Prevention of a washing machine with citric acid. Preventing scale formation technologically. Causes of scale formation

All household appliances require care, and cleaning is considered an important part of it. The procedure is also necessary for the washing machine. It allows you to extend the life of the device and improve its performance. However, not everyone knows how much citric acid to pour into the washing machine. The cleaning rules are described in the article.

Why is it required?

Some people believe that keeping a washing machine clean requires constant operation and washing. Where can plaque come from if there is always water and washing powder inside, and all the dirt from things is removed down the drain? This opinion is erroneous, and such an attitude can cause breakdowns.

Cleaning is required due to the risk of scale formation. It occurs due to magnesium and calcium salts found in tap water. The components settle in household appliances and pipes. In a car, the most vulnerable part is the heating element - the heating element. If plaque appears on this part, it will not work normally.

Heating water to the required temperature requires a large amount of electricity. Due to scale, the device gradually fails, and eventually requires replacement and expensive repairs.

There are other reasons why cleaning is necessary. Some washable items have lint that settles on the drum and other elements of the device, including the heating part. Hoses can also become clogged and clogged, which leads to malfunctions of the machine - lack of complete drainage, increased washing time.

Effective cleaning allows not only to eliminate contamination, but also to disinfect. There may be bacteria in water and on clothes that die only at elevated temperatures and prolonged thermal exposure. And if washing is carried out at a gentle temperature, then microorganisms are not destroyed and begin to multiply, which is why mold or unpleasant odors appear.

How to remove scale from the heating element of a washing machine? For this, both professional and folk remedies can be used. Is it possible to clean a washing machine with citric acid? This remedy is effective. Procedures with its help can be performed regularly. Citric acid can effectively clean scale and mold.

Benefits of cleaning

Citric acid for an automatic washing machine is considered an effective cleaning agent. This is due to the following advantages:

  1. This product is affordable and can be purchased in every store.
  2. The acid dissolves quickly, rinses well and does not linger in the drum or on other elements of the device. But even if its components linger in the device, they will not damage it and will be harmless to people if they get on the products during subsequent washes.
  3. This is an economical cleaning method because the product costs little and its consumption is low.
  4. Citric acid does not have a negative effect on the heating element and other elements of the machine, since it is not considered aggressive. The product is not capable of damaging or corroding the materials from which the main parts of the device are made. But this advantage only applies if the proportions and rules of use are observed. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules and know how much citric acid to pour into the washing machine.
  5. It is easy to use, as no special skills or knowledge are required. Normal cleaning is completed in a short time.
  6. Citric acid perfectly removes plaque and scale, since it interacts with magnesium and calcium salts and dissolves the deposits created by them.
  7. The product perfectly removes not only scale, but also other dirt and unpleasant odors.

According to reviews, scale on the heating element of a washing machine can be removed easily and simply. Citric acid can be used for cleaning regularly, not only for automatic machines, but also for ordinary types of equipment.


According to reviews, cleaning the heating element of a washing machine has not only positive aspects, but also negative ones:

  1. If the dosage is increased or cleaning is carried out frequently, this may damage some elements of the device, for example, rubber cuffs or hoses. Hot water makes the situation worse.
  2. Acid does not remove old and severe stains. In these situations, it is necessary to use more powerful specialized tools.

It is easier not to eliminate mold, but to prevent its formation: to do this, you need to keep the car open when it is idle so that it is ventilated. It is also necessary to provide ventilation, wipe the elastic band and powder tray. Thanks to timely care, you can protect yourself from the appearance of fungus.

Although citric acid is considered an affordable means of removing scale, experts still believe that it is better not to bring the device to a state where such cleaning is required. You just need to use water softeners, do not add too much powder, rarely set high temperatures when washing, and then you need to wipe the machine. This ensures long-term operation of the device.

Elimination of unpleasant odor

According to reviews, cleaning a washing machine with citric acid can be done if the drum is dirty or has an unpleasant odor. In this case, the procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. The product is poured inside the drum. If you are going to clean the washing machine with citric acid, how much should you use? The amount of this product will be the same as during the previous procedure.
  2. You should choose a program that will have a temperature of 60-90 degrees and a significant duration. With a short procedure and low temperature, the product does not dissolve and has no effect.
  3. You need to turn on the wash and wait 10-15 minutes. After this, you need to stop the process for 40-60 minutes by pressing pause. If this function is not available, then you need to disconnect the machine from the network and then connect it again. Stopping is required so that the dissolved acid is inside the drum and acts on dirt and deposits, and is not washed off almost immediately.
  4. The program starts and there may be some noise or hum when it stops. The sounds indicate that dissolved contaminants and plaque are rushing into the drain. And this is confirmation of the effectiveness of the procedure.
  5. When the main wash cycle is completed, you need to turn on an additional rinse. This will completely remove particles of cleaning agent, loose dirt and scale from the drum.

According to reviews, cleaning the washing machine with citric acid improves the operation of the device. If the plaque is thick and old, then one procedure may not be enough. In this case, repeated cleaning is required. If even then the required results were not obtained, then you should try to remove and boil the heating element.

Regular boiling of 5-10 minutes is often required for the treatment to become effective. You can add acid in a ratio of 1-2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. But care must be taken to avoid damage and failure of the heating part. After cleaning, drying and installation are required.

Checking the scale

There is no need to clean unnecessarily. To determine whether it is needed, you need to check for scale. To do this, open the device door and shine a flashlight into the drum. The beam must be directed to the lower part, since the plaque is located precisely on the heating element. If nothing is visible, then you need to rotate the drum in different directions, increasing and decreasing the speed.

Usually scale appears at high temperatures, so if washing is carried out at a temperature of 60-90 degrees, then there is usually a residue. It also occurs when the water hardness is high, which can be determined by the sediment that remains after settling. And if scale appears on other frequently used appliances (steam iron, electric kettle, steamer), then it is most likely present in the washing machine.

In order for citric acid for an automatic washing machine to be effective, you must follow some rules:

  1. You should not use lemon juice instead of powder, as it is not concentrated enough and does not remove plaque.
  2. It is advisable not to wash at temperatures above 65-70 degrees, since it is in these conditions that limescale deposits appear.
  3. The maximum amount of acid powder should not be increased: its increased concentration can damage some parts of the device. In this case, the product will act aggressively and may partially corrode plastic or rubber, which will affect the functioning of the device.
  4. It is important not to increase the temperature, since intense heating, especially for a long time, enhances the negative effect of the product.
  5. Much more effective is not descaling, but preventing its occurrence. To prevent the formation of plaque, you need to use specialized products that are added during washing. They destroy metal salts and soften water. There are washing powders that reduce the risk of scale formation. A high-quality filter, the cartridge of which retains magnesium and calcium salts and prevents their penetration into household appliances, allows you to reduce hardness.
  6. Do not fill the drum with laundry. Although citric acid is used to remove stains as a folk remedy, in large volumes needed to remove plaque, it destroys tissue fibers and changes their structure.
  7. During cleaning, the scale is destroyed, and pieces of it fall off and fall into the drain, which leads to a hum. Increased noise or vibration of the device probably indicates that a large element is stuck in the hole and disrupted the flow of water. In this case, you need to stop the washing and remove the blockage: disconnect the drain hose and remove the stuck piece of plaque.
  8. To prevent the heating element and other parts from being contaminated by lint, it is better not to machine wash old and dilapidated items, especially those made of wool and materials with lint or fleece.

Other means

In addition to citric acid, other means can be used:

  1. "Antiscale". It contains acids that dissolve scale. The product is poured into a drum, which should not contain laundry. You need to turn on the washing mode. It is important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions, since high concentrations render rubber hoses and gaskets unusable.
  2. Vinegar. Pour 2 cups of product into the machine and run a long wash with very hot water. After 5 minutes, the washing is interrupted for an hour so that the solution acts on all parts of the machine. Then the washing continues. The final step is a short wash cycle.
  3. Soda. The product allows you to remove scale and mold. Baking soda is poured into the detergent compartment and a long wash cycle is started at high temperature. The inside of the drum and the rubber cuff on the door are wiped with a soda solution.

Thus, citric acid allows for high-quality cleaning of the washing machine. It is enough to follow the rules of procedure to extend the life of the device.

The heating elements of the washing machine are constantly covered with a layer of scale. The drum and drainage system become clogged with soap solutions and dirt. Homemade and store-bought products are used to clean the washing machine. Citric acid is used more often than other substances. It can be replaced with vinegar and “White”, and the cleansing effect can be enhanced with soda. Stores sell special products, non-destructive seals and drum coatings. Installing a filter and lowering the washing temperature will reduce the amount of scale.

Over time, the washing machine begins to heat the water longer and spends more electricity on the usual washing mode. This means that a coating has formed on the heating elements, impairing contact with water and heat transfer, and it must be removed. The drum loses its shine, becoming covered with a thin film of soap. To preserve heating elements (tubular electric heaters) and restore the quality of washing, you need to provide the equipment with proper care, clean the washing machine with citric acid or a similar product that destroys fat and salts.

It is convenient to check the effectiveness of the product using an ordinary kettle as an example. When a white-sandy coating has accumulated on its walls, you need to clean it. A spoonful of citric acid is poured into the water, then it is put on the fire to boil. When heating, you will hear a noise and see how the scale dissolves.

A similar process occurs inside the washing machine. Sediment accumulates on the heating elements. Citric acid reacts with alkalis, makes the plaque loose and separates it from the metal of the heating element.

How often should you clean your car?

  • intensity of machine use;
  • water hardness;
  • temperatures of the main washing modes;
  • quality of detergents;
  • degree of contamination of washed items;
  • use of water softeners for automatic machines.

The more often you use your washing machine, the sooner it will accumulate scale. Hard water contains a lot of substances that settle on hot elements. High temperature modes require prolonged heating, and the plaque layer becomes larger.

Coarse water filter in the water supply will remove some of the impurities, and less scale will form.

If the machine is used intensively with a full load and high-temperature conditions, it must be cleaned 4 times a year. If it begins to heat the water poorly, the lower part of the body becomes warm to the touch, and the sound of friction against rubber appears, then scale and dirt must be cleaned more often.

Soft water, a filter and washing at medium temperatures increase the interval between cleaning the machine.

Using cheap powders and not using softeners will worsen the condition of your washing machine. Purchasing new equipment to replace burned-out equipment will cost much more than regularly purchasing high-quality, expensive equipment.

How does acid work?

Widely used in cooking, lemon belongs to the class of carboxylic acids. It acts gently and does not corrode rubber seals and metal. Easily dissolves in water without precipitating. Does not emit harmful substances, is a food product. The name “citric” is conditional, since the acid has nothing to do with the juice of citrus fruits. A white crystalline substance is obtained by chemical means.

The acid penetrates the pores and dissolves plaque crystals adhering to the metal surface of the heating elements. As a result, the scale itself becomes brittle and is separated from the heating element by plates.

As the water temperature rises, the scale decomposition reaction becomes more intense. To remove dirt from the drum, it is advisable to add 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda to the citric acid.

Mode of application

Crystalline citric acid is a strong concentrate. If it gets on the tongue, you can get a chemical burn. Therefore, it must be poured carefully, in moderate quantities. If the volume of the machine according to the passport is 5 kg of laundry, a 100 g pack is used. You can independently calculate how much money is required.

The correct consumption of citric acid for removing plaque is 20 g of product per 1 kg of laundry.

Cleaning heating equipment from scale is carried out at a temperature close to boiling. Algorithm of actions for cleansing:

  1. Free the drum from things.
  2. Pour citric acid into the powder compartment in the amount corresponding to the calculations.
  3. Set the linen and cotton washing mode to the highest temperature.
  4. Turn on the machine and run it until the wash starts.
  5. When heating is complete, press the “Pause” button and continue washing after 20 minutes. During shutdown, the exposure time of citric acid to plaque is extended and more scale is destroyed.
  6. After the cycle is completed, check the filter; there may be pieces of scale stuck in it.

If the washing machine I haven’t cleaned it for a long time, you can add baking soda and increase the pause time to 1 hour.

Then you need to open the car hatch and check the condition of the drum. Bend the rubber seal and wipe it with a soft cloth. If black spots and an unpleasant smell of mold are found, remove them using “Whiteness” with water.

Having completed the process of cleaning the gum, you must immediately start the rinse mode to rinse the machine. Water will wash away the remaining scale from the drain system of the machine and the remaining acid if it lingers. When using vinegar and “Whiteness”, rinsing will get rid of the unpleasant odor. If the water does not drain well, you should check the filter again and inspect the drain hose; pieces of scale may form a blockage.


In addition to citric acid, there are other means that remove scale from heating elements and dirt from the surface of the drum. They need to be placed in the powder container and the wash cycle started.

The store sells:

  • "Antiscale";
  • "Luxus Professional";
  • "Top House";
  • "Magic Power"

When choosing a product in a store, you need to pay attention to what type of machine it is intended for. The cleaning process must be carried out following the instructions on the product packaging.

The most commonly used home remedies are:

  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • "Whiteness."

They act more aggressively and have disadvantages.

“Whiteness” corrodes the coating of the drum and other metal parts. Plastic becomes loose with regular contact with it. Chlorine vapors are harmful to humans. But if there is no other choice, 100 ml of white should be mixed with a liter of water, the drum can be sprinkled with soda.

The water temperature can be set to medium to reduce the aggressiveness of the bleach. The extra rinse starts immediately; there is no need to open the machine door after the wash cycle to clean it.

It is more convenient to take 9%. Pour 200–250 ml into a container for liquid detergent or (in the absence of the former) a container for powder. At the end of the wash cycle, check the filter and immediately start a rinse cycle.

How to reduce the scale layer?

The rate of scale formation depends on the quality of the water. The more salts, metals and other inclusions it contains, the thicker the scale layer is formed. Even microelements that are beneficial for humans are harmful to heating elements.

If you have hard water and an old pipeline with rusty metal pipes, you need to install a filter. It will retain some large particles, rust, etc.

There is no need to set the washing temperature to a high temperature unnecessarily; 50–60 degrees is enough for modern powders. Detergents should only be used that are specially designed for automatic washing machines.

Constantly washing in hard water quickly leads to damage to the washing machine. Salts accumulate on the heating element and other parts of the unit, which over time leads to the formation of scale. Experts recommend regularly cleaning your automatic machine, and the most inexpensive and effective cleaner is citric acid.

Why do you need to clean your washing machine?

An automatic car is an expensive pleasure even for a modern woman. If you don't take care of it, it will quickly fail. The worst enemy of the miracle machine is tap water, which contains rust, scale, and chemical compounds that shorten the life of the machine. In order for the purchased washing equipment to be functional for a long time, it must be cleaned of mold, dirt and scale.

During operation, a lot of mineral deposits accumulate on the plastic and metal surfaces of the unit, in which bacteria live, causing an unpleasant odor. The source of contamination can be low-quality laundry detergents that do not dissolve in hard water and dirt stuck during operation of the unit. Scale poses no less a threat to the normal functioning of equipment, since it does not transmit heat well.

Because of this, the device begins to work in enhanced mode, and its elements quickly burn out. Scale forms due to salts in the water. At high temperatures they settle on the surface, then harden in a thick layer on all internal elements. In order not to spend money on expensive repairs, you need to periodically remove dirt, mold and scale using industrial or home remedies.

Is cleaning a washing machine with citric acid effective?

As soon as automatic washing equipment began to be produced on an industrial scale, housewives began to wonder how to clean a washing machine with citric acid or soda? At that time there were no water softeners or special products for these purposes. Cleaning your washing machine from scale with citric acid has a number of advantages:

  • cheap and economical compared to other methods;
  • does not harm the heating element;
  • perfectly cleans heating elements;
  • The process is hassle-free and doesn’t take much time.

Not all housewives dare to use chemicals, because they cannot be rinsed out of clothes and linen. Lemongrass is harmless to humans, and to clean equipment you only need a small dose of the product, which is completely removed with water. If you use food concentrate in moderate doses, it will not damage plastic parts, rubber cuffs, heating elements and other parts of the washing machine.

How to clean a washing machine with citric acid

To clean limescale in an automatic washing machine designed for 4 kg of laundry, you will need 60 grams of food concentrate. Since the product is sold in small packages, 3-4 packages are enough for one procedure. Excessive use of the substance may cause damage to the unit. How to clean a washing machine with citric acid from scale and eliminate unpleasant odors? Follow the step by step instructions.

How to descale a washing machine with citric acid

To wash your automatic machine from limescale, mold and unpleasant odors, use the following recipe:

  1. Prepare two bags of lemon juice. Pour it into the special powder compartment.
  2. Check for foreign objects inside. Don't forget to bend the edges of the elastic.
  3. Turn on the full program, which runs at the highest temperature possible.
  4. Program an additional rinse. If there is no such program, then after completing the cycle, repeat the rinsing procedure by pressing the corresponding button.
  5. When finished, don't forget to wash the inside of the drum. There may be some limescale residue that needs to be removed.

How to clean a drum with citric acid

The first method removes scale well from the heating device of the machine. How to clean the inside of a washing machine with citric acid, since plaque also remains on the drum?

  1. You should pour the food concentrate inside the drum. Take the quantity no more than 100 grams.
  2. Set the temperature from 60 to 90 degrees. A lower temperature will not dissolve the substance.
  3. Start the longest mode. After 10 minutes, stop the program and pause for one hour to allow the concentrate to react with the limescale deposits.
  4. Then continue the program. If the process is accompanied by a hum, these are split scale particles falling into the drain, which means: the cleaning is successful.
  5. Upon completion, you need to rinse the unit again, turning on an additional rinse.

With active use of the washing machine, dirt and scale gradually accumulate inside it. One of the popular methods of cleansing is the use of lemon juice. But it is important to know how to clean a washing machine with citric acid so as not to harm the equipment and get the desired result.

Features of using concentrated lemon powder for cleaning washing equipment

The following can damage the machine:

  • lack of proper care of the device;
  • hard tap water;
  • regular washing at high temperatures as part of the “intensive mode”;
  • Too many powders and bleaches poured into the machine.

How, then, can you wash your washing machine without wearing out the equipment?

In stores you can buy various washing machine products to clean plaque and salt deposits. They are suitable for both automatic and semi-automatic devices, but the price is often quite high, and the result is not always what was expected. To successfully descale your washing machine, you should turn to a proven product, which is citric acid.

Benefits of lemon juice

  1. Unlike vinegar, this powder does not have an immediate negative effect on the “insides” of a household appliance. Citric acid can harm the device only in a situation where it is used regularly and in large quantities.
  2. By entering into a chemical reaction with hot water, oxidizing better than lemon juice, the concentration of which is not enough to destroy plaque on the heating element and remove dirt on the blades or drum, citric acid easily destroys salt deposits.
  3. This product is inexpensive and widely available; you won’t need too much of it for one procedure.
  4. It is acceptable to use citric acid in various types of machines.
  5. To obtain greater effect, you can combine this folk remedy for eliminating scale inside the washing machine with bleach (bleach) and washing powder.
  6. The process of how to clean a washing machine with citric acid is quite simple and does not involve complex manipulations. And such cleaning takes a little time.

Cleaning a washing machine with citric acid: some application features

  • Washing machines differ in the permissible maximum weight of loading laundry inside the device. From this we will calculate how much acid will be needed to wash the inside of the machine. For automatic and semi-automatic washing machines with a load of up to 5 kg, 70-100 g of citric acid is sufficient. The total volume of powder (but not more than 200 g) can also be increased due to old scale on the heating element, when it is necessary to clean the washing machine from plaque.
  • If you purchase “lemon” in a box or large bag, not in single bags, then for one cleaning it is enough to take 3-4 tablespoons of acid.
  • For washing machines of the activator version, it is often enough to sprinkle 50 grams of the product to successfully clean the washing machine with citric acid.
  • The entire cleaning process should take place when the machine is running “idle” (without laundry). The first time the water in the machine should be at least 90 degrees, the next time 60 degrees is enough for cleaning.
  • If the automatic machine has a spin function, before cleaning the washing machine with citric acid, this mode must be turned off, while activating the rinse function.
  • During such home cleaning, you should stay near the machine, listening to the sounds that the device makes. If a large piece of scale gets into the drain and is not removed soon, this can lead to damage to the household appliance. Therefore, if grinding, whistling, buzzing, or additional noise appears, the machine should be paused and checked for foreign particles in the drain or laundry compartment.

Lemon powder against dirt and scale: instructions for cleaning the washing machine

In order to figure out how to clean a washing machine with concentrated citric acid, you need to read the simple instructions below.

  1. The device must be freed from any clothing or linen. You should carefully check the drum or laundry compartment of the activator machine to ensure that there are no small things or parts inside that could get stuck under the rubber elements of the device.
  2. Then the required amount of folk remedy should be poured into the washing equipment. It is necessary to either pour the “lemon” into the main powder compartment, or put a few tablespoons of acid into the drum.
  3. If desired, you can add a couple of tablespoons of bleach to the main product to make cleaning the washing machine more effective. It is also permissible to use washing powder suitable for automatic washing of clothes.
  4. Then you need to set one of the modes: “intensive wash”, “cotton”, “long wash”. And also adjust the water temperature, setting it to the permissible maximum.
  5. And then start the machine. How long will it take to get rid of scale inside the device? Typically, 3-4 hours of dry washing are required.
  6. When the process is completed, the water and citric acid have been drained, all that remains is to carefully check the insides of the household appliance. It is important to remove all small particles of scale and deposits that could get stuck under rubber and other parts while the washing machine was being cleaned of dirt.
  7. At the end of the entire procedure, wipe the inside of the device dry with a soft cloth.

When deciding to use citric acid descaling in combination with bleach, you need to organize access to clean air in the apartment by opening the windows. Chlorine vapors are very caustic; in combination with lemon juice, a pungent odor will appear. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate all rooms so that there are no negative health consequences after such a home cleaning procedure.

To clearly see how to clean an automatic washing machine or any other model of household appliance, since the cleaning principle is the same for different types of machines, you can watch the video below:

Cleaning a washing machine at home from dirt, plaque, and scale on your own is not a very difficult task. The main thing is to remember the main important points, follow the instructions, and then the household device will last a long time, effectively doing its job.

In contact with

Have you often wondered how to clean a washing machine with citric acid? Owners of washing machines know that washing things in hard water not only does not bring the desired effect, but also harms the washing machine. Salts in the water settle on the heating element and other elements of the SMA, forming scale.

Most experts in such situations recommend descaling the washing machine as often as possible. We will give practical recommendations on how to clean a washing machine with citric acid. You will spend a minimum of time and achieve excellent results.

Cleaning the washing machine with citric acid will prevent damage to the heating element. The process will not take much time, and your machine will delight you with high-quality washing more than once.

Have you heard more than once about the lemon cleaning method, but don’t know why it is so popular among many washing machine owners? Caring for an automatic washing machine with citric acid combines several positive factors:

  • “Limonka” can be safely used to remove scale. It has no negative effects and is safe for humans.
  • Powder cleaning is available to everyone.
  • This procedure will not affect the family budget in any way, since the acid has a low cost.
  • Minimum effort - no user action is required.

You should know how to clean an automatic machine with citric acid, since you will have to use this more than once in practice. Those who have tried this method at least once prefer to care for their washing machine this way.

Lime in the machine: reasons for its formation

When purchasing a new washing machine, users are fully convinced that it will last for many years. You are mistaken if you think that this is really the case. We must not forget that SMA requires proper care.

The most common cause of breakdown is the formation of a layer of scale. Citric acid for washing machine is the best remover.

Why does scale form in the washing machine? Running water contains a huge amount of chemicals, so when heated on a heating element, deposits (carbonates) are formed, which can be removed using acid.

Scale formation occurs in large quantities when the washing machine frequently uses high washing temperatures.

Preventing scale formation with lemon

The fact that a large amount of scale appears on the heating element is not the fault of the owner of the SM. The reason for this is hard water. But sometimes it doesn’t hurt to prevent the washing machine with citric acid.

This method is used even by some workshops that service washing machines.

You should know the sequence of stages, following the advice of experts. In order to carry out the correct full procedure, you need to do this:

  1. The answer to the question of how many grams of citric acid to pour is very simple. If your machine holds up to 5 kg of laundry, take 200 g. How much “lemon” is needed to clean a washing machine that can hold 3-4 kg of dry clothes? 60 g of powder is enough.
  2. Pour the substance into the drum. Turn on the longest wash cycle, setting the temperature to 90 degrees.

Careful attitude towards the SM and proper operation is the key to stable operation and long service.

When the cleaning process takes place, the user does not need to interfere with the work at all. You just need to listen to extraneous sounds from time to time.

For example, when you hear a characteristic noise, you will understand that scale particles have fallen off, creating accompanying sounds. If you hear a loud noise - a scary knocking sound - in the drum, stop the program, open the machine and remove large pieces of scale from the drum.

When the program time comes to an end, open the washer and thoroughly wipe the drum, removing moisture and scale particles that were not washed off during the rinse mode.

Remember! It doesn't matter whether you bought a new washing machine or are using an old one. Carry out preventive actions using lemon juice. This way you will protect the machine from damage.

The negative impact of scale prevents normal heating of water, so the machine consumes a lot of energy. In addition, the formation of mold and fungal infections is possible, and this will have a detrimental effect on health.

There is no need to purchase a new washing machine and a variety of products and powders for it. It is enough to sometimes clean the SMA with lemon - this method is popular and effective.

Knowing how to descale a washing machine is a guarantee that you will not encounter a similar problem for a long time. Take care of your automatic washing machine from breakdowns, because repairing it can be very expensive.