A blue screen appears on the computer. What do we have to do. Check your computer's internal hardware

Unfortunately, it happens that over time, Windows XP users experience a problem while working on a PC or when loading the OS in the form of a “screen of death”. The error is often caused by equipment overheating, conflicting PC components, or infection with malicious applications. This list can be continued endlessly, since failure can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Any of the critical errors can be an unpleasant consequence of displaying “BSOD” on the monitor, which stands for “Blue Screen Of Death”. Below is a guide on how to avoid the Blue Screen of Death on your Windows XP computer, and details what to do if it does happen.

BSOD - what is it?

Despite the menacing name, this screen is designed to help the user and is a protective feature of Windows XP. It already contains detailed text with a description and recommendations for solving the problem. After carefully studying the error codes displayed on the screen, the computer owner can accurately take the necessary measures to eliminate the causes of the failure.

However, sometimes some users mistake other programs with a blue interface, such as BIOS, for the “screen of death”. Accidentally touching some key when booting the computer, or in some other way, sometimes the PC owner launches the BIOS, which is also blue and newbies mistakenly take it for the well-known “blue screen of death”. If a menu similar to the image below appears on your monitor,

then you just need to click “ESC” or click on the “Exit Without Saving” item. After this, the PC will start in the user’s usual mode.

Also, if Windows XP was shut down incorrectly, a blue screen may appear when the disk is analyzed for the presence of various errors.

You shouldn’t be afraid of it either, but you just need to wait and let the “Chkdsk” application perform its functions, after which Windows XP will boot itself.

But if the user sees the following image:

then you will have to follow the steps described below in this manual.

How to decrypt the information displayed on the BSOD?

A detailed study of the information and codes presented on this screen will allow you to quickly and effectively eliminate the causes of the failure.

Information with a detailed description of the error is available at the top of the screen. The following are recommendations on how to resolve any difficulties that may arise. After them, specific digital error codes are indicated. And in the case when a failure occurred due to some file, the name of this file will be shown.

The main causes of BSOD

Knowing the reasons why a problem may arise, you can effectively take preventive measures to prevent failures from occurring.

The main reasons are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Computer components;
  2. Software for equipment (drivers);
  3. Applications.

PC components

This includes the most common causes of the screen of death. Therefore, you should first pay attention to whether new equipment was installed immediately before the failure occurred. Also, the error is often caused by RAM or hard drive, so it is recommended to test the RAM and hard drive of the computer.

It is very rare, but there are problems due to the video card or even the central processor. They also need to be tested. For this purpose, specialists have developed many applications.

Many users install additional cards to increase the speed of their PC. If there are any, then you should temporarily disable them and work on the PC for a while. In the case where the error does not manifest itself without them, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion about the cause of the failure.

When a blue screen appears during operation, very often the cause is a weak or outdated power supply. In this case, it is recommended to install a new power supply with better power characteristics.

Hardware software (drivers)

More than half of all screen of death cases are related to drivers. If you need to reinstall the software, then before doing this you must remove the installed driver and only after that install the current version from the official source of the equipment manufacturer.


Just as with drivers, the issue can be resolved by reinstalling the application, but first completely removing it and clearing the registry of program remnants.

Often, when running 2 antiviruses on one computer at once, errors appear that cause BSOD. You should protect one operating system with only one antivirus utility.

The procedure for troubleshooting a problem in Windows XP

Sometimes Windows XP automatically restarts after a failure, or the PC owner, by clicking “RESET,” reboots the computer himself, and the system begins to function normally again. However, cases are not uncommon when the OS does not boot after a crash even in safe mode, and the “screen of death” is again displayed before the user’s eyes.

In such a situation, you will need to use external installation media with the Windows XP distribution.

You need to do the following:

  1. In the BIOS, set the priority for starting the OS from external media and, depending on its type, install it in the computer's optical drive (CD disk) or in a USB port (flash drive).
  2. Next, restart the PC;
  3. The "Install Windows XP" menu will appear;
  4. Then activate the “Restore Windows XP” command from the menu - to do this, click the “R” button;
  5. After that, in the next menu that appears, click “1” and click on “Enter”;
  6. Type the PC access code (if the user has previously specified it) and click “Enter” again;
  7. In the invitation window, type “fixboot”;
  8. The system recommendation “Do you want to write a new boot sector to the C: directory?” will be displayed. - you need to click on the “Y” button;
  9. Then type “fixmbr” and click on the “Y” button again;
  10. Click “Enter”;
  11. Type “exit”, close the program, restart the PC;
  12. Open the BIOS, where you specify to start the OS from the hard drive.

Now the computer will work normally again. Despite the fact that the procedure consists of 12 steps, it usually takes no more than five minutes to complete, and this is guaranteed to eliminate the BSOD problem.

The seventh version of the Windows operating system from Microsoft, although considered one of the most stable, is nevertheless not immune to critical failures. One of the most unpleasant phenomena is the “blue screen of death” in Windows 7. Not every user knows what to do when it appears. Some people believe that the problem will disappear on its own after a reboot (and for good reason). Others believe that a complete reinstallation of Windows 7 will be required. But before you decide to fix the problem, you need to know what it is.

BSoD Death Screen: What is it?

So, let's assume that the user experiences a Blue Screen of Death. What to do? Windows 7, as well as any other system in this family, can offer several options for solving the problem, depending on what was the root cause.

But in some cases, in order to get rid of this scourge in the future, you cannot do without special utilities. We will dwell on them a little later, but for now let’s see what it is from the point of view of the system itself.

Roughly speaking, BSoD is a kind of protective reaction of Windows to a critical failure in the system when a memory dump occurs. In other words, the system cannot neutralize an error in operation using its own means and because of this it reports that such and such has happened. In each specific case, deciphering the Windows 7 “blue screens of death” can tell a lot. Typically, the message on the monitor begins with the word “STOP” followed by an error code. What does this mean? Yes, only that at the moment some important process was stopped, vital for the functioning of the system as a whole. We’ll look at how to remove the “blue screen of death” in Windows 7 a little later, but for now let’s look at the reasons for its appearance.

Reasons for failures

When examining possible problems, you need to clearly divide them into two large categories: software failures (including the system itself) and physical problems with the equipment (for example, when replacing a hard drive, video card, RAM, etc.).

In addition, in Windows 7, solving problems with such problems may also involve the fact that there is simply not enough space on the hard drive, which is especially noticeable when automatic system updates are turned on.

Classification of groups

Today, there are two main groups of failures. Group “A” includes problems with updating or replacing hardware, updating drivers or the system itself, and damage to system components. Group “B” includes incompatible versions of the primary BIOS input/output system, driver mismatch for a specific device, driver conflicts, lack of space on the hard drive, breakdowns of hardware components of the computer system, overheating of the processor or power supply, power outages, malfunctions of the boards RAM, problems with video cards, overlocking (overclocking) results, etc.

Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death Codes

As you can see, there can be many reasons for errors and failures. In any case, when such a screen appears, you should first pay attention to the description that is present at the bottom of the message. Separately, we can highlight the most common codes that occur most often:

  • 0x0000006B;
  • 0x00000000 (0022);
  • 0x0000007E;
  • 0xC0000005;
  • 0x80000003;
  • 0x80000002;
  • 0x804E518E;
  • 0xFC938104;
  • 0xFC937E04 and others.

Of course, the list is not limited to just these codes (you never know what situation may arise). However, the most common one that appears is the Blue Screen of Death (0x0000007E), in which case Windows 7 displays a description indicating that some exception was not handled.

But this is just a brief information. To view a full description of the error or failure, it is better to use a small utility called Blue Screen View. It is this program that can give the key to understanding how to treat the “blue screen of death” of Windows 7. This can be done using the system’s own tools, which will be discussed further.

Blue Screen of Death: what to do (Windows 7)? The first and simplest solution

In the case where the failure is short-term, for example, due to a sudden power outage and a switch to an uninterruptible power supply, you can use a regular reboot with a forced shutdown by long pressing the power button.

But if the “blue screen of death” appears again when loading Windows 7, this will already indicate serious damage. To begin with, you can try to simply disable the recording of dumps and mini-dumps. This is done through the properties section, called up from the right-click menu on the computer icon, where you need to go through the additional settings tab to the boot and recovery item. In the settings window, you need to disable automatic reboot and recording of small dumps, and then perform a complete restart of the system.

If even after this the problem is not resolved, it is very likely that this is not a software failure, but physical damage to the hardware (most often the problem is the hard drive and RAM).


One of the reasons for failures may be viruses and malicious codes that deliberately affect the system. They cause a lot of trouble by overwriting system components and replacing them with their own files, and can also cause a “blue screen of death.” What to do? Windows 7 has no tools in this case, apart from its own primitive tools in the form of a defender and a firewall.

In the simplest case, you should check the system with a standard anti-virus scanner, but most likely you will have to use more powerful programs. The best option would be the free disk utility Kaspersky Rescue Disk, which can boot itself before the system starts and detect viruses that have embedded themselves deep into the RAM.

System component failures

If it is the system that is damaged, recovery may not work. In this case, it is best to boot into Safe Made mode using the F8 key at startup, and then, if you have constant access to the Internet, perform an online recovery using the command shown in the image below in the command line running as administrator.

The process will take 5-10 minutes, after which you should enter the sfc /scannow command and wait for the scan verdict. If the integrity of Windows 7 is compromised, system files will be restored automatically.

Lack of space on the hard drive

Lack of space in the system partition can also lead to the “blue screen of death” in Windows 7. How to fix the situation? To do this, the system has its own disk cleaning tool. It is advisable to use it, and not modules of optimization programs, since the latter do not interfere with the system part.

In Explorer, right-clicking on the disk or partition being checked brings up the properties menu, where you can see a cleanup button on the general settings tab. After clicking it, in the window you should select all components to be deleted and confirm your actions.

Incorrect installation of updates

Quite often, the cause of BSoD is incorrectly installed or underloaded updates. It makes no difference whether automatic updating is enabled or whether the search for updates was done manually.

How to remove the Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death in this case? You need to go to the appropriate section of the “Control Panel” and view the latest installed updates. They will have to be removed one by one, rebooting the system each time after uninstallation. Perhaps they are the reason. As a last resort, if you don’t want to do such things manually, you can try to roll back the system to its previous state. But it’s worth considering that if automatic installation is enabled, the updates will be integrated into the system again.

But in the first case, having found out which update failed, it can be excluded from the list when searching again manually.

Errors and damage to the hard drive

The most problematic situation is when the cause of the failure is the hard drive. In the simplest case, you will have to check it for errors.

To do this, use the checker from the properties menu, but in the settings the lines for automatic error correction and correction of failed clusters are activated. The same procedure can be performed from the command console, where you need to enter the line chkdsk /x /f /r.

If the damage to the hard drive is physical, nothing can be done, although some experts recommend using a special hard drive magnetization reversal program called HDD Regenerator. True, there are legitimate doubts about the fact that it is possible to restore a disk this way (in the sense of using software). Nevertheless…

BIOS incompatibility

Another problem is outdated or incompatible BIOS firmware. The screen will appear directly at startup. In this situation, there is nothing left but to contact the manufacturer’s resource on the Internet. As is already clear, you need to download the firmware and install it.

Information about the BIOS version can be obtained in the system information section, which is called by the msinfo32 command from the Run console (Win + R).

Incorrectly installed drivers

But most often, the appearance of the deadly screen is influenced by drivers or conflicts between them (the most common problems arise with video cards). At the same time, if you access the “Device Manager” (command devmgmt.msc in the “Run” console or the section of the same name in the “Control Panel”), it is not recommended to update drivers.

It is best to remove the problematic driver and then install it from scratch. In some cases, this may not give a positive result. Therefore, you will have to completely remove the device. When restarting the system, it is advisable not to use the installation of the most suitable driver from its own database, but to install it, for example, from the Driver Pack Solution catalog or pre-download the required driver from the equipment manufacturer’s website.

But to search for the driver itself, first in the same “Device Manager” for the problematic component you need to find the VEN and DEV identifiers in the properties and go to the details tab, where you select the hardware ID display from the drop-down list. To be safe, it is best to use the longest line in the description.

Damaged RAM

But let's assume that the Blue Screen of Death appears again. What to do? Windows 7 seems to have exhausted its capabilities. Apparently the problem is in the RAM.

The cause of the failure can be determined by using the appropriate testing program. The most powerful utility is Memtest86+. But there is also the other side of the coin. On desktop PCs, you can simply remove the memory sticks from the slots on the motherboard one by one, reboot the system and look at its behavior. You can’t do this with laptops, so you’ll have to contact a service center.

Problems with the remote control program

Finally, although not often, there is a problem with remote access programs. Specifically, this is an error in the Win32k.sys file. The way out of this situation may be to simply remove the faulty application. Only it is better to uninstall not using system tools, but use programs like iObit Uninstaller for this, which can not only delete the main program files, but also completely clean the system of residual files, folders and even system registry entries.

Instead of an afterword

As can be seen from all of the above, there can be quite a lot of reasons for failures in the form of BSoD. And it is not always appropriate to reinstall Windows 7. Finally, it remains to give advice to the majority of users who believe that such a screen means the system has crashed. There is nothing too critical about this. In most cases, a simple reboot or reinstallation of drivers helps, of course, provided that there is no physical damage to the hardware.

Everyone who works on a computer every day has encountered the problem of a blue screen with white text. The only way to get rid of it is to restart the computer. It's called "Blue Screen of Death". Why it appears and how to eliminate these reasons will be discussed in detail in this article.

Where did this name come from?

In modern Windows systems, this screen is no longer blue with white text. Now it depicts, for example, on Windows 8 the expression of a sad smiley. It often crashes when testing new operating systems. But this is the most harmless version of its appearance.

In the first versions of Windows Vista these were red screens. And when we were using early versions of Windows 1.0 and 2.0, the screens were black. The common name for the blue screen of death was coined by California company employee Eric Noes in 1991.

Why the blue screen of death? This concept came to us from the English language. The very phenomenon due to which it appears sounds like “Stop Error,” which translated means: “stop due to an error.” And the blue screen of death is a translation from Blue Screen of Death, abbreviated BSoD.

Thus, by displaying this screen on your monitor, the Windows operating system informs you that a critical error has occurred. As a result of its occurrence, the system is no longer able to operate stably and is forced to stop.

The error is displayed on a blue screen in white text describing its Stop code. Using it, you can find out the cause of its occurrence, and therefore find out ways to eliminate it. The code is a hexadecimal notation with a prefix of 0x. They are used by system services in the C programming language. Such a BSoD code can only be recognized by a competent specialist in this field. It is used in the Windows XP/Vista/7/Server 2003 operating systems. The Microsoft technical support site contains detailed descriptions of all errors and explains why a blue screen appears in connection with each of them. After all, in order to accurately determine the cause of the error, it is necessary to correctly recognize its parameters.

Why is there a blue screen?

There can be many factors causing operating system problems. Mostly the reasons why blue screen of death appears are critical errors. They arise during the execution of kernel code or a driver in kernel mode, when further functioning of the operating system is impossible. Let's look at these reasons in more detail.

A blue screen appears, for example, when some components, video card, hard drive, audio adapter, or devices in PCI slots have been replaced. As a result, the drivers installed for these devices may be incompatible with the existing computer configuration. This is where it becomes impossible to continue the operation of the system and a Stop Error occurs, that is, it stops due to an error. As a result, the user is presented with a BSoD, which describes the entire problem in detail.

In such situations, only a reboot can help. As a result, all data not saved by the user is lost, and therefore the installed conflicting driver packages are lost.

A blue screen can be caused by pressing a certain key combination. This may happen accidentally if the keyboard is not handled correctly. For example, there are people who like to place various objects and stacks of documents on it, or a child, while playing with it, can press a combination of hot keys to trigger BSoD. In such a situation, the artificially caused blue screen does not contain information about errors, since they did not occur. This function is used by systems engineers to identify problems affecting the operation of a computer system. Frequent intentional BSoD can lead to loss of information and malfunctions in the operating system. Therefore, you should be careful when handling the keyboard.

Actions when a blue screen appears

As mentioned above, when a blue screen appears, you need to restart your computer. If this does not help, and the error appears again, then you need to look for the cause of the problem. Let's look at cases of BSoD and troubleshooting methods.

  • If you make changes to the BIOS system settings, errors may be made, which will be reported by a blue screen. In this case, you need to set the default settings, that is, select the Default item. Then the BIOS system will be reset to factory settings.
  • There are virus programs whose purpose is to damage the MBR boot record and boot sector. To do this, you need to launch a recovery disk that has a functioning antivirus and scan the system with it. Such distributions can be downloaded from the official websites of companies involved in antivirus development. In addition, there are special utilities for checking and editing boot records. Using such software, you can correct the MBR, bringing the computer into working condition.
  • Often, the blue screen of death appears when RAM modules are faulty or incompatible with each other. In this case, you should install the rulers in other slots, swap them, or try installing them one at a time. In the latter case, it will be possible to identify the faulty module. You can also identify errors that occur due to problems in RAM by using utilities for testing it. For example, a standard tool called Windows Memory Diagnostic.
  • Problems with your hard drive can cause a blue screen to appear. In this case, you should check the HDD using the standard Windows CHKDSK utility. It searches for and eliminates errors, and also restores damaged sectors. If after using CHKDSK the error is still displayed on the screen, you should apply deeper analyzes of the HDD using specialized utilities, for example, from Acronis.

Preventing blue screens

In order not to encounter blue screen problems again, you should follow a few simple rules when working with your computer.

  • Do not randomly install software that is unknown to you.
  • You should always have an antivirus installed on your computer, which is updated regularly.
  • It is necessary to periodically clean the operating system. Because “residues” from programs that were once installed and then removed accumulate in its system folders.
  • Use driver packages for components downloaded only from the official websites of hardware manufacturers.
  • Computers are bound to become obsolete. Developers of new components stop supporting old ones. This means that for this reason, incompatibilities between new software and outdated drivers may occur. You should periodically upgrade your computer configuration if you want to use modern software.

Now you know why the blue screen appears. But remember that if it occurs frequently, you should definitely contact a specialist. After all, inexperienced self-medication harms not only people, but also technology.

Greetings, dear readers! The Blue Screen of Death is an error that sooner or later encounters every user who has a Windows operating system installed on their computer. When this error appears, some users begin to panic, not knowing what to do.

The solution for a short period of time is to reboot the system. And if the system does not do this automatically, then this can be done manually by pressing the “Reset” button on the personal computer case or holding the “Power” button on the laptop keyboard and then turning it on again.

It is important to understand that the appearance of a blue screen of death is a symptom of a conflict or malfunction of a particular application and your primary task is to immediately eliminate the blue screen of death error.

The first step is to understand what exactly happened and where the error came from. To do this, you need to briefly understand the architecture of the operating system. In-depth knowledge of this topic is not required. All you need to know is that code runs in two main modes: user mode and kernel mode.

The user mode is the most simplified and represents the processing of simple user applications: office programs, browsers, standard applications and others. And in kernel mode, the work of drivers and the operating system is performed. This distinction is very important. After all, look, if the browser malfunctions, it will not affect the operation of the entire system as a whole, but the application will simply crash. You just need to force close the application and continue working.

Well, with kernel mode the situation is more serious, because in this case an error in the operation of the driver can affect the operation of the entire system, in the event of which the blue screen of death appears.

A blue screen of death appears, what should I do?

So, the appearance of a blue screen of death is the so-called system protection in the case when the code is processed incorrectly. In this case, a blue screen is displayed on the monitor display and all data is not saved for the safety of the system in the future. And as mentioned earlier, the blue screen itself contains all the necessary information to analyze it and understand the essence of the problem.

If the computer restarts automatically, the user does not have enough time to read the information contained on it, let alone analyze it. In this case, after the system boots, you need to right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties”. The same action can be replaced with the hotkey combination “Win+Pause”.

If the Windows 7 operating system is installed, then in the left menu you need to go to the “Advanced system settings” menu.

Then you need to select the “Advanced” tab and in the “Boot and Recovery” field click the “Options” button.

Here you need to uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” checkbox in the “System failure” field. After completing these steps, you need to save all changes.

In the future, when the blue screen of death appears, an automatic reboot will not appear and it will be possible to analyze the essence of the system conflict.

Reading Blue Screen of Death

Below is a screenshot of the blue screen of death, let's together try to understand and read the error that has arisen.

The top line of the screen provides a message about what exactly happened. In our case it sounds something like this: “A problem was detected and the windows have been closed to prevent damage to the computer.”

The second paragraph provides information about the error itself: “The problem is caused by the following file – SPCMDCON.SYS”

The system describes what exactly happened, but this information is not always presented because the system does not always understand the error.

The third paragraph provides the name of the error. This name can be saved. It may come in handy in the future. What follows is a large text that contains recommendations for resolving the error.

The most important information was also presented there: the hexadecimal error code, it is important to save it, it will definitely come in handy. Here, in parentheses after the error code, the error parameters are presented. Below is information about the file that caused the error and its address. Information about the file and error address is not always presented on the blue screen of death, but if it is there, it significantly helps to solve the problem faster.

So, you need to enter the received error name and error code into the search bar of search engines to find information about the system failure that occurred.

There are more than a hundred such errors, so it makes no sense to describe each one. It is enough to understand that all errors can be divided into groups. I suggest you move on to the next point.

Types of Errors Causing Blue Screen of Death

The majority of problems (about 70 percent) related to system operation are errors within the driver. They can be caused by installing inappropriate drivers, or driver conflicts with each other, or incorrectly installed updates.

In the same category you can add drivers that conflict with the operating system, for example, you connected a printer to your computer, downloaded the drivers and successfully installed them. Your printer prints without any problems, but it has become noticeable that the operating system behaves strangely, namely, the computer spontaneously turns off, various errors appear, even the appearance of a blue screen of death.

Also, the error may appear as a result of overheating of devices inside a personal computer or simply a conflict between devices, as well as a conflict of components with the operating system. Not all components can work fully with each other. This in turn can cause the operating system to slow down. In one of my previous articles I already wrote about this problem, be sure to read:

Also common (about 10 percent) is the failure of the device itself. Failure of the hard drive, RAM, video card and other components.

It should also be noted that incorrect BIOS settings, insufficient free space on the hard drive, virus infection, as well as overclocking the processor and RAM. These errors account for about 15 percent of system errors. In my article about BIOS, I talked about the main nuances, read here:

Less than 5 percent of errors are code errors in the Windows operating system itself. Despite the fact that the company is constantly working to resolve this issue, they still cannot eliminate all the errors.

Solving and preventing problems that cause the Blue Screen of Death

After receiving the code and name of the error, you should search through a search engine for a recipe to eliminate it. But it is worth noting that most problems can be resolved using the methods presented below.

Checking free space on hard drives. If there is less than 10 percent free space on the hard drive, then it should be unloaded so that the system can work more freely and more stably.

It is recommended to leave more than 20 percent free disk space. Thus, the system will copy and update files faster, and the disk will overheat much less. Another solution to speed up the system is to divide the hard drive into several sectors. This way you can separate system files and office files.

It is worth periodically checking the hard drive for bad sectors. Standard applications are suitable for this. Also, do not forget about defragmenting your hard drive. Here's an article for you as an example:

Scanning the operating system for viruses, and then removing or treating them. An antivirus product must be installed on your computer, which will be constantly updated. It is advisable to purchase a non-free antivirus. Such programs are more reliable and update faster. The antivirus must have FireWall so as not to pick up unnecessary files from the Internet. It is also necessary to scan all removable media.

Installing the latest operating system updates. The company cares about the users using their product, so it tries to solve all possible problems at the moment with each update. This is why you need to constantly update your system.

If the error appeared after updating the driver, then it is better to roll it back to an older version. But at the same time, you must first have configured system backup, either using standard applications included in the Microsoft product or using third-party proven programs. By the way, I plan to tell you about one of these programs in one of them. You will understand how important it is to set up backup on your computer.

What else can you add? Of course, an error when running a program can be solved by simply deleting it in the operating system control panel console. Running the “Last Known Good Configuration” when booting the Windows system also helps.

If the error appears as a result of installing a new device, then you should check the driver or device itself for compatibility with an already assembled computer or previously installed drivers, as well as with the operating system itself. In this case, I would advise you to download drivers from the official website of the device manufacturer.

If the BIOS settings are incorrect, it can cause big problems. Therefore, the appearance of a blue screen of death in this case is practically a gift, because if the user is inexperienced in this matter, the problems can be much more complex. The solution may be to reset the settings to factory settings. But the basic principle when working with BIOS should be the doctors’ slogan “Do no harm.” Therefore, if in the situation that has arisen it is not clear to you what exactly this setting is, it is best not to touch it.

Also, the error can be caused by faulty RAM. It is recommended to periodically test it for problems, for example, with the Memtest program. You can also read my article:

If the bar itself is damaged, then it should be replaced. If several such memory modules are installed, then it is worth removing the damaged stick. Again, this may also solve the problem.

Overheating of the computer itself should not be ignored. It is necessary to constantly monitor it and remove dust from the case. Periodically lubricate the necessary parts, add paste to the processor and video card. It is best to use branded coolers, or so-called boxed processors, which already come with a cooler. Be sure to read the article:

Checking that all cables are correctly connected to the computer. Each cable is equipped with protection against incorrect connection, and connecting it to a different port is a problematic task, but again, it’s worth checking this just in case.

The last step, if all the proposed options do not help, is to reinstall the operating system. Of course, it is best to use a licensed disk with the system. As you know, it is the use of assemblies with an additional software package that leads to various failures.

Concluding today’s post entitled – “ ? I would like to note that it is a licensed operating system and various reliable and proven application software packages that will guarantee that updates for such a system will be installed without any problems and will reliably protect your computer from the appearance of the blue screen of death.

Well, that's all for me. If you have any questions, suggestions or wishes, I will be glad to hear in the comments and if you have not yet subscribed to my newsletter, I recommend that you do so right now.

Many of you have probably already heard more than once from friends and acquaintances about such a thing as the Windows 7 blue screen of death that appeared on their computer, also called BSOD ( Blue Screen of Death).

With the appearance of a blue screen, Windows warns us that, and it is advisable to eliminate them in a timely manner. The death screen displays error codes by which you can understand why it is happening, and from this you can conclude which component of the computer is malfunctioning or a software problem.

If your computer with Windows 7 begins to issue a BSOD, then you and I need to understand why it appears, and to do this you need to write down the error code in your notepad or take a photo of the monitor screen, and then fill in the error data in the search bar or, we look for what it means or read the entire article, in it you will find codes for the most common errors due to which the blue screen of death appears. But first, we will do the preparatory work.

In order for you and me to have time to record or photograph the blue screen error code, we need to do some system settings.

You need to disable rebooting the PC when an error occurs, and also enable recording of debugging information in a memory dump.

  • Memory dump- the contents of RAM at a certain point in time, let’s say a special image.
  • Small memory dump - part of the memory that is written to the hard drive during failures, only the most important information remains there.

In order to go to the system settings, open “Start”, select “Computer”, right-click on it and select “Properties”

A new window will open in which we select the “Advanced” tab and click the “Options” button in the “Boot and Recovery” item

Next, look at the “Recording debugging information” section, where you need to select “Small memory dump 256 KB”

Now your computer is set up, the next time it fails it will not reboot, and you can safely write down the error code or take a photo of it.

Blue screen of death, Windows 7 error codes

Let's now look at the most common error codes.

  • KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED - the computer generates this error if there is a problem with the hardware (for example, some computer component has failed) or a problem with the drivers.
  • NTFS FILE SYSTEM – problems with the file system of the hard drive; this problem can occur in several cases:

* presence of viruses in the boot area of ​​the hard drive

* damage to the file system structure.

  • INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE - when this error appears, the Windows operating system says that it could not access the boot partition of the disk. There can be many problems that caused this error. For example, a problem in the PC hardware: a damaged hard drive, a faulty controller, faulty individual computer components, or a software problem: viruses or file system errors.
  • IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL – this error may appear if there is a problem with drivers or some Windows system service
  • PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA - a blue screen of death with this code means that the data that the system is looking for is not in memory; accordingly, when the operating system accesses, for example, data in the paging file, but there is nothing there, such an error will appear. The error often appears due to problems with RAM, errors in Windows system services, or due to a damaged file system.
  • KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR – the operating system is unable to read data from memory. This error can be caused by faulty RAM, problems with the hard drive due to unreadable sectors, or problems with the HDD controller.
  • KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR – The OS was unable to read the paging file and write data to the hard drive. The main reasons for this error: a problem with the RAM or hard drive.
  • UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP is an error that appears at the system kernel level. The reasons that caused it can be either hardware or software.
  • STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED - an error caused by a software failure, problems with system services, drivers or applications
  • DATA BUS ERROR - a blue screen appears when there is a failure in the RAM or when the video adapter malfunctions.

Blue screen of death Windows 7, what to do?

After you and I have determined what error we are getting, we need to establish the reason why our computer began to malfunction. To do this, you need to remember what recent changes occurred on your computer. You may have installed a new program or updated drivers for some device. To eliminate the human factor, you need to remove the latest installed programs, as well as roll back the drivers to previous versions. If errors began to appear after installing new hardware in the system unit, then you need to turn it off and observe the operation of the computer.

In order to resolve the error caused by a software glitch, you need to try the following steps.

  • Roll back installed new drivers to the previous version;
  • Start Windows with Last Known Good Configuration;
  • Perform a system restore using the standard Windows function.

I advise you to check the amount of remaining free space on the system partition of the hard drive, since a small amount of memory can cause system malfunctions. Don’t forget to check your computer for viruses; to do this, you can use the free Dr.Web Cureit utility or the Kaspersky Lab utility KVRT. If the blue screen of death continues to appear, I recommend installing the latest Windows 7 update package.

Reset the BIOS settings to default, it is possible that the computer components were overclocked incorrectly, which is why the hardware is running at incorrect settings that differ from the factory settings, thereby causing malfunctions. To reset the settings, you need to go into the BIOS, press the F5 key and press F10 to save the settings. The computer should restart and apply the new settings.