Dating galaxy landing programs. II. Installing and launching the application

I. General description of the application

Galaxy is a mobile social network represented by a client application and a server interacting over the Internet. The client application is implemented for different platforms: Java, Windows Mobile and for a personal computer.

II. Installing and launching the application

You can download the application to your mobile phone, smartphone, computer, laptop by following the link provided on the project website: (Russian version) and (English version).

After launching the application, the user is taken to Main menu.

1. Registration

Allows you to register in the project by creating your own character.
To do this, you must fill out the following form fields:

  • Nick (user character name in the project)
  • Character type
After registration, the character finds himself in a chat room (planet), where other characters are already located.

2. Character recovery

Allows you to log in under your character using a recovery code.

Recovery code

This is a unique password given to the user after registration, with which he can then log in from any mobile phone, smartphone, computer, laptop.
The user can find out his recovery code only after 3 hours of experience in the project or 3 days after registration, using the option in the “Menu on your character” - Settings - Recovery code.

3. Galan news

The page where changes and innovations of the project are published.

4. Settings

: On off.
: On off.

Always notify with sound

: On off. (with this option enabled, sound notifications will be played even if the chat window is active)

Vibrate for events

: Off/Private Only/Any (sets the rules for vibration notification of new events in the event panel)

Vibration on appeal

: On off. (controls the inclusion of vibration notification when addressing a character)

Show the user's arrival in the planet window

: On off.
: On off.

Show event times in the chat window

: On off.

Number of lines in the chat window

: 25/50/100/200

Show clock in chat window

: Left/Right

Show status "in Browser"

: On off.

Maintain emotions when flying to another planet

: On off.

Highlight what I said in chat

: On off.

Exit the main menu by pressing #

: On off.
: Small big
: Local (will be detected automatically depending on phone settings) / Russian / English

Load costumes and planet interiors

: On off.

Clear cache.

(allows you to clear the device’s memory from temporary files)

Optimize memory

(allows you to free up additional RAM on your device for running the application)

Set password

(allows you to set a password to run the program on your phone)

5. Help

Reference information:

  • Characters - description of character images.
  • Planets - a description of the concept of planets and the rules of their functioning.
  • Capabilities - a description of the user's capabilities in the project.
  • Controls - Control information for touch phone users.
  • Smileys are combinations of characters for writing smileys.

6. Tell a friend

Using this service, you can invite another person to the project by indicating their phone number. An SMS from the application will be sent to the specified number. The message will contain a link by clicking on which you can download and install the application on your phone.

7. Internet settings

Go to a page with instructions for setting up the Internet for the most common cell phones.

8. Galaxy Site

A transition is made to the website (Russian version) and (English version).

III. Interface description

1. Appearance

2. Chat screen

It is a window that displays text information:

  • planet topic (set by the owner of the planet)
  • characters' chat messages,
  • virtual actions that characters perform in relation to each other (for example, Ivan kissed Christina)
  • history of visits to the planet
Characters' posts are always preceded by their Nicknames. Messages move up as they appear. You can scroll through the text to see what was previously said.

3. Planet screen

The planet screen displays:

  • Appearance of the planet (background, interior)
  • Characters currently on this planet.
Using buttons 4 and 6 or corresponding movements of the manipulator on the touch screen, the user moves the screen focus to a particular character located on the planet.

4. Event panel

Signals about new events: new letter, new icq message, new game event, etc. It also uses a light bulb to indicate problems connecting to the server. When sending messages to chat, there may be different colors:

  • green - the last message reached the server (other users see this message);
  • yellow - the last message has not yet reached the server;
  • red - two or more recent messages have not yet reached the server.

5. Character visualization

Character image.

The character can be represented by:

  • head and body image selected by the user during registration
  • image of the costume purchased in the project (if the character is currently wearing the costume)

Additional rendered elements:

  • Aura is a yellow or purple glow around the character.
  • Halo – located above the character’s head. The color of the aura and the size of the halo depend on the character's authority.
  • Crown, Star – are displayed above the character’s head. The crown indicates that the character is the owner of the planet. The star is a caretaker.
  • Emotion-status is an icon that reveals the user’s emotional state, his employment, location, etc. Displayed to the right of the character's head.

Text objects.

Are displayed around the character when he is in focus (he is in the center of the planet screen).

  • Character nickname (located above the head)
  • The name of the clan of which the character is a member

6. Function buttons

- calls “menu on your own character” or “menu on another character” (depending on the affiliation of the character on whom the focus is set)

Exits to the main application menu

7. Hotkeys

  • 3 - go to viewing events from the Events Panel
  • 1 - quickly transfer focus to your character
  • 7 - list of the last chat speakers on the planet
  • 9 - set emotion

IV. User functionality

1. Menu on your own character

1.1. Say

Opens a window for entering message text in the chat. When entering text, you can also call up a panel to select and insert graphic emoticons into the text of the message.

1.2. Action

Opens a list of actions that can be applied to yourself on a given planet (the standard list of actions can be changed by the owner of the planet).
The action will be displayed as text in the chat window.

1.3. Submenu "Advanced"

1.3.1. Private mail

Using this service, users can exchange instant private messages, even if they are on different planets or the recipient is completely offline.
Mail settings options include:
  • Adding unwanted contacts to the blacklist
  • Set to accept messages only from friends
  • Notification of new messages via SMS

1.3.2. Friends

Each user can offer and accept friendship from other users. All accepted offers turn into a mutual entry in the Friends section. Using the service, you can track your friend’s location (if he does not use the invisible mode), as well as keep abreast of birthdays and events in the lives of friends in the project (posting new photos, blog entries, receiving prizes and gifts, marriages, etc.). ).

1.3.3. Clans

The service allows users to join groups based on interests. Each clan has a name, a clan base (special planet), a clan journal (a mini-forum for clan members), a motto, a description and a coat of arms. The clan leader (initially the clan founder) can appoint assistants, along with whom he can invite new users to the clan. The clan has a bank, by depositing funds into which clan members can raise the level of the clan to increase the maximum possible number of members.
Sections of the main page of the Clans service:
  • Create a clan
  • Accept invitations (for those characters who are not yet members of any clan)
  • Clan info (for a character who is a member of a clan)
  • Stay in clans (history of the character's stay in clans)
  • Rating of clans (this section presents ratings of clans by authority and size).
  • List of clans
  • Search by name

1.3.4. Ratings

This section contains all the main character ratings. Currently the following have been implemented:

    Mister and Miss Galaxy

    A competition in which chat users participate and vote. The winner receives a visual reward in the form of a Cup, which is reflected in the Character Info/Rewards, and a star rotates around the character during the week.
  • The best gallery reporters

    (for more information about Galareporters, see the Privileges section)

    Top Bloggers

    (see Blog section)

Are common:

1.3.5. Search by profiles

Search for characters by nickname, as well as according to the user's profile.

1.3.6. Dating advertisements

The service helps those who want to meet new people and find new contacts. Through it, you can place your ad for the purpose of dating or search through the profiles of others yourself.
To make your ad more noticeable among others and appear in a separate list, you can assign it VIP status.


A service that allows you to enter into virtual marriages between characters in the project (any combination of genders are accepted), adopt other characters and accept applications for adoption.

1.3.8. Galagazeta

A collective newspaper of users by topic (section), managed by a hierarchical structure of privileged individuals. Only a limited circle of characters can write to Galagazeta (to do this you need to have the Reporter privilege), there are also Galagazeta Proofreaders and Moderators who monitor compliance with the chat rules. There is a system of voting for articles and subscription to articles.

Sections of Galagazeta at the moment:

  • Innovations of the Galaxy
  • Galaxy News
  • News
  • sports news
  • Galaxy Weddings
  • Complaints
  • Congratulations
  • Music and cinema
  • ads
  • Acquaintance
  • Entertainment
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Erotica
  • Lyrics
  • Stories
  • Inexplicable
  • From Moderators
  • From a Reader
  • Subscription (the ability to subscribe to articles by a specific author. When new articles by the selected author appear, the subscribed character will receive notifications by personal email)
  • Constitution of Galagazeta
  • Galagazeta Rules
  • List of MDG Assistants (Galagazeta Moderators)

1.3.9. Blog

Each user can maintain Public and Personal blogs.
A personal blog is available only to friends, a public blog is available to all users. You can comment on other people's blog posts, and you can also vote for them. Based on the voting results, the ranking of the best bloggers is determined.

1.3.10. Polls

This section contains surveys that are periodically conducted by project developers among all users or certain groups of users.

1.3.11. Privilege

A privilege is a position in a project that obliges the user to perform some work for the benefit of the project and gives some additional opportunities for this. To receive the privilege, the user must submit an application that meets certain requirements to participate in voting.
In the system of privileges, there is a hierarchy and an election subsystem in which privileged persons vote for applicants to their ranks and the ranks of lower privileges.

Types of privileges that currently exist:

    Galactic pirate

    – a user who found a critical error in the chat and provided assistance in eliminating it.

    Galactic Mentor

    – an experienced user who provides assistance to newcomers who fly to his planet.

    Reality regular

    – a regular participant in meetings of project users in his city.

    Artificial intelligence

    – a privilege that only bots have.

    Galagazeta proofreader

    – edits the articles of Galagazeta reporters, bringing them into compliance with spelling rules, and informs the Galagazeta Moderators about articles by Reporters that violate the Constitution of the Galaxy.

    – a user with a bad reputation.

  • – a privilege for the most attractive guys, which is assigned based on the results of a regular competition.
  • Moderator

    – consider complaints about violations of the Constitution of the Galaxy, punish users who violate the Constitution.

    Moderator of Galagazeta

    – control the work of all employees of Galagazeta, monitor their compliance with the Constitution of the Galaxy.

    Photo Gallery Moderator

    – delete photos and comments to photos that violate the rules of the photo gallery, punish users who have repeatedly violated the rules of the Photo Gallery, monitor order in the thematic blog of the Photo Gallery moderators, accept and sort out complaints from users about censors of photos and comments and censors of comments.

    Moderator of Blogs and Profiles

    – delete blogs and profiles that violate the rules of blogs and profiles, punish users who have repeatedly violated the rules of blogs and profiles, accept complaints against censors of blogs and profiles, and blog censors for consideration.

    Organizer of real events

    – a person who conducts real meetings of project users in his city.


    – persons who are employees of the project developer company.

    The reporter

    – write articles for the Galagazette, can write articles at the request of users (complaints, stories, advertisements, etc.)

  • – a user who helps organize a virtual wedding.
  • Senior moderator

    – in addition to the direct duties of moderators, they monitor the work of other officials, consider complaints and appeals regarding their abuse of official powers.


    – assistant moderator, knowledgeable about crimes and punishments.

    Blog Censor

    – delete blogs that violate the rules of blogs and profiles, inform blog and profile moderators about repeated violations in user blogs.

    Censor of Blogs and Profiles

    – delete blogs and profiles that contradict the rules of blogs and profiles, inform moderators of blogs and profiles about repeated violations by users of the rules of blogs and profiles.

    Censor of Comments and Photos

    – delete comments and photographs that violate the rules of the photo gallery, inform the photo gallery moderators about repeated and gross violations of the rules of the photo gallery.

    Censor of Comments Photo Galleries

    – delete comments that violate the rules of the photo gallery, inform the photo gallery moderators about repeated violations.

    The privilege of the most beautiful girls, which is assigned based on the results of a regular competition.

1.3.12. Information

Information from the project developers addressed to users regarding innovations, rules of conduct in the project, holding any events, etc.

Galactic News

Project news.

Constitution of the Galaxy

The set of rules for the user contains the following points:

  1. Every Galactician has the right to comfortable communication.
  2. Open and explicit swearing is prohibited. Including nicknames and planets containing swear words.
  3. Any insults, flooding and spam are prohibited.
  4. Any manifestations of Nazism, racism, propaganda of violence, terrorism, and drugs are prohibited.
  5. The owners of the planets have the right to establish THEIR orders on THEIR planets, which do not contradict the constitution.
  6. If there is NO OWNER or GUARDIANS on a private planet, moderators have the right to restore order on their own (put them in jail for swearing and insults).
  7. It is prohibited to advertise any Internet resources, except for official chat resources (,
  8. It is prohibited to imprison: at the request, in response without official proceedings with MD, for being kicked out of the planet, without a good reason.
  9. Associations of chatters (clans) are prohibited from fighting among themselves and with single characters. In case of violation, the clan will be disbanded!
  10. It is prohibited to lower the status or insult characters who have the privilege of Moderator and Senior Moderator.
  11. It is prohibited: selling characters, clans, things, planets (except for selling planets at auction), titles of planetary caretakers, nicknames, as well as replenishment codes. Violation of this clause will be punishable by blocking the seller character.
  12. Fraud, deception, blackmail, fraud is prohibited.
  13. It is prohibited to use any third party applications to access the chat.

Chat rules

  • Constitution of the Galaxy
  • Planet Auction Rules
  • Friends List Rules
  • Refer a friend promotion rules
  • Photo gallery rules
  • Rules for blogs and profiles
(frequently asked questions and answers)

Galaxy Blog

– Internet address and description of the official Dating Galaxy blog.

1.3.13. ICQ service

Allows you to exchange messages with other ICQ chat users by entering your ICQ number and password.

1.3.14. Send email

The service allows you to send email from a shared mailbox to any email address.

1.4. Submenu "Entertainment"

1.4.1. Lotteries

A service that allows users over 18 years of age to play the lottery with virtual money.

10-level step-by-step lotteries of the “House” type, in which every ticket is a winner:

Instant lotteries on relevant topics:
Types of lottery The number of positions and picture options, respectively. topics Matches and wins Ticket price, USD Winning tickets
Kinds of sports 5 / 5 5 – 20 USD
4 – 1.5 USD
0,1 Every 30th
Galactic 4 / 7 4 – 10 USD
3 – 0.8 USD
In other cases, the ticket is not considered winning
0,1 Every 13th
Tropicano 4 / 5 4 – 2 USD
3 – 0.5 USD
In other cases, the ticket is not considered winning
0,1 Every 7th
Confectionery 4 / 3 4 – 0.7 USD
3 – 0.2 USD
In other cases, the ticket is not considered winning
0,1 Every 3rd
Pets 5 / 4 5 – 7.5 USD
4 – 1 USD
In other cases, the ticket is not considered winning
0,1 Every 16th

1.4.2. Sports betting

In this section, persons over 18 years of age can place bets on sporting events. The user selects an event from the list (football, hockey match, etc.), selects the outcome of the event and indicates the bet size. The maximum bet size is limited so that the winnings do not exceed 100 USD.
The number of bets per user per event is not limited.
Acceptance of bets ends 1 minute before the start of the event.
It is also possible to place Express bets (bet on several independent events, the winning odds are equal to the product of the odds of single outcomes, which increases the winnings of the bet). The maximum bet size is limited so that the winnings do not exceed 500 USD.
A detailed description of the service can be found in the Sports Betting - Rules section.

1.4.3. Tote

Persons over 18 years of age can participate. The user must select outcomes for all 15 events in the coupon, enter the amount and confirm the bet. Coupons that match 9 or more events are winning.
Acceptance of bets ends 5 minutes before the start of the first event in the round.
A detailed description of the service can be found in the Sweepstakes - Rules section.

1.4.4. Games

Multiplayer turn-based strategy with elements of social interaction.
To enter the game, the user needs to select the race of his Civilization. There are 4 races in the game: gnomes, humans, robots and elves. They differ not only in the appearance of the buildings, but also in their characteristic advantages.
At the beginning, any Civilization is a lonely Center around which additional structures can be built. Each structure has its own meaning in the game, which becomes more effective when upgrading the structure. Additional structures deteriorate over time and must be regularly repaired to remain effective.
The main characteristics of a civilization are age, treasury, population and army. Time in the game is calculated as follows: 1 game year = 1 hour.
The treasury allows you to spend in-game money “credits” for various purposes; the treasury is replenished from taxes from the population and resource extraction, as well as from infusions from the character’s galactic account.
You can interact with other civilizations both by helping them (in repairs, in suppressing uprisings) and by preventing them from developing (by fighting and carrying out sabotage). Some actions can only be carried out once in a certain period (for example, wars can only occur once a year and you can only fight with 1 enemy at a time).
Artifacts can provide some additional advantages in the game.
A detailed description can be found in the Help section of the main menu of the game.
Team game.
Characters who are players of any team can play. Each user can create their own team and invite players to it. The captain controls the team; he can invite other players and exclude current players from the team. Only the captain can call for a game. Each player has a skill level (from Novice to Superstar), as well as a set of attributes that, together with skill, affect the maximum power of hitting the ball.
The game is played in one limited period of time (time) regardless of the result.
5 stadiums (special planets for these competitions) are open to players.
Based on the results of the games, ratings are maintained:
  • Team rating
  • Top scorers
A detailed description of the service is in the section Games - Galafootball - Rules
3 stadiums are open to players (special planets for these competitions). The one who reaches the finish line first wins. You can jump over a barrier only from a certain distance and with a certain action.
Based on the results of the races, records of race time records are kept depending on the distance. A detailed description of the service is in the section Games - Hurdling - Rules
On 3 specific planets, bots, registering all willing users in the game, think of anagrams of words (mix the letters in the word). The player who guesses the word first receives points that are added to his rating.
On 3 specific planets, bots, registering all willing users in the game, ask an arithmetic example to which you need to give the correct answer. The player who gives the answer first receives points that are added to his rating.
On 3 specific planets, bots, registering all willing users in the game, ask questions to which the correct answers must be given. The player who gives the answer first receives points that are added to his rating.

1.4.5. Pets

The service allows you to have virtual pets by purchasing them in a virtual store or nursery. Pets need to be looked after:
  • feed
  • clean
  • please
  • treat
Additional care for your pet can be provided by purchasing various items from the following categories: houses, bowls, food, toys, etc. Service settings also allow you to care for the pets of other characters, including the ability to give purchased items to the pets of other characters.
Pets can comment via text messages on the various influences their owners have on them, thereby reflecting their states (hunger/fullness, joy/sadness, illness, desire to play, sleep, etc.)
The service also allows you to take your pets to visit the pets of other characters, and cross your pets with similar ones. The cubs of your pets can be transferred to the Nursery, where they can be purchased by other users.
You can make your pet a combat one, then he will be able to participate in “Pet Fights” (including for money). The combat pet acquires special characteristics (energy, strength, experience, skill, etc.), which determine the chances of a successful outcome of the battle.
The service contains a visual display of the pet, as well as a number of its characteristics, namely:
  • Species (dog, cat, ram, unicorn, etc.)
  • Gender (w/m)
  • Age (toddler/teenager/adult)
  • Availability of vaccinations
  • Combat/non-combat

1.4.6. Competitions

This section reflects competitions, rules for conducting them, application deadlines and awards.
Monthly competitions, the results of which award the corresponding privileges:
  • Macho of the Galaxy,
  • Galaxy Chicks
In addition to monthly ones, photo competitions are also regularly held on various topics, for example, in honor of an upcoming holiday.

1.4.7. Football broadcasts

The service provides the opportunity to watch online text broadcasts of the most popular football matches.

1.4.8. Info services

Contains a list of planets where you can obtain relevant information:
  • Horoscopes
  • Dream Interpretation
  • News
  • Jokes
  • Weather forecast

1.4.9. Online store

Allows you to get acquainted with the catalog of real souvenir products with the symbols of the Dating Galaxy, as well as place an order for the products you like.

1.4.10. Mobile downloads

Contains an adapted version of the wap-site, where you can order a variety of mobile content (games, melodies, pictures, themes, etc.)

1.5. "Settings submenu"

1.5.1. Top up your account

The service describes methods for replenishing your account, and also allows you to send requests from the application to replenish your account by sending a paid SMS.

1.5.2. SMS services

The services serve, first of all, to assign a character to a mobile phone number, which allows you to always receive a recovery code and protect yourself from losing your character.
Additional services (if it is technically possible to send SMS) help users interact anonymously (without showing each other their real phone number) if one of them is not online: it is possible to send a call to chat (standard text SMS) or set the text of the message that you need to transfer it to the user, and also put a bug on the character, which will work (notify you via SMS or an information window in the chat) when the character is authorized in the project.
In addition to SMS-based services, it is possible to make calls using VoIP (Internet telephony) technology.

1.5.3. Wardrobe

The service allows you to temporarily change the appearance of a character, choosing from possible costumes purchased in a costume store for a certain period or until a certain date. Costumes are loaded from the server, without requiring a client update to update the wardrobe.

1.5.4. Change character

The service is designed to change the permanent appearance of a character in a project by selecting a new type of head and body. You can also change your character's nickname using this service.

1.5.5. Planet Control

The service allows you to:
  • Manage the list of favorite planets (the list is generated by the user and is used for quick access to the planets he has marked)
  • Gain access to the planet auction (the planet auction is intended for the user to sell his own planets and purchase planets of other users according to standard auction rules)
  • Search planets by name
  • Having selected a planet from the list, go to its info or change its properties:
    • Edit list of planet caretakers
    • Rename planet
    • Set/remove planet background
    • Manage the interior of the planet
    • Set a privilege (raise a planet to the top positions in the list of popular ones for a while)
    • Install an anti-mat filter on the planet (an option responsible for enforcing speech censorship on the planet)
    • Manage the list of actions on the planet (the owner of the planet can himself set a list of virtual actions that characters can perform on the planet)
    • Change the position of your planet in the Catalog of Planets by Topic
    • Put the planet up for auction
  • From the planet info you can:
    • Change the planet limit (the maximum number of characters that can be on the planet at the same time)
    • Open or close a planet (only its caretakers and those characters who are on the white list can enter a closed planet)
    • Manage access lists to the planet (white and black)
    • Change planet topic
    • Set background, interior, weather on the planet
    • Manage the rights of caretakers on the planet

1.5.6. Recovery code

This service allows the user to find out their character recovery code. The user can use this option only after 3 hours of experience in the project or 3 days after registration.

1.5.7. Decor

The client application supports skins (themes), which change the appearance of the application itself. Skins are downloaded from the server and installed in the client application.

1.5.8. Zero protection

According to the rules of the project, if a character does not appear in the Galaxy for more than 60 days (for a character with deposits) or 45 days (for a character without deposits), he is subject to reset: the nickname is changed, the list of friends is cleared, existing planets are put up for sale, the clan is deleted and etc.
The service allows you to set protection against zeroing for various periods: 3 months, 6 months, 1 year.

1.6. Fly to another planet

    Planet catalog

    In the settings of the planet, its owner can specify whether it belongs to any topic of communication from the catalog. Each planet can be in no more than 5 different themes at the same time. The catalog of planets makes it easier to find like-minded and like-minded people.

    Favorite Planets

    Planets selected by the user into the Favorites category; You can manage the list from the Settings – Planet Management section

    Select by first letter

    Enter name

    Add to favorites

    (add the planet the character is on to the favorites list)

    My planets

    (contains a list of the character's own planets)

1.7. Move

After activating this option, a cursor appears in the lower zone of the planet screen under the user’s character, which must be moved (left/right) to the point to which the user wants to move his character; the movement is confirmed by pressing the “5” (fire) key.

1.8. My info

It is a personal character profile containing all the main information about the character and the user:

    Nickname of the character

    Online/offline (if the character is online, the name of the planet on which he is currently located is displayed, unless the user uses the "Invisible" option)

    Text designation corresponding to the character's current authority.


    List of privileges the character has.

  1. - the character's marital status is displayed.
  2. The type of pet is displayed if the character has only one pet, and the number of pets if the character has more than one pet.

    Availability of virtual funds in the character’s account (can be hidden at the user’s request)

  3. - by clicking on the link, you can see the posts published by the user in personal and general blogs, if any.
  4. Photo gallery

    Contains albums with photographs posted by the user.

    • Surname
    • Date of birth (if the date of birth is indicated, the corresponding zodiac sign is written next to it, which is a link to the horoscope for the current day for this sign)
    • City (if a city is specified, its name becomes a link that transfers the user to the “My City” section, where a list of users of this city is published, and also a notice board about real user meetings is located)
    • Occupation
    • Interests
    • Appearance
    • About Me
    • Email
  5. (displays a list of items the user has purchased or received as gifts from others).
  6. (a list of the character’s own planets is displayed).

    Guardian of the Planets

    (a list of planets on which this character is a caretaker is displayed).

Icons next to the character's nickname
Graphically duplicate some important information about the character:
  • Medals - their number indicates the number of full years that have passed since the character was registered in the project.
  • Clocks of different colors with a numeric indicator - display the character’s length of service (in full days).
  • A phone with the inscription SMS is an indicator of the character’s registration in SMS services.
  • Stars and gems are a visual representation of a character's authority.
Additional character menu
Appears when you click on a character's nickname. Availability of items may vary depending on the privileges of the person viewing the information
  • Private bussiness:
    • History of punishments
    • Stays in prison
    • Who was sent to prison?
  • SMS services – allows you to use the character as an object in SMS services (if the character is registered in them): call the user if he is online, call him to chat, place a bug, send a message if he is offline.
  • Additional information
    • Character registration date
    • Project experience – number of hours (days, years) online
    • Referred by person – the number of characters registered through this character’s referral link.
  • Gaming info – achievements in the project’s gaming services.
  • Notepad – opens the Notepad service (if you are viewing another character’s information, it allows you to add a note about this character).
  • Settings – provides access to some personal settings.
  • Rewards – displays the rewards received by the character based on various weekly ratings.
  • Penalty points are points awarded for violating the Constitution of the Galaxy.
  • Stays in prison – information about the character’s stay in prison during the last week is reflected, if any.
  • Who was sent to prison - information about the facts of imprisonment of other characters who took place over the past week is reflected.

1.9. Planet info

Profile of the planet the character is currently on.
Information for each planet contains the following characteristics:
  • date of creation
  • Owner
  • Population – displays the number of characters on the planet at the time of viewing the information.
  • The limit is the maximum possible number of people on the planet.
  • Mode: open/closed
  • Blacklist – here you can add those characters who will be prohibited from visiting this planet.
  • Topic of the planet
  • Interior
  • Weather - you can set snow, which will be displayed visually as a background.
  • Presence of a planet in the catalog
  • List of caretakers
  • Caretaker Rights
  • Planet Control
  • Favorite Planets
  • List of planets

1.10. Shop

In the store you can buy:
  • Planets
  • Planet interior items
  • Visualized items that can be used as gifts or as an indicator of a character's wealth.
  • Pets and things for them
  • Character costumes
If a new product appears in any section of the store, an icon appears next to the corresponding link - "NEW". Also, the store regularly holds sales, as evidenced by the icons that appear opposite the links to the relevant sections of the store - "SALE".

1.11. Help

The section allows users to receive support from Help Desk staff and provides answers to frequently asked questions.

1.12. Advertising

This option allows you to highlight a message addressed to other characters in the chat window in a special way (by highlighting).

1.13. Emotions

This section allows you to set the visual status of your character. Status covers the visualization of emotions and activities that the user may be busy with at the time the status is recorded.
Examples of statuses: love, fun, sad, embarrassed, surprised, proud, angry, kissing, eating, listening to music, sick, sleeping, working, smoking, in private, etc.

1.14. Clear chat window

Using this option, the user can completely clear the chat window of correspondence.
- ability to add/remove a character to your friends list.

2.5. Fly up to the character

An option that allows you to place your character next to the selected one.

The following options are present in the Menu if the character is on his own planet or if he has the title of caretaker on this planet:

2.6. Kick out

An option that allows the owner or caretaker of another character to be kicked out of a given planet.

2.7. Kick out and close access

An option that allows you to kick out the owner or caretaker of another character and block his access to a given planet. In this case, the character is added to the planet’s blacklist. The owner of the planet and the caretakers can edit the blacklist (provided that the owner has allowed them to do this). The black list is accessed from the “Planet Info” section (the link is available when the planet is in “open” mode).

2.8. Add to whitelist

Option to whitelist planets. Being on the white list, the character has the right to fly to the planet, even if it is closed. The owner of the planet and caretakers can edit the white list (provided that the owner has allowed them to do this). The white list is accessed from the "Planet Info" section (the link is available when the planet is in "closed" mode). An option that allows the owner of the planet to appoint any character as a caretaker.

2.10. Demote

An option that allows the owner of the planet to demote the character who currently has this rank from the caretakers.

Increasing your authority in the Dating Galaxy is a rather labor-intensive process; you will spend your time and money on it. Of course, many people enjoy playing “Guns and Barrels”, “Bowling”, as well as other games with the opportunity to boost their authority, while others waste precious nerves from possible mistakes and the unfavorability of the galactic “random”.

A character with the authority of Dad/Mom. This authority opens up almost all possibilities for full-fledged chatting; you can put other users in jail for a short period.
Price - 50 rub./piece. (not initial authority, minimum)

A character with the authority of the Angel of the Galaxy. Differs from dad/mom in the color of the aura and the term of imprisonment (it is longer). You can communicate quite comfortably with such a character; the planter is already quite large.
Price - 100 rub./piece. (Authority from)

A character with the authority of God/Goddess of the Galaxy. One of the most common influencers in the chat, it has a fairly large planter, you can upload a lot of photos to the album.
Price - 250 rub./piece. (Authority from)

A character with the authority Almighty/Omnipotent. A character with excellent authority, allowing him to use chat features almost 100%.
Price - from 400 rub./piece. (Authority from the initial Almighty/Omnipotent).

A character with the authority of Mister/Miss Universe. A character with high authority does not have a cooldown when going to prison. One of the most popular influencers in Galaxy!
Price - from 600 rub./piece. (Authority from the initial Mister/Miss).

A character with the authority of a Legend of the Galaxy. A character with high authority, 5 times the authority of the initial Mister/Miss. This authority opens up the opportunity to see anonymous guests of your information.
Price - from 1800 rub./piece. (Authority from the initial Legend).

For complete comfort in the chat, at your request, I can receive a Galaxy VIP card, which allows you to use daily Dating Galaxy bonuses, participate in competitions and quests; Also, payments have been made on the characters and they can give gifts to other users, play lotteries and games for USD.

Characters are not tied to a number - they are not registered in the SMS service, after purchase you will become the full and sole owner of the character! Also, if necessary, I will provide possible data on the character restoration form.

If you want to purchase a character, write to me in a PM on the VKontakte social network -

Programs for the Dating Galaxy

All working programs for the dating galaxy are located and all others are not valid after changing the protocol.

On the site you will find a colossal number of programs for Galaxy! All programs for the Dating Galaxy Available on the site are absolutely free and do not require sending SMS, etc.
Here you are guaranteed not to get a Trojan on your computer and you won’t be hacked! The programs available on the site are intended for Galaxy and for PC. They have been personally tested and tested by me!

We DO NOT HAVE programs of this type on our website (SCAM)
Hacking the lottery
Hacking characters
Money hacking
If you are looking for Galaxy hacking programs, we don’t have them and never will! I ask you to close the browser window if you are trying to find programs like (SCAM)
ATTENTION: To download programs from the site, you must register on the site! To register on the site you must have a mailbox. By registering with us, you automatically become a member of the uNet system and can log in with your details to other uCoz sites.

For those who have no idea what DATING GALAXY is and PROGRAMS FOR DATING GALAXY, then read about this great java chat! I guarantee that after using programs for the dating galaxy that are free, you will win in everything possible. Take revenge on the enemy, fight with clans and win thanks to our free programs. Download for free programs for the dating galaxy can be found in the File Catalog, which is located on the left in the menu.

Unfortunately, the Dating Galaxy Programs have a huge number of disadvantages that you can suffer from, so I am obliged to describe to you the bad sides of the Dating Galaxy Programs!

Dating Galaxy Programs – The Bad Sides

Third party software is prohibited by Galaxy Dating .
The site administrator is not responsible for what happens in the future with your character. All programs are posted for informational purposes only! All programs available on the Dating Galaxy Programs website work like a clock, but still, although I think that the codes in them are not stolen, no one is insured, everything is possible, so just in case, check it with newbie And sniffer!
It is impossible to give a 100% guarantee, since I didn’t create the programs. But I can assure you that I have used most and The character stayed with me! However, if you decide to download programs for the Galaxy of dating from our website, then know that programs are not cool! A person who doesn’t know how to put himself in prison or, for example, who plays anagram like a complete “ noob» - the program will not receive respect!
I don't even remember the last time I used programs prohibited in the galaxy and in the near future I am not going to do this, because I have enough Speed ​​to transfer enemies, Intelligence to win at anagram and arithmetic, Time to register newcomers myself!
So think about whether you need this?! I do not recommend using galaxy dating programs, since perhaps you will receive character block and it won't be fun!

Good luck and try not to use free dating galaxy programs!!

And yet, if you don’t care about the fact that dating programs for the galaxy are illegal and you want to try some program for the galaxy, then download from