to set up an email. Electronic mail allows you to transfer emails between users over the Internet. At the bottom, click on the button “I accept the terms, create my account.” 3. All registration is completed - now write down the mailbox name, its password on paper or in another convenient way. Congratulations! Now you have a Mailbox!!!

Helpful advice

First, make sure that you do not have a mailbox. If you have “your own” Internet, then most likely, along with the “Internet delivery to your home” service, you will also receive a mailbox (and sometimes several). Therefore, it is best to get yourself one or several free mailboxes from the very beginning. It is better to do this where there is a high probability that these boxes will be safe and sound for many years.


  • where is the best place to have a mailbox?

Login And password– necessary parameters for logging into the website, social network, email. They are required in order to prevent scammers from accessing your profile.

You will need

  • - personal computer with Internet access.


When registering on the site, as well as when creating an email account, the user is required to enter a login - a unique name with which the user logs into his account or mail. Coming up with one is not so difficult, especially since each email resource offers several options for the name of the user account, which are presented in the form of a small list. As a rule, variations of such a login are based on previously entered data - first name, last name, date of birth.

When creating your own “name,” you can use one of the available options or specify your own. At the same time, you can vary your first name, last name, date, add numbers, letters and special characters. Try to create a login that is convenient for you, so that if you lose it, you can restore it. For example, for a user named Ivanova Irina Sergeevna, a login like [email protected]. You can also include parts of relatives' names, pet names, and any other words and symbols in your account.

Tell us a little about yourself, this will make it easier for the Yandex portal to serve users, and it will be more convenient for you to use various exciting services. Experts advise providing real information about yourself, even your mobile phone, so that if necessary, there will be no problems with recovering a lost password.

Take password creation seriously. This is the only and most reliable protection for your registration on "". If you think someone may have accessed information about you, change your password.

Don't use passwords that are too light. Do not include your first name, last name, date or place of birth as a password. Such codes can be selected without any problems. A strong password should consist of 6-20 characters, contain uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, include numbers, contain elements of punctuation, not coincide with the login, and be easy for you to remember. The best option would be to write a Russian word or phrase in the English keyboard layout. In addition, you can use a word that contains numbers instead of some letters.

Instructions for creating a mailbox

To start the process in the system, you need to go to the main page of the site itself ( by entering the appropriate address in any search engine or in the address bar of your browser.

After going to the main page of, you need to click on the inscription “Registration in mail”, which is located on the left side of the screen under the area for entering your login and password.

After this, the visitor will be taken to a page for entering personal information, which will be used to create a questionnaire and mailing address. Information entered in all fields can be transferred to third parties only with the consent of the user.

It is worth noting that the authors of allowed their visitors to choose between two methods of protecting their account: telephone and security question. However, the degree of security is noticeably higher when using a telephone.

After entering all the necessary information and clicking on the registration button, the user will be presented with a window with the so-called “captcha” - a set of characters that must be translated into an empty field, thereby confirming that the user is not a bot (a virus robot that performs automatic registrations) .

If the process of entering the captcha is completed successfully, the user instantly finds himself in the interface of his mailbox.

Advantages of using mailbox

One of the main advantages of using services is their security and safety - this portal was recognized as the most secure portal (1st place) on the RuNet in 2013.

The minimum password length here, like most email services, is 6 digits, and each page uses secure 128-bit TLS 1.0 encryption. Message authentication occurs via the RC4_128 protocol with SHA1.

If we consider the mail service in comparison with other mail services on the Runet, we can say that it does not differ in anything fundamental: it also has a system for collecting letters from other mailboxes, an alert system similar to the one used in Gmail, and also a system of filters and forwarding.

It is worth noting that after registering mail, there will be no need to create separate profiles in other portal services - all information will be copied there automatically, and only confirmation will be needed to activate accounts.

Creating a mailbox - electronic address (E-mail).

On the Internet it is referred to as an electronic address (E-mail). There are probably almost no users left on the Internet who do not have their own email address.

Here are some jargons for how email is called on the Internet: mailbox, E-mail address, email address, email and even “Soap”, and much more.

What creating your own E-mail address will give you is, first of all, the ability to exchange various information (text, tables, photographs, programs and much more) over any distance in a short time using your E-mail. Having created your own E-mail, you can use it to communicate with friends and family who are far from you, you can also use it for official correspondence and exchange of official documents.

Now a few words about email itself - this is one of the very first and most popular Internet services. E-mail appeared a long time ago and is constantly being improved, providing its users with more and more opportunities. In order to use e-mail you need to create your own E-mail. It is created on special email servers; there are a lot of them now.

Now let's move on to the methods of creating an electronic mailbox (E-mail address).

1. Free services for creating an electronic mailbox (E-mail)
There are many services on the Internet that offer to create your E-mail address for free. Here are some of the largest free services:
* mail on - to register, go to the service website;
* mail on - to register, go to the service website;
* mail to - to register, go to the service website;
* mail to - to register, go to the service website.

Registration for these free email services is very simple. All you have to do is find the “Registration in the mail” link, follow this link, fill out the required fields and you can all use your email account.

2. Corporate mail
Corporate email is also free, but slightly different from free services. A corporate box can only be owned by an employee of the company that owns it. If you work in a company that has a corporate email address, you can create an E-mail address for yourself. To do this, contact a specialist who is responsible for email operation.

Here you need to take into account that if you are going to leave a company where you have a corporate box, then you will simply lose it. Therefore, if the company regulations do not oblige you to have a corporate mailbox, then it is better to use the first point to register your email address on free services.

3. Own mail or complete freedom of action
Having your own mail is not the ultimate dream, but a commonplace of today's Internet. For example, your name is Ivanov Ivan, and create mail like ivan You can do it without any difficulties.

To do this, you need to register a domain and after registering in the domain settings in the domain control panel, configure your mail. Also, with one button you can configure on your domain:
* Gmail or Yandex mail
* Blog on
* Enables for Google Talk domain
* Make the domain a blog
* Attach a domain to your page in MirTesen or to the Ucoz system

For more information about all the options for managing your own domain, see the page.