The keyboard in the laptop works. The keyboard on the laptop does not work: what to do. Windows virtual keyboard

You will need:

  • Num Lock, Caps Lock, Scroll Lock keys
  • Accessibility Window
  • User manual for this laptop
  • Function keys combined with the Fn key
  • Addresses of service centers, phone numbers and email addresses of technical support

A locked keyboard on a laptop is a real problem. The laptop does not respond at all to key presses or responds randomly to pressing some symbols or numbers. A locked keyboard makes it impossible to use the device - it is impossible to enter an address in the browser's address bar, reply to an email, or type in a text editor. Unfortunately, the question of how to unlock the keyboard on a laptop does not have a clear answer. The options for action in this situation differ depending on the laptop model and manufacturer, and also depend on the situation that led to the blocking. You can still take some steps yourself to unlock the keyboard on your laptop without turning to specialists.

The keyboard may have stopped working as it should as a result of pressing the Num Lock, Caps Lock, Scroll Lock function keys. You need to check whether the corresponding indicator lights on the keyboard are lit. Very often, users accidentally press these keys without intending to switch to another keyboard mode. For example, the Num Lock key on laptop keyboards rearranges some of the letter keys and replaces the “U”, “I”, “O” keys with the numbers “4”, “5”, “6”, the “J”, “K” keys, “ L" with the numbers "1", "2", "3" and so on in a similar manner. You need to turn off the Num Lock, Caps Lock, Scroll Lock indicator lights by pressing the corresponding key on the keyboard. Sometimes you additionally need to hold down the Fn button. It depends on the laptop model. Now all that remains is to check the keyboard, perhaps it works normally again.

It happens that the keyboard stops working as expected as a result of accidentally enabling special features that are provided in operating systems of the Windows family. To turn off such settings, click Start => Settings => Control Panel. In Control Panel, open the Ease of Access window. On the Keyboard tab, clear the check mark next to each custom setting option. Click OK. Check if the keyboard is working properly. Custom settings affected the keyboard's performance and could cause the keyboard to feel locked.

You can try to return the keyboard to normal operation by removing the laptop battery. Close all running programs on the laptop. Since the keyboard is locked, use a mouse or touchpad to complete this task. Then turn off the laptop and close it. You can now disconnect the AC adapter (if it was connected) and turn the laptop over to remove the battery. If necessary, you can see how this is done in the instructions for the laptop. After two to three minutes, you can reinstall the battery by placing it back in the battery compartment. Next, turn on the power to the laptop and check the operation of the keyboard.

Unlocking the touchpad is easier. Often, while working, you have to lock and unlock the touchpad. This is due to the fact that while typing on a “tight” laptop keyboard, it is easy to catch the touchpad and this will lead to unplanned changes in the text. Typically, the touchpad can be locked and unlocked by pressing the Fn+F6 key combination (Fn+F7, Fn+F12, Fn+F9, or similar). The number of the function key pressed together with the Fn key differs for different models. Refer to your laptop's user manual for information about the required keyboard shortcut. But if the manual is not at hand, they select the desired option by searching through various similar key combinations. Some laptop keyboards have a special button that turns the touchpad off or on; it may have a crossed out square on it. Easier to unlock the touchpad. Often, while working, you have to lock and unlock the touchpad. This is due to the fact that while typing on a “tight” laptop keyboard, it is easy to catch the touchpad and this will lead to unplanned changes in the text. Typically, the touchpad can be locked and unlocked by pressing the Fn+F6 key combination (Fn+F7, Fn+F12, Fn+F9, or similar). The number of the function key pressed together with the Fn key differs for different models. Refer to your laptop's user manual for information about the required keyboard shortcut. But if the manual is not at hand, they select the desired option by searching through various similar key combinations. Some laptop keyboards have a special button that turns the touchpad off or on; it may have a crossed out square on it.

So, sometimes just turning on numlock mode can lead to problems with the laptop keyboard. If you do not have a user manual for your laptop, you should find it online in electronic form. If you cannot solve problems with the keyboard or touchpad yourself, you will have to contact a service center, hotline, or contact the manufacturer by email. Addresses of service centers, telephone numbers and email addresses of technical support are usually presented on the regional website of the laptop manufacturer.

Sometimes users encounter such a problem that part of the keyboard on their laptop does not work. In principle, it happens that the entire keyboard does not work at once, but then, most likely, it just needs to be replaced. But if only some of the buttons stop functioning, everything is somewhat more complicated.

We will consider everything that can be done in this case independently, without the involvement of specialists.

Simple ways to solve the problem

It is not always necessary to do something complicated in order to restore the functionality of a part of the keyboard. Often the problem is solved quite simply. So from the very beginning, do this:

1.Try pressing the Fn and Num Lock keys. It is possible that pressing one of them blocked some buttons on the keyboard.

2. Hold Fn and press Num Lock, then release both buttons. In some cases, this simple method allows you to get the keyboard fully operational.

3. Take a brush and go over all the buttons. It is quite possible that some dust has accumulated under one of the buttons. If possible, also take a vacuum cleaner. On the Internet you can find special vacuum cleaners for small keyboards.

Keyboard vacuum cleaner

4. Restart your computer. In some cases, there may be some minor bug in the system that prevents certain buttons from working.

In most cases, the problem will be minor and can be fixed with one of these steps. If nothing works, move on to the next step.

Fixing a software glitch

It is quite possible that the problem is the malfunction of some programs or services. To check this option and fix the problem, you need to do the following:

1. Boot from safe mode without drivers. To do this, restart your computer and immediately start pressing the F8 button. Select “Safe Mode” from the boot options.

Note: Depending on your system configuration, the boot mode selection button may differ. So try using all the buttons from F1 to F12 if pressing F8 does not help. As a result, a window similar to that shown in Figure 2 should appear.

Options for selecting system boot mode

2. Try to create some kind of document and use all the buttons on the keyboard. You need to check not only those buttons that previously refused to work, but also all the others! If it really is a software glitch, the set of non-working keys may change with each new start.

So, if all the buttons work well, then the problem is really in the operating system. The most likely solution to the problem lies in updating the drivers. The best way to do this is the standard way:

  • Open the “Start” menu (Windows), then “Control Panel”, find “Device Manager” there;

Device Manager in Control Panel

  • open the “Keyboards” item;
  • usually there is only one keyboard, right-click on it and select “Update drivers...” (if there are several keyboards, which is very unlikely, do the same with all of them);
  • select “Automatic search...”;
  • wait until the drivers are found on the Internet, they will be installed automatically.

Updating drivers using the standard Windows method

You can also download and install the DriverPack Solution program. It allows you to scan your entire computer for the latest available drivers. If the keyboard has incorrect (roughly speaking, “broken”) or outdated drivers, you can easily replace them. The usage of this program is as follows:

  • download the program (here is the link);
  • install it and run it;
  • An automatic scan will occur, after which just click on the “Update all” button.

DriverPack Solution Window

Scan the system with your antivirus and remove all detected viruses. You can also use special utilities for this, such as Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool or Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free.

If updating and scanning drivers does not help, try rolling back the system to a time when everything worked well.

To do this you need to do this:

  • open the “Start” menu, then “All Programs”, “Accessories”;
  • after that, go to the “Utilities” section and click on “System Restore”;

System Restore item in the Start menu

  • in the window that opens, click “Next”;
  • then select the desired restore point, and here they are sorted by date and time (you need to choose the one that most accurately corresponds to the time when everything was fine);

Selecting a restore point for system rollback

  • Click Next and then Finish.

In principle, you can reinstall the drivers and roll back the system in cases where the keyboard also does not work correctly in safe mode. But in this case, the likelihood that it will help is very small. Most likely, the problem is mechanical, not software, and it needs to be solved by physical intervention in the computer device.

Fixing a physical glitch

In this case, you will have to disassemble the keyboard and see step by step what could have gone wrong. To do this, follow these steps (it is very important to adhere to the exact order in which all actions will be listed below):

1. Turn off the laptop and remove the battery.

2. Take a flat-blade screwdriver and carefully remove all the latches on the plate that holds the keyboard in place. If you don’t see any latches on your laptop, you should pick up the instructions and read what it says about the design of the keyboard and how it is removed. In any case, some kind of fastening mechanisms must be present.

The process of opening the keyboard plate latches

The keyboard plate is attached to the laptop itself using a cable. You will see it immediately.

3. So, if there is obvious damage on it, the cable should simply be removed and replaced with a new one. To do this, take an old cable, go to the nearest electronics store and buy the same one.

Keyboard cable

4. If the cable is not damaged, it still needs to be removed. Under no circumstances should you take the cable by the conductors! You can only grab those plastic parts that attach it to other parts of the laptop. For clarity, Figure 10 shows those parts that can be handled and those that cannot be handled. True, keyboards usually use slightly different cables.

5. There, under the keyboard plate, you can find the microcontroller. It's necessary dry and try to remove dust using a vacuum cleaner.

It is quite difficult to explain how to find this microcontroller. To put it simply, this is exactly the device to which the cable is attached. Just in case, when removing the keyboard, go through all the controllers you see. You won’t be able to do anything else on your own without special knowledge. Again, if you see obvious damage to the microcontroller, it is best to replace it.

Laptop with keyboard removed

6. If everything is fine with the cable, you will have to disconnect the keys and clean them. Usually the button can be removed in the standard way - pry it off with the same flat-head screwdriver. Start with the problem buttons. If you see damage underneath, replace the elements that secure the button to the laptop.

The process of removing buttons from the keyboard

7. Try using the keyboard again.

If the problem persists, remove all the buttons and remove the aluminum plate that is located under them. Usually it also has special fastenings that can be removed quite easily. But underneath it is hidden a polyethylene board with traces drawn on it.

Inspect it for obvious damage - if there is any, there are two options: draw new tracks or buy a new board. In any case, go over the board with a vacuum cleaner.

To check the integrity of the tracks, use a tester.

Checking the integrity of tracks on the keyboard board with a tester

To draw the tracks, use a car rear window heating filament repair kit (that’s what it’s called).

If all else fails, your best bet is to have your computer repaired.

The video below clearly shows the process of disassembling a laptop keyboard.

Part of the keyboard on a laptop does not work: what to do and how to fix it - a detailed guide

The main way to enter information on a computer is a keyboard. If you did not fill it with liquid, did not break it, or replace the keyboard, then there should be no problems with its performance. Users sometimes encounter the problem that it does not work, does not respond to clicks, but the touchpad (touch replacement for a mouse), for example, functions. There are several options for checking the functionality of the keyboard and turning it on if it is accidentally blocked.

How to check the keyboard for functionality

Device failure may be due to software (not a physical reason) or failure of some part of the computer (hardware reason). There is an easy way to find out the nature of the problem on your laptop. You need to turn on the computer and immediately enter the BIOS when booting. If the buttons respond when pressed within this environment, then the problem is in the software. In this case, you can do the following:

  • run a virus scan;
  • run a system restore from a checkpoint when the keyboard worked correctly;
  • completely remove or roll back the drivers for the keyboard.

If there is no response when going to the BIOS, then the problem needs to be looked for with the hardware (flex cable, motherboard, etc.). If there is no response from individual buttons, you need to check the device for contamination. Pieces of food, accumulated dirt, and foreign objects can cause the device to not work properly. A can of compressed air is well suited for cleaning; it will help to thoroughly blow out the keyboard on your laptop. You can take it to the service center so that specialists can independently

Causes of problems

There is no dependence between the brand, computer model and a specific breakdown. Every laptop can suffer from hardware or software problems. Any device can break down, often due to careless handling of the gadget, but other situations may arise that lead to a malfunction. Common options for turning off keybord are:

  1. Software glitch. The operating system receives an error from the device driver and “does not understand” how to work with it. As a rule, re-installing the driver or rolling back to a system restore point when it worked correctly helps to turn the keyboard back on.
  2. Spilled liquid. People often eat in front of a computer screen (working or watching something). If you accidentally spill coffee or tea (especially sweet), then in 90% of cases the device breaks down and the buttons get stuck. It may not appear immediately, but after 2-3 days (until oxidation of the contacts inside the laptop begins).
  3. Problems with the cable. Due to humidity, liquid ingress or unsuccessful repairs, the contacts may oxidize; the technician unsuccessfully connected the keyboard to the motherboard. This leads to partial or complete inoperability of the keyboard. You can try to disassemble and diagnose the loop, but it is better not to do this without experience.

How to unlock the keyboard on a laptop

If the keyboard stops responding to presses, this does not necessarily indicate a malfunction of the laptop. It is possible that you accidentally pressed a hotkey combination while cleaning while wiping your computer. This is a keyboard lock on a laptop to prevent you from accidentally pressing buttons during a presentation or transporting the device. If the problem is a malfunction of the motherboard or cable, then you should contact a service center.

Hotkey combination

Disabling the keyboard on a laptop can be done using a hot combination programmed by the developer. Often this situation arises when a person was wiping the keyboard while cleaning and accidentally pressed the required combination of buttons. The main thing is that the cloth is not wet and moisture does not penetrate into the case. This situation can be corrected very quickly. You can activate additional functions on laptops using the FN button and one of the special keys F1-F12.

Look carefully at the icons on the keys. Different manufacturers have different function buttons, so you need to find the one you need yourself. As a rule, this function is depicted as a lock. You just need to hold down the FN button and the corresponding F with the lock pattern. Sometimes only the right block with numbers is disabled. Num Lock or the Fn+Num Lock combination is responsible for it. If pressing these hot buttons does not help, then the reason must be looked elsewhere.

The operating system uses special files that are responsible for the relationship between the computer components and Windows. They are called drivers and are produced by device manufacturers (separately video cards, motherboards, monitors, etc.). Modern versions of operating systems independently install most drivers from the database, but occasionally they fail or become “crooked.” This is one of the reasons why the keyboard may not work. To enable the keyboard in this case, you need to do the following:

  1. Open Control Panel via Start Panel.
  2. Click on the "Keyboard" section.
  3. Select the Hardware tab. Make sure that next to “Status” it says “the device is working normally.”
  4. Click on the “Properties” section. Device Manager should see and display the keyboard in the main menu.

If at some stage you notice that the data does not correspond to the standard, then the problem is in the software. There is the following solution to the problem:

  1. Right-click on the My Computer icon.
  2. From the menu, select "Properties".
  3. From the left menu you will need the “Device Manager” item.
  4. Find your keyboard and double-click properties.
  5. Go to the “Driver” tab and click the “Update” button.
  6. If this does not help, then you should completely remove it and install it again.

Removing a ban in the Group Policy Editor

In rare cases, it is necessary to unlock the keyboard on a laptop at the system resolution level. This option is possible if you have checked all software aspects and made sure that this is not a hardware failure. You can enable a ban on using the keyboard inside Windows. To enable the input device, you must do the following:

  1. Open the quick access menu “Start”, find the “Run” item. In version 10 of the operating system, it is located in the “System” folder.
  2. Using the virtual keyboard, write "gpedit.msc". Click OK.
  3. Open the “Computer Configuration” folder, then follow the path: administrative, templates, system, device installation, installation restrictions.
  4. You need the “Prohibit device installation” option.
  5. Click on “Show” and make sure there is no data there. Opposite the ban should be the “Disable” option.

Checking the keyboard cable

Problems with the wire occur after liquid gets on the laptop or unsuccessful repair. Novice masters may not fully connect the cable to the connector, which leads to the keyboard not working. The first reason obliges you to contact a service center, because an ordinary user will not be able to fix the problem on his own after a flood.

If you notice that only the input device is not working, you can try to disassemble the device yourself. Most models use snap fasteners. You need to find grooves on the surface that are easiest to pry with a plastic card. Do not use iron objects, such as a screwdriver, for these purposes; it can damage the computer and the locks themselves.

Start opening from the left edge, carefully pry the first latch and pull the keyboard by the Esc button. It will be easier to open the part later, when most of the locks are removed, you can separate the keyboard and see the cable. Disconnect the wire (sometimes you need to lift the frame or just pull it out depending on the model), clean the contacts, reconnect it securely and return the keyboard to its place. Restart your laptop and try turning on the keyboard.

Checking for motherboard failure

The basis for all other computer components is the Mother Board. You won’t be able to fix it yourself, but you can determine that the problem lies there. Check the functionality of the network cable, touchpad, and USB port. Their inaction indicates a breakdown of the south bridge of the motherboard. For this reason, it is not recommended to take any action. The best option would be to contact a service center.

How to enable an additional keyboard on a laptop

If the input device is faulty, you can connect an additional one to the computer. All modern keyboards used on desktop PCs have a USB connector. You have the opportunity to connect any of them using the appropriate connector. The system itself will detect the device and install the necessary driver. This is a solution to the problem if a hardware failure has occurred, but if the motherboard is faulty, the connection cannot be completed.

Unlocking using the All-Unlock v2.0 RC3 program

If the special buttons are poorly placed, a person may accidentally block the ability to enter. You can turn on the keyboard on your laptop once and for all using a special utility - All-Unlock v2.0 RC3. A free version of the application is available for download on the official website. It is not recommended to download from other sites, but if necessary, make sure that your antivirus protection is up and running to avoid harm from attackers.

Enabling the virtual keyboard

If you were unable to turn on the keyboard or connect an additional one, you can use an alternative option - a virtual input device. This function exists in the operating version since the release of XP, and it is also present in later builds. You can enable the virtual keyboard in the following way:

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Go to the "All Programs" tab.
  3. Find the Accessibility folder and open On-Screen Keyboard.
  4. If you need an additional section on the right with numbers, then you need to click on “Options” and turn on the numeric keypad.


Hello, dear readers of my blog! Today we will talk to you about why the keyboard on a laptop does not work, what to do in this situation, what may be the causes of the problem. I will consider the most common problems and their solutions. If none of the list below helps you, then it seems that you can’t do without the services of a specialist. But let’s not worry ahead of time and start looking at possible problems.

I'll start with, perhaps, the simplest option. If you bought a laptop recently and it still has a warranty, then it makes sense to take advantage of it now. Perhaps you have a manufacturing defect and therefore the keyboard on your laptop does not work. Sometimes users think that it is better to contact their person, who, in their opinion, is better at computers than someone else. There is no need to do this, if your person does not make a computer or laptop and at the same time breaks the seals on it, then you will not be able to claim under the warranty, you will have to pay for it.

When the keyboard works properly, but for some reason you cannot work with it in the system itself, then a failure may have occurred. This is one of the common problems, because of which people immediately run to specialists, and they then rip off huge sums of money from them. It is very easy to check whether it is a failure or not.

Attention! If you have flooded your laptop with liquid, do not follow the instructions below, read the entire article!

All you have to do is restart the laptop and go into the BIOS when you turn it on. To do this, press the Delete or F2 key when turning it on. If you see a window with English letters on a blue or gray background, it means you have entered the BIOS.

The computer recognized the button presses, which means we now just need to exit the BIOS and reboot the system. After this everything should work. If your keyboard did not work, but you were able to enter the BIOS, it means that the keyboard is working. We need to understand further.

If you were unable to enter the BIOS, then we will have to do a relatively difficult task, namely, disassembling the laptop. Don’t worry ahead of time, because in reality it’s not that difficult. To be on the safe side, it is better to find instructions, because different models are understood differently. In Google we type the model of our laptop and add the words: “How to disassemble” or vice versa “Assembly diagram”. Rest assured you will find what you are looking for. Carefully, strictly following the instructions, remove the keyboard. If this is not in the diagram, make a request on how to disassemble the keyboard, I will not go into detail here. Once the procedure is completed, carefully inspect the cable. It is possible that he is to blame for this problem.

If it was in perfect order, then very carefully vacuum the whole thing from dust and debris, this may also be the cause of the malfunction. I recently witnessed a very dirty keyboard and the outcome was that it didn't work. When the sanitary procedures were carried out, everything worked 😉.

Another possible problem is the fact that you kept the laptop in the heat for a very long time, for example in the summer, and then brought it into an air-conditioned office. Or, conversely, from a cold environment to a hot one. In this case, the contacts, to put it mildly, may temporarily jam, but the key word is temporarily. If you brought it home from a cold street, then be sure to let the laptop warm up, so to speak. In this situation, never turn on the laptop; let its components warm up to room temperature while turned off for half an hour. Everything will work.

By the way, when you are sitting at home, working on a laptop and decide to go outside with it in winter, then turn it off 15 minutes before going out.

Often users like to drink tea or coffee directly above the laptop. In this case, I can give some recommendations. Turn off the laptop, if it turns off for a long time, then do an emergency shutdown, remove the battery, turn it over and drain the remaining liquid. Be sure to disconnect power from the laptop.

To repair the keyboard, as I said above, you need to remove it and clean it. But it is possible that the track or part of the droshky may be damaged, in which case it will be necessary to restore it. You can watch a video about this, for example, on YouTube, but users who know little about this are better off staying away.

If liquid gets not only on the keyboard, but also on the motherboard, then things may be more serious, and in this situation you can invest a considerable amount of money to repair the laptop.

By the way, the same situation applies to cell phones. Recently my wife was shopping for her phone and accidentally dropped it into the water. After which the buttons did not respond, and after a while nothing was visible, only a white screen was shown. In this case, you can dry it a LITTLE with a hairdryer, but not for long, then wait 5-8 hours, after which the phone can start working. If you don’t have a hairdryer, then put it on the windowsill where there is sun and let it lie there. If you bathed it in winter, you can put it under the radiator, no need to put it directly on it!

What to do for those whom none of my advice helped. Unfortunately, luck is not on your side today and you have two options. Either we completely change the keyboard (it is not recommended to do it yourself for those who do not understand this at all), or you will still have to take the laptop with the faulty keyboard to a service center, and there professionals will conduct detailed diagnostics and identify the problem. But I sincerely hope that many of you will never read the article to this point, because you will find a solution to your problem from the list above.

As you understand, you need to have a little patience to figure out the problem and find out why the keyboard on the laptop does not work.

That's all I have, I wish you good luck and see you soon!