Minneapolis panorama. Virtual tour of Minneapolis. Attractions, map, photos, videos. Live webcams in Minnesota Webcam at the osprey nest on Skydaway Island, USA

Minneapolis live in real time. Video broadcasts from webcams: Minneapolis online, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, without registration, and nearby: Salina, Abilene, Lindsborg, Ellsworth, McPherson, Ogden, Manhattan.

Nearby webcams

Webcam in the penguin enclosure

The webcam is located in the penguin enclosure at the Kansas City Zoo (Missouri, USA). Video broadcast is carried out around the clock. Using the camera, you can watch penguins swim and play in the pool or walk around the enclosure.
Camera format: 360p video
274.6 km.

Bald Eagle Nest Webcam, Decorah, Iowa

An online PTZ webcam shows in real time the nest of bald eagles, which is located on the top of a tree. An eagle nest is located near a fish hatchery in Decorah, Iowa. Periodically, the camera is controlled by the operator in order to direct it to interesting events in and around the nest.
Camera format: 1080p video
677.4 km.

Webcam at the Northern Bald Eagle Nest, Decorah, Iowa

A live PTZ webcam is installed at a bald eagle nest north of Decorah, Iowa, USA. The camera shows a real-time view of the nest, which is located on a large white oak tree. This webcam is periodically controlled by an operator who tries to show viewers of the live broadcast all the most interesting things that happen in the life of these birds of prey.
Camera format: 1080p video
679 km.

Underwater webcam on Navarre beach

An underwater PTZ online webcam is located on the reef of Navarre Beach in Florida. The camera demonstrates in real time the underwater world of the Gulf of Mexico and its marine inhabitants. On the webcam broadcast you can often see sea turtles and various fish.
Camera format: 1080p video
1385.7 km.

Webcam at an osprey nest in Montana

The webcam broadcasts an osprey nest in Montana live. The broadcast is carried out around the clock, but at night the nest is not illuminated so as not to disturb the birds.
Camera format: 720p video
1616.7 km.

Webcam at the osprey nest on Skydaway Island, USA

Live webcam broadcasts an osprey nest on Skydaway Island, Savannah, Georgia, USA. The camera operates in real time in high definition and allows you to monitor the osprey family around the clock.
Camera format: 720p video
1702.6 km.

Webcams, which broadcast in real time for free for everyone, are installed everywhere: on the streets, in hotels, on embankments and beaches, in shops, airports, train stations, etc.

With us, Minneapolis is always online. Interested in the weather? Watch the webcam and find out what the weather is like there now.

Online webcam site news:

  • Our site has a large addition of webcams from Thailand on the island of Koh Samui.
  • Interesting online webcams of Crimea. Cameras from Crimean resorts will help you see with your own eyes how the holiday season is going in Crimea.
  • New CCTV cameras have been added in the city of Kashira, Moscow region.
  • The site has a large replenishment of Russian online webcams. Now we have more than a thousand webcams of the Russian Federation.
  • Round-the-clock broadcasts from the ISS (with sound) have begun. There are beautiful views of the Earth from space from this artificial satellite of our planet, video broadcasts of dockings, and communication with astronauts.

    (347 km)

    A live PTZ webcam is installed at a bald eagle nest north of Decorah, Iowa, USA. The camera broadcasts a real-time view of the nest, which is located on…

    Last online check: today (camera online)

    (350 km)
    Decorah, USA
    An online PTZ webcam shows in real time the nest of bald eagles, which is located on the top of a tree. The eagle's nest is located near the fish hatchery in the city…

    Time zone: GMT-05:00. Broadcast quality: 1080p video, 🔊 with sound.
    Last online check: today (camera online)

    (779 km)
    Kansas City, United States of America
    The webcam is installed in the penguin enclosure at the Kansas City Zoo (Missouri, USA). Video broadcast is carried out around the clock. Using the camera, you can watch penguins swim and play in the pool or walk around the enclosure.

    Time zone: GMT-05:00. Broadcast quality: 360p video
    Last online check: (camera does not work)

    (1448 km)
    Ithaca, United States of America
    The webcam is located at the bird feeder in the garden of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The feeder attracts woodpeckers, tits, thrushes and other forest birds. Sometimes the feeder is visited by squirrels.

    Time zone: GMT-05:00. Broadcast quality: 1080p video.
    Last online check: today (camera online)

    (1541 km)
    Charlo, United States of America
    The webcam shows an osprey nest in Montana live. The broadcast is carried out around the clock, but at night the nest is not illuminated so as not to disturb the birds.

    Time zone: GMT-06:00. Broadcast quality: 720p video, 🔊 with sound.
    Last online check: today (camera online)


Minnesota is a state in the Midwestern United States, one of the so-called Northwest Central states. The capital is Saint Paul. The largest city is Minneapolis. Other major cities: Bloomington, Duluth, Rochester, Brooklyn Park.

Some online CCTV web cameras can be viewed with sound. When watching, keep in mind the fact that the sound in the broadcast may be turned on by default.

#Minnesota, #webcams, #online, #USA

Minneapolis (English: Minneapolis, pronounced ˌmɪniːˈæpəlɪs) is a city in the northern United States, the largest city in the state of Minnesota and Hennepin County. Population 410,939 people (2015). Located on the banks of the Mississippi River. Minneapolis is adjacent to Saint Paul, the state capital and second largest city. Together they form the Twin Cities metropolitan area (pronounced "twin-cities"). Agglomeration of more than 3.5 million people (16th in the USA).


The city is located on the banks of the Mississippi River, opposite the state capital, St. Paul. There are 24 lakes within Minneapolis, which gives rise to the official nickname “City of Lakes.” The city center is located at an altitude of 209 meters above sea level. In the center of the city, on the Mississippi River, is Nicollet Island.

For a long time, the Dakota Indians were the only inhabitants of the territory of the future Minneapolis, until French explorers arrived in 1680. The first European to explore what is now Minneapolis was Catholic priest Louis Hennepin, after whom Hennepin County is named. The United States acquired these lands as a result of a series of treaties with the Mdewakanton Dakota tribe and some European states. In 1819, Fort Snelling was built by the U.S. Army at the confluence of the Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers, spurring rapid growth in the area. At the same time, the Mdevakanton tribe, overtaken by a whooping cough epidemic, began to rapidly become poorer due to a sharp reduction in the number of buffaloes, deer and bears, selling their lands for next to nothing. Minneapolis was incorporated as a city in 1867, and summer rail service to Chicago opened that same year. The origin of the name Minneapolis is attributed to the city's first teacher, who combined the word mni, which means "water" in Dakota languages, and the Greek word polis (city).

Economics and transport

The city is home to Minneapolis/Saint Paul International Airport (IATA: MSP, ICAO: KMSP) with an annual passenger turnover of 36.6 million people (2015). The airport operates regular flights to dozens of cities in North and South America, Europe and Asia. The busiest international destinations are Amsterdam, Toronto, Paris, Cancun, Tokyo. Domestic - Chicago, Denver, Atlanta, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Seattle. Public transport in the Twin Cities metropolitan area is managed by Metro Transit and includes 133 bus routes and two light metro lines. The first line connects the center of Minneapolis with the airport (length 20 km), the second the centers of Minneapolis and St. Paul (length 18 km). The I-35W Mississippi Bridge was built in Minneapolis in 1967 and collapsed in 2007. Interstate 94 runs through the city.

Finance and Banking

Minneapolis is home to the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank, which is responsible for the Ninth Federal Reserve District (including Minnesota, Montana, North and South Dakota, northwestern Wisconsin, and the upper peninsula of Michigan).…