Online webcams in Italy. Online webcams in Italy PTZ webcam of the village of Bol in Croatia

| Italy is a paradise for tourists, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Beach lovers and connoisseurs of world art, architecture and history come here. That is why they are so popular, which allow you to see the greatest creations of Italian architects: Piazza del Popolo, the Pantheon, the Colosseum and St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, the Ponte Vecchio bridge in Florence, as well as picturesque panoramas of ski resorts and, finally, majestic views of the active volcano Etna.

Online webcams in Italy in real time: ski resorts

Traditionally, cameras are installed at all popular ski resorts in the country:
Val di Fassa;
Santa Caterina;
Monte Rosa;

Webcams Italy show views of ski slopes, panoramas of resorts, with views of hotels and mountains, some of which are covered with snow all year round.
In addition to ski slopes, cameras are also located on the plains, in the majestic cities of the country of Caesar and Garibaldi: Genoa, Turin, Rome, Florence, Pisa, Milan.

Webcams of Italy: cities and architecture

For example, they allow you to admire the panoramas of Venice, look at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Roman Colosseum - the main wonders of Italy, which all tourists who come to the state in the shape of a boot are in a hurry to see.

Particularly popular places for webcams are local squares, which are most often decorated with fountains. You just have to wish for something to watch - here you can access web cameras from any city in Italy. You can watch the sunset on the Gulf of Genoa, admire the panorama of Rome, or watch the ash and lava erupt from the crater of Etna.

Positano live in real time. Live broadcasts from webcams: Positano in real time, without registration, and nearby: Praiano, Agerola, Furore, Sant'Agnello, Conca dei Marini, Gragnano, Atrani. Positano is close to: Meta (municipality), Vico Equense, Castellammare di Stabia, Stabia, Amalfi.

Nearby webcams

Webcam on Piazza Navona in Rome

The live webcam is located on Piazza Navona in Rome and broadcasts a view of the Fountain of Neptune and the Fountain of the Four Rivers. Piazza Navona is a Roman square in the shape of a rectangle elongated from south to north, built on the site of the stadium of Domitian (1st century). From the 15th century to 1869, the location of the city market. It was built in the 17th century in the Baroque style.
Camera format: 480p video
219.7 km.

Webcam on the Municipal Square in Assisi

The live webcam shows the Municipal Square (Piazza del Comune) in the Italian city of Assisi. The camera is installed on a building on the east side of the square, near the fountain with three lions. The Municipal Square is the heart of public life, the secular or secular center of Assisi, a city in which a lot is connected with the religious and spiritual sides of life. The square is located approximately 200 meters west of the cathedral.
Camera format: 720p video
312.6 km.

PTZ webcam on the island of Hvar, Croatia

The PTZ webcam is located in the city of Hvar on the island of Hvar in Croatia. The camera shows views of Hvar Bay, the Paklin Islands and the city embankment in real time. The webcam is located at the eastern end of the embankment (towards the Franciscan monastery).
Camera format: 1080p video
325.7 km.

PTZ webcam of the village of Bol in Croatia

An online PTZ webcam is located on the embankment of the village of Bol, on the island of Brac in Croatia and shows various views of the coast and the Adriatic Sea. Bol is one of the most popular resorts on the Adriatic. The camera broadcasts views of the embankment, piers, boats, yachts and the sea in real time. You can watch the webcam at any time of the day.
Camera format: 720p video
343.4 km.

PTZ webcam in Bol harbor

A PTZ online webcam is located on the embankment of Bol harbor. Bol Harbor is a small harbor in the southern part of the island of Brac, located in the village of Bol in Croatia. The harbor is protected on three sides from strong waves, but is not a port and ships cannot enter it. It serves as a pier for small boats and yachts, many of which are visible on this webcam. Almost the entire main urban tourist infrastructure of Bol is concentrated around the harbor: hotels, cafes and restaurants, car parking, souvenir shops, etc. The city embankment also runs along the harbor.
Camera format: 720p video
343.6 km.

Krimovica webcam

The webcam is located in the village of Krimovica and broadcasts a panorama from Budva to Bar (Montenegro). The photo from the camera is updated once every few minutes.
Camera format: 480p picture
401.7 km.

Webcam over the “Old Town” of Budva

The live webcam is located above the “Old Town” of Budva and shows a view of the Old Town, the sea and the mountains. The “Old Town” in Budva is the main historical attraction of the Budva Riviera, which also bears the name “Old City” of Budva.
Camera format: 480p image
406.2 km.

Webcam at the Uteha apartments, Montenegro

The live webcam is located in the Uteha apartments in Montenegro. The camera shows photographs overlooking the Adriatic Sea and the surrounding area.
Camera format: 720p image
418.7 km.
Category: all webcams › bays (2) › volcanoes (2) › city views (3) › sights (5) › bridges (1) › embankments (2) › hotels (1) › squares (3) › fountains ( 1)

Page 1 of 3 (webcams 1 to 10 of 27).

    Rome, Italy
    The live webcam is installed on Piazza Navona in Rome and shows a view of the Fountain of Neptune and the Fountain of the Four Rivers. Piazza Navona is a Roman square in the shape of an elongated…

    Last online check: (live camera)

    Venice, Italy
    The online webcam is installed at the Biasin shipyard on the island of Murano (Venice) and shows a view of the northern part of the Venetian Lagoon in real time. Video broadcast from the web camera is in FullHD high definition format.

    Last online check: today (camera online)

    Venice, Italy
    The live webcam is located at the Biasin shipyard on the island of Murano (Venice, Italy) and shows a view of the northern part of the Venetian Lagoon in real time. Broadcast from webcam...

    Time zone: GMT+02:00. Broadcast quality: 1080p video.
    Last online check: today (camera online)

    Venice, Italy
    The live webcam broadcasts a view of the Grand Canal (Grand Canal) in Venice in real time. The camera is installed at the San Cassiano Hotel, which is located in the Santa Croce area, 5 minutes…

    Time zone: GMT+02:00. Broadcast quality: 1080p video.
    Last online check: today (camera online)

    Sicily, Italy
    Live webcam shows the highest crater of Mount Etna in Sicily. Using the camera you can watch the volcanic eruption in real time.

    Time zone: GMT+02:00. Broadcast quality: 480p video
    Last online check: (camera works intermittently)

    Venice, Italy
    The live webcam shows a view of the Rio de San Vio canal in real time. The camera is installed at the Hotel American Dinesen in the Dorsoduro area, Venice. On the right side of the webcam broadcast you can see the bell tower of the Church of Santo Stefano.

    Time zone: GMT+02:00. Broadcast quality: 1080p video.
    Last online check: today (camera online)

    Assisi, Italy
    Live webcam shows the Municipal Square (Piazza del Comune) in the Italian city of Assisi. The camera is installed on a building on the eastern side of the square, near the fountain with three lions.…

    Time zone: GMT+02:00. Broadcast quality: 720p video, 🔊 with sound.
    Last online check: today (camera online)

    Venice, Italy
    The online webcam broadcasts a view of the Venetian Lagoon in real time. The camera is installed at the B&B La Rosa dei Venti & Porta da Mar hotel in Venice (Italy). The camera is pointed towards the cathedral...

    Time zone: GMT+02:00. Broadcast quality: 1080p video.
    Last online check: today (camera online)

    Venice, Italy
    The webcam shows a view of Piazza Santa Maria Formosa and the church of the same name in Venice (Italy). The camera is installed on the building of the Ruzzini Palace Hotel.

    Time zone: GMT+02:00. Broadcast quality: 1080p video.
    Last online check: today (camera online)

    Venice, Italy
    The webcam shows a stunning panoramic view of the Grand Canal in Venice. You'll enjoy the same views that inspired French Impressionist painter Claude Monet. The camera focuses on St. Mark's Basilica.

    Time zone: GMT+02:00. Broadcast quality: photo 720p.
    Last online check: today (camera online)


Verified online webcams in Italy in real time. Popular webcams are shown first. Italy, the official name is the Italian Republic, is a state in Southern Europe, in the center of the Mediterranean. It borders with France in the northwest, Switzerland and Austria in the north, and Slovenia in the northeast. It also has internal borders with the Vatican and San Marino.

It occupies the Apennine Peninsula, the Balkan Peninsula (a small part), the Padana Plain, the southern slopes of the Alps, the islands of Sicily, Sardinia and a number of small islands.

The capital of Italy is the city of Rome.

Some online video surveillance web cameras can be viewed with sound. When watching, keep in mind the fact that the sound in the broadcast may be turned on by default.

#Italy, #webcams