Convert from doc to pdf. Convert Word to PDF

When working with office Word documents, users need to convert a Word document into a PDF document. Converting DOC to PDF is necessary in many cases, which I will discuss below.

Microsoft Word is widely used in enterprises; quite a lot of users work with the program on personal computers. The Microsoft Word text editor, as a separate application, is part of the Microsoft Office suite.

Word documents are saved in the modern “.docx” format or in the old “.doc” format. Most users, in the old fashioned way, refer to all Word files as “DOC”. Therefore, this article will mainly refer to the “.doc” format, although everything written has the same relation to the “.docx” format.

Documents in the ".DOC" or ".DOCX" formats are easy to edit, but documents in the ".PDF" format, on the contrary, are quite difficult to edit. The PDF format has its own area of ​​application: reporting documents, forms, forms, e-books, instructions, etc. are saved in PDF. PDF is a portable format that is displayed equally on any computer or device, which is very important for certain types of documents.

Converting a Word document to PDF is necessary in some cases, for example, when you need to create an e-book, to protect the document from changes, to send a document by email, etc.

Currently, the PDF format is supported by all major browsers, so there will be no problems opening files of this format on any computer, even if there is no special viewer for files of this type. Word documents (doc and docx formats) require Microsoft Word or an application on your computer that supports opening files in these formats.

Based on these considerations, there is a need to convert (convert) a file from one format to another. True, much more often a conversion is required. How to convert DOC to PDF?

Let's look at free methods. You can convert doc to pdf for free in the following ways:

  • directly in Word, if the application is installed on your computer
  • from another text editor that supports Word format
  • using an online service for converting DOC to PDF
  • using a virtual printer
  • in a specialized program for converting DOC to PDF

In this article I will tell you how to save a Word document to PDF in Microsoft Office (Microsoft Word 2016, Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft Word 2007), in free office programs (LibreOffice, OpenOffice), using a virtual printer in the program (Universal Viewer), which supports opening Word files.

Free versions of doc to pdf converters have limitations, so we will not consider them in this article. Online services (word to pdf converters) have some limitations compared to programs, read more about them.

Convert doc to pdf in Word 2016

First, let's look at how to convert a DOC file to PDF in Microsoft Word 2016.

To convert a document from Word to PDF in Microsoft Word 2016, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "File" menu and then select "Export".
  2. In the “Export” tab, select “Create PDF/XPS Document”, and then click on the “Create PDF/XPS” button. Another option is "Save As", then choose a save location and format to save the file.
  1. In the “Publish as PDF or XPS” window, select a save location, name the document, and select optimization settings. By default, standard optimization is offered, suitable for publishing the file on the Internet and printing. The minimum size implies publishing the file on the Internet with slightly worse quality. Click on the "Options..." button to select other settings.

  1. In the Options window, choose the options you want to convert the file: compatibility options, which pages to keep, and so on.

  1. In the Publish as PDF or XPS window, click the Publish button.

The document converted from DOCX to PDF will open in the PDF viewer on your computer (in this case, the file is opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader).

How to Convert a DOC File to PDF in Word 2013

Converting Word to PDF in Microsoft Word 2013 is no different from the same action in Microsoft Word 2016.

Translating a document from word to pdf in Microsoft Word 2013 takes place in several stages:

  1. Go to the "File" menu, click on "Export".
  2. In the “Export” tab, select “Create PDF/XPS Document”, and then click on the “Create PDF/XPS” button.
  3. In the Publish as PDF or XPS window, select the desired settings, and then click the Publish button.

Word to PDF conversion is complete, you can open the converted file.

How to save a word document as a pdf in Word 2010

You can use Microsoft Word 2010 to convert .docx or .doc files to a .pdf file.

In Microsoft Word 2010, you need to convert docx to pdf in the following way:

  1. Go to the “Start” menu, click on “Save As”
  2. In the “Save Document” window, in the “File type” field, select the PDF format. Specify a name for the file, select a save location, optimization settings, and change other parameters if necessary.

After this, the file will be saved on your computer in PDF format.

How to Save a Word 2007 Document to PDF

Now let's see how to save a Word 2007 document to PDF. Starting with version Microsoft Word 2007 SP1, it introduced an add-on - a PDF converter into the Word program.

Open your document in Word 2007, and then follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Office” button.
  2. Select “Save As” from the menu, then “PDF or XPS”, give the file a name.
  3. In the "Publish as PDF or XPS" window, select the file type "PDF", optimization options: "Standard" or "Minimum size", use the "Options" button to change the settings if you are not satisfied with the default settings.
  4. Click on the “Publish” button.

How to Convert Word to PDF in LibreOffice

Many computers have the free office suites LibreOffice or OpenOffice installed, which serve as a replacement for Office. These programs support opening MS Word files. These programs have functionality for saving a document in PDF format.

Open a Word document in LibreOffice Writer, and then do the following:

  1. In the program menu, click on the “Export to PDF” button.

  1. In the “Export” window, select a save location, name the file, and the format will be selected automatically.
  2. Click on the "Save" button.

Saving a Word File to PDF in OpenOffice

Open a file in “doc” or “docx” format in OpenOffice, follow the following steps:

  1. Enter the “File” menu, select “Export to PDF” in the context menu (or click on the button located on the panel).
  2. In the “PDF Options” window, select the necessary settings in the tabs: “General”, “Initial View”, “User Interface”, “Links”, “Security”.

  1. Click on the "Export" button.

Saving DOC to PDF using a virtual printer in Universal Viewer

In programs that have a print function, it is possible to save a file in PDF format if a virtual printer is installed in the Windows operating system. I have already written in detail about this method in the article.

Windows 10 comes with Microsoft Print to PDF virtual printer installed. If you don't have a virtual printer on your computer, install a free virtual printer like doPDF, Bullzip PDF Printer, etc. on your computer.

We also need any program that can open files in Microsoft Word format. I will show the whole process using the example of a program that is used to open files of a large number of formats.

Open a Word document in Universal Viewer, then follow these steps:

  1. Enter the "File" menu, select "Print..." from the context menu.
  2. The “Print” window will open, in which you need to select a printer. The printer name displays all available printers: physical and virtual. Select a virtual printer, be guided by its name. For printing settings, click on the “Properties” button, change the settings if necessary.
  3. Click on the "OK" button.

  1. In the “Save Print Results” window, name the file, select a location to save it, and then click the “Save” button.

Save to PDF in WordPad

The standard WordPad program, which is part of the Windows operating system, supports by default opening and working with files in the “docx” and “doc” formats if Microsoft Office is not installed on the computer.

  1. Open a Word document in a WordPad window.
  2. Click on the "File" menu, select "Print".
  3. In the “Print” window that opens, select a virtual printer and click on the “Print” button.

Conclusions of the article

If necessary, the user can convert a Word document (in DOC or DOCX formats) into a PDF file for free. Conversion to PDF occurs using a virtual printer and programs: Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, OpenOffice.

Greetings, readers of the site. More and more often in everyday life we ​​have to deal with electronic documents of various formats and less and less often work with paper. Unfortunately, there is no one standard type of electronic document that would fit all occasions.

It often happens that you need one file format (for example, pdf), but another is available (for example, doc or docx). We have to think about how to convert them. Today I will show you several ways to convert word to pdf for free and without any problems, using 3 different approaches: Standard office programs, a special application and online services for conversion.

What are Word and PDF formats for?

Different types of files, which at first glance perform the same functions, are rarely created out of the blue; more often than not, each of them has unique features and is used to perform its own range of tasks. Word and PDF are no exception - despite the fact that both provide text and graphic information in the same visual form, they are intended for different purposes.

This article is not an educational program on the purpose of doc, docx and pdf files, so I will convey the essence in a short form, and we will move directly to the topic of conversion.

Word with its doc (old versions) and docx (new versions) is intended to create text documents from scratch, that is, by typing text and inserting the necessary graphic elements into it. Saving to files with standard doc and docx extensions allows you to edit the created document at any time by any user using Microsoft Word.

Word documents are needed to create files from scratch with the ability to edit them later.

PDF format (Portable Document Format) was originally created as an electronic analogue of printed publications (books, magazines). That is, this is a file that can be read and printed, but cannot be changed - a kind of protection against adjustments.

PDF is considered universal, as it is supported by any device, regardless of operating systems and versions, in addition, its content looks the same on every device and in every program.

Of course, there are ways to correct it; using special programs (such as Foxit Phantom, etc.) you can make minor changes to the finished pdf document, but it cannot be seriously changed in structure.

Files in PDF format are the final product, which does not imply any changes after they are created (only view and print).

A pdf is not created from scratch, like a doc, but by converting documents created using other editors (text or graphic).

From all this the following follows:

  • Word to PDF conversion is easy;
  • Converting PDF to Word is significantly more difficult.

Now let's get back to the conversion. Since pdf files are created not by typing text and inserting pictures, but by converting them from other types of documents, the procedure for obtaining them from sources is quite simple and accessible to anyone.

Convert using Microsoft Word

Since the 2007 version of Word, Word can create files in pdf format without outside help. Previously, there was no such feature and we had to resort to other programs or add-ons.

The presence of the pdf saving function has significantly simplified the process of creating e-books and other important documents that require copyright preservation. We simply work with any test document (rtf, doc, docx), write, insert pictures, format as needed and, when the process is completed, save not in a Word file, but in pdf.

You can see that you can choose one of two quality options - better or smaller in size.

If you have an older version of Microsoft Word (2003 or even earlier), then read on. Although, in 2016 it is rare to see such old programs and I would advise their owners to switch to something more modern. If you don’t want to spend money on paid Microsoft, then free OpenOffice will be better - it weighs little, supports all new formats, including docx.

Saving to PDF via OpenOffice Writer

If you use this free document program, you have the ability to convert Word documents to pdf in a similar way to newer versions of Microsoft Office. Just open a file of any supported type and export it to pdf. Unlike Word, here the export occurs in a separate menu, and not in the general “Save As” heap.

In terms of various settings for the created pdf document, OpenOffice is head and shoulders above its competitor. There is also a manual adjustment of the quality of images inside the file and a security tab that allows you to set passwords for the created file, as well as allow/deny/impose restrictions on printing. It is possible to set the initial window parameters when opening a document through the “user interface” tab and much more. Naturally, most of these functions are rarely used, but you never know - and they are there.

Click the “Export” button and the document is ready.

doPDF conversion program

Probably, in 99% of cases, what is described above will be enough, but if you were unable to solve the task using standard office applications, special programs come to the rescue.

The free Word to pdf converter program I recommend is doPDF.

Download doPDF from the official website –

They also have a paid version, called novaPDF, which can also do reverse conversion, extract from pdf - if anyone needs it, keep that in mind.

How to use doPDF

Download the distribution from the site I wrote above. Install the program on your computer. If you leave the checkbox during installation, a special add-in will be added to your Microsoft Office that allows you to make some general conversion settings. To be honest, I didn’t see the point in installing it, since it doesn’t increase the level of convenience - everything works already simply. So, you can uncheck the box during installation.

As a result, you will have another device in your list of equipment - a virtual printer called doPDF8.

Now, to receive a pdf document, we need to open the Word file, then go to the “Print” tab (note – not “save”, but “print”).

Select “doPDF 8” from the list of printers. If you do not need to translate the entire document, then specify a range of pages. Click “Print”

A window for setting up the future PDF file will open. The path where to save it is indicated at the top. Next you need to choose the quality - the higher it is, the greater the volume. I recommend checking the “Embed fonts” checkbox; this option includes in the file all the fonts used by the document; it is useful if the file is opened on a device where the necessary fonts are not installed - there will be no different hieroglyphs instead of letters.

That's all the settings, the application is very simple.

Online services for conversion

Sometimes there is a need to convert a text document to pdf using online services. For example, when using someone else’s computer, where the version of Office is old, but you cannot install additional programs. This raises the question of how to turn a doc into a pdf using some publicly accessible means.

There is a solution for such cases too. Here are several services that convert Word files into pdf directly on the Internet, and you download ready-made versions to your computer.


Required page –

We upload the necessary files, and the output is a pdf. It can convert not only Word, but also other formats, it supports working with several documents simultaneously - you can download a whole bunch.

Required page –

This service supports downloading source files not only from a computer. You can directly convert your Word files located on Google Drive or Dropbox to pdf, and you can also save the result there.

Converter page –

This service is practically the twin brother of the previous one in terms of implemented functionality; it also works with cloud services for downloading and saving files.

Let’s finish here today, now you know what doc and pdf files are for, what is their fundamental difference and, most importantly, how easily and quickly you can convert a document of one format to another, preserving its internal content and structure.

We will return to different types of computer files, so subscribe to new blog articles and write your additions, questions and suggestions in the comments.

Using Word version 2010 or 2013
1. Open the file in Word.
2. Select the "File" tab and open a new window.
3. In the "File types" field, you must select "Create PDF or XPS document." After that, click on “Save as PDF/XPS”.
4. Click "Create PDF/XPS".
5. In the dialog box, you must enter the file name and determine its location on your device.
6. Click Publish.
Remember that this method is only applicable to Word 2010 or 2013; if you use version 2007, the menu will have significant differences.

Method 2

Using Word 2007
1. Open the document to be converted.
2. Click the "File" menu item located at the top left.
3. Select the appropriate settings to save it as PDF.
You must remember that this method is only relevant on Windows; if you are using a Mac, you should try other methods.
4. Enter the desired file name and make other necessary settings.
5. Click “Save”, which will allow you to convert the document and subsequently open it in Adobe Reader.

Method 3

Using WORD on Mac OS
1. Select and open the file you need to save.
2. From the menu, open the File > Print tabs.
3. At the bottom left, click the “PDF” button, then select “Save as PDF” from the drop-down menu.
4. Enter a title and come up with a name for the file to be created. If necessary, adjust other settings.
5. Click “Save.”

Method 4

Using other versions of WORD
1. Select and open the source file on your computer.
2. From the menu, click File > Print.
3. Click on the drop-down list of printers installed on the device. Select PDF from it.
4. Click OK.

Method 5

Using -converters
1. Go to any free website that offers conversion of documents to PDF format. Such resources can be easily found on the Internet by typing the search query “convert Word to PDF”.
You should not use a resource that requires you to pay for this service, install any software, or perform an action that you do not understand. There are plenty of free, easy-to-use online PDF converters available today, so you don't have to complicate things. All sites of this purpose work on the same principle.
2. Click Browse and locate the required Word file.
3. If necessary, enter your email address. Some sites send the converted file to your mailbox.
4. Click on the “Convert” or “Convert” button, wait until the file is processed.
5. Download the converted file to your computer. If nothing appears on the screen, you should look for the converted file in your mailbox.

Method 6

How to convert a WORD document to PDF using Open Office
1. Download OpenOffice from the Internet - a free program that is fully compatible with Microsoft Word.
2. Double-click on the downloaded file to install the downloaded application on your PC.
3. Open the original Word document in the installed program.
4. Find File > Export as PDF in the main menu.
5. Come up with a name for the PDF document.
6. Click OK or Save to convert. If you decide to use an online converter, you should take into account that sites may have problems with their operation.
Always create a backup copy of your document before starting the conversion.
Please note that OpenOffice may open a DOCX file but not allow you to edit it.


All of the methods listed are relevant for standard documents. Files with complex formatting may be converted with partial data loss.
If you intend to convert sensitive documents, avoid online converters.

I often receive a question by email: How to convert word to pdf? I figured it out and in this article I will try to explain how to convert word to pdf.

In what format do you save your documents? Of course, you say, in Word document format - with the .DOC extension. You can also save in RTF format (Rich Text Format), plain text format (.TXT), template format (.DOT), web page format (.HTM, .HTML) and others.

But if you plan to distribute your documents, including via the Internet, then you must be absolutely sure that your information can be read by all interested parties, regardless of which operating system (MacOS or Windows) they use, and without losing your formatting.

When I talk about documents, I mean files that contain both textual information and graphic elements and multimedia. These types of documents are usually reference books, technical manuals, textbooks, etc.

Undoubtedly, you can place all the necessary information on your website and it will become available to all Internet users. But there are also disadvantages to this distribution:

1) there is no more or less serious protection against copying of your information and violation of your copyrights;

2) to familiarize yourself and/or study your information in detail, the user must be constantly online.

In this case, it makes sense to save your documents in a special format, independent of the platform and operating systems used.

The most popular format for distributing electronic documents today is considered to be the format PDF (Portable Document Format), developed by Adobe Systems. The same company has created software for working with documents in PDF format: Adobe Acrobat (creating, viewing, editing, printing PDF documents), Adobe Reader (viewing and printing PDF files).

You can convert any document, including a Word document, to PDF format. But for this you need to have Adobe Acrobat installed with a full package of programs for writing PDF files. It is not cheap and in most cases the average user does not need this product.

In addition to the original programs for creating PDF files from Adobe Systems, there are also developments from third-party companies. I will tell you several programs that are designed to convert Word documents to PDF format.

First, I will introduce a Russian development from ABBYY - ABBYY PDF Transformer 2.0. The program weighs a lot - 54Mb. But this is justified by its capabilities.

According to the information available on the company's official website, this program allows you to create PDF files. You can do this from Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Visio diagrams, and HTML files.

However, the main function of the program is the reverse conversion of any PDF files into editable formats, including scanned documents that are just pictures. This is achieved through the use of unique ABBYY recognition technology.

After installation, the program creates its own toolbar in Word:

In addition, it is possible to create PDF files using the context menu by right-clicking on the file, or from the ABBYY PDF Transformer program itself, or using the standard print function from any program, selecting a virtual printer as the printer PDF-XChange for ABBYY PDF Transformer.

Not for the sake of advertising, but from the bottom of my heart, I can say that the program is excellent and can only be recommended for those users whose functions are related to the creation and conversion of documents into one or another format (from PDF and to PDF).

Another program has foreign roots. Convert Doc to PDF For Word, just like ABBYY PDF Transformer, integrates its own toolbar into Word. However, to convert the file to PDF format, the program offers to download a free conversion driver, which weighs 3.7 MB. In addition, the trial version of the program is limited to 30 runs and only converts the first page, and links in the text are not saved as hyperlinks.

And although the test file was converted perfectly, these limitations negated all the potential capabilities of the program, and the program was removed from the computer without regret.

I consider it necessary to talk about one more program, since I learned about its existence not from search engines, but from criticism of this article on the Computerra forum.

The PrimoPDF program is built into the "print department" and becomes available when calling the print function from any program.

PrimoPDF creates high-quality PDF documents from any source: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, etc.

Allows you to optimize the output file for use for different purposes: for printing, for viewing on a PC screen... The value of the program is that it is free and easy to use. There are no problems with Russian characters. The program weighs 14 MB.

But there is also a minus. I did not find an option in the program to save links in a document as hyperlinks. Well, overall the program is good.

For the purity of the experiment, I tested several more similar foreign programs and came to the conclusion that they do not even come close in capabilities to the program from ABBYY. Some do not distinguish the Cyrillic alphabet, others require you to install additional programs, others are simply ugly both in appearance and functionality.

Having analyzed all of the above, the question arises: what is Microsoft itself doing in this direction? Why is such a popular format ignored?

Not at all. As Stephen Sinofsky (who led the group working on the Microsoft Office suite) once reported, the new version of Microsoft Office 2007 will introduce the ability to save Word documents in PDF format. Indeed, users who had previously downloaded this package could see firsthand the opportunity provided.

However, Adobe Systems opposed this innovation, threatening Microsoft with legal action. This is understandable: in this way Adobe could lose its market. Why would anyone download and buy expensive Adobe Systems products if the functions of converting documents to PDF format are available in MS Office.

As a result, Microsoft excluded the function of saving files in PDF format from the updated office suite, but provided users with the opportunity to download from its official website a special plug-in (add-on) for saving Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, InfoPath, OneNote, Publisher and Visio documents in the format PDF.

Total Doc Converter was created to maximize your time and effort when converting Doc, DocX, Txt files to PDF. The user-friendly interface makes the program simple even for an inexperienced user and helps you easily understand all the functionality in a matter of minutes. The program is compatible with all Windows platforms (including Vista and 7) and easily integrates into the operating system. Total Doc Converter allows you to convert Doc to PDF, HTML, PDF, XLS, JPG, TIFF and TXT.

There are several convenient options for converting files from Doc to PDF:

  • You can convert Doc files to PDF through the user interface or command line.
  • You can convert several Doc files to PDF at once; the program maintains the folder structure.
  • You can convert multiple Doc files to one multi-page PDF document.
  • You can convert every page Doc file into a separate PDF file.

When converting from Doc to PDF, Total Doc Converter correctly preserves all document attributes (author, creator, keywords, subject, title).

Converting Doc (Word) to PDF with Total Doc Converter is very fast and easy. Select the desired folder from the left column of the program window. All files and folders that the selected folder contains will be displayed in the middle part of the window. To convert them, check the box next to one or more files or folders in the list. The contents of the selected file will be shown to the right of the list. Then select PDF from the format bar above the list of folder contents.

Why is converting from Doc to PDF completely safe?

PDF (Portable Document Format) is designed for viewing and storing documents; thousands of pages can be stored in one file. This format is resolution independent; PDF documents retain their original appearance, regardless of the program in which they were created. PDF files can contain all kinds of text and graphics with any formatting.

Total Doc Converter allows you to convert Doc (Word) to PDF in just a few seconds. The program completely preserves the original formatting of the Word document. With this utility you can group thousands of documents into one multi-page PDF document. It is also the most secure Word to PDF converter available on the market today. With our Total Doc Converter, you can create documents that are password protected to prevent unauthorized use or plagiarism.

We offer a unique opportunity to test the effectiveness of our program completely free of charge. You can download the trial version of Total Doc Converter and use it for a 30-day trial period. The trial version is not intended for commercial use, but the trial period is enough to familiarize yourself with all the functionality of the program.