Cool names for PC games. How to come up with new unique names for characters in your stories

It’s difficult to come up with a beautiful, original and at the same time unique nickname. But it is quite acceptable to use a wide variety of names, belonging to both people and other creatures, as pseudonyms. These are the names.

1. This list of demonic names is taken from the Goetia, a book that is part of the Lesser Key of Solomon.

2. In these names there is the ringing of cymbals and the sad singing of Neya, blossoming figs and belly dancing; odalisques, seraglios, harems...

3. The legends and myths of the peoples of the world contain a huge number of names. Actually, these names are myths, since almost every legend is somehow connected with some name.

4. You can easily use these names as New Year's nicknames.

5. Many people like black clothes, they like to try on evil masks, they want to seem worse than they really are.

6. The main advantage of these nicknames is neutrality and abstraction, that is, they are an identifier at the moment, nothing more.

7. Let's be jesters for a bit. Only they could, looking into the eyes, tell the truth to the kings. Let's relieve ourselves of some of the responsibility for our words by calling ourselves a funny or stupid name.

8. For those wishing to join the great tribe of the first-born and long-eared, a list of elven names for men and women is published, albeit in many places, but constantly in demand.

9. “Working” nicknames, a list of which will be given below. They are distinguished by simplicity and lack of pretentiousness; the English layout is used when writing.

10. We have already talked about the names of demons. Now it's time to figure out the names of the angels.

11. There is a special set of names containing about two and a half thousand hieroglyphs.

12. Until the 19th century, only exceptional nobles close to the emperor had the right to surnames. The rest of the Japanese population was content with names and nicknames.

13. These words and phrases have been collected from a variety of sources. Some things are invented and therefore unique.

14. The names of the dwarves in Tolkien's works are borrowed from Scandinavian mythology, mainly from the Elder Edda.

15. When fantasy recedes into the inarticulate distance, our most reading, gaming and video-watching people turn to the primary sources. Citizens enthusiastically extract from there the names of fantasy heroes they like...

16. Miracle Yudo from a Russian folk tale is an analogue of the Greek Hydra, which to some extent can be classified as a dragon.

17. Proper names can tell the world a lot about the history of a given civilization. Egyptian names are especially informative in this regard.

18. The list of Russian names demonstrates a new path of development of church and calendar names - towards secularism and adaptation to the norms of the Russian literary language.

19. And this list is intended exclusively for girls.

20. List of nicknames and nothing more. As abstract as possible and not tied to anything.

21. The names of vampires have always been heard and inspired trembling horror...

22. What do suffering citizens turn to in search of a nickname for a magician? Of course, to literature and cinema. In legends and myths, stories about gods and heroes, there are a sufficient number of ready-to-use names of magicians.

23. There are few original, unusual names in Spain. This is due to strict registration laws.

24. Most Indian names owe their origin to the sacred texts of the Hindu religion.

25. In general, literature and cinema are a good source of nicknames and names for goths.

26. The name in the Scandinavian world was always given to the child by the father. Almost all Scandinavian names come from ancient Germanic roots, which were dedicated to animal totems, such as “olv-ulv” - “wolf” or “bjorn” - “bear”. as well as to the gods: “Thor”, “ace” and the like.

27. In ancient times, in a family, Greeks at birth received only a name, and one, but surnames that united the entire clan into a single whole and passed from father to son did not exist in Ancient Greece.

28. Phenomena and objects of nature, in particular the names of the plant world, and even more specifically the names of flowers, have always been widely present in the name books of various peoples.

29. From the point of view of many respected authors, the best pseudonym is, first of all, an original pseudonym, unlike others. This point of view is also shared by V.G. Dmitriev, quotes from whose works will be published in this article.

30. This is true not only of poets. Uncertainty of success was one of the important reasons for the disguise that novice authors resorted to.

31. In Russia, it was quite common to give children the names of kings or dynastic names. Well, will the church dare to object if someone names a child not according to the calendar, but in honor of the monarch or someone from his family?

32. A real Indian needs only one thing, and even that is not much, and almost nothing... But an Indian needs a name. Where is he without a name?

33. Geographical names used as names and nicknames should not be something fresh and unusual for unencumbered Internet users.

Hi all. Our artist had a blast today – he drew some tough pictures for this article, take a look. By the way, his nickname is “Sailor”. Today we are talking about nicknames. The Indians have long come up with this trick - replacing names with funny phrases like “Keen Eye” or “Sharp Arrow”. I wonder which one is cooler? I would bet on the first one, what about you?

For my YouTube channel I came up with a nickname - Pavel Yamb - come in, subscribe, I tell interesting stories from the life of freelancers.

I've been looking for this nickname for a very long time, it's perfect for me, but first, try this nickname generator. The most popular service in RuNet for selecting nicknames, a huge database. Think about it, think about it first. Maybe chance will determine your future.

Registration on any website or social networks, or even to open a mailbox, is always accompanied by painful thoughts about what name to open it under. First of all, calm down: you are not the only one experiencing this.

Nick or nickname is an analogue of a nickname or pseudonym. A fictitious name that we call ourselves when registering on the Internet. The word is borrowed from English.

It is not always appropriate to post your entire passport details. On thematic forums or in a game, for example, if you choose a name for Minecraft, a full name like Innokenty Evgrafovich Volobuev will look out of place. That’s why you need to decide on a nickname so as not to look like a black sheep among like-minded people.

If you register for the purpose of a one-time visit to the resource, then the chosen name really does not matter. However, I would not recommend rushing and calling yourself, for example, Teapot. What is initially considered temporary can quietly become permanent. So you will communicate with online interlocutors under a stupid nickname that you came up with “for fun.” This will be especially inappropriate if you are registering for a professional or business activity. Only people with a specific sense of humor will want to collaborate with Chaynik. So the nickname will become a hindrance, not a help in your work.

Well, we should not forget the advice of the wise captain Vrungel: “Whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail”:

Unique Features

There are quite a lot of options for how to attach a nickname to the real you. The simplest and most common online names are derived from the first or last name.

However, it's not that simple. There are a huge number of users on the Internet. And even if you think that for a girl named Svetlana it will be enough to write the diminutive form Svetulya, then you may be very disappointed. Hundreds and thousands of “Svetuls” had this original idea before you.

In addition, computer security experts recommend not using real personal data as a nickname.

But don't be upset. In addition to your full name, ideas for a nickname can be given by:

  • nationality;
  • location;
  • hobbies;
  • character traits;
  • skills and abilities;
  • distinctive features of appearance;
  • other reasons for pride.

The main task of creating an effective and memorable nickname is to distinguish you from others. It must have a feature, and one that will not change too quickly, such as age. You can often see nicknames with numbers that clearly indicate the person’s age. If you create an account at 22, then in a few years these numbers will no longer mean as much to you as they did when you created this nickname. So if you are going to use numbers, make sure they are truly meaningful to you.

And again: a safe nickname should not contain too much personal information. Otherwise, your age is in your nickname, your date of birth is in your password—it’s not far from hacking. Therefore, if we are not talking about simple communication on social networks (the most popular), but regarding an account related to monetary transactions, it is better to take these tips into account.

Through the expanses of fantasy

It also happens that you want to create a nickname that has no ties to a real person. Then your imagination will help you!

There are several ways that will allow you to choose a sonorous nickname.

A la stage name . Replace your first or last name with something you'd secretly like to use. Your name is Leo and this confuses you? Then call yourself modestly! And vice versa, does the modest name Ira not correspond to your bright character? Then look for a name you like.

Movie or book character . Nicknames with the names of popular characters from films, TV series and cartoons are often found. However, there is a risk of being irrevocably lost in the host of Naruto or Sailor Moon, cutting across the Internet. Want to stand out? Either look for a not very popular movie, or look at other ways to create a unique nickname.

Letters and numbers . You can limit yourself to a set of letters - the main thing is that you can reproduce it later. Using any nickname with English letters that are used to display Roman numerals can help create original nicknames such as the numbering of monarchs in dynasties: Ivan XIV or LXX in general.

Combination of a word with a name . Instead of a surname, you can use, for example, a pet's name - if you like the idea of ​​​​being called Rex or Pusechka. If not, then substitute something else instead - and the same name of your favorite character.

Backwards . One of the easiest ways to come up with a nickname is to simply reverse the name or any other word. As long as it sounds the way you like. If anyone else watches Soviet cinema, then in the old children's film “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” these are the names that the inhabitants of the magical land had: friend - Gurd, toad - Abazh, parrot - Yagupop.

Anagram . You can even have fun playing with your own first or last name if you try to swap the letters. Sometimes words are transformed beyond recognition: orphan - Ariost, orange - spaniel.

Nicky in another language . Most often they look for the version in English - and this is also a good resource for original ideas. It is especially easy to come up with verbal nouns as nicknames. Do you like to swim? Then you are a swimmer. Do you type quickly? The buzzer option is suitable.

Advanced User Methods . Among the English-speaking segment, nicknames with numbers are often found, when the word or part of it for is replaced by the number 4, which is pronounced the same way. To – 2 is also replaced in the same way. Russian users flaunt transcriptions in English using letters similar to Russian in spelling: Vinni-Pyh instead of Winnie the Pooh.

You see, there are a lot of ways to come up with an original nickname. Basic rules for choosing your new name:

  1. It is important to distinguish between which nicknames you can come up with for communication on a hobby topic, and which ones for business relationships.
  2. A nickname should be memorable, first of all, for the creator himself.
  3. The originality of your nickname sets you apart from other visitors to the resource.
  4. Unless you have a goal to attract people with certain inclinations, it is better not to create nicknames with hints of cruelty that offend someone's feelings.

Technical nuances

So, on one resource they may require only one word, while you have two prepared. Or it is mandatory to use numbers. Some sites have a ban on celebrity names.

Therefore, you should think through possible options for your nickname in advance. Well, or act according to the circumstances. The main thing is not to forget where and under what name you registered.

Now you know almost everything about nicknames - all that remains is to put it into practice. I hope that after my article, each of your new accounts will have an amazing nickname!

Here is a parting message from Captain Vrungel. See you in touch!

On the Internet, it is not customary to call yourself by your full name and people use nicknames: pseudonym (network name). Nickname or nickname, used in chats, online games, forums and blogs. Other participants recognize us by our nickname, and it is even believed that the nickname is a kind of indicator of our inner “I”. Indeed, how can one adequately treat a forum member with the nickname “Shit”?

Cool nicknames for girls in Russian and English

  • Olga is All-Powerful;
  • Princess No Sense;
  • That Hooligan;
  • Dollface;
  • LaPuLya__Ya;
  • Wild_k0shka RED_color;
  • Pretty Pants;
  • Cookie Monster;
  • Alice in Search of Miracles;
  • needed? achieve it!;
  • Freakzilla;
  • Parrotnose;
  • Running on a rake;

Cool nicknames for guys in Russian and English

  • chudik (from our forum);
  • Accidental Genius;
  • Mud Pie Man;
  • assnik (from our forum);
  • Bronetemkin Ponosets;
  • Now I’ll stick this sword into your eye;
  • EtoJeChuck (from our forum);
  • Grunt guy;
  • Duracell Seryoga;

Funny nicknames for games in Russian and English

Nicknames for games are a completely separate issue. Many players choose interesting nicknames not only for themselves, but also for their heroes.

  • CaptainAwesome;
  • Baron_Von_Awesome;
  • Kura-s IntelKtoM;
  • Pepsi Killaz;
  • Killer of nesting dolls;
  • Shoes_on_eggs;
  • Immortal apocalypse;
  • Che Aresh;
  • Killa Priest;
  • Who Da Hot;
  • Darknet;

Surely each of you has come across cool nicknames online.

Users share their finds

Of the cool nicknames on the forum, I can remember the nickname “Flying Elephant”, I don’t remember on which forum I saw it, the owner was even given an award for the most original nickname.
What's cool or funny about that? In my opinion, it is an ordinary, unremarkable nickname; its meaning is apparently known only to the owner.

Alex, Well, it’s not often that you see the word ass in your nickname.

Polina, it’s really original and cool, somehow I didn’t think of dividing the nickname into parts “ass” and “nik”. Now I remember another funny forum participant - “Kamasuter”.

I once advised a friend to give herself a nickname - “Ya_Kawaika”. It still stands, she likes it. And one day they brought her a congratulatory cake with it written on it.

In one online game I saw a girl have the following nickname - Shcha_Kak_Dam.

Alexandr, what have I never seen in online games. But the nicknames Vnezakona, Asika, Unavailable were especially memorable. Original in its own way.

And I remember a cool nickname - PorvuOpu. The funny thing is that it was the nickname of a girl on a forum about needlework. I couldn’t believe it, at first I thought it was a guy, but it turned out to be a girl, I was shocked.

Alex, “Flying Elephant” is cool for a guy

In the online game World of Shadows (browser), although later her account was banned.

Yes, there are a lot of cool nicknames and funny ones, what can I say. Of the extraordinary women's in Russian I have met:
Slut for life
Virgin - Little Red Riding Hood
Let's Give You A Dame
From the English men's I remember
Down of the king
In games, the main thing is to create an interesting and attractive nickname; of course, the above cannot be put on a forum about making money.

One friend had the nickname Yakumirakatokuyukatashikagawa. By God, he himself couldn’t explain how this came into his head. However, now I have put my first and last name. I was just kind of disappointed).

I saw the nickname sex drug in one online game, the nickname was well remembered. I asked why exactly like that, the owner said he installed it because he had nothing to do, he was generally twelve years old.

It’s not surprising, people constantly come up with different cool nicknames online. Often the usual insults (asshole, fool and more rude ones).
Yes, there are many, I can’t remember them all: pocelyivpopu, tumudak, ktoproceltotiloh...

For girls:
Lover of Mars
vip...Careful BRUNETTE...
Not a Gift
Golden Lady
Little Pretty
Miss Universe

for guys:
chance_of the year
I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid
Red-heeled bed-raker
Country shower Zelenovka
Ali Ibn Abdul Obstul Zadom Bey
I'm back from the block
Pearl barley porridge super mutant
Character is blocked!
Hip-Hop in Your House
Drunk Monkey
swollen hare
Purple Fart
Bald pharmacist
Well, and other bullshit.

I used to remember when I was young that we suffered from nicknames. We scoured the Internet, looking for something unusual. I’ve recently started using “dose of anesthesia”, “barefoot on the edge of happiness”, “don’t care” mode. And so those who are capable of anything, have enough intelligence for a hundred, then they write.

Young guys, and older male audiences as well, are known to love to play computer games. And since almost all modern games require players to be distinguished by names and nicknames, Internet users periodically search for a new beautiful or cool nickname with unusual symbols, letters, icons, or try to come up with a cool nickname themselves.

Unique nicknames for guys

This section contains beautiful nicknames for guys. Our nicknames are equally suitable for online games Counter-Strike 1. 6, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, MineCraft, WarFace and other popular games. Each guy can choose any nickname from the catalog, create a nickname using or decorate his nickname and symbols using another section.

If you need a nickname for VKontakte, ICQ, Skype, YouTube, Odnoklassniki, then in this case our resource is quite suitable for a fruitful search for a cool nickname.

Male nickname generator

If you don't find anything in this section, you can use it. Our generator can create great nicknames for guys. In addition to generation, you can add uniqueness to your nickname by decorating it with cool symbols. This will make your gaming name even more awesome.

Every gamer is faced with the need to choose a character name for an online game. This is not at all easy, because you want your virtual name to match your character and at the same time fit well into the atmosphere of the game you want to start playing.

In games, a character's name is called a nickname or nickname. It comes from the English language, and means “nickname”, “nickname” or “pseudonym”. Each gamer creates it for himself, using RP nickname generators, producing from his first or last name, the names of mythical heroes, characters from books, films, and so on.

Sometimes choosing a nickname is a real pain, especially in online games, where all successful phrases are figured out by players during beta testing of the project. Instead of starting to play right away, many gamers rack their brains to create their own gaming nickname. The site's nickname generator will help you choose a great nickname and start playing as quickly as possible.

Our service is extremely simple and clear. The stylish, calm gray-blue design and user-friendly interface in Russian will appeal to users of different ages and levels of PC proficiency.

To ensure that you get the most successful phrases, the generator creates nicknames using the 5 best algorithms. Since you may not know how successful the created nickname is (what if next time an even more sonorous word or phrase is generated?), we recommend generating it several times and sending the options you like to the clipboard.

From the valid selected 8 names, you will definitely be able to choose the most beautiful, original and sonorous nickname for registration in the game. Nickname generator in Russian language on the site - a “lifesaver” for beginners and advanced gamers.