The Diagnostic Policy Service does not start. Which Windows services can be disabled to speed up the system. The Diagnostic Policy Service is not running: how to fix the situation using the simplest method

When viewing web pages, browsers (Yandex, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) save a lot of information. For example, browsing history, passwords for social network accounts and email. But sometimes there is a need to hide traces of your time on the Internet, for example, if you decide to secretly give a gift to a loved one or access your email while visiting. Incognito mode allows you to enable private browsing mode, when entered passwords, as well as addresses of sites and pages that you visited, are not saved.

What is private mode (aka “Incognito” and InPrivate)

This function is available in the most popular browsers, sometimes there are different names for it. In Incognito mode, the browser does not save entered passwords, search queries, and addresses of visited pages. At the same time, changes in settings, downloaded files and added bookmarks are saved.

Remember: private tabs do not make you invisible to sites. If you log in to a social network, your appearance will be noticed. Incognito mode is designed to hide your online history from other users of your computer. By opening a private tab, you instruct the browser not to use old cookies, cache, or local memory.

In incognito, only the browser does not store your Internet activity. Other sources may see what websites you visit, including:

  • your employer (if you use an office computer);
  • internet service provider;
  • directly the websites you visit.

How to enable the mode in different browsers

In order to log in in private mode, you need to know what browser you are using. As a rule, the transition is indicated visually by an icon depicting a mask or glasses. How to open a private tab in Yandex Browser, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, read on.

Google Chrome

Yandex browser


Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Edge (Internet Explorer)

How to quickly open a private window using hotkeys

To quickly launch incognito mode, you can use hotkeys: in Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex Browser, the combination Ctrl + Shift + N is used. In Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge, the combination Ctrl + Shift + P is used.

How to close or disable Incognito mode and exit private browsing

To return to normal browsing and disable the use of private mode, just close the window. After this, the browser will delete all cookies created while working in it. This method to remove Incognito mode is suitable for any browser, including the most popular: Yandex, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome.

Video instructions: how to log into Incognito

To make it easier for you to understand how to open private browsing in any browser, we have selected video instructions that clearly show several ways to switch to private mode.

If you need a computer while visiting, the best way to avoid leaving traces or passwords from your accounts is to browse in private mode, because this feature is implemented in every browser. When you use tabs or windows in private mode, data (such as history, temporary internet files, and cookies) is deleted from your computer as soon as you finish browsing.

Recently, the topic of the safety of personal data and privacy on the Internet has been discussed very often. Many users do not want anyone other than them to have access to their online surfing history. In this case, the special incognito function available in the Yandex browser will help. This tool is an excellent solution that will provide local anonymity.

What is incognito mode in Yandex browser

In the process of searching for information on the Internet, the main actions are saved in the browser history: files downloaded, sites visited, queries and personal data. This is necessary so as not to remember the site address, login and password for subsequent visits.

Based on information about visited pages and search queries, large PS (Google, Yandex, Mail) study your interests to display contextual advertising. For this reason, users are increasingly interested in what incognito mode is and how it is implemented in Yandex.Browser.

Using the privacy tool, you can visit websites and search for information in search engines anonymously. Records of your actions will not go into history.

After running this tool, all extensions are automatically disabled. If necessary, add-ons can be activated manually (for example, AdBlock to block advertising banners).

Open tabs are not synchronized with your Yandex account. Information about watched videos and listened to audio recordings is not saved in the cache.

You also won't be able to activate the Turbo feature, which speeds up page loading. At the same time, you can create bookmarks of sites: they will be saved in the “Bookmarks” section.

However, using this tool does not make you invisible. Search engines will receive reports on your activity, and users of social networks and forums will see you online after logging in to the site.

How to enable incognito mode in Yandex browser

Enabling the privacy function in Yandex is extremely simple:

  1. Open the application options menu.
  2. Select "Incognito Mode" with the mask icon

For Android phones and tablets

To enable incognito mode in the Yandex browser on Android, take the following three steps:

  • Launch Yandex.Browser on your mobile device
  • Open the menu by clicking on the three dots icon at the bottom of the interface.

  • In the toolbar that opens, select “New incognito tab”

How to enable stealth mode on iPhone?

It is worth dwelling on this point in more detail. Those who tried to enable incognito mode on an iPhone are probably at a loss, because there is simply no such function in the Yandex Browser menu. I wondered - why? I decided to clarify this issue with Yandex support service. They replied that there is no incognito mode in Yandex Browser for iPhone, but such a function may appear in the future.

*screenshot of correspondence with Yandex

Well, let's wait for Yandex.Browser updates.

How to open a private link

The functionality of the application allows you to open a separate link in an anonymous tab. To do this, hover your mouse over the desired link and click the right mouse button. In the context menu, click “New window in incognito mode.”

After this, a new window will open. A change in window mode will be indicated by an icon in the form of dark glasses.


In addition to the standard method, incognito mode in Yandex Browser can be enabled using hotkeys. To do this, just use the key combination Ctrl+Shift+N. This combination will allow you to open a private window without going to the browser menu.

How to disable private mode

Since incognito mode in Yandex Browser is implemented in a new window, to deactivate it, just close the window in the usual way. To do this, click on the cross in the upper right corner.

After this, all temporary data and files will be deleted: saved passwords, cookies, download history.

How secure is incognito mode?

Using this feature does not guarantee complete security of personal data. Your Internet service provider and search engines may track your activities, and third-party sites may receive information about your IP address.

However, the tool is simple and easy to use. In my opinion, it is most suitable for the situation if you are working on someone else’s computer and do not want to leave traces of your “surfing” and personal data.

Information update as of 04/02/17
If you are an inexperienced user, you can damage the system so much that it will need to be reinstalled. Microsoft has its own diagnostic capabilities, but they are also for more experienced users.

OPTION 1. Reset IP and DNS settings for all network connections.

The method only works if the designated services are disabled, which is quite rare. Commands are executed on the command line (call command line Win+R, cmd Enter). At the end of entering the command, press Enter.

Reset and receive a new IP from the DHCP server:

  • ipconfig /release
  • ipconfig /renew
Resetting the DNS cache:
  • ipconfig /flushdns
Complete reset of TCP/IP protocol pool and Winsock protocol settings:
  • netsh int ip reset c:\log1.txt
  • netsh winsock reset from:\log2.txt
After resetting the settings, you need to restart the computer; in the command line, this can be done with the command:
  • shutdown -r -t 0

OPTION 2. Starting system services.

In a number of cases, the required services were unknowingly disabled by the user himself while setting up the computer through system optimizers or a third-party firewall. To run you need to call the snap-in Services in any available way.

Standard access path: Start/Control Panel/System and Security/

  • Administration/Services
  • In this snap-in you need to check the status of the following services:
  • IPsec Policy Agent
  • Diagnostic Policy Service
  • Diagnostic Service Node Diagnostic System Node
For the first two you need to set the launch method Automatically, for the remaining - Manually.

After this, you need to restart your computer.

OPTION 3. Adding access rights for the network subsystem.

The solution is somewhat collective farm, so I haven’t tested it myself, but according to reviews on the Internet, sometimes it works.

We open access to drive C: to LOCAL SERVICE services through the system shell, and not through the line. For this:

  • Launch Explorer
  • Right-click on Drive C and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.
  • In the tabs at the top, select the “Security” snap-in
  • Under the "Group and Users" list, click "Edit"
  • Next, click “Add”, in the next window “Select: “Users and Groups” click “Advanced”.
  • Next, we look for groups of users registered in the system. In the search results, look for the “LOCAL SERVICE” service, then answer all questions OK and where access is denied, simply continue.

Then we reboot the system.

OPTION 4. Allow network services to write to the system registry.

This type of error occurs when the Network Service group is not granted full access to the Diag directory in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\servic es\VSS registry key or the Volume Shadow Copy Service system registry value is corrupted.

To fix the problem, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\servic es\VSS branch in the registry editor, right-click on the Diag folder, select "Permissions...", select the Network Service group, check the Full Control box in the "Allow" field ", click the "Apply", "OK" buttons. If the Diag branch is missing, create it manually and perform all the described manipulations.

After performing the manipulations, restart your computer.

If the Diag folder is missing or the problem persists, to restore the Volume Shadow Copy Service registry setting, import the registry VSS file (pre-extract from the ZIP archive), restart the computer.

OPTION 5. Adding Network Services to the Administrators security group

In fact, repeating the operations from method 3, but without unnecessary body movements and wasting time waiting and applying settings.

For English system:

  • net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice
  • net localgroup Administrators /add localservice
Reboot the computer.

For the Russified system:

In any available way, launch cmd with Administrator rights and execute the following commands:

  • net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice
  • net localgroup administrators /add localservice
Reboot the computer.

OPTION 6. System Restore

If the above methods did not help you, you can try system recovery: link.

What does the "Diagnostic Policy Service is not running" message mean?

First of all, you need to clearly understand that such an error is associated exclusively with the network and Internet settings. When you receive a message that the Diagnostic Policy Service is not running, Windows 8 or 7, for example, is signaling that the user does not have sufficient rights to make changes to settings related to network connections.

This most often manifests itself in the case of using so-called pirated assemblies, rather than official distributions used when installing the system itself. The saddest thing is that a message appears stating that the diagnostic policy service cannot be started, although the user has administrator rights (as he thinks) when logging in.

In fact, in systems starting with “seven” there is also a super administrator account. Have you noticed that sometimes programs need to be launched by right-clicking and selecting the appropriate launch type from the menu? Of course, this “account” can be disabled in the simplest way, however, as practice shows, this does not always work.

Some users may experience problems with their PC network connection. When they try to fix this problem, they activate the troubleshooter, which displays the message “The Diagnostic Policy Service is not running.” In this material, I will tell you what the essence of this dysfunction is on Windows 7,8.1,10, what its determinants are, and how to fix the “Diagnostic Policy Service is not running” error on your PC.

English version of the error “The Diagnostic Policy Service is not running”

Typically this issue occurs when the "Diagnostic Policy Service" (eng. “Diagnostic Policy Service”), tries to start, encounters a number of errors, and then stops working.

Most often this is due to an unofficial (hacked) version of Windows OS installed on the computer, which does not always work correctly.

However, the appearance of this message may indicate problems with the network, as well as the lack of rights for the user to change system settings.

Solving the problem “Policy Service Is Not Running”

How to get rid of "Diagnostic Policy Service is not running"

To correct this dysfunction, I recommend using several methods, which I will outline below. In most cases, to restore stable functionality of the diagnostic policy service, the first method is enough to help get rid of the error on your PC.

Method No. 1. Using the command line

This method is statistically recognized as the most effective in fixing the “Diagnostic Policy Service is not running”, helping the vast majority of users.

  1. Run the command prompt as an administrator by clicking on the “Start” button, in the search bar enter cmd, but enter don't press.
  2. The found cmd program will appear at the top, move the cursor over it and right-click ().
  3. From the menu that appears, select “Run as administrator.”
  4. In the command line that opens, enter the following commands sequentially, remembering to press enter after each of them:

net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice
net localgroup administrators /add localservice

If you have an English version of Windows, then these lines should look like this:

net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice
net localgroup Administrators /add localservice

After successfully executing these commands, restart your PC and the problem should go away.

Method number 2. Check the status of the Diagnostic Policy Service service

  1. Click on the Start button, type services.msc in the search bar and press enter.
  2. In the list of services that opens, find “Diagnostic Policy Service” and double-click on it to enter its settings.
  3. Make sure the service is running, if necessary set the Startup Type option to Automatic and save the changes.

Method No. 3. Reset network settings

Launch the command line as an administrator (how to do this is described above), and sequentially enter the following commands into it, remembering to press enter after each of them:

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /renew

ipconfig /flushdns

netsh int ip reset c:\log1.txt

netsh winsock reset from:\log2.txt

Restart your computer.

Method number 4. Update your network card drivers

  1. Go to Device Manager (click on the Start button, type devmgmt.msc in the search bar and press enter).
  2. In the list of devices, double-click on “Network adapters” and find your network card in the list that opens.
  3. Hover your cursor over it, right-click, and select “Update Driver” (stop at the automatic search for drivers).
  4. A good option may also be to use special automated programs for updating drivers (DriverPack Solution, Driver Booster, etc.).

Method No. 5. Make changes to the system registry

  1. Click on the Start button, type regedit in the search bar and press enter. In the Registry Editor that opens, go to the following branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\VSS.
  2. Inside VSS there will be a Diag folder, hover over it and right-click.
  3. Select "Permissions" from the menu that appears.
  4. In the permissions window that opens for the “Diag” group, click on “NETWORK SERVICE”, and then check the “Allow” box in the “Full Control” field.
  5. Then click on “Ok” to save the changes.


The reason for the appearance of the message I am considering is the unstable operation of the mentioned service, which, in turn, may be caused by an incorrect version of Windows OS, or problems with the computer’s network connection. To solve the problem “The Diagnostic Policy Service is not running”, I recommend using the methods I have listed (paying special attention to the first of them), they will help ensure stable operation of your PC.

In contact with

The error often appears on computers with “pirated builds” of Windows 7,8,8.1 operating systems. I also recorded a similar error several times on licensed systems.

The main symptom is the inability to obtain network connection settings; it is impossible to connect to a computer network via LAN. A similar entry is recorded in the system logs:
The Network and Sharing Center reports that the child service could not start.
Windows Network Diagnostics reports: The Diagnostic Policy Service is not running.

There are several ways to fix the problem; I suggest some of the ones that work.

Method 1: Reset IP and DNS settings for all network connections.
The method only works if the designated services are disabled, which is quite rare.
Commands are executed on the command line (call command line Win+R, cmd Enter). At the end of entering the command, press Enter.
Reset and receive a new IP from the DHCP server:
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
Resetting the DNS cache:
ipconfig /flushdns
Complete reset of TCP/IP protocol pool and Winsock protocol settings:
netsh int ip reset c:\log1.txt
netsh winsock reset from:\log2.txt

After resetting the settings, you need to restart the computer; in the command line, this can be done with the command:
shutdown -r -t 0

Method 2: Starting system services
In a number of cases, the required services were unknowingly disabled by the user himself while setting up the computer through system optimizers or a third-party firewall. To run you need to call the snap-in Services in any available way.
Standard access path: Start/Control Panel/System and Security/Administration/Services
In this snap-in you need to check the status of the following services:
IPsec Policy Agent
Diagnostic Policy Service
Diagnostic Service Node
Diagnostic system unit
For the first two you need to set the launch method Automatically, for the remaining - Manually
After this, you need to restart your computer.

Method 3. Adding access rights for the network subsystem.
From here
The solution is somewhat collective farm, so I haven’t tested it myself, but according to reviews on the Internet, sometimes it works.
We open access to drive C: to LOCAL SERVICE services through the system shell, and not through the line. For this:
Launch Explorer
Right-click on Drive C and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.
In the tabs at the top, select the “Security” snap-in
Under the "Group and Users" list, click "Edit"
Next, click “Add”, in the next window “Select: “Users and Groups” click “Advanced”. Next, we look for groups of users registered in the system. In the search results we look for the service “LOCAL SERVICE”, then to all questions OK and where denied access, just continue. Then reboot the system.

Method 4: Allow network services to write to the system registry.
From here
This type of error occurs when the Network Service group is not granted full access to the Diag directory in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\servic es\VSS registry key or the Volume Shadow Copy Service system registry value is corrupted.
To fix the problem, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\servic es\VSS branch in the registry editor, right-click on the Diag folder, select "Permissions...", select the Network Service group, check the Full Control box in the "Allow" field ", click the "Apply", "OK" buttons. If the Diag branch is missing, create it manually and perform all the described manipulations.
After performing the manipulations, restart your computer.

Method 5: Add Network Services to the Administrators security group
In fact, repeating the operations from method 3, but without unnecessary body movements and wasting time waiting and applying settings. I tested the method myself and it works.

For English system:

net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice
net localgroup Administrators /add localservice

Reboot the computer.

For the Russified system:
In any available way, launch cmd with Administrator rights and execute the following commands:
net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice
net localgroup administrators /add localservice

Reboot the computer.

There are other ways to eliminate this error, for example, by editing local policies, but the above are enough for me. I have not yet come across any cases where at least one of them did not work.