How much do live themes cost in Odnoklassniki? How to install your own theme on Odnoklassniki

On this moment, most computer users spend a lot of time on social networks. Opening your Odnoklassniki profile in the browser, all interesting information appears in the middle of the page, but along the edges there is a boring Gray background.

Not everyone will like this background. But given that the social network is constantly updated and tries to adapt as much as possible to demanding users, there is an opportunity to change the theme for the profile.

In this article we will look at this. And we’ll figure out how you can beautifully design your Odnoklassniki page.

How to change the background of your Odnoklassniki page

To do this, open your profile in social network. Then on home page Above the area where the data is indicated, on the right, look for a rainbow circle. Hover your mouse cursor over it, and after that a link will open - “Decorate your page.” Click on it.

Or, in the menu at the top, click on the “More” button and select “Themes” from the list.

A list of all available images for design will open. They are displayed in the form of thumbnails with names. Under the one that is currently selected, there will be green tick"Installed."

Select the image you like and click on it with the mouse.

After this, a small window will open in which you can see how the selected background will look on your profile page.

If you like everything, click “Install”. If you want to “Select another theme”, click the corresponding button to go back to the list of available images.

Don't be afraid to install various pictures. If you wish, you can always return the standard gray background for the page.

Although you can change the profile theme in Odnoklassniki, there are also disadvantages to this. The set of images is limited and the user needs to choose from it. Accordingly, it will not be possible to select, download and set as the background the image you want. For example, you won’t be able to put an image with your favorite game or movie.

Install a theme from another page

If you were looking at the pages of friends or other users, and you liked the theme installed there, you don’t have to look for it in the list, as described above.

To make the same design for your profile, open the main page of this user, and at the top above the feed with right side find the rainbow circle.

Among all the opportunities that the Odnoklassniki website provides its users, there is also a personalization function, that is, changing the appearance of your profile. In this article we will look at how to decorate a page using special design themes.

Getting rid of the standard theme

You can make your Odnoklassniki profile more interesting and memorable by replacing standard background another. To do this, go to the menu called “More”. Then click on the inscription: “Themes” in the drop-down list.

You can also go to the list of designs by clicking on the circle with a palette and the “Decorate your page” link located above the list of friends. Choose the design you like from the ones offered and see how it changes appearance profile. Confirm the choice of design by clicking “Install” or select a different design.

The change function is available to all Odnoklassniki users for free. Unfortunately, the choice of profile design is small: several animated backgrounds and about seven dozen static images. Come back to same design website is even easier than changing it. Go to the list of topics through the “More” menu or via the “Decorate your page” link.

Click on the first theme, called “Standard”.

Click “Install”.

Decorating the group page

Administrators of groups with more than 10 thousand subscribers and official pages public people, brands or companies have the opportunity to add their own themes.

  1. Follow the link “Decorate the group page.”

  1. Click on the words “Upload a theme for the group” and, following the prompts, upload three images to the site for the new skin in jpg formats or png.

  1. We wait for the topic to pass moderation and install it on the group page.

In order for a self-created design to be approved by Odnoklassniki moderators, you need to take into account several points:

  • the main image, repeating background and skin cover must be in harmony with each other;
  • the maximum height of the top image is no more than 140 pixels;
  • The main image should blend into the background smoothly and without obvious joints.

Can I set my own theme?

In answers to frequently asked questions, Odnoklassniki developers clarify that it is impossible to upload your own skin. However, resourceful users figured out how to install their own theme in Odnoklassniki using third party software. For these purposes, the OkTools browser plugin is used. It can be downloaded for any web browser.

Click “Install Now”.

Click “Add to FireFox” and confirm the installation.

After restarting the browser the plugin will add new element in the website menu.

How to make your own theme in Odnoklassniki: how to put it background picture in Group

Each group owner wants to make their community unique, different from others. Odnoklassniki provides its users with the opportunity to change background image using themes. There are not many standard topics and they may not be suitable for groups with specific topics. Therefore, some group owners may create and install their own own topic registration of a group in Odnoklassniki.

Below in the article I will write about how to install your own theme, but I will also describe the process of installing a standard theme, in case anyone doesn’t know how to do this.

Such pleasure is not available to everyone, only official groups and communities with more than 10,000 (10 thousand) participants can decorate their group page in Odnoklassniki using a design theme.

It is worth noting that setting your own theme is available only for groups, but not for pages

How to create your own topic in Odnoklassniki

There are a number of rules that should be followed:

First of all, before you start working and create your first topic in Odnoklassniki, you need to find the source material - a picture (photo, texture, etc.).

There are a huge variety of different stock photo repositories. But it’s best to search in search engines:

Of course, the picture that you liked (you already found it?) will not work. It will simply not have the dimensions that are needed. And a graphic will help fix it online editor. For example this one:

This editor is very similar in functionality to Photoshop. So those who have worked with Photoshop should not have any problems. And for those who haven’t worked, watch video tutorials on YouTube:

How to install your own theme in Odnoklassniki

Well, did you find the picture? Did you bring it to mind in the editor? It's time to put the topic you made in a group on Odnoklassniki.

How to do it:

  1. In the community, follow the link “Decorate the group page”;
  2. Click: “Upload theme for group”;
  3. Read the tips;
  4. Once uploaded, the topic will be sent to moderators for review. This may take up to 3 days.
  5. Once the verification is passed, you will receive a notification and can set it in “Themes”.

How to set a standard group theme in Odnoklassniki

The final stage remains - you need to install the created topic. To change the background image of the group you need.

People are greeted by their clothes, books by their covers, and groups on social networks by their beautiful design. Therefore, if you decide to promote your community on to the masses, you need to find out what topics for a group are, where they are hidden and how to use them more attractively.

A beautiful design can significantly increase activity and attendance, so the design should fully correspond to the theme and character of the community. Select and install one of standard themes The following instructions will help:

Reference! Installed theme If desired, you can change it by doing the same.

How to decorate a group page in Odnoklassniki with your picture

Besides standard set offered by the site, you can add topics of your own “production”. The unique design will become a kind of calling card of the public, however, this opportunity is available for “large” communities with a number of participants from 10 thousand. To create your own background you will need to work with a photo editor.

Important! Exist special resources, offering ready-made samples, advice and useful links. Particularly popular on Odnoklassniki is the group ““, where hundreds of images of various topics are collected, available for free download. The community also offers step by step instructions at all stages of theme creation.

Installed new cover through the mentioned “Themes” section, where you need to find the “Download theme for the group” link.

  • The uploaded images must be combined and joined together;
  • It is better to place the most interesting things in the middle of the top image;
  • the height of the main image is limited to 140 pixels;
  • If you received a notification that the uploaded design has not passed moderation, you must first modify the topic, and only then send it for re-checking.

It will take a little time to improve the appearance of the group, but a positive result will not be long in coming. A bright picture will attract everyone's attention and create a friendly atmosphere.

Modern age information technologies can be considered so enjoyable and, in fact, massive, not because of the incredible number of possibilities it offers, but precisely because it is all unique and personalized. Literally, everyone can create and use what is pleasant and understandable to them. The social network Odnoklassniki keeps up with trends and has introduced design themes for the site that can be downloaded and installed for free, and we’ll talk more about how to do this in this article. They have absolutely no effect on the functionality of the site and do not add new features, but they are definitely capable of creating a certain mood, and users can choose the design based on the time of year, holidays, and so on. Thanks to such little things, the social network becomes more friendly and enjoyable. Additionally, it is worth reading about.

Legality of the function

Despite the possibilities described on the Internet, which will be discussed later, themes for classmates are supported by the developers of the social network themselves and can be installed without downloading and various security concerns.

In order to open the list of available themes, on the main page in the list of tabs you need to select “More” and at the very bottom click on “Themes”. Quantity available options is really great and it is constantly increasing. It can be:

  • themed things,
  • seasonal,
  • festive
  • and many more.

By clicking on a specific theme, a small preview window will open, where you can see how the site will transform if selected. All actions are safe and supported.

What does the chosen topic influence?

Such abundance possible options design, including themes, is explained by the fact that everything that changes is, in fact, only the background image. Neither fonts, nor icons, nor menus are transformed one iota. For the same reason, each user can use various tools on the Internet to create and install their own page design theme for classmates.

Where else can you find options?

Some topics for the Odnoklassniki group can also be found on the Internet. Most often they are installed using various extensions for the browser. And it is precisely such solutions that can not only add a background image, but radically change the appearance of the network. Or, for example, add . However, in in this case you need to be more careful. After all, it is often with the help of such extensions and themes that attackers commit their bad deeds. And loss of access to personal account in Odnoklassniki there will be minimal problem that you may encounter.