Anonymous message server VK. How to send an anonymous message on VKontakte? Which complaint is considered anonymous?

Now there are many different sites on the Internet that provide services, both paid and free, for anonymously sending messages and other notifications to users of social networks. In this material we will look at method of sending anonymous notifications on VKontakte without using third party resources.

It is possible that the method described below is already quite outdated or is known to many, but for those who are reading about it for the first time, I think it will be useful.

So, first you need to create a community - a group. I think that there is no need to write about this and everyone will guess how to perform this action. Okay, let's move on. In the created group, you can enter any information, set an avatar, or leave it completely empty, it’s up to you. After the created page is ready, you need to go to the form for publishing a new message on the wall, but don’t rush, in order for the “trick” to be successful, you will need to enter some symbols described below.

Having checked the post on behalf of the community in the typing form, you must enter the addresses of the pages of the users to whom you are going to send notifications, this is done as follows:

@id1, @roseins, @id76584372

I think the point is clear. So, using this method we made an appeal to users, and then, from a new line, you can enter absolutely any text, links, attach attachments, and so on.

In this way, you can send spam to users with virtually no consequences, because hardly anyone will guess that it was you, but for security reasons, I advise you to use this method on fake pages, and not on the main one.

We all have situations when there is a need to send a message to this or that person anonymously. That is, so that the recipient does not find out who wrote to him. Anonymous messages on VKontakte are a rather topical and at the same time already exhausted issue. People have long been looking for working ways to send messages in incognito mode. And today I will tell you about all the available options.

What is meant by anonymous reporting?

Anonymity means the sender is unknown. That is, the message is sent without indicating the full name of the author. Previously, it was possible to find on the Internet many truly working programs and services capable of sending anonymous messages on VKontakte. But today they have all lost their relevance because they have stopped working.

The exact reasons why such software stopped working are unknown. What is known is that this happened at the moment when the VK website changed its design. And most likely, the site update was the reason.

How to send a message anonymously on VKontakte?

Having spent enough time searching for working methods, I came to the conclusion that there is only one way to send messages in incognito mode - registering a new account.

Registering a new account is a simple and standard procedure. The only difficulty you may have is the lack of a free phone number. Without it, you won't be able to create a new page.

When registering, you can indicate any first and last name. This data is not verified. By sending a DM from such an account, the recipient will never be able to guess who the real owner of the page is.

How to send an anonymous post to a public wall?

In addition to simple DMs, you can anonymously send posts to the community wall on VK. For example, you want to offer news to a public site, but at the same time you want no one (even the public admin) to find out who proposed this news.

To offer a post in incognito mode, two conditions must be met:

  1. The community installed the Vposter application.
  2. The user proposed the post through the application, and not in the standard way.

How to install Vposter (for group leaders):

Ready! Now everyone will be able to offer news anonymously (even the management of the public will not know the full name of the author).

How to propose a post (for members):

Entries left using Vposter will be included in the community’s “suggestions.” They will not have any information about the sender. Content only.

There are several ways to send an anonymous message on VKontakte. And the ability to send anonymous texts comes down to using auxiliary sites.

Important: The disadvantage of all of them is that the sent notifications will be seen by users of the group dedicated to a specific service. If the recipient is smart enough to join one of these groups, your plan to remain “incognito” will fail.

Now let’s look at several popular sites for sending anonymous messages to VKontakte.


Using msgvk.ruis as simple as possible and is as follows:

  • click on the “In Personal Messages” tab;
  • in the “ID…” field, enter a link to the page or use the search;
  • write a notification in the “Your text” field;
  • if necessary, add the file;
  • Enter the code from the image;
  • click on the “Submit” button.

Rice. No. 1. Using the service

2. how to do.rf

The site kaksdelat.rf has its own message sending service. There you just need to enter the user id, text and click “Submit”.

Rice. No. 2. Using the service how to do.rf

These are two sites that really allow you to complete the task. Previously, this could be done in other ways, for example, as shown in the video.

There is a type of community whose content is created by the subscribers themselves. In such groups, users post their questions or life stories. For example, communities from the “Overheard” category.

After all, community admins see who suggested the post and can even leave your signature with a link to the page.

In this regard, an application called Vposter, with which subscribers can submit their entries anonymously. No one, not even community leaders, will know about the author of the post.

Anonymous messages on VK available only to those communities where this application is installed. And now we will look at step-by-step installation instructions:

1. First, go to community management, open the "" tab and find "Vposter".

  • Add the application to your community;

3. Now let’s log in to the application to work with it.

All. The application has been installed successfully.

How to send an anonymous message on VK

From now on, anyone can open it and write an anonymous message on VK.

  • The application is located under the community avatar;

After logging into the application, users will have access to writing form anonymous entry;

Sometimes it happens that you need to send a message to a specific person, but you want to remain hidden so that the recipient does not recognize you. A relatively recently launched service for sending anonymous messages on VKontakte - Anmail - will come to the rescue in such a situation.

About the site

The service has an intuitive interface, designed in Metro style, in which even a beginner will not get confused. The site has built-in short instructions for working with it in case any difficulties arise while sending a message.

Unlike some competitors, the Anmail service sends the text exactly as a personal message, and does not post it to a strange community with a link to the recipient. The result of the service will be a personal message from the “postman” of the Anmail service, who will deliver your message, hiding your identity from the recipient.

Instructions for using the service

So, if, no matter what the reason, you decide to send an anonymous message to a user on the VKontakte social network, just follow the instructions below.

  • go to the Anmail service website using this link;
  • go to the sending message section;
  • provide a link to the recipient's personal page. Both links with a page identifier ( and links with a short page name ( are appropriate here;
  • enter the text of the message that will be sent to the recipient;
  • enter the text from the picture in the adjacent field to prove that you are not a robot;
  • send it!
That's all! The result on the recipient's side will appear within one minute and it will look like this:

It is also worth understanding that if the user is not on your friends list and has limited the acceptance of messages from non-friends, sending a message to this user will be impossible. In all other cases, the service for sending anonymous messages works flawlessly.

You can go to the Anmail service website to view it or send an anonymous message using this link.