Affiliate network "1C-Bitrix. Affiliate network "1C-Bitrix Bitrix partners

If you are thinking about a partnership with 1C-Bitrix, read this article with instructions on how to obtain it. To cover all steps, all material will be given for a freelance programmer who has little interaction with this company, as this is the most difficult case. If you are officially employed and/or have an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and are registered on the Bitrix website, everything will be even simpler: you just need to go straight to step two.


You definitely need Legal status. Despite the fact that you can become a partner by simply being an individual. face, it makes almost no sense: everything you get in this case differs little from having a regular account on the site, except that you can upload free solutions to the Marketplace. The easiest way to move forward is to open an individual entrepreneur. Detailed instructions on this matter are given. Remember that you need to have OKVED code 72.20, this is a mandatory requirement for a partner.

If you have an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you should not have problems registering. Just fill out your certificates correctly. It is important to understand that the absence of a current account will not give you the opportunity to earn money from a partnership, although it will be possible to go through moderation, so you already need a PC.

First step: registration on the website

There shouldn't be any problems here, just the usual simple registration.

Preparing for the second step

The second step will be filling out the partner’s questionnaire on the same website. There are several points that will not allow you to complete this step from absolute scratch. So that you can skip this point, you need to have: your website, company logo.

Your own website

This is a mandatory point, Bitrix argues that this is how you prove that you are real, so it is not necessary to have your own website entirely, you can just have a page about yourself on some corporate website, although it is difficult to imagine a situation where such a thing exists page about you and you are looking for a partnership. It was precisely because of this requirement that this site appeared, as written on the main page. It is also necessary to take into account that there are requirements for the partner’s website.

Requirements for your site:

  • Availability of a contact email on the website
  • Availability of a contact phone number on the website
  • The presence of an actual address on the site (since I am a freelancer and, by definition, I do not have an office, and the actual address is quite personal information, they agreed to a meeting with me and allowed me not to write the address on the site)
  • Portfolio as proof that you participated in development using Bitrix products
  • Can be created on a trial version of Bitrix
  • Logo


When moderating a profile, you can simply insert your face into the logo field, but it’s better to have your own right now. I will tell you about its creation in a separate article.

Second step: filling out the partner card on the website

At this stage, you will definitely need your own website (or at least a page about yourself) and a logo, they are written about a little higher. Filling out the form itself should also not be more difficult than registering; details are not needed yet; in theory, moderation can be completed without them at all. But there are a couple of not so obvious points, especially for individual entrepreneurs or individuals. faces, although flexibility is allowed, here is my example of filling.

Third step: signing the contract

In theory, this is not a mandatory step, but in practice I had to sign, especially since this is a mandatory step to access the Marketplace and to obtain an NFR license. Here you will need your individual entrepreneur or LLC details. Enter them correctly and double-check, and double-check again, especially since changing them will be a rather long process. A current account is not required, but the absence of one will not allow you to earn money. The details themselves are entered into the form in the partner’s account, where you can also find the agreement. This agreement will need to be printed in two copies, both copies signed and sent to the Bitrix office.

We all know how Russian post works; my contract lasted for about two months. Since this takes forever, Bitrix agreed to meet me and allowed me to sign the agreement by sending them an electronic scan of the printed and signed agreement. So when the contract finally arrived, I already had an active partner account, but I still needed a paper version.

Nikolay Sementsov

The market for ready-made solutions Marketplace has opened up new opportunities for us to replicate our developments and ready-made solutions. The growth according to 1C-Bitrix in 2015 was 53%, which shows its demand among entrepreneurs.

However, it has many problems that prevent it from being used to its fullest:

    Lack of prompt and clear technical support

    Inability to test the solution before purchasing it

    Waste of time installing and configuring the solution

    Lack of training materials

    The solution developer does not fix bugs

    No paid support for the solution

    Integration with 1C is impossible without modifications to the templates

This list can be supplemented by any partner who actively works with ready-made solutions. For these reasons, many are hesitant to start selling ready-made solutions. At the same time, there are many clients who want to have an online store, but the cost of “development from scratch” scares them.

We recently analyzed the statistics of purchases from our Miss Shop and Mister Shop stores, to our surprise, we discovered that our affiliate sales are no more than 25%. We want to change this situation and harness the power of the affiliate network. When working with clients, we use methods that help us sell better, and all this is available to partners.

How we sell:

Free installation and demo mode

All our solutions have a 14-day demo mode. This helps us relieve the client’s fears, because during this time we can fully test the solution. Our primary goal when communicating is to involve the client in the work, and installing the site in demo mode is perfect for this. We install the website on hosting for free. But if the client does not have hosting or does not even understand what it is, then we help him with choosing and arranging hosting.

The 1C-Bitrix affiliate program unites companies that create, maintain, support Internet projects, distribute software, provide IT consulting and hosting services.

Partners offer a wide range of services: analysis of requirements for a web project, preparation of technical specifications, design and development of design, project functionality, search engine promotion, Internet advertising, technical support, etc.

Partner statuses

The partner network of the 1C-Bitrix company is divided into statuses according to certification levels.

He has extensive experience in developing web projects, including complex software solutions based on 1C-Bitrix: Site Management. Employees of the partner company have successfully completed all available training courses, passed tests and received specialist certificates. A Gold Certified Partner has a large number of large and medium-sized projects developed based on the product.

has sufficient experience in the field of web project development to provide professional services for website development based on 1C-Bitrix: Site Management. Employees of the partner company completed training courses on setting up and integrating the product. A certified partner has a sufficient number of projects created on the basis of 1C-Bitrix: Site Management.

provides or begins to provide services for website development based on 1C-Bitrix: Site Management. A business partner may also specialize in online or offline software distribution and provide consulting services to various companies.


When choosing a partner, pay attention to the competencies they have acquired that are relevant to your project. This will allow you to more specifically select a developer that meets your requirements.

Partner competencies

In the program “Implementation Quality Monitoring” 1C-Bitrix partners participate, systematically working on the quality of their projects. The fact of participation in the program in itself is not a guarantee of quality, but it does indicate the work being done in this direction.

Competency "Boxed version" is provided to partners, starting with the “Business Partner” status, who successfully implement the boxed version.

Bitrix24 competency is provided to partners who are actively implementing the cloud version of the 1C-Bitrix24 product and providing subsequent customer support.

Competency "CRM" is provided to partners who provide clients with services for the implementation and configuration of a customer relationship management (CRM) system.

Competency "Business Processes" is provided to partners who provide clients with services for automating business processes in client companies.

Competency “Integration with 1C” provided to partners who successfully develop Internet projects that include 1C software products.

Competency "Composite site" is provided to partners who successfully implement the “Composite Site” into Internet projects based on “1C-Bitrix: Site Management”.

Competency "System administration and operation" provided to partners who provide system project administration services to clients.

Competency “Solutions for medicine” is provided to partners who successfully implement the solution or create individual Internet projects on the 1C-Bitrix platform for government and commercial medical organizations.

Competency “Solutions for government organizations” provided to partners who successfully implement: “1C-Bitrix: Official website of a government organization”, “1C-Bitrix: Open Data Portal”, “1C-Bitrix: Internal portal of a government organization” or creating individual Internet projects on the “1C-Bitrix” platforms and “1C-Bitrix24” for authorities and local governments.

Competency "PHP Hosting" provided to partners, provide hosting services for projects running on PHP.
more than 14,000 companies
and covers all regions of the countries of the former USSR, which allows you to select a developer in your city. The selection process is always individual and depends on many factors, but there are a number of recommendations that will help you with your choice.

By using the “Order a website” service or choosing partners from , you will receive a set of applicants to complete your project. Now, in order to make the final choice, it is advisable to first talk with company representatives to find out from them the specifics of working with customers. The easiest way to negotiate is to already discuss your project in detail.

At this point, among other things, it is advisable to find out from the potential developer the following:

Also pay attention to. The status of a partner speaks volumes about his experience, but, of course, also affects the final cost of developing an Internet project.

Unfortunately, we cannot give even an approximate cost of specific services, since this is determined by each partner individually.

Please note that all projects are carried out on the basis of the products “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” and “1C-Bitrix24”. A development partner can also help you in choosing the right product and edition, as they have sufficient qualifications for this.


The main thesis for this article will also be “the one who walks can master the road.” This, in principle, is all you need to know to become a 1C-Bitrix Gold Certified Partner, as we did. But if you want to hear a few more practical tips, we will provide them.

Also, we would like to remind you that this article echoes the first part, where we described our own experience, how we became a Gold Certified 1C-Bitrix partner.

1) The most important thing is the formulation of the problem. Set yourself a goal. Not very big, not complicated and quite doable, but bringing you closer to your global goal. Try not to think about Gold. It's not that important to you at this stage. I can suggest the following intermediate goals:

  • Become a 1C-Bitrix Business Partner and enter into an agreement;
  • Get 100 points and become a Certified 1C-Bitrix Partner;
  • Get any 1C-Bitrix competency. It is most realistic to get “1C integration”, but if you get “Corporate Portal”, this will seriously help you in the future.
  • Get 500 points and become a Gold Certified Partner

2) Carefully study the partnership agreement and the partner section of the 1C-Bitrix website - this is a storehouse of information for you. Rules tend to change and the rules described in this article may lose a significant part of their relevance in just a year or a year and a half.

3) If your goal is precisely to obtain one or another status, do not neglect any way of obtaining points.

In fact, this is a rather strange goal of “becoming a Golden Partner.” If you're a business owner or studio director, you probably have goals like "become profitable" or "earn X." But if you are a middle manager or head of a department, then this goal will suit you.

Let's now take a closer look at what and how you can do at each stage:

Conclusion of an agreement with 1C-Bitrix

In my opinion, this is a truly important milestone in the life of many companies (and private developers). It is very important that, unlike many other affiliate programs (the same Microsoft or 1C), when collaborating with Bitrix you do not need to fulfill a sales plan. In order to be a Business Partner you do not need to sell anything to anyone. But you will have the right to a discount.

It’s also nice that the 1C-Bitrix company takes a much calmer view of partnership issues, so earlier even an individual could become a partner! And it was not necessary to create an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. I don’t know how things are now, but you can always find out about it in the affiliate department.

What is needed for this? At least 1 certified specialist with practical experience with 1C-Bitrix. Preferably work in a portfolio. But the most important thing is desire and initiative on your part. Call or write to the affiliate department!

Transition to the status of a Certified Partner

In my opinion, the most difficult stage is if you do not have your own clients to whom you can offer 1C-Bitrix. If there is a pool of clients, then there will be no problems. 100 points is 1 sale and implementation of 1C-Bitrix for the Business edition + 2 more points. And it’s not difficult to score 2 points.

I have already said that you should not neglect any way of obtaining points if they are important to you.

  • Once every six months, a 1C-Bitrix partner conference is held before which partners are surveyed. Don't miss the opportunity to get 10 points without much effort.
  • Do your job well, and the client will give you written confirmation of the quality of the work in addition to money. A review or written thank you is worth 5 points.
  • If you have developed an interesting project (even in the “Start” or “First Site” editorial offices this is more than possible) - take at least 4 spectacular screenshots of the project and prepare an interesting marketing description for the 1C-Bitrix website of at least 2000 characters - an application for a well-executed case implementation brings 20 points.
  • Are you sure that you will sell X number of licenses of the same type in the next six months? Be careful with your ratings! However, if you are confident, then you can buy several licenses at once “in reserve”, you will save money, and at the same time get points. The main thing is that you need to activate your licenses in the next six months, otherwise their validity period starts automatically!
  • Are you sure that you will sell 2 licenses of the same type within a year? And will a license of the same type be enough for you to develop your own website? You have the opportunity to obtain an NFR license of the appropriate type “on request”, launch your own website on it and receive points for the launch (as well as for a good case). The main thing here is that you sell 2 licenses for the same or older editions within a year.

Calculations of how many and what licenses need to be sold/implemented are also available on the partner website. We will just remind you that with 1 license you can launch 2 sites within the framework of multi-site and count both of them!

Obtaining 1C-Bitrix competence

In this case, it is simply some kind of intermediate goal. You don't even have to achieve it, but the process of moving towards it will help you achieve your main goal - Gold status.

A description of the requirements for obtaining competencies is on the website and, unfortunately, there are no special ways to simplify the movement towards them. Only projects done for clients will help you gain competence.

However, it is important that you should not rush at this stage, because the points awarded for the project are valid for only a year.

Decide what is more important to you. The competency is valid indefinitely (until 1C-Bitrix changes the rules), but to achieve the status you may not have enough burned points and it will be very disappointing. On the other hand, competence can help you get new projects, and with them money, experience and, of course, points.

Obtaining the status of a 1C-Bitrix Gold Certified Partner

You are at the finish line. If you scored 100 points last year, not all of them will remain active by the time you are ready to upgrade your status. In fact, you may need to score those same 500 points.

I won’t talk about well-known things, like the fact that selling 1 1C-Bitrix “Business Web Cluster” license and implementing a website on it is 498 points. If you have such clients, you hardly need our advice, because you are most likely already on your way to becoming a “sales leader.”

Let me remind you better that a Certified Partner receives 2 NFR licenses for 1C-Bitrix “Business” and 1 license for 1C-Bitrix Corporate Portal “Business Processes”. And these are 4 multi-site sites and 1 corporate portal. It's not just about points - it's a huge experience! And if you implement good projects on them, then this is what you can show to your clients!

Instead of an afterword

The main thing is don’t stop! Never give up! And never forget - the one who walks can master the road!!!

A universal software product for the development, support and development of Internet projects

1C-Bitrix software products are professional systems for managing web projects: company websites, online stores, social networks and communities, corporate portals, web application rental systems and other projects.

1C-Bitrix products run on Windows and Unix platforms running PHP and ASP.NET and are functionally suitable for 95% of modern projects. The products are united by the main goal - to provide clear, convenient, comfortable and at the same time professional project management for both the end user and the developer.

Internet agency "Mibok" is a gold certified partner of 1C-Bitrix in Rostov-on-Don. You can purchase, implement and receive system support from our company.

On June 4, 2010, in the “Virtual Rostov” Internet solutions competition, one of the studio’s projects received a winner’s diploma in the “Best 1C-Bitrix Website” category. The competition jury consisted of a number of competent experts, including the General Director of 1C-Bitrix, Sergei Ryzhikov.

In 2012, the “PHP Hosting” competency at the “Certified Hosting” level was obtained.
In 2011, the company received the “Corporate Portal” competency.

In 2012, the competence of the new cloud service “Bitrix24” was obtained