Maternal signals. AMI BIOS - beeps (error codes)

When you turn on the computer, the BIOS performs a process of diagnosing the hardware of the motherboard and all connected devices: processor, RAM, power supply, graphics subsystem and other devices. If the POST request is not completed correctly, the beep device plays a signal or group of signals in a specific sequence of tones. To test your computer at startup, you only need to know the following table of BIOS beeps.

Signals from different BIOS manufacturers.


1 short No errors were found, all computer devices are working, POST request was successful.
1 beep and blank screen Video system is faulty
2 short Video system is faulty
3 long Faulty motherboard (keyboard controller error), poor or missing connection to the RAM stick
1 long, 1 short Motherboard is faulty
1 long, 2 short Video system faulty (Mono/CGA)
1 long, 3 short Video system (EGA/VGA) is faulty
Repeating short Malfunctions related to the power supply or motherboard
Continuous Problems with the power supply or motherboard
Absent The power supply, motherboard, or speaker is faulty, there is no power to the central processor

Award BIOS

1 short. Successful POST
2 short. Minor errors found.
A prompt appears on the monitor screen to enter the CMOS Setup Utility program and correct the situation. Check that the cables are securely fastened in the connectors of the hard drive and motherboard.
3 long. Keyboard controller error
1 short, 1 long. Random access memory (RAM) error
1 long, 2 short. Video card error
1 long, 3 short. Video card not detected or video memory error.
1 long, 9 short. Error reading from ROM
Repetitive short.
  • Problems with the power supply;
  • Problems with RAM (RAM)
Repeating long. RAM problems
Two sound tones cyclically alternating - “siren”. Problems with the CPU - processor overheating.
Continuous. Problems with the power supply


1 short No errors found, PC is working fine
2 short RAM parity error or you forgot to turn off the scanner or printer
3 short Error in the first 64 KB of RAM
4 short System timer malfunction. Replace the motherboard.
5 short Processor problems
6 short Keyboard controller initialization error
7 short Problems with the motherboard
8 short Video card memory error
9 short BIOS checksum is incorrect
10 short CMOS write error
11 short Error in the cache located on the motherboard
1 long, 1 short Problems with the power supply
1 long, 2 short Video card error (Mono-CGA). Malfunction of RAM connectors. Replace the motherboard.
1 long, 3 short RAM problems, you need to restart the computer, replace the DDR memory.
1 long, 4 short No video card
1 long, 8 short Problems with the video card; no monitor or other device is connected. Try turning off the new device.
3 long RAM - read/write test completed with error. Reinstall the memory or replace it with a working module.
5 short, 1 long RAM is not installed or is not installed as recommended by the manufacturer.
Continuous beep Memory or power supply failure or computer overheating


1 short Error when checking processor registers. Processor failure
2 short Keyboard controller buffer error. Keyboard controller malfunction.
3 short Keyboard controller reset error. The keyboard controller or system board is faulty.
4 short Keyboard communication error.
5 short Keyboard error.
6 short System board error.
9 short BIOS ROM checksum mismatch. The BIOS ROM chip is faulty.
10 short System timer error. The system timer chip is faulty.
11 short System logic chip (chipset) error.
12 short Power management register error in non-volatile memory.
1 long DMA controller error 0. The channel 0 DMA controller chip is faulty.
1 long, 1 short DMA controller error 1. The channel 1 DMA controller chip is faulty.
1 long, 2 short Frame retrace suppression error. The video adapter may be faulty.
1 long, 3 short Error in video memory. The memory of the video adapter is faulty.
1 long, 4 short Video adapter error. The video adapter is faulty.
1 long, 5 short Memory error 64K.
1 long, 6 short Failed to load interrupt vectors. BIOS was unable to load interrupt vectors into memory
1 long, 7 short The video subsystem failed to initialize.
1 long, 8 short Video memory error.

Phoenix BIOS

1-1-2 Error during processor test. The processor is faulty. Replace the processor
1-1-3 Error writing/reading data to/from CMOS memory.
1-1-4 An error was detected when calculating the checksum of the BIOS contents.
1-2-2 or 1-2-3 DMA controller initialization error.
1-3-1 Error in initializing the RAM regeneration circuit.
1-3-3 or 1-3-4 Error initializing the first 64 KB of RAM.
1-4-1 Motherboard initialization error.
1-4-4 Error writing/reading to/from one of the I/O ports.
2-1-1 An error was detected while reading/writing bit 0 (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-1-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 1st bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-1-3 An error was detected when reading/writing the 2nd bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-1-4 An error was detected when reading/writing the 3rd bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-2-1 An error was detected while reading/writing the 4th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-2-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 5th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-2-3 An error was detected while reading/writing the 6th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-2-4 An error was detected while reading/writing the 7th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-3-1 An error was detected while reading/writing the 8th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-3-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 9th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-3-3 An error was detected when reading/writing the 10th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-3-4 An error was detected when reading/writing the 11th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-4-1 An error was detected when reading/writing the 12th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-4-2 An error was detected while reading/writing the 13th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-4-3 An error was detected while reading/writing the 14th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-4-4 An error was detected while reading/writing the 15th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
3-1-1 Error initializing the second DMA channel.
3-1-2 or 3-1-4 Error initializing the first DMA channel.
3-3-4 Error initializing video memory.
3-4-1 Serious problems arose when trying to access the monitor.
3-4-2 The video card BIOS cannot be initialized.
4-2-1 Error initializing the system timer.
4-2-2 Testing is complete.
4-2-3 Keyboard controller initialization error.
4-2-4 Critical error when the CPU enters protected mode.
4-3-1 Error initializing RAM.
4-3-2 Error initializing the first timer.
4-3-3 Error initializing the second timer.
4-4-1 Error initializing one of the serial ports.
4-4-2 Parallel port initialization error.
4-4-3 Error initializing math coprocessor.
Long, continuous beeps The motherboard is faulty.
Siren sound from high to low frequency The video card is faulty, check the electrolytic capacitors for leaks or replace everything with new ones that are known to be good.
Continuous signal The CPU cooler is not connected (faulty).

Compaq BIOS


Quadtel BIOS

The list is updated regularly.

Compared to AMI signals, Award BIOS sound signals are not as varied, but in the vast majority of cases, their set is quite enough to encode all possible motherboard errors. Distinctive features of Award BIOS are the extensive use of a long signal, as well as the use of such types of signals as continuous and constantly repeating beeps.

Below is a list of Award beeps and their corresponding problem situations, as well as possible solutions.

  • No signals

This may indicate a malfunction of both the power supply and the motherboard itself. In some cases, the system speaker of the motherboard may be faulty. To correct the situation, you can try checking the contact of the power cable coming from the power supply to the motherboard.

  • One short

The user hears this signal most often. It means that the BIOS POST hardware check procedure was successful and the computer can continue booting.

  • Two short

This message in Award BIOS is reserved for cases where the error is not serious and allows the computer to operate normally. A detailed text message about the essence of the error is displayed on the monitor screen. The user's further actions to resolve the error usually depend on the type of situation. For example, the error may be caused by a dead CMOS memory battery. In such a case, it must be replaced.

  • Short repeating

The signal indicates a faulty power supply or damage to the power circuits. To correct the situation, you can try checking the contacts of the wires coming from the power supply to the motherboard.

  • One long and one short

A message indicating a faulty RAM or no memory at all. If the latter option occurs, then the RAM modules must be installed, and if the memory is already present in the slots, then you can try to reinstall the RAM chips. If this does not help, then most likely the problem is a faulty memory module. Sometimes these signals can be generated when the video memory is faulty.

  • Long repeating

An error similar to the previous one and indicating problems with RAM. This error most often occurs when memory modules are installed incorrectly. To correct the situation, you should check whether the modules are installed correctly, and if not, then reinstall them.

  • One long and two short

Similar beeps indicate a video card error. Often in such a situation, the problem is simply a poorly installed graphics accelerator card in the expansion slot, although the cause may also be a malfunction of the video card chip.

  • Three long

This message means that the BIOS has detected a keyboard controller error. As in other cases, here you can try to check the connection between the keyboard and the system unit. In some cases, the signal disappears after restarting the computer again. If the keyboard works, but the signals still remain, then they can usually be turned off using a special BIOS option.

  • One long and three short

A sound message, like the previous one, indicating a keyboard error. But, unlike the previous error, in this case the signals indicate that the error manifests itself in a slightly different situation - the BIOS detected the keyboard, but was unable to access it.

  • One long and nine short

The signals indicate a CMOS read-only memory error. This failure can be either random, disappearing after rebooting the PC, or it can be a consequence of a malfunction of the CMOS memory chip, as well as incorrect BIOS flashing.

  • Repeating signal with high and low frequencies

An error indicating a malfunction or incorrect installation of the central processor. To correct the situation, you should try to check the reliability or correct installation of the processor and its fastening in the socket.

Many motherboards come with a built-in system speaker on board. When you turn on the computer, one short signal usually sounds, which indicates that there are no errors, as a result of which the equipment continues to operate and the operating system loads. The sound signal becomes an integral part of the successful startup of the PC and after a while the user simply stops noticing it.

But, unfortunately, it may happen that when you turn on the computer, a non-standard signal will be heard or it will be completely absent. This can indicate either partial or complete PC malfunction due to problems in various hardware. In order for the user to find out exactly where the problem occurred, BIOS technical signals are provided, which will help identify the malfunction of a specific computer module.

What is BIOS

Before moving on to considering the features of certain types of BIOS, it is worth telling what they are in general. Basic Input Output System is a program written on a chip located on the motherboard itself.

The BIOS is responsible for all low-level hardware settings. Without it, the computer simply will not know the principle of its operation: where to boot from, what functions of the motherboard need to be activated, what the rotation speed of the coolers should be, and much more.

BIOS tasks and functions

  • When the computer boots up, the base software checks the CMOS for user settings.
  • Interrupt handlers and device drivers are loaded.
  • The registers and power management are initialized, as well as self-testing when power is applied.
  • After this, system settings are displayed on the screen and bootable devices are determined.
  • The final stage of preparing the equipment for loading the system is the initialization of the bootstrap program.


The abbreviation AMI comes from the name of the company American Megatrends Incorporated, which is the owner of this development.

The main menu is presented with a convenient list of settings in two columns.

On this settings tab, you can change the system date, as well as select the order of boot devices.

Depending on the specific model and BIOS version, the location of the items may differ slightly. The AMI BIOS menu is quite simple, and it will be difficult to get lost in it. Detailed information about the location of menu items and settings can be found on the manufacturer's website or in the documentation included with your motherboard.

AMI signals

The developments of each BIOS manufacturer have their own unique system alerts that will help determine the malfunction. Below are the ami bios sound signals with a description of the problems and their possible solutions.

Designations in the table:

  • “k” - short BIOS signals;
  • “d” - long BIOS signals.

BIOS beeps

Are common

No signals

No beeps during startup may indicate a faulty computer component, a misconnected power supply, improper installation, or a missing system speaker.

The presence of one short signal during startup informs the user that the computer hardware is operating correctly.


Motherboard failure. You need to restart your computer. If the error recurs, the board may need to be repaired or completely replaced.

Error checking the BIOS chip checksum. You need to restart your computer. If it happens again, the chip will need to be replaced or re-flashed.

Cannot write to CMOS memory. It is necessary to reset by removing the battery. If this does not help, you may need to replace the memory chip.


Problem with the central processor. You need to restart your computer. If the error occurs multiple times, the CPU will need to be replaced.

Video equipment

An eight-fold signal is associated with a video memory error or a complete malfunction of the video card. The solution is to replace the video adapter.

I d. and II or III k.

I d. and VIII k.

The error indicates a faulty video memory or incorrect installation of the video card in the slot.


RAM malfunction. Appears in cases of incorrect installation of modules or their malfunction. If this situation occurs, it is recommended to check all memory modules one by one. .

Error in the first 64 KB of RAM. The solution is identical to the previous point.

Motherboard timer system error. In many cases, the solution is to replace the battery.

Input Devices

Keyboard controller error. It is necessary to check the connection, and also exclude the possibility of a malfunction of the keyboard itself by connecting it to another computer.


AWARD BIOS, owned by Award Software International Inc, California, is visually similar to the American Megatrends Incorporated software, but has a number of its own features.

The AWARD main menu is also a two-column list.

A user-friendly interface allows you to easily make the required settings.

AWARD signals

Although Award BIOS signals are less varied, this will not interfere with accurately determining the malfunction.

Designations in the table:

  • “k” - short BIOS signals;
  • “d” - long BIOS signals.

BIOS beeps

Description and possible solutions to the error

Are common

No signals

Faulty or incorrectly connected power supply.

There are no errors.

There are minor errors related to CMOS settings. Solutions - resetting the settings to factory settings, as well as checking the connection of the hard drive and motherboard cables.


The error is related to the read-only memory chip. The solution is to restart the computer, and in some cases, reflash or replace the microcircuit itself.


CPU malfunction. You need to restart your computer. If the error occurs multiple times, the CPU may need to be replaced.

Video equipment

Video memory error. The solution is to check the connection to the monitor, remove and reinstall the video card. In some cases, complete replacement of the video adapter.


RAM error. The solution is to check the modules one by one, as well as replace the faulty ones.

I d. with repetition

The error appears due to incorrect installation of memory sticks.

Input Devices

Error related to keyboard controller. The solution is to completely turn off the power and restart the computer.

Keyboard initialization error. The solution is to check the connection to the connector.

In the Award BIOS structure, long signals are succinctly combined with short ones, which greatly simplifies their recognition.

Phoenix BIOS

The Phoenix interface is represented by horizontal tabs, which provide extensive options for customizing the equipment.

Phoenix bios signals are more difficult to perceive than previous representatives. It is worth paying special attention to in order to avoid a false “diagnosis”. All Phoenix bios alerts are short signals with a certain frequency.

In the table below of the main signals, the symbol “-” means a pause.

BIOS beeps

Description and possible solutions to the error

Are common

The BIOS chip controller has failed. The solution is to reset the settings.

Incorrect CMOS settings. Solutions - Reset BIOS settings.

Error related to system timer. Replacing the battery (battery).


Motherboard failure. The solution is diagnostics by specialists or its replacement.


Failed to access memory.

RAM regeneration error.

Various RAM errors.

Input Devices

Incorrect operation of the keyboard controller. The solution is to check the connectors and cables for integrity, eliminating a possible malfunction of the keyboard itself.


CPU malfunction. It will most likely need to be replaced.

Video equipment

The problem is related to the video adapter. You need to remove and reinstall the video card into the slot. If the error recurs, it may need to be replaced.

It is worth remembering that in this type of BIOS there are no long signals at all, thereby complicating the task of identifying errors. In most cases, the solution to problems related to RAM is to check and replace faulty modules one by one. For more detailed checking of the computer for errors, POST cards are used, which can provide comprehensive information about faults.

Modern BIOS replacement

Nowadays, the UEFI system is becoming increasingly popular, replacing the usual BIOS. It has a clearer graphical interface with mouse support and has many advantages, some of which are increased loading speed, support for new hardware, and new data protection methods.

  • No signals— The power supply is faulty or not connected to the motherboard.
  • 1 short beep— Normal computer boot. No errors found. The computer is ready to use.
  • 2 short beeps— RAM parity error. Restart your computer. Check the installation of memory modules. One or more memory modules may need to be replaced.
  • 3 short beeps— Error during operation of main memory (first 64 KB). Restart your computer. Check the installation of memory modules in the slots. Memory modules may need to be replaced.
  • 4 short beeps— The system timer is faulty. The motherboard may need to be replaced.
  • 5 short beeps— The central processor is faulty. The processor may need to be replaced.
  • 6 short beeps— The keyboard controller is faulty. Check the quality of the connection between the latter and the connector on the motherboard. Try replacing the keyboard. If this does not help, then the motherboard may need to be replaced.
  • 7 short beeps— The motherboard is faulty.
  • 8 short beeps— Problems with the video card.
  • 9 short beeps— Checksum error on the contents of the BIOS chip. A corresponding message may appear on the monitor screen. It requires either replacing the chip or rewriting its contents (if it is Flash memory).
  • 10 short beeps— Cannot write to CMOS memory. The CMOS chip or motherboard needs to be replaced.
  • 11 short beeps— The external cache memory is faulty (yes, there is such a thing). The cache memory modules on the motherboard need to be replaced.
  • 1 long + 2 short beeps
  • 1 long + 3 short beeps— The video card is faulty. Check the monitor connection. Try removing the video card and connecting it again. You may have to change the video card.
  • 1 long + 8 short beeps— The video card is faulty. Check your monitor connection. Try removing the video card and connecting it again. You may have to change the video card.

Today we will talk about the situation when the computer, when turned on, emits 1 long, possibly repeating signal after some time, and does not display anything on the screen.

In this situation, there are clearly problems with the equipment. Depending on the motherboard model and BIOS manufacturer, 1 long signal can indicate various problems.

Phoenix BIOS thus notifies the user that the fan in the CPU cooler has failed. In Award BIOS, such a combination indicates problems with the power supply. And for Compaq BIOS this means a violation of the correct functioning of RAM.

The IBM BIOS notifies you of video system problems with one long beep. In some cases, the user can fix such a breakdown on his own. You just need to check how correctly the video card is positioned in the motherboard slot. Perhaps the device needs to be adjusted a little, and the annoying signal will disappear.

AST BIOS in this case indicates a breakdown of the microcontroller. More precisely, the signal indicates an error detected when checking the first DMA channel. Often, to correct this situation, the user has to change the entire motherboard.


So, the first thing to do to solve this problem is to try to remove and install the RAM, after wiping its contacts with an eraser. Ideally, take another known working memory and insert it in place of your own.

One possible reason for this signal sequence is RAM

If after this the problem does not go away, check whether the processor fan is connected to the motherboard properly and whether it is jammed. To do this, try scrolling it with your finger. The computer must be de-energized.

Checking that the CPU cooler is connected correctly

The next step in eliminating one long BIOS signal is to install a known working power supply, which you can temporarily borrow from friends or acquaintances.

The power supply is one of the possible reasons for 1 long BIOS signal

The last step in trying to eliminate the long BIOS signal during boot is to try to remove/install the video card by wiping the contacts with an eraser.

Installing/removing a video card to solve the problem of one short and two long BIOS signals when turning on the computer

If after all the described steps you are unable to start your computer, then most likely you will have to replace the entire motherboard.