Setting up and synchronizing One Note on devices running Symbian. Troubleshoot sync errors in OneNote for iOS and Android Onenote app can't sync this section

Synchronizing a shared notebook is very important for its authors. Especially if this book is shared by a certain group of people. Therefore, in this topic we will look at how data synchronization works in OneNote, how to set up this synchronization and how to restore it in case of problems.

Synchronization control

So, last time we learned. To get ready for work, open this book in the application. Because the notebook is shared, changes to it must be synchronized with the version stored in the . This way, the second notebook author will see the latest version. OneNote automatically syncs all changes. This option is set by default in the program. The main thing is that there is an Internet connection.

The OneNote app also lets you monitor and manage synchronization. To check the sync status in OneNote 2010, you need to look at the (1) next to the name of the notebook. The globe indicates that the notebook is up to date, meaning it is synchronized with the version on SkyDrive. When you hover over the name of a notebook, a message (2) in the tooltip confirms that this notebook does not require synchronization.

If you open the navigation bar (3) , the globe icon is replaced by green rotating arrows with a checkmark (4) . This icon means the same thing as the globe—the notebook has been updated.

For example, I'll add text to a notebook and watch the sync icon change. To do this I will create two sections. The first section is “ Visiting schedule", and second - " Attractions". When I make changes the sync icon (5) takes the form of active rotating arrows. And when you hover over the icon, a tooltip “ This notebook is connected and changes are being synchronized«.

Once the changes are synchronized, the arrows stop spinning and the checkmark appears again. As you add content, such as page titles, " First week" And " Second week", OneNote synchronizes changes by performing updates every few seconds. When there are sync problems, the sync icon changes to a red symbol (6) . In tooltip (7) A message appears indicating that the notebook is not connected and changes are not synced.

Synchronization options

You can check the notebook sync status by clicking (6) . The sync dialog displays additional information (8) : Confirm no connection and last synchronization time. You can also change synchronization settings from this dialog box.

Default parameter (9) : Automatically sync when there are changes. I can choose to work offline (10) , for which the sync status icon will always be red. I can select this option if I want to make changes offline. Once the connection is restored, I can sync changes by clicking the " Synchronize» (11) . This way I have complete control over the timing of changes.

Syncing issues in OneNote

I'll leave it on automatic for now (9) and fix connection problems. It happens that after the Internet connection is restored, the red synchronization icon continues to be displayed. In this case, to trigger synchronization, you need to right-click on the icon and select “ Sync this notebook". This action activates synchronization, as indicated by the appearance of green arrows and a check mark. Now there is a guarantee that another author will see the latest version of this notebook.

Now you know how all changes in a OneNote notebook are synchronized. Also, it will not be difficult for you to customize this synchronization for yourself. This way, you and your friends will always be able to keep track of all the latest changes in the document without any problems. This is very useful when multiple authors are working on a document. Next time we will use OneDrive storage. In general, study and implement!

Synchronizing a shared notebook is very important for its authors. Especially if this book is shared by a certain group of people. Therefore, in this topic we will look at how data synchronization works in OneNote, how to set up this synchronization and how to restore it in case of problems.

Synchronization control

So, last time we learned. To get ready for work, open this book in the application. Because the notebook is shared, changes to it must be synchronized with the version stored in the . This way, the second notebook author will see the latest version. OneNote automatically syncs all changes. This option is set by default in the program. The main thing is that there is an Internet connection.

The OneNote app also lets you monitor and manage synchronization. To check the sync status in OneNote 2010, you need to look at the (1) next to the name of the notebook. The globe indicates that the notebook is up to date, meaning it is synchronized with the version on SkyDrive. When you hover over the name of a notebook, a message (2) in the tooltip confirms that this notebook does not require synchronization.

If you open the navigation bar (3) , the globe icon is replaced by green rotating arrows with a checkmark (4) . This icon means the same thing as the globe—the notebook has been updated.

For example, I'll add text to a notebook and watch the sync icon change. To do this I will create two sections. The first section is “ Visiting schedule", and second - " Attractions". When I make changes the sync icon (5) takes the form of active rotating arrows. And when you hover over the icon, a tooltip “ This notebook is connected and changes are being synchronized«.

Once the changes are synchronized, the arrows stop spinning and the checkmark appears again. As you add content, such as page titles, " First week" And " Second week", OneNote synchronizes changes by performing updates every few seconds. When there are sync problems, the sync icon changes to a red symbol (6) . In tooltip (7) A message appears indicating that the notebook is not connected and changes are not synced.

Synchronization options

You can check the notebook sync status by clicking (6) . The sync dialog displays additional information (8) : Confirm no connection and last synchronization time. You can also change synchronization settings from this dialog box.

Default parameter (9) : Automatically sync when there are changes. I can choose to work offline (10) , for which the sync status icon will always be red. I can select this option if I want to make changes offline. Once the connection is restored, I can sync changes by clicking the " Synchronize» (11) . This way I have complete control over the timing of changes.

Syncing issues in OneNote

I'll leave it on automatic for now (9) and fix connection problems. It happens that after the Internet connection is restored, the red synchronization icon continues to be displayed. In this case, to trigger synchronization, you need to right-click on the icon and select “ Sync this notebook". This action activates synchronization, as indicated by the appearance of green arrows and a check mark. Now there is a guarantee that another author will see the latest version of this notebook.

Now you know how all changes in a OneNote notebook are synchronized. Also, it will not be difficult for you to customize this synchronization for yourself. This way, you and your friends will always be able to keep track of all the latest changes in the document without any problems. This is very useful when multiple authors are working on a document. Next time we will use OneDrive storage. In general, study and implement!

OneNote is a great note-taking tool, but unfortunately it's not talked about often. This program has more features than many people think, undeservedly depriving it of attention. A few tips will help you use OneNote more effectively, both for those who are not yet familiar with this Microsoft product and for those who constantly work with it.

First: OneNote is a great program

OneNote is included in the Microsoft Office suite of programs and has been around for about 10 years. Despite this, users still continue to explore it, and very often the program becomes a real discovery. Here are a few things that attract users:

  1. OneNote is like an electronic version of a notebook. You can create an unlimited number of notebooks in it, with different sections in them, and pages in sections. The pages inside the notebook are organized by color to make it easier to navigate.
  2. You can insert anything you like into pages: pictures, audio, video and files (just drag and drop and you're done). All this variety can be placed in different parts of the page as you wish. You can add an audio recording next to the meeting note and attach a photo of the event next to it.
  3. OneNote makes searching incredibly easy: You can search text in pictures and even audio and video as easily as you search handwritten notes. The program can read your handwriting without converting it to text, although you can do that too if you want. Stylus support is one of OneNote's biggest selling points and sets it apart from Evernote, although you'll need a Tablet PC for it. Be that as it may, the 2013 version of OneNote allows you to write and draw with your finger.
  4. The program can be integrated with Outlook and other Microsoft Office programs.

Take quick notes without opening the program

Two program shortcuts help you create new notes even faster. If you press Win+N, a small panel will open, and Win+S will take a screenshot of any part of the screen.

In Windows 8.1, to take a screenshot, press Win+Shift+S. Quick notes are automatically saved in the “Unfiled Notes” section, and screenshots can be saved in any section.

Another trick is that if you right-click on the OneNote icon on the taskbar, you can start recording audio or assign any other action: quick note, screenshot, or launch OneNote.

Edit and format notes using keyboard shortcuts

You can quickly add tags, insert checkboxes and special note titles using keyboard shortcuts. In fact, there are a lot of these combinations, but we will indicate only four of them, with which you can create a new note:

  • Add a new page at the end of a section - Ctrl + N
  • Add a new page below the current tab at the same level - Ctrl + Alt + N
  • Add a subpage below the current one - Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N
  • Make the current page a subpage or vice versa, move it to a higher level: Ctrl + Alt + ] (right bracket) or Ctrl + Alt + [

Clip a web page to paste into OneNote

If you have OneNote installed, Internet Explorer provides two handy tools: Send to OneNote and Link to OneNote. The program saves the web page, the time you use it and adds its URL.

If you haven't used IE for a long time, you can insert a printout of the document from the browser using the Send to OneNote panel.

Insert audio, video, math formulas, links and more

As mentioned above, one of the best features of OneNote is its support for embedding anything, which makes it easier not only to work, but also to search. Feel free to experiment with your search. Here are some ideas on how you can use this:

  • scan handwritten recipes;
  • record lectures and then search for them using key terms;
  • add screenshots and search for text in them;

If you need to find something in video and audio files, you can find it like this: File>Options>Audio and Video

If you have a stylus-enabled screen, OneNote can help:

  • paint ;
  • turn your doodles into text;
  • write notes on cut-out or scanned pages;

Change the view to make it more convenient to work

In normal mode, you see all notebooks, tabs, sections, and pages, but the view menu offers other options. F11 opens full screen mode, which is great if you're working on a note. The expanded workspace will help you focus on your work without being distracted by anything else, and the Pinned to Desktop mode is perfect for working with notes and the browser at the same time.

Use templates and add-ons

Templates and add-ons extend the capabilities of OneNote. In the “Page Templates” tab you will see what you can work with right now: templates for students, for work, and many others. You can also download beautiful templates from the Microsoft Office website. The blank templates even have options for changing page sizes, such as up to 3x5 for a card file or postcard. If you often use documents of the same type, you can customize the template that will be applied to the page and save it to save time.

Like other office programs, OneNote has several apps, such as the free Onetastic, which works with 2010 and 2013 apps. With this app, you can view OneNote pages in your calendar, crop and rotate images in the program, create your own macros, pages, sections, and more.

There is another useful addition - Outline, which is useful for cross-platform use. It takes the notes you take in OneNote and syncs them to your iPad or Mac. You can view OneNote files on your iPad and they will look just like they do on your computer. There is a free version of this program and Outline+ for $14.99.

Use with other Microsoft Office programs

If you regularly use Microsoft Office programs, OneNote can help make your work faster and easier. In version 2013, it became possible to insert Microsoft Excel tables or even create them. In this case, the table will be edited in Excel, but all changes will be displayed in real time. You can also add shapes for Visio and simpler flowcharts.

One of the most useful features is integration with Outlook. You can put a checkbox next to any line on a OneNote page and it will turn into an Outlook task. You can also send pages with the same format to others, so they can read your notes even if they don't have OneNote installed on their device. Finally, you can transfer meeting notes along with all the details from Outlook to OneNote.

These tips only scratch the surface of OneNote's ability to organize your notes, but if you don't already have a favorite note-taking program, maybe it's worth giving it a try?

Welcome! This blog is dedicated to the Internet and computers, or rather was dedicated to them.

It’s probably immediately obvious that no new articles have appeared on the site for many years. Yes, this is the fate of most blogs. This project was once an ambitious undertaking, and the author, like many others writing at the time, had ambitious plans to become one of the best Russian bloggers. Well, if you look now, of those blogs that were created simultaneously with mine, most have already disappeared into eternity. And I just simply didn’t have enough time to blog. So yeah, it's not updated anymore. Although we once won the “Runet Blog 2011” competition with this site.

I even had the idea of ​​deleting all this, but then I reviewed the old materials and realized that they could still be useful to readers. Yes, some articles are outdated (if I have enough strength, they will be marked accordingly), but the site, for example, can be useful for beginners - here you can read about the basic concepts of the Internet, learn how to set up the Internet, Windows, or even decide to switch to Linux. So take a look at the categories and choose the one that suits you.

And yet, I hope that this is more than just a blog, but a real guide to the Internet. The site can be viewed in directory mode, where all available articles are structured by categories. And, who knows, maybe one day new high-quality articles will start appearing here.

Sander is a discount portal from International Coupons, a Polish expert in the field of savings and cheap shopping. The Poles are considered one of the most frugal nations in the world, so it is not surprising that this type of project grew out of the Polish startup How can this portal be useful to the average Internet user in Russia?

Modern Android phones are more than just phones. You get used to the set of installed programs, the history of your calls and text messages, your collection of photos and much more. But time passes, and the device that you were completely satisfied with begins to slow down, glitch, or simply loses its presentable appearance due to chips on the body or scratches on the screen. The question arises of choosing a new phone and changing the Android phone. And if we ignore the issue of choice for now, then “moving” to a new phone remains a serious problem - you absolutely don’t want to start all the data from scratch. This is what we will talk about today.

Most of the readers of this blog have most likely never encountered version control systems and will not encounter them in the near future. It's a pity. This extremely convenient invention is quite widely used by programmers, but, in my opinion, it could also be very useful for those who actively work with texts. But, probably, now there is not a single version control system that would be easy to start using for “office” (Microsoft Office) work. Nevertheless, I think that the material presented in the article may be of interest to all readers.

If you have been wondering how to watch movies online and access the Internet from your TV, this article is for you. No, I know that some TVs already have Smart TV functionality, but I have never seen it work properly. Apparently, this is why Google recently demonstrated an absolutely stunning device that immediately became a sensation. We're talking about the Chromecast media streamer, a more advanced and affordable version of last year's disastrous Nexus Q player.

The Chromecast dongle, whose dimensions do not exceed 2 inches, connects to the HDMI port of the TV and allows you to enjoy watching streaming web content. To control the streamer, you can use any device (tablet, PC, smartphone) based on the operating platform iOS, Windows, Android or Mac OS.

This article is devoted to the design of Android system memory, problems that may arise due to its lack and ways to solve them. I myself recently encountered the fact that my Android phone began to regularly display messages about low memory when I tried to install this or that application. Which was very strange for me, given that according to the description on the market there should have been about 16GB, and I also increased this volume using an additional memory card. However, there was a problem, and it took a lot of fiddling around before I found the right solution that didn’t require root access or completely restoring the phone to its factory state.

OneNote 2010 is an amazing app! I use it all the time and as often as, perhaps, Outlook. It has a lot of possibilities and uses: notes, planning, GTD, storing information, and a lot of everything. Even this note I’m currently writing in OneNote.

OneNote is especially convenient when working synchronously on multiple computers. For example, like now, I write on a laptop, lying on the couch, or, say, in a cafe, and when I sit on my work computer, all the notes will be on it. That is, it makes virtually no difference to me which machine I work on.

Previously, I used Live Mesh to synchronize OneNote notebooks, but now, according to reliable data, this product will slowly be phased out and will be replaced by LiveSync. But OneNote 2010 can synchronize without additional tools, on its own, while also providing additional features.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to sync OneNote notebooks across multiple computers.

Create a place to store notebooks on SkyDrive

Synced notebooks will be stored on SkyDrive, Live's online storage service. You need to open the address

and select this menu item: Office –> Documents

In chapter " Personal"I created a folder" Notebooks»

I will place my notebooks in this folder.

Create a OneNote 2010 notebook on SkyDrive

Now open OneNote 2010 and select “ File»


  • Store your notebook: in the Internet
  • Name: enter the name of the notebook
  • Internet location: Windows Live SkyDrive and further in " Personal folders» select « Notebooks»

That's all! All that remains is to transfer all the necessary data to it, for example, sections from an old notebook. You can close the old notebook by right-clicking and selecting “Close Notebook.”

After a while, a globe icon will appear on the notebook, indicating that synchronization is complete.

In any case, synchronization is started by (all notebooks), + (current notebook) or right-click:

Connecting a notebook on a second (third, etc.) computer

To do this, you need to go to SkyDrive again (see point 1) and select the Notebooks folder

Next, open these notebooks one by one (important: using Internet Explorer. The book will open in other browsers, but you will not be able to connect it to OneNote! Hello Microsoft!) and click the Open in OneNote button:

We wait some time and now the notebook is open in OneNote. All! Now you can work on both computers at least simultaneously: changes appear literally within a few seconds.

It’s clear, you can also provide access to notebooks to other users, and get, for example, a corporate notebook with which all project participants work. At the same time, it is noted who wrote what with a stripe on the right with initials:

Additional features and various goodies

The most important feature of such synchronization is that you can open your notebooks from anywhere using a browser (see point 3). And not just open them in the browser, but edit them, add data, create new pages, etc. In this case, all changes will immediately appear in the working OneNote.

The “Access” tab has several interesting options, for example, viewing changes made recently:

The capabilities of OneNote 2010 are really great, and I can’t tell you about them in one post, but maybe I’ll write about them sometime later. Are you interested in reading about OneNote 2010?