The best PHP editors. Best CSS editors Html css php download program

What am I going to talk about here? This article is not a review of various editors; it is intended for people with a lower level of training in website creation. Therefore, three questions will be considered here:

1. What is a code editor?

2. Types of code editors.

3. Which type is better to use.

The last question is a more reasonable one, since it will reveal to beginners a number of reasons why they should not use an editor that greatly facilitates the work of creating a website.

Why do you need a code editor?

So what is a code editor? A code editor is a program designed specifically for writing code in any programming language. The essence of such a program is to make the life of a webmaster as easy as possible. Such programs, as a rule, greatly help in writing code with their convenience.

Convenience may include:

1. Code highlighting, which greatly facilitates navigation in the code itself, since sometimes the code can be very large.

2. Special buttons, when clicked, a function is automatically assigned, or, in the case of HTML, a tag is inserted.

However, if I begin to list, even in general terms, all the amenities, the result will be a book no less than “War and Peace.” There can be a lot of them.

More about types

Now let's move on to the second question and find out what types of code editors are divided into. There are only two of them - a regular code editor and a visual one. How are these two types different? The difference is that in a regular code editor you make all changes by entering the code itself, and you can see the consequences of these changes only by running the file that you edited. In a visual code editor, a person can not know HTML and CSS at all, and still create a beautiful page for the site.

Are code editors really that important?

It seems that it could be better? You don’t need to know either CSS or HTML, you can say - you work like in Microsoft Word, write your own text, insert pictures, tables, links - and the program automatically encodes them into HTML format and creates a working website page, moreover, you can immediately see what the website you created will look like with the click of a button.

In reality, if you know how to use such a program (visual code editor), you don’t need to know HTML and CSS. And everything seems to be fine, but these editors have their own, I must say, big disadvantages.

Now we smoothly move on to the third question of this article: what type of code editor is better to use.

It seems that all the cards are in the hands of the visual editor; you don’t need to know either HTML or CSS - just write the necessary text and insert the necessary images. But there are disadvantages!

Cons of editors

The first such disadvantage- this is a fee. Such editors cost several hundred killed raccoons (cu). Agree - not everyone can afford this! But this minus quickly turns into a plus, since on our Internet you can find any program, download it and use it for free (illegally). The main thing is to know what to look for. But this is a monetary disadvantage that can be easily solved - you skimped on expenses and purchased it.

Second minus, and I must say very significant - every visual editor that automatically generates code for a page creates more of this code than necessary.

Typically, this code is 20 percent larger. If the traffic to your resource is small, there is nothing to worry about, but if you have several hundred people a day, your pages will create an extra load on the hosting company’s servers, and the load will increase by 20 percent. And the company representatives will not really like this.

This issue can be solved in two ways - either you optimize pages in order to reduce the code, but for this you need to understand the code - know CSS and HTML. Or you pay extra with your own money.

Third minus, no matter how “cool” the editor is, it will not be able to create a website for you with various programming functions. Let's say - this is sending a letter, page numbering, comment forms, ratings, polls and many other interesting things that will make your site modern.

Is it possible to create a website using a code editor?

To create modern websites, there are special solutions that create a website for you with everything ready in 5 minutes, and you can easily use ready-made options in programming languages ​​without understanding them at all. These solutions are called content management systems - CMS.

But this also leads to another significant disadvantage, which is that each CMS comes with several standard website templates - in other words, the design of your website. And these templates are ugly, not unique and only scare away visitors. And the visual editor will not be able to create a template for the CMS! Since it uses its own built-in styles and options. You need to edit such templates manually, and this again requires knowledge of CSS and HTML.

Hence the conclusion - if you want a beautiful modern website- you have two options - either order this website from professionals, which costs from one hundred dollars and more, or make a template for the content management system yourself. And for this you need to understand CSS and HTML - a prerequisite! Well, you need to know a little PHP, but you can do without it!

And in order to learn HTML and CSS, you need to take tutorials and try them in practice, and not in a visual editor, since you won’t remember anything by simply pressing buttons, but in a regular one, entering each function on the keyboard.

Where to download HTML and CSS editors for free

Personally, I don’t use visual editors, but if you really like this way of creating code, and you want to learn CSS and HTML, first enter the code manually until you learn at least the most common elements of creating web pages, and only then, with peace of mind use the visual editor with conscience.

Brackets editor Russian version, the best and most understandable for beginners:

SublimeText 3 editor, fast and reliable, is used by many pros (though only in English):

Your opinion?

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. For a very long time I wanted to write about a wonderful free editor (the link leads to the official website where you can download the latest version with Russian language support).

For many years now, it has been one of the most popular and used programs for editing Html, CSS and PHP code. I’m even surprised: “how did I manage without it before, realizing its potential with the help of some other programs?”

Now I always have a couple of browsers running simultaneously on my computer, a very simple, free and convenient FTP manager FileZilla and this very editor, the capabilities of which are simply incomparable with the default notepad used in Windows. But first things first.

Downloading and features of the Notepad++ editor

Installing the program on Windows is carried out in a completely normal way. You can also if you wish download Notepad++Portable, which is portable version this editor, which does not require installation into the operating system.

The portable version can be obtained from the regular one if you unpack the archive with the program to any convenient place and run the executable file notepad.exe.

All the advantages of the Notepad++ editor

In fact, the notepad built into Windows is as different from our hero as heaven and earth. There is practically nothing in the classic notepad except the ability to view and create simple text files (it turns out something similar to a digging stick used by people in the early stages of development).

Once you start using NotePad with two advantages, at least to adjust Html and CSS files, you will immediately be transported from the Stone Age to the cabin of a modern earthmoving machine. There are, of course, other alternative programs and even , but for a beginner, a “notepad with two pluses” will be just the thing (IMHO).

Yes, of course, at first using it may seem intricate and unconventional. But this is only at the very beginning of acquaintance, and then it will be just as difficult for you to live without it, just as, for example, many computer users cannot imagine their lives (also a kind of “classic”).

If we compare Notepad ++ with more complex programs designed to make it easier to write and edit various codes, such as Dreamweaver, then there are quite a few arguments for using our hero:

  1. Firstly, it's absolutely free, which means you can save a lot by using it instead of Dreamweaver, if you don’t take into account hacked versions of paid programs (which may well be a breeding ground for Trojans and other viruses).
  2. Secondly, Notepad is much more light and fast than many of the paid editors. In addition, it is possible to use it without installing it into the Windows operating system at all (the so-called portable version - portable) and carry it, for example, . As a result, you will always have at hand a convenient, functional and well-understood tool for working with Html, PHP and several dozen other types of code.

Why is this editor worth downloading?

Let's briefly go over its capabilities and features, and then try to consider them in more detail. So, Notepad++ can do the following:

  1. Highlight several dozen of the most popular programming and markup languages, for example, such as: Ada, Assembler, C, C#, C++, CSS, FORTRAN, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL , XML.
  2. For all these languages ​​it is carried out syntax highlighting, breaking the code into lines and blocks, which can be collapsed by clicking on the minus sign and expanded by clicking on the plus sign. You can also display the relationship between elements with a dotted line. As an example, I took a piece of PHP code to demonstrate the capabilities of this editor:

    If you click on the opening Html tag, it will be highlighted with a blue background and at the same time the closing tag, if any, will also be highlighted. Great for finding unclosed elements and .

  3. It's very easy to implement change the encoding, for example, the now popular one, which I talked about in an article devoted to the fight against krakozyabrs in Russian language encodings (see it at the link).

  4. In one program window you can open as many files as you like for editing, because Notepad++ uses tabs in the manner of those that you have already become accustomed to in modern browsers.

    The color of the floppy disk on each tab indicates whether you saved the last changes you made to it using the similar floppy disk in the toolbar. On the active tab, a red floppy disk (and on an inactive tab - purple) indicates your forgetfulness.

  5. With this editor you can conduct search(Ctrl+F) both for the document opened in it, and for a whole host of text files lying in a certain folder. Search with replacement and using regular expressions are possible. An amazingly convenient tool.

  6. In the settings of this editor, you can enable automatic writing of the closing Html tag when you type the opening tag, as well as the auto-completion option for tags.
  7. NotePad++ not only keeps a history of all your changes and allows you to roll back as many steps as you like or go forward, but also backs up copies of these documents in the same way as Microsoft Word does.
  8. This editor has the ability to control hotkeys, of which there are a great many specified in it - from the top menu “Options” - “Hot keys”. Moreover, when you double-click on the combination you are interested in, a window for reassigning keys will open, which can be convenient for those who are switching to Notepad from another editor.

  9. Notepad over the years of its existence got a lot of plugins, some are installed with it by default, and the rest will be available to you from the top menu “Plugins” - “Plagin Manager” - “Show Plagin Manager”.

    To install, you just need to check the box next to the required plugin on the first tab and click on the “Install” button.

    After this, the editor window will reload and the new plugin will be available in the tab of the same name:

  10. This “Swiss knife” can also connect to your site via FTP, record and play macros, check spelling on the fly, compare two files in open windows next to each other, and much, much more.

What else might you need in Notepad++

  1. Thanks to syntax highlighting in Notepad ++, it is very easy, for example, to check whether all Html tags in the code are closed, and with minimal experience you will already visually note what is in your code there was a mistake made somewhere, because the color scheme of the code in this place will change.
  2. Also, due to the fact that the code is highlighted in color, and the regular text of my articles remains black, it is very convenient for my constant grammatical error corrector (beloved wife) to check grammar in it. No, of course, I use various ones, but not one of them can still check punctuation, and semantic errors too.
  3. What I also really like about this text editor is the ability to visually display individual blocks of code using highlighting brackets like ( ) (). When the mouse cursor is between any brackets, they are highlighted, as if highlighting the beginning and end of a block of Html or PHP code.
  4. In addition to the excellent implementation of the backlight, special mention should be made of the possibility take a step back(cancel previous action). Moreover, the number of steps back is not limited, which allows you not to be afraid to experiment with the code without the risk of irreversible consequences.

    Undoing an action in Notepad++ is possible using the hotkeys Ctrl+Z (Ctrl+Y is a step forward, i.e. undoing the cancellation), using the corresponding menu items “Edit” or using the buttons in the form of curved arrows on the toolbar of this editor

  5. NotePad++ constantly monitors the status of documents opened in it and if they are changed or deleted, for example, in another program, you will be shown a window asking you to close this tab with the document or re-upload its modified version.
  6. As I mentioned earlier, the two plus notepad has the ability to syntax highlighting settings(as well as a dozen other languages) to suit your tastes and needs, but I have never used this option, because I am quite happy with the default settings.

    But no one is stopping you from doing this, fortunately, everything is extremely simple - select “Options” - “Define styles” from the top menu, which will open a window where you can fine-tune the fonts and colors for highlighting Html, PHP or any another language you need.

  7. Notepad++ also has the option automatic completion the word you type, which can be very convenient if you are not sure of the correct spelling of a particular Html, PHP or any other code operator. To do this, when typing, just press the Ctrl-Space key combination and select the desired option from the window that opens:

    If you want to make code completion automatic, without using hotkeys, you will need to select “Options” - “Settings” from the top menu and on the “Reserve/AutoCompletion” tab, check the “Enable for each input” box.

  8. Another feature that seems quite convenient to me in this editor is the ability to drag document shortcuts directly into the program window to open them (although this hardly surprises anyone) and the ability Drag and drop in the document itself, select a fragment of code (with the left mouse button) in the place you need.
  9. When working with Notepad++, you will have the option put markers, which are called notes in it, but the essence does not change. In the line you need, you can place a marker in the form of a blue dot on the left margin by clicking the mouse.

    To set a marker (note) in the editor, you can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-F2, and to move between markers placed in the document, you will only need to successively press F2 or Shift-F2 to scroll through notes in the opposite direction.

  10. If you work in this editor with an Html file, you can look what your code will look like in the browser FireFox or IE by selecting the appropriate Start menu items. If you need another browser, then select the top “Launch” item and look for the executable file you need in the window that opens.

  11. There is also ability to record macros, which I have not yet created, but the logic of their work is quite simple. First, you record it by selecting “Macros” - “Start recording” from the editor menu, and then insert the recorded macros into the desired place in the code, selecting them from the editor menu or using the hotkeys assigned to them.

Encodings and working with files in the Notepad++ editor window

  1. It should be noted that this code editor allows you to save and convert Html, PHP and other files into UTF-8 encoding (without BOM). This has helped me more than once to overcome the problem with Russian encoding when working with various sites.

    When I wanted to change some inscription on the site into Russian, I often ended up with crappy messages, the reason for which was the Windows-1251 encoding in which the source file was saved.

    After the original file has been converted to UTF-8 encoding (without BOM), krakozyabrs were successfully transformed into ordinary Russian symbols. That. If you add the Cyrillic alphabet to any engine files, then in order to display it correctly on the site you will need to either immediately save it in the correct encoding or convert it later.

    I should probably say a few words about this very BOM. The fact is that when you work with different text objects in a regular Windows notepad, when you save it in UTF-8 encoding, invisible characters (BOM) are added, which can subsequently affect the performance of this file (for example, PHP can throw an error) .

  2. If you want to print the contents of an open file, the code will be printed not in the form in which you see it in the program window. But by selecting from the “Options” menu - “Settings” tab "Seal" you will be free to change this and choose the option of printing code highlighting in color, allowing the display of line numbers, headers and footers, etc. things:

  3. This advanced text editor also allows you to open as many new documents as you like without fear of cluttering up your operating system taskbar. In unison with modern browsers, it will open all new documents not in a new program window, but in a new tab already open window.

    Moreover, these tabs of various documents in the window of this notepad can be arbitrarily dragged with the mouse, closed and minimized.

    Well, depending on the settings made (“Options” - “Settings”), all tabs opened before closing Notepad ++ will be restored the next time you start the program (again, similar to how browsers work). You can close unnecessary ones by double-clicking on them or placing them vertically.

  4. In addition to the usual operations with tabs, in this editor you can open in one window at once two copies of the same document. This may be necessary if you need to work with a document in different parts of it (look at it somewhere or copy it, and paste it somewhere).

    To activate this mode, you just need to right-click on the desired PHP editor tab and select “Duplicate in Another Window” from the context menu.

    It is very convenient that if you save changes in one of the copies of the document, the second one will also be updated (that is, you will not get confused whether you saved the changes you made and in which copy).

  5. I also really like it built-in search using open HTML or PHP documents with the possibility of replacement(some actively use regular expressions for this, but to my shame I don’t know them). All the richness of the search in this advanced text editor can be appreciated by simply opening the “Search” menu item. See the screenshot at the beginning of the article.

In general, this text editor has taken a lot of useful and convenient features from the functionality of other applications, for which special respect goes to its developers and those who make plugins for it, some of which will now be discussed.

Using plugins in Notepad++

Let me remind you that to install a new plugin you will only need to select “Plugins” from the top menu of the editor - “ Plugin Manager" - "Show Plugin Manager".

And in the window that opens, on the first tab (from the top menu), check the box next to the required plugin and click on the button "Install".

After this, the editor window will reload and the new plugin will be available in the tab of the same name. In general, everything couldn’t be simpler.

What plugins for Notepad you may need in your work

    The plugin provides a lot of additional and convenient gadgets "TextFX", which after installation will be available in the item of the same name in the top menu of the editor. If you don’t have such an item yet, then go to “Plugins” - “Plagin Manager” - “Show Plagin Manager”, scroll down the list in the first tab and check the box next to TextFX Character.

    After installing it, the editor will reboot and a new TextFX item with many drop-down sub-items will appear in the menu. For example, activating the option shown in the figure can greatly make your life easier when editing or writing HTML code:

    In this case, as soon as you enter the opening Html tag in the Notepad++ text editor, a matching closing tag will immediately appear next to it. There is a significant saving of time and a significant reduction in the likelihood of an error due to an unclosed tag. However, this thing annoys me and I don't use it. But this does not at all diminish her dignity.

    There are quite a lot of gadgets in TextFX, so try them in practice yourself and decide what exactly will be convenient and useful for you.

    Well, continuing the topic of tabs in the editor, it’s worth mentioning the possibility comparing two documents. First you will need to install this plugin through the Plugin Manager:

    To activate the document comparison mode in Notepad++, you just need to select “Add-ons” - “Compare” - “Compare” from the top menu or press Alt + D on the keyboard. As a result, the currently active tab will be open in the window of this notepad, as well as the tab located next to it.

    For the convenience of comparing two Html or PHP documents, the Notepad ++ editor will highlight the differences in them for you. To switch to the normal mode of working with documents, you need to select “Add-ons” - “Compare” - “Clear Results” in the top menu or press Ctrl+Alt+D on the keyboard.

    Moreover, two documents in the Notepad++ window can be viewed both vertically and horizontally. To select the method that is most convenient for you, right-click on the location of their section and select the direction of rotation (right or left).

    By the way, if you, like me, mainly use Notepad++ to edit Html or PHP files of your site, then you may find it useful to be able to connect to it via FTP directly from this text editor. True, I somehow prefer working with FileZilla, especially since they even managed to steal my passwords from it.

    If you want to try working via FTP via Notepad, then select “Plugins” - “NppFTP” - “Show NppFTP Window” from the top menu, which will open the FTP client window on the right.

    To set up an FTP connection, click on the gear icon, select “Profile Setting” and enter your connection details. Further work is not much different from what I wrote in the article about FileZilla, which lives.

  1. If you install the Customize Toolbar plugin using the Plagin Manager, you will be able to shuffle, delete, or add new toolbar buttons this program.

  2. At the beginning of the article I mentioned Light Explorer, which adds the ability to open in the left column file manager. However, you can also use Explorer, which you will find in the plugin manager, for the same purpose.
  3. Great plugin WebEdit, which allows, by analogy with the WordPress Html editor, to frame the text with the most popular heading tags, lists, tables and others. Select the desired fragment and click on one of the buttons on the Notepad++ toolbar.
  4. ImgTags - allows you to have already specified horizontal and vertical sizes (it calculates them itself, which is very cool), prepared ALT and SRC attributes (you will also need to add the path to the folder with pictures on your server there).

Spell checking window in NotePad++ using plugins

    To connect Russian grammar checks the Notepad ++ editor uses the Shell-Checker plugin (from the “Plugins” menu item), for which you will need to download the Russian language dictionary from this page, and when activating this spell checker plugin, specify the path on your computer to the dictionary file.

    There are installation nuances. First you will need download Full installer , and then a file with the Russian dictionary aspell-ru-0.50-2-3.exe . First, install the full installer, in the wizard of which, I personally did not change the default path selected (c:\Program Files (x86)\Aspell\).

    Then install the language pack, where first you will have to enter the letter “y” in the DOS window and press Enter on the keyboard (although, perhaps this was just me, because I had already installed GNU Aspell on my computer before):

    Then the standard Russian dictionary installation wizard will start, where again I did not change the default path. All.

    Now restart Notepad ++ and either select the items shown just above from the menu, or hold down the unreal combination CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S on the keyboard. In the window that opens, you will have to enter the path to the BIN directory from the Aspell folder:

    If you did not change the path when installing GNU Aspell and the Russian dictionary, then you will need to insert here:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Aspell\bin\

    Well, or something similar, depending on your operating system. That's it, now select the text in which you want to check the spelling and press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S (you can change this combination in the hotkey settings - see above). A window will appear showing the first error found:

    You can ignore it, or choose a suitable replacement from the proposed options. Below you can change the checking language if you have installed several GNU Aspell language modules. That's all.

    DSpellCheck- a very convenient solution in the manner of the previous plugin, because it also uses GNU Aspell and its Russian dictionary, but it already does spell checking on the fly, just like in all modern browsers. Go to the plugin manager and install it.

    Immediately, the grammar check will be enabled by default (it can be disabled by unchecking the box shown in the screenshot), but only the module with the English language will be connected, so we go to the DSpellCheck settings and make changes.

    Select Aspell from the drop-down list (if you don’t have it installed yet, then scroll up this article a little and download the module along with the Russian language pack to install them on your OS), and just below indicate the path to the aspell-15.dll file. A little further down, select the language of the connected dictionary, if you have installed several of them, and click on Apply.

    Now all errors found will be underlined with a red wavy line (the color can be changed in the settings), and when you move the mouse cursor, an arrow will appear, by clicking on which you can choose the correct spelling of a given word, or add it to the dictionary or to the ignore list.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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If you want to develop websites, you need to get an HTML editor. Of course, you can use a regular notepad, but it is unlikely to be convenient. It is important to note that HTML editors must perform two important tasks: code highlighting and autocompletion. Naturally, additional functions are also welcome, various design themes, for example. There are many such additional functions. Well, now let's take a look at a few free HTML editors that do an excellent job with the tasks listed above.

Free code editor - Programmer's Notepad

This editor offers a modern interface that comes in two types, light and dark. In addition, the syntax highlighting is very good, and the color scheme is well chosen. I think that this editor will meet all your requirements.

HTML editor - SynWrite

SynWrite is a cool editor with a wide range of features. The idea of ​​this editor was to combine all the advantages of other HTML editors in one high-quality product. Its functionality can be significantly expanded with the help of additional plugins written in Python. In addition to standard functions, SynWrite allows you to immediately edit several pieces of code at the same time:

This feature will save you a lot of time.

Free HTML editor - PlainEdit.NET

This editor can open several files at once, and plugins can be added that will significantly expand the functions of the editor, including design themes. In addition, you can add and change text using regular expressions, even in documents that are not currently open. It is worth noting that PlainEdit can also work from a USB drive.


This editor is a classic. It is very popular all over the world. Notepad++ has everything a text editor should have. The interface can be customized according to your wishes, and free plugins will help expand the functionality of the editor.

Free editor - jEdit

With this editor you can open and edit almost any file. It greatly simplifies the task of opening several files at the same time. Any missing features can be supplemented using a variety of plugins.

Out of the box, jEdit comes with built-in necessary functions, for example, code folding, marking tags and elements, a file manager, and many other functions.

Sublime Text 2

This is the most popular editor among programmers and web developers. No similar editor has had such a triumph as Sublime Text 2. It is praised by many programmers. The editor is highly customizable through different resolutions and JSON files.

For this popular editor you can find extensive libraries of documentation, both official and non-official. Sublime Text 2 tutorials can be found everywhere.

Sublime Text 2 is partially free, the license costs $70.

New editor - Brackets

Brackets is a modern open source editor with some interesting features. It works with Adobe Creative Cloud to pull colors, fonts and more from a PSD file. It can also extract layers as images. Very comfortably

Unfortunately, Adobe Creative Cloud is a paid service.

This editor has all the necessary functions for a modern code editor. There are many different extensions that are released every 2 - 3 weeks.

Aptana Studio 3

The editor's greatest strengths are its customizability, Git integration and built-in terminal. Aptana Studio 3 supports the latest web standards such as HTML5 and CSS3.


There are a lot of HTML editors out there, but only a few of them are actually usable. For non-daily use there is Notepad++, but for daily use it would clearly not be enough. There are better options for this such as Sublime Text 2 which can be customized as per the requirement of the user. Curious to know which editors you choose?

Every web designer and coder needs a good web page editor to create and edit HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. Notepad (Windows) and TextEdit (Mac) are great tools to start with, but as you gain more experience, you'll want to use a more robust and user-friendly tool.

There are hundreds of excellent editors from which you can choose the right one, but many of them are paid. What if you don’t want to violate copyright, but your budget doesn’t have the funds to purchase a commercial product? This article looks at some great free editors.

  • WYSIWYG editors. These are graphic editors that allow you to build a page layout and set styles visually, as in the well-known word processor MS Word. They are a convenient tool for building a page design, although, as every experienced web designer knows, the code still has to be tweaked to achieve a great result.
  • Text editors. This is a tool for directly editing HTML and CSS code. Some editors are general purpose and do not have special options for web code support. Others are specialized for using web languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, and have built-in properties for quickly entering HTML tags, CSS properties, and so on. Many of these editors allow you to view a web page in a separate window.

KompoZer (Windows, Mac, Linux)

KompoZer is a great choice if you need a visual editor on a budget

Komodo Edit is a good editor, easy to learn but powerful and extensible

Although it is a general purpose editor, it supports HTML and CSS, and has contextual autocomplete for HTML tags and CSS properties, as well as a collection of code inserts for various HTML elements. To get the most out of Komodo, you need to install the HTML Toolkit extension, which contains such wonderful features as auto-close tags, CSS appearance preview, and a temporary text generator.

Komodo Edit allows you to view the pages you are editing in any installed browser, or use the built-in browser in a separate window, so you can edit and see the results of your changes at the same time.

The editor has a built-in function for uploading files to the site (FTP, FTPS, SFTP, or SCP), and you can also neatly group your files using the project manager option.

Very useful feature Code > Select Block. It highlights the current main HTML block, such as the currently closed div or ul element. A very convenient function when you need to select an entire section on a page for copying or moving.

Komodo Edit has a lot of powerful and useful features, such as using regular expressions for find/replace, the ability to execute external commands, and so on. Luckily, the editor also has a good help system that makes it easy to learn the power of Komodo Edit.

Aptana Studio (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Aptana Studio is a complete integrated web application development environment with a large set of plugins. Although you can only use it as an HTML/CSS/JavaScript code editor

Notepad++ is a great replacement for Notepad on Windows. Although it doesn't have as many options as other editors, it's great for editing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other code files

PSPad is another general purpose editor for Windows with a wide range of features useful for HTML and CSS coders

jEdit is a cross-platform text editor with powerful macro command and plugin features. Install the XML plugin if you need to edit web pages

TextWrangler is a lightweight general purpose editor. Despite the lack of special functions for web development, it can be used to work with web pages.

Vim is definitely hard to learn, but once you get past the challenges, you'll never want to go back!

The granddaddy of text editors for programmers, Vim (a direct descendant of the vi editor) is an open-source console text editor. It is the default editor on almost all flavors of Unix, including Linux and Mac OS X. It is also available for use on Windows and many other systems.

Vim is not a system that you can install and start using right away without ever having worked with it before. Most editing commands include weird combinations like :wq and / . It also has three editing modes: mode inserts, in which text is entered; visual mode for selecting text; And command mode for entering commands. This functionality is a legacy of Unix from the days when there were no windows and no mouse.

Why was he on the list? If you master it, you will be convinced of its speed and power. With a few commands, you can do in a few seconds what might take minutes in other editors.

There are a large number of macros and plugins for Vim that make working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code easier, including syntax highlighting, autocompletion, HTML Tidy, and browser viewing. Here is a large list of useful links:

  • Vim Omni autocompletion
  • HTML/XHTML editing in Vim
  • home page

Fraise (Mac)

Fraise is an intuitive editor for Mac, with a set of features sufficient for web editing

Like TextWrangler and gedit, Fraise is a wonderful, lightweight editor that's a pleasure to use. It is a fork from the editor. It is relatively new and does not have a proper web server. It is currently only supported on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), meaning if you are running version 10.5 you will have to download Smultron.

Fraise has some great options for web editing:

  • Code highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and several other programming languages.
  • Command Close Tag(Command-T) to close the current tag. This really saves time when entering lists.
  • Convenient preview in the built-in browser (using WebKit), with a very convenient Live Update option? which updates the browser as soon as the markup and CSS on the page being edited has changed.
  • Advanced Find option, which supports search/replace using regular expressions.
  • Support for blocks to quickly enter HTML tags and CSS properties.
  • Some handy commands for manipulating text, such as HTML validation and converting characters to HTML elements.

Fraise is worth exploring if you use a Mac and want a user-friendly editor with more capabilities than the built-in TextEdit.

Previously, when there was no CSS, the designer had to manually assign a tag to each heading . It was very painful and then came CSS, which made life much easier for web designers. CSS allows you to define all the styles for your site in one file (or several, at your discretion). This saves time and makes the code more flexible.

But why do we need CSS editors? Every introduction of a new technology has two sides to the coin, in CSS this is reflected in the support of some CSS properties in IE browsers. And so the web designer must find a hack to fix the display in IE browsers.

CSS editors help you write code faster and avoid many mistakes.


STYLIZER is a CSS editor that allows you to edit CSS and see changes in real time. You can simply enter the address of a web page and on the left you will see the web page, and on the right there is CSS code that you can change and the changes will be visible on the left. You can change it manually by specifying properties, or using the WYSIWYG editor buttons.

You can also change the text color dynamically. When you change the color, a spectrum of color appears similar to that found in Adobe Photoshop.

It is impossible to make a mistake in this editor, since here the editor itself will check the values ​​that you enter.


The TopStyle editor shows styles supported by Firefox, IE, Safari and even iOS 2.0 browsers. This feature can be used for cross-platform design development.

One of the useful features of this editor is the Inspector, which allows you to add CSS properties with one click, which will save time and effort during long and tedious coding.

This editor also allows you to see the compatibility of CSS properties in the browser, which is very useful when writing code for the IE browser.

3. Style Master

According to the developer, Style Master is an editor that can be used at any level of CSS knowledge. The program can use not only a WYSIWYG editor, but also write code manually (it would be very strange if this were not the case :)), with highlighting of each property, for more experienced developers.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of this editor is its ready-made style templates. It has about 20 templates, properly organized, that make it quick and easy to style your website.

4. Rapid CSS editor

Rapid CSS Editor is a convenient, easily customizable program for editing CSS files. It has a text editor with syntax highlighting, code completion and others.

With this editor you can format your style sheet as you wish. The built-in code validator will not only keep the style sheet clean, but will also protect against CSS errors.

5.CSSEdit 3

I’ll say right away that this editor only supports MAC OS. The editor has a beautiful design, but it is not intended for novice users. The data editor also allows you to see changes dynamically, in real time.

An interesting feature of this editor is that you can describe a property in plain English (Selector Builder was created for this). For a beginner, this feature will be quite interesting.

6. EngInSite CSS editor

If you are a serious web designer who cares about writing CSS correctly, placing properties correctly, you will like this editor.

In this editor, you can add a class or identifier using built-in functions, and there is also the ability to convert color from HEX (hexadecimal format) to RGB, which is rare for editors.

The editor also has a code completion function.

7. Stylish Maker

A standard CSS editor that allows you to set font, color, margin, border and other properties.

Compared to the Rapid CSS editor, it has fewer functions, but a clear interface, which is important for beginners who are immediately intimidated by a large set of functions.

8. Simple CSS

Simple CSS is also a simple stylesheet editor. It is free. You can work on several projects at once. There is a preview function that will show how a class or identifier will look after the changes have been made.


I myself only use Notepad++, and I am completely satisfied with it. Of course, for large projects it is most convenient to use such large programs as Adobe Dreamweaver, but for my purposes, the capabilities of Notepad++ are sufficient for now.