Download VK old version on windows phone. How to install VKontakte with music caching support on Windows Phone

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Users want to always have the latest versions of applications on their mobile devices. The fact is that developers try to make their programs convenient and as functional as possible. But customers are not always able to install the latest modifications. Later in the article I will tell you how to update VK on Windows Background if you suddenly encounter one or more errors.

Relatively recently, developers presented new software for the social network VK for the Windows operating system on smartphones. The official statement says that the program has received many changes:

Now using the application will be even more convenient.

Regular update( )

In general, to install a new version of the utility on your device, you just need to contact the appropriate store. Just go to and select the appropriate section.

Update in case of error( )

So, if you want to restore the functionality of the desired program for free, you need to perform several steps:

Important! Some users think that the lock above the photo means there is a problem. But that's not true. An icon like this indicates that the photo is private and that’s it. Reinstalling the solution will not fix the problem. This will not help if the location is requested. This function is disabled in the parameters related to the utility itself.

If the previous method did not help, we try to make additional movements:

If this method also did not help, you can try resetting the parameters. To do this, first save the data, and then go to the “ Settings" And " Device information" After this, you need to enter initial information.

Due to its features, not everyone likes the standard VKontakte application for mobile gadgets. Therefore, there are third-party clients to access the social network. For example, Kate Mobile is very popular on Android. The program became famous primarily due to its invisibility and music saving functions.

Replacement for the standard VK application for WP

But is there Kate Mobile for Windows Background? Unfortunately, the developers do not plan to release an application for this mobile platform. But you can use one of the analogues. Our site recommends choosing VK Go.


Now let's look at the advantages of VK Go. The application has similar capabilities when compared to Kate Mobile. The main function is invisibility. For a while, you can set the status to “Offline,” even when the user is on VK. An audio cache is also implemented, with the ability to listen to saved songs on the phone when the Internet is turned off.

Other features of VK Go:

  1. Encryption function for correspondence.
  2. The ability to constantly be online.
  3. Convenient audio player with separate volume settings, search function and display of track covers.
  4. View your news feed and notifications.
  5. Your own set of emoticons and much more.
This alternative to Kate Mobile for Windows Background is completely free. It is available for download from the Microsoft App Store. You can go to the application page through the search function. is a new official client from the creators of the same name for Nokia smartphones running on the operating system. The program is tailored to the maximum for the new platform and, thanks to the tiled interface, looks simply gorgeous. By and large, now you don’t need a home computer at all to visit your page, since you will find everything you need in this program.

Program interface

Directly from the main menu of the program, you can go to the list of friends, send a message to any of them, scribble a couple of lines on their wall or see what’s new with them. During correspondence, you can send your interlocutor photos, data about your location, video or audio recording and any other file.

From there (from the main menu) you can go to view the latest photos or photo albums of your friends, look at the correspondence with them and their comments left on your page. There you can also go to any of the groups in which you are a member, listen to audio recordings, watch videos and look at bookmarks.

A little about the settings

At the bottom of the main page there is a button to go to the application settings. By entering them, you can change the photo on your avatar, select the main background of the program interface, configure the sound and vibration of alerts, enable push notifications, activate notifications about friendship requests, replies to your letters and mentions of you on a social network. While on the main page, using horizontal swipes, you can go to a more detailed view of news and messages.

Features and general impressions of the VKontakte program

In order to get to your wall, you need to tap on your avatar. Don't miss. Otherwise (if you hit your name with your finger) you will be taken to the status editing menu. If, once on your wall, you swipe in any direction, you will be taken to a page with detailed information about your loved one. In general, the program turned out to be so convenient that you don’t want to leave it.