Megafon why not set the melody for the beep. How to turn off the ringtone on MegaFon: several simple ways. Disable the personal dial tone on Megafon - service number

This situation can happen to almost anyone. Your first actions will largely depend result subsequent restoration of the phone.

As fast as possible get it device made of water. If the phone gets into water, it is likely that will turn off. Rare smartphone models can withstand complete immersion in water, although you can hear a lot about such waterproof devices from advertising.

In no case do not try turn on the phone - it can damage internal contacts and completely Destroy battery and other device components.

At once remove the back cover And get it battery, if your phone model allows it.

Get it also sim card And memory card(by the way, they can also be damaged by moisture), lay it all out on dry towel. Carefully wipe surface with a dry cloth.

Then follows disassemble machine using a set of small screwdrivers. Do this if you are confident in your abilities, by watching the disassembly guide from experienced specialists in videos on Youtube specifically for your model.

Using a scalpel carefully pry up the body for disclosure.

In general, you need to block by block disassemble telephone, into as many parts as you can handle. This is necessary for better and faster drying.

Good way - dry in raw rice. You need to dry it in it undisassembled, you just need to disconnect the battery.

The rice will absorb moisture, absorbing it into itself.

Do not do it Also dry the device with a hairdryer - hot air can damage the device. In this way, you can blow drops of water from the surface into the inside or melt the parts of the device.

Ovens and microwaves, as you understand, for these and not only reasons, are also no longer needed.

You need to dry your phone no less than a day, and better a few days– the longer it takes to dry, the greater the chances of starting it again.

Shake and turn the phone over as little as possible; in this case, it is better not to touch it until drying is complete.

Consequences of water getting into your phone

After the events, collect and try turning it on device. If everything is done correctly and after the dive there is no serious damage to the elements, the phone will start.

If the phone won't start, try turn on with the power cable connected - it works, then the probable cause is the battery, it will need to be replaced.

Otherwise, you will have to take it to a service center and pay a certain amount for restoration. For recessed phones not covered by warranty, so repairs will only be at your expense.

May be damaged display or main microcontroller, in such cases, it is sometimes easier to buy a new device than to try to revive the old one. Another unpleasant point is that if a SIM card or memory card is damaged, you can lose a lot of valuable information - contacts, photos, videos, etc.

It's rare that a mobile phone feels comfortable in water. There are several models specially created for this, although it is not recommended to bathe them constantly, but the vast majority of phones, when in direct contact with the water element, begin to malfunction or fail completely (it all depends on the amount of water).

Most often, water threatens a mobile phone in the form of rain. We've all had to talk on the phone in the rain on more than one occasion. If there is light precipitation, most likely there is no threat to the handset, but if you are caught in a downpour, it is better not to use the phone and put it away altogether. Unless, of course, you're under an umbrella.

However, much more dangerous for a mobile phone are cases when it is not water that gets on them, but they themselves suddenly fall into the water. There are common cases when the phone is dropped into a puddle, into a sink, sometimes even into a toilet. And some even manage to throw their device, along with their clothes, into the washing machine, where they wash and spin. It also happens that the phone falls into a glass of tea or something else.

What to do if the phone does drown? We offer step-by-step instructions that can help you rehabilitate your device if it has been in water.

Get your phone out of the water quickly! It is worth considering that your chances of saving a drowning mobile phone decrease with every second the device spends under water. So get him out of there immediately.

Turn off your phone. Unless, of course, it turned itself off when dropped and has not yet stopped functioning in water, turn it off immediately. Don’t rush to be happy that the phone works when you pulled it out - this does not mean that the fall into the water passed without a trace. Some conclusions can only be drawn after a certain time has passed. So be sure to turn it off.

Disassemble the phone. In particular, you need to remove the battery and generally disassemble the phone into as many parts as you can without breaking it. The first thing you need to do is remove the battery, because a wet phone is at risk of short circuiting. This task may not be possible for those who have a phone with a non-removable battery. If you know how to disassemble and assemble a phone, wipe its “filling” with a dry cloth. Lay out the parts on a napkin and dry, or with a hairdryer.

Take out the SIM card. Water can damage not only the phone itself, but also the SIM card. The longer it is in contact with water, the greater the risk to it. The SIM card, of course, can be restored, but sometimes users also store useful contacts on it. If they are there, even if the device fails, saving the SIM card will at least eliminate the problem of restoring the contact list.

Dry your phone. There is no need to try to turn it on before it is completely dry. So be patient, quickness in this case will not lead to anything good. We advise you to wait at least a day, or better yet several days, because the moisture inside remains for a long time. By the way, there is little point in drying the phone under a hair dryer if it is not disassembled: the hair dryer will not dry the inside of the device anyway.

Dip your cell phone in alcohol. This advice is folk, but useful. Alcohol does not harm microcircuits and delicate connections, in addition, it absorbs water. Immersing your phone in alcohol will draw out the water from it, leaving the parts intact. They say this is why mobile phones more often survive in vodka than in water. True, we will not undertake to say that alcohol can be replaced with vodka to save the phone. And, by the way, do not forget to disconnect the battery before immersing in alcohol.

Place your cell phone in the rice. They say that an unassembled phone, but with the battery disconnected, can be dried in a container of rice for several days. It absorbs moisture well, which speeds up the drying process of the phone.

Take your phone for repair. After drying, you can, of course, try to turn on the device, and perhaps it will work without problems. But if you want to play it safe, take your cell phone to a repair shop. If your phone has a non-removable battery, it must be taken in for repair. Repair can also be useful in cases where you tried to turn on the device and were convinced that it did not work.

If you drown your phone, consumer protection laws are not on your side. Even if the device is new and the warranty period has not yet expired, the case is still not covered by warranty, and you will have to repair the device only at your own expense.

In some cases, the degree of damage is such that it is easier to buy a new phone than to restore a sunken device. This is especially true for inexpensive models. The most unpleasant thing in such cases is the loss of contacts, saved photos and other information valuable to the user. If you can't fix the phone, then nothing can be done.

But don’t be upset anyway: contacts are a valuable thing, you’ll still take photos. If the phone could not be saved, you can throw it away or give it to a child as a toy. Finally, you can give your device a crash test: after all, you have always been interested in how impact resistant it is, but somehow you didn’t want to check it. If you don't have the money to buy a new phone right away, ask someone to give you their old device to stay in touch. Someone will definitely have it, because according to statistics, almost half of mobile phone owners have at least two of them.

You are unlucky. Have you accidentally dropped your Samsung, Xiaomi, Lenovo, HTC, ZTE, Sony, Meiza, Xiaomi, Micromax, Honor or any other phone and don’t know what to do?

First of all, we take a sedative, especially if the phone is expensive and fell from a great height - the warranty will not help.

Frustration cannot be avoided, but you are not the only one who has suffered such a misfortune. The phone is often dropped into sea water, into a toilet, into a village toilet, a new one onto the floor right in a store, into a bathtub, into the sea, into a puddle, onto asphalt, into soup, into an elevator shaft, into a fountain, into alcohol, into milk, in gasoline, in oil, in diesel fuel, in beer, in a well, in urine and even on the head of a newborn child.

As a result of such careless handling, when the phone falls, it often does not turn on, the screen, sensor, speaker, microphone, camera do not work, the sound disappears, and so on.

If the phone is dropped and everything works - great - you are lucky, but in most cases when it is damaged, the screen turns black, white, blue, dark, stripes or one stripe appear on the screen, does not charge, turns on and off, glitches, the camera starts flickering, does not show half the screen, blinks and so on.

There is no need to strain your brains for a long time, since it is quite obvious that the problem is mechanical and cannot be done without repair by a specialist - when you drop the phone, the software cannot collapse, only the hardware.

The fact that if the phone is dropped and no longer turns on or the screen is cracked, then you need to take the device to a service center is not negotiable, and the cost of repair increases with the cost of the device.

Sometimes it is even more expedient to buy a new one than to repair one that has fallen. Individual parts are much more expensive than together.

The situation is similar with a car. Some manufacturers set the price for a car very low, but at the same time, some parts are deliberately made so that they do not work for a long time, and the price for them, for replacement, is increased by thirty times compared to the cost - and that’s how they make money.

As for the phone, the worst thing is if the phone is dropped and problems appear in the system board. The board is not repaired, but only replaced, and such a replacement is equal to the price of a new device.

Repairing the screen will also be very expensive if it is of the highest quality (simple cheap ones), but the case, cables, speakers, microphone and other small components can be replaced with relatively cheap ones.

In a word, first of all it is necessary to diagnose the problem - it will not be possible to determine it by external signs.

Sometimes a component may simply fall off. This is noticeable if you shake the device, knock on it or press somewhere.

As you can see from the recording, if you dropped your phone, I am unable to help you without having it “in my hands” - in order to make a correct diagnosis, it is imperative to conduct a thorough diagnosis. I wish you success and not to drop your treasure.

Smartphones, telephones, tablets are quite expensive pleasures today. Therefore, it is especially alarming when our favorite gadget falls into the water. Of course, you need to be more careful with expensive things, but, you know, anything can happen in life. So, what should we do if our device falls into water?

Firstly, the phone must be urgently taken out of the water. The longer he is in the water, the less chance he has of being revived. So don’t hesitate and get it quickly.

Second phase– maximum disassembly of the device into its component elements. We take out the SIM card, remove the battery, the front and, if possible, the back panel. This can usually be done using a knife, scissors, or even your fingernails. If the phone is a push-button phone, then there should be special silicone cavities under the phone control panel - it is extremely important to dry them well. All contacts should be carefully blotted with a cotton swab or paper napkin, lay out all the parts and elements of your device on a dry paper towel and leave at room temperature to dry completely. If you have a touchscreen phone, then after disconnecting the back panel, place the phone in a jar of rice in a vertical position (rice is an excellent natural sorbent that perfectly absorbs moisture).

There is an opinion that if you “drown” your phone in water, you need to urgently take it out and place it in alcohol, because it is completely harmless to microcircuits and metal parts, and it also absorbs moisture. But don't forget to remove the battery first.

Many websites write that you should absolutely not use a hair dryer. Indeed, it is better to put hot drying aside, because this way we can damage the parts with high temperatures, simply put, the elements will begin to melt. If you have a hairdryer with a cold wind, then it is quite possible to dry the parts with it, but such drying will still not be enough; you need to dry the parts properly at room temperature.

If all efforts to restore the phone were unsuccessful, then contact the appropriate service center in your city. Owners of phones with a non-removable battery cannot avoid going to the service center. You will probably part with a certain amount of money, but you will be able to save your gadget and all the information, along with phone numbers, photos, videos, stored on the phone’s memory.