I can't connect my smartphone to virtual wifi. The phone is connected to wifi but does not work. Why doesn't my phone connect to WiFi? Why doesn't my smartphone connect to my home WiFi?

The article will tell you how to solve problems if your phone does not connect to Wi-Fi.


Many users complain that they often fail to connect their phones to their home Wi-Fi. Of course, connecting your phone to Wi-Fi is necessary to access essentially free Internet, so as not to pay extra money for mobile Internet.

Therefore, in today's review, we will be discussing why phones sometimes do not connect to Wi-Fi and how to fix this problem.

Mobile phone sees Wi-Fi but cannot connect to the network

Mobile phone does not connect to Wi-Fi

It happens that when we connect to Wi-Fi, we see it on our mobile phone, but still there is no access to the Internet at that time. Let's try to figure out this problem.

In this case, we can assume that the problem lies in the Wi-Fi device itself. That is, no matter what other device you connect to Wi-Fi (smartphone, tablet, phone, laptop), you still won’t have access to the Internet. If you wish, then make sure of this if you have another gadget or computer.

Now let's look at the reasons for this problem and think about how to fix it:

  • Probably, many users notice that the connection to the Internet sometimes disappears if you connect to it via Wi-Fi. This problem can be solved very simply: turn off Wi-Fi and after 2-10 minutes turn it on again. In other words, reboot your device. Internet access returns in almost all cases. Also reconnect your phone to Wi-Fi.
  • Check, maybe you haven't paid for the Internet for the current month?
  • If you paid for the Internet and also rebooted your Wi-Fi, but still do not see any connection to the Internet, then most likely the fault lies with your provider. Perhaps they are undergoing maintenance work, an accident has occurred, or there are other specific problems. Call your provider and find out about this. By the way, it is possible that you can connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, for example, from a computer, but this cannot be done from your phone. Call your provider anyway.

Requires obtaining an IP address

This problem also happens quite often. You connect your phone to Wi-Fi, but this cannot be done due to unsuccessful attempts to obtain the so-called IP address.

You can even see a corresponding notification on your phone screen, as shown in the screenshot below, but you can’t get the IP address. And without this you won’t be able to connect to the Internet:

Trying to get an IP address

  • Here we must immediately say that this problem is a little more complicated than the previous one. But let's start with standard actions. Let's turn off Wi-Fi and turn it on again. If this does not help, then we will take other measures.
  • It will be a little difficult, but only a little. We register a static IP address in the device. That is, we seem to gain access to our network using some “password” that is suitable in this case. But keep in mind that later you will not be able to connect from your phone to another Wi-Fi, and you will have to erase the IP address that you entered earlier and change it from static to the one that was originally.

So, how to enter a static IP address on your phone:

  • We find the identified Wi-Fi in the phone and click on it
  • Next, an item like “ Additional settings"- put a checkmark in front of it.
  • Next in " IP parameters» set the settings as shown in the screenshot

IP Address Settings

Authentication Error

Another reason for lack of network access via Wi-Fi. If you see an error like this, it means that the Wi-Fi device did not recognize your phone. This may happen because you entered the wrong password to log into your home Wi-Fi network:

Authentication Error

Accordingly, you need to double-check that you entered this password correctly. If, however, the password is entered correctly, then restart the Wi-Fi, as we have already learned to do according to the instructions above.

You can also configure your Wi-Fi as suggested in the screenshot (the only difference is that you enter your own PSK password, don’t forget about it):

Wi-Fi Settings

Saved, WPA2 protection

Saved, WPA2 protection

Here's another common reason why your phone can't connect to a Wi-Fi network. First, let's turn the Wi-Fi device off and on again, although we don't have any hopes of solving the problem in this case. We will need to delve into the settings of the router (remember, if you are a beginner, it is better not to refer to these instructions and consult with a specialist).

  • Check if you have entered the correct region
  • If the problem is related to the password, then follow the steps indicated in the previous instructions
  • You can also delete the old connection and establish a new one
  • Reboot your phone
  • Disable the 3G network and check if this solves the problem

Video: Constantly obtaining an IP address - phones and tablets do not connect to WiFi

“I can’t connect to my WiFi” - topics with a similar name appear on various computer forums almost every day. And this is not at all accidental, because problems with wireless connections occur quite often. What could be the problem and how to solve it in this or that situation?

Check your internet connection

Before taking any action, make sure that the cable transmits the Internet. To do this, connect your computer to the modem or router directly using a wire. There is always a possibility that the problem comes from the provider (for example, when carrying out technical work, they usually turn off network access for users for several hours).

Checking if all devices are connected

Before asking the experts “what should I do if I can’t connect to my WiFi,” make sure that your network equipment is in an active state. First, the Wi-Fi indicator on the router itself should be lit. If the network is not enabled, you should enter the IP number ( or into the browser and connect it. You should also make sure that the appropriate adapter is enabled on the computer or laptop itself. This can be done through the Network and Sharing Center. Access" Windows (go to the tab responsible for the adapter settings and find the one that supports wireless connections). On some laptop models, Wi-Fi is turned on by pressing a certain button. You can try restarting your computer and trying to turn on the adapter again. If this does not help, you will most likely need to. If even reinstalling the driver did not help, you may need to reinstall the operating system.

If the computer “sees” Wi-Fi, but gives an error when trying to connect

“I did everything above, but I still can’t connect to my WiFi.” If your computer displays information about available networks, but when you try to connect, an error message appears on the screen, the problem may be due to an incorrect mode of operation of the router. Let's go to its settings (you already know how to do this from the previous paragraph) and change the mode from standard to mixed (Mixed), B/G/N or B/G.

Network without Internet access

This is perhaps one of the most common problems why WiFi won’t connect. Windows 8, by the way, is much more susceptible to this than previous versions of the OS. This happens because the computer receives an incorrect IP address or DNS server address. First you need to find out what exactly is wrong. To do this, open the list of available networks, right-click on the one you want to connect to, and select “Status”. If an IP address was not received or an incorrect one was received, next to the “IPv4 connection” line there will be a message stating that there is no access to the network. You can check this by opening “Change adapter settings” in the Network and Sharing Center. Having found your wireless connection, right-click on it and open properties, and then look at the IPv4 protocol. If any addresses are specified in the settings, write them down on a separate sheet (they may still be needed), and then change the options so that the IP address and DNS server address are obtained automatically. Confirm the changes made and check your Internet access. If this does not help, restore the default addresses used by the router.

Problems associated with incorrect DNS server addresses also lead to the Internet not connecting via WiFi. As in the previous case, they are displayed in the wireless network status window. In this case, next to the “IPv4 connection” line you will see the inscription “Without Internet access”. This can be corrected, again, in the protocol settings. Try setting up automatic retrieval of the necessary addresses or entering “” in the preferred DNS server column and “” in the alternative column (public addresses of Yandex and Google DNS servers).

We hope this article helped you, and the need to write to specialists with the question “why can’t connect to my WiFi” is no longer necessary for you!

The problem of connecting to a Wi-Fi wireless network is quite common. Your mobile device may refuse to accept Internet traffic from your router for many reasons. We will look at solutions to the most popular problems that happy owners of mobile devices have to face.

Let's look at solving connection problems using the example of the Android mobile operating system with the MIUI graphical shell and a router from TP-LINK.

Common Wi-Fi connection errors

This situation may be accompanied not only by a problem with the phone’s software, but also with the hardware. In this case, the mobile device will need to be taken to a workshop for diagnostics by experts. We will analyze the problems with connecting to the router from the software side in order of complexity:

Reason 1: Incorrect password entered

No matter how funny it may sound, most cases where a mobile device refuses to connect to a wireless network occur precisely because of an incorrectly entered password. In this case, the user may enter characters in the wrong case (large characters instead of small ones, and vice versa) or miss some of them.

If you own the router, an attacker could change your password through hacking without your knowledge. Find out your password again and try to enter it again carefully.

Reason 2: Router frozen

Even the most expensive device designed to transmit Internet traffic over the air can, over time, accumulate “garbage” in the form of extra data packets and temporarily fail. The solution to this problem is very simple - reboot the router. You can do this by turning the router off and on using the power button on its back panel.

Turn off the router for 10 minutes, then turn it on again. If this trivial action does not help, we move on to more complex solutions to the problem.

Reason 3: Mobile device authentication failed

Every day, mobile devices are subject to heavy load over the airwaves. This is not only the reception and transmission of Internet traffic, but also mobile calls, SMS messages and everything related to this. Therefore, the device may no longer accept data from the router due to information overload.

    1. Remove the network from the Wi-Fi settings on your phone, and then connect again. Then the connection configuration will be redistributed, and, quite possibly, your problem will be solved. We enter the advanced settings of the connected network. When using the MIUI graphical shell, to the right of the network name there is an arrow leading to these settings.

    1. Next, click on the button "Delete this network" at the bottom of all settings.

    1. After pressing the button "Delete this network" the phone's operating system will ask you if you are sure of the action, press "OK".

    1. We find our network again and try to connect by entering the password set on the router in a special window.

Reason 4: The limit of connected devices has been exceeded

By default, modern routers are ready to connect 16 or 32 devices to their network. Often this problem occurs with routers in public places, or those that simply do not have a password set. Of course, your neighbors will not miss the opportunity to use the free Internet, and thus the device that distributes the Internet in your home may be overloaded.

To solve this problem, you need to set a password on your home router to control the number of its clients. If you don’t know how to do this, you can read our article on this subject.

When installing security on your router, try to come up with a password that is as complex as possible. A special lesson will help you with this:

In order to find out how many clients are currently connected to your device, you need to go to the router control panel in the tab "Wireless - Wireless Statistics". In the table, the ID value shows the serial number of the device connected to the network:

Instructions for logging into the control panel of the TP-LINK router are described in the lesson on changing the password on the router, which was mentioned above.

Reason 5: Hardware failure

No working device guarantees perfect operation without breakdowns. Likewise, the router may at one time refuse to continue working correctly. In this case, it requires hardware diagnostics by an expert at a service center and its further repair.

Problems setting up the router

There may be connection problems due to the current settings of the router being incorrectly configured. All settings are made in the special panel mentioned above when changing the password. Changing the following parameters is advisable only after checking methods for eliminating common errors.

Don’t forget to save the changes after each change of parameters using the “Save” button at the bottom of the settings window. After saving, reboot the router with the button "Reboot" in the tab "System Tools - Reboot".

Let's look at additional reasons why your connection may be temporarily inoperative.

Reason 1: Duplicate SSID

The SSID is the local network ID on your router. Simply put, it's his name. If there are two identical models with the same identifiers in the same radio frequency range, disagreements will be created between them. The problem is quite rare, but very real. To solve this problem, you need to change the router SSID to the original one in the .

Reason 2: Communication channel is full

In places where several routers are concentrated, which could be a home, office or public place, there are communication channels through which information packets are transmitted. If many routers use the same communication channels, they become overloaded and become unable to transmit more data. What do we have to do?

      1. Change the communication channel in the router settings to any other in the tab "Wireless - Wireless Settings" or "Wireless Mode - Wireless Settings" by changing the parameter "Channel".

      1. Change the frequency at which your router's data transmission operates to any other by changing the parameter "Channel Width".

Reason 3: Incorrect router operation mode

The operating mode of the information transmitter in the form of a device like a router is determined by a parameter in the same settings window called "Mode". It is impossible to answer which mode exactly the set parameter needs to be changed due to its subjectivity. Try to solve the problem with mode change "bgn", having first tried "bgn mixed"(combined mode), or, if you are the owner of a router from another company, this parameter may be called "Auto".

Reason 4: DHCP server is disabled

The DHCP server assigns temporary IP addresses to wireless network subscribers. For some reason, this server may be disabled, which prevents the router from seeing potential devices in its range. To fix this problem, you need to enable DHCP distribution mode by clicking on the checkbox "Enable" in line "DHCP Server" in the tab "DHCP".

Reason 5: Security Settings

Sometimes the connection problem lies in the changed data transmission security parameters provided by the router company. Security settings can be found in the tab "Wireless - Wireless Security". By default, the checkbox is set to "WPA/WPA2 - Personal(Recommended)", and this is the best option today. It is recommended to set the parameters shown in the screenshot, since they are stable:

If they don't suit you, in points "Version" And "Encryption" you can set options "Auto", which configure parameters in their own way depending on the behavior of the router on the network. It is not advisable to disable parameters altogether by clicking the checkbox "Disable Security" for the security of your valuable data.

Reason 6: Presence of device in MAC filter

It’s one thing if the filters contain dynamic IP addresses of devices that tend to change with a new connection, but physical addresses are quite another. The owner of an Android phone cannot change this address. Entering the physical address of your device into the router's MAC filter completely blocks its access to the network. Make sure your device is not in the table in the tab "Wireless - Wireless MAC Filtering".

As you can see, the problem of connecting to a wireless network is quite versatile, but solving it is not difficult if you follow the instructions. The graphical interfaces of the control panels of different router models may be different, but the essence of the settings is the same everywhere. Depending on the type of firmware, the language and graphics that accompany the settings may differ.

If Android does not connect to WiFi, then most often the user sees the “Obtaining an IP address” message or the “Authentication Error” notification. Another common connection error is that Android writes “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protection,” but does not connect to the Internet.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Possible causes of failure

If Android cannot connect to Wi-Fi - for example, instead of an active Wi-Fi icon, you see a gray button and an exclamation point icon - then the reason for this could be:

  1. Wrong from Wi-Fi.
  2. Setting an unsupported security type or wireless standard in the router settings.
  3. Problems with Android firmware.

The first step is to understand which device is having problems. If only your phone does not connect to the point, then the reason should be sought in its settings and firmware. If no device finds the wireless network, then you should check the router settings.

"Obtaining an IP Address" message

If, when you try to connect, a message with the text “ ” appears, but the connection is not established, then the reason for this may be that the DHCP server is disabled in the router settings or problems with Android. A simple reboot of the router can help.

If the DHCP server fails, restarting the device will fix it. When saving an error:

  1. Open your router settings.
  2. Make sure the DHCP server is enabled.

Depending on the router model, the procedure for enabling/disabling DHCP may vary, so you will need to look for instructions for your device.

Authentication Error

If connection authentication fails, the problem is most likely caused by entering your Wi-Fi password incorrectly. To resolve the error:

  1. Forget the wireless hotspot on your phone/tablet.
  2. Reboot your router.
  1. Change your password using only Latin letters and numbers.
  2. Make sure that WPA2-PSK is selected for network authentication.


If your phone does not support the WPA2-PSK standard, then select another mode - WPA, WPA2. It’s clear that you can’t do this in the subway or a shopping center, so you just have to accept it. But at home or in a hotel, you can access the router and check the wireless network settings.

Saved, WPAWPA2 protection

If the connection is made without a password, then there cannot be an authentication error. However, there is another situation - the network is saved, but . Usually rebooting the router helps, but sometimes you have to go into the settings quite deeply.


Also, look at the number of devices allowed. If it is “0”, then there are no restrictions.