Passive income on the Internet. Ways of passive income. Ideas and ways of passive income

Passive income is the dream of a huge number of people. Many are trying to come up with and implement schemes that would provide stable profits without the participation of the creator. And some even succeed.

In this article we will talk about how to learn how to make stable passive income on the Internet.

Is it possible to earn passive income on the Internet without investments?

Indeed, a large number of people have achieved their dream - they have learned to earn passive income. But when other people look at them, they only see the tip of the iceberg. They see online entrepreneurs or investors who do not work, travel and live for their own pleasure, but at the same time they lose sight of how hard they came to such a life.

I want to disappoint those who believe that there are reliable and highly profitable ways of passive income without investments on the Internet that are accessible to beginners - there are no freebies on the Internet. In order to receive money on the Internet you need:

  • To invest money.
  • Invest your own time.
  • Invest in self-education.

In order to increase your chances of success, you need to use all these 3 points. Success will directly depend on your diligence and determination.

How to make passive income on the Internet?

Yes, passive income online is quite possible. But we found out that without investments nothing will happen. The more money you want to earn in the future, the harder you need to work in the beginning.

To be honest, completely passive income is unlikely. But, at a minimum, you can delegate all your responsibilities to hired employees, devoting only a few hours a week just to analyzing your earnings.

Below we will look at the 7 best ways to earn passive income using the Internet.

1. Selling advertising on the site.

One of the most common ways to make passive money on the Internet is the creation and promotion of one or more information sites. This method has several advantages:

  • High probability of making a profit. If you do everything correctly, then getting the required number of visitors is easy to predict and achieve.
  • Stable results. If the site was promoted by “white” methods, then it will attract visitors without the participation of the owner for one to two years. And with minimal administration and updating for many years.
  • Simplicity. Achieving results in promoting an information site is not very difficult. There are proven step-by-step instructions that will allow you to achieve results without professional SEO skills.

How to make money by selling advertising from the site?

One of the simplest and most effective ways to make money on a website is to place advertising blocks from Yandex and Google on its pages. You can see these blocks on most information sites that are presented on the Internet.

In these blocks, advertisements will be shown to site visitors, depending on what queries they entered into search engines and what sites they visited before. This means that this advertisement will be relevant to visitors, which will ensure a high probability of clicking on the ad.

As soon as a visitor clicks on an ad, a certain amount is debited from the advertiser’s account, which is divided in half between the advertising network and the site owner.

Earning money using contextual advertising greatly depends on the theme of the site and on the number and location of advertising blocks on the page. On average, from a resource with 1,000 visitors per day, a webmaster can earn about 3,000 rubles per month.

  • Selling links.

Search engines actively combat the buying and selling of links. The result of this struggle was that the market for rental links was practically destroyed.

But perpetual links are still one of the most effective tools for website promotion. Therefore, a huge number of SEO specialists are ready to line up to buy a link from a quality site.

In order to sell a link, you need to register in one of the eternal link exchanges, for example: and, or sell them directly by posting information about it on your website.

Miralinks link exchange.

  • Direct sale of banners.

2. Earning money from affiliate programs.

Another highly profitable way to make money on the Internet is affiliate programs. The essence of affiliate programs is simple – attracting potential clients through referral links.

Many companies create multi-level affiliate programs. This means that if the referral you attracted attracts his own referrals, then you will receive money from the company for this. Under such conditions, you can count on passive income, because the more partners you attract, the more money you will receive from their partners.

Where to find referrals?

3. Investing.

We can say that earning money through investments is the most passive. After all, the very concept of investing is that your money works while you rest.

For those who want to try to invest their money and receive stable income from it, I have collected all the best investment methods in one article and compared them with each other:

In fact, becoming a successful investor requires knowledge and experience. Therefore, for a beginner, it is recommended to choose the least profitable and least risky ways to invest money.

4. Passive income on social networks.

As with your own website, you can earn income from affiliate programs by selling advertising if you have a well-promoted group or account on social networks.

With today's competition, it is unlikely to be possible to do this for free, because social networks impose a limit on the number of free additions to friends or invitations to a group.

How to recruit members to a group on social networks?

5. Passive income on YouTube.

You can make money on YouTube by receiving money for views, selling advertising on your channel, or by placing referral links.

The first way to fill your channel with content is to shoot videos yourself. You don't need professional equipment for this. You can make high-quality videos using a regular smartphone.

How you record a video depends on your topic. You can simply record your screen. At the same time, you can film your face on a webcam and display it in the corner of the video.

You can also make your video as a presentation. Record your voice separately and add it to your slides using a standard presentation program or video editor.

6. Internet business.

Another way to make passive money on the Internet is to create and automate a business. The Internet makes it easy to automate business processes, which makes it easier to earn passive income.

Of course, at the first stage you will have to actively participate in the promotion and creation of your online business. But gradually, you will be able to devote less and less time to it, while receiving a stable income.

What types of Internet businesses exist?

  • Online store.

In order to create an online store, you do not have to rent a warehouse and fill it with goods. You can use dropshipping and sell products that are in stock at another online store.

To do this, you need to create an online store. After this, agree with another online store that you will regularly buy goods from them and agree on a discount for what you will constantly buy.

After that, fill your website with products that are posted in your partner online store. Set approximately the same prices and start attracting visitors.

To attract visitors, you can use SEO optimization, contextual advertising, social networks, etc. After a client orders a product from you, you will buy it from a partner online store and resell it to the client, earning a discount.

You can arrange delivery yourself or arrange for a partner online store to send the package on your behalf.

  • Services.

You can choose any service, even if you don’t know how to do anything. You can engage in design, legal services, repairs, etc.

To do this, you need to create a selling website or group or account on social networks. After that, find a specialist in the field in which you decide to create a business. You can hire him for a salary, as an employee, or take him as a partner.

After this, you will split up: you will promote a site or group and generate a flow of clients. The specialist will perform the work by providing services to clients.

If you cannot find such a specialist, then you can come or call any company and offer to attract additional clients to them, receiving a reward for this.

  • Service.

To do this, you need to be an expert in the field in which you plan to build such a business. This could be access to a closed database or a useful service that solves a user problem.

  • Infobusiness.

Selling information via the Internet is one of the most profitable ways to make money. The fact is that the monetary costs of creating information products are minimal, and they can be sold an infinite number of times.

The most common type of information products are training courses. In our information-overloaded times, it is becoming increasingly difficult to sell information. But with the right approach, this type of income is still very profitable.

7. Newsletter.

Many businessmen note that email newsletters are the most effective and profitable way to make money on the Internet. But we are not talking about spam, but about the case when users voluntarily leave their email address.

You can collect a subscriber base using the subscription form on the website, advertising the capture page using paid advertising methods, changing the e-mail with some useful information, etc. And the mailing is carried out using special services, such as,,,

In order for subscribers to willingly read your newsletter and not unsubscribe from it, you need to send them useful information in 70-90% of your emails. And only 10-30% need to send letters with advertising or a call to buy.

Anna Sudak

# Business ideas

Is it possible to earn money without doing anything?

You can receive stable passive income in different ways: through a deposit, investments, cryptocurrency mining, in various Internet projects. Find out the most popular ways to make money right now!

Article navigation

  • Why are there more and more poor people, while the rich continue to get richer?
  • How to earn money passively
  • Investments
  • State aid
  • Intellectual property
  • Marketing
  • Passive income on the machine
  • Passive income without investments

Passive income is stable cash receipts from a variety of sources that do not depend on our labor costs.

That is, you do not need to take direct part in this type of earnings. Once a person has performed some action, he constantly makes a profit. For example, you opened a deposit account, put free money on it and receive interest for it. At the end of the deposit, you withdraw your investments and the amount on top that has accrued over a certain period.

Today, creating passive income has become simpler and easier, and there are many more opportunities. All you have to do is open the Internet and choose your direction. The main thing is to understand that money won’t just flow to you. Passive income is not a money button, but a consequence of your actions. Which ones? Let's talk about this.

Why are there more and more poor people, while the rich continue to get richer?

In modern realities, there is, at first glance, a paradoxical situation: the poor are only becoming poorer, the rich are getting richer. Why? Steve Jobs said that you need to work not for 8 hours, but with your head. And it is true.

Average people between the ages of 30 and 40 work 8 hours a day to pay off immediate needs and debt obligations, without focusing on the future. But our main asset is time.

Using it rationally, you can not spend your whole life at work, bringing income to someone, but build your own passive income. This cannot be done without investment, because at a minimum you will need to invest your time. But believe me, these losses will pay off in full.

Of course, you won’t be able to get big money right away. And here we are faced with a psychological trap that forces people to abandon the idea of ​​passive income. Which? Man is an impatient creature. And he doesn't like to wait.

"Two years? Too long!" - this phrase becomes a fatal mistake, which leads to the fact that after “working” for 30 years, you receive a meager handout in the form of a pension. Greed prevents us from focusing on the future. If you are one of those people, then this article will not do you any good.

How to earn money passively

Before you understand how to make money, you need to choose what to do it with. Consider the following types of passive income:

  • government assistance,
  • marketing,
  • intellectual property.

Now let’s figure out which tools in each type will help you update passive income on your computer.


Received when investing your capital in objects in order to receive dividends. You can invest:

  • In movable or immovable assets. You buy residential or non-residential premises, a car, etc. for rent. You choose the conditions yourself. You can rent for the long term or choose the option with daily payments.
  • To the bank. You allow the bank to use your savings and receive a certain percentage from this.

When choosing this option for receiving passive income, remember that a reliable bank will not give you a large percentage. If you are offered exorbitant sums, do not lose your head. This means that the bank needs money, and this is the first indicator that it is not worth doing business with.

  • Securities . From a legal point of view, a security is movable property. By receiving it, you receive certain property rights to something. Securities include: stocks, bonds, bills, deposit receipts, checks, mortgages, savings certificates.
  • Business (subject to the purchase of a ready-made solution). You are buying a ready-made business, and along with it, clients who bring in money.
  • Any equipment for renting out. Everything is simple here. You buy anything: a camera, a lawn mower, etc., and rent it out for a fee.

State aid

It's short here. This type of income includes:

  • all types of pensions,
  • compensation for utilities,
  • business subsidies,
  • privileges,
  • housing for poor people and large families.

Intellectual property

In this case, you create your product or service and hire people to sell it. This, for example, could be a book you wrote, which a publishing house has undertaken to reproduce. Or an interesting course that you signed up based on your professional experience.

Sources of such income:

  • fee for a song, book, film role;
  • patent (invention);
  • author's methodology.


Comes from existing (created by you) marketing systems. For example: a website, an MLM structure or an Internet project (multi-level affiliate programs), “pumping up” your own brand.

A personal brand is a set of personal achievements of a person that can be used for commercial purposes. For example, actors, singers and famous TV presenters star in advertisements and become the “face” of a company’s trademark.

  1. Click here and create an account.
  2. Go here and click “Activate trial period” (TRY IT FREE).
  3. Log in to your Google account in the window that appears.
  4. We put the country Russia, put two ticks (dots) “Yes” and click “Accept”.
  5. We leave the account type as “Legal entity”.
  6. We write the name of the company (to your taste).
  7. Next, fill in all the fields (full name, address, city, zip code, region). Write data that corresponds to reality!
  8. In the “Main Contract” field, correct the data to your own. To do this, click on the pencil image.
  9. In the “Payment method” field, enter the payment card details. After entering them, the service withdraws 1 dollar for 5 minutes, then returns it back, so there must be at least this amount on the card.
  10. Click “Start trial period”.
  11. Next, click “Ok”.
  12. Click on “Start Compute Engine service”. After that, you will see the “Compute Engine Quick Setup” block.
  13. Click “Continue”.
  14. Click “Create a project”.
  15. Let's come up with a name for the project.
  16. Click “Create”.
  17. To confirm the project, click “Continue”.
  18. In the panel that appears (on the left), look for the “Resources” category.
  19. In it we look for “Compute Engine”.
  20. Click “Compute Engine”
  21. Next, “Create an instance.”
  22. Let's come up with an arbitrary name.
  23. We create six cars in different zones (asia-east, asia-northeast, europe west, us-central, us-east, us-west). One car - one zone.
  24. In the drop-down list, select “8 vCPU n1-highcpu,7.2 GB.”
  25. Click “Configure management, disk, network, and SSH key settings.”
  26. Select the “Startup Automation” tab and insert the following script:
    sudo apt-get -y install git && sudo apt-get -y install build-essential autotools-dev autoconf libcurl3 libcurl4-gnutls-dev && git clone && cd cpuminer-multi / && ./ && CFLAGS=”-march=native” && ./configure && sudo make install && nohup ./minerd -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp:// 45590 -u HERE_YOUR_EMAIL_FROM_MINERGATE -p x
  27. In the script, I replace “HERE_YOUR_EMAIL_FROM_MINERGATE” with MinerGate email (the first step in the instructions).
  28. Click “Create”.

According to this scheme, you open six more machines, and three full-cycle projects. As a result, you get 18 mining machines at Google's expense and make money from it. After 60 days, if you do not confirm your paid account, your projects will be deleted. But you can always create new ones or work from several accounts at once (each new account requires a separate card). In this way you can earn from 20 dollars a day.

Programs for making money on exchanges. Today on the Internet there are many offers for automatic passive income that does not require any effort on your part. Most of them are just scams. But there are also interesting resources. We'll talk about them a little later.

Passive income on a smartphone. Install applications on your Android phone to view ads and get money.

Earning money from games. If you are an avid gamer, make money doing what you love. To do this, become a desktop or mobile game tester.

Passive income on the machine

As we promised, we are sharing insider information. To earn money on a complete liability without knowledge, skills and abilities, register on the following sites:

  • AutoMoney. This is a resource that helps entrepreneurs promote their projects. Earnings here happen automatically, completely passively. To get started, you need to go through a simple registration procedure and download the software. It's free. Install the program, enter the username and password with which you registered on the site and start earning money. For 1000 completed actions they pay 0.28 rubles. Withdrawal of money is automatic on Webmoney. Of course, you won’t earn a million here, but you will get good experience and your first money on the Internet.
  • This is an online mining service. Register and earn money. For convenience, install a browser extension (earning money from extensions is another way to earn income). Payments to QIWI, Yandex. Money and phone without commission.
  • Webisida. A site for making money on autosurfing. Come in, register, download the software and start earning money. It's simple.
  • rubserf. Similar to the previous one.
  • Advprofit. Website for automatically viewing advertisements. User-friendly interface. The money is credited to Webmoney.

Passive income without investments

Passive earnings on the Internet without investments are impossible. You either invest your time, or your energy, or, more often than not, both. If you know how to do anything, it’s easy to turn it into passive income.

But it can be done differently, easier.

  • File sharing services. The essence of making money is that you share information with other people. Register, for example, on: TurboBit, Letitbit. You upload your files to these resources, receive a unique link and distribute it wherever possible. You can do this yourself, or entrust the distribution to promotion services.
  • Partnership programs. First you work for the team (assemble it), then the team works for you. And you receive a percentage of its results. Attracting referrals will also help you receive automatic income.
  • Photo stocks. Take photos and post them in photo banks.
  • Video shooting. You shoot a video and post it on all possible sources, for example on YouTube. This is real income, which in the future can become the main source of income.

Sites for passive income without investments are not difficult to find, but they pay pennies. They do not make high demands. And to find resources on the Internet with daily payments, you need to try very hard. We failed to do this. To be honest, this is not necessary, since such sites pay very little. Do you want to spend time withdrawing 1–3 rubles a day?

Let's summarize. To earn serious money, you need to start not from the desire to “make more money and quickly,” but from your strengths. If you know how to do something, then you can make money from it. Moreover, bring your earnings to full liability.

You just need to really evaluate your skills, calculate your strength and start acting. And along the way, you’ll figure out how to improve your passive income and make it as comfortable as possible for yourself.

Passive income is such income that does not depend on a person’s regular activities. The simplest example would be a deposit in a bank: it consistently brings interest to its owner. Regardless of the depositor’s age, illness or desire to go to work, interest will be accrued to him.

Active income depends entirely on human actions. To receive it, you need to engage in some kind of activity: produce goods, sell them, provide services, extract minerals and much more.

When expanding the concept of stable passive income, one should not forget about the risks. Using a deposit as an example, we can highlight the following risks for depositors:

  • currency depreciation;
  • bank bankruptcy;
  • force majeure circumstances.

There are also a number of inconveniences: interest is accrued after a certain period of time (for example, once a month), and the invested money cannot be used until the end of the deposit period.

Therefore, before creating a passive source of income, it is necessary to take into account all possible risks of the activity.

Proven Ways to Create Passive Income

Before you create passive income from scratch, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with existing methods of such passive income. This will help you see all the advantages and disadvantages of the main options for passive sources of income. The article will discuss effective and proven sources of passive income. They can be used as a basis for building your business.

It is necessary to take into account that, having a certain amount of funds, it is somewhat easier to build a source of stable passive income. Without money, you will have to spend your own time and effort to realize your dream.

Registration of business and delegation of powers

This is the most effective way to earn passive income. It has a minimum of disadvantages if the business is properly organized. To create it you will need the following:

  • enterprise organization;
  • business development;
  • reaching a stable level of income;
  • selection of a candidate for the position of manager;
  • making a profit with minimal time spent on monitoring key documentation and making important decisions.

Of course, there are risks here. Among them, the main one stands out: the responsibility and integrity of the manager. The further success of the company or organization will depend on his daily decisions. To select a suitable candidate, they most often resort to proven personnel who have worked at the enterprise for a long time.

It's not easy to create and grow a business. This requires a lot of time, money and skills. However, there are many situations when a skillfully chosen niche for running a business allows you to quickly develop it.

What you need to start your own business:

  • business plan;
  • starting capital (in most cases);
  • official registration;
  • rental of premises;
  • hiring employees (if required).

Any enterprise carries risks for the entrepreneur. No one can be sure that the activity will generally generate income and not losses. Therefore, you need to weigh everything correctly before creating your own business. If everything is done correctly, the entrepreneur will have success and the opportunity to receive passive income.

Selling your intellectual property

This activity option is suitable for those who have knowledge and skills in certain sciences or specialties. How to create passive income from scratch, having the opportunity to create popular information products? They need to be implemented.

What can be considered intellectual property:

  • artistic, literary and scientific works;
  • created unique industrial designs;
  • developed software;
  • invented objects or technologies in all sectors of life.

As can be seen from the list, intellectual property can be in any field of human activity. Passive income can come from either a written book or a unique invention that helps increase equipment productivity, for example. In order for property to be individual, it must be documented. For this purpose, patents are issued and copyrights are assigned. By owning them you can make a profit from the sale of your goods/services.

The simplest example for considering the option of making a profit would be a written book. The author of the book will sell copies of the books himself or by entering into an agreement with a publishing company. The owner of the rights will receive a profit from each book sold. If it is in demand, it brings profit. If it is in demand for a long time, it brings profit for a long time.

This doesn't just apply to books. Increasingly, people are resorting to creating various programs on PCs or mobile devices. One completed project can generate passive income until another, cheaper or more useful one comes on the market.

Accordingly, to create such a source of income, a person needs:

  • come up with/create something unique and in demand for society;
  • confirm your rights to the invention;
  • realize the product of your activities.

Disadvantages: it takes a lot of work to create unique works/techniques/technologies; the property may be unclaimed and will not bring significant profit.

Building your own retail network

Such a network can provide its owner with constant passive income. All actions will be performed by network participants, and its creator will receive ever-increasing profits. To do this you need the following:

  • create your own unique products (services are provided less often);
  • formalize a production and sales enterprise or cooperate with a manufacturer;
  • to interest those wishing to become members of the network;
  • sell them to other network participants;
  • form the price of the product in such a way that part of the profit goes to the owner of the network, and part to the seller of the product.

Anyone who wants to make money in such a network must sell these goods. The more he sells, the more he earns. The main key to success is high-quality and in-demand products at competitive prices. This could be anything from cosmetics to food, medical products or unique services.

The main difference from most network marketing companies should be the following:

  • providing guarantees to all network participants;
  • using only safe products;
  • availability of contacts for communication with management and all comprehensive information about the activities of the organization.

These factors will increase sales and employee engagement.

In our society, there is an established rule that in order to obtain any income, you must work non-stop. In principle, it is true, since it is constantly confirmed in practice by many people who go to work and receive a salary. As soon as they stop fulfilling their obligations, such a person is fired, after which his income ceases.

In contrast, passive income on the Internet, which so many people are looking for, works on a completely different principle. Money comes regardless of whether a person is busy with a project or not. In the minds of most people, such income will come even if you spend your time relaxing or walking.

We will tell you in this article how true such ideas are and whether passive income on the Internet actually exists.

Passive and active income

First, let's try to clearly define for ourselves what should be considered passive income. We can do this only by drawing a parallel with active work, about which we all know quite a lot. As already described above, in order to earn money “actively”, everyone has to work - make some effort. To receive such income you need to work constantly - otherwise it will stop.

Passive income (on the Internet and not only) is much more attractive than just work. It lies in the fact that money comes to you automatically, while you don’t need to work to get it. Accordingly, such work can replace the main one (the one at which you have to be constantly present), while you don’t need to do anything for this. Obviously, this arrangement is the most attractive for everyone.

Is there any way to make money online?

Okay, we've sorted it out. Now let’s try to find out if there is passive income on the Internet. Reviews on advertising sites that offer us to start receiving $5,000 a month indicate that finding passive income, and even online, is quite simple. This gives us some hope that we will be able to build our own mechanism for generating income without effort.

On the other hand, each of us has Internet at home. Therefore, we know how to access the VKontakte network, email, find and download this or that movie or series. Many of us even know how to play online with our friends - but we don’t know what to do to start getting money. This is a familiar situation, isn't it?

This includes the majority of those who are starting to look for ways to make passive money on the Internet. All of them do not know where to start and where to turn; They think that there is some kind of site, registration on which will open the way to carefree income. Unfortunately, this is just an advertising ploy and a myth. The Internet is very similar to real life - you can make money here, but mainly only after you work hard.

Where can I start working?

In order to better understand what they can pay for here, we will give examples of “places to earn money.” For example, these are freelance exchanges. If you know how to write articles, draw graphic files, create websites or write programs, you will always find a job on such services. The earning scheme will be very simple - take the task, complete it and receive the money.

Another place is advertising networks. Here you pay for clicks from your site. Again, the scheme of work is simple - add a site to the system, put an advertising code with ads on it, and everyone who clicks on the last one will bring you a pretty penny. But for the scheme to work, you must have a visited site. If it were that simple, this option would be as similar as possible to the passive income on the Internet described above.

Of course, there are many more ways to make money online besides those we described above. But the purpose of this article is not to list them, but to reveal what real passive income can be. To do this, let us explain what you can be paid for in principle.

What is required from a person?

So, in any job you must: create some kind of product with your labor or some kind of benefit. Or simply steal (swindle) money. The latter option is illegal, so if you do this, prepare to be held accountable. As for the first two, the option with difficulty is a priori not passive income - you will need to work. Even in the example with advertising on a website, in order to make money with such a website, you will need not only the Internet at home, but also the resource itself that people will visit. To do this, you, again, must work hard to create it, fill it out, develop a design, promote the site in search engines and, above all, also take care that it stays in positions that ensure an influx of visitors. And it's not that simple.

Spheres without having to work

There is an alternative - you can earn money from dividends from investments. Everything is simple with this: you invest money and wait for it to come back to you. Depending on what kind of investment it is and where, your final income is determined.

This is a classic “passive” income, but it requires, if not your labor, then your funds. Of course, this option is not suitable for people looking for an opportunity to earn money without investments (and that is the majority).

Exposing the deceivers

However, when you go online, you may see advertisements that a new project for passive income on the Internet is being offered to your attention. All you have to do is create an account, log in to the system and start receiving funds without any effort.

There is another option. You are offered passive income on the Internet using programs that run on your computer - for using them, you receive some kind of passive income.

In this case, the latter is either scanty - such that you will spend more on the Internet and electricity than you will ultimately earn; or you will simply be offered to install malicious software that will infect your PC with viruses while you wait for income.

Perceptions and reality

Thus, as a result, I would like to say the following. Yes, there is passive income on the Internet, and it can be very significant. But first, in order to receive it, you need to work hard: create a certain product, for example, a website or program that will be successful, or invest funds that you had previously. By doing this, you take on a risk for which you receive compensation in the form of dividends.

It is better to reject all other proposals, such as making money on a program or another “new successful project,” for your own safety. Remember: there are plenty of scammers on the Internet!

Many people dream of starting to receivepassive income on the Internet, without making any effort on your part. If you are one of these freebie lovers, we have to disappoint you, sofreebie is only possible in 2 situations: 1) if you have start-up capital, 2) if at the initial stage you will do all the work with your own hands.

Passive income- this is profit that does not require constant control on the part of its owner and does not require his participation in it. In the classic version, passive income includes income from (shares, deposits and dividends).

Many on the Internet are foaming at the mouth to prove that passive income does not exist. In some ways they are right. Without serious investments at the initial stage, it is impossible to make completely passive income even on the Internet, and this is a fact.

WITH There are 2 options for obtaining so-called passive profit : 1) invest a serious amount in some direction and completely automate it, 2) work hard without investing a penny and after a while automate everything and get almost completely passive e dividends.

How to create passive income

You can create such income in different ways; below we propose to consider the most promising and, no less important, profitable ideas for generating passive income online (according to our version).

There is a very simple but very wise rule: if you do not have start-up capital, at first you will have to work hard in order to be able to receive passive income in the future. And it doesn’t matter which area you choose, the rules are the same everywhere. If they convince you otherwise, then they either want to deceive you, or this area is illegal, there are no other options here and cannot be.

Method No. 1 “Creating your own resource”

One of the most promising options for making passive income on the Internet from scratch and without investments is to create your own resource (online store, blog or website). If you don’t have the opportunity to invest, you can do everything yourself (write texts, make publications, and so on). Today this is easy to do.

In the future, you can get almost completely passive monthly income from advertising. All you have to do is periodically publish new material and check your wallet once a month. On a good resource you can earn from $300 to $3000 per month; there are many examples of such resources.

If you have the opportunity to invest, then you can buy a ready-made blog or online store that already brings in a constant profit. For example, you can buy such a resource at one of the online auctions; a blog that brings in $300 a month from advertising can be purchased for 400 - 700 thousand rubles. Again, all you have to do is follow the seller's instructions in order to maintain the blog at the same level of profitability.

Method No. 2 "C" creation of intellectual property»

Here, as in the first idea, you can go in 2 ways: 1) for people who have the opportunity to invest money, 2) for creative people (who can independently produce intellectual material).

For people with capital, the scheme for a source of passive income will be something like this: “we buy “copyrights for the material” → “we advertise the material (you can entrust this to an advertising agency)” → “we receive a % of sales.”

For creative people, everything works according to a slightly different scheme: “we create material” → “we look for advertisers” → “we receive passive income”

In order not to be unfounded, we can cite the example of the legendary book about Harry Potter; the author of this book has been receiving passive income from the sales of his bestseller for many years. The same applies to thousands of other materials that constantly bring their authors good money.

Method No. 3 “Renting out property”

One of the most hackneyed options for passive income is renting out property, it can be an apartment, a summer house, a garage or any other property). Despite the triviality of the idea, this is one of the most practical options. As strange as it may sound, you don’t have to have a fortune to make a profit from this area.

There you are an example of a non-trivial solution, while looking for material for this article, we met a person on one forum who made a profit by renting out various construction tools (hammers, drills and other equipment). He did this with the help of a created group on a social network. I rented it out for quite an adequate amount, both for a few hours and for a few weeks. And he makes quite a good living from this, considering that he has automated everything and only accepts orders by phone. And he purchased all the equipment used, for pennies. Here is a ready-made case for you, take it and do it.

Method No. 4 "Investing"

There are a lot of offers on the market that promise to receive fullpassive income with investments, one such solution is to invest inthe accounts described above. There are many companies that offer different types of conditions. The essence of this idea is to invest money in trader and receive income from his transactions.

We believe that this option has a place, but there are too many scammers in this area, and the long-term prospects are very doubtful. We do not deny that you can make money from this, but this option will suit only a few, that’s for sure. Since giving your fortune to someone and hoping that he will have time to recoup everything before he spends the entire amount is vague. Although again, to whom, how.

Method No. 5 " Let's create our own business»

And the last option to get real passive income is to create your own business. For some reason, many people believe that their business requires the constant participation of its creator. But this is not so, a large business can work without the intervention of its creator for years, or even decades, since all aspects are automated. For those in doubt, we recommend reading the book: Timothy Ferriss - “ How to work 4 hours a week" It addresses this issue very clearly.

In addition, we recommend reading the article - “”. It talks about 10 successful entrepreneurs who, as they like to say, created themselves.