An unusual name for a VK group. How to name a VKontakte group. Secrets of proper promotion on VKontakte

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. Remember the first VKontakte communities? Back then the Internet was not so familiar; people did not yet realize their similarity.

Groups such as “The community of people who clutch a blanket between their legs when they sleep” or “Those who litter their balcony every winter and dismantle it every summer” numbered more than a million people.

Nowadays you won’t attract anyone with such headlines. Today we will discuss how to name a group in contact and not make a fatal mistake. You will learn all about the rules and the main mistakes that novice administrators make.

Fatal mistakes

First, I think we need to talk about what not to call a community. If you are still a beginner, and I think that you are, then you have probably heard a lot about key phrases and so on. So, if you decided to create a name based on all this disgrace, then it’s in vain. Most likely this song is not about you.

I’ll briefly explain for those who are not in the know. The example is rough, but that's the first thing that came to mind. People write in the search line: “How to choose linoleum” and if you name the community exactly the same, it will appear in Google and Yandex results, even though this is not a site, but just a VKontakte group.

Remember that people look for information first and foremost on search engines. When they enter this query, they want to read the article to quickly find out the answer to a topic of interest. For your group to be relevant to what they're asking for, your content must be entirely relevant to that request. Let there be advertisements from time to time, but mostly they should receive valuable advice.

If the reader does not find it, then within a few seconds they abandon the site. Many users are well aware that they are unlikely to find the answer on VKontakte and simply will not open the link to your group. The benefit will be minimal.

In addition, let’s assume that they entered a community with that name, but choosing linoleum is a one-time affair. The likelihood that they will join the group and follow your news all their lives is negligible.

It’s another matter if you create a collection of quotes and aphorisms, a selection of the best books, films, photos.

If you are creating a group for a business, then by and large you should not care whether he becomes part of your community or not, it is important that he learns about you and buys a product. A person became interested in something, found you through a search engine and received information directly in the group. What else is needed?

However, in addition to this, there is another layer of groups for which optimization is important. They are interested in a certain topic and have a need to update their knowledge. If these readers find a good resource in a search engine, they most likely will not want to lose a useful link and will subscribe.

If you are making a community with music, then if I were you, I would definitely mention the genre that you publish or otherwise narrow the audience. An advertisement, website or group cannot have many faces. A community for everyone and about everything does not attract people. The more elite it is, the greater the desire to join.

Would you be part of a group that constantly suggests movies that don't interest you specifically?

Imagine you are part of a community with information about different TV series. The amount of news is limited and you are offered either news about “Cops”, “Soldiers” and Porechenkov, then suddenly “Games of Thrones”, “Vikings”, or some Hannah Montana or whatever else is shown on children’s channels. You won’t want to read so much unnecessary stuff; once again you see an inappropriate picture in your feed and you’ll unsubscribe.

We need to look for a middle ground. VKontakte is full of communities “Fan Club of Stas Mikhailov” or “Music of Stas Mikhailov”. If we consider this from the administration side, then such groups are also not winning.

It's too tight. You won't find as much information and you won't be able to post regularly in a way that keeps them interesting. I think that Stas Mikhailov himself is not capable of this. But, we moved a little away from the names to the choice of topic.

A very important point that novice administrators forget about. The name should inspire entry and create a desire to join. And in no case should it offend or embarrass the audience.

“Music for women over 50” will attract few young ladies. The title should be positive and preserve the subscriber's image. Let's say: "Music for women who know a lot about songs."

Can you describe the state of mind when such compositions are best listened to?

How to name a VKontakte group? What to write in the description? What's better to put on your avatar? For a beginner, these questions seem elementary - you can put any picture on your avatar, a couple of words about the group are enough in the description, and the name is a simple phrase. If you do this, the chances of creating a popular group are minimal. Why? Are there really any rules for creating VKontakte groups? , let's try to figure out what name to give her.

Before creating your own group name, look at your favorites. What are the names of the most popular VKontakte groups? What is their number? Can you take their place?

In our example, we see the most popular group “Did you know?”, “Online cinema: films, TV series”, “Official group of the game “Shadow Boxing””, “Positive World” and “Healthy Body. We are for a healthy lifestyle".

If you look at the most popular pages:

  1. MDK;
  2. Evil Corporation;
  3. 5 best films;
  4. VKontakte team;
  5. Music.

It is worth noting that the top VKontakte groups are constantly changing and you need to focus not on this list, but study the top yourself. To do this, click on your page “Groups” - “Search for Communities”.

You need to focus on the top groups in order to really assess your capabilities. Each top group carefully monitors high-quality and unique posts. It takes the work of just one person to create a popular and interesting group. You shouldn’t think that you can attract users alone and create new posts every day.

Look at the most popular groups. How can you take their place? The first thing you need for this is a group name, quality content, interesting posts. The second and most important thing is large numbers and attendance. If you can fill a group with interesting posts alone, then how can you get a million subscribers?

In order to promote a new group and make it popular, will require a little investment. If you create groups for yourself and your friends, you can refuse the help of strangers, but if you decide to create a new popular community - .

Select the name of the VKontakte group. Basic Rules

  1. No swearing! So, you decided to name your public site with some obscene word. Why shouldn't you do this? For example, we’ll take the public page “S*yali?!” Despite a large number of subscribers, it has quite low traffic compared to similar ones. Independent adults are unlikely to want to post your posts, and, as you know, all minor users are often controlled by their parents. Give up swearing both in life and on social networks!
  2. Language. The best option is Russian. There are very few groups in the top that have names in Latin. This can also be applied to various abbreviations and abbreviations.
  3. Title length. Try to keep the title short. If your public page is about finance, you should not write “Successful types of income for everyone.” We can limit ourselves to one word – finance. If you cannot limit yourself to one word, you can choose a bright phrase. There are quite a lot of public pages that contain several words in their names - “Beauty School”, “Olympic Games”. But it’s worth remembering and understanding that it is advisable that the name of your public address satisfies one key query.
  4. Keywords. It used to be that a group name should contain keywords. Using them, search engines will be able to find your group both on VKontakte and on other resources. In reality, this is a little different - it is not at all necessary for the group name to contain keywords. You can write them next to each other. So, search engines can find your group, and you can only get to the top by increasing your numbers. You can and should write keywords in the group description, posts and discussions. At the same time, it is worth remembering the measure - your text should not be spammy.
  5. Originality. Groups with original names rarely make it to the top. It is advisable that the group name matches one of the common key queries. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to advance.

Creating a VKontakte group name is quite easy - you just don’t need to do extra work and be clever. Think about which word will best decipher the content of your group - this will be your name. You can limit yourself to one word - choose an interesting phrase.

How to name a VKontakte group and promote it to the TOP of VK?

What should the name of the VKontakte group be? What to write in the description of a VK group? What avatar should I choose for the group? What content should I add to groups? Where do you get ideas for constantly posting news to the group? And in general, what posts should be added to the wall of the group and account? All these questions, in one form or another, have probably come to you! Perhaps even more than once. I have the answers! Although I won’t give you the answer to everything at once, in one article. Today I will reveal the topic: “ What should be the name for a VKontakte group?».

If you are asking yourself (or anyone else): what to name a VKontakte group, then this article will be the answer for you! By the way, if you are thinking about the questions: ; ; , then feel free to follow the links, I have collected as much information as possible for my readers and subscribers (subscribe, I plan to talk about the tricks of working with VK).

How to name a VKontakte group?

You know, when I delved into the topic, I came across a specialist who told me about how to create... more precisely what should be the name for a VKontakte group. Then his answer was correct, before they tried to “push” as many keywords as possible into the title, supposedly, the more keywords, the more queries you will get in the VK search. But now, in order to get to the top with this:

Or, for example, with this name

...we need to recruit hundreds of thousands of participants! Of course, the number of a group’s ranking in the TOP depends on the competitiveness of the request, but in any case, to bring a group to the top with a name that contains more than one key query is much more difficult than with one key.

I will show with an example the difference between a complex and a “one key” name:

Let's take as an example a group with the name: "Philosophy | Esoterics | Psychology". As you can see, it is in last place on this list, although it has 513,307 participants! None of the groups in this VK search exceeds the number of participants in this group. Please note that all groups have fewer members than her.

The TOP includes those groups that match the request and have a larger number of participants.

You probably already guessed why this is so. Everything is as usual (in this life) simple!

If a group has a name with a direct entry of a key query, then it is the most competitive and falls into the first ranks of the TOP. Those. if you want to raise your group to the TOP, then the name for the VKontakte group should be given according to the key query of your topic. Highlight the main or primary topic of your group, find a characteristic request - this will be the name for the group. Oh, well, yes! Evaluate the competitiveness of requests! Enter the key query you are interested in in the search and see how many groups already exist with that name. Have you looked? Have you seen how many people need to be “caught up” in the group in order to rise to the TOP1? Take action!

Usually, to quickly rise to the TOP, the number of participants is increased, I use for this, but there are other programs for promoting VKontakte groups (by the way, I plan to talk about them, so subscribe!).

So, I think the question: what to name the VKontakte group has been settled. There remains one small nuance!

No matter how high your group is in the top, people will come to a lively and interesting group!

You see, what’s the matter, people search until they find it, and having found it, they will continue to look for “something else” in order to be aware and be as informed as possible. Therefore, if you do not plan to engage in a group, write new content for it every day, several posts a day, then do not rush to “catch up” people into the group. Yes, this way we will achieve a natural influx of new and interested people, but they will leave if we don’t give them what they were looking for. They will also leave if they don’t sense the presence of the group. A hyped but “dead” VKontakte group is no better than an ordinary ad on some bulletin board! In some cases, boards work even better!

In SMM, specialists are divided into two categories:

  1. those who professionally and quickly increase the number of participants (as a rule, this is all they do).
  2. and who attracts new (target audience participants, because even if the recruited participants are alive, they are not the target audience) participants and works with the audience. The one who creates and maintains activity in the VK group every day. Here, in addition to skills in SMM, you need knowledge of human psychology and the ability to quickly maneuver information.

I’m writing this simply so that you know the difference and don’t have unnecessary illusions about it. In SMM, as well as in SEO (by the way, I recommend an SEO blog), there are technical methods and tools for work, but the human factor has not been canceled in either case. People leave those resources where they do not find the information they are looking for. Only on social networks everything is much faster!

In VK, just like in any other social network, posts are usually short, and accordingly, a person does not need much time to understand that he is not interested in being here (in the VK group). Therefore, make your groups: interesting, informative, enjoyable and lively.

Create the correct name for the VKontakte group, fill it with useful content, communicate and interested people will be with you.

Good luck to you in promoting your VK groups to the TOPs!

P.S.: the name for a VKontakte group can and should be created beautiful and recognizable! If you want to be in the TOP and be recognizable, then as the group moves to the TOP, add identification marks (words) to the name of your group.

P.S.2: by the way, guys who want to take an educational seminar on SMM, come to my group, it’s currently being held there

Are you creating a new public on VK? Do you want to come up with a sonorous and effective name for your group? At first glance, it seems simple, but in fact, the name is one of the key indicators that will further affect the possibility of your public being in the TOP. “As you name your ship, so it will sail” - this proverb best characterizes the importance of choosing the right name for the public.

You will need to choose not only a cool name for the VKontakte group, but also an effective one. Today’s article will tell you how to correctly name a VKontakte group.

Decide on the topic of the blog

First, find out for yourself what is the main idea of ​​the group and what do you want to convey to your subscribers? Because by choosing the name of the public, you undertake to follow this idea throughout the entire period of the group’s existence. If you decide to devote the topic of your public to clothing, then don’t deviate from the course. Visitors may simply leave it if they see a large amount of information not related to clothing. The name of the public should fully reflect the topic of the VKontakte group.

This will enable any user to find it by typing a topic of interest into a search engine. For example, if a person is looking for a group that is uplifting, he will enter the word “Humor”. If you call your community this way, then having a sufficient number of subscribers, you will be able to adequately occupy the first positions in the search.

The main criterion for you should be the comfort of your subscribers. When your users read interesting content on the desired topic, the number of the target audience will increase without additional leverage on this process.

What is SEO optimization? And how is it used in choosing a public name?

Do you want your public page to be in the TOP with a high probability? Then you need to be able to carry out SEO optimization: generate keywords and choose the most effective ones. Having identified the main topic, you will need to check several dozen keywords for search frequency. To do this, you can use online resources such as and These services will help you find out which keywords are in demand in Google and Yandex.

Next, to choose a suitable name, analyze which of your keywords there are groups for and how many subscribers they have. If, for example, with the name “Humor” in the TOP there are public pages with the number of subscribers of 3 million people, and with the name “Anecdotes” there are about 1 million, then it would be more logical to choose the name “Anecdotes”. Is it true?

What is the promotion of a VKontakte group? - Constantly analyzing the actions of your competitors. To achieve good results, you will need to analyze more than one or two successful VKontakte groups. This will help you create your own public promotion strategy.

Regarding SEO optimization, I would like to add - do not get carried away with using keywords in the group name. The rule “the more the better” does not apply here. You can again analyze the places in the TOP. The first positions are most often occupied by groups with a one-word name, for example “Love”, and not “Love and Relationships”. Even if the second has more subscribers than the first.

Therefore, avoid this mistake when creating the name of your public page. This applies to absolutely any topic - about love or technology, it doesn’t matter. I also advise you to use keywords in the group content, this will give you additional bonuses when promoting the public.

The second factor for promotion to the TOP

Increasing subscribers is what any group administrator strives for. If you have created an effective name, you will still have to reach that coveted number of subscribers in order to get to the TOP.

Do you know why everyone strives to get to the TOP? This factor will help to steadily increase the number of your subscribers without additional influence on this process. Because otherwise, you will have to use or collaborate with intermediaries who will provide you with the required audience size.

It is important not only to have a wide target audience, but also to have an active one. If in your public there are stable dialogues between subscribers and discussions, then people simply will not be able to resist joining your public. Therefore, when increasing the number of subscribers, make sure that your new users are real people. Fake pages that just hang heavy in the list of users will not give you the desired effect.

Share the article with your friends. This information will definitely make it easier for your public to reach the TOP. Subscribe to my blog updates and you will always be aware of interesting and useful ideas.

See you soon, friends!

Tips for choosing and writing a name for a VKontakte group.

The popular Russian social network VKontakte today is replete with a variety of thematic groups and “publics” in which people communicate on certain topics, exchange the latest news, interesting content and just have fun.

Looking at the high popularity of such groups, many have probably thought about creating their own community. But, regardless of the direction of this community, the creator always faces the problem of its name.
What should be the name of the group on VKontakte? Beautiful, informative, funny? Let's try to figure it out.

What name should I choose for the VKontakte group?

What name should I choose for the VKontakte group?

In order for your group to be well indexed by the search engine of the social network VKontakte and other search engines, several rules should be followed when choosing a group name. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Rule 1. Before talking about a beautiful name, you need to decide on the theme of the group. It's no secret that the name of a community should reflect its direction. For example, if you are planning to create a group of motorcycle lovers, then the name must include words that clearly make it clear to VKontakte users that this group consists of motorcycle enthusiasts.
  • Rule 2. The name should be, if not unique, then at least original and little used. This is necessary in order to quickly promote your group. It must be said right away that you should not try to fit all the advantages of your community into the name. It is enough to use a few keywords that reflect the direction of the group.
  • Rule 3. If you want your group to be successful and quickly rise to the TOP, you need to take into account the interests of people. We recommend using the Yandex Wordstat service, where you can find out which keywords people most often enter into search engines. Based on the topic of your group and popular keywords on this topic, create a unique name.
  • Rule 4. The group name should be easy to read. Long names discourage users, because... This makes them understand that the creator of the group is not all right with his imagination, which means that the content of the group will be sluggish and uninteresting. It’s not for nothing that they say that brevity is the sister of talent. Try to make a name of no more than two or three words.

Title design: How to beautifully write the name of a VKontakte group?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (c) Oscar Wilde

This phrase speaks of the subjectivity of perception. What one person finds beautiful, another may find it tasteless and disgusting. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally how to write the name of a group beautifully, but we can say for sure how to write it unnecessarily:

  • In no case Do not alternate capital and small letters in the name. For example, “MOTORCYCLE LOVERS”. Names of this kind scare away potential subscribers, and their absence will quickly lead your group into decline.
  • In no case Do not use any squiggles, unnecessary punctuation marks, patterns, hearts and other unnecessary symbols in the title. Excessive use of unnecessary characters can also scare off potential subscribers, but the main thing is that such names are very poorly indexed by all search engines. Because of this, your group will always appear lower in search than other groups with similar topics, even if yours has more subscribers.

An example of such a group can be seen in the screenshot below.

  • In no case do not use swear words in the group name. Even veiled. Most users will simply pass by such a name, and the VKontakte administration will most likely delete your group from the social network altogether.

As an example, we can highlight such good group names as.