I missed the update. Updating the Mozilla Firefox browser to the latest version

Hello guys, everyone. Alexander Melnichuk is in touch with you, and in this article I want to tell you how to update Mozilla Firefox to the latest version. I have already repeatedly mentioned the need for this procedure in earlier articles on this blog. But for my new readers, I will give one important recommendation: if you want your browser to work without failures, and all add-ons and applications in it to function properly, update it regularly. Well, let's start studying.

Setting your browser's automatic update settings

First, launch your browser, and in the top horizontal menu, select Tools - Settings.

A window will appear in front of you in which you need to go to the last Advanced tab and select the Updates tab. After that, check the checkbox next to the item – Automatically install updates, I also recommend checking the item – Warn me if any add-ons are disabled.

Click the OK button.

That's it, now updates for your browser will be installed automatically (only a notification will be displayed before installation).

How to update Mozilla Firefox browser

To manually update Mozilla, select Help - About Firefox from the top menu.

A window will appear in front of you in which the version of your browser will immediately be checked, and if it is outdated, the new version will begin downloading.

After downloading the update, its installation will begin.

We wait a few seconds until the Restart Firefox to update button appears and click it.

After restarting, you can make sure that you are using the latest version of the browser (top menu: Help - About Firefox).

The fact is that recently, using this browser, I noticed how it began to slow down and sometimes take a long time to load. The first thought that came to me was probably that he was tired, because I use it almost around the clock and I have a lot of bookmarks saved in it.

At first I thought maybe I could clear my browsing history? I cleaned it, it didn't help. I started googling and found out several interesting points, or rather actions that need to be done periodically for stable and good operation of this Internet browser:

Periodic and browsing history
regular updates to the latest version

Updating Mozilla Firefox

Launch Mozila, find the button at the top right corner “ Open menu " and press it:

A context menu will appear in front of you, in it click on the icon “ Reference ", which is in the lower right corner. Now go down to the very bottom and click on the link “ About Firefox »:

Install the browser following the prompts of the installation wizard. Enjoying the latest, new Mozilla Firefox.

How to set up automatic Mozilla updates

Constantly going into settings and updating the browser manually is inconvenient and tedious. Fortunately, the Mozilla developers have thought through all the details, and even the solution to this issue. Right now you will learn how to set the settings so that the browser itself regularly sends a request to the server and automatically downloads updates if they appear. This is done quite simply and quickly, now you will see everything for yourself.

Step #1. We open the menu that is already familiar to us, which is located at the top in the right corner and click on the icon that says “ Settings »:

Step #2. A window with a large number of settings will open in front of you. Select the section " Additional " and go to the tab " Updates »:

Place a check mark next to the lines:

Automatically install updates
Use a background service to install the update
Update search engine plugins

In order for the new settings to be saved and take effect, click on the button “ OK "and restart the browser. Are you sure there is nothing complicated about this? Congratulations, you now have a step-by-step guide on how to update Mozilla Firefox and how to set this browser to update automatically.

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Sincerely, .

Today I decided to tell you about how to update your favorite browser. Now I will only talk about Mozilla, and we will talk about other browsers a little later. So, why do you need to update your browser at all? The thing is that developers are constantly modifying their products, closing “holes” in earlier versions, trying to make their programs more user-friendly... At the same time, you should not forget that modernization often affects the interface and something in it something may change, and not for the better for you - you should not forget about this before installing a more recent program.

First method: updating Mozila yourself

Let's say you've been using it since time immemorial and have never seen the browser automatically update. In this case, you need to carry out the procedure yourself. To do this, you need to open an Internet browser. At the top of the program there is a “Help” menu section, by clicking on which you need to select the “About Firefox” subsection. The following window will appear:

The program connects to the server and says that a new version of the browser has been released. You must click on the “Update to...” button.

The system will automatically download updates and ask you to restart your browser. Click on the "Restart Firefox to update" button.

If you have plugins installed with Firefox, they will update automatically. However, if it so happened that automatic updating of plugins was still disabled, then go to the “Tools” - “Add-ons” - “Plugins” section. Here you will see a gear icon that you need to click on. The following menu will appear:

As you can see, I already have a checkmark next to “Automatically update add-ons”. If you don't have it, be sure to install it. In addition, right in the same menu you have the opportunity to check for updates for installed plugins and immediately download their new versions.

The process is very easy, isn't it?

Method two: automatic update

If you just decided to download Mozilla to your computer for the first time in your life, then by default the browser will automatically update. If the program is already installed, you can configure the update yourself, fortunately, this is not difficult to do.

Again, pay attention to the menu at the top of the program. Select the section “Tools” - “Settings” - “Advanced” - “Updates”. Check the boxes as shown in my screenshot (“Automatically install updates…”) and click OK. In this case, the browser update will occur automatically in the background.

You can also check the box next to “Check for updates, but let me decide whether to install them or not.” In this case, you will see messages that a new version of the program has been released, but it will not be installed (only if you wish). However, do not forget that this can have a detrimental effect not only on the security of the browser, but also on the entire computer at the same time.

Have questions on the topic? Ask and don’t be shy 😉

Good day, dear readers of the site!

Any browser is a program for viewing websites. In principle, there are many such programs, but the most popular are Google, Mozilla, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer. To be honest, I can’t say which one is better - it’s who is used to what, and each is good in its own way. For example, I like Chrome better, but I also know that Internet Explorer is the worst. But this article is about Mozilla.

How to install Mozilla Firefox

First, let's go to the site where you can. A web page opens.

Click on the green button (download the installation file to your computer). Downloaded the Firefox Setup 21.0.exe file. It may differ for you, because... At the time of writing, the latest version is 21.0. We launch the installer and we are greeted by the installation wizard.

Without further ado, select the default setting type - Normal and click “Next”.

If you check the checkbox (check the box) to use it as the default web browser, then it will always open first on your computer. Click “Install”.

Naturally, click “Finish”. Our browser opens.

That's all. Now you know how to install Firefox.

How to update Mozilla Firefox

First, go to the upper left corner of the browser and click Firefox.

In the menu that opens, select “Help” and then click “About Firefox”. A window opens.

Click “Check for updates”. And we look at the download - how many megabytes need to be downloaded and how many have been downloaded..

When finished, you are prompted to restart the browser.

Restart (click “Restart to update”). And our updated browser automatically opens and all settings are saved. This is how easy it is to update mozilla firefox.

How to remove Mozilla

It also happens that you need to remove it. To do this (an example is considered on the Windows 7 operating system), in the very bottom left corner, click the Start button.

Then select “Control Panel”. There we find “Remove programs”.

In the list of installed programs, select Mozilla with the RIGHT mouse button - a small Uninstall window will open.

Press the LEFT button “Delete”. The Uninstall Wizard opens.

We are asked to close the running browser.

Click "OK". But nothing happens until we close the running browser. Close the browser. And in the removal wizard, click the “Next” button.

Now click the “Delete” button. The last window opens.

Click “Finish”. And we no longer have Mozilla Firefox... Amen. Everyone takes off their hats.

As a rule, many users, after installing a browser, forget about updating it, I was like that myself... But the browser update must be checked regularly (if automatic updating is not configured) - this is, first of all, in the sense of no viruses!

By default, the browser updates automatically, but there are times when you have to do this manually. The article is about How same update Firefox browser. Let's get started :)

How does Firefox update?

Let's look at how Firefox is updated:

  • You will need to launch the Firefox browser. Then in the panel that appears, click on the “Help” tab - (this is a question mark).

Then in the next window, find the “About Firefox” function and click on it.

  • Then the following window will appear:

  • Click the Refresh Firefox tab, OK.
  • Previously, it was necessary to enable all add-ons, check all the checkboxes, then “Next”. Now after the update, an additional tab will open where you will be prompted to update the extension. This is what it looked like before:

  • Now the software update window does not open as before, but the update occurs in the same window, this may take a couple of minutes.

  • Then in the same window I was notified that the update was being applied.

  • Still in the same window, I was asked to restart Firefox Mozilla - it looked like this:

We restart and voila – you’re done, you can continue working and surf the Internet :)

Firefox automatic update mode

To set up automatic updates you will need:

In the top panel (right corner), select the “Menu” tab, click the “Settings” function.

  • The direct setup window will open. You must select “Advanced”, “Updates”. Then you will need to check the required checkboxes; I recommend checking the “Download automatically, install updates” checkbox (increases security).

If Firefox won't start

If Firefox won't launch, the first thing I recommend paying attention to is whether there are problems with existing Firefox extensions. The browser has a Firefox cleaning function; it resets the settings to the “default” state, and all important information is saved.

Point by point, what and how to do:

To fix the problem without losing your settings, you need to run Firefox in Safe Mode, this will temporarily disable all extensions. To launch the browser in safe mode, you will need to launch it by holding down the Shift key, this is what it looks like:

Or with the browser open, to fix problems with the browser you need to do the following:

  • Click on the existing menu button in the upper right corner, then on the help button, click restart without add-ons.

  • A window opens, you need to click - Run in safe mode.
  • Once the startup is complete, check for the problem.

If the situation has not changed in any way, then it is not a matter of expansion. If this window does open in safe mode, you will immediately be prompted to disable all existing extensions.

There is also a problem related to your computer's video adapter. The fact is that when hardware acceleration is turned on, you can see distortion of text or images in the browser window.

To solve this problem, you need to disable that same hardware acceleration.

Let's do it like this: Press menu, then Settings.

  1. Click the Advanced tab, then General.
  2. Uncheck the box - Use hardware acceleration if possible.
  3. Then press the menu button again, after Exit.
  4. Restart Firefox.

If this problem no longer manifests itself, then it was just a matter of hardware acceleration. If it doesn’t help, I recommend that you update your video card driver and check the browser again.

It hardly needs saying that its functionality depends on the version of the program. However, quite often when updating software, various problems and malfunctions arise. Why be surprised? Each program has its own secrets and little tricks. Note that browsers are no exception in this case. Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer have their own characteristics. Let's first figure out how to update Mazil's browser without spending much effort.

How to update the Mazilla browser (Mozilla Firefox) - detailed instructions

Method #1: Run Mozilla Firefox Quick Update

How to update your browser for free with just a few mouse clicks? As easy as pie. In this case, we proceed like this:

After the update files are downloaded to your computer, to install them you just need to click the “Restart for update” button in the open window.

Meanwhile, it is worth keeping in mind that sometimes this method may not work. In this case, the only solution to the problem is to download updates from the official website of the browser.

How to update the Firefox browser on the official website? Simple enough. In this case, first we follow this link in order to get to the web page of the Mozilla Firefox developers we need. After that, in the window that opens, find the “Download a fresh copy” item, select the language for installation and the version of the operating system (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) and click the “Download” button:

After the file with the updated version of Mozilla Firefox is completely downloaded, open it and install it on your computer, using the prompts of the installation wizard.

Method #3: Setting up automatic browser updates

In order not to manually update Mozilla Firefox every time, you can configure the browser to download and install updates automatically. How to do it? It's very easy. First, open the browser, enter its menu and select the “Settings” tab:

In the window that opens, find the “Advanced” section and select the “Updates” tab in it. After this, we set up tasks for Mozilla Firefox such as:

  • performing automatic installation of updates;
  • using a background service;
  • updating plugins for search engines automatically.

Now for the settings to take effect, all you have to do is click OK at the bottom of the window and restart the browser:

As a result of such simple manipulations, Mozilla Firefox will update itself, without outside help. However, to be even more sure of this, you can periodically check your browser for new versions, using the instructions outlined in method No. 1. It’s simple, isn’t it?

Hello, friends! Mozilla Firefox is a fairly popular Internet browser used by millions of users. Accordingly, its developers regularly release updates to add new features to Mozila and improve security.

Its default settings are to automatically check and download them. But sometimes you should check that you have an updated version of your browser. Because for various reasons, either auto updating is disabled, or as a result of a system failure, the necessary files may not have loaded and the browser may not have been updated. Then you need to update Mozilla yourself.

This is what we will talk about in this article. Let's figure out how to find out the already installed version of Mozilla and update it to the latest.

Let's see what version of Mozilla is installed

Let's start by looking at what version of Mozilla Firefox is installed on your computer. To do this, click on the three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner, and click on the question mark at the bottom of the menu that opens.

A small window will open. It will indicate under the name of the browser itself which version you are using.

How to update the installed version of Mozilla

Now let's figure out how to update the installed version of Mozilla Firefox. As I already wrote at the beginning of the article, as soon as something new appears on the official website, the browser will immediately download the necessary files. Moreover, when you launch it, you will see a small window indicating that Firefox is updating and will launch in a couple of seconds.

If you looked at the browser version as I described in the first paragraph, then when you open this window, the browser will automatically check for updates.

If you have the latest version installed, then the corresponding message will appear. And if not, then Mozilla will update and you will need to click on the button that appears to restart Firefox.

If the browser has not been updated before you opened the window shown in the screenshot above, it means that the automatic execution of this action is most likely disabled in the settings.

To check this, click on the three horizontal bars at the top of the browser window and select “Settings” from the menu.

Then on the left, go to the "Advanced" tab.

Next, open the “Updates” tab at the top. Here you need to put a checkmark in the “Automatically install...” field. To see in more detail when which ones were installed, click on the “Show log...” button.

The log shows when and what was downloaded, whether the browser was updated successfully or not. If you want to find out more about what new developers have added to Mozilla, click the “Details” button opposite the desired version. A new page will open on the Internet where you can read the information of interest.

By the way, you can also see the latest installed version in the log - this will be the top line. First the name “Firefox”, and then the desired number “53.0.3”.

If it was not possible to install updates for the browser using the method described above, then you can do it yourself by downloading the installation file from the official Mozilla Firefox website. To do this, follow the link: https://www.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/new/?scene=2#download-fx.

You will see a page like this on the Internet and a small window will appear in which you need to click on the “Save file” button.

I will end here. See which version of Mozila Firefox you are using, and if it is outdated, then now you know how you can update Mozila and set up auto-update in your browser.

It is necessary to update the Firefox browser because hackers eventually find a loophole in it and can find out your logins and passwords that you save in the browser. Also, when you update Firefox, you get new browser features. There are three ways to update the Firefox browser: automatically, manually, and by reinstalling.

How to update Mozilla Firefox automatically

With this method, every time you start the browser, it will look for updates and if it finds it, it will automatically install them. To enable Firefox auto-update you need to open the settings by clicking in the Menu Bar on ToolsSettings.

How to update Mozilla Firefox to the latest version for free automatically

In the settings that open, you need to go to additional settings by clicking Additional. In additional settings you need to go to the tab Updates and select the item there Automatically install updates (recommended: increases security). After this, you can close the settings, and the next time you start the browser, it will look for new versions and if it finds it, it will update the Mozilla Firefox browser automatically.

How to update Mozilla Firefox to the latest version manually

The manual method is mainly used to install intermediate versions or when automatic updates are disabled.

How to update Mozilla Firefox browser manually for free

To manually update the Mozilla browser to the latest version, you need to click on the Menu Bar ReferenceAbout Firefox. A window called About Mozilla Firefox will open.

Update Mozila to the latest version for free

In this window you will need to click the button Check for updates. The browser will start looking for the latest Firefox update and if it finds it, it will offer to install it. After installing the latest update, Mozilla must restart for the updates to start working.

How to update Mozilla by reinstalling

When reinstalling, the main thing is to download the file with the latest version with which you can update the version of Mozilla. To download this file, you must first click on the Menu Bar ReferenceFirefox Help.

Open the page where you can download the update for Mozilla Firefox

The official Mozilla Firefox page will open where you can update Firefox to the latest version for free. On this page, to download the updated browser, you will need to click on the button. When the file is downloaded, you will need to find this file on your computer, run it and install the updated browser.

is one of the most popular Internet search engines. The browser's creators are constantly releasing new and improved updates, thanks to which users get more and more different features. An Internet user who periodically updates his web browser not only receives additional features, but also more advanced security protection. Browser developers constantly monitor and eliminate all found flaws and security gaps. Therefore, it is not only advisable, but even necessary for you to update Firefox if its version is not entirely up-to-date. And this must be done every time a new update is released.

So, how can you update Firefox to the latest version for free without reinstalling it?

Launch the Mozilla Firefox web browser. Open the menu (the icon in the upper right corner, depicting three bars located one below the other), then go to the “Help Menu” (the penultimate icon on the right at the bottom of the menu, depicting a question mark in a circle).

A menu will appear here where you need to select the very last item “About Firefox”.

A window will appear on the screen where the Internet browser will automatically start searching for the latest updates. If there are no such updates, the message “The latest version of Firefox is installed” will appear.

If your web browser suddenly finds updates, it will automatically start the installation process, after which you need to “Exit Firefox” (browser menu > shutdown button at the very bottom right).

The next time you log into the Mozilla Firefox browser, the updates will take effect.

Now let's look at this scenario: for some reason you need to disable Firefox updates. How can I do this so that the search engine does not update automatically?

Launch the browser. Go to the menu (in the upper right corner) and in the window that appears, click on the “Settings” section.

On the left side of the window, select the very last item “Advanced”. In the window that opens, click on the “Updates” tab. In this window we can see three commands:

one marked with a blue circle - automatic installation of updates;

and the other two are simply checking for updates and completely refusing to check for updates.

You need to select the item you need and click on the circle to the left of it, after which you will turn off the automatic update function.