Setting up synchronization exchange in 1s. Publications. Handling invalid files

) based on 1C 8.3, data exchange with Accounting 3.0 is very different from version 2.5. In version 2.5, the exchange took place according to the rules of exchange through an XML file at the initiative of the user. In version ZUP 3.0, we are no longer talking about exchange, but about data synchronization.

Now you don’t need to upload and download every time, you only need to set up synchronization between databases once. Moreover, it became possible to configure a synchronization schedule, without excluding forced data exchange.

So, let's look at the instructions on how to set up data synchronization between 1C ZUP 3.0 and Enterprise Accounting 3.0.

Uploading data from 1C ZUP 3.0

Let's launch the ZIK 3.0 configuration , go to the “Administration” menu and select “Data synchronization settings”.

And here many stumble upon the first “pitfall” - the flag Data synchronization not available! And the reason is simple: there are not enough rights to configure synchronization. To access the settings, it is not even enough Full rights. Only a user with the role can configure synchronization System administrator. In this case, you should contact a 1C specialist or your system administrator, or assign this role to yourself. Let's look at how to do this (those who have the checkbox available can skip the next part of the article).

To enable a role System administrator let's take advantage Configurator. IN Configurator you need to go to the menu Administration, then submenu Users and select the user who will configure the synchronization. Then in the window that opens, go to the tab Others and check the box next to the role System administrator.

Click OK and exit the configurator. Restart the ZIK 3.0 configuration and make sure that the checkbox Data synchronization now available. Let's install it.

Now you can proceed to setting up synchronization settings. To open the start setup window, click on the link Data synchronization. In the window that opens, set a prefix for numbering documents and directories (for example, “ ZK"), transferred to the Accounting Department. On the list Set up synchronization select data Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0.

The Settings Assistant window will open. Here the program will prompt you to make a backup copy of the database before starting the settings. I advise you not to neglect this procedure. We will make the settings manually, and not from a file created in another program, which we will indicate with the appropriate selection.

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Click Further. In the next window, we indicate that we intend to connect directly to the Accounting 3.0 database and where it is located. If the database is located on the same computer or on a computer on the local network, you need to specify the path to it.

If the path is not known, you can find it as follows. We launch 1C 8.3 and select in the launch window the Information base from which the exchange will take place. At the bottom of the window the path to the database will be indicated; you need to copy it without quotes and paste it into the field Information base catalog in the synchronization settings window.

If the Infobase is located on the 1C Enterprise Server, the necessary data for the connection can also be found in the launch window.

When connecting to a database on the server, two parameters are required:

  • Server cluster
  • Infobase name

In the launch window, place the cursor on the name of the Infobase, and connection parameters will appear at the bottom of the window.

After you have set all the necessary parameters, press the button Check connection. If everything is correct, you should see the following picture:

Click Further. The program will check the connection again and prompt you to select Organizations, for which data should be uploaded to Accounting (link Change data upload rules), in one window and Organizations, which will be used to upload from Accounting to ZUP 3.0 (next window).

And then I came across the second pitfall. When the button is pressed Further I got this error message:

It turned out that in the configuration Enterprise accounting, with which we are going to synchronize, you also need to check the box Data synchronization. We go to the Accounting information database (again, be sure to use a user with System Administrator rights), then the Administration menu, select Data synchronization settings. Check the box Data synchronization. Accounting can be closed and returned to ZUP.

Uploading to 1C Accounting 8.3

After clicking the Next button, a window will appear asking you to perform synchronization. You can immediately press the button Ready and synchronize immediately, but I first unchecked this checkbox to find out what else the program would offer me, namely the promised exchange schedule.

Click Ready and we get to a window where you can view and change all previously made settings, as well as set up a schedule.

Setting up the schedule did not cause any particular complaints. After pressing the button Tune The settings window appears. Check the box Automatically according to schedule and follow the link to the window Schedule. After setting, click OK. The schedule can be configured for each Information base its own for both uploading and loading data.

It remains to mention one more important point. The first time you synchronize, you need to do a data mapping. This is necessary to avoid duplication of elements of reference books or documents. This is mainly true for reference books.

The 1C configuration “Trade Management, edition 11” has several built-in exchange plans, including the configuration “Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0” (Fig. 1).

It is a set of rules according to which objects from one configuration will be loaded into another. In our instructions, we will set up an exchange between 1C Accounting 3.0 and 1C Trade Management 11 based on the 1C 8.3 platform.

The presence of the plan we need in the list of standard exchanges greatly facilitates the integration process. However, there are a few preliminary settings that need to be made in both configurations.

First, let's look at the sequence of actions in 1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0. Find in the “Administration - Settings” section the item “Setting up data synchronization” (Fig. 2).

Here you need to enable the “Data synchronization” checkbox and be sure to specify the prefix of our database (Fig. 3). If you wish, you can - no data will be loaded or changed before this date.

Now go to the “Data Synchronization” tab and configure the exchange itself (Fig. 4). There may be several exchanges. For each, its own line is created (button with a plus sign “Set up data synchronization”). We already have two entries in the 1C Accounting demo database. Let's check the settings of the latter (the button with a pencil “Configure rules ...").

We only fill out the “Rules for receiving data” tab (Fig. 5), since we will not send anything. On the “Rules for sending data” tab, check the “Do not send” checkboxes.

It remains to check the connection parameters (Fig. 6). We select “direct connection”, indicate the address of the database on the disk from which we will receive data, and the user/password of the same database. The user must have full rights or at least rights to perform synchronization. Sometimes a virtual user is created specifically for exchanges.

Detailed information about the settings in this section can be obtained from Help (F1).

Similar settings are made in the 1C Trade Management 11 database.

Setting up an exchange on the Trade Management side 11

In different releases, the section we need may have a different name. In our example, this is the item “Setting up integration - Other programs” (Fig. 7).

The rest is similar. The same “Data synchronization” checkbox, the same item and similar settings. (Fig.8).

Only the prefix is ​​different. It is important!

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Go to the “Data Synchronization” tab and create a new exchange. You can select the configuration with which we want to exchange using the “Set up data synchronization” button; the exchange itself is created using the “Configure” button (Fig. 9).

From this moment, differences from the previous setting in BUKH.3.0 begin. We need to fill out the “Rules for sending data” tab (Fig. 10). And the main thing that needs to be done is to determine the composition of the data being sent.

There are several ways to select the data that we are going to transmit (Fig. 11). All of them are collected in the “Register” section. You can select either one object or a list. Or all at once.

Let's return to the previous tab and complete one more important point, already familiar to us - we will indicate the connection parameters (Fig. 12). The parameters are configured in the same way as for accounting. Only this time we are using a virtual user named "Exchange".

Launching and checking the exchange between 1C Accounting 3.0 and 1C Trade Management 11

The exchange is performed using the “Synchronize” button, which is located on the first settings page (Fig. 13). This button can be found on other pages. Moreover, there is not much difference in which of the two configurations this button is pressed. The exchange is two-way.

Press the button and move on to the next step.

If the exchange is performed for the first time, you will have to perform manual synchronization, that is, compare identical objects of two configurations, if any (Fig. 14). If this is not done, duplicates may appear.

At the next step, it will be possible to select the organizations through which the data will be transferred, and some other selections (Fig. 15).

A description of all selections appears in a special window, and a complete list of objects that will be sent can be obtained in the report on the composition of the data being sent (Fig. 16).

The exchange can take a long time; the time depends on the number of objects being transferred. After the process is completed, we get the following picture - Fig. 17. By clicking the “Setup” button, you can set up a schedule according to which the exchange will be performed automatically.

Quite often there are situations when an organization uses the “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” configuration for settlements with employees, which is when it becomes necessary to upload data on payroll, personal income tax, insurance premiums and other payments into the accounting program.

In the 1C program: ZUP 8 ed. 2.5 data exchange was carried out by uploading a document in XML format; it was also possible to upload payment documents. Then the data had to be loaded into the accounting program database, having previously made certain settings. This can be done on the “Salaries and Personnel” tab by selecting “Download from ZUP ed. 2.5"

To download data, you had to select the file that was generated earlier when downloading from 1C: ZUP.

Data synchronization when using 1C programs: ZUP 8 ed. 3 and 1C: Accounting 8 ed. 3.0 has changed significantly. Now there is no need to upload and download documents into the 1C: Accounting program every time. It is now possible to make certain synchronization settings once and set the time period when it is necessary to perform the exchange. Also, the user can independently start synchronization when necessary, and not according to a schedule.

In BP 3.0, in the Accounting Settings (Section Administration), you must set the following setting.

In the same “Administration” section, select the “Data synchronization settings” item, where you need to check the “Data synchronization” checkbox. The link of the same name becomes immediately available.

Go to 1C: ZUP and check a similar box in the same item on the “Administration” tab. Next, you need to select the program with which synchronization will take place. We make a choice and enter the IB prefix so that we know in which database the document was entered.

Then select the directory through which synchronization will occur.

Here we enter the necessary settings. If you need to upload only entries for payroll, taxes, contributions, while in accounting, calculations for account 70 are NOT carried out by employee, then set the “Summary by employee” point, in this case the statements will not be uploaded.

The next window shows the data synchronization options. We check if all the data is entered correctly, click “Next”, if something needs to be changed, click “Back”. In our case, everything was entered correctly, go Next.

Now we check the settings on the 1C: Accounting side

These settings must be made once for the first synchronization. They can then be adjusted if necessary.

Now go back to 1C: Salary and HR Management 8 and click on the “Synchronize” button.

To check in the BP, open the document “Reflection of salaries in accounting”.

It will be without postings; for them to appear, you need to check the “Reflected in accounting” checkbox. After checking the box, you will notice that this document is blocked for making changes.

And now we need to block the document on the side of the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management program. For this purpose, in 1C: Accounting, click the “Synchronize” button.

Let’s check the result in 1C: ZUP: go to the “Salary” menu - “Reflection in accounting”. We see that this document is not available for editing and there is an automatic checkbox that cannot be removed.

The programs also automatically configure the synchronization schedule. Here the user can choose the parameters that are convenient for themselves.

Thus, we looked at how synchronization is configured and performed between the programs 1C: ZUP 8 edition 3 and 1C: Accounting 8.

The chief accountant works in “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0), while the accountant maintains personnel records and payroll in the program “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8” ed. 3.0. Synchronizing the data of these two programs will minimize double entry of information and reduce the time spent on entering transactions based on calculation results, as well as avoid typos when manually transferring calculation results.

What is the difference between the data synchronization mechanism used in software products version 3.0 and the upload of transactions in previous editions? Previously, when unloading, an additional intermediate action was required: writing information to a file and then loading this file. The accountant had to ensure that the correct file was downloaded. The possibility of staggering the facts of unloading and loading in time could lead to the fact that obviously irrelevant transactions were loaded into the 1C: Accounting 8 program.

Now synchronization can be performed as needed, or you can configure automatic mode. It is important that only relevant information gets into the 1C: Accounting 8 program. When synchronizing “1C: Salaries and HR 8” and “1C: Accounting 8”, the data from reference books and documents is synchronized. Not all directory elements are synchronized, but only those that are used in the synchronized documents. List of synchronized elements:

  • Regulated reporting;
  • Documentation:
    • Reflection of wages in accounting;
    • Documents on payment and transfer of wages;
  • elements of directories involved in transmitted documents.

Information about organizations for which synchronization is configured is always transferred. If the synchronized organization already exists, then information about it is added. If this organization is not found, a new one is created.

Information about departments is also transferred with each synchronization. They are identified by name, taking into account their organizational affiliation and hierarchical structure. Information about individuals is transmitted if the individual is an employee of the organization. They are synchronized by SNILS, TIN, date of birth and name.

By the time a decision is made to use the synchronization mechanism in automating an organization’s accounting, different situations are possible.

First. The newly created organization begins accounting in the 1C: Accounting 8 program, and enters personnel records and settlements with personnel in the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program. Synchronization is set up immediately. In this case, it is necessary to configure the operation of the synchronization mechanism and approve the work regulations in the two programs in the organization. Determine who, when and what information is entered into which program, taking into account the fact that during synchronization it will be reflected in another program.

Situation two- all accounting, including salary and personnel accounting, is carried out in the 1C: Accounting 8 program. A decision is made to switch to using the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program and apply a synchronization mechanism.

In this case, the steps are the same as in the first case, but the initial loading of the “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8” database from “1C: Accounting 8” is added to them. To do this, when Initial program setup“1C: Salaries and personnel management 8” you need to select the item Transfer data from the program "1C: Accounting 8", edition 3.0. (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Initial data filling

Situation three. Accounting is carried out in the programs “1C: Accounting 8” and “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”. Communication between it is carried out manually. The decision was made to set up synchronization. The first thing to do is to manually bring the information to a synchronous state, that is, you need to make sure that the objects to be further synchronized are absolutely identical in key fields. Otherwise, you need to understand that this will entail the formation of formally new, but essentially duplicate elements. The main directories involved in synchronization and the key fields by which correspondence is established are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Key fields of directories

Information about organizations for which synchronization is configured is always transferred. If the synchronized organization already exists, then information about it is added. If this organization is not found, a new one is created.

How is the organization for which data needs to be synchronized identified? First, a comparison of organizations is carried out by TIN; if it is not possible to identify the organization by TIN, then an attempt is made to find it by registration number in the Pension Fund; if it is not possible to identify it by this number, then a search is performed by name. If there were differences in the name (typos, spaces, dashes, quotes), then a new element is created.

Information about departments is also transferred with each synchronization. They are identified by name, taking into account their affiliation with the organization and hierarchical structure.

Information about individuals is transmitted if the individual is an employee of the organization. They are synchronized by SNILS, TIN, date of birth and name.

Let's take a closer look at the reference book Ways to reflect wages in accounting program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8", which in "1C: Accounting 8" is called Salary accounting methods. Setting up postings in edition 3.0 programs differs from previous editions. This directory can only be configured in the 1C: Accounting 8 program, unlike previous releases.

In the program “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8” in this directory only the names of the postings that are used to indicate the method of accounting for salaries remain:

  • on the card Organizations on the bookmark Accounting policies and other settings menu Accounting and payroll;
  • in the directory Divisions;
  • in the directory Employees;
  • in terms of the type of calculation Accruals.

You can enable synchronization either in the “1C: Accounting 8” program or in the “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” program in the menu Data Sync Settings(Fig. 2) by setting the flag Data synchronization.

Rice. 2. Menu Data synchronization settings

You can specify a prefix that will be added to all document and directory item codes transferred from this database to distinguish where they were created.

On the menu Data synchronization(Fig. 3) synchronization is configured.

Rice. 3. Synchronization settings

Here you can configure Schedule. But regardless of the schedule, you can synchronize at any time by pressing the button of the same name. The entire exchange process is recorded in Data sending event log.

On the menu Data synchronization warnings(Fig. 4) you can see unloaded documents, unfilled details, analyze data conflicts that have arisen and see data that was not accepted by the date the data was prohibited from loading.

Rice. 4. Warnings when synchronizing data

The prohibition date for loading data can be set either uniformly for all information databases or for each database.*

Note: * The ban date can be set in several ways: general date; by sections; by sections of objects.

In conclusion, I would like to give two tips that are not unique to setting up synchronization, but which should not be forgotten:

  • before setting up synchronization, before performing trial synchronization, be sure to make archives of the synchronized databases;
  • Make sure that you are using the most current releases in both programs, because the synchronization rules in the programs provide for timely update of versions.

Instructions for setting up synchronization in 1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0

Data synchronization transfers documents and reference information from one configuration to another. The composition of the transferred data (documents and directories) is determined by the standard exchange rules included in the configuration, and the settings of the synchronization itself (exchange can be two-way or one-way).

Before setting up the synchronization of Trade Management configuration data, you must perform the following preliminary actions in the configuration information databases:

    The configuration must contain information about those organizations to which information will be migrated during data exchange. For these organizations, accounting and tax accounting policies must be defined in both configurations. Information about the basic details of organizations (name, tax identification number, checkpoint, etc.) must match.

    In the “Enterprise Accounting 3.0” configuration, the information in the information registers that ensure the filling of accounting accounts by default (Item Accounts, Accounts for Settlements with Counterparties) must be correctly filled in.

    Configurations must enable the ability to use data synchronization and define infobase prefixes. In the Trade Management configuration, the ability to use data synchronization is enabled in the section Master data and administration – Setting up data synchronization. In the Enterprise Accounting configuration, the ability to use data synchronization is enabled in the section. In all other configurations, the synchronization setting is also located in the section Administration.

Setting up data exchange between UT and BP

After enabling the function option Data synchronization Hyperlink will appear

At the first stage of setup, select the configuration with which the exchange is set up.

The Data Sync Setup Assistant opens. On the first page of the assistant you need to select the item Specify settings manually and click Next.

On the next page you need to configure message transport between configurations. That is, you need to determine how the data will be synchronized. We will consider the option of transferring data through a directory.

On the next page, information about the directory through which data will be exchanged is entered.

Next pages Setting up a connection via FTP And Setting up an email connection mail we skip.

Via hyperlink Change data upload rules Filters for data transfer are configured. For example, if it is necessary to transfer data only for specific organizations, then the list of these organizations is indicated in a separate list.

To ensure that during synchronization the “Enterprise Accounting” configuration database does not transfer unnecessary data about clients or goods for which trade transactions were not executed for this organization, a setting is used Send only the one used in documents. It should be noted that with this setting, documents will not be uploaded Setting item prices. Uploading price setting documents is important if the enterprise keeps records of retail sales at retail prices. To maintain such accounting in Enterprise Accounting 3.0, it is necessary that retail prices be recorded using a document Setting item prices. When maintaining such records, it is recommended to upload all reference information.

When maintaining accounting by contracts in the “Trade Management” configuration, those contracts that are specified in the documents will be uploaded. If accounting for contracts is not maintained or the document is drawn up without indicating the contract, then a new contract will be created in accordance with the parameters specified in the document (organization, currency, type of transaction, etc.).

The rules for sending data also determine the possibility of filling in information about the warehouse in the document (Upload warehouse analytics). If in the documents (receipts, sales) uploaded to the “Enterprise Accounting” configuration, warehouses are indicated in the tabular part of the documents, then, since the “Enterprise Accounting” configuration does not provide for the indication of warehouses in the tabular part of the document, instead of these warehouses the warehouse specified as a general one is substituted in the exchange settings.

On the next page of the BP and UT synchronization assistant, you can check all the entered exchange settings.

The assistant will inform you that the first stage of setting up the exchange has been completed. You must click the Save button to save the exchange settings. We will need this information to continue setting up the exchange on the “Enterprise Accounting” side of the configuration. Automatic saving is also performed when you click on the Finish button.

We will upload and download data later, but now let’s move on to setting up synchronization on the side of the “Enterprise Accounting 3.0” configuration.

To continue setting up data exchange in the “Enterprise Accounting 3.0” configuration, you need to go to the menu item Administration – Data synchronization settings select hyperlink Data synchronization and then select Through Universal Data Interchange - Trade Management, ed. eleven.

Now choose the setup method Load a settings file created in another program and select the configuration file Data synchronization via universal format.xml formed at the previous setup stage.

After completing these steps, you need to click Next. On the next three tabs, you need to configure the transport of messages between configurations in the same way as was described when setting up the exchange earlier. In the window Data synchronization settings settings It is possible to adjust the exchange rules.

For example, you can set a ban on downloading data from Accounting.

The values ​​that will be filled in automatically when loading documents are indicated in the dialog box that opens via hyperlink Change autofill values.

As default values, you can specify the item group that will be automatically filled in for products in documents.

You can also specify information about the income item that will be filled out in the Goods Receipt document when transferring information about regrading of goods.

On the next page of the assistant, you can check all the entered synchronization settings for UT 11 and BP 3.0.

Click Finish.

After the data exchange assistant has completed its work, a data synchronization setting will be created from the “Enterprise Accounting” configuration section. Administration - Data Synchronization. In the example under consideration, data exchange synchronization occurs using the universal exchange mechanism. This ensures that the same synchronization rules are used in both configurations. If the exchange is carried out in accordance with the exchange rules, then it is necessary to check that the same exchange rules are used in both configurations.

After setting up synchronization, let's move on to the process of transferring data between configurations.

Data transfer between 1C Trade Management and Enterprise Accounting configurations

In the Data synchronization list, you need to open the data synchronization form we created and download data from 1C Trade Management using the button Synchronize.

It is also possible to perform an exchange according to a Schedule; this setting is made on the corresponding tab. In the setting you need to specify the interval for the exchange and save it.

In this case, the option of manually starting synchronization is considered. The data will be uploaded to the directory that we specified when setting up data synchronization rules. After completing the data transfer, the program will provide information about the results of the transfer process. More detailed information about what collisions arose when unloading objects can be found in the log (Go to log).

In the Enterprise Accounting configuration, you must perform similar steps to receive data. In chapter Administration - Setting up data synchronization you need to run the command Synchronize.

The program will analyze the data and show a list of downloaded objects.

Those data that are not matched are marked with a corresponding icon in the list. Those objects that we load into the database for the first time will also be presented as such objects. After completing the object mapping, you need to click Next. When this command is executed, objects will be automatically compared; all unmatched objects will be loaded into the infobase as new objects.

After the synchronization of the UT and BP is completed, a receipt of data receipt will be automatically sent to the “Trade Management” configuration. Once the receipt is sent, the data transfer process will be completed.

Using the Details button, you can analyze the collisions that arose during the exchange process.