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The Alexander Nevsky Bridge is the longest in St. Petersburg and is the end point of Nevsky Prospect, the main thoroughfare of the city. We can say that old St. Petersburg ends here, because on the other bank of the Neva there are quarters of the Stalin era, and even further away the city’s residential areas begin.

Built in 1965, the Alexander Nevsky Bridge is intended to connect the right bank district of St. Petersburg with the city center. It is known that its location between Zanevsky and Nevsky prospects was reflected in the city development plans of the first half of the 20th century. The need for this structure arose due to the special need for the development of the Malaya Okhta microdistrict and other adjacent territories. No wonder the construction of the bridge was called “an urban planning task of particular importance.” This problem was solved, and the erected bridge successfully connected Malaya Okhta with Vasilievsky Island via the Nevsky Prospect route and the Palace Bridge.

The approval of the bridge project and work on its construction began in 1960. By the way, several organizations were entrusted with designing the future bridge. The fact is that for the announced competition for the construction of a bridge across the Neva from Alexander Nevsky Square, several projects were submitted from eight construction and architectural organizations in St. Petersburg and Moscow, but none of them could fully satisfy the demands of the strict jury. Therefore, it was decided that two different organizations would be involved in finalizing the bridge and transport interchange projects. The design of the bridge was led by engineer A. S. Evdonin, and the architectural part of the project was carried out by architects S. G. Mayofis, A. V. Zhuk and Yu. I. Sinitsa. Lengiproinzhproekt engineers A.D. Gutzeit, G.S. Osokina and Yu.P. Boyko worked on the projects of tunnels for transport interchanges and approaches to the bridge. In the final version of the project, the total width of the bridge was 35 meters, and the length was 905.7 meters, which put this structure in first place among all St. Petersburg bridges in terms of its length.

The result of construction work, which lasted from 1960 to 1965, was a seven-span drawbridge, symmetrical relative to the drawbridge located in the center. The swing span, 50 meters long, is located above the middle of the river bed, and is a two-winged structure, 25 meters each, with a fixed axis of rotation. The main accent of the drawbridge are its supports, which are much thicker than the neighboring river piers. The sharp highlighting of the drawbridge part, not only by its dimensions, but also by its color and material, does not look very favorable in the overall architecture of the bridge, since it does not look entirely harmonious from the outside. The remaining spans, located on both sides of the drawbridge, are covered with three-span continuous reinforced concrete beams of variable height. The individual parts of the bridge form a single picture thanks to the cables running inside, thus tightening them. The bridge's fencing, as well as its lanterns and contact network supports, are austere, modern in nature and fit well with the overall appearance of the structure. The lamp posts, which simultaneously serve as supports for trolleybus and tram electric lines, are made of tubular elements, and the fences are presented in the form of adjustable metal rods, which are completed by high handrails of somewhat heavier proportions. The embankments, lined with granite and the staircases leading down to the water, complete the overall picture of the Alexander Nevsky Bridge.

The main advantage of the constructed bridge was its design, conceived with a ride on top, which classified the new structure as an equal-height building. The proportionality of all parts of the structure also played a positive role, thanks to which fairly large bridge parts, such as main beams and river supports, do not look bulky and heavy. We can say that the Alexander Nevsky Bridge serves as a striking example of finding the optimal scale of parts of the bridge in its overall composition.

The grand opening of the erected bridge, the longest in St. Petersburg, took place on November 5, 1965. This event was preceded by a strength test of the new structure, which took place on November 1, 1965, through the passage of a whole group of tanks across it. On May 15 of the same 1965, the bridge was given a name, and despite the fact that during construction the object was called Staro-Nevsky , after putting it into operation, it was decided to give it the name of Alexander Nevsky, in honor of the great Russian commander and heavenly patron of St. Petersburg.

It should be noted that during the construction of the Alexander Nevsky Bridge, some new technologies were used. Thus, for the first time, reinforced concrete shells for river supports were buried at a depth of 35 meters, and the construction of the crossing used cables - cables stretched in reinforced concrete structures. The tension force of the cables was regulated using special devices based on air temperature. In frosty weather, the tension increased, but in hot weather, on the contrary, it weakened. Another feature of the bridge was the design of the spans. They had the shape of an extended V, placed on the river abutment. The assembly of these structures, the total weight of each of which exceeded five tons, was carried out on the shore, after which they were transported on pontoons and installed in their places.

However, despite the use of advanced technologies in the construction of the bridge, its quality was far from ideal. The glass wool from which the waterproofing was made began to dissolve in bitumen, and the cables, lubricated with cannon oil, were quickly corroded by rust, which is why 56 cables broke within 2 years after the start of operation. It was reckless that the bridge was not reconstructed in time, as a result of which in 1987 the 17-ton counterweight of the draw span collapsed into the Neva.

After such an inglorious fall of the counterweight into the waters of the Neva, the dilapidated bridge attracted the attention of the city authorities, and was finally closed for repairs. Communication between the banks of the river during the repair work was organized by ferry. However, the bridge was soon reopened to traffic, even though key structural defects had not been corrected. The Alexander Nevsky Bridge received its overhaul and reconstruction only in 2000, when work was carried out to repair the draw span, stationary parts of the crossing and adjacent walls of the embankment, and waterproofing and 12 km of steel ropes were also replaced. The reconstruction of the building was carried out until 2002, according to the design of A. A. Zhurdin and under the strict guidance of engineer V. G. Pavlov. In 2003, on the eve of the anniversary of St. Petersburg, the bridge was decorated with bright artistic lighting, which involved 500 lamps and 8 spotlights.

The text was prepared by Anzhelika Likhacheva

The Alexander Nevsky Bridge in St. Petersburg is the longest drawbridge. The crossing received its name in honor of Prince Alexander Nevsky, and its opening was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917.


The site for the construction of this St. Petersburg drawbridge was allocated in pre-war times. But construction began only in 1960 - before that the city experienced a blockade and war hardships. The work lasted for five whole years, and in November 1965 the first cars drove across the bridge. Staircases and embankments lined with granite were built nearby.

Currently, construction of an interchange at the Alexander Nevsky Bridge is underway. An overpass, a tunnel and a pedestrian crossing will be built near the southern embankment. The tunnel will ensure unhindered movement of cars from Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge to Obukhovskaya Oborony Avenue.


The Alexander Nevsky Bridge in St. Petersburg is seven-span. Two spans are located above each embankment, five - above the water. The length of the central span reaches fifty meters. Two wings rise in just a couple of minutes, a powerful hydraulic drive is responsible for this. The sidewalk and roadway are separated by a granite parapet on permanent spans and ramps and a metal parapet on the draw span.

The bridge organically complemented the city landscape. The traffic goes along the top, so the crossing does not affect the beautiful view of the historical buildings on the left bank of the Neva. The structure looks harmonious and proportional; even very large parts do not seem heavy. The design combines laconicism and restrained emotionality. The length of the Alexander Nevsky Bridge is 905.7 meters.


The bridge is open to three-lane traffic in both directions. The construction of the structure uses cables - cables that tighten its individual parts. They are made of alloy steel and passed through special holes.

Air temperature affects the degree of tension of the cables: in the cold season it weakens, in the warm season it increases. Today it is an important landmark of St. Petersburg, which is often depicted on calendars. Both curious tourists and local residents come here. The opening schedule for the Alexander Nevsky Bridge is from 2.20 to 5.10.


During the construction of the bridge, mistakes were made in the technology, which is why over time the waterproofing wore out and the steel ropes corroded. Just two years after its opening, 56 cables snapped, stopping traffic on the bridge.

Only trolleybuses ran. The city authorities did nothing, so the bridge was destroyed until 1982, when a 700-ton counterweight fell into the water. After this, the bridge was completely closed, and a ferry service was established for the crossing.

Major repairs of the Alexander Nevsky Bridge began only in 2000. During the reconstruction, twelve kilometers of steel cables were replaced, the stationary and drawbridge parts of the crossing, adjacent walls of the embankments were repaired, and new waterproofing was made. The work lasted for a year and a half.

In 2003, for the anniversary of St. Petersburg, the bridge sparkled with new colors - eight floodlights and five hundred powerful lamps were installed on it. Today it is in excellent condition. Every day thousands of people pass and drive through it.

During excursions around St. Petersburg, guides often hear the question: which drawbridge is the longest? And they will find out that the Alexander Nevsky Bridge holds the palm. The length (without buildings on the shore) is 629 meters, with ramps - almost a kilometer (905.7 m). The width of the building is thirty-five meters. The unique building was built in 1965, although it could have stood on the threshold of its century: the construction across the Neva River, in the interval between Zalessky and Nevsky Avenues, was provided for by the general plan of the city of the distant revolutionary era (1917).

On a competition basis

Connecting the right bank of the city with the center, the Alexander Nevsky Bridge completes the main street of St. Petersburg. It is believed that old St. Petersburg ends here; it takes daily passengers and pedestrians to the historical district of Malaya Okhta, where the “Stalin” buildings (houses built between 1930 and 1950), typical buildings of the 1960s, stand.

A direct and short path made of iron and concrete brought the Okhta people (and the population of the vast surrounding area) to a qualitatively new level of existence. One of the advantages is that the line passed through Nevsky, finally “bringing closer M. Okhta and Vasilyevsky Island.

The history of the construction of the bridge in close proximity to and its further existence are full of complex, sometimes dramatic moments.

In 1960, the Leningrad City Executive Committee announced a competition for the best plan for an overpass across the main waterway of St. Petersburg. The event, unusual for that time, was closed (a truly unprecedented case during the time of the planned economy). Leningrad and Moscow organizations involved in bridge design took part in the competition to create technical and decorative projects.

The Leningrad branch of the USSR ASiA (Academy of Construction and Architecture) had the right to participate in the parade of ideas.

We took into account every detail

Having survived many tense days and sleepless nights, experts showed the world how they see the Alexander Nevsky Bridge. The strict jury decided not to award the main prize, considering that not a single project met the necessary requirements. The second award went to the version developed by the Lengiprotransmost Institute. The plan for the Leningrad branch of the USSR AS&A was also singled out from the total mass, but the academicians never received the signal “To be executed.”

Lengiprotransmost handled the design assignments and working drawings. According to the vast plans, it was necessary to build multi-level complexes of bridges, tunnels, and roads that would clearly separate future traffic flows. The junctions on the right and left were carefully thought out.

The authors made the spaces inside the bridge ramps work: they planned parking garages for 230 cars. But this is not what impresses the Alexander Nevsky Bridge. Wiring! This is a shock to the eye and imagination. The two-winged flight of the reinforced concrete river beauty resembles the flapping of the wings of a giant bird. However, people saw all this later, and then, having been well prepared, the performers began construction.

As you know, there is no harmony in the world

And then came the iconic moment of 1965, when the seven-span Alexander Nevsky Bridge rose over the Neva. - the center of the divot section (its length was 50 meters). As planned, the “gate” for ships with a fixed axis of rotation was located exactly in the middle of the river. It was clear that the draw span was based on more massive supports than all the others.

It seemed to many that the massive “swing” part of the bridge interfered with the harmonious perception of the structure. The main components - dimensions, color, material from which it consists - are at odds with similar elements of stationary spans, which are covered by continuous spans of variable height. But harmony is good, but reliability is better.

As for the bridge fencing (also known as tram and trolleybus electrical supports), structures for fastening supporting and fixing devices, all these elements are designed in a strict, modern style and perfectly complement the appearance of the now historical “crossing”.

And today, some consider the building majestic, while others find nothing special about it, except maybe traffic jams during rush hours. Is the interchange at the Alexander Nevsky Bridge really unable to cope with modern traffic flows?

Driving on top is the “highlight” of the bridge (category of equal-height buildings). Designed in compliance with the proportionality of the design of the large parts of the structure (the main ones look quite elegant. They were tested for strength on May 15, 1965 (a column of tanks drove across the bridge).

Time tested

The celebration on the occasion of the opening of the bridge, which received the name of the patron of the city - the Russian commander Alexander Nevsky, took place on November 5. When construction was underway, the object was called Staro-Nevsky. Among the new technologies used are reinforced concrete shells for supports buried at a depth of 35 meters, the use of cables (standing rigging cables), the tension of which was controlled by devices depending on the air temperature, and V-shaped span structures.

But advanced technologies do not guarantee 100% quality. The glass wool waterproofing was dissolved in a material common at the time called bitumen; the gun-oiled shrouds were rusty; the cables began to burst (56 pieces broke in two years).

To top it all off, in 1987, the counterweight of the draw span (weighing 17 tons!) collapsed into the river. The bridge was closed for repairs. They organized a temporary work. Soon the main movement resumed, but it was a Pyrrhic victory. Defects that threaten the integrity of the bridge were not eliminated.

Large-scale work to eliminate faults, worn-out structural elements, restore and replace them in order to improve the operational characteristics of the bridge was carried out already in the new millennium (2000-2002). The draw span, stationary parts of the crossing, and the embankment walls adjacent to the structure were restored; the waterproofing and twelve kilometers of steel ropes were replaced.

Since 2003, the “record holder for length” has been decorated with artistic lighting. It consists of five thousand lamps, eight devices with mirrors and reflectors (spotlights). With such magical lighting, the opening of the Alexander Nevsky Bridge is a surreal story.

Do you want to look at the Alexander Nevsky Bridge from above? And see how it works inside? Please!

The Alexander Nevsky Bridge is the longest bridge in St. Petersburg that is being raised. The total length is 905.7 meters, almost a kilometer. Only the Bolshoi Obukhovsky (Cable-stayed) Bridge is longer.

By the way, the Alexander Nevsky Bridge is also cable-stayed. Only here the cables (steel cables with a diameter of 70 mm) are located inside the bridge structure and it is impossible to see them from the outside.

The bridge is seven-span, the central span 50 meters long is a drawbridge. Five spans are located above the river mirror, and the two extreme ones are above the embankments. The stationary side spans, including those above the embankments, are covered by two three-span continuous prestressed box-section structures with a curved outline of the lower chord.

The central span of the bridge is a two-wing swing span; it is made of metal. The 25-meter wings of the bridge open relatively quickly - in two minutes, the expansion drive is hydraulic.

1. On the right in the photo is the left bank of the Neva, and on the left is the right. Who said it would be easy?

2. The bridge rises not only over the Neva, but also over the embankments. The length of the bridge ramps is 138 meters.

3. The Alexander Nevsky Bridge connects the Central District and the historical Malaya Okhta district, built in the mid-20th century.

4. The bridge connects the two banks until 2:20 am in the summer, and around the clock in the winter. The bridge is lowered at approximately 4:00 am.

5. The central span, which consists of two parts - “wings” of 25 meters each, is adjustable. Each wing is based on two supports.

6. Team spbblog as part of balu97 , annette_cl , kareliya_piter looking forward to a tour of the bridge's interior.
Entrance through the booth. The booth is two-level: on top there is a place for security, on the bottom there is an entrance.

7. A very steep staircase leads down.

8. We go lower and lower. This room is already under the bridge. A deafening roar is periodically heard from above - it's cars driving along the interspan joints.

9. Control panel. Located in one of the four bridge supports, all processes are controlled from here.

11. Before opening the bridge, you must make sure that vehicular and pedestrian traffic has stopped and that no one has broken through the fence. For this purpose there are radio communications and external surveillance cameras.

12. Basically, all negotiations between mechanics and security are conducted via walkie-talkies, but such devices can be used as backup communications.

14. Chief mechanic Anatoly Sergeevich gave us a very interesting, detailed tour, answered all our questions and showed us all the secret places. Anatoly Sergeevich came to work on the bridge immediately after the army, and he still works like that. A very sincere person.

15. While the bridge is not raised, we go down to look at the hydraulic cylinders.
Each of the four bridge supports contains two such cylinders. Just eight. Four for each of the two bridge wings. Confused yet? Then move on.
The hydraulic cylinders move down and pull the wing down. And since the wing itself is attached to the bridge supports, it rotates along the axis of the attachment. Thus, the bridge is raised. To bring the bridge back, the hydraulic cylinders rise back and the whole process occurs in the opposite direction.

16. The diameter of the cylinder is not that large - slightly thicker than a human hand.

17. We return to the control panel and go out onto a cramped technical balcony. From here you can watch the opening of the bridge almost “from under the bridge itself.”

18. On the railing, several spiders wove webs. The place for them is fishy, ​​or rather mosquito-infested. The mechanics don't touch spiders - it's something of a sign.

19. That very moment. 02:00.

20. Let's go!

21. Well, that's almost all. Only a couple of minutes passed. Please note that the space between the supports is taken by a counterweight. Unlike, for example, the Liteiny Bridge, here the counterweight is located directly “on the street”.

23. Engine room. Quite small, because it is not the only one - there are only four of them. One in each bridge support.

24. The lower part of the same hydraulic cylinders that we saw in photo 15.

25. We go to the electrical room. We look into one of the shields - there is complete order here.

26. Power cables are very photogenic.

27. A small hydraulic cylinder that acts as a stopper when the bridge is closed.

28. We go down even lower and through a small door we go out to the transition between the bridge supports. The crossing is very low, above the water itself.

29. A stationary span that does not extend.

30. You see something sticking out of the water and sparkling. This is an old 700 ton bridge wing counterweight. It has been “sticking out” here since 1982, since it fell into the water. This happened during the shift of our guide - chief mechanic Anatoly Sergeevich. At the time of the collapse, the counterweight touched the communications and cut them off, which is why the bridge was completely de-energized and stopped functioning. The bridge had to be closed, and a ferry crossing was organized across the Neva.

31. And on the other side there is a bridge wing directed upward.

32. Having examined all the insides of the bridge, we go up.

33. Classic photo of a blogger photographing a blogger.

36. In conclusion, a short video about how the bridge is completed. Quadruple acceleration.

The excursion to the bridge was organized by the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution Mostotrest and the St. Petersburg Bloggers Community. Thank you all so much for that!