“We found the best cashback for AliExpress - check it out! How to buy with cashback on Aliexpress through letyshops, mobile application or through partnerships

The English word cashback has a literal meaning – “cash return”. This method, as a marketing technique, is used by most popular online stores.

The owner of the site spends a certain amount of money, transferring it to an intermediary - a cashback service. The purpose of this service is to attract customers to the shopping process in a specific store.

The cashback service keeps part of the profit for itself, and uses the second part as a return percentage for the purchase.

We'll talk about it briefly below:

What are the benefits of purchasing with cashback?

Depending on the site, the discount percentage can reach up to 30 percent. Most often, online stores themselves do not provide refunds; this is the task of special cashback services. For the most popular siteAliexpresstoday there are a huge numbercashback servicesof domestic and foreign origin.

Mobile applications for cashback services

To receive cashback, the user must:

  • install the Aliexpress mobile application;
  • install the cashback program.

Next, the user must launch the application, for example, ePN on his mobile device and go to the Aliexpress page. Once on the main page of the Chinese site, the buyer can begin purchasing the product.

Then everything is very simple - you need to click the “Buy now” button and pay for the order. It is recommended to make the payment immediately, since the sooner this is done, the more likely it is that the cashback will be credited. Once you've made your payment, go to the cashback program to make sure your refund worked.

Cashback Aliexpress in the mobile application

If for some reason you were unable to use cashback, you can use a different algorithm of actions. In this case, the user will need a computer and a smartphone.

First of all, you need to install the cashback plugin in your browser. Next, you should find the product you are interested in and click the “Activate cashback” tab. After activation, the user must click on the “More profitable deals” button.

After this, the buyer needs to go to the Ali site using a mobile device, activating the QR code scanner and scanning the code in the product card.

Once the scanning is completed, a page with the discounted item will open on your mobile device. By pressing the “Pay Now” button, put down your smartphone and use your computer to go to the “My Orders” tab. Here you will see an order whose cost corresponds to the cost indicated in the mobile application.

After performing all the above steps, the user can buy the product with cashback. After payment, you should go to Cashback and make sure that the refund worked.

Without a doubt, the first described option for receiving cashback through a mobile device is simpler and more convenient, however, if you didn’t succeed the first time, you can use the second option.

The best cashback services on Aliexpress

When choosing a cashback service, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The size of the payment is the most important indicator. Usually Aliexpress cashback is 4-6 percent.
  • Minimum withdrawal amount. This parameter is also very important, since many cashback services allow limited withdrawals, which is not very convenient for users who rarely make purchases on Ali.
  • Time of withdrawal. To withdraw money, you must wait until you receive the goods. It follows that the user can receive funds only after confirmation of receipt of the order or after the buyer protection time has expired.

Today the following services can be included in the TOP:

  • LetyShops

This cashback is considered universal for fans of online shopping. The service partners are more than 1000 stores. allows its users to save up to 3.9%. On average, cashback is withdrawn within 30 days.

  • ePN Cashback

This service, thanks to close cooperation with Aliexpress, provides its users with the opportunity to save 5.5% of the cost of goods. When purchasing phones, customers return 2.5% of their own funds. You can save 15% by purchasing rare items through. Users must wait approximately 30 days to receive their funds.

  • AliBonus

Regular users receive a substantial cashback of 4.91%, and 2.25% on smartphones. Beginners receive 3.27%, and for mobile devices - 1.61%.

  • Smarty.Sale

The presented service is considered to be quite young, however, it has already managed to win its audience of users. Today, 800 stores cooperate with Smarty.Sale. Thanks to this service, you can return 5% of the order value.

  • Promo codes.No

This service allows you to find the best offers, since they are all collected in one portal. Moreover, all promotional codes are provided to users free of charge, regardless of the time of day. By visiting the portal, you will see the size of the discount, as well as until what date it is active.

All the cashback services reviewed have proven themselves because they have been providing their clients with the most favorable conditions for several years.

Until recently, purchasing goods online caused people genuine surprise and a whole bunch of fears. But at this time, a site like Aliexpress has been used by almost every one of our compatriots. Such wide popularity of the resource was ensured by a huge range of different products, as well as their low cost, which is due to the Chinese manufacturer. It is worth noting that the quality suits almost every buyer who contacted a seller with good reviews and a well-deserved reputation.

Reliable services

Cashback from Aliexpress is a newer and very popular concept. One of the most popular and reliable services is ePN CashBack

Important, be sure to try to buy any product, maybe not expensive, to check. Cashback should appear in your personal account within 10 minutes after payment; if this does not happen, cancel the order and repeat the purchase. If this does not help, cancel the order again and contact service support. Otherwise, after sending the parcel, it will no longer be possible to cancel the order and receive cashback.

At the moment, the concept of cashback is not very widespread, however, every person who likes to place orders on one of the largest online stores should become familiar with it. Cashback, in essence, is a system in which a certain percentage of money from the purchase of a particular product is returned to the buyer. It sounds like a fairy tale, but this system works quite well, and small percentages actually accumulate, which allows you to reuse them to purchase certain positions.

Ways to return part of the money from purchases

Cashback is currently one of the most proven methods for saving your own money. In some ways it is similar to a discount system, only you do not pay a smaller amount, but receive a certain share of the completed purchase. Such an attractive theme has already attracted the attention of most people, so how can you take advantage of it? In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. The main rule is to use only proven services that have been providing similar services for a long time, and do not cover up fraudulent activities with a new business trend.

Personally, we recommend, as mentioned earlier, the most popular and proven over the years - ePN CashBack

Also pay your attention to other services that really have positive reviews from clients who managed to turn to them for help. Among the abundance of such “companies”, it can be difficult to trust just one thing, so it will be great if you seek advice from people who have already had experience with similar resources or read our review of the best cashback services -. Never hesitate to ask questions in private messages, or write directly to the site’s customer support. As a rule, those resources that value their own reputation never refuse to help new clients.

It is worth mentioning that each of the various resources offers its own percentage of returns. For some it is more, for others it is less. But never fall for the following trick. Fraudsters very often offer cashback in incredible percentages of the initial amount, which reaches almost 100%. No one will ever give you a product for free, so it is best to ignore exaggerated numbers, otherwise there is a risk of completely losing money, while still not receiving the desired product.

How it works?

The order structure is very simple. Let's say you have chosen a certain resource for yourself that is engaged in returning a percentage of purchases from the Aliexpress website. First, you need to register on it and log in to your account using the specified name and password. The ordering procedure is carried out directly through the website, which is absolutely no different from the same order directly through Aliexpress.

Also, some services provide their own extensions to improve the convenience of working with cashback, for example - ePN CashBack Plugin

After you pay for the goods, a certain amount of money is credited to your personal account, which is returned with a 100% guarantee. Thanks to such a simple scheme, the question “how to get some money back from Aliexpress” is resolved by itself.

Some of the resources have developed a rather interesting system for attracting clients, which is worth using. Let’s say you already have an idea of ​​what cashback is and have managed to take advantage of it. The mistrust has disappeared, replaced by a desire to save more, and the above-mentioned resources will help you with this! Certain sites offer a so-called affiliate system, which works according to the following principle:

  • The buyer makes a payment, receiving a certain percentage on the return
  • A special invitation link, through which the client can connect his friends and relatives to the system, becomes available for distribution to any person
  • Those who managed to register using it, as well as order a product, increase the percentage of the client who connected an additional number of buyers to the resource

This means that cashback itself not only allows you to save significantly, but at the same time also earn some extra money. Of course, no one here is talking about over-earnings, but a few hundred (or even thousands) of rubles will never be superfluous. And all this just because of one link that will help other customers save on purchases made in China.

Other affiliate programs

Cash returns from purchases on Aliexpress can take an even more serious turn, since many resources of this kind have begun cooperation with people who have their own websites or well-promoted groups on social networks. There is a certain product for which the cashback service creates its own link. This link can be used by the client who is promoting personal sites or groups. Visitors to these resources will be able to follow the link and quickly order goods, saving their own money. In this case, a small percentage of the purchase will be credited to the balance of the person who posted the link.

Example of an affiliate program – Admitad

It is worth mentioning in advance that even in this case of cooperation, you should not expect mountains of gold and make a million-dollar business out of it. If we look at everything using a clear example, a purchase of $200 will return about $5-15. Therefore, this way of earning money is best done by those people who create websites and promote them, know how to develop communities on social networks, or make purchases on an ongoing basis or independently sell goods from China or. Only then will this type of income be able to bring you a good profit equal to the amount of effort put into it. Any business, first of all, requires seriousness.

Alternative refund methods

This will probably sound quite dubious, but personal communication with the seller on the site can result in a fairly good discount on the purchase of the desired product. The fact is that on a platform like Aliexpress, sellers are in direct contact with potential buyers. People understand that not only the percentage of trust depends on this, but also the opportunity to discuss controversial situations. Probably, many buyers have encountered the fact that goods simply disappear, do not arrive, or are not tracked. Personal communication with the seller allows you to quickly resolve a controversial issue or request a refund, which is a very common practice.

Sometimes a discount is provided by the seller regardless of communication with him. For example, the world-famous “Black Friday” is a day when the discount on goods reaches incredible amounts, which is why purchases can be made at unrealistically low prices. This technique is practiced not only on the Internet, but also in ordinary stores that distribute their activities in real life. But Aliexpress is a site where discounts are found every day, and they do not in any way affect the quality or popularity of the product. All this is done solely for the sake of customers, of whom there are more and more every day.

Mobile applications

Many will be surprised why this topic is highlighted in a separate paragraph. In fact, everything is more than obvious. The fact is that it is much more profitable to make purchases through a mobile application than through a regular website. But the main advantage of this payment method is that even here there is a percentage return system, that is, cashback. Let's look at a simple situation. You have found a suitable product that is also on sale at a discount. We find it in the mobile application, and there it costs even less! We add the return percentage to the discount, and we get truly impressive savings that can simply amaze.

Interested? Without a doubt. Now let's figure out how to use this saving method:

  • First you need to download the corresponding application to your smartphone. Currently 2 operating systems are supported: iOS and Android
  • We are looking for the product we need, but we are not paying for it, since this procedure should be carried out a little later
  • Log in to the cashback service site from your computer
  • We activate cashback in any way convenient for you, after which on the product page we find the item “price in the application” and the QR code that needs to be scanned using the application
  • The final step is payment for the goods. This way you get a discount and cashback from your purchase at the same time, that is, a double benefit

Alternative Saving Methods

Above we talked about the cashback system, mentioned classic discounts, and also talked about how personal communication with the seller helps you save. But these are far from the only methods that will help you save your own money. Surely many of you have heard of such a thing as a promotional code? This technique also allows you to get a discount on a certain type of product, but the system works somewhat differently. Let's figure it out.

There are many websites on the Internet that post promotional codes and coupons for purchasing certain products. They do not apply to all positions. As a rule, the restriction concerns the type of use of lots: cosmetics, tools, items for the home and garden, clothing, and so on. You find the appropriate product, enter “promotional codes for purchase” in the search bar and begin searching for what you need. In rare cases, you will be able to find passwords that open small discounts on absolutely all products of the online store, but this rarely happens. On the plus side, such codes often have a limited number of uses or are posted for a certain time (depending on the month).

Where and how to get promo codes and coupons, read this


A rather interesting point is the on-site bonus system, which was invented by the Aliexpress developers. It represents the accumulation of certain coins that are awarded to the buyer for making any purchases (through a mobile application, which was discussed just above). Many users called these bonuses mobile coins. You can get these coins in 2 ways, which are something like a game, a lottery:

  • Daily bonus for visiting the mobile application, which is given to each user
  • In the process of going through the so-called lottery of luck.

Another bonus is a certificate for the purchase of goods, which cannot be won or obtained anywhere for free. As a rule, such an item is purchased as a gift, which can be easily given or kept for the future. This option is very convenient to use, since it can be managed in different ways. It allows you to pay for purchases, or return money if the item did not arrive to the recipient. The certificate has an unlimited expiration date, which is also a very convenient point.


As you understand, there are a lot of methods for returning interest, and each of them provides very impressive savings. The most important thing is not to make a mistake with your choice, so as not to be disappointed due to the actions of scammers. Now you can buy profitably. The main thing is to choose a reliable cashback service that does not let its customers down!

Very important! Cashback appears in your personal account within 10 minutes after payment; if this does not happen, cancel your order on Aliexpress and repeat the whole process again. If this does not help, cancel the order again and contact service support to resolve this issue. Otherwise, after the seller sends the parcel, it will be impossible to cancel the order and receive cashback, which often leads to negative reviews.

Cashback may not have arrived or been activated for several reasons

  • Cashback was activated after making a purchase. Please keep in mind that activation must be performed before adding items to your cart and placing an order.
  • The browser has an extension installed that interferes with cashback. Go to your browser settings and check the list of extensions; if you find any from this list, disable them or delete them.
    • AliExpress Seller Check
    • AliTools
    • Search for products by image on AliExpress
    • Frigate CDN
    • MusicSig VKontakte
    • AliTrust
  • AdBlock is installed that limits the operation of cashback. Add the Aliexpress website and cashback service to exceptions or disable the extension
  • Your antivirus or browser does not allow cookies. To activate cashback, they must be enabled.
  • Other possible reasons: do not activate cashback on one product several times in a row, do not close the browser between activating cashback and the final completion of the order, check whether cashback is possible for the product.

Why is Aliexpress cashback dangerous?

How to withdraw cashback/money from Aliexpress. How to cash out cashback on Aliexpress

If you have not yet made a purchase with cashback, then read how to do it in ours. If you purchased and activated cashback, then to withdraw money, wait until you receive the goods, connect your wallet or bank card in the “Payments” section and request a withdrawal.

How to check cashback on Aliexpress

To check whether Aliexpress cashback is possible, paste the link into the appropriate field for the product on the main page of the cashback service or install a convenient extension for your browser.

How to get maximum cashback on Aliexpress

Read ours on how to get double cashback for maximum benefit.

How to disable cashback on Aliexpress. How to remove cashback from Aliexpress

Go to your browser settings and disable the cashback extension. Then place your orders through the official Aliexpress website.

How to get cashback on Aliexpress after purchase

Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply cashback after making a purchase. Don't forget to activate it before adding an item to your cart and don't interrupt the checkout process until you close your browser.

Is there cashback on Aliexpress? Which cashback to choose for Aliexpress

Yes, Aliexpress has cashback provided by several services. Read the review of the best cashback services in our article on this topic.

Why do you need cashback on Aliexpress?

Cashback is needed for significant savings when shopping on Aliexpress; the return percentage can reach 18% in some cases. Aliexpress sellers return money to attract attention to their store and products.

Just a couple of years ago, only a few people heard about cashback; today the most popular services have more than 10 million users. And judging by Yandex. Wordstat, interest is only growing.

This is understandable, because when making purchases, it is always nice to receive 5-10 percent back into your account.

But because of this same popularity, there are a lot of such services: more than 50 of them. Not all of them keep their promises. Some return a percentage that is less than stated, and some do not pay at all.

Therefore, today we will share a review of the best cashback services for Aliexpress in 2019. Using them, you are guaranteed to receive your money and the most favorable interest rate.

Which cashback service is best for AliExpress?

Information for comparison is taken from user reviews, my own experience and the experience of my colleagues, and from official sources. Based on it, we can conclude which cashback is better for Aliexpress.

What do you think about this, friends? Which cashback service do you trust and are you ready to continue purchasing through it?

Share your opinions in the comments.

What is cashback?

First, let's take a look at the definition:

The owner of the site allocates money to attract customers. Transfers the amount to an intermediary (cashback service), which involves buyers in the shopping process. The cashback service keeps part of the reward for itself, and offers part as a percentage of return on the purchase.

Example: For each attracted client, Aliexpress is willing to pay the intermediary 6% of the purchase amount. The cashback service, in turn, gives users 3% of the purchase amount. The rest of the income is spent on advertising to attract new customers for Aliexpress, and a portion is kept for himself as a reward. Thus, everyone is happy: Aliexpress, the service and the users.

Cashback on AliExpress

This happened because people wanted to buy cheap things even cheaper. Especially when you consider that initially you could save up to 18% on one purchase. But even now, when refund amounts do not exceed 5-6 percent, users are still most interested in cashback from Aliexpress. Apparently this is due to the popularity of the store:

  • number of monthly visits by Russian residents - 23.8 million
  • daily visits - 3.6 million
  • 42% of visitors choose a product and add it to their cart
  • 85% of Aliexpress visitors are residents of Russian regions, for whom shopping in the market becomes their first online shopping experience
  • the number of orders for Ali reaches more than 240 million per year
  • the site’s revenue amount is more than 800 billion rubles per year

Based on this, today’s selection will be focused specifically on Aliexpress.

The best cashback for Aliexpress - TOP 4

To determine which cashback is best for Aliexpress, we recommend focusing on the following criteria:

  • reliability
  • convenience
  • number of partner stores, as well as their quality
  • money transfer speed
  • minimum withdrawal amount and withdrawal methods

Before registering with the service, find out from experienced shoppers who use its services how easy it is to get Aliexpress cashback; you will find reviews on the forums, on social media. networks, on .

I advise you to study in detail the opinions of the consumer audience, and only after that decide on a cashback service.

Today, among all the services working with AliExpress, four can be distinguished:

  1. Letyshops
  2. Сash4brands
  3. Megabonus

Let's study and characterize each one to choose the best one from the top.

#1. Cashback service Letyshops

Opportunities for the buyer:

  • make purchases in more than 800 online stores, including global brands
  • order more than 1,000,000 items of goods on Chinese trading platforms, including AliExpress
  • Constant promotions and discounts, as a result of which you can get double cashback Aliexpress
  • provision of promotional codes and prize draws

For three years, the service paid users 40 million rubles

How to register?

#2. Cashback service CashFoBrands

Cash4brands has been operating for 3 years, during which time the service has attracted 300 thousand users and paid out 50 million rubles.

There is a convenient phone application. It makes shopping via mobile easier.

How to register?

Go to the official project website. There, log in through a social network, or create a username and password. Then register by email.

It turns out the following:

  • 1,6−12,69% -for purchases in the mobile phones section
  • 3.1−7% - for other purchases

Let's look at an example: When registering, the cashback percentage will be 3.1% (except for the mobile phones category). Cash-Premium status (30−68% cashback) makes it possible to receive 3.1% + 2.1% (that is, +68% of the original amount) = 5.2% on AliExpress. In total, with the latest level the user will receive 5.2% cashback from AliExpress.

How to withdraw money?

All popular payment systems are available:

  • when withdrawing on Qiwi wallet, Yandex money or WebMoney - no minimum wage
  • when withdrawing to a mobile phone - minimum 15 rubles
  • when withdrawing on VK - minimum wage 100 rubles
  • when withdrawing to Visa, MasterCard and Paypal cards - the minimum is 500 rubles.

1 year ago

4. Instant payments from $0.2

And here are those same exclusive benefits due to working with AliExpress directly. With ePN you DO NOT have to wait 14 days for the cashback to be processed, as in other services - you can withdraw the money immediately! AND the threshold for withdrawal is not 500 rubles, as everywhere else, but only 20 cents. Example - I withdrew $1:

Finder for the best prices for goods

The ePN website operates a single end-to-end search engine for several popular Chinese online stores: AliExpress, GearBest and BangGood. It finds the product with the best price, plus you immediately see what % of cashback you will receive. .

5. There is a mega-convenient browser extension

Features include:

  • Product price dynamics— you will find out how the price has changed recently and understand whether it is worth buying the item right now, or whether it is better to wait a little (or find another seller).

  • Proactive SourceTech protection to protect your cashback— protects you from spoofing cashback links, when the entire refund goes to the scammer.
  • Cashback and current interest rate indicator— will tell you whether the store offers cashback and show the interest rate for the return.

Well, is that a bad thing? 🙂 Download - it will come in handy. There are versions for all popular Internet browsers - Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Yandex Browser, Safari, Internet Explorer and Android browsers.

Comment by TheCashBack. ePN deservedly leads in our ranking. The service offers and very high cashback rates on AliExpress, And return up to 90% on promotional items from Ali, and a convenient extension with cashback theft protection. We must take it! :).


The most popular cashback service on the Runet has been operating since 2014, and has already managed to recruit an impressive army of users in 6,800,000 people and pay them more ₽1.1 billion cashback.

“How much do they give on AliExpress?

Current rates from 10/10/2018:

  • 5% —for mobile accessories, clothing, home decoration, garden supplies and non-affiliated goods;
  • 1,5% — for phones (smartphones), tablets, laptops, computer equipment and accessories, audio and video equipment, external storage;
  • 3% - for everything else.

As always, Letyshops offers increase the rate due to the company's up to 4.2%+ traditional.

Other advantages:


  • Withdrawal of money from 500 rubles. Although, using a promo code, as mentioned above, you can withdraw from 1 ruble (to a mobile number or e-wallet).

TheCashBack comment: Letyshops is the largest cashback service in Russia. Everything here is modern, tested and reliable, promotions + competitions are often held... On my own behalf, I’ll add that I applied for my very first cashback on the Xiaomi Mi 4S smartphone through Letyshops:


The oldest cashback service in Russia with Finnish roots has been operating since 2012. In Russia (and Kopikot has 13 other countries), more than 600,000 people use Kopikot’s services (data as of the end of 2018 from the official website).

Update: as of October 10, 2018, Kopikot has significantly reduced the rates on AliExpress:


  • The highest cashback rate on AliExpress among major services — 6%
  • The highest rate on mobile phones (smartphones) with AliExpress among major services is 3%.
  • Is there some more 1,272 partner stores, And rates cashback for them - often the best on the market.


  • Withdrawal of funds from 500 rubles.
  • Creepy website design

Comment by TheCashBack: Update - the information is out of date. Kopikot offers the best cashback on AliExpress among major services (6% and 3%). An ideal option if you are a conservative person and want to receive a little less “porridge” in exchange for reliability.


A young service - launched in 2016, it already has more than 50,000 users.


It is enough to start the “chain reaction” once, and this is what happens:

P.S. People think: “It’s somehow inconvenient for me to invite friends - they’ll think that I’m making money from them, and they’ll be offended.” Yes - but after all no one forbids bringing strangers to the service! They can be recruited through VKontakte, YouTube, in comments on websites, etc. There are no restrictions on this in the ALME affiliate program rules.

Finally, ALME has another 900+ partner stores, and the service’s rates for them are also very good. There is even cashback for MTPL policies:


  • The withdrawal threshold is 500 rubles.
  • Due to the risk of cashback fraud, money is delayed in the account for up to 30 days.

Comment by TheCashBack: people are promoting themselves - and therefore they offer very good conditions, both on AliExpress and on other stores. The extremely successful affiliate program deserves special mention.


Comparative table of the best cashback services for AliExpress

Service % cashback on AliExpress(general) Smartphones and computer equipment Accessories,Home,Garden,Clothing Withdrawing money Note
Letyshops 3% 1,5%% 5% 500 rub.
Alme 8,4% 4% 12% 500 rub.
  • up to 50 thousand for a friend (see below),
  • 15% cashback on first purchase for new AliExpress customers
3,05% 1,35% 3,95% 500 200 rubles credited to your account upon registration using promo code 200RUB
ePN 4% 2% 6% 0,2%

Well, now - the answer to the main question:

“So what is the best cashback for AliExpress?”

I won’t tell you just one service - everyone is different, and different offers suit everyone. Just choose what you like best:

  • If you want the most profitable option from all sides, connect to ePN!
  • If you want to work with a proven and reliable partner, choose.

Helpful advice: if you have never purchased on AliExpress with cashback, background information on the topic is available at the end of the article. If you bought it, still check your knowledge, you never know :).

Information for beginners - what cashback is, how to use it, what to be afraid of, etc.

“First, explain - what’s the point of someone returning something to me for purchases on Ali?!”

But if he takes this money from the store cashback service- it will be much more interesting. He will keep part of that same advertising margin for himself (“for life” :)), and give part of it to you. This is cashback- from the English cash back (literal translation - “money back”).

For what? A simple benefit - the more you buy through the service, the more it will earn. That’s why, by the way, no one cheats people out of cashback—it’s very unprofitable, because... make a mistake once, and the person will simply go to a competitor, of which there are plenty today.

Of course, cooperation with a cashback service is also beneficial for you - you can save on purchases from 5 to 20% of the price, even taking into account all the discounts. It turns out that everything is in the black - except for advertising agencies, of course :).

“How to get cashback on AliExpress?”

There are exactly 2 options:

  1. The most comfortable. Download the browser extension. The next time you go to Ali’s website, she will remind you that you need to activate cashback and will help you do it in one click. All popular browsers are supported - Google Chrome, Firefox, Yandex Browser, Opera, Safari.
  2. Classical. Go to the AliExpress page (on the cashback service website) and click Go to the store.

“Are there any pitfalls with receiving cashback?”

Technically, cashback is a rather complicated operation, so it can get lost. To prevent this, follow simple rules:

  • ALWAYS activate cashback first- i.e. go to AliExpress or from the cashback service website, or connect to cashback through a browser extension. AND ONLY THEN log in to your account, add the item to your cart and pay. And do everything at once on one device - you can’t order on a PC, but pay from a smartphone. Otherwise, the cashback service will not know that you wanted to use its services and will not be able to issue you a refund.
  • Shop within 1 hour. After this period of time, your cashback session will automatically end. If you don’t have time, start again, otherwise you will lose money.
  • Make sure it's open only one window with the AliExpress website.
  • Disable AdBlock and “foreign” AliExpress extensions like AliTools. They can “steal” your cashback link and you will receive nothing.
  • Don't buy if your internet is working right now unstable- a failure is possible.

Ideally buy on AliExpress(and anywhere else) with cashback better from a “clean” browser- one that you don’t usually use and don’t put anything there. For example, if your main browser is Google Chrome, download Mozilla and use only it for purchases.

“I wonder what cashback service is the most popular?”

“Recommend a cashback service for Ali in Ukraine”

The best rates on AliExpress among Ukrainian services are offered by a young company (founded in 2017) Grivasi— 5% on everything except mobile phones/smartphones (2.5%) and non-affiliate goods (1.68%).

Slightly lower rates for the older (2016) service Moneta.ua- 4.5% on everything except smartphones (2.42%) and non-affiliated goods - 1.73%.