Why doesn't VK show the location? How to specify a location in Contact

This publication will be quite useful to those very many who want to know how to remove VKontakte location in a photo. After all, there are situations when you previously put a mark on a photo, that is, indicated the place where the photo was taken, and now for some reason you want to remove the location indication. If you have a similar situation, then you will have to perform a few simple manipulations to remove the location. First of all, to remove a place (mark on the map) on VKontakte from any photo, you need to find the photo and open it in full screen mode. provides that to the right of the photo itself at the bottom there will be an icon and a link to the location. You just need to click on this link. After this, a map will open in front of you. In the map window at the top, click on the pencil icon, as shown in the first picture below. After this action, you can edit the location by moving the pointer.

You can also look at photos that were taken by other VKontakte users near the place where your photo was taken. You may even be able to find your friends and acquaintances nearby.

Move the location icon to another location on the map and save the changes if the location is incorrect. If you need exactly remove location from VKontakte photo, then at the bottom of the same page there will be a link with the anchor: “Delete place” (see Figure 2 above). Now, for greater clarity, look at the bottom picture. To the right of the photo is all the information: likes, comments, description, and at the very bottom the address where the photo was taken.

Click on the icon with the image of a cart, then edit the location and save the photo or remove the location from the selected photo. The location will not be deleted immediately. To see the changes, you need to refresh the page with the edited photo. After the update, you will no longer see location links in the usual place. As we can see, in order to delete a place, it is not at all necessary to completely and completely delete the photo.

How to mark a location in a contact on a photo

We have already figured out how to delete a place in a photo. Now let's look at a more useful option on VKontakte. Namely, let's talk about how to mark VKontakte location in a photo. This function will be especially useful for those people who spend a lot of time on various trips and travels. You just visited some place and put a mark on the map. Now all of your people will be able, by clicking on the appropriate button, to see the geography of your trips and travels.

In general, it’s best to look at it and people will immediately understand what places you visit and where you go most often. Of course, many will say that this function does not provide any benefit, because you can also indicate the location of the action in the description of the photo. But it is not so. A location link is much more convenient and more informative than simple text in the description.

Searching for a person's location by VKontakte ID guarantees 100% results in two cases - the user is poorly encrypted or is not anonymous at all. In these cases, confidential information is on the surface; all that remains is to know what to look for and how to do it.

The determination procedure is simple but routine. The more time you devote, and the more carefully you snoop around using the techniques described below, the faster you will find accurate information and successfully determine the location of the necessary person.

How to determine location by user ID?

1. There are two types of user ID: rolexiy (login), id280367333 (clean ID). Usually, most people change their clean ID code to a login. Both identifiers are important to us. If the user has a login, it is visible in the address bar of the browser.

To determine the user ID, just open any of his photos and copy the numbers after the word “=photo” to the “_” sign. Write both IDs down in a notepad.

Great, now let's open the user details tab. The following points are important to us: phone number, Skype, Instagram, address and school. You also write this information down in a notebook.

2. The next step, we begin to search for confidential information in the Google and Yandex search engines - necessarily in both, because each shows different results. When searching using the written data, we are interested in matches, sites on which this user appeared, where he left his contact information, submitted advertisements or communicated on any forums.

If you have not found any information on confidential data, you can use a photo search if the page is not fake (this is determined by the date the photos were added, as well as posts on the wall). If the photos are really personal, then you will have to check each one (except for those taken from the Internet) - right-click on it and select “Search image on Google”. The same thing needs to be done in Yandex, only in manual mode, by writing any request and going to the category where results for pictures are displayed (similar to Google).

This way you can find the user’s profile if he is registered in any other social networks.

3. If both steps do not bear fruit, then you will have to really work hard. The main thing is that the user’s page is not fake, and that you are not in an emergency with this user in order to see the list of friends, posts on the wall, and can view photos. We need to look at who is liking posts and photos to identify those who do it the most (usually real friends liking and commenting on content).

Next, go to the user’s friends tab and see if these users are friends with the type whose location you need to determine. If there is, then go to their pages and look at their confidential information. If there are matches by address or school, then we will definitely check the location of the school. If the years of study were from an early age, then most likely it was the closest school to the real place of residence.

4. If you know how to make acquaintances, you can try to extract information from friends, only tactfully, after a while, and not immediately.
Unfortunately, there are no other ways to calculate a person’s location by VKontakte ID. Indeed, recently, confidential information has been carefully hidden by the search engines themselves. But there is always a chance, and we have described all possible methods that really help find the location of the right person.

Many VK users post their vacation photos. You may have probably noticed that under many of them there is a geotag - a mark about the location. You can add such a note at any moment and to absolutely any photo.

How does this happen? Yes, very simple. Open the photo where you want to add a geotag. There is a small menu at the bottom right of the image window. Click on the "Actions" button and then select "Specify Location".

In this case, the browser may ask you for your current location. Whether it is worth reporting it is up to you to decide, but if you want to indicate some hot country as a geotag, and you yourself are, for example, in Murmansk, then you need to refuse this action in order to choose the location yourself.

Next, a map will appear in front of you. You can select the location yourself by moving a special icon on the map, or simply write the exact address in the search bar. After the point is set, click on the “Save location” button.

Geotag saved.

Now you can set the location for your other images too.


If you want to indicate your current location, that is, your place of residence, you need to use different instructions.

Go to your page. Click on the "Edit" button. It can be found both under the avatar and next to the “My Page” item in the menu.

We return to our pages and see contact information, where your address is reflected.

It’s not always pleasant to notice that the photo you posted on VK shows the place where you are. Especially if the goal is for your photographs to tell a story about an event, and not at all about the place where you were. Or you simply don’t want every user who visits your profile to be able to view this private information.

So that this small but not very pleasant moment stops bothering you,

remove the VK location in the photo. How to remove a location from a VKontakte photo

  1. Delete location from VKontakte photo
  2. You can immediately below the photo where the location is indicated. Select a photo that has location markings. Expand it to full screen. Further:
  3. On the right, parallel to the comments field, find the “Actions” designation.

Expand the tab. Tap the "Specify Location" criteria A map with a checkmark will appear in front of you, which shows the place where the photo was taken. Move down.

If you post a photo from your PC, the location is most often not indicated. It is impossible to determine if, for example, they sent you a photo in a message, and then you uploaded it from your phone. As a rule, showing a place in a photo depends on whether you have geolocation enabled. When you photograph a place, your smart gadget automatically determines its coordinates. When you upload a photo to VK, it also automatically displays these coordinates.

  1. To disable geolocation on iPhone:
  2. Tap the Settings section.
  3. Go to the privacy section.
  4. Select a geolocation service point.

Here you can immediately disable all applications that determine your coordinates. And also switch down and disable only camera geolocation.

How to mark a location in a contact on a photo

After this, your gadget will stop automatically giving out your coordinates and at the same time, you will use the battery more economically. Do you want to tell everyone about where you've been? Or find who traveled to the same places as you? It's possible to do this

by marking the location in the contact on the photo. Move to the albums section and select the pictures on which you want to indicate a place.

Right below the photo you will see the corresponding inscription.

Click on it. In the map that will be in front of you, enter the name of the city where you were. Here you can also indicate an avenue or street, a house or a national park. If you and your friends have a certain place where you gather all the time and in your company you call it in a special way, then you can enter exactly this name. Also in the description you can put a hashtag, or make

To do this, open the photo that you uploaded to VK.COM and under it click on the inscription “specify location”:

A map will open with two tabs – “Mapbox” and “Yandex”. The first one is recommended for use abroad. But Yandex maps have shown themselves very well for Russia and the CIS countries.

By clicking on “+” and “-” you can zoom in or out. Maps scale quite well. There are several modes - circuit, satellite and hybrid. In the search bar, you can enter the name of a city, street or any other significant landmark.

Once the required location is selected, you need to mark it with a dot by clicking once with the left mouse button. Then click on the “save location” button.

Now under your photo, neatly under the description, the line “place” will be added. By clicking on the link, the user viewing your photo will be taken to the same place on the map that you indicated a little earlier:

Please note that when using smartphones that have Internet access or support A-GPS, GPS, GLONAS, etc. It is possible to automatically enter your location. To do this, click “allow” on the request:

http://vk.com requests data about the location of your computer.

That’s basically all the subtleties of working with VK location. If you have questions, ask in the comments.