Download the installer program for Windows 7. The files necessary for the Windows installer to work may be damaged. Main reasons why this service may not work

It's no secret that the lion's share of the planet's population uses an operating system from Microsoft on their PCs. This could be Windows 7, the same Windows 8.1, or the ultra-modern Windows 10. Naturally. It is for this OS that there is great amount programs. From the simplest ones, which do not require installation, to giants like Photoshop.

But there are such unpleasant moments when any of these applications simply refuses to be installed on the computer. What to do in this case? The solution exists - all you need to do is download the right application on Windows 7 and install it for your computer. Below we will talk about how to do this correctly and describe all possible deviations from the course and ways to work around them.

What is the application?

Windows Installer(aka Windows installer) - this is part operating system, due to which we can install or uninstall an application with the .msi extension. Thanks to this component, you can not only install or uninstall any application, but also make changes to it (we hope you understand the importance of the installer). You can download and install Windows installer for free.

Reasons for program failure

If you started installing a program on your PC, but instead of the treasured window you saw the message: “Cannot access Windows Installer,” then, reading this article, you are moving in the right direction. The component is supplied as part of the Microsoft OS, but there are situations when it is required forced start or reinstallation. The program may malfunction for the following reasons:

Restricting access when logging in through a second account

To solve this problem you just need to log in with your main account (administrator). If you do not have this option, you need to contact the person who installed this OS or configured it.

Windows Installer service disabled

To start a stopped service, open the “Search” menu and enter the word “Services”.

You can also press Win+R. In the small window we write services.msc and click “OK”:

We look for Windows Installer in the list, then double-click on it and click “Run”.

Windows is the operating system that powers most of the modern computers. Many not only games, but also applications are produced for it. But sometimes even the most reliable devices problems happen. What to do if the program format is unknown to the computer, why does it not start? The problem can be solved simply by downloading and installing the Windows Installer service for Windows 7 x32.

About the purpose of the program

Thanks to this program, users will no longer have problems when working with applications that have msi extension. They can be removed, configured, and installed. The installer allows you to install and configure the necessary parameters at any time.

Difficulties with the service. And their reasons

You just need to download and enable the application if, when working with other programs, a message pops up stating that the service could not be accessed. Usually the installer comes bundled with the operating system itself. When is access to it closed? If the user did not log into his account, but saved the guest status.

Solving startup problems

Does the computer belong only to you? Then it is enough to use the rights of the main user or administrator and log in again. If the computer is someone else’s, you need to contact the person who is responsible for access to the system.

Sometimes a message appears indicating that the service has been disabled altogether. There is nothing complicated in such a situation either.

Problems arise due to the fact that the version of the program is outdated, or this tool is missing altogether. Then you just need to find the service on the Internet and install it. Starting from version 7 of Windows, the program is compatible with all the latest operating systems.

Today, the vast majority of people use the operating room Windows system. Naturally, many are also produced for it various applications, starting from the simplest programs and ending with such .

But one day terrible things may happen: the application will be in unknown format refuse to install. What to do? In fact, the solution to this problem is simple, you just need to download the Windows installer for Windows 7 x32 and install it on your computer. Today you can find out what this program is and finally solve the problem with its installation.

What kind of program is this?

Windows Installer (or in Russian the Windows 7 installer) is free application, thanks to which you can install/configure or remove computer program, which has the extension .msi. Using this installer, you can always install any program, as well as change some parameters. On our website you can download and install it completely free of charge.

Main reasons why this service may not work

So, if when you try to install a program, the message “Cannot access the Windows Installer service” pops up, then you just need to enable or download it.

In general, this installer comes with the operating system, but it happens that it may not work for the following reasons:

  1. Access to the Windows 7 Installer service is prohibited because you are logged in account on behalf of the guest.

How to start the installer service?

If the computer is yours, then you will just need to log in as an administrator (main user). If not yours, contact the administrator-manager or person responsible for computers.

  1. The installer service has been disabled

If a message pops up with similar text, then this problem can be solved like this:


1) Open the Start menu and click Run. Or simply press the Win+R key combination. In the window that appears, enter msc and click OK:

2) In the window that appears, find the installer, right-click on it and click run.

3) This service simply does not exist or is outdated. Therefore, in this case, you just need to download it and install it on your computer. Windows Installer is compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10.


Download this installer. Then all that remains is to launch and install it.

Windows installer error is one of the most common pop-up problems encountered by users of the Windows operating system.

The error may appear regardless of your OS version.

Reasons for the error

You can scan your OS using Sfc teams/scannow. You need to enter it into the command line window.

Launch command line You can also do it in two other ways:

  • Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt.
  • Start -> Run and enter the program name cmd.exe

In a few minutes you will be provided with detailed information about OS disks, corrupted files, problems with services and others. system programs.

The command line will not only find corrupted and corrupted files, but also replace them with functional ones.

After scanning, close the command prompt and reboot your Personal Computer or laptop. Try running the installation process of any executable file.

Microsoft also offers users automatic utility, which can solve the problem of the installer.

Go to the web address of the company's official website

In the window that opens, click on the “Run Now” button. The utility will restore correct configuration installer.

It is worth noting that the utility does not work with the eighth version of the operating system.

When installing any program with the .msi extension, it writes about a problem with the Windiws Installer service, and when starting this service, it writes: Failed to start the service on local computer... Error 2: The specified file cannot be found. Or on the list this service absent.

To restore the Windows Installer service, follow these guidelines:

How to repair Windows Installer

Check your computer for viruses

The first thing you need to do is make sure that your computer is not infected with viruses. To do this, we recommend checking your computer antivirus program installed on the system. And also download the treatment utility from dr.web (dr.web cureit!®) and check again with this utility.

Check what startup type is set for the Windows Installer service

To do this, open Control Panel - Administration - Services. Find it in the central part Windows service Installer (Windows installer). Right-click on it and select context menu Properties. See what startup type is set. Change it to automatic, restart your computer and check whether the problem recurs or not.

If the service is not in the list, or the problem remains, read below.

Does the windows installer program itself start?

If the problem repeats or the startup type was already set to automatic, then check whether it starts on its own. windows program installer. To do this, click Start - Run - Type msiexec and press enter. This should open a window in which it will be written windows version installer and available commands.

Files required for Windows Installer to function may be damaged.

To check system files for integrity, open the command line as an administrator (click Start - All Programs - Accessories - Right-click on Command Prompt - Run as administrator) and in the command line run the command

Sfc /scannow

Restart your computer and check whether the error persists or not.

If this doesn't help, open a command prompt as an administrator and type following commands, pressing enter after each of them:

Msiexec /unreg msiexec /regserver net stop msiserver regsvr32 /u /s %windir%\System32\msi.dll regsvr32 /u /s %windir%\System32\msihnd.dll regsvr32 /u /s %windir%\System32\msisip. dll regsvr32 /s %windir%\System32\msi.dll regsvr32 /s %windir%\System32\msihnd.dll regsvr32 /s %windir%\System32\msisip.dll net start msiserver

Restart your computer and check Windows operation Installer.

If the problem persists, compare the contents of the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\msiserver with the same branch on another computer and, if necessary, correct the values ​​on the problem computer.