Professional programs for DVD authoring. Making a movie on DVD. DVD-Video disc menu

Hello, friends! In this article we will look at the process of creating a disk management menu - DVD authoring program. This technique can be used not only for home movies, but also for information business.

Creating videos will help in the Info business, DVD authoring

This article will be useful to people who create videos, presentations, video tutorials and other video products.

The final result of the work should be a DVD disc. And not just a DVD disc, but a disc in which an interactive menu has been created, a disc that can be easily and simply opened by the control panel, a disc that will be original (author's). I think people will be interested in such a product.

I myself have been shooting amateur films for 16 years, I’m used to creating videos in old amateur programs, and I’ve been using NeroVision for a long time. It was important for me to create the video itself, to make it meaningful. But it was not possible to create a menu properly. And I didn’t set such a goal. I did the menu and disk management (DVD authoring) in the simplest way. Although this is probably bad.

If you make your own information product for the Infobusiness, paid or free, then you need to make it of high quality; you need to make such a product at a high professional level.

One of the indicators of professionalism for a manufacturer is the creation of a high-quality product that will be of interest to people; if this concerns a video film, then naturally it must also be created with high quality.

For the user, the interactive menu is a convenient disk management function. I know from myself that if disk management works poorly, I don’t want to watch such a video product.

In previous articles it was said that sooner or later, you have to start making your first video products (articles and, you can see on the blog), including creating videos - it’s better to make them high-quality right away.

So what is DVD authoring? You can't explain it in one word. According to Wikipedia, the word authoring and DVD authoring are completely different concepts (from the English DVD Authoring). Authoring DVD discs of the program is the process of creating an original work from changing digitized material (video, photo, menu) using special programs.

To put it in simple terms, the DVD authoring process is a series of the following steps, after completing which we get a finished DVD disc as an output:

  • video encoding, with variable compression ratio (compression), in MPEG2 format;
  • compression (compression) of audio tracks in AC-3 format;
  • carrying out multiplexing (multiplexing), that is, combining audio streams and compressed video into one stream;
  • creating sections in a film;
  • adding audio tracks in different languages;
  • adding subtitles;
  • adding photos, creating slide shows;
  • while watching the video, we determine the starting points of episodes (scenes), mark the markers;
  • a custom menu is created, scenes and episodes are selected;
  • emulation (imitation of disc playback in the program);
  • burning a DVD disc image to any media.

The result is that all of the above processes come together.

The process of creating (editing) a DVD video and authoring a DVD are completely different processes and they are done in different programs. Yes, in simple amateur programs, these processes are often combined, but the quality suffers greatly, there are not enough opportunities there. As we can see, the process of creating videos and authoring DVDs is not so simple.

At the same time, there is a wonderful program DVDLABPRO2 , which allows you to author DVD of any product in a few minutes.

First, the creation of a video film (editing) is done in one of the professional programs - for example, “Adobe Premiere Pro” or any other.

At first glance, the program is complex, and besides, it is in English. This is where a half-hour free video lesson “Fast authoring of DVD-Video discs with an interactive menu in the DVDLABPRO2 program” can come to the rescue - how to use this program.

The lesson shows all the necessary steps to carry out the DVD authoring process. Here it is convenient to do all the operations step by step, following the author. After creating one or two films, you can do authoring without lessons. Everything is simple and clear there.

Creating a video DVD disc (information product) with a professional approach will increase its authority in the world of information business, this will certainly result in financial returns.

You can also create custom videos about memorable events (weddings, meetings, parties) and earn good money through the Internet. This service is in demand on the freelance exchange.

If you want to start creating videos, video lessons, video presentations at a professional level, you can read more about it or download the free training video course “Quick authoring of DVD-video discs with an interactive menu in DVD lab Pro 2” from this link .

Two or three decades ago, the owner of a movie camera truly felt like a chronicler, even though this chronicle was kept within the same family. If, in addition to a movie camera, a person also had a movie projector, then his family and friends considered him, at a minimum, to be a director or producer. Ten to fifteen years ago, the dream of a home-grown historian came down to a video camera coupled with a VCR. Shooting has become easier, more convenient, and there is no need for development with the risk of ruining the footage. There is even an opportunity to engage in primitive editing - although not everyone has it.

Today, a person is unlikely to meet the dictates of the times if he does not have a digital video camera in his hand and the monitor is not lit on the table. But everyone understands that even with a digital or analog camera, you cannot truly capture history. It is not enough to just film and rewrite any significant event onto a suitable medium - the footage must first be properly formatted, and only then recorded on disk or tape. Nowadays, DVD has, of course, become a truly popular medium. There are many applications for video editing, and everyone is free to choose the one that will suit him in all respects. But editing the video by applying effects and adding transitions is, it turns out, only half the battle. You also need to create a beautiful visual “wrapper” for your creation, and only after that write it to disk. For this final stage, DVD authoring programs are used, or creating an image of a DVD with menus, chapters, multi-channel audio, subtitles and other goodies. If a few years ago such programs were available only to professional studios and they cost many thousands of dollars, now anyone can feel like an employee of a studio creating DVDs. You just need to not make a mistake in choosing such a program, take into account your creative capabilities and ability to learn. Of course, many video editing editors, for example, Pinnacle Studio, have some authoring capabilities built in, but, as you know, specialized tools are always more functional than universal ones. To help those choosing, we will consider several packages that are fully capable of meeting your desires and capabilities.

Since technical details, such as calculation and recording time, will be discussed below, the configuration of the computer on which all the programs described in this article were tested should be given: AMD AthlonXP 2400+ 2 GHz, 512 MB RAM, NVidia GeForce Ti 4200 64 MB, Windows XP Pro SP1, used DVD-R with 4X write speed.Adobe Encore DVD 1.5

It is probably impossible to meet a modern person who has not at least once heard about the existence of a corporation. However, not everyone knows how ubiquitous its developers are - for which area of ​​computer activity have Adobe programs not been written! The process of creating DVDs has not been left on the sidelines either: the corporation offers to use its next creation, . The very name of the program (Encore - “Encore!”) suggests that, having once created our first DVD in this package, we will demand repetition again and again. Of course, you need to have some knowledge of video editing and DVD creation to master the programs described.
In the program settings, called up from the Edit > Preferences menu (or by pressing Ctrl+K), in addition to selecting the subtitle language, sound format and player region, there are also options for protecting the future disc (note that the latter do not work when using conventional recorders and “for” discs). general use"):

This is not to say that this package will be intuitive for a beginner - however, a person who is familiar first-hand with the delights of Adobe programs will be able to figure out Encore in a couple of hours, and even create a pretty decent DVD. The program interface is created in the historically established Adobe style - free-floating windows, the number of which can be such that it is difficult to work on a 15-inch monitor, to put it mildly. The following figure clearly demonstrates this:

The process of creating a DVD in this program is simple: after importing the finished files into a new project, they accumulate in the project window, from where they can be dragged onto the timeline and the chapters can be located. In the future, you can "link" any menu object you create to these chapters. To determine the location of the next chapter, just drag the slider to the desired place in the clip on the timeline and click the "Add chapter" button, after which a red mark with the chapter number will appear here. If you made a mistake and placed the chapters in the wrong places in the clip where you wanted, you can always drag the mark to the desired place in the clip, even bypassing the ones already placed. In this case, the chapter numbering will change automatically.
It should be noted that if you import a file into your project that does not meet the DVD requirements, the file will be re-encoded either on the fly or while the DVD is being produced. The list of formats supported by the program is given below.
After the chapters in all scenes are arranged, you can proceed to creating a menu - this, as you know, is the “face” of the DVD. You can create a menu using ready-made templates from the program library (which contains a sufficient number of templates, divided into groups Corporate, Sports, etc.). Double-clicking on the selected template creates a new menu, and a line with the name of the selected template will appear in the project window and the menu editing window will open.

In the editing window that opens, you can add, change, delete objects and configure their parameters. Any object can be changed using the "Edit in Photoshop" command. However, to change the text of the inscriptions, it is not at all necessary to do this - just expand the list of layers, select the one you need and, double-clicking on it, change the text in the same way as is done in Photoshop. If you right-click on any of the objects and select “Link To...”, you will be able to select the desired object from the list to which the transition will be made. Such an object can be either one of the project clips or any of the pre-marked chapters. If you select one of the chapters of any clip as such an object, the object will take the form of the corresponding video frame.

In Adobe Encore you can create not only static menus, but also animated ones. To do this, you need to select the current menu in the project window and select the "Animate Buttons" checkbox on the properties tab. In addition, on the same tab you can determine the playback time of the clip, the number of plays and other parameters.

Now, in order to view the resulting result in motion, in the menu editing window you need to right-click and select the “Preview from Here” command from the context menu. The "Project Preview" window will open, where all the buttons are static for now. To “revive” them, you need to press the “Render current motion menu” button. In this case, rendering took less than a minute, after which a video began to play in each menu button.

In addition to buttons, you can also animate the menu background. To do this, just drag any video from the project window while pressing the Alt key into the menu editing window, and the background will change to the selected clip.
The project is burned to disk using the File > Build DVD > Make DVD Disc command. In the dialog box that appears, you can select the recording speed and the number of copies to be created. If you don’t want to burn the disc after finishing your project, or you don’t have a DVD recorder, you can use the File > Build DVD > Make DVD Folder command. In this case, DVD files will be created in the folder you specified. Adobe Encore allows you to add up to eight audio tracks and up to thirty-two subtitle tracks to your project.
Supported formats:

AVI, MPEG2 (including MPG, MPV, and M2V), MOV (transcoded during import). Video files must meet the following DVD video requirements:

* This video is re-encoded at 29.97 fps. during the import process

WAV, AC3 (Dolby Digital), AIF or AIFF (not AIFF-C), MPG or M2P (including MPEG1 Layer 2), MP3, MOV (QuickTime), WMA
Graphic arts:

Unlike Adobe products such as Premiere Pro or After Effects, Encore does not have a built-in Adobe Media Encoder capable of encoding to MPEG2.Ulead DVD Movie Factory 3

As you can see from the picture below, this one can fulfill almost any DVD-related desire of its owner. However, for now we only want to know about its capabilities in creating and editing DVDs. The first impression of the package: the developers tried their best not to scare the user with a confusing interface and unfamiliar operations. Apparently, because of this, the program looks like a module like Nero ImageDrive or even Windows Calculator. It is impossible to open it to full screen (and this is of no use), it is also impossible to change the size of the work area, there are almost no windows or menus of any kind. Everything is simplified to the extreme and is subordinated to one thing: to obtain the final result as easily as possible. It becomes clear why the screensavers of many programs depict happy housewives.

Clicking on the animated "Create Video Disc" button launches a dialog box with the same name. Here you can only select the format of the disc to be created (DVD, VCD, SVCD, DVD-VR) or open an existing project. Selecting the DVD format results in a program window appearing in the form of a Wizard. The following operations are available in the first part of this Wizard:

Video capture (a very well executed module, capture is made from any available source)
- import of a finished video file (any video format of any resolution is supported - the list of supported formats is given below)
- creating an introductory slide show (where you can use more than 40 Ulead transitions)
- import of finished DVD video
- cutting video, cutting off unnecessary sections
- merging several selected clips into one
- video processing (here you can apply transitions to various sections of the video clip, including using automatic splitting, overlay text on the video, add sound from a file or capture from a microphone with subsequent mixing of audio tracks)
- adding/removing chapters
- changing project settings
- preparation for printing and printing of disc stickers

Having performed the necessary actions with the video, by clicking the “Next>” button, the Wizard proceeds to the second part. Here you can choose one of the ready-made menu templates (there are 17 in total, divided into groups General, Romantic, etc.), select the playback time of animated buttons, change the menu background, add background music, and also select the most suitable button placement template ( Unfortunately, buttons and other objects cannot be freely dragged; you can only be content with ready-made placement templates, and there are not many of them).

You cannot create nested menus in the program; you can only add one audio track and one captions.
Further pressing the "Next>" button opens a preview window of the resulting DVD. Rendering occurs in real time, you can check how the navigation buttons work. By clicking “Next>” again, we get to the window for burning the finished DVD. Here you can select the operation parameters - either burn the DVD immediately, or create a folder with all the files or a DVD image. Clicking the "Options" button brings up a window of additional options, such as the name of the disc, recording speed and the number of copies created. It is also possible to include a DVD player program (Ulead DVD RunTimePlayer) in the finished project, which starts automatically on the PC.

The process of calculating and burning is leisurely: a “toy” project by DVD standards with a capacity of 154 MB was recorded on disk in about 15 minutes. Most of the time was spent on rendering the animated menu and preparing for burning the remaining materials.

After working with the program, you begin to understand how accurately the developers reflected the essence of the package in the name - it really is a factory. Factory for the production of DVD twins, differing from each other in content, but not in appearance. Ulead DVD Workshop 2

If you follow the logic of Ulead Systems managers who give names to the corporation's products, this program should be nothing more than a DVD production workshop (and not a factory, unlike the product discussed above). Maybe this is why there are no happy faces on the software splash screen?

When launched, the program prompts you to either create a new project (its name and location must be clarified immediately) or open an existing one. The interface differs from MovieFactory in its more strict design, there are no bright animated controls, the size of the work area also cannot be changed - in the upper right corner there are only buttons for minimizing and closing the program window.

Unlike Movie Factory, the transition to the various stages of DVD creation is carried out by tabs located in the upper left part of the work area. You can add video of any format to the project (products from Ulead are generally unpretentious in this regard). You can also use the video capture module - an almost exact copy of the similar MovieFactory module. Available: cutting and gluing video fragments, adding background sound, adding subtitles (with full support for the Russian language), which can be entered manually for any section of the video, or imported from a text file. Video fragments are divided into chapters either manually or automatically by scanning the video. It should be noted the high quality of the scanning module - the places where scenes change in a video fragment from an analog source are determined impeccably accurately and quickly.

After we have edited the video, identified chapters and added subtitles, go to the "Menu" tab. Creating a new menu is done by pressing the "Create Menu - Template" button, or by pressing the Alt+T key combination. In the window that opens, 25 templates are available, divided into groups “Corporate”, “Romantic”, etc. Having selected one, we will return to the menu editing window. When working in a Workshop, as opposed to a Factory (as in a real workshop, as opposed to a factory), you can create, edit and delete any object. As you can see from the picture below, any object can be dragged, changed color and shape, added shadow and other attributes, even background sound. Unlike Movie Factory, you can create nested menus here.

In our case, it may look like this: by going to the “Development” clip, we will see not the entire clip, but another menu, and it may have a different design than the main one. In this submenu, optionally animated buttons are links to the Chapters of the clip. And only by selecting one of them, we will proceed directly to viewing this chapter. You can return to the main menu by pressing the "Home" button with the corresponding icon.

The final stage of DVD creation is the "Finish" tab. Here you can see what the DVD will look like after burning and choose an operation - burning the finished DVD, creating a disk image or a folder with files. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to add a DVD player to the disc’s autorun, but it is possible to install regional protection with a choice of regions. Burning is fast - burning a project similar to the previous one to disk took about three minutes.

When choosing one of the two described packages from Ulead for work, you should remember the main difference between a factory and a workshop - a factory produces standard products without any possibility of creativity (or this opportunity is minimal), while in a workshop you can make whatever your heart desires, even if it is much more difficult than working on an assembly line.
It remains to mention the formats supported by the Ulead DVD Movie Factory and Ulead DVD Workshop programs:

MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MICROMV, WMV, AVI, QuickTime (ASF format, although not in the official list of supported formats, is also supported by the program)
MPEG audio (MPA), WAV, MP3, WMA, Dolby® Digital (import)
Graphic arts:

Smiling faces again - could there really be another easy-to-learn, burn-it-and-forget-style DVD authoring package? Moreover, the developer is different - this program belongs to the pen of the company. Let's take a closer look at this package.
When launched, it immediately prompts you to create a DVD-video or Video CD.

By selecting "Create or Modify a DVD-Video Project", we are taken to the main project editing window. There are surprisingly few control elements - but this is only at first glance. For now, you can only capture video, import video files, create a slideshow, and add a blank menu template to your project. Additional modules, such as editing video fragments, manually or automatically breaking video fragments into chapters, adding titles, transitions, and even applying several (unfortunately unadjustable) video filters, will appear after a video has been captured or at least one file has been imported.

The capture module in this program is capricious - the TV tuner, which usually does not cause problems, remained unrecognized.

Once the video is captured or imported into a project (supported formats are listed below), the program will automatically create an animated menu item for each video segment. Now, by selecting any of them, we will see that editing options have appeared: “Edit Video” and “Edit Chapters”. Clicking on the "Edit Video" button leads to the appearance of a window for determining scenes in a video fragment, where their position can be set manually or using the already familiar automatic scanning method (here this option is called "Detect Scenes"). The automatic scene recognition process is slow and not as meticulously accurate as Ulead DVD Workshop's. Fortunately, incorrectly defined scenes can later be edited using the "Chapter Points" module, called up by the "Edit Chapters" button. Completing the breakdown of a video fragment into scenes is done by clicking the "Add to Storyboard" button, but video editing does not end there, but moves on to the next stage: applying transitions, effects and titles.

This window contains three tabs: overlaying transitions, overlaying video filters and adding text (Russian language is supported):

Transitions between scenes (if they are needed at all) can be added here automatically. To do this, use the "Apply random transitions to all" command from the context menu. In this case, transitions randomly selected by the program will appear between all scenes. Their quantity and quality fully satisfy the requirements for amateur video.

Going to the video filters and effects overlay tab provides the opportunity to select an effect suitable for a particular scene and simply drag the effect icon to apply it to the selected video fragment.

The text addition tab does not provide any special features; the only good thing is that the printed text can be placed anywhere in the frame.

Having finished editing, click OK and return to the main project window. In this program it is possible to create nested menus (Sub-menu). Their number is unlimited, that is, by clicking on any button to the next menu, it may contain a link to the next one, and so on. The author managed to create more than 50 submenus, and there was no hint of limiting their number. Of course, such a number of nested menus is completely unnecessary for DVDs. Unfortunately, the design of submenus cannot differ from the main one - both the buttons and the background will have the same appearance.

To view the created menu in action, you must click the "Build Motion Menu" button. Upon completion of the short process of rendering the animated menu, we will be able to see what the DVD we have prepared will look like and, if necessary, edit it. DVD burning is carried out by pressing the button of the same name. Unfortunately, here we are offered only one option: burning to disk. It is not possible to create an image or folder with DVD files. Burning to disk happens quite quickly; the small project mentioned above took no more than three minutes to record. The project size was no more than 160 megabytes, video – PAL, 720x576.

It should be mentioned that the Sonic MyDVD program exists in three versions, differing in their capabilities:

The list of formats supported by the program is combined with a similar list of the next package and is given below. Sonic DVDit 5

Sonic Solutions, like Ulead Systems, develops DVD authoring packages of various levels of complexity. Among them, there is, perhaps, a golden mean - there are much more possibilities than in MyDVD, and managing the program is easier than in, which will be discussed below.

The interface of the package is clear at first glance: all controls are located exactly where they should be, the color scheme is calm and does not distract from work. On the left side of the work area there is something like an “Explorer”, where materials prepared for inclusion in the project are accumulated. In the middle part there is a window containing files already added to the project. On the right is a window where you can view the current video fragment and trim it from the beginning or end. At the bottom there is a timeline, moving along which you can determine the location of the chapters. This is done using the "Add Chapter" and "Delete Selected Chapter" buttons. The lack of a video capture module in the program is somewhat confusing. Also alarming is some of the slowness of the program - its reaction time to certain actions makes you think about upgrading your computer.

The transition to different stages of project preparation is carried out through the tabs located at the top of the work area:

Having finished working on the "Edit" tab, go to the "Author" tab. Here you can choose from ready-made templates the background for the future menu, the shape and style of the buttons, and change the text for the buttons (unfortunately, there is no support for the Russian language). An animated button is created using the "Link" command from the context menu, after which you need to select the video to which the transition will be made. The same video forms the background of the button. You can animate the menu background by dragging the desired video clip onto the menu editing area. The number of nested menus is unlimited, and each of them can have its own design. All connections between objects and submenus are configured with the familiar “Link” command.

Having created the menu, go to the "Finish" tab. Here you can see what the animated menu will look like; you should use the control buttons on the left side of the work area.

In the "Finish Disc" section you can select an action: burn the disc, create a disc image, or create a folder with DVD files. Preparing files for burning occurs almost instantly (a few seconds), from which we can conclude that the necessary files are rendered by the program directly while working on the project. This also apparently explains the slowness of the program described above (you can be sure that this drawback will not appear on sufficiently powerful machines).

Supported programs Sonic MyDVD 5 And Sonic DVDit 5 formats:

Sonic MyDVD 5

Sonic DVDit 5

MPEG-1 (.m1p, .m1v, .mp1, .mpg, .mpeg, .mpv)
MPEG-2 (.m2p, .m2v, .mp2, .mpg, .mpeg, .mpv)
AVI Type 1/2 (.avi), DivX not supported
QuickTime movies (.mov, .qt)
Windows Media Video (.wmv)
AIFF (.aif, .aiff)
MPEG-1 Layer 2 (.abs, .mpa)
MPEG-1 Layer 3 (.mp3)
WAVE audio (.wav)
Windows Media Audio (.wma)
AIFF (.aif, .aiff) without compression
AU (.au, .snd)
Dolby Digital (.ac3) stereo
Windows bitmap (.bmp)
JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg)
PICT (.pct, .pic)
Portable network graphic (.png)
TIFF (.tif, .tiff), files should not use LZW compression
TARGA (.tga)
TIFF (.tif, .tiff)

Drawing an analogy with the programs highlighted above and considering this screensaver, we will try to get an impression of the package. The presence of a scientist in a protective suit, carefully holding a freshly baked gold-plated DVD in front of him, is alarming. Apparently, one should expect certain difficulties in mastering this package.

As expected, difficulties await us at the very beginning of our work. When trying to import video into a project, it turns out that ReelDVD only accepts separate (separated from each other) video and audio files, the so-called MPEG Elementary Stream. Therefore, before importing files into the project, we are forced to separate them into separate video and audio files using third-party programs (for example, ). Next, it turns out that ReelDVD does not provide the ability to create any menu items using the program itself. As these elements, you can only import pre-prepared images, executed in accordance with a number of rules. For example, when creating a picture, you can use only three pure colors: black, blue and red, for example, the red color should look like Red=255, Green=0, Blue=0. Black color is used to highlight the boundaries of objects, while white areas are perceived by the program as transparent. On top of that, you need to disable antialiasing in the graphics editor. The picture below shows a project that does not use any menu. The finished DVD with such a project will play the video in the order in which the clips are arranged on the program desktop. Multi-colored arrows indicate the connection between clips and the actions that the video player will have to perform when you press one or another button. These connections are made by simply dragging and dropping. In this case, the DVD will look like this: when you start the disc (or turn on the player, the role of which this button plays:) the clip starts playing TV_CH3_0318_231624, after which the clip is played TV_CH3_0318_234018(blue transition arrow), and the clip plays at the end TV_CH6_0318_231431. Green arrows are responsible for the player's actions. So, if, while playing the second or third clip, you press the “Return” button on the player, indicated on the clip frame by an arrow, then playback will go to the beginning of the first clip.

The number and design of submenus, the number of audio tracks, and subtitle tracks are determined by the user. Sonic ReelDVD is a real construction set, the parts for which you have to make yourself, but neither their quantity nor quality is limited by the program's capabilities.

On the timeline, you can split the clip into chapters; it is done by dragging the navigator along the timeline and clicking the left mouse button in the desired place while simultaneously holding down the Ctrl key. You can check the correct placement of links and chapters at any time using the monitor located in the lower right part of the work area. To do this, press the button, it will turn green and the monitor will switch to project viewing mode. Here, using standard player control buttons, you can see how the finished DVD will behave.

To describe the capabilities of this program in more detail would mean devoting at least a dozen more similar reviews to this. The help for the program is written in sufficient detail. It is worth mentioning that there is a good program of this program that exists on the Internet, where anyone can find the answer to most questions regarding working with ReelDVD.

In general, the experience of working with Sonic ReelDVD can be different - depending on what goals you are pursuing and how you want to achieve them. It is clear that only with the help of packages like Sonic ReelDVD can you create a DVD that is radically different from standard crafts. And what will be the difference between the created disc depends solely on your abilities and efforts.

Supported formats:

* - when importing such audio, it will be automatically re-encoded into Dolby Digital (2/0) format.

After reviewing six programs designed to help you create a DVD, you'll notice how different approaches can be to the same task. The omnivorous Ulead DVD Movie Factory 3, for example, is ready to work with almost any video and audio format, but does not allow your imagination to go beyond the capabilities of the program outlined by the developer. Sonic ReelDVD 3, on the other hand, does not tolerate the all-in-one approach, requiring preliminary (and thorough) preparation of materials using third-party encoders.

Choosing “your” DVD authoring program is, of course, a responsible matter. A beginner will probably choose a program that does not require deep knowledge of theory and practice. The specialist will roll up his sleeves and begin to conquer the capricious professional package. Extremes in this matter can be avoided by choosing a middle ground that meets your capabilities and abilities. And which of the currently existing programs will suit you as this golden mean is, of course, up to you to decide.

DVD burner

Conventional DVD burners have some basic features for disc authoring, but the DVD creator is limited in the choice of template for DVD menus, which vary depending on the device model and its manufacturer.

  • menu creation;
  • dividing films into sections;
  • adding multiple audio tracks for different languages;
  • adding subtitles;
  • creating a slide show.

DVD Specification

Each DVD hardware or software developer must first license one of the DVD specification books from the DVD Format/Logo Licensing Corporation (DVD FLLC). There are separate books describing the format for the various DVD formats; each book contains hundreds of pages and costs about $5,000. After receiving a license for a book, the developer needs to become a licensee, and this procedure is also paid. Otherwise, the licensed book may be used only as a reference material and not for the creation of new software or hardware.

The DVD specifications were originally written in Japanese before being translated into English for use in America. The translation turned out to be confusing and comparable in complexity to legal documents. Today, DVD players from different manufacturers do not always meet the same requirements - all this is because different developers, when creating equipment, understand the existing DVD specifications in their own way.

see also


  • Lapin Evgeniy Vasilievich. Preparation and recording of DVDs of all types. Quick guide. - M.: “Williams”, 2006. - P. 320. -


Nero CoverDesigner is a multifunctional editor that allows you to use a large number of tools to create colorful covers for discs of different formats such as CD/DVD, Blu-Ray. This design utility will realize any of the user's ideas; just find an image or drawing that suits and process it in the editor. The program will help make your media project bright and memorable; it allows you to apply images not only to plain paper, but also to cover the surface of the discs themselves. All this becomes real thanks to Labelflash and LightScribe technologies. Nero CoverDesigner contains dozens of options...


DVD Slim is one of the easiest to use programs for creating stylish and high-quality covers for DVD, VHS, CD, PS1, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Nintendo, PSP, Wii, BlueRay and many others. This utility includes all the necessary tools to correctly and beautifully design a CD or its cover. The main feature of this program is that DVD Slim has the ability to convert covers from standard boxes to the more common covers at the moment with a thickness of 5, 7, 9 and 14 mm, as well as soft covers. In addition to the fact that the program already has a huge selection of cover types and allows...


DVDStyler is a program for creating and editing menus for DVD videos. In general, with the help of this program you can completely make a DVD video from a regular video. Allows you to transfer audio and video from a file, and then convert them to DVD format. The program allows you to use various images as a background for a DVD, but the menu itself can be edited in different ways. For example, you can add a different audio track to the video and switch to it in the menu. You can add any buttons or links, specify comments to the menu. It even allows you to split the video into episodes and number them in the menu. In addition, you...


WinX DVD Author is a program that allows you to create DVD-video from your existing videos or films. This can be useful if you want to watch any movie downloaded from the Internet on your DVD player. The program has a fairly simple interface and, in addition to simply converting video to DVD format, has some other capabilities. So, for example, you can add subtitles to a movie or any other video. Also, you can easily create a DVD menu and set the required parameters, for example, mark the location of each chapter. Another feature is the ability to edit videos before adding...


DVD Flick is a convenient and simple editor for creating your own DVD video. More precisely, this program does not allow you to create videos, but you can easily create an image with movies in DVD format, so that you can then watch them on your TV or portable player. The DVD Flick program allows you to set all the basic video parameters. For example, you can change the aspect ratio of the video, its quality, and also create chapters. More precisely, to determine where a particular chapter begins. Using the program, you can create a menu for a future disc, add ready-made subtitles (namely, add ready...

DVD authoring) is the process of creating a DVD video image that can be played in a standard DVD player. + DVD authoring software must comply with the DVD Forum Working Group specifications, which were approved in 1995. The specifications are quite strict due to the fact that a large number of development companies and manufacturers took part in their creation.

The DVD authoring process may optionally include an MPEG encoding process, so many DVD authoring programs include an MPEG encoder. You can also use an external encoder to achieve better encoding quality.

Most programs are only suitable for authoring DVD video and do not support creating DVD-Audio discs.

Conventional DVD burners have some basic features for disc authoring, but the DVD creator is limited in the choice of template for DVD menus, which vary depending on the device model and its manufacturer.

  • menu creation
  • dividing films into sections
  • adding multiple audio tracks for different languages
  • adding subtitles
  • creating a slideshow

DVD Specification

Each DVD hardware or software developer must first license one of the DVD specification books from the DVD Format/Logo Licensing Corporation (DVD FLLC). There are separate books describing the format for the various DVD formats; each book contains hundreds of pages and costs about $5,000. After receiving a license for a book, the developer needs to become a licensee, and this procedure is also paid. Otherwise, the licensed book may be used only as a reference material and not for the creation of new software or hardware.

The DVD specifications were originally written in Japanese before being translated into English for use in America. The translation turned out to be confusing and comparable in complexity to legal documents. Today, DVD players from different manufacturers do not always meet the same requirements - all this is because different developers, when creating equipment, understand the existing DVD specifications in their own way.

see also


  • Frequently asked questions about DVDs (English)
  • Unofficial DVD Specification


  • Lapin Evgeniy Vasilievich Preparation and recording of DVDs of all types. Quick guide. - M.: “Williams”, 2006. - P. 320. - ISBN 5-8459-1064-1
  • Mark L. Chambers Recording CDs and DVDs for dummies = CD & DVD Recording For Dummies. - 2nd ed. - M.: “Dialectics”, 2005. - P. 304. - ISBN 0-7645-5956-7

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  • Home video studio. Pinnacle Studio 8.6, Jean Ozer, An effective course for learning how to work with digital video on a computer! Digital and analogue video capture o non-linear video editing - titles, logos, menus, transitions, special effects - working with... Category: