Software package “Smart-Budget. Brief instructions for installing the software “Smart - Budget”

A short reminder

for installing the software "Smart - Budget"

1. Unpack the archive with the Smart-Budget software installer installSmartBudget. exe, for example, to the c:\tmp_ks\ directory.

2. Launch the “Smart - Budget” software installer c:\tmp_ks\SmartBudget\Setup. exe with administrator rights.

2.1.After launching the installer, in the installation window of the Smart-Budget software package, additionally select for installation (check the boxes) “Cache Service Manager” and on computers where the “Crypto Pro” software is installed and it is planned to sign cash and source documents with an electronic signature (EDS), We also note “Other products” and “CryptoPro Sharpei RTE”. To confirm the installation of the selected components of the “Smart - Budget” software, click on the “Install” button.

2.1. During installation (depending on the selected components) dialog boxes installation, you can change the default installation location C:\Program Files\Keysystems to another directory as needed (for example, there is not enough space on the C: disk for installation or write protection is set, changes to C:\Program Files\ for users).

2.2.Installation of CryptoProSharpeiRTE:

In the CryptoPro Sharpei RTE installer dialog box, confirm the software installation by clicking on the “Next” button:

We accept the terms of the license agreement by switching to the appropriate option,

If the installation is successful, the following window will open:

Click on the “Finish” button and in the subsequent window Click on the “No” button to postpone the system reboot:

2.3. Software installation "Smart-Budget"

In the Smart - Budget installer dialog box, confirm the installation of the software by clicking on the “Next” button. In the next window, switch the option to “for everyone” and click on the “Next” button:

After confirming the installation of the software, clicking on the “Next” button, the installation process begins:

Click on the “Close” button.

2.4. Installing the cache service service (CacheService).

In the installer dialog box for the cache service service (CacheService), we confirm the installation of the software by clicking on the “Next” button.

If the installation is successful, the following window will open:

Click on the “Close” button.

2.5. Installing the Cache Service Manager service.

Installation is similar to installing the cache service service (CacheService):

In the installer dialog box Manage service services (WindowsServiceManager), we confirm the installation of the software by clicking on the “Next” button:

If the installation is successful, the following window will open:

Click on the “Close” button.

We complete the installation of the “Smart Budget” software by clicking on the “Close” button in the installation window of the Smart-Budget software package and reboot the computer.

3.1. First launch of the Smart Budget software.

To work in the “Smart - Budget” software, the login names User (login) and passwords used in Budget-Web are used.

After restarting the computer, launch the “Smart Budget” software:

We change the user to our Budget login - WEB, enter the password and click on the “OK” button.

After clicking the “OK” button, a dialog box will open to check for updates:

We confirm the update availability check by clicking on the “Yes” button:

If the update is successfully checked, click on the “Update” button. For a successful update, the user must have permission to modify the C:\Program Files\Keysystems subdirectories in the case of a default installation.

After a successful update, the “Smart - Budget” software launch window will re-open, enter the password and click on the “OK” button:

In the window for selecting complexes to work with, select all the options and click on “OK”:

And we work by analogy with Budget-WEB.

Happy work!

Setting up application parameters (when installing the “Smart - Budget” software, it is installed by default):

In the Smart-Budget registration window, click on the “Options” button:

Registration tab:

Connection tab:

http://*****/budgetsmart/service. asmx port 80

Update tab:

http://smupd13mf. *****/updateservice13mf port 80

Users who attach supporting documents (scanned copies) to cash documents on one computer and sign with an electronic signature on another computer need to change the settings “Sign supporting documents when saving” from “Yes” in the settings in the “Advanced” tab in the “Supporting Documents” group " to "No". The value of this setting determines the need to apply an electronic signature to the attached source documents while preserving supporting documents:

Help for the “Smart Budget” software can be called after launching the application by pressing the “F1” button.

  • Instructions for generating the “Operations Log” report in the “Budget-Smart Pro” software package
  • User's Guide for employees of financial authorities of lower budgets of the “Business Processes” subsystem. Notifications on the provision of interbudgetary transfers with a designated purpose
  • User's Guide for Managers of Budget Funds of the Business Processes Subsystem. Notifications on the provision of interbudgetary transfers with a designated purpose
  • FAQ

    1. Can settlements create DSTs?

    Urban and rural settlements can add target items to the remote work workstation of the Ministry of Defense \ DIRECTORIES \ BUDGET CLASSIFICATION \ Target items.

    1. What is the file extension: register of listed receipts?

    Files with a "zero registry" contain the extension .DP.

    1. Is it possible to enter planned values ​​quarterly? (SBR, BR)

    No, since the period for maintaining SBR and BR documents is annual, for quarterly budget execution use the documents: cash plan (payments) and cash plan (receipts).

    1. Is it possible to upload an expense schedule from the 1C:Enterprise program to the Budget-Smart PRO PC?

    You can export the Expense Schedule from the 1C: Enterprise program and download this file in the Budget-Smart PRO PC, to do this you need to go to the remote work workstation of the Moscow Region \ Documents \ Budget data \ Expenditure schedule on the toolbar and click on the “Reception” button. In the window that opens, click on the “Select file” button, a dialog box will open where you will need to select the file that you want to download. After clicking the “Open” button, data will begin loading into the program.

    1. Is it possible to create a report based on requests from budget recipients?

    Using the automated workplace for remote work of the Ministry of Defense \ REPORTS \ ANALYTICAL REPORTS ON BUDGET EXECUTION \ Report generator (using a layout), you can create a report in accordance with data from any document, video instructions for working with the report generator (using a layout) are posted on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Trans-Baikal Territory . (link)

    1. How to make changes to the cash plan?

    In order to make changes to the “Cash Payment Plan” or “Cash Receipt Plan” document, you need to create new document“Cash payment plan” or “Cash income plan”, where to make changes.

    1. In which report can I see the cash plan with changes?

    The report of the automated workplace for remote work of the Moscow Region \ REPORTS \ Cash plan of the Moscow Region reflects all the data, taking into account changes from the documents “Cash payment plan” and “Cash revenue plan” in the context of the GRBS (administration of the Moscow Region, finance committee, education committee, culture committee). When working with the report, be sure to indicate the calculation period month.

    1. Statuses of processing statements on the movement of free balance of budget funds?

    If “Section I has not been processed,” then the additional classification for which funding was carried out is controlled by the OrFC.

    If “Section II has not been processed,” it means that not all expense schedules contain the posting date, or not all expense schedules are loaded into the “Budget Smart PRO” program.

    "Not processed section III", you need to check payment orders (payments).

    “Inconsistency of the opening balance” - arises due to the inequality of the amounts for the end of the day of the previous day and the beginning of the day of the day in question, the reasons may be the disorderly receipt of statements, a missed receipt of the statement, or the OFC sent an incorrect statement to the SUFD for a given day.

    1. How to record bank card information in a directory?

    The document Workstation for remote work MO\DIRECTORIES\ACCOUNTS AND BANKS\Bank cards stores data on bank cards. In order to add a card, you need to click on the “create” button in the left top corner toolbars. In the window that opens, fields with blue highlighting are required. In the “Number” field, the bank card number is written, in the “Employee” field, the full name of the card owner is written, in the “Position” field, the position of the card owner is written, in the “Opening Account” field, the budget current account on which the card is opened. bank card, in the “Organization” section - the organization in which the card user works. After filling in all fields, click the “Save” button.

    1. Where are the files accepted in the “Register of Transferred Income” document?

    The files accepted in the document “Register of transferred receipts (reception)” are in the statement of movement of the free balance of budget funds for the corresponding date.

    1. How to enter data into the directory “Compliance of bookmaker combinations”?

    You need to fill out the correspondence between the expense and income book book in the directory “Correspondence of book book combinations”. The classification according to which the financial authority transfers funds to the ILO is filled out in the BC (expenses); in the BC (income), a classification is filled in according to which the funds are transferred to the account of the rural (urban) settlement.

    The budget in the directory should be indicated for the sender of the transfer or not filled out at all.


    1: To fill out field 104 (Expenses (document) - Income (field 104)) - used to fill:

    104 fields in payment orders (applications for cash expenses) when generated from orders for a personal account, the recipient's BC in ILO notifications when manual entry and the formation from documents of the list, the recipient's bookkeeping code in applications for cash expenses for the transfer of subsidies to the BU/AU when formed from orders for l/s.

    2: Relationship between income and expenses (Income - Expenses)- used when generating reporting, such as: “Balances of subventions/subsidies (including information on BC combinations)”, form 0503324, etc.

    3: Relationship of column 8 with 2 and 3 (f.0503324) (Expenses - Income) - used when calculating form 0503324.

    4: Relationship of column 9 with 2 and 3 (f.0503324) (Expenses - Income)

    5: Relationship between receipts and expense classification of the sender- used when calculating form 0503324.

    6: To set up document filters- see, for example, the side filter of requests for cash expense, the selection "Matching BC combinations" allows you to filter the list of documents according to the correspondence of the document BC and the recipient's BC to the selected BC correspondence records.

    7: Decoding of expenses by Services, Goals, Programs- used in the Report Generator when the option “Calculate program code and non-program activities using the correspondence directory” (and other reports with similar options) is enabled.

    8: Connection with the income code for unconfirmed IBT balances of previous years (f.0503324)- used when calculating form 0503324.

    1. Formation of the SBR and changes in the SBR, BR changes in the BR. The ability to generate summary documents from the BR - SBR. Ability to generate changes to the SBR (certificate) from Budgets/personal account status.

    See instructions for joint ventures and state enterprises on creating a certificate of change in the budget schedule (form 2) and a certificate of change in the consolidated budget schedule from the “Account State” mode. (link)

    1. Formation of 117, 127 forms.

    To generate Form 117, use the Remote Workstation of the Moscow Region \ REPORTS \ REPORTING ON BUDGET EXECUTION (ANNUAL, QUARTERLY, MONTHLY) \ FINANCIAL AUTHORITIES \ (0503117) Budget Execution Report. In the settings, select the calculation period. In the “Type of expense for planned indicators” section, select the “Consolidated” option if you work in the Finance Committee of the Ministry of Defense, otherwise select the option “by MO” or “by budget”. In the selections in the “Budget Account” directory, check the corresponding 402.. account. Calculate the report.

    To generate report form 127, go to the remote work automated workplace of the Moscow Region \ REPORTS \ REPORTING ON BUDGET EXECUTION (ANNUAL, QUARTERLY, MONTHLY) \ GRBS, RBS and PBS \ (0503127) Report on budget execution GRBS (RBS), PBS. Set up the calculation period, select the level (treasury, financial authority, budget recipient), calculation of limits (annual, quarterly), calculation type. In the selections in the “Budget Account” directory, check the corresponding 402.. account. Calculate the report.

    Options (settings) for reports 117 and 127 forms:

    • Ignore the program in income - when the “Ignore the program in income” option is enabled in the “Revenue” section, the program in the income KBK is replaced by “0000”, taking into account the setting “Settings tree - SETTINGS - Reports - Summary reports - List of program codes (14 -17 digits of the income code) reflected in the reporting”: program codes that match those selected in this setting are not replaced with “0000”. When the “Ignore the program in income” option is not activated, programs in the income book are not replaced.
    • Ignore the administrator in expenses - when the “Ignore the administrator in expenses” option is enabled in the “Expenses” section, the administrator code in the expense BCC is replaced with “000”. Otherwise, the administrator code will not be replaced.
    • Ignore the administrator in sources - when the “Ignore the administrator in sources” option is enabled in the “Sources” section, the administrator code in KBK sources is replaced with “000”. Otherwise, the administrator code will not be replaced.
    • Ignore the program in sources - when the “Ignore program in sources” option is enabled in the “Sources” section, the program in the source BC is replaced with “0000”. Otherwise, the program will not be replaced.
    • Do not take into account the target item in expenses - when the “Do not take into account the target item in expenses” option in the “Expenses” section is enabled, the target item in the expense BCC is replaced with “0000000”. Otherwise, the target item is not replaced.
    • Ignore the type of expense in expenses - when the option “Ignore the type of expense in expenses” is enabled in the “Expenses” section, the type of expense in the expense CBC is replaced with “0000”. Otherwise, the flow type is not replaced.
    1. Analytical reports - how to configure sorting in a report.

    REPORTS \ ANALYTICAL REPORTS ON BUDGET EXECUTION \ Analytical report on budget execution with arbitrary grouping into this report In the settings you need to configure the calculation period. In the “Grouping and sorting of fields” section, tick the names by which you need to group the report; using the arrows you can change the sorting order (see Fig. 1).

    Figure 1 - Setting up field grouping and sorting.

    In the selections, select the appropriate budget account in the “Budget Account” directory. If you want to receive a report on a specific department (type, expenses, additional class, etc.), go to the “Departments” directory (“Type of expenses”, “Additional classification”, etc.) and mark the required items . You can print it either in MS Excel or in the internal editor of the program. To open a report in the internal editor, click on the icon and select “Generate in internal editor” from the drop-down list (see Fig. 2). The built-in editor of the program allows you to decrypt the amount, to do this you need to click right click mouse on the cell with the sum (see Fig. 3).

    Figure 2 - Generating a report in the internal editor

    Figure 3 - Decoding the amount in the internal editor.

    1. How to create an application for income in the context of KBK?

    Use the reports located in the remote work workstation of the Moscow Region \ REPORTS \ OTHER REPORTS \ INCOME REPORTS.

    1. Reporting.

    To generate reports, use the reports:

    • “Workstation of remote work of the Moscow Region \ REPORTS \ REPORTING ON BUDGET EXECUTION (ANNUAL, QUARTERLY, MONTHLY) \ GRBS, RBS and PBS \ (0503127) Report on the budget execution of GRBS (RBS), PBS." The report on the budget execution of the chief manager, manager, recipient of budget funds, chief administrator, administrator of sources of financing the budget deficit, chief administrator, administrator of budget revenues (report f. 0503127) is compiled on the basis of accounting documents on budget execution and scheduling documents (planned indicators).
    • “Workstation for remote work of the Moscow Region \ REPORTS \ REPORTING ON BUDGET EXECUTION (ANNUAL, QUARTERLY, MONTHLY) \ FINANCIAL AUTHORITIES \ (0503117) Report on budget execution.”
    1. Possibility of keeping records of debt obligations in software package"Budget-Smart PRO".

    In the Budget-Smart PRO PC, accounting of debt obligations has been carried out in the “Workstation of remote work of the Moscow Region \ Documents \ Loans” mode.

    1. Generating a report on balances Money with additional classification at the reporting date.

    To generate this report, use the following reports: balances of appropriations, balances of allocations for painting, limits for GRBS (01 l/s), balances of appropriations for painting, limits for PBS (03 l/s), balances for l/s (financing of the Kyrgyz Republic). You can also create your own report using the report generator (using a layout).