Find a match from the photo. We search and find using Google Images. FindFace – search for faces by photo

Good afternoon In today's article we will talk about finding a double using a photo for free online. Finding your double from a photograph is a very interesting task. Unfortunately, the probability of meeting a “twin brother” on the street tends to zero.

Modern information technologies can help us find a double using facial recognition programs right while sitting on the couch. Some people don’t even realize that they look like a celebrity or just another person. Most of the proposed methods are not effective and do not lead to a positive result. In this case, using sites and online services with an already proven reputation will help.

Necessary conditions to start searching:

  • laptop or computer with Internet connection;
  • photograph with which comparison will take place.

In addition, the direction of a person’s gaze in photographs is the key to a successful search. If a person's gaze is directed to the side, the result may not be accurate. Looking forward will increase the chance of a successful search. A plain background will also contribute to obtaining a high-quality result. It is enough that the photo only contains an image of the face; there is no need to upload a full-length photo.

How to find a double among famous people?

It's interesting to find a person among celebrities who looks like you. This question haunts many people. To accomplish this task, there are many free, proven sites with online search capabilities.

  1. is a site that allows you to find 3 stellar doubles. If I want to use the search on this site, I must register. After that, upload the photo (don’t forget about the important conditions when choosing it), indicate female or male gender. To start the search, you need to mark the points in the center of the pupils in the photo. Click the “Send” button and get the result. If the search is unsuccessful, the procedure can be repeated using the “Again” button.
  2. is a resource containing about 4,000 photographs of celebrities. The procedure is similar: download the application, register and start searching.

Online services for lookalikes

The most famous online services are:

  1. Twins ( is a popular online program for finding twins. Registration is not required to access the resource. The search process itself takes about 6 minutes. On the loaded image, the program independently determines about 50 significant points and conducts a similarity analysis based on them.
  2. Stranger Twins ( The search takes 5 minutes from the moment the photo is uploaded. You are asked to choose the facial features that will be used for comparison yourself, unlike Twins. The website also indicates the criteria that the photo must meet.

Search order on the website

This resource is quite simple and effective. In order to use the search, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Open the website page. Select “Upload image”;
  2. Select a photo to search. Don't forget about the conditions for choosing a photo to get the best search results.
  3. The result will appear in literally 10 seconds. The program will determine the age, gender and names of stars with whom there will be similarities. You can immediately determine how correctly a given resource works.

The service is popular among people who have recently changed their appearance and want to find out the percentage of similarity with a celebrity.

This resource works great with photographs of women. You can see a screenshot of a successful example of such a search below.

Search for a double by photo for free online in social networking communities

The VKontakte and Odnoklassniki websites will help you find twins.

  1. Group "Doubles" ( Users share their photos, opinions, and look for similar people.
  2. Find a double ( – search for doubles in the database, posting your photo.

Searching for a double through systems on the Internet

The most accurate result can be obtained using various search engines. The complication of algorithms and the increase in the amount of loaded information day by day makes this search option better and more effective. As an example, consider the Google search order.

  • Open the start page;
  • In the upper right corner, click on “Pictures”;

  • In the search bar you will be able to search by images. Select the "Camera" icon;


Let's look for a higher resolution option. Open Google Images and click the inconspicuous button in the line:

We will have a choice - provide a link to the photo or upload it from your computer. I have a picture on my hard drive, so I click Upload file - Select file - Open. After some time (the image should be uploaded to Google’s servers), a page with search results will appear:

To filter pictures by quality, there are two links - “Small” and “Large”. Naturally, I will choose " Large" to see the best quality:

The picture resolution is very good - 1920 by 1080 pixels. So you can follow the link and download it for yourself.

So, to find a picture in better quality than it is, you need to specify its address or download it from disk, then click the “Large” link.

Searching for a person on the Internet by photo

A rather unobvious way to use the image search service. Let's say we have a photograph of a person. If the same photo or a very similar one is posted somewhere on social networks, there is a chance that a Google search engine will find it. For example, this is what will happen if you upload one of my photos:

Google decided that my photo was similar to photos of Japanese athletes. This is funny and not true, but the search was successful - we saw a link to my VKontakte page, where there is this photo, and also found out my first and last name.

Of course, such luck does not always occur. Google Images can't find photos from private albums. Otherwise, this is a great way to determine the authenticity of a photo and/or determine who is in it.

Find out the name of a thing or landscape from a photograph

There is a program called Google Goggles for iPhone and Android phones. It allows you to translate photographed text or determine the name, find information about a photographed object or landmark. Really great stuff, but there is no version for computers. This can be partially compensated for using the same Google image search.

Example: we have a photo of a landscape, but we don’t know what kind of beautiful place it is:

As in the previous options, click the button in the form of a camera in the search bar, upload a photo and get the result:

I warn you - this doesn't always work. For the correct result, this photo or a very similar one must already be in the Google image search database, i.e. be on the Internet, there should also be a description next to the picture on the page. If sights can be easily recognized (since a famous place is “known” on the Internet), then with objects the chance of finding a description is almost zero.

If there is no information about the place, we will see a page with similar photos, similar to the following example.

Previously, the TinEye search engine was strong in this, as I said earlier. But Google Images is also not perfect.

And click the link “ Similar images". Let me remind you: you can not upload a photo, but indicate its address on the Internet, or simply enter the query “red kitten” into the search, hover your mouse over the photo and click “ Similar«.

In any case, these actions will lead to a search for similar photos:

Pay attention to the inscription “Similar” above the pictures. This means that this mode is working now. Clicking the cross on the right will turn it off. Clicking on the picture will open, as it should, an enlarged copy in the background of the site where this picture is located.


Google Image Search always works the same way. Depending on what was found, the search page changes. If the result is very successful, when it is possible to accurately identify the name of the photo and find information on it, we are redirected to a text search page (as in the case of searching for a landmark).

In fact, the search site is trying to predict what we really need. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. There is virtually no difference between the above examples. The search always happens the same way, we just look in different search places and click the links we need. I have only given the most “contrasting” examples, so you should not look for the “Search for similar photos” or “Search for a person by photo” button. There is none of them. The search is always the same. It all depends on what we are looking for.

Google Image Search is a very powerful tool with many settings and features. Finding a similar picture or page on a social network from a person’s photo is possible. Of course, there are many “buts” here, because the search is carried out by complex but predictable algorithms, and not by real intelligence. In any case, the ability to use image search is a useful skill that everyone who uses the Internet should master.

Finding information on the Internet is not always an easy task. Especially if you have minimal data about what you need to find. An example of such a situation would be a search by image.

How to use Google Image Search:

  • Step #1: Open the Google Images page and click on the camera button. This button is located to the right of the search bar.

  • Step #2: After this, a small pop-up window should open. In the window that opens, indicate the link to the picture and click on the “Search” button. If you want to upload a file from your computer, then click on the “Upload File” link.

  • Step No. 3. After you have provided a link or uploaded a picture from your computer, you will be redirected to a page with search results. Please note that the image you were looking for appeared in the search bar. Also, if necessary, you can refine your search by adding a text description of the picture.

Other services for searching by image

In addition to the Google search engine, there are other services for searching by image. One of these services is the website. Here, as in the previous case, you can upload a picture from your computer or specify its address. After that, the service will search by image and display the search results.

How to use image search in

  • Step No. 1. Open the website, then upload the image file from your computer or provide a link.

  • Step #2: Once you upload an image or provide a link, you will be automatically taken to the search results page.

Search by image using a browser extension

There are also browser extensions that allow you to search by image much faster. So, for Google Chrome there is a Search by Image extension. You can download it from the link. This extension allows you to start searching by image in the Goolge search engine in just a couple of clicks.

The Search by Image extension works very simply. You need to open the context menu by right-clicking on any picture and selecting “Search Google with this image”. After this, a new tab with a search will open.

There is a similar extension for the service. This extension is called “TinEye Reverse Image Search”. It also works exactly the same. After installation, an item appears in the context menu that allows you to search by image in the Tineye service with one click.

And one more thing, don't forget to check out our selection of the best.

Searching for photos from your phone is not as difficult a task as it might seem. To reveal all the aspects of this process, we will try to outline what to do if you have the original image on your smartphone and if you want to find something related to the image found on the Internet.
In the second option, there are not so many solutions to the problem, but as long as we have our beloved Google, there is nothing to be afraid of.

As easy as pie

So you are interested in a photograph in some article and want to know more about it. If you haven't yet turned to your favorite browser and use the one built into Facebook, Twitter or something else, now is the time to turn to Chrome, Firefox, Dolphin or any other option that suits you. Having opened the link in the browser, you long tap to select the image you are interested in and open it in a new tab (this option will appear in the context menu that appears, here we also see the option to quickly save the image or immediately start searching for it using Google)

When you see just one image on the page, all you have to do is copy the link to it and consider that half the work is already done.

Open a new tab and go to the Google start page. Here we are interested in the “Pictures” section. Once you go to it, all you have to do is paste the previously copied link to the image into the search bar. Click “Search” and enjoy the results. As a rule, among the truly useful information, unnecessary information also appears. You can refine your search using special filters, but they are not available in the mobile version of the site, so click the “menu” button and check the box next to the “full version” line. Here you can set all the parameters you are interested in: size, type, time, etc.

An equally interesting option is to select an image close to the one you are interested in and follow the “similar” link.

Now let’s consider a situation in which the picture is saved on your smartphone (by the way, you can also save it from the browser if fiddling with copying links seems difficult to you)

We go back to the Google start page and the “Images” tab, but now we select the “Upload File” tab. When you click on it, you will have access to your gallery. Having selected the desired photo, repeat the steps from the previous paragraphs and again you will surely find the one you need.

Applications to help

Now let's look at other ways to search for information using photos from a smartphone. For this we do not need a browser, but we will need third-party applications that will have to be installed in advance.

Google Googles(Android) is perhaps the most famous application of this kind. It hasn't received updates for a long time, but it's still working. Managing it is extremely simple: launch the camera in the application, point it at the object of interest, and take a photo. In a few seconds, you will already have all the available information on the object of interest. Admittedly, this method works best with well-known objects: trademarks, landmarks, works of art, etc. Here you can read barcodes and translate text, even solve Sudoku.

CamFind(Android, iOS) - works approximately the same, but is designed mainly for searching for all kinds of products, and can even help you find online stores where they are sold. But it also easily finds related and simply similar images, saves the search results that interest you to your favorites and allows you to quickly share them. There is a code scanner, recognition of famous places and even voice control. You can search from the gallery and from the camera.

Specialized services

But that is not all. If you don’t have time to install third-party applications, and fiddling with tabs in the browser is tiring, you can turn to the corresponding service, the sole purpose of which is to search for images. Tineye was and remains the best in its class. Here you can also upload an existing image or insert a link to it into the search bar (read above for how to get the link you are interested in). The service finds copies of the image you uploaded and links to the resources where they appeared. Alas, everything works only if it is 100% similar. The service has another interesting feature - working with flowers. That is, you can upload an image, which Tineye will analyze, select key colors in it and find you pictures in the same color palette or, conversely, select images based on given colors.

So, these are the three simplest and most universal ways to search for any images and information on the Web when you only have one picture on hand. And if not all, then at least one of them will definitely lead you to success.

Search services for similar images

Among other things, I do print design. In this regard, I have to study almost every day searching for similar images on the Internet. I usually used an online service for this But just recently I started using an even more convenient and functional search service for similar images, from the Internet giant - Google .

First, I’ll tell you where and for what purposes this service can be used, and then I’ll tell you about it in more detail.

Using Google's search for similar images, you can:

Find similar images for any picture from your computer or the Internet;
- find out the author and title of a painting unknown to you;
- find out the name of the celebrity depicted in the photo;
- find out the model of a car, smartphone, laptop, type of wine, breed of dog, etc.;

And all this in a couple of mouse clicks.

Search for similar images in Google provides great opportunities for designers - very often you have to search for all kinds of images based on a sample. This tool makes this task easier and helps you search for images in high resolution and good quality.

Search system Google provides four ways to search for similar images:

Drag and dropInserting a link to an imageInstalling the extension

First way designed for images stored on your computer. To find a similar image, just drag and drop the image into the search form on

Second way offers an alternative to the first option for downloading an image, indicating its location on your computer.

Third way You can use it by copying the link to the image and pasting it into the image search form. This form opens after clicking on the camera icon on

Fourth method my favorite because it is the most convenient and provides almost unlimited possibilities in searching for similar images. To do this, you will need to install a special browser extension. Google Chrome or Firefox. After installing it, an image search shortcut will appear on each image (when you hover the mouse cursor over it) Google, by clicking on which you will be redirected to a search page for similar images. With the expansion of image search, you will be able to search the Internet not only by keywords but also by images. And without visiting a search engine.

Install extension Search by image for Google:

V Google Chrome you can use the following link: Install the Search by Image extension;

in Firefox through the search for extensions, by request " Search by image for Google".

After installing the extension in Google Chrome it will need to be activated in the settings: