Seven pranks you can make on Google. Relaxing with Google jokes

Hello dear visitors!

Everyone can try out search engine jokes! To avoid any difficulties, I will describe everything to you in detail. The most important thing in my opinion is that it is free, that is, you don’t have to pay for PS Yandex and Google jokes, but just watch and laugh with your friends, acquaintances, family and loved ones. This article will take your mind off work a little.

The menu, without transition, is not small, you will find everything yourself, but it is better to read from beginning to end, it will be funnier for you.

  1. Snake
  2. A mess in the search
  3. Scattered Images
  4. I twist it, I twist it, it’s a little askew, that’s how it goes
  5. Breakout or Arkanoid
  6. Jokes with pictures
  7. Piano
  8. Doodles
  9. Pac-Man and Rubik's cube online
  10. Slot machine for a beginner
  11. PS sweethearts

Collection of popular jokes from Google

Here PS made a joke on the popular video hosting site YouTube. It consists of the following: start any video, press pause and pull the slider first to the right and immediately up - it will look like a snake. Not the best joke, but this is just the beginning! It will get better and better.

The second joke: when you go to the main Google page, there is complete order - everything is logically placed in its place. Now we're going to make a complete mess! To do this, simply click on this link.

Don't think there's nothing more you can do! You can drag and drop all items and scatter them as you wish. Although we have created a complete house, the search still works, you can safely write a request.

Now it's the turn of the third secret

The next cool game from the search engine is the Rubik's cube. Come by this link, there the cubes are moved with the mouse. Twist it, turn the cubes over to put everything together as it should.

In general, a cool thing for brain development! It’s strange, but now I haven’t seen it on sale anywhere. I used to remember that you could buy a Rubik’s cube anywhere, it was everywhere, but now, alas, it’s only online, although it’s also good.

Google on automatic

The next joke is called Google on automatic. Its principle is not difficult to understand! This system was created for those people who often find it difficult to find something on the Internet, and here Google did a favor.

When you go to the search engine using the link, write the query you are interested in, press the button, the system gives you a link that you need to pass on to the person who asked you to find something for him.

Are you a reader of my blog? Then you know about online translators who help you with your work or just with reading interesting articles; if not, or simply don’t remember about these services, then be sure to read “”. You can also make fun of it by typing in Russian words.

Okay, that's all with Google for now, I don't know any more jokes, so let's move on to the jokes of the Yandex search engine. She also likes to make fun of her users or just make them happy.

Collection of popular jokes from Yandex

Everyone knows that Yandex made convenient usability for its users, so he changed it a little, or rather, when you come here, Yandex search opens and all the items are scattered. They called it “Yandex-gravity”.

This joke is made on par with Google. In this and this joke, you can throw objects wherever you want - also fun in my opinion. I really don’t know who made this joke first – Yandex or Google. If you know, tell me in the comments - very interesting!

A funny thing about searching: go to one of the search engines, for example, Google and enter the query “Google you honey.” Look at the first position. I know it's rude, but it's cool. In Yandex, you can also make a joke like this, just change the request a little to his name.

I’m very sorry, but unfortunately, I won’t be able to please you with anything else in this article, because I don’t know more about the most popular jokes from Yandex and Google. If you know, tell me about them, I will be grateful!

That's all for today. Subscribe to updates on new articles so you don't miss anything interesting. See you!

Turning to Google for information has long become commonplace. However, few people know that the developers have left many surprises inside the system that can entertain the user. We invite you to play the fool together and try out 10 secret jokes from Google:

  1. Stop the Zerg.

The search engine code contains a condition, when fulfilled, small circles appear on the screen. They greedily attack search results and devour them.

It is not known whether it is possible to win this game. Over time, the number of zerg and their speed increase. After destroying the issue, the digital pests, as if mocking, line up in the shape of two letters G.

  1. Do a barrel roll and other jokes.

If you Google the phrase do a barrel roll, the search results will make a 360-degree turn. This is how the thoughts of the person who entered this search query with the serious intention of finding out what it is are imagined: “ahh... a virus on the PC, we urgently need to remove the operating system!”

Besides this madness, there are at least three more ways to play around with the search:

  • If you type google gravity and click the “I’m feeling lucky” button, all the elements on the search page will collapse down. Each piece can be grabbed with the mouse and thrown to any part of the screen.
  • Type google sphere, click “I’m feeling lucky,” and the query entry page will turn into a cloud of links. By the way, they are all working. Click on Mr.doob's link and you'll be taken to a website with animations you can watch forever.
  • The phrase google space will cause a similar effect as gravity, but the page elements will fly in zero gravity.

You can create chaos in this way all day long, as long as your boss doesn’t see what you’re doing during working hours.

  1. How to play in Google search.

You can play two secret games in the system:

  • Atari breakout is an arcade game familiar to many from Tetris. The task is to destroy all the blocks using a flying ball, which must be hit with a moving bar at the bottom of the screen.

To start the game, go to image search and enter atari breakout. After this, the game interface will appear, and the output images will turn into blocks.

  • Running dinosaur. This small game is available for Google Chrome browser users. The dinosaur image appears on the download page when there is no Internet connection.

“So what’s the game here?” - you ask. So, if you press the spacebar, the dinosaur will run. Your task is to overcome obstacles and not get caught by the evil pterodactyls. The longer you hold out, the more points you score.

  1. How many parrots are there in a boa constrictor?

We know that thirty-eight, but how many boas are equal to 83.5 parrots? Until recently, Google answered this question. When you entered the query “how many parrots are there in a boa constrictor,” a comic value convector appeared in the first place in the search results, where you could convert parrots to boa constrictors and vice versa. Unfortunately, this feature does not currently work.

  1. Piano playing.

This joke is not from the developers, but still deserves mention. If you follow the link, a recording will open where they press the piano keys.

What's unusual about this? The fact is that a link is attached to each moment of clicking. Thus, we can play the piano by pressing the keys with the cursor or play music using the numeric keypad.

  1. Doodles.

Funny drawings stylized as the Google logo appeared at the dawn of the company's founding. Such cards are dedicated to the birthdays of historical figures, significant events and holidays. Interestingly, Google takes into account the characteristics of all countries where the search engine is used.

Images can be static or animated. Some of them can be interacted with. All doodles can be viewed in the archive at the link:

  1. Les Paul's guitar.

To celebrate American guitar virtuoso Les Paul's ninety-sixth birthday, Google has released an interactive Doodle of the electric guitar he invented.

Anyone could play a digital instrument. The doodle is still in the archive, but, unfortunately, no longer makes sounds.

  1. Pac-Man.

Some doodles are full-fledged games. For example, to mark the 30th anniversary of the famous video game Pac-Man, Google released an interactive postcard. With its help, the younger generation of gamers can try out the legendary toy.

At the beginning of the game you are given three lives. To get another one, you need to score 10 thousand points. To complete the level, Pac-Man needs to eat all the white dots on the map while avoiding the ghosts.

  1. Learning the principles of programming.

One of the latest jokes from Google is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of programming for children. This is not just a game or a so-called live picture, but a real demonstration of the capabilities of machine language. Using software blocks, you need to help the rabbit collect all the carrots, moving through six different difficulty levels.

  1. If you're fed up with questions.

Probably everyone has a friend who always asks for things that are easy to find on the Internet. Telling him: “Google to the rescue” is too simple. It's much more interesting to make fun of him.

Surfing the Internet is not always enjoyable, especially when searching for information becomes a chore. Apparently, Google knows this firsthand, which is why they have created so many hidden islands of entertainment.

We really liked the dinosaur. And you?

Business before pleasure. You are all learning how to create, promote and magnetize websites, and now it’s time to relax a little - we are announcing a big change in lessons. We'll have a fun and entertaining holiday - we'll look at a few Google jokes that few people know about and that will surprise each of you.

It would seem that such a serious corporation as Google is not allowed to joke, they would have to twist everything and develop algorithms. However, this is not at all true. These guys also know how to relax.

Gravity balls

Google's first joke is gravity balls. Go to the main page of the search engine and write the request “Particle Logo”. Go to the first page in the search results. You will see multi-colored balls of different sizes that you can move with your mouse across the screen in all directions. And if you leave them alone for a while, they will form the word “Google”.

Make a barrel

Write the query “do a barrel roll” in a search engine and you will see how your computer screen rotates in all directions. Don't worry, it's not broken, it's just another Google joke.


And if you write these words in a search, you will again be afraid for the performance of your computer. When asked, the screen rotates to the side. In this case, all search results links are active.

Who's the cutest?

Want to know who is the cutest in the world? Then go to the Google home page, write down the query “Who’s the cutest” and click the “I’m feeling lucky” button. And you will be convinced that the most beautiful one is you.

Boa constrictor in parrots

Have you forgotten how many parrots are in one boa constrictor? Write a query on Google for “boa constrictor in parrots” and you will get a very serious answer. The level of seriousness is on par with the conversion of world currencies.

Sweetie Google

This is a joke of Google calling a little names. Write down the query in the search engine “Google you honey” and pay attention to the title of the first link in the results. But don't be offended, this is a joke.

Zerg rush

If you type “zerg rush” in the search, you can play a game with the letters “O” from the Google logo. You literally won’t even have time to open the links before they will be overwhelmed by these symbols.

Brick game

Another Google joke related to games, but only in the “Pictures” service. Go to image search and enter the query “atari breakout” there. And that’s it, you can enjoy killing bricks, like in Tetris. And make the sound quieter, otherwise the beeping is disgusting.

In this small life hack we will analyze many of the current Google secrets and jokes search engine.

Let's start with a small digression. Google a very young and creative company that is not afraid to be frivolous, not afraid to joke,It’s not for nothing that one of the ten principles Google says: You can be serious without a tie. In addition to frequent thematicdoodles, there are constants in the search enginequeries with Google jokes . So, let's begin.

H then type it into Google for fun?

1. Are you tired of boring, monotonous surfing? Google? Then enter the query in the search bar and it will become a little crooked.

2. Do you want to turn your head? Then the request to help you.

4. You can write a whole block of articles on the topic of doodles, because over the entire period of time so many of them have accumulated that in Google started a whole . But you can’t pass by, so I’ll highlight a few that I liked the most. The first one is boats in the style of Jules Verne. The second is one of the most popular games in history.. And the third , in which you have to score as many points as possible by scoring balls into a basket.

5. Maybe you hate Google and want to destroy it. For this there isfunny . Crush, throw, mock as you wish.

6. You all probably remember the old Soviet cartoon 38 parrots. Well, if in Google enter the query how many parrots are in a boa constrictor, it will display a unit converter with the correct answer.

7. If you haven’t heard about the opportunity to play the piano on YouTube, here you go , where you can use the numbers on the keyboard to play a melody on ten keys. In fact, the author of the video simply found an interesting opportunity in the service’s standard tools YouTube. The video is divided into 10 equal parts and a button on the keyboard is attached to the beginning of each part. If you get confused, you can quickly create the same interactive video yourself, for example with drums or a flute.

8. Google Easter eggs loves too, so if you enter , then in the hardware calculator it will give the answer. This is a reference to the novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by popular British science fiction writer Douglas Adams. If you want, you can read more about this on Wikipedia.

P recalls from Google Maps

With the advent of the Google Maps service and Google Panoramas , jokes began to be discovered by themselves, or rather by numerous resource users. Let's look at some of them.

There are also many interesting places on the map, you just need to enter their coordinates, but do not forget to switch to the “Earth” mode.

Hello everyone, dear friends. How are you feeling? Looking forward to your next weekend installment? No problem, be patient. There's nothing left. And so that you don’t get bored, I have prepared for you jokes about Google that I found on the Internet and that are working at the moment.

  1. Google gravity. Follow the link or enter google gravity in the search bar and follow the first link. You will be taken to the Google search engine, only it is like Humpty Dumpty, i.e. fell down the blocks. But what's most interesting is that it works. If you enter any query in the fallen search bar, then real search results will fall from above, through which you can access the site. In addition, by holding the mouse on any block, you can spin it and throw it.
  2. Zerg Rush toy. Enter zerg rush in the search and red and yellow letters O will appear at the top, which will destroy your search results. You need to destroy them by left-clicking on the letters. Cool time killer).
  3. Changeling. Write do a barrel roll in the search bar and the entire page will rotate 360 ​​degrees in real time. Quite an unusual sight.
  4. Interactive holiday logos. We all know that Google usually makes some kind of original logo when a holiday comes. In general this link you can see different doodles that have ever existed in the entire history of the search engine. You can also highlight some cool ones. For example, for the 30th anniversary of the famous game Pac-man, Google put this game instead of the logo - Play
    For the game itself you need to click on the Insert Coin button. But few people know that if, after starting the game, you click on the Insert Coin button again, the game will restart in two-player mode (a boy and a girl). You play as a boy using the arrow keys, and as a girl using the WASD keys.
  5. Go to Google images and type “atari breakout” in the search and you will see how the pictures shrink and change colors, and in the meantime you can play a game like Arkanoid. It's also a good way to kill time.)
  6. Type askew in the search bar and you will see the screen tilt slightly. When I turned it on for the first time, I didn’t immediately understand what the trick was, although it was clear that something was wrong here.
  7. Service " How to search" Generally a useless service, but you can make fun of it. If someone does not know how to use Google search and needs to find a specific request, then you go to the service, enter the request and press Enter. After that, simply copy the link and send it to someone who needs it. The whole joke is that by clicking on the link you will see clear example typing this query with all search results.

Previously, there were a lot more such jokes, especially with Google translator, but then they fixed it all and over time there were fewer jokes. Well, maybe later new ones will appear that will help pass your time.

Well, in general, I wanted to offer you this article as a little relaxation. If you know any other jokes, write them in the comments. I will be happy to add them to this collection.

Well, on this cheerful note, I say goodbye to you. Be sure to subscribe to my blog updates and share the article with your friends on social networks. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.