An application that changes your voice for Android. Use of special programs. Alternative ways to change your voice

You may need to change your voice if you want to talk with a person about an unpleasant topic and in the future, you don’t want him to bother you. This article will allow you to find out all the nuances of this issue. We will tell you about several ways that will allow you to change your voice so that your opponent does not know who exactly is calling him.

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Today there are several sufficient simple ways to change your voice:
using a scarf;
using a helium balloon;
using a special device (voice masker);
using a special program that independently changes your voice.
These methods should be used when you do not want the person you are calling to recognize you. As a rule, this is necessary in case of unpleasant conversations.

Important facts about voice changes

So, as we found out, you can change your voice as follows: manually(using a scarf or a helium balloon), and using programs specially developed for this. In the latter case, programs should be downloaded exclusively from official sites, so that in the future there will be no problems with the introduction of a virus.
Below we will tell you about the necessary steps that you should follow to change your voice using special programs. Read the information carefully and you will be able to accomplish your plans quite easily.

What to do to change your voice

Do you need to change your own voice to avoid being recognized? Then use the recommendations below.
1. To speak in a different voice, just use a regular scarf. Before you speak, clear your throat well and place a tissue tightly against your nose and mouth. So, your voice will become lower and wheezing and the person you are calling will not be able to guess that it is you who are talking to him. This method is quite simple and, moreover, free.
2. Another option is to use balloon, which is filled with helium. As you untie the balloon, inhale the air emanating from it. If possible, try to breathe as little as possible and talk faster. When you inhale air, completely harmless chemical elements will enter your lungs, which will contribute to a change in your voice.
3. To change the timbre of the voice can be used special devices- maskers. But they will cost up to $500. With the help of such devices, you can speak in both male and female voices, and also choose different tones.
4. To change your voice, you can use special programs that are installed on mobile phone. You need to download such programs only from official websites. This method widely used because such programs are inexpensive and suitable for installation on operating systems iOS or Android. When downloading such programs, be sure to check them for viruses.
As you can see, changing your voice is quite simple; you can use both paid and completely free methods.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information For any questions, please contact official operators.

Voice change

  • Categories: Programs
  • Review prepared by: Rita
  • Application rating: 3.63 points
  • Update date: 13.11.2014

Voice change- an application that, using special effects will be able to turn his voice into the meow of a cat, the metallic voice of a space alien, the roar of a monster, the hum of a bee, the squeak of a chipmunk and the babble of a baby. It will be an excellent opportunity to get away from your boss, provide yourself with a cast-iron alibi when going to a party with friends, etc. When talking with a friend, you can add a choir effect, the sounds of a Soviet radio, a horn or helium effect, the sound of rain or an airplane rising into the sky. But whatever you choose, it promises to be fun and original. Offers an application and the ability to speed up voice, as well as change female voice in men's and vice versa.

You can record and save all the audio masterpieces created using it, and then use it for pranks and jokes. The main thing is to use your imagination and choose the image or effect with which you would like to speak during the next call. The program itself, or rather its developers, will offer you some ideas for pranks. There are jokes here for all occasions, and you can see for yourself their originality and quality. Now you don’t have to hold your nose with a clothespin, inhale helium, or simply squeak hysterically into the phone receiver. This can be done simply by using the collection of effects of this application.

Voice changer is the best voice changing application today and is the one that should be added to your collection. Download Voice Changer on Android and try to play it best friend, boss or colleagues, any owner of a smartphone or tablet can. But whatever effect you choose, don’t forget the main thing: your loved ones love you. Don't make them worry with bad jokes and stupid conversations.


This application is a real find for those who want to change their voice when calling. It is perfectly optimized for smartphones and tablets running Android OS. Now you can play pranks on many of your friends and acquaintances.

Installation and use

The program is installed in the same way as all other applications from official store. After its launch, you can start playing pranks and pranks. How does the program change your voice when talking on the phone? Very simple! You launch the application and select a contact in phone book the person you want to call.

Next, you will need to select one of the available voices. It could be a cartoon, a child, a dark lord and many others. Having chosen a voice, all you have to do is dial desired number phone. From the very first second of conversation, your voice will transform. Your interlocutor will be very surprised to hear that Darth Vader or a cyborg called him.

The application also allows you to speak in the voice of a chipmunk and a baby dragon. It is possible to make your voice have an echo. The main advantage of the application is that it allows you to preview how your voice will sound before you make a call. This is very convenient, especially if you want to scare or amuse someone.

How to change your voice on the phone? – Today we offer several effective techniques work on this issue, since subscribers should very often change the timbre of their voice in case of important conversations or communication with people with whom they do not need to see or have any business in the future. In any case, today is the portal mobile assistance the site will tell you in detail what exactly needs to be done and how to proceed, since the arsenal of information contains such points. What will we talk about today?

  1. Change your voice on your phone using a scarf
  2. Change through balloon with helium
  3. Working with a speech masker or voice changer
  4. Finally, working with special software, which changes the voice programmatically

For what reason do people need to use more and more special conditions that help hide the voice? – For example, there is an unkind person with whom problematic conversations are planned. Why should he know the subscriber's voice? – It is in such cases that you can resort to several working methods, which will be discussed in this article below. Often the material is the compilers’ own observations, so all readers will be able to familiarize themselves with the detailed steps in the first person.

What information should you know first?

You can change your voice on your phone manual method. Just take it and hold your nose with your hands. In this case, we can say that the subscriber begins to pronounce words in a completely different tone, so this version of events is very suitable. Use software applications it is necessary only from official sites, since those downloaded from the depths of the Internet will help launch a virus on a laptop or PC. From this more problems than good.

IMPORTANT: Changing your voice on your phone can be done using several steps. All will be discussed in the proposed list below. It is worth noting that the change in a person’s voice must be plausible, so you will only need to use proven techniques. Among them there will be as many as four steps.

Changing your voice right now: what steps should you take?

Today, the website for mobile assistance to subscribers will tell you how to change your voice on the phone, since this can only be done through unique techniques, about which little has been written on the Internet. It is enough to choose for yourself which method will be the most interesting or possible, then use it and solve the problem.

IMPORTANT: All software products, downloaded from the Internet, it is best to check for viruses in the body of the code. Why? – Often, unscrupulous programmers offer to download a “clean” product, but in fact it contains worms or other viruses.

What's in the conclusion?

Overall, change your voice to mobile device simple enough. The mobile help portal site recommends using the opportunities that are in the list above. All the users themselves need is:

  1. Find out which method will be most convenient for them
  2. Use it (free/paid)

Today, the number of interested subscribers is growing every year, so the relevance of the article and its informative content will help many solve the problem and choose the necessary step for themselves to successfully solve the problem in the future.