The Russian Orthodox Church launched the first Orthodox messenger. Testing the Orthodox messenger “Pravlife telegrams”

News, thoughts from a priest, the Bible every day and holiday reminders. All this is in your Telegram. "Pravmir" found the most interesting channels for believers.

Telegram is free messenger for smartphones and computers running all the most common today operating systems. In Telegram you can exchange not only text messages, but also media files - pictures, videos, documents, music, etc.

The audience of the messenger is growing rapidly: in Russia active users At the end of January 2017, Telegram already had 6 million people, which is three times more than a year earlier. On this moment Telegram is considered one of the most technologically advanced and secure messengers.

Telegram channels play a role mass mailing. The main difference between the Telegramm channel is that you can only read or share publications with other messenger users, but there is no function feedback, no comments, no likes. And of course, at any time you can pee yourself from it or at least remove the alerts.

Our official channel , where we talk about the life of the Orthodox. Here we publish the latest news - sometimes even faster than they appear on our website. Here are the links to the most interesting articles, photographs and everything that we sometimes cannot publish on the portal. For example, only there you can see sakkos (upper bishop's liturgical vestment) with palm trees.

Channel of the popular Internet project “Father Online”. The creators of the project gathered priests from different cities who answer questions from readers. In addition, there is a lot of entertaining information, flash mobs, postcards and GIF pictures. The project also has a chat for communication.

Official channel of the portal Here you can follow the latest news from the site, and once a day the editors publish information about fast days and a small excerpt from the Bible.

A young channel with only 21 subscribers. As the title suggests, it is about prayers. The authors of the channel publish daily quotes from the books of Orthodox saints.

Unfortunately, the only active channel of the priest that could be found. It is led by priest Dmitry Bogolyubov. Father writes about the life of the parish, publishes his sermons and shares his thoughts: about Orthodox Christians online, about Greek Orthodoxy, the meaning of fasting.

Two more telegram channels were launched by the magazine “Foma” in collaboration with radio “Vera” with the support of the Synodal Department for Relations of the Church with Society and the Media.

Orthodox calendar. A useful channel for every day, which will promptly remind you of church holidays and days of remembrance of saints. In the post, the channel warns about all food restrictions on a specific day.

Another useful channel on every day. Audio recordings with excerpts from the Gospel and comments by the clergyman are published here. The recordings are small, only 5-6 minutes, so it will be convenient to listen to them in transport or on the road.

13:16 — REGNUM Difficulty with blocking Telegram messenger in Russia, Roskomnadzor, which demanded that the messenger comply with the court decision and provide the FSB with the keys to decrypt user messages, the most unexpected may arise. And it may simply be impossible to take any measures against Telegram if it refuses to comply with a court decision, the creative director believes IA REGNUMDmitry Tretyakov.

For example, the Telegram desktop client for desktop operating systems can easily do without DNS servers. These are servers that, based on the site’s domain name (for example, site), determine the network address to which the connection should occur.

So, desktop Telegram does not need them. It works with servers directly without asking for this information. Thus, even if all the key domains of the messenger are blocked, this will not affect the operation of Telegram in any way.

Telegram is generally not so easy to block using the same methods that websites are usually blocked. To block a site, just block it Domain name and most people will not be able to find it. If you also block the network name, then it will be completely impossible to open it without changing it (which site visitors should also find out about somehow).

Things are completely different with a program already installed by the user (especially if we talk about Telegram). The program may be able to determine the scenario in which it will attempt to connect, including having backup options.

In other words, if Roskomnadzor has a certain list according to which it intends to block Telegram, it may not succeed. The easiest way for the messenger is to simply update your internal list those addresses and routes through which it connects to Telegram servers.

It is worth noting that they can be absolutely anything. Adding to the complexity is the fact that some network addresses used simultaneously by many Internet services. It may turn out that Telegram connects to its servers by plotting a route through some of them. In this case, blocking them could lead to the inoperability of entire segments of the Internet, which most likely will not be allowed.

Thus, the most big problem for the messenger there may be a loss from stores Apple applications or Google. But this is also not so easy to do. Firstly, they will not be completely removed from stores at the request of Roskomnadzor, but will only be limited to users from Russia. But it’s worth changing the device’s binding region, and... In addition, this will not affect those who have already installed the messenger.

In fact, it is possible to block Telegram relatively reliably only if the Russian segment of the Internet is completely cut off from the global network. All other methods imply that you can connect to Telegram servers through some intermediate nodes.

Keep up to date with book announcements and music news, be well versed in the knowledge of historical dates and latest news science, ask a question to a priest online - all this can now be done.

Most of its channels are for entertainment purposes. However, among all this scattering of fun, there are also “spools” that attract people interested in more serious things: culture, education, religion...

We tried to find them and present them in the form of small announcements.

The blog of the messenger itself will certainly be useful for all Telegram users. This is a news channel about Telegram - information about updates and options for setting display parameters in the current country (localization files). Messenger news and information about latest updates, useful files and in general - all sorts of events related to Telegram in one way or another.

A channel that is a calendar of memorable dates in the history of mankind. Here you can find out, for example, in what year Duke Godfrey of Bouillon was proclaimed ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and “Defender of the Holy Sepulcher” after the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders. When did the final split of the Christian Church take place - into Roman Catholic and Orthodox. And the exact date completion of construction in Moscow on Red Square of the Cathedral of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, better known as St. Basil's Cathedral.

Another calendar-themed channel. It reminds of Orthodox holidays, fasts, days of remembrance of saints and much more from the life of the Church. This project is just like the channel @gospeleveryday, created by the magazine “Foma” in collaboration with radio “Vera” with the support of the Synodal Department for Relations of the Church with Society and the Media.

“Records and Extracts” is the name of a rather interesting and rich cultural channel of the journalist and current editorial director of the Moscow Times Publishing House Yuri Saprykin. There is a lot of things here and a lot of things. The author writes not only about culture. His page also contains space for music, excerpts from interesting books, links to topical materials, and stories about Moscow. However, while paying tribute to the author’s unconditional intelligence and education, a certain politicization and “omnivorousness” of his blog is still striking. In a word, there is something to be learned here for yourself, if you have the patience to cut off everything unnecessary.

Educational channel about education. Here you can learn about how education and science are developing and changing today and what they may be like in the near future. This channel will be equally interesting for teachers of higher and high school, and for students and schoolchildren and their parents, and for people engaged in self-education and self-development, as well as all those who closely monitor the state of Russian and world education. Here, for example, you can take a test based on the teachings of Thomas Aquinas on scholasticism. Find advice from an eleventh grader: how to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Find out what the liberal arts are and how things stand with them in Russia?

“Pasha and His Procrastination” is a rather interesting channel for lovers of texts - both short news and long book ones. And don’t let the somewhat indigestible name of the channel confuse you. Here you can find useful information about how to write any text: from an article to a book. They will tell you about the problems of writers, provide advice from famous writers, and also give you various links to books about the craft of writing.

The creators of the channel of the popular Internet project “Father Online” promise to chat with you and share the latest news. In addition, the channel announced the launch of bots, which in the very near future will make it possible to ask a priest a question from any country as simply and easily as possible and receive an answer in real time.

Telegram is a communication application that is mainly installed on smartphones, although it can also be downloaded on regular computer. In the family social networks it appeared relatively recently. It was created by one of the founders of VKontakte, Pavel Durov, in 2013. This is not just a messenger in which you can send SMS, like in other programs. You can send here various files, for example, documents or necessary photos. Communication is possible both with a specific person and with big amount of people.

Priest Anatoly, Church of the Martyr Tatiana

Archpriest Alexander, Church of the Resurrection of Christ

Arranging an iconostasis is not an easy task and is very expensive! I was convinced of this from my own experience. For more than two years, parishioners of the temple made donations for this good cause, but there was no end in sight to the collection.
More than once I left requests on various charity sites asking for help. But, alas, the result was minimal.
On the advice of a parishioner, I registered with “Pravzhizn” and announced a collection of donations (to be honest, without much hope of success). Money began to trickle in, a little at first, and then the number of benefactors increased significantly. As a result, after three months I already had in my hands the amount needed to order the missing icons!
I'm amazed and happy at the same time. God bless all benefactors! Thanks to the creators of the service! I wish you continued success.

Priest Sergius, Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

For the past few years I've felt like I was constantly on the phone. The device was literally bursting with calls. Alas, most of them were devoted to various minor issues, for example, clarifying the time of worship (although the schedule hangs in a prominent place in the church, and, moreover, is regularly updated).
I solved the problem this way: I publish the schedule in the group of our temple in the Pravlife Telegram. Parishioners come in and find out when the service they need is taking place, although they had to make an announcement several times in order to sign up all the parishioners who have technical feasibility join her

Alexey Markov, St. Petersburg

I have already repaired the carburetor three times. Three times! First in September, then under New Year The carburetor gave me a “gift” again, then in February.
In April he started acting up again. I had no strength - I had already spent so much money on him, but there was no point. I even started to get angry. And so he went to confession for his sin of anger to the priest.
Imagine my surprise when Fr. John (my confessor) recommended a carburetor to me, who is also a parishioner of our church! Help, it turns out, came from where I was not expecting it. Although, to be honest, I didn’t really hope that the specialist proposed by the priest would be smart.
As a result, I signed up for a service station at the end of April. It’s August now and everything is perfect!
Conclusions: we need to communicate more with parishioners. So many good people around, but we don’t even know about it...

Elena Derevyanko, Vladimir

The problem, of course, is petty, but I will also share my joy. My hair is unruly and my hair doesn’t stay in place, so I always wear braids. No hairdressers and no professional products didn't help.
And then one day on the temple grounds a woman praised my hair and recommended me to do such and such a hairstyle. Word by word, I shared my trouble and then found out that she was a hairdresser. We agreed that I would come to her salon.
I came and didn’t regret it. God sent this woman to me! She gave me a wonderful haircut and recommended hair care products. Now I look great and very rarely braid my boring braid.
And, by the way, the services of this hairdresser are quite inexpensive! Who would have thought that with such an excellent master I have been going to the same temple for three years?

Irina Tolmacheva, Simferopol

I recently returned from maternity leave, and my son went to kindergarten. And one after another, my son’s illnesses began. One sick leave, second, third...
At work they began to clearly hint that this could not continue for long. I understood that a little more and they would “leave” me. I didn’t want to lose my favorite job... I started looking for a nanny. Unfortunately, the search was delayed.
I started to worry. I asked for prayer help from parishioners I knew in the church. And in response I heard recommendations: it turns out that one experienced nanny, with a pedagogical education and living nearby, goes to our temple! We called, and now she always covers me when my child is ill.
This is a real gift from God!