Private access. How to enable private browsing in different browsers - web programmer blog

Incognito mode (or private browsing) has existed for quite a long time in many browsers, but it took quite a while for other developers to catch up and start taking care of the security of their users. Therefore, when you ask the question - how to enable incognito mode in a browser, you can be sure... any browser (even internet explorer) may not leave traces in history, do not save passwords, caches and other data that could compromise you.

Incognito mode is great for those cases when you don’t want to leave your browsing history and other information on your computer (and you don’t need to think that this can only be useful for watching naked women on the Internet). Well, look, you visited a friend and decided to check his email through his computer. Using incognito mode you will not leave any traces in its system.

Warning: do not try to hide illegal activities in this way... your ISP knows perfectly well what you are doing online and can transfer all information to law enforcement agencies

Each browser has its own designation of a hidden presence on the network. For some it is private mode, while for others it is incognito. Everything is as similar as possible, but there are still subtle differences depending on the browser you use

How to enable incognito mode in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is probably the most popular browser on the Windows and Android platforms and it has a private Internet browsing mode called “Incognito Mode”

Windows version

To activate incognito mode in the Google Chrome browser for Windows, you need to open the menu in the upper right corner of the program (indicated by three vertical dots) and select “New window in incognito mode” from the drop-down list.

In addition, it is very convenient to activate private mode using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + N

How to determine whether incognito mode has been activated? - You will understand this yourself. The window will turn gray and an icon of a man in a hat will appear.

In incognito mode, you can add bookmarks and upload files as usual. But keep in mind that browser extensions will not work - they must be configured in advance (allowed to be used in private mode).

To exit incognito mode, simply close your browser window.

Version for Android and iOS

If you are using the Google Chrome browser on your mobile device (no matter Android or iOS), you can click the three dots in the upper right corner of the program and select “New incognito tab” from the menu that opens.

The browser will report to you that incognito mode is active and explain what this means in a mini help. To exit this mode, tap the list of tabs (the square with the number of open tabs) and close the incognito tab.

Activating Incognito mode in Yandex Browser

Lately, Yandex Browser has been a little disliked in our country due to the aggressive product distribution policy. However, the browser itself turned out to be quite successful and I switched to it from the recently clumsy Mozilla Firefox. Although the browser is built on the same core as Google Chrome, it still has some differences.

Windows version

Open the browser menu (three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the program) and click “Incognito Mode” in the drop-down list or press the Ctrl + Shift + N key combination on your keyboard.

Just like in Google Chrome, determining whether incognito mode is active in the Yandex browser is not difficult - here everything is even more obvious and does not even need description.

You can exit stealth mode by simply closing the window - no problem 😉

Android version

The version of Yandex Browser for Android is quite different from Chrome. I use this browser on my smartphone as the main one and incognito mode is enabled here through the drop-down menu (three dots) on the main screen of the program.

Exiting from it is also elementary - click on the list of open tabs and close the one that is incognito - that’s it!

Mozilla Firefox: How to open a private window

For many years, Mozilla Firefox has been my favorite, but its clumsiness and gluttony have set their priorities... I'm glad that they are developing their own engine and are not based on Chrome - hence the differences.

Incognito mode in the Firefox browser is Private mode, you can start it by going to settings and selecting “New private window” in the list that opens.

Please note that the hotkeys are different and the working combination is Ctrl + Shift + P

The name is different - the meaning is the same. Bookmarks and downloads work as usual, but the browser will try and hide your identity to make it harder to identify you.

To exit private mode, simply close the window in which this mode is activated.

Internet Explorer: InPrivate Browsing

Even if only the lazy do not laugh at Internet Explorer, it is still used by quite a lot of people (and if we take into account government resources that require IE to work with the closed part...) To activate the secretive mode (here it is called “InPrivate Browsing”), click from the gear image and under Security select InPrivate Browsing (or just press CTRL + SHIFT + P on your keyboard)

IE will report to you that the private mode is active and will turn purple, and in the line with the site address there will be an “InPrivate” icon.

When InPrivate mode is active, not only will your browsing history be ignored, but all third-party browser extensions will be disabled. When you're done, just close the InPrivate window.

Microsoft Edge: New InPrivate window

They say EDGE is the fastest browser for Windows... a strong statement - of course I won’t check it. This is a new browser from Microsoft that is included in Windows 10 and was probably created to gradually replace Internet Explorer. Since IE and EDGE are brothers, the designation of the hidden mode has not changed - it is called InPrivate.

Open your browser menu and select New InPrivate Window or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + P.

All windows in which this mode is active will be gray and each tab will have an “InPrivate” icon - you can’t go wrong.

Well, as usual, just close the window or tab to exit InPrivate mode.

Why do you need incognito mode in your browser?

Now you know how to enable incognito mode in any browser. But have you ever thought that this feature will help not only increase privacy, but also in many other situations?! Let's just say - it's perfect for working with several VKontakte accounts... or it will help check the reason for the browser glitch (extensions are not active). If everything is fine in incognito mode, then we simply turn off everything one by one until we identify the problem...

P.S. Write in the comments your ideas for using private mode in browsers.

In private or Incognito mode, your online activity is not saved on your computer. However, this does not mean that you are also anonymous on the Internet. Every page you visit recognizes your computer's IP address. The private browsing function is useful for those who work on someone else's computer and do not want the owner to know about their browsing history. It is also useful if the computer has several owners.

Below we will look at how to enable incognito mode in browsers:
- Internet Explorer;
- Google Chrome;
- Firefox;
- Safari;
- Opera;
- Internet Explorer;

Enable private browsing in Internet Explorer

This is done in several steps:
1) Open Internet Explorer.
2) Press the Ctrl + Shift + P keys simultaneously.

Second way:
1) In the upper right part of the browser window, click "Tools".
2) open the "Security" menu.
3) Click InPrivate Browsing.

Enable private browsing in Google Chrome browser

1) Open .

Second way:
1) Click on the wrench icon or the Menu button (the icon in the upper right corner).
2) Click the “New incognito window” button.

Enable private browsing in Firefox

1) Open .
2) Press the Ctrl + Shift + P keys at the same time.

Second way:
1) Click "Firefox Menu" in the upper right corner of the browser window.
2) Select "private window".

Enable private browsing in Safari browser

1) Open Safari browser.
2) Click the "Gear Safari" button located in the upper right corner of the browser window.
3) Select "private browsing" from the drop-down menu and click "OK".

Enable private browsing in the Opera browser

1) Open the Opera browser.
2) Press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + N.

Second way:
1) Click the "Opera" button in the upper left corner of the window.
2) From the drop-down menu, select New Private Window.

Incognito mode is a unique feature that allows users to browse the Internet and work with the browser without leaving any traces. For example, you can use this opportunity when a user is working on someone else’s computer and does not want his confidential data (for example, logins and passwords) to fall into the wrong hands.

The history of visiting web pages, as well as the history of downloads, is not saved. In addition, cookies that were downloaded after starting and working in this mode will be automatically deleted when the corresponding browser window is closed. At the same time, all changes to settings, bookmarks, etc. will be saved. Most modern browsers have this capability, and dedicated Chromebooks have a great alternative to incognito mode: guest mode.

Incognito in Google Chrome browser

To launch incognito mode in the Google Chrome browser, you need to go to the menu, which is located in the upper right corner of the window (image of a wrench or gear). In the menu that appears, you need to find the line “New window in incognito mode.” After clicking, a new window will open, in the upper left corner of which there will be a special icon indicating that the user is working in incognito mode.

In addition, you can enable it using a combination of hot keys on your keyboard. To do this, you need to simultaneously press the Ctrl + Shift + N buttons. To exit this mode, you need to close all such browser windows either using the cross located in the upper right corner, or using the Alt + F4 combination.

It is worth noting one significant nuance. Information about visiting various sites in incognito mode will not be stored directly in the browser itself and its components. However, visits to the websites themselves may be recorded. In addition, all files that are downloaded in this mode will also be saved on the computer, but not in the history.

It must also be said that if the user logs into Google using his username and password, then in incognito mode the data will also be saved, only directly in the history of web searches that were carried out using the Google search engine. Using special options in the Google Chrome browser settings, the user can disable this feature.

In this mode the browser will not save information about the actions performed in it. We are talking about browsing history, cookies, saved passwords, download history, autofill data, hosted application data, content licenses, and other data.

Your work in the browser becomes completely private. All information about your network activity will be deleted.

For those who care about the protection of their personal information, this regime will be especially relevant. After all, your actions online are constantly are watching and keep records of statistical data. For example, the provider takes into account incoming/outgoing traffic from the PC you are using, and search engines, based on your requests, select contextual advertising to show you. This is how the browser collects all kinds of data about you.

To make surfing the web more safe We recommend using this mode of operation. It will not protect you from data collection by the provider, search engines and visited sites, but it will allow you not to save data about user actions in the browsing log, media files will not be saved in the cache, cookies, passwords, history will be cleared immediately after the end of the session. However, when authorization on any site under your account, your actions will be noticeable; you won’t be able to become “invisible” this way.

This is a great way to hide your activities from other users of the computer you use. Each user decides when there is a need to use it.

How to enable incognito in Yandex and Chrome

In Google Chrome and a very similar browser from Yandex, the procedure for enabling incognito is identical.

In the settings, mark “ New window in incognito mode" (or the same thing with a combination of clamped " Ctrl+Shift+N»).

The following window will appear.

Notice that in the upper left corner appeared hat icon with glasses (spy), which symbolizes enabled incognito.

You can also make a click right-click on any link on the network and select “ Open link in incognito mode».

It should be noted that although information about your visits will not be saved in the browser, your presence on the sites you visit can be registered one way or another. For example, in a Google account. To avoid saving history when privacy is enabled, come out temporarily also from your account. This can be done by clicking on the icon settings and selecting Web search history.

Click Suspend.

Private mode in Opera

As for Opera, this mode is called Private. You can create a private tab by clicking on the menu button - Tabs and windowsCreate a private tab.

You'll see message about enabling privacy mode.

Then, a privacy icon (black glasses) will be attached to all new tabs.

The combination “ Ctrl+Shift+N».

How to disable incognito mode

You can disable it simply closing current window. The next time you open the browser, it will no longer work privately.

Now many users are extremely sensitive to protection of personal information. This is especially true when reading web resources on the World Wide Web.

This is not surprising, because the accumulation of statistics and all kinds of information occurs, without exaggeration, from everywhere.

Each Internet provider has complete information about all possible data: outgoing and incoming traffic from personal computers and mobile devices.

Every browser saves your surfing history, cookie data, information from filled out forms, downloaded file data and even the files themselves.

The owners of websites viewed by users, among other things, accumulate information such as:

  • ip address,
  • geographical position,
  • language,
  • various technical data, etc.

Search robots and bots, in order to isolate their target audience from the huge flow of incoming information and select contextual advertising for them, concentrate colossal databases of information about users:

  • age,
  • interests,
  • location, etc.

And let's admit to ourselves that no one can be 100 percent sure whether this list accurately exhausts this information.

If you are not the only user of the computer from which you surf, then information about your hobbies, interests, and passions may fall into the wrong hands. Especially if you use a public computer, or when connecting to an open Wi-Fi network in some public place (subway, cafe, etc.).

If you have set a goal to protect information about yourself, then modern technologies now provide a sufficient number of different applications, utilities, programs and extensions. But there may also be danger lurking here: they may contain viruses and malicious elements that can also steal personal data.

However, everything can be much simpler. Exists safe way which makes it possible organize a private session and maintain the confidentiality of your data on the Internet,

Let's devote a few words to the word itself, which gave its name to this method of viewing pages. Let's turn to the dictionary. Incognito is a Latin word that means "secretly, hidden." Often this term refers to officials who wish to remain unrecognized, that is, they want to be incognito.

Browser incognito mode is a special list of browser capabilities that makes it possible to maintain anonymity on the Internet. When this mode is activated, the browser will not save data about sites visited: chronology of visits, downloads, cookie data.

Of course, this is not an ideal defense option. Since a private session through a browser is completely useless, if you want to hide information from your own provider or web resources that you visit. And yet he will be able to guarantee basic security while surfing online.

What is this mode for?

An active private session provides the following features:

  1. All original and incoming information about the web pages viewed will not be recorded in the browsing log;
  2. All cookies containing personal information, including passwords, will be destroyed after the end of the session;
  3. Audio and video files will not be saved in the cache.
  4. Even if several tabs are open in one window, the information that was collected through them will then self-destruct, and the user will find himself anonymous and invisible on the network.

How to activate

The instructions for activating a private session for each browser can be found below.

Incognito in Google Chrome and Opera

In order to start a private session in the Google Chrome browser, you need to use the key combination Ctrl+Shift+N.

Alternatively, you can go to your browser settings and select the appropriate function from the drop-down menu. It may be called differently in different versions, but the word “incognito” will definitely be there.

Private mode in Opera is activated by the same combination as in Chrome. You can also select a special setting in the browser menu, only it will not contain the word “incognito”, but “private window”:

Incognito in Yandex browser

Why is special attention paid to the Yandex browser? The fact is that in order to be able to enable incognito mode in this browser, it is necessary to take into account the operating system under which it runs. Therefore, to activate private mode in the Yandex browser, use the following hotkeys:

  1. On Windows it will be Ctrl + Shift + N
  2. In MAC OS this is a characteristic key for the system + Shift + N

Incognito in Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer

To open a private session in Mozilla, you must perform the following procedure: open the browser itself and type the following combination on the keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+P. You can also use the “private window” menu option.

InPrivate mode in IE is no different from a private session in other browsers. It is activated in the same way as in Mozilla.

How to exit incognito mode

Leaving a private session is simple and does not require any unnecessary movements of your fingers: you just need to close the active window in which it is open through the standard procedure of clicking on the “cross”. When the mode is deactivated, all temporary data will be permanently deleted. And this will make it possible to prevent their leakage in the future.