A program for automatically starting a computer. A program to automatically shut down your computer. How to turn off your computer automatically

In the previous article I showed how to plan. But to simplify the task, I will give several computer shutdown timer programs.

Wise Auto Shutdown for Windows 7/8/10

A simple but powerful program that allows you to set the computer shutdown time.
You can choose the exact time, a reverse timer, daily or when the computer is idle. The latter is useful when you need to wait for a resource-intensive task to complete.

In addition to shutting down, you can choose from: reboot, log out (logout), sleep and wait (hibernation). I never turn off my laptop, I prefer sleep or hibernation mode. In this case, when I turn on the laptop, I immediately get the current desktop with all open programs.

In hibernation mode, the contents of RAM are flushed to the hard drive, but not in sleep mode. And if the power goes out or the battery runs out, then when you turn on the computer, a new Windows boot will begin, and all unsaved data will be lost. After waking up from hibernation, you will in any case get the same desktop.

Combine PowerOff

I have been using this program for many years and I like it. PowerOff does not require installation and works immediately after downloading. Although it has not been updated for a long time, nevertheless, all functions work perfectly. At first it may seem that the program is complicated, but it is not necessary to delve into all the functions, of which there are many:

  • Computer shutdown timer by time or schedule
  • Selecting an action after an event is triggered
  • Winamp, CPU and Internet-dependent timers
  • Built-in diary
  • Built-in task scheduler
  • Controlling the program using hotkeys
  • WinAmp program management
  • Autorun with Windows

By default, everything is configured normally, you can not change anything, but use the program right away. To turn on a regular timer, just a couple of clicks are enough.

To make the computer turn off after a specified time, check the “Countdown” checkbox. To the right of the words “Timer started” is written the amount of time left until the event is triggered. To trigger at the exact time, check the “Trigger time” checkbox and set the desired time.

Sometimes you don’t know when the computer needs to turn off or you’re too lazy to count. For this case, PowerOff provides several options.

CPU-dependent timer

If your computer needs to shut down after completing a resource-intensive task.

  • on the right we indicate the percentage of maximum load
  • set “CPU load recording time”.

Now, if the computer is loaded less than you specified for the specified time, it will turn off.

Internet - dependent timer

To turn off after downloading large files from the Internet.

  • Check the box “Get statistics”
  • select the network interface to be monitored, for example Wi-Fi
  • then WHAT to consider, for example “Incoming traffic speed”
  • and minimum speed threshold
  • and also enter the number of seconds or minutes in the “Fix speed for” parameter.

Now, if the incoming speed is fixed for a specified time less than we specified, the work will shut down.

WinAmp - dependent timer

A very useful feature for those who like to fall asleep to their favorite music and at the same time use the WinAmp player. Just check the box “Trigger after playing” and set how many tracks you want to play, or after the last track. This feature can also be used by Foobar2000 users. For this, there is a special plugin for Foobar2000 “WinAmp API Emulator”, which makes other applications think that it is WinAmp.

Today, most video and audio players have an automatic shutdown function, look for it in the interface and settings.

You can mark at least all the methods, then the shutdown will occur when the first event is reached.

When such a window appears, you can still stop the computer shutdown process. The value in seconds is set in the program settings. There you can enable autorun and see other settings.

In addition to shutting down, you can choose another action:

  • To restart a computer
  • Go to sleep mode
  • Lock your computer
  • End the current user session
  • Disconnect (break) network connection
  • Remotely shut down another computer
  • Send a command over the network

You can also plan a schedule for each day, but you’ll figure it out for yourself.

TimePC can also turn on your computer!

A simple program that can turn off and turn on the computer at a specified time and launch programs. Or rather, not turn it off, but put it into deep sleep mode (hibernation) and return it back. At the same time, all running programs continue to work the next time you turn them on.

If the fans continue to make noise when switching to sleep mode, then this is not deep sleep, but normal sleep. On older computers, to enable deep sleep, you need to configure the BIOS to.

If the computer does not turn on according to the timer, then check the Windows 7/10 setting in “Control Panel –> Power Options –> Set up power plan (current) –> Change advanced power settings –> Sleep –> Allow wake timers -> Enable”. The value must be included.

In the program settings you can set autorun along with Windows and several other parameters

There is also a built-in weekly planner

Now let's look at a few simple programs that are convenient to use if you don't need all these functions.

Can turn off, restart and put the computer into sleep mode using a timer. Ignore the year of development.

Among the distinctive features of the program:

  • Smoothly mutes sound
  • Forcefully terminates the selected process
  • You can create a shortcut on your desktop that will launch the program with the selected options
  • No installation required

Lim Timer Off

A very simple and understandable utility that only knows how to turn off the computer at a specified time, forcibly ending all running programs.

Before automatic shutdown, a window appears in which you can cancel the action within 10 seconds.

SMTimer is another simple utility

Minimalism and nice design. The self-shutdown time is set using sliders.

Today there is a sufficient amount of software with which we can control the automatic turning on of the computer according to a schedule. But I want to note that automatically turning on the PC using programs is only possible when it is in “sleep” mode.

That is, a computer that is in “sleep mode,” as it would be easier to say, is already turned on. It just “wakes up” and doesn’t turn on.

It turns out (I was ashamed not to know this :)), you can configure the computer to automatically turn on according to a schedule and even when it is COMPLETELY OFF! Modern BIOSes that come with PC motherboards have settings to automatically turn on a switched off computer according to a schedule.

At the beginning of my acquaintance with computers (since 1995), such a setting in the BIOS could only be dreamed of. For what purposes you can use turning on the computer automatically is up to you to decide.

For example, from the most banal - using a PC as an alarm clock, turning it on to distribute or download torrents while you are away, servicing your computer, or even when you are at work or on a business trip, etc.

I note that the fourth computer I tested, purchased 6 years ago, did not yet have this feature. Let's now move directly to the BIOS settings.

How to enter the BIOS depends on the configuration of your motherboard, mainly by pressing the Delete or F2 key on the keyboard at the initial stage of booting the computer. You can see a hint on the required keys immediately when you turn on the PC.


BIOS American Megatrends Inc. P1.80, 05/20/2011. Go to the “Advanced” section and select “ACPI Configuration”.

Turn on the “Restore on AC/Power Loss” setting to the “Power On” position.

We activate (“Enabled”) the auto-on setting “RTC Alarm Power On”.

We select to turn on the computer every day (“Every Day”) or on a certain date within the current month in the “RTC Alarm Date Every Day” settings. We configure the PC turn-on time: “hour/minute/second” in “RTC Alarm Time”.

After completing the settings, press the F10 key or the “Save Changes and Exit” and “OK” item to save the settings and restart the PC.

BIOS American Megatrends Inc. V4.3, 10/21/2009. We need the “Power Management Setup” section, go to it.

Turn on the “Restore On AC Power Loss” setting to the “On” position.

Activate “Resume By RTC Alarm”.

We set the activation for every day or on a certain date of the month in the “Data” setting and hours/minutes/seconds in “HH:MM:SS”.

Save the settings and exit the BIOS using F10.

BIOS American Megatrends Inc. 0401, 05/05/2010. In the “Power” section, go to “ARM Configuration”.

We activate “Restore on AC Power Loss” to the “Power On” position.

Activate “Power On By RTC Alarm”.

Settings for daily activation at certain hours/minutes/seconds become available.

Or a specific date, hours/minutes/seconds.

If you no longer need to automatically turn on your computer on a schedule, simply disable (“Disabled”) the “Power On By RTC Alarm” setting.

Unfortunately, these are all the BIOS versions on which I was able to test the function of automatically turning on the computer. If you have a different basic input/output system (BIOS), then you will already know where to dig. And finally, I suggest you watch a short video

Each user may have many reasons to turn off the computer at a certain time or after a specified interval. If you have set a movie or any file to download, but cannot physically wait for the download to complete, you can set a shutdown timer and the computer will turn off on its own at a certain time. Don't want your child to spend too much time on the computer? Set a time interval after which the equipment will shut down, regardless of running processes and programs. For this purpose, you can use the built-in Windows tools: task scheduler, command line. If these methods are unacceptable for you, use programs to turn off computers, which require a minimum of resources, but have a wide range of functions. Let's look at some of these programs.

The simplest utility to turn off your computer.

This utility is distributed absolutely free of charge and has a Russian-language interface. In order to use it, you do not need to install it, it is created as a portable version (if you do not like the program, you do not need to take any steps to remove it from the system, just delete the utility file). Managing the program is simple and will not present any difficulties at all, even for novice users. On the left is a window with the current time, on the right you need to specify the time after which the computer will be turned off.

You can download this program.

Do you like to fall asleep listening to music or are you afraid that you will fall asleep while watching a movie? No problem, download the USleep Timer program, which will shut down your computer after a certain time. To do this, just launch it and set the time after which the computer should be turned off. It can be run on any version of Windows, and it does not require installation.

A fully functional gadget to turn off your computer.
Auto Shutdown is a gadget that allows you to set a timer or time to shut down your computer. If you don’t need it at the moment, you can turn it off until required. For full operation, it requires a minimum of computing resources. In fact, it is an alternative to the standard Windows shutdown panel, but has greater functionality. In addition to shutting down, here you can check the box to reboot, go into standby mode, block the user, etc. With the parameters entered, the gadget instantly picks up the data and completes the established procedure on time. There is both a timer and input of the time at which the shutdown or any event you set should occur. The only disadvantage of this gadget is that it only works in versions of Windows not older than 7, because in subsequent Microsoft operating systems, gadgets cannot function at all.

According to many experts, this program is the best of its kind. It is compact, undemanding of resources, and the Russian-language interface is intuitive and even a novice user will not have any difficulty using it fully from the first launch (to install the Russian language, you need to go to the Options section and select the Russian language). Many users believe that this is how the Windows developers should have made the shutdown button. After clicking on the icon, a menu opens that looks approximately the same as the standard menu. A significant difference from the standard shutdown is the many functions that can be customized depending on your needs.

When you hover the cursor, for example, over the line turn off, a pop-up context menu will appear indicating when you need to perform this function. Also, it even provides functions such as disconnecting the network connection, etc. In order to set a specific time for shutdown, you can go to the " Set up a task» and set the necessary parameters.

The most functional tool.
This software can be called fully functional. It contains a huge number of tools that serve the sole purpose of turning off or rebooting equipment at a given time or interval. This software is ideal for professionals, because it even has the ability to turn off equipment when a certain process is completed or a certain drop in processor load is reached. And although there are a lot of functions here, you can figure them out quite easily.

In contact with

In two weeks of September, my youngest son Sashka has already slept through school twice - he just can’t get over the summer holidays from going to bed earlier, rather than sitting at the computer until one in the morning. So I decided to teach his computer to forcefully turn off at a certain time.

Helped me in this anti-democratic matter computer shutdown timer- absolutely free, simple and powerful (as it turned out) program PClimiter.

The PClimiter computer program does not just turn off the computer at a certain time - it allows you to set various restrictions on the use of the computer on any day of the week, set limits for different users - for example, 2-3... hours a day from 8.00 to 22.00.

This computer shutdown timer is not as simple as it seems at first glance - it will not allow you to change the system time or user, delete yourself without entering a password...

...continues to work after deleting the task in the task manager and will even start with the computer after excluding it from startup - I tried all this.

Intrigued? Let's take a closer look at PClimiter and learn how to use it...

PClimiter - smart computer shutdown timer

So, the most important thing is that when setting the computer shutdown timer, you will be asked to enter your parental password.

I kindly ask you to approach this moment responsibly and remember this password, so as not to ask stupid questions later in the comments to the article - no one but you will be able to unlock the computer, if anything...

After installation, the program will appear in the tray (near the clock) - left-click on the icon and in the window that appears, click on the green padlock in the right corner...

...enter the parent password and proceed to limiting the operating time of the computer...

Balance - time available to the user on a specific day of the week
Bonus - additional time that can be used on any day of the week
Limit - the maximum allowable time for a specific day of the week (Balance + Bonus).

I set the balance for the entire restriction period, but you can set it to 2-3... hours - as much as you want. This way, your child (or you) will be able to turn off the computer and turn it on as many times as desired, and the program will keep track of the time used. When the limit is reached, the computer will turn off.

I got a little distracted - let's continue. After you have entered all the balances, limits and bonuses by day of the week, you need to select the user for whom you prepared all this and click on his icon...

... "enable time restrictions" ...

All you have to do is click on the red padlock at the top right - that’s it, congratulations, the usurper computer shutdown timer is working.

How to turn off PClimiter

It can only be uninstalled if you know the parent password or “disable time restrictions” where you activated them (under the user icon), but the program will continue to work.

How to turn off PClimiter if there is no tray icon and the entire limit for the day has been reached (this is exactly what happened to me when I removed the program from startup - an ambush, the computer immediately turned off after turning on)?

I’m telling you, you only have a couple of minutes - after the next start of the system, very quickly go to the folder with the installed program and click on its shortcut...

...an icon will appear in the tray - click on it, in the program window that appears, click on the lock even faster, then on the user icon and “disable time restrictions”. Don't forget to click on the lock again to apply the changes. Did you make it?

Download PClimiter

The size of the downloaded installation file is 3.1 MB. There are no viruses or additional “useful” software in it. The program understands ALL versions of the Windows operating system (including the tenth).


Click the "Start" button to open the main menu of the system and go to the "Control Panel" item to configure the settings for putting the computer into sleep mode.

Point to "Power Options" and select "Set up power plan."

Specify the desired time in the “Put the computer to sleep” section of the dialog box that opens and click the “OK” button to apply the selected changes.

Select the “Task Scheduler” item and click the “Create task” button in the right panel of the application window.

Specify the desired task name in the General tab of the dialog box that opens and go to the Triggers tab.

Click OK to confirm the command and go to the Actions tab of the main Task Scheduler window to specify the action you need to take to wake up from sleep mode.

Click the "Create" button and specify the desired action in the new dialog box.

Click the "OK" button to confirm the selected changes and go to the "Conditions" tab.

Select the "Wake the computer to run a task" checkbox in the "Power" section and click "OK" to save your changes.

Video on the topic


To schedule a wake-up schedule for your Windows XP computer, use BIOS commands.

Helpful advice

Use the Task Scheduler tool and the shutdown (console) program to schedule a computer shutdown task.


  • Hibernation, sleep and hybrid sleep in Windows 7
  • how to turn off a computer using the task scheduler

Scheduler tasks helps the user of a personal computer configure the launch of programs at their discretion. Sometimes this program is blocked by file protection tools.

You will need

  • - Internet connection.


Open the Run utility from the Windows Start menu. Enter the command C:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exe –k netsvcs. After that, press the Enter key and the scheduler will open on your computer tasks Windows XP.

Use an alternative way to start the scheduler tasks. Since this is a common program that is part of the computer administration utilities, run it from the appropriate Control Panel menu. Find a service called " Scheduler tasks", if necessary, check the automatic start box.

Enable the service, restart your computer. The scheduler is similar in the Windows Vista and Windows Seven operating systems. In the latest OS, the scheduler can also be launched by entering the name of the utility in the search bar when opening the Start menu; this is due to the simplification of launching programs in Windows Seven. Please note that they are also available in the Computer Control Panel when you switch the icon view.

In cases where for some reason your service is lost " Scheduler tasks", create a text document and enter into it the code of the operating system registry file that is responsible for this utility. It is quite easy to find on the Internet, just copy it without modifications, save it on your hard drive, and then turn on displaying extensions for registered file types in the folder properties on the view settings tab.

Rename the document you recently created and change its extension from .txt to .reg. Open the file by double-clicking and then confirm making changes to the system. Wait for the registry to update and restart your computer. Also configure automatic launch of the scheduler as described above.

Helpful advice

Use Task Scheduler to automatically start programs on Windows.


  • how to configure windows xp task scheduler

Turning on the computer from the keyboard is not the most used function of the Microsoft Windows operating system, but a solution to this problem can be found in changing the BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) parameters, which can be changed by the user without the use of additional software.


Press the Delete function key repeatedly right after the computer to launch the BIOS settings window. Depending on the version of the installed operating system, the F1, Esc, and Tab keys may also be used.
The standard key for calling the BIOS program in laptops is considered to be F2. In Windows Vista, it is recommended that you restart your computer from the main Start menu or use the Power On/Off button to shut down your computer completely.

Go to the APM Configuration section in the Power group to change the BIOS settings for turning on the computer from the keyboard.

Select the Power On by PS/2 Keyboard option and specify the desired action:
- Sparce Bar - to turn on the computer by pressing the “Space” key;
- Ctrl-Esc - to turn on the computer using the selected key combination;
- Power Key - to turn on the computer by pressing the Power key on the keyboard.

Specify the Restore on AC Power loss option to enable the general functionality of the selected command and select the desired action in the Power On By RTC Alarm section:
- RTC Alarm Date - to set the date for automatically turning on the computer;
- RTC Alarm Hour - to set the hour for automatically turning on the computer;
- RTC Alarm Minute - to set the minutes for automatically turning on the computer;
- RTC Alarm Seconds - to set the seconds for automatically turning on the computer.

Use additional BIOS settings to assign a task when you turn on the computer - launching a music player, logging on to the network, etc.

Select the Save and exit setup item to exit the BIOS program, saving the changes made to the parameters and click the Yes button in the request window that opens.


  • Turning on the computer from the keyboard
  • how to start a computer from the keyboard

Shutting down is a fairly convenient function in the Windows operating system. The user does not have to worry about the fact that the home computer will work all night, and the work one will remain turned on on weekends or holidays.


When setting up an automatic shutdown of your computer, you can set the shutdown time and frequency of operation of this function, but there is one condition: at least one password-protected account must be created on your computer. If you are the only user of your home PC, you will have to accept the fact that you will have to log in with a password.

To create an account and password, open Control Panel from the Start menu and select the User Accounts category. Click on the icon of the same name and select the “Computer Administrator” entry. In the window that opens, select the “Create a password” task. Enter a password that you can remember in the first field, and confirm it in the second field. The hint field is not required. Click on the “Create Password” button.

Open the Scheduled Tasks component. There are several ways to do this. Go to “Control Panels” in the “Performance and Maintenance” category and click on the corresponding icon. Or, in the “Start” menu, expand all programs, select the “Accessories” folder, the “System” subfolder and click on the “Scheduled Tasks” icon in the submenu. A new window will open.

Select the Add Job icon to bring up the Job Scheduling Wizard. The list of programs offered by the “Wizard” will not contain the application you need, so specify the path to it yourself. Click on the "Browse" button, select the Windows folder, the system32 subfolder and find the shutdown.exe file. At the next level, give your task a name, for example, “Schedule computer shutdown.” Specify how often the computer should perform this task by checking the appropriate box (daily, weekly, once, etc.).

Specify the time at which the computer will turn off, and determine how often it will turn off (constantly, only on weekdays, or on the day you specify). In the Start Date field, set the day, month and year using the drop-down calendar or leave the current date set by the Wizard as default. Next, enter your system password and confirm it. Before you complete the job assignment, check the Set Advanced Options box. Click the "Done" button.

In the window that opens, open the “Task” tab and add [space], [-], [s] in the “Run” field without parentheses, quotes or commas. Example entry: C:/WINDOWS/system32/shutdown.exe -s. Click on the “Apply” button, enter and confirm your actions with the system password, click on the OK button to close the window. A new task will be added and your computer will shut down on a schedule.


  • shutdown computer on schedule in 2018

Personal computers can now be found in almost any apartment. They are used for relaxation and work, for communication and games, for watching videos and listening to music. The computer can also be easily turned into a TV with the functions of recording programs on a schedule, viewing any available channels.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - TV tuner.


Buy a TV tuner. They are divided into two main types: computer-dependent and stand-alone. Of course, it is much more convenient to have an independent TV tuner - you do not need to turn on the computer every time you want to watch. However, they usually cost more.

Connect the TV tuner to your computer following the included instructions. If you purchased an internal TV tuner in the form of a board, you will need to open the system unit and install the board in one of the PCI slots. If the TV is , use the connection cable (it is also included in the kit). It is also worth considering the fact that internal devices do not take up extra space and are easily installed in the system unit of a personal computer.

Turn on your computer and install the drivers for the TV tuner from the disk. Along with the drivers, a special program will be installed into the operating system, made in the form of a virtual one. With this program you will watch television channels.

Launch the TV tuner program and turn on auto channel search. When the search is complete, place all the programs in a convenient order and give them names. Place the transmitter for the remote control on the table and watch TV directly on computer. You can set a schedule for the virtual TV to turn on and record selected programs for a specified time. You can then view the recording at a time convenient for you.

In general, we can say that the TV tuner is very useful on computer, since you can watch hundreds of channels in real time, record various videos and much more. It is also worth noting that a large number of different ones can be connected to the TV tuner, which allow you to easily view both Russian and foreign channels.

Video on the topic

Tip 6: How to set your computer to turn on automatically

Today there are so many software products that we can safely say “A computer can do almost anything!” If you need to regularly start your computer to perform some tasks, check out the Auto-Power-on-Shut-down program.

You will need

  • Auto-Power-on-Shut-down software.


How often have you had to get up in the morning to turn on your computer, for example, to start downloading, and then go back to bed. Now you don’t need this, this program will do everything for you. The only condition is . To download the utility, go to the program’s official website at http://lifsoft.com and click the Download button. Specify a save location on your hard drive and press Enter.

At the last stage of installation, check the box next to “Run the program” and click the “Finish” button. Double-click the desktop shortcut to launch the utility. In the main program window, click the Evaluate button, because The program is shareware. Go to the Options tab and in the drop-down list window, select “Russian” and click the “Apply” button.

Using the task scheduler, you can not only activate the option to turn off, but also turn on the computer by the minute, force you to turn on various programs, go online, etc. Click the “Create” button, enter a name for the task and select any option, setting absolutely any time.

To create a kind of alarm clock, you need to check the “Enable” option in the “Actions” block. Just below, check the “Open file” checkbox and specify the path to the file. As a file, you can select not only a song from your favorite artist, but also a rooster or any video clip.

Then set the time and days on which this function will work. For each event, you can assign your own melody, as well as text displayed on the screen, for example, “Today is your birthday!” or “Are you talking about the exam?”